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so doing leg press disgusting leave it all out yes yes we are down here at the gym shortlisting club again I'm really excited about today a bit nervous I'm really excited because we're gonna actually be training with Rafi his knowledge about training and understanding the body is unbelievable so I thought I'm a go for round two and we're gonna hit legs today it'll be a bit different because obviously with my hip surgery I'm not pushing mass weight and we have to be sensible in how I'm training I'm four weeks out from the Olympia now so we're not going to be getting any TVs or records and loss also although it is an absolute machine he has it trained legs he says obviously swimming around the UK for half of this year so he's in the same boat so we're just gonna try and feed off each other and just go from there really and have a bit of a play because that gym in there and I've said it previously bought it's one of the best gyms I've ever been in and it makes me like a kid you need to somewhere in Great Britain they give you 100 on me you know well I'm just like several oh I've stopped eating my look look at that boom that's a good habit you you have to be where you're at I've still got a bit to go I feel all right actually I'm nervous this year I am nervous because obviously six months out it's quite immensely scare yeah so doin leg press I would watch that play that this is Bryan Goodman yeah let press yeah you got a double knee straps up yeah it's laying around wouldn't you said Olympia prep oh okay these brother night to watch the general sense around today's sessions you know I'm thinking big man I'm thinking obviously you know you're still amongst out from surgery oh okay four hundred fifty seven days so I think what we're doing and and this is probably a lot of people can relate to this the this is probably gonna be a very modified leg session and what I mean by that is is me and Ryan are gonna bounce off each other's intuition if anything starts to hurt and or you know his leg doesn't like a certain exercise starts aggravate that old injury then he'll go Ross I'm not comfortable they're exactly the same with me a lot like Ryan you know I've got no mobility range of motion there so I think today as long as we bounce off each other's intuition yeah make sure the end is still there so the volunteer all exact husband yeah because that's something observing quite nervous around training heavy I haven't trained the legs for the first sequence this year obviously Ross just mentioned swim around the UK eating train legs for a fair few humans as well so yeah we're not making X we're still gonna hit it hard but it's not gonna be about mass weight and four weeks out from the Olympia so that's a really good point I love what you said they're just about like with stress and stimuli so for everything yeah this isn't gonna be a masterclass in powerlifting that's not what you're gonna see you're not gonna see great technique but what the body does understand this distressing signal and also with legs obviously cuz Ryan's just nursing a calorie deficit is trying to get as lean as possible with legs big compound boom and we can really just put some volume in as well so I suppose today it's just the key is just stress the million volumes wait on that keep it away on put them wait on volume set set sets as soon as you start getting start fatiguing stop grinding out those reps a little bit we're gonna probably implement like a Dorian Yates might Mensa type high intensity session where it's horrible drop set you just dropped a little all the way down to absolute failure its mechanical tension so just putting force through the body with a bit of metabolic stress as well where afterwards we're basically just gonna be crawling out of the the leg press that's the goal and if you can do another exercise I've never said after that that wasn't hard enough that's the sort of intensity that you I'm gonna start saving fatigue yeah that final set now yeah well if you're doing it I'll do it you're not very strong [Music] Wow maybe if you're not feeling nervous about this final set it's a giant set then then it's not right you know after this like I said before if you can do another set after this that one wasn't hard enough like this anything after this on a leg that's will be suboptimal so you leave it all out I'm already a bit nervous how you do a lot of this so this is how I used to Train yeah so this is sort of stuff I prefer high-volume kind of stuff and so this is something I'm familiar with very might I have not done this for a lot of long time now obviously I've just been getting basics 10 to 12 reps just getting blood back into my life so this will be a test that almost of me and now you're nervous and more nervous and you do this in current deficit it's what I've always wanted to ask you when you are nursing a bit of character you still go heavy and do this so that's what that's why we're just talking about off-camera but I don't need to go any heavier way so I can lift heavier this as you can see it's still within myself bought four weeks out I'm in a deficit obviously I'm nursing around injuries I can just get more volume more that Minds emotional connection rather than my suede so he goes left in the door I like I like you're on this one yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thanks disgusting Oh still burning like I said you can do another set after that that wasn't hard enough if I did another set now probably lifting like the fives that's disgusting distress has dimly done so Ronnie's always trained like this but it takes special sort of mindset I was sweating light elves nervous before I went in and what I love those just Ryan keeps you accountable there's so many times there where I was inside I think I'm done I think I'm done he's just like five more five million so when you got someone doing there and your training partly keeps you accountable I can be your best friend and your worst enemies all but you thank them later for and it's the same now right he's got his set he's full weeks out you know these mines gonna probably go to some strange places in the calorie deficit you just gotta make sure that halfway through that you remind him it's like look four weeks out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is the leave it all out come out of the blocks and let's go from there come on three four five six seven eight four yes yes absolutely I know he got Ferrand he got so feral then that's that's nice to see I love that I love getting cocky keep the tension off yeah can't we that'd be my feeling oh yeah it still does then it's legal standing in cool but that is it could you do another staff ya know there is me so oh yeah do these often what I've done for a while what how's it worth name is low that's that's in a calorie deficit that's four weeks out from Olympia do you mean and that for me as mindset it's not even about strength it's just like show me someone who's for weeks I would do that that's the difference with a good partner that was well see I nearly gave up at ten we gone over ten out the end yeah I thought I was doing it up ten yeah that just shows no matter how much you push that that training partner to push you through those plateaus but with the leg press you can see that you can just absolutely load the cordis and they've just gone like another basically short sides you went from large to like XXL so we're gonna start with a leg extension then go straight into smith's-machine standing calf raises as you see it's not mass weight play either side but this one's about focusing on that squeeze we're going to nice and controlled oil we're gonna hold for two seconds and then back down I just always felt like doing clothes pointing back to you whoa how many Oman I hope that I'm gonna take my last beer go would die for some way we're going to squeeze it tough to say really sweet sweet sweet sweet six seven let's hold eight there you go nine right amazing finish this whole good is in volume England let's go let's go let's go there you can Wow okay they've been fake though let's go there yes [Music] yeah come on zoom or Lila and I squeeze squeeze squeeze all the way through hold hold right home say there now we'll say go what there you go six good seven eight nine one more one more hold now get into the business end of the session let's talk in now there's a lot of rest in between the leg press just make sure you could press heavy right up until that final set now no no no becoming a bit more bodybuilding centric this is where like Ryan this is where he lives I'm struggling a little bit but this very action starts to come into his own making tweaks to biomechanics and just less rest more metabolic stress oh yeah slow move slow slow slow good two more like that rocks hold what hold slow slow slow nice Ross no good you going don't stop whoever it takes to do three whole do it slow real slow real slow I know hold hold hold hold give me my four weeks out right let's have it no one's out working you cool cool good good let's go mister five six anything says I'm going tell me when it seven eccentric like going slow slow slow resist oh good now pyro pyro possess resist Bulacan and fading let's go yeah good please the sets and reps account No pushing through that's right Oh nice strong roughs strong school with me come on press it there you go so strong by six one more than eccentric seven eccentric slow slow so resist two more these two more but more than a really gonna resist good really resist up resist resist resist resist resist resist resist I was off the floor it has its squeeze squeeze you can get start with me afternoon and still find some out come on three four five six seven eight no I know did you see that you actually had me off but when you like come on yellow me doing an existing I was like oh that was corny no so the next superset we're gonna make Rasta guinea pig but you don't often see these machines this is a pendulum squad you don't really see them in modern gyms anymore bit old-school boxing gym shot they've gone area so you'll be rude not to try it so I'm gonna do a pendulum squat superset with seated calf raise Yami's to do Marcel yeah let's go let's go let's go oh goody keep it good good dude good night right nice morning dude dude there you go at the top ho ho there you go what's wrong let's go gain that zone no come on stop cheer let's go way down there yes then again wanted yes now we work here it's a five gone then rocks to do is tell him he was cheating that was it way down well hold down yes good luck three me turn by 12:15 [Music] five more one two three four beasts strong good good man yes come on oh yes let's go cool on right little man squeeze that hey come on oh good man oh no I fast I had nothing left I think rocks were doing those last two five more one two three four five six five five three two one hi bye for your lip frustration at rocks you Fowler pushes sled pushes and we've done all our main workout on legs obviously you've seen but this is just a big expenditure calories and it's a great finisher imma let Ross go first remarriage is challenges now and we were saying and you have what's an eccentric contraction where if you imagine a bicycle Xavier contraction was where the muscle is in tension but it's lengthening content tricks is well it's intentional but is shortening then were the Prowler pushes if you imagine the muscles in the legs is a concentric contraction it's not like an eccentric squat where you're lowering the weight like that which puts a lot of stress on the central nervous system the muscles are whole and recovery as well afterwards it's hard whereas what we're doing now with a prowler pushes clone eccentric contractions which means you get the strengthen and the work capacity but without the eccentric contractions and therefore the need for greater recovery afterwards horses oh this isn't cardio it's not metabolic conditioning it's like nice chatting in between and as Ryan just said it best it's just conditioning and calories you know that's it's just Paul you miss work capacity that was the whole purpose of today so that's what we're doing right now just taking it for a walk you know not not hard to just kind of taking it for a little bit of a walk like horse power program alright let's eat huh sir up that was big that was big weights were lifted burgers are now going to be here now you're gonna see the difference between an Olympian prep and somebody's ready to get it floating any in for a living so that's a wrap guys that's an awesome leg session wrap top as well as obviously so I need some food guys food yeah definitely but on a serious note be serious after that please comment below but anything you want to see on next videos subscribe to my channel or see these guys on Instagram and yeah thank you for watching what's appreciated you
Channel: RyanJTerry
Views: 50,971
Rating: 4.9436178 out of 5
Id: D1Y9a9Vp9bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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