18 BEST Local Japanese CHEAP EATS in Tokyo Japan

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Welcome to Tokyo a city that pulsates with life culture and an irresistible culinary scene in a city renowned for its skyscrapers and cherry blossoms there exists another [Music] world that is so scrumptious a world of delicious affordable yeets that are cherished by both locals and travelers alike from the sizzling pans of tiny isaka stands to the steamy Windows of neighborhood Ramen joints Tokyo offers a mosaic of flavors that don't have to empty your wallets whether you're craving a hearty bowl of ramen a quick on the-go sandwich or a spread from a local buffet we've got you cover because these hidden jams are where affordability meets quality and taste so here are 18 of the best cheap eats in Tokyo Japan that's the biggest pile of fries I've ever seen hey guys Mike CH here in Tokyo I was just browsing around looking for things to eat today came across this place very randomly I'm trying to go there right now before they close for lunch but it's an all you can eat wagu buffet for $7 you can only eat it for 45 minutes and it's a lying out the door every single day oh I passed it it's one of these oh there it is there it is there there is I think that's it right here Yep this is it oh there's a line still it's about 1:40 right now and they close at 2:30 so I'm hoping it's a situation where as long as you're getting before 2:30 you still get your 45 minutes we'll see actually I might not be able to make it this time the line I thought the line started right over there but the line it's all the way over here it's about 10 people in front of me [Music] so here everybody gets a personalized grill a lot of people just come here by themselves and you get a grill to yourself and when you come in here you just hear the crackling of the grill meat just arrived [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that pork probably here's the menu that they give you you choose one set a person the meat ranges from miso flavor to just pure salt flavor set a is pork belly and I think pork neck so it's set B but the flavor is different set C is what most people get and that is liver most people come here and get the liver and they'll serve the liver until they sell it out pork belly is so fatty that was me so I know I kind of burn a lot of this TR to film and cook at the same time but this is the best kind of burn it a little bit so the fatty meat is all nice and crispy and charred and also you get that nice sweetness then of course that mommy gentle sweetness from the Miso you also get some fresh onions as palet cleansers soup seaweed soup in a bowl of rice all you can eat 45 minutes I probably spent 10 minutes already so got to get to eating I think this is the heart and it's just marinate in some salt and pepper then liver Will Go On Fire is very strong so you guys watching me carefully all there sesame seeds on the meat as well I've never really grilled liver or heart before so I'm kind of trying to figure this out as I go but I think the heart is ready wow that is so scrumptious I love heart feel like it's a very underappreciated cut of meat so tender and meaty and juicy little salt and pepper is all it tastes and it pours that beautiful smoke from the grill and nice fragrant flavor from the sesame seeds pce a li so the liver is a little Snappy some parts very soft and as you can see pretty juicy I feel like I cooked this one really well pretty tender on the inside good clean organy flavor the liver is real good I'm a big fan of liver I love chicken liver never really barbecue liver before though that's fantastic I feel like the liver and the Heart two very different textures both really really good especially the liver they only have a limited amount of liver every single day so when it sells out it sells out when you're cooking especially the pork belly you got to be careful because that stuff is all fat everything just cooks really really fast [Music] the neck's way leaner than the pork belly still very tender that pork belly though out of this world you got to try that also when you got about 10 minutes left they tell you you only have 10 minutes left so you can hurry up and order more the meat actually goes so well with the rice especially the cuts that are marinated and me salt it's like a freshly cooked pouta doll put some pickled onions in there this is such a good place again $7 all you can eat I'm not going to find a better deal than that [Music] the T KATU place you can get it for about $7 I met a really nice lady she told me that this one is what she recommends the Tatu K oh oi Dash oi I guess I'm getting some for vegetables [Music] I got a three piece KATU and this play with the katsu the Miso soup little pickle cabbage it's about $5 and what a t KATU is a fried piece of pork cutlet dipped in cot sauce which is pretty much like a sweeten soy sauce oh my goodness this is intense when I first bit down it you feel this little subtle crunch of KATU and this is already dipped in t sauce so the breading is not going to be as crunchy as like a regular piece of KATU but it's still has such a nice subtle little crunch inside juicy tender piece of pork and then that subtly sweet Umami flavor bomb of aatu just keeps radiating taste and flavor chew after chew on the top of your tongue a little pickle veggie oh this has Ginger inside it's completely cleanses the palette this is so good $5 for this I such a great deal if you want there's a little chili powder there's pepper corn and mustard put a little mustard on and see what [Music] happens M super spicy mustard that completely cuts into any of the greasiness from the oil and that makes that consu taste even sweeter than it is that mustard combo is perfect definitely put this on top of your KATU second set I got so this one has a little popping tomato has KATU vegetables as well like eggplants oh a broccoli some shrimp and I got the KATU filet this time so it's a better cut of pork let's try the shrimp oh there's not shrimp fried baby corn this is delicious the sweetness of the tody sauce is enhanced by that juicy sweet popping corn pumpkin well way more of a crunch tons more flavor the T sauce just adds so much Umami to pretty much anything it touches like I've had tempora pumpkin before it never tasted this good I mean this is Del eggplant m oh this is so juicy I don't remember ever having T costu before but every single fite is so much more flavor so much more interesting than traditional cotu the fillet is even more tender it's amazing how the color still retains that nice crunch even after being dipped into the sauce and of course you taste a sweet clean flavor of the pork a little taste of fat and the flavor it's just enhanced exponentially by the sauce [Music] then Chase it with some yummy rice I love traditional Kat soup this tastes so much better I'm going to put this place on my high high high recommended restaurants in Tokyo still piece of broccoli here even the broccoli it's O she dish that sauce and that light little coating of crunch that changes everything sometimes the food Gods work in mysterious ways when one restaurant closes you get to taste another one and this one will make you very very very [Music] happy right now I am at the Nonono Broadway Mall it's pretty big mall with tons of food shopping arcades and I'm looking for this one particular [Music] stall all I found it this is going to be my breakfast for today this is Chota Sushi is located in level B1 I'll have all the information for this place down in the description box below this is the cheapest Sushi I've ever encountered in my life so all you have to do is get a drink it be a soft drink and you can get 15 pieces of today's special Sushi whatever the special of the day is for 10 Yen each so 7 cents at today's conversion for a piece of sushi let's [Music] go I got W te and the special today is Yellow Tail you get a little side dish [Music] too a side dish of carrot fruit vegetables and corn Little M Yellow Tail netti this is really really good sushi rice is perfect very fragrant vinegary Yellow Tail melts in your mouth tender it's so fresh perfect ratio between Fish and Rice a little dip in the soy sauce m I mean that's probably about as good of a yellow toil as you can find [Music] anywhere don't miss on their temporer either this thing is so light wow it's so light and Fries so [Music] well that's really I got all the ingredients really really fresh I kind of super juicy too piece of fish every piece friy to absolute perfection so light and crunchy on the Outside Inside beautiful tender meat crunches is so lovely and this plate of tempora I just had about seven bucks little so their regular dishes are very affordable as well this is such a great place sweet potato crunchy on the outside soft pillowy sweet potato inside I'm going to go ahead and put this place on a must try list if you ever come to Tokyo like for what you're paying the food is extraordinary I mean it's delicious on its own but for the price point this might be the most worth it sushi place on the planet even when I was at the Thailand Night Market sushi there was about 50 cents a piece this is just unbelievable plus you get a miso sou with a shrimp head oh that's way better than a typical miso soup suck on the shrimp head a little bit get back to my Sushi also the owner here so friendly so nice don't speak Japanese like me not a problem oh she does I already got some [Music] Zas it's down this little stairway in this looks like an apartment building very unassuming h gy of a place oh my gosh here it [Music] is this place is so cool very simple menu they only serve Bonito flakes over rice and you can have the option of adding a raw egg or Wasabi or Kushi butter or fried Bonito basically it's just Bonito flakes over our racks for breakfast [Music] so after you place your water they bring over the Bonito for you to look at if you never seen a Bonito tried Bonito before it just feels like a piece of wood it feels like the same as this table does except we not as smooth and this is what you're eating this shave down [Music] so they just grab handfuls of Bonito put it on the rice they give you a ton of Bonito flakes so to make the dry Bonito cut the fish up then they boil it they shade it put it into a mold then everything is suned and that gives you this and there's a special tool used to shave this it's almost like shaving wood what they say is to put some salt all over the Bonito flakes they said to add some soy sauce as well it's so hard to eat because the Bonito flakes is really Airy kind of hard to trying to grab the rice down below that's really good the Bono flakes themselves just contains so much Umami they're slice so thin they pretty much dissolve on your tongue that's almost translucent and when they're put on top of hot food because they're so light they basically just flutter around I remember the first time I ever saw Bonito on top of okaki part of my ignorance I thought they were alive also got some fried Bonito really crispy skim soy sauce based very Saucy slightly sweet plus I got an egg dropping raw egg in there breid that up mix it with your rice and that kind of binds the Bonito together as well so the Bonito not just flying everywhere now also I got bito butter so mix that in as well and add the fresh wasabi if you come here 100% recommend getting the egg it just adds a super nice creaminess and richness to this dish also like I said it kind of binds the Bonito flakes together so it's not just flying off your bowl the Wasabi ice here also a must this a nice Ki because right now pretty much Bowl Super Rich really deep your mommy fil dish adding a bit of Kake to it this is such a delicious and unique breakfast this place they close as soon as they sell out and that's usually around lunch time so if you want to come here and get this a try get here [Music] early will this [Music] this is one of the most popular bows of skim you can find in Tokyo I'm lucky to get in right away so the powder on top is ponito powder combine the BR together goes in switch it around Wow first of all the noodles are so perfectly chewy the flavor of the dipping broth it's just like a thick Rich Umami abys there's pork in here there's noring there's bamboo and I always will recommend getting skimm if you ever in Tokyo I mean I like a traditional bow Ramen but skimming is just so much better in terms of texture so they put the chashu right into this dipin broth right here so tender the egg just adds to the richness of the broth add a little pepper if you want and the thick broth just cleans on also love that snack from the bimoo when you're done soup stock [Music] so nice what's really unique about this place is first of all the chachu is chopped up mixed in with the dipping sauce the sauce is Rich it's thick it's deep the Umami flavor from the Bonito it's just exploding in there the noodles though that is the star this might be the best noodle texture I've ever had it was so amazingly chewy the texture of those noodles going to be hunting me for the rest of my days that is such an amazing amazing Ramen place so apparently the satron restaurant is pretty popular in Tokyo just opened up and it's almost full and I got a mapu and knife cut noodles everything is handmade here because I got that I give three free dumplings which you go up to the counseling and you serve yourself [Music] [Music] my dumplings just look okay they kind of taste like veggie dumplings but I see meat in here so not a lot of flavor in the meat soup is good though oh my goodness I've never seen maofu like this before they cook this maap tofu in a sizzling stone pot and they told me it's a solid piece of tofu in here so you got to mix it up look at the chilies and spices in this thing and it's soak and tofu so they're saying to just mix it well see you with it knife cut noodles take some more pofu put it on my noodles what I should have done instead of putting the mofu in my noodles put the noodles into my mofu wow this is some Next Level mofu it's tofu itself is so soft everything is made in house here at the mapu in there mix it up and instantaneously these noodles are completely transformed especially I'm telling you dip it back into that mop hu a little bit if you guys never had knif cut noodles before you got to try it traditionally the cook has the giant dough on his head and just shaving it into the Bro the noodles comes out really coarse some thick some thin but the texture is so chewy and nice and these noodles are perfect also maofu got to eat it with some rice so they got rice up there for you as [Music] well I love this restaurant this isn't awesome place to go plenty of meat it's spicy it's so nummy it's so fragrant my tongue is already turning numb from the pepper corn and the chilies and the MAA tofu is just sizzing hot the entire time eating it because it's in that stone Bowl tofu is ridiculously soft the fermented Bean they used in this delicious so you get all that great earthiness from this dish as well I know this is not a secret for locals but what a fine for me also got some hot oil wons [Music] this is way better than the dumplings CH and pork won the sauce is good it's spicy it's nummy the skin of the wons is soft 100% come here try out the sizzling maofu I didn't make one mistake I got the noodle with the maofu I see rice sitting up there so I just went and got some rice the rice is extra I 100% recommend the noodles though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just got a bag of goodies from truffle bread a lot of people have been talking about this Bakery online and I got their number one and number two items we got to try the hot one right away this is the a croak mure and it's made with truffles first of all it's packaged beautifully if you never had a croak mure it's a hot sandwich made with ham and cheese and they put fresh shaved black truffle on top they give you a lot of shaved truffles on top and I'm just going to not wasting a single slice of this this sandwich is covered in cheese and then the cheese is toasted by a torch so it's beautifully charred on top it's a very thick sandwich and the smell of it is just unreal inside gooy cheese toast is absolutely perfect super crusty and buttery on the Outside Inside so soft and pillowy look at that delightful crunch from the crush some toasty cheese and inside just a nest of pure gooey creamy cheese oh and there's pieces of ham in here as well right under the cheese deliciously Smoky that croak definitely lift up to all the hype wow I've had Min a croak in my day never like that and if I ate that and croaked right after that'd be a really fitting last meal also I got their second bestseller this is their truffle butter bun it's covered in a thin l [Music] sugar I love this Bakery it's so Airy it's sweet it's earthy the bread is nice and chewy and as you chew the wonderful flavor of the truel just accentuates if you ever in Tokyo and if you love truffle or you've love croak come here and get those two things I just had you're going to make your day a lot better also I just want to say that Crow got today's conversion is about $7 $7 for a freshly shaved truffle delicious out of this world croak that's such a great deal so this place you can get a basic Curry for 500 yen so for about three bucks where you can get their cutlet Curry which is about 700 Yen so about $5 I love haing the W Curry shops like this as soon as you get in they give you a cup of water and a little coffee shine portion of Cory covered in meat sauce and freshly fried Cat Soup oh this is so good those is a mindblowing curry it's probably the thickest Japanese Curry I've ever had it's really creamy almost as if like potato was already somehow mixed into the Curry on the top crispy looking Catu and of course this whole thing just filled with minced [Music] meat KATU insanely crispy on the Outside Inside very very tender and right now the heat of the cury is starting to hit me so a little ice coffee brings the heat down a little bit overall flavor really deep and spicy and scrumptious definitely the thickest curry in the man more like a very thick gra the rice is really fragrant as well whether you're talking texture flavor overall Aroma of the dish that's wonderful all this is super heavy Hefty portion about $5 us honestly the coffee goes really well with the curry before leaving jucha I really wanted to try this place out this wood on place look at the line at 300 p.m. that's not even lunch time we're dinner time someone said that don't be intimidated by the line because it's always a long line they move really really quickly got to be honest I intimidated that's a really long line just got inside the we wasn't that bad took about 15 minutes got the beef food all oh this broth is ridiculous so there St tons of fatty thin sliced beef tons of scallions of some garlic I put some pepper on here as well oh that beef is so tender that soup is just pure flavor taste a Dashi and the fattiness of the beef and I don't know what else they did with this I made it so magical I take a slurp of noodles which are nice and firm and chewy I'll definitely come here and get thish love this so much I got a second bowl and this one is pure beauty look at all the Ecentric lines on this thing some scallion on top it looks like a gentle windless pond on a cool windless summer day where everything's just perfectly still and beautiful chill dashi broth M I feel like the last dish I like the broth more than the noodles and the noodles are chewy they are not nearly as chewy as these These are super springy I feel like Spider-Man could use these to shoot out of his web shooter so elasticy and smooth the ramen is 100% the best part of this dish also at 500 yen this about $3 B delicious UD on yeah this place has a lme for a reason it's definitely worth a try nothing Wild on the menu everything's just executed perfectly [Music] [Music] just got my Yaki soapa and it looks incredible got a Ready Egg that they put on top of everything bits of pork belly underneath shrimp squid there's some scallions and right underneath it all ooh Saucy delicious looking so B the thing that sets this place aside besides the fact that they only serve yakis SOA they make their noodles fresh and the noodles are made with Hokkaido flour wow which makes the noodles extra springy and [Music] shoy I love how the fatty por belly is all charred on this point so you get that delicious Smokey CH flavor we can take a bite of the meat as well and the runny Edge kind of balances without the sweetness of the yakis SOA there's so much sauce here I'm add some pepper [Music] cor so the spicy sauce not only add a huge kick has a ton of wor flavor in that as well the meal goes so good with the yakis so up I highly recommend it wow makes it more creamy it enhances the spice flavor also Peppers delicious num touch definitely take advantage of the toppings they give [Music] you everything about this from the seafood to the pork to the chewy noodles [Music] also this is definitely the sauciest yakis so I ever have and the spiciest dinner time this place it's a fried sandwich shop and the price for the sandwiches are as low as 100 yen per sandwich so about 67 cents can give me a sandwich at the shop I got four sandwiches the 60 Cent sandwich I'm going to start with the hot sandwiches every single sandwich is freshly fried and then stuffed with all sorts of different ingredients here I got an egg salad you got to get an egg salad sandwich whenever you see one here in Tokyo here in Japan and the sandwich is fried to a Golden Crisp this is a hefty Hefty sandwich it's definitely oily cuz this thing this is just deep fried bread so all the oils is trapped in here but the texture is so much better than the regular egg sandwich because obviously crispy toasty bread it's just better oh the egg salad is so good the outside it's just a wonderful crunch especially when you go near the crust inside creamy Rich yoky egg salad and this sandwich $450 Yen so about $3 yeah that's a really good deal for the sandwich I was actually just going to get three sandwiches but he said I had to try the curry sandwich he said this is his best one and it's piping hot wow this is freaking Next Level these sandwiches are just over stuffed with filling it's just a load of Curry kind of looks like the size of a of a Texas toast split open this Curry is delicious it's spicy it's meaty I think there's some potatoes in here with some toasty cheese on top so the curry itself is already amazing with that crunchy fried toast gives it a nice crunch with every single bite you can have a louder crunch from the edges more solo crunch in the middle there is no bad bite in the sandwich I might just like this Curry one better I'm so happy recommended this 10 out of 10 next two deep fried dessert sandwiches this is the 100 y sandwich deep fried sandwich with homemade whipped cream so the first one's 100 yen which is about 60 cents and then the second one is 300 Yen this is so bad because it's so good this is some simply Simply Delicious stuff and only for 100 yen if I lived in Tokyo I just might be getting this every single day I mean 60 cents for this this thing tastes like it was made in heaven by a diabolical Angel oh my gosh the problem with this is the whipped cream somehow tones down the greasiness of the sandwich it doesn't taste as oily as the egg salad or the curry feels like this is pretty light cream sweet very milky that's the thing about Japanese milk products it's extremely extremely rich but at the same time tastes very milky and delicious and I can't really compare this to anything else I've had because I don't think I've had anything like this before I got Oneal more sandwich to go this is another sweet sandwich Macho whipped cream with matcha powder on top with chocolate shuffles on top of that it's really good you get that rich matcha cream that has a little bit of bitterness and then all of a sudden as you're chewing the chocolate truffle starts melts you're getting all sorts of different meltin here oh that bite I've been into more of the matcha powder brings a lot of bitterness but it's the good kind of bitterness The Fragrant delicious tea that balance out the sweetness and richness of the sandwich it's really good I still think that simple whipped cream one that's the best one I think the best everyy one is the curry although the egg salad I love so much this is a gem of a place really good price points on some delicious sandwiches if you are in Tokyo try out the whipped cream you'll know what I'm talking about this is it right here so go around the corner and that's how you get there this restaurant's really interesting it's a couple cabbage sitting outside oh okl nyaki place and here it is all you can eat Chinese buffet for 1,000 yen so about [Music] 650 they just open and already aligned [Music] even before taking a bite I think I love this place a lot of classic Citron dishes like mapa tofu double cooked pork there's spicy beef and peppers spicy dry tofu there's a MTO there's also Pig trods L men fried rice soups all you can eat for about six bucks let's try the mofu first spicy nummy very rich you taste the delicious fermented beans that is not a bad Motu I haven't had a flower roll in so long take thish dunk it into the [Music] m f is really good very soft and fluffy that's a pretty authentic tasting flow roll double cook pork this thing is better than the map tofu giant chunks of pork some pieces are nice fatty it's very spicy and peppery sweet and sour shrimp not bad wa this I really really like these are basically stir fried slices of potato these things are deep fried first so they got a really nice and crunchy outer shell and then they stir fry it like you would do like a cumin beef or cumin l so you see all the cumin spices on the outside it's crunchy is very cumin and Smokey I'm just tasting every single dish and see what I'm going to go for more later the L man is phenomenal just a heaping serving of flavor and gu that is smack you in the face good another one of my favorite dishes shredded beef with peppers that they serve here not a lot of beef in there beef is expensive that one's just okay yeah toal skin is so good too the dishes that are supposed to be spicy they do not skimp on the heat they do have soup here the soup is very light little tofu little seaweed and the tea is included oh totally forgot I got a piece of fried chicken those thing really tender Grace Pig TRS m I have often talked about my love GIC waterers and this thing in particular so much great flavor and texture as I'm sitting here talking and eating my food all I want to do is go up there and get more low May and double cooked pork or those potatoes I think those three things my favorite thing on this Buffet all this it's just Absolute Comfort frood for me six bucks for all you can eat comfort food this is a tremendous deal all right round two I got more Lan tofu stir Fred po potatoes double cooked pork can't believe all this cost less than a Big Mac and finish everything off with some almond pudding and it's all locals here too what a gem of a buffet [Music] big bow of pork over rice I'm being traditional here stting off my day with bacon lying out the door already small medium large or huge this is the medium this is the huge one guess which one I'm [Music] getting I'm not sure what this is I just saw the guy before me order it actually every everyone is ordering it just in Chinese it says some sort of gravy it's like meat juice or something everyone's getting this that's my pork ball that might just be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen my life seriously tell me this is not gorgeous look how juicy this is and it's charred on the pork charred on the edges and also I got to commend them on the artistic placement of the pork look okay it's like spiraling it's in a perfect layout with the veggies on the top almost like a meat bouquet and it's borderline hypnotic watch if I turn this really quickly doesn't that just kind of put you in a trance a little bit and the juice on every single bit of the pork I think the extra that I paid is the is the extra juice that you see here and I promise you right now that is well wor the 50 every single piece looks like has a good balance of fat and just beautifully cooked I love this I love seeing the Char pattern this what you're seeing here guys this is a magically delicious moment where The Rice morphs from something plain to something spectacularly beautiful it's AI Mass if you ever in Japan you love pork and if you don't come here you're going to be filled with food regret for the rest of your life H Chase it with some rice is it weird that I almost like that but rice more than I do the pork this is remarkable the pork is just a perfect amount of fat a little sweet slight bitterness from the Char an absolute flavor bomb and this is why they only need one layer of pork above the rice that's how you need to flavor all this rice so as soon as you put this in your mouth your senses will immediately be invaded But just remarkable Smoky flavor it's a little bit sweet incredibly incredibly juicy look thin layer of meat over amount of rice you need all this rice to contain just the immense flavor from the meat like you need it look at it look at my rice right now tell me you don't want a spoonful of that this is how you're supposed to eat bacon for breakfast when if you're get extra large bring your appetite cuz I'm halfway through this thing is definitely filling me up I'm going going to take you guys for a look underneath the porky surface that rice is already really fragrant before the juice after the juice I'm going to fall in love even more totally didn't see this oh some spice is going to make this even more magnificent I can't get over how incredibly flavorful each piece of pork is you know the G Angry Birds and the birds are attacking the pigs well this meal the roles are definitely reversed this should be called an angry pork Bowl because every bite is like a flavor [Music] bomb you want to have a good day you start your day off with something immensely delicious and today I'm going to have a great day no matter what happens it's already great make sure to put some pepper on it one of the only times I'll tell you pepper over chilies starting today's food day a little later but I never been inside one of these standing only sushi places and check out this deal so the price ranges from about 80 yen to about 400 Yen so at today's conversion rate about 50 cents to about 3 bucks per piece let's go try some so for 80 Yen about 50 cents you can get the squid the tamago you get Mar for 80 Yen no way you can also get a Niki Toro so you can just order and then uh he'll mark it on a little sheet in front of you while you [Music] order so good [Music] I love this sandwi is so pry Angelica oh that mouth pills out of this [Music] world quality of sushi here is really nice the rice deliciously vinegary and the chef is just remembering all the water you just call out so whenever you want to eat something just call out he'll make it fresh for you put it right in front of you and you're eating I mean I'm not the sushi expert of the world but the quality is fantastic the value is just tremendous this is such a good place to come if if you want to try some delicious sushi you don't want to pay that much that shrimp is so sweet again every single piece I had it's just ridiculously delic and fresh really lean piece of tuna fresh as can be soft as it can be under a dollar for that piece and this is the ultimate eat a lean piece Chase it with a fatty piece I mean maybe it's because the fish market is right next doors to this place but the quality is just mind blowing I can't believe based on the price how good this is and that scallop is just so sweet this is a gym of a place highly highly recommend coming here if you love sushi the atmosphere is nice the chef is really friendly it's all locals here I'm here on a Saturday afternoon all locals amazing standing sushi bar right on the edge of sukij so many delicious pieces everything came out to be under $10 the chef is so accommodating everyone they so lovely you don't have to speak English they got an English menu they work with you that's a high high high recommend right there [Music] [Music] [Music] lunchtime lying around the block so there's a couple dishes that are really popular here the second most popular is the Yodo so thin slices of marinated beef I dropped an egg on top of that as well beautiful golden egg the beef the slices are so thin it looks really fatty and tender the juice of course covers every single gring of rice give this a nice mix this smells so beefy I'm really actually more excited for what's coming up this looks like a bowl of beef and beef intestines this is what's smelling so good in that boiling pot last time I saw a Boiling Pot like that it was in Thailand and that thing has been cooking for over 40 years so the beef just about as tender as they come the fat kind of melted with the rice with that silky velvety egg just creates this awesome luxurious texture I definitely recommend putting some chilies on this just to balance out the richness of all going to jump into this people really quick there's scall on top and the sauce looks way more rich and soy [Music] Saucy there's also kjck in here as well this is so lovely the flavor is definitely richer and deeper it's beefier it's soy Saucier so it's got more of a Umami bite to it I'm love with this bowl I mean the gildong is good I love that this is a must stuff you could tell the meat has been simmering in that broth for so so long you're definitely getting some organ meat this is a little intestine which is so fatty and nice again steeped in that delicious delicious dark sauce when you're watching this is just as Saucy and flavorful as you would imagine very beefy a bit of that nice organy flavor some snappiness from the kjac crunchiness from the scallion again add little chilies in here I will highly highly commend trying this maybe after eat some fish eat something light come for something that's just saturated with flavor and sauce I saw people waiting here since 8:00 in the morning now I see why this is the other place I was eyeing right next to the stew beef place so they serve rice bowls or pasta and I got spicy meno pasta I love this a little cup of broth the broth is delicious pasta so chewy in Al Dente covered in Min High cold and chilies it's spicy it's brainy mini Cole gives off such a deliciously momy filled flavor this is just incredibly satisfying for about six bucks I will highly highly highly recommend coming here [Music] this is a Ramen Shop I just heard about it's a newer Ramen Shop and the thing is it's very affordable so about 490 Yen for a small bowl of ramen so about $34 for a bowl of ramen and it's supposed to be pretty darn good so this thing tons of scallion egg in the middle it's medium with noodles very wavy very Saucy very it looks like very springy noodles there's also a lot of sauces here to to put it in let's try this on its own first noodle texture is delicious I think it's a Porky broth let's add in some extra garlic there's hot oil as well overall this is a very good bowl of ramen especially for the price I'm pay under 500 yen the noodle is one of the chewiest M Dente I've had in the ramen World scallion like I said a lot of them creates a good refreshing balance from that thick Rich broth this thing especially with some heat it's pretty awesome that's definitely one of the most unique B around I've had in Japan the broth is really good very Savory very garlicky even before I added the garlic mainly just from the skin this is one of the most affordable bus of ramen I've had in Japan it's also one of the best I really like this place and very unique if you want something that's completely different than traditional Japanese ramen good place to come to this place is on the fourth floor I think this is it this place has a special deal where you can get all you can eat ODed basically different fish cakes and vegetables cooked in Dashi bra and you can get it as much as you want for 500 yen so a little over $3 all you have to do is get one drink and it could be any drink soda tea alcohol anything that's a fantastic deal it's really cool they come over with a fladder of Chopstick holders and you can pick your own Chopstick holder got a little L flour and then scan the QR code order the drink wow there's one drink that is very peculiar if you ever come here you'll see what I mean actually a couple drinks that's very peculiar one of them is cold boiled rice oh then just got here inside there's kjck jelly a ginormous biggest I've ever seen in the world show my half a potato and of course fish cakes light but very flavorful Dashi kjck some of my favorite stuff the Dashi definitely cooked into all the ingredients in here but it is very light if you want some additional flavors there's mustard and chilies I think for my show my ADD little chilies add little spicy mustard oh that's pretty Dar good that is a meaty meaty Shai same thing with the potatoes add a little bit of chilies and these are really spicy chilies fish cake fish cake really soft very good with some spicy mustard [Music] got my second bowl this is a tube shaped fish cake this is one of my favorite ones I think it's the best in in here I'm so sad they didn't have the egg egg is always my favorite ingredient probably the best SE in the house is just around the olden station you can sit around and point to the pieces you want Odin is probably one of the best Japanese Comfort Foods out there and it's just perfect when it's cold out right now it's chilly it's raining I feel my whole body heating up and this dish is so versatile there's so many different ingredients and depending on which province you're in overall this is a very Lively fun place the staff's really really nice so if you ever do come here don't feel intimidated that you don't speak the language and when I got here it was completely full Odin is good the dashi's on the ladder side but just dip it in some spicy mustard for $3 this is an absolute amazing deal and that wraps up another food tour here in Tokyo went to a lot of places I never knew existed and as always all the places are listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 712,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo cheap eats, affordable meals in Tokyo, budget travel Japan, Japanese street food, where to eat in Tokyo, best ramen Tokyo, cheap sushi Tokyo, food guide Tokyo, Tokyo travel tips, budget foodie in Tokyo, cheap eats, japan cheap eats, best cheap eats, tokyo eats, best tokyo eATS
Id: y0-LwK9Ni9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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