Is the JoeTisserie worth it? I cook my NEMESIS … Picanha on the Kamado Joe Big Joe JoeTisserie

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there are some great accessories for your kamado joe but is the jotissary one that you should pick up today we're gonna find out so almost a year ago to the day on black friday i bought a jotissary for my kamado joe classic and actually i'm really glad i waited to do this review because if i would have done it immediately after buying it i'd say no dice it didn't do it for me but there's a reason for that and that's just like there's a learning curve for a kamado joe the very first few times you cook it might not have been your best effort there's also a little bit of a learning curve with the jolt history and i accidentally sort of made a verdict too soon little did i know the potential that awaits when you give it another try and you actually adjust your approach so that's what i'm going to uncover today we're going to cook some pecania head to head one i'm going to sear on the soapstone and just eat it like a normal steak and the other one we're going to tackle pecan on the jotissary now why pecania well there's a lot of things we already know are better on the joetisserie if you saw my spatchcock versus joetisserie turkey video i'll put a link down below if you haven't had a chance to check that out the joetisserie won the blind taste test hands down lego lamb also much better and there's many many other things spiral ham a lot of holiday dishes come out amazing on the jolt history so that's a slam dunk but my nemesis using the george history has been pecania i've tried two other times and both didn't go so well the first time i cooked it low and slow and by the time that it was time to get ready to sear i cranked the heat and i had way overcooked my steak plus i made an accident or an error in how i cut my steak since i wanted to do it off the spit i cut with the grain as you would normally so that when you're cutting your steak at the table you're then slicing against the grain but when you're carving off the spit this means that once again you're cutting with the grain so the pieces just came out way too tough to enjoy for my second attempt we sliced it the right way so we accommodated for the spit orientation but once again i didn't get the temperatures just right i thought i'd wait to about 110 degrees internal temperature and then crank the heat and it was so much fun to look at it and those juices dripping and the flames just kissing the outside of the pecan but again overcooked it and so today third time's the try the charm i hope it's all about redemption for pecan because i know so many other dishes come out hands down better we're gonna see if we can do it with some pecan so let's get started now before we get started building our fire by nature of having a second one for the big joe something's obviously happened from my lack of enthusiasm for the jotisserie and that's because we continued to give it a try and we found there are some things that it absolutely hands down better legoland better shawarma better al pastor better i'll put it i did a video on that recently i'll put a link down below turkey i did a spatchcock versus a joetisserie again blind taste test everyone picked the jotisserie turkey as the more flavorful juicy just presentation looked phenomenal so i am actually really really excited to add a joet history to the big joe as i think there's even more exciting cooks that we could do for the channel so that's not to say though i'm not a little bit nervous about tackling public enemy number one which is can we get pecana to come out even better than without the jotisserie so that's what today's video is all about let's get this out of the box start building our fire as well as i'll show you how we're going to set up on the big joe including our side dishes okay installation is pretty straightforward we're just going to go ahead and slide our joetisserie onto our gasket and line it up so it's about centered and then when you close your dome like this you'll see it just sits on top the other thing that i've done is i've lowered the side shelf so there's clearance for our power unit and so what we'll do is we'll just slide that in and down like so and then once we have that what we'll do is we'll go ahead and insert our spit which i like to do out of the jotissary and we'll have our clamps and start cooking our fire so that's a really quick overview it only takes about 30 seconds again i'll reposition the camera and i'll show you up exactly how we're going to set up for today's cook including our sides okay to get started i've got two pieces of peach wood for smoke and an empty charcoal basket i'm just going to go ahead and drop those down in on the bottom and next i'm going to load up with some jealous devil charcoal do that fast forward and we'll be ready to start our fire okay so as you can see we've got about just a little bit more than a half basket which is way more charcoal than we'll need for today's cook but one of the things that we like to do with pecan is be able to reposition that using our rake so we can control the heat that's why i've gone with that amount of charcoal the next thing that i'm going to do is a little bit unique since i also want to be able to sear the non-rotisserie steak is i'm going to go ahead and install one of our grids right here on the firebox and then i'm going to install my soapstone on top of that i'm only putting the the rack underneath for some extra support and so what this is going to do is this is not only going to act as a little bit of a heat barrier and so i can concentrate those flames towards the back but it'll also give me a surface to cook some of our side dishes as well as the steak that we want to sear so now i showed you how we're going to set up i'll go ahead and pull these back out and we'll start a fire okay today i'm going to use my grill blazers grill gun to get the fire going in a hurry if you want to see more about this torch as well as some others that i use often on the channel i'll put a link down below to my torch's battle head to head definitely a video you want to check out if you haven't seen that yet okay so let's go ahead and re-install our soapstone you notice i move some of the extra coils towards the back so again i have the option to rake them under the soapstone and from a lighting perspective i focused on the front center front area so we're getting heat directly under the soap stone so it has time to heat up and then those coals will continue to spread towards the back okay so while our big joe is coming up to temperature let me bring you up to speed on prep to get to this point so for today's cook i picked up a single pecan roast the entire thing not sliced and i brought it home from my butcher and the first thing that we wanted to do is go ahead and start getting some salt on this since i'm not doing this 24 hours in advance i didn't have time to salt dry brine but if you do it at room temperature a couple hours ahead of when you cook you can still get some of that salt deep into the meat so what i did is i made some slices with the grain because again i'm not going to be slicing off of the spit today as you may from a traditional restaurant if you're going out with some friends if that's ever allowed again but instead i'm going to be serving them all the exact same way since we're doing one steak the regular way and two on the rotisserie we'll just make sure that we slice them the exact same direction against the grain so there's no difference between our control stake as well as our rotisserie steaks the next thing that i wanted to get going is our sides and so the first one we're going to make some bacon brussels sprouts i'm a big fan of these and so i just cooked up a few pieces of bacon set that aside as well as cut some brussels sprouts in half and then toss them in the remaining bacon fat that we have before adding a little bit of salt and pepper so i'm actually going to go ahead and get those on the grill shortly we're going to put that right on the soapstone so they continue to cook and if the measurements and everything lines up properly we may even get a few drippings from our pecan to season our brussels and those those will cook together for our second side i'm actually going to be doing some lemon garlic kale i found this recipe following a friend on youtube the silly kitchen cooking with sylvia she does an amazing job and while i spend all my time worrying about how to master the mains one thing i'm not really good at is the sides and so if you're interested in adding some amazing sides to go with your barbecue game i'll put a link down below to her channel since that's where i'm learning some really awesome sides to go with our featured barbecue items it's sylvia coming at you from the silly kitchen where i absolutely love to cook and love to share my favorite recipes with you on my channel thank you james for the little plug-in here i know you love that little kale side dish that i did and i love everything that you do on your channel so keep doing what you're doing and thanks cheers all right let's get our brussels on we are throwing some heat now so i'm going to start off as protected as possible and then move them over a little bit later once we want to collect some of those drippings okay for our jotissary spit this is a brand new one so i haven't added any notches or markings to know where center is so you're going to want some gloves for this since we are now cooking over live fire and that is throwing some heat so to do that i'm just going to go ahead slide that in to position see approximately where i want to bring these pecana and since we're only doing two today i'm gonna try and bring them to about center so i'll just go ahead and tighten this base one which we can now remove so when we insert the pecan on our spit we know we're nice and centered where we want to be and we don't have to handle raw meat and gloves later on when everything's really hot okay let's go ahead and get our two pecana that we're gonna cook on the spit and we'll do it again with our second pecan now we'll just go and slide on our second attachment here to tighten everything up so that looks good let's go ahead and get that on the grill brussels sound good slide that on into position whoops there we go powered up all right let's take a look how we're making out oh our pecan looks awesome i think our brussels are done they've been collecting those drippings i think we are ready to pull off the brussels let those rest and we're going to go ahead and get on our sample pecan and then we'll make our kale okay let's go ahead and add our second piece of acogna start letting that sear so we are getting a great sear on our soapstones those fat drippings are coming off the pecan on the spit let's go ahead and check our internal temperatures still got a ways to go about 95 and 12. okay i think we're getting close 124 130 i saw there let's go ahead and get our rotisserie pecanha off so do that i'm just going to reach around here turn off the rotisserie take those off and set them aside to rest and we'll finish up our soapstone control to kanye hair check that again another minute or so all right i think we are getting really really close this is a really small steak so what i'm gonna do i don't want to overdo it i'm going to go ahead and get this off now that we've got some great color the feel of it feels like being rare like we like i'll just go ahead and wrap that in foil and let it rest and that should end up at the exact same spot as our two pecan steaks okay while our pecan is resting let's go ahead and finish up our kale as i mentioned earlier i installed the kamado joe wok on the x accessory ring in the top position and we are over medium heat about 350 400 degrees so i'm going to start off i'm going to add one spoon of garlic as well as less of salmon pardon me zest of lemon i'll just give that a minute or so don't want to brown it and then i've extracted the juice of the lemon that we used for zest and have that ready to add once we toss in our kale or add our washed and prepared kale add the lemon juice some pepper and salt using fresh cracked black pepper a little diamond kosher crystal salt and we'll stir that all in and then what we're going to do is i'm going to use the cast iron dutch oven lid that i have as a cover and we're going to let this steam in that lemon and garlic juice for about two minutes [Music] once we've got it all tossed in so let's just cover that act as a little steamer and we'll give that about a minute two minutes all right our bacon brussels are done our control pecan on the soapstone our two rotisserie pecanha as well as our garlic and lemon kale all right let's go ahead and dig in for our taste test i'm going to start with a little bit of our lemon garlic kale get a couple of our bacon brussels here and let's slice into our two steaks start with our control perfect medium rare pecan here check that out oh guys i think we got it we got a nice medium rare on the pecan on the rotisserie as well let's go ahead and take a couple slices of that just take a picture so you can see close up what they look like all right let's dig in so i'm going to start with the soapstone steak because that's always been our winner so we'll set the bar high and then go to our rotisserie and see if it competes so that's good definitely missing the salt dry brine that's something we do all the time and i'm noticing a little bit of lack of flavor on that steak let's go ahead and see if our rotisserie is any better just perfect doneness i'm excited i am so excited this has stymied me the previous attempts and i think we finally nailed it this is better and the reason it's better finish that too reason it's better is what we're lacking a little bit of flavor from just that sear the salt was the exact same these were cut and salted at the same time but the drippings and caramelization of the fire coming up after drippings had fallen into it seems to have added a depth of flavor i'm just not getting off of the soapstone the soapstone is hands down one of my favorite accessories for the kamado joe if i was doing a tomahawk or something like that hands down that's how i'd like to sear it but today we have a new champion we're sweeping the floor with the joetisserie now that we've given it a year of a learning curve you have no idea how excited i am to finally get pecana on the rotisserie to come out like a charm so what is it we did differently so again quick recap we did not start low and slow we just went with inferno mode right away and that just happened to be about the perfect amount of time for a great my my yard reaction on the outside as well as getting to the right internal temperature of doneness on the inside as well we threw a couple great sides today and that's one of the advantages of the big joe is we can sneak in that soapstone cook our brussels sprouts we didn't have to do the kale it's a two minute cook out here but i was doing some cast iron seasoning anyways which is why i used the classic joe otherwise just go ahead and do that on the stove top but this is it a year in we have completely redeemed and changed my opinion on is the jotisserie worth it going to go ahead and say hands down yes shawarma al pastor lamb chicken wings are really good on it and now today pecan joins that list of awesome cooks when i say awesome cooks i'm not just looking for is it as good and we're just cooking different it's actually noticeably better and that was hands down the case especially with our turkey video that i did recently again link below if you're thinking about a thanksgiving turkey or a holiday turkey you'll definitely want to watch that head to head anyways i hope you really enjoyed the video today if you did please let youtube know by smashing that like button and let me know by commenting and subscribing to catch future videos until then i'm james from smoking dad barbecue signing off and don't be afraid to fire it up you
Channel: Smoking Dad BBQ
Views: 65,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamado joe, smoking dad bbq, big green egg, picanha steak joetisserie, kamado joe joetisserie, kamado joe joetisserie recipes, kamado joe joetisserie instructions, kamado joe joetisserie review, kamado joe joetisserie big joe, kamado joe joetisserie rotisserie system, is the joetisserie worth it, joetisserie, big green egg joetisserie, joetisserie big green egg xl, picanha joetisserie, kamado joe brussel sprouts, kamado joe side dishes, kamado joe sides, kamado joe review
Id: BsPzEMcq0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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