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[Music] this one has the row i don't know how to say it but it sounds good okay damn there's 15 grams of sugar in this trust me [Music] i don't know i think you play quarterback or something [Music] um you snuck up on me full-time bodybuilder i thought you were coming this way i was gonna film you and you he took the other way how are you is this a new wagon or no huh what wagon nice shirt by the way yeah today two days in a row here i know you told me they were coming right yesterday yeah i told them okay good i don't think they're here though right no iris might come a little bit later he's going to pop in she won't come see well he just said that last time oh really okay well the lady just told me at the front desk yeah what are you gonna do i think i'm gonna do chess today okay the arms i think the last time we did yeah you're right that's true we filmed so the title of this video is going to be uh free weights versus machines okay okay which you guys are gonna see the truth okay you're gonna because you're gonna see how i train so i decided to do this video only because uh we're at powerhouse which is a new it opened uh a few months ago i think yeah a couple come on so another another great gym probably uh i'm gonna go on record and say the best newest equipped uh machines in las vegas uh so you know obviously we train at a lot of different places uh but we have a mix of different things that i'm gonna showcase even though i may not use some of things i'm going to kind of talk a little bit about it and i'll show you guys what's in the new powerhouse so make sure you guys check it out we'll give them a plug uh it is located probably 15 minutes from the strip yeah i'll put the items uh yeah and uh you know come support you know ten times miss olympia iris kyle and uh yamagishi you know he's done a great job and you know this was their dream and their passion they also have that cafe down the road yeah yeah so body cafe yeah two doors you'll show that so yeah they want to pick up some repair they they have oh that's the ad iris okay nice what did you train yesterday i'm curious i did back yesterday how was the machine for back you know i did more free weights than other machines okay it was good you know it was quite a few people in here so it was pretty busy but nice it's the weekend yeah awesome all right so let's get in there yeah grateful the future he just talked he just said the future is here that's what he calls you i like jtv by the way yeah he's coming along yeah an awesome year i'm gonna do december okay let's open in another 13 weeks yeah we're gonna put him on he's gonna that's it if he says that you have to be honest you said it yeah it's all good though what is the show nationals are national okay okay yeah where is it the second uh florida florida yeah miami they pushed okay nice all right see you're traveling and stuff everything's good yeah we're not you're not going crazy right now but just thoughts around here doing a lot of content you know it's coming good though i like it a lot so that's my full-time job that's my full-time job i'm lucky so let's let's be in touch okay definitely all right all right all right let's look and see what we've got going on here did you scope out the machine a little bit yesterday i did but uh so guys there's a lot of unique uh machines here so i'm just looking for the best um the best one this is obviously the olympia yes so let me ask you something when you were competing did they have this backstage back there or no i don't remember bro okay because i remember i didn't pump up so oh yeah i was one of the few that didn't pump up so i think for me i uh i was just doing more like i just i moved like this you remember yeah yeah yeah you know okay i think this one is going to be something that i'm going to do though uh yeah i think i've done it last time i was here yeah milos miels loves this name he says it's milo's torture the m is for mios yeah i wish i'd run into him i know man i think he comes later all right so what i'm gonna do is uh i'm gonna focus on i always seem to do a machine first you notice that whenever we do yes videos so i'm gonna do uh a few warm-up sets here and then i'm gonna pump into some free weights because you know i still use quite a bit of free weights so i'm really trying to get the muscle contraction here so a lot of i'm locking at the top that's a locked out chest position i work in threes oh you do that too yeah i'll do threes before there's a pause okay and i like to do that to just to get my that mind of muscle connection that i talk about a lot and i think you know experience will help you build up that minor muscle connection but you know i really just try to envision the chest working and that's going to allow me to get the chest you know get some blood in there feel secure enough to start adding some more weight and then we're going to pyramid the weeds wait so two sets i'm going to do it this way two plates and i'm working my way up probably from what i feel maybe four today so i'll do three more sets on top of the other two uh warm up field sets right is the set right here yep this is where we get it done man if i don't do any weights people will try them chase nothing now [Music] yeah yeah i'm sure they did okay so close enough i felt pretty good this is a little different man so it's kind of like a backwards yeah you know who would love this gym oh charles glass oh yeah yeah a lot of the machines the angles and yeah so shout out to charles glass yep he needs to come out here and train he would he would like it check this equipment out yeah yep yep i'm doing one set i'm going to lighten up the weight a little bit with a little shorter recipe so my recipe guys are always 45 to 60 seconds so if i was training with a training partner they'd go i go and usually the weights i was talking about this yesterday i tried to train with people that that didn't affect my weight meaning we all trained about the same weights so there was a time of taking equipment you know loading unloading yeah uh so if you're training with your spouse so you guys are trained with your wife or girlfriend what i try to do is i pick a machine next that you might do the next set um and you know have it switch back and forth so you're close by each other can help change weights or whatever but you don't have to unload all your plates especially on like the leg yes because some of the women are the best training partners ever [Music] how many i didn't count i was just looking at that's actually looking pretty good all right few options on smith machine so i never i always talk about i never do flat bench right but what i do do is i do flat bench on a smith machine just like with squats uh towards the end of my career incorporated more uh squats with a smith machine just because of stability factor and i still love to do the bench press because i do not have any shoulder restriction so uh you know i'll use they have different variations it's one of my favorites right here though you haven't used this one yeah so this kind of works on its own yeah the priest had that he was one of the first ones to have it in his garage yeah i thought lee priest and kathy had that in their uh lancaster gym yeah it's good right yeah i think i'm gonna use that one all right cool so what i'm gonna do guys since i'm already warm i'm gonna get i'm gonna probably start with about 185 on this i'm gonna see how it feels okay and uh this is great for you guys working at home you know when you said oh i don't have a i don't have a bench or whatever to do a lot of stuff if you could get a hold of one of these smith machines it might be something worth investing in i know star trek used to make it i don't know this is obviously not a star trek brand i have to be careful with the plates here dave because they're heavy what are these other these are 25 kilos yeah so it's like 55 pounds i think so it's a little different from what we're used to heavy all right so maybe i won't start with they're not gold's jim's weight [Laughter] gold's gym has the the lightest weights in the whole country [Laughter] shout out to pulse jim we love you yeah we love the my guys yeah you're crazy if you don't come train chest your next because you use a lot of machines right uh i i go half and half i would say but i do like machine good onesie how was that that was pretty heavy actually for me because i'm already got a good i got a good one nice so i'm gonna work three sets here so no i'm not gonna do any more warm-ups i'm gonna i'm warm and i'm going so it doesn't take much for me to get my my chest i wish my shoulders got as pumped chested is easy how do i look today pretty big yeah yeah you've been looking good lately people have been commenting on it too we're just talking off camera i want to i want to get on a program do some sort of a diet you follow a diet right now yeah i have i respond better to something on paper your body is fighting you a little bit yeah for sure it's much tougher now yeah yeah i want you to be in your best shape ever for 50. i have to be that's the goal i hope before that but yeah for sure people wait till what disappoints me is people like oh i'm going to be in my best shape ever at let's say 50 and it's still it's a year away for you right like come on do it now i know like i don't wanna wait till then because you know what once you start that you have to do it like right away it takes it'd be good if you could do another contest so i would i would like that yeah i'm gonna work on myself i would give you um yeah then i'll give you a little more because i know for me like i'll be honest it gets so hard i'm great for a day or two like yesterday i had i took out all my trifecta food and i have it sitting now in my fridge and i ate like one package yesterday but i'm just not as consistent with the food i made a whole thing of rice so i have a whole thing of rice and and trifecta meat sitting out ready to go and i know i've always said like i don't reheat food but i do it in a skillet but it get it definitely this day and age keeps me on track to have food made ahead of time so i can stay with instead of eating out every meal yeah because that's the problem is i tend to eat out especially like you know like yesterday i said i went out to eat last night and i still eat pretty healthy but um you know not as good as if you ate home no like i eat out every day at least once that's kind of like my my excitement of the day if i'm uh you know on some sort of program yeah you know yeah you're gonna go to my favorite place today what are you gonna get not cheesecake [Laughter] i'll probably have a chicken salad because i'm gonna go before training so low carb 10 11 12. okay if i can find a little bit of lighter weight i'm going to try to go up a little bit but i can't i can't mess with these i know this doesn't look like a lot guys but remember it's not about always how much weight you're pushing and every day isn't going to be a rock star workout but it's pretty good so far i feel good well i'm really glad you just said that about the diet why because it's for someone like you to actually say that i find that the hardest i know you're still crazy look no i'm still i'm pretty lean but it's not enough for me like i know i have high standards i want to be like chiseled in the shoulders i look great in a t-shirt right but like i want to take my shirt off and be like [ __ ] that guy's in shirt crazy shave you know which means i probably have to lose 20 pounds really i'm gonna lose 20 but i'll gain yeah fullness yeah so if i'm sitting at 240 now i'll be ish rip you know yeah maybe 2 25. you imagine me at 2 25 bro yeah i saw yeah that is when you hurt your arm and you were like downsized you were 225 then you remember you took a picture and you still look great but you're just like a smaller you haven't been 225 since i mean i don't know if i was even that but since i was 18 and i started i started it to 200. wow so you gain like 310 uh 100 110 pounds in your career yeah like your biggest like 310 but i didn't enhance myself for a bit so i probably was 220 without enhancement you know wow that's awesome and then uh once i went in that cookie jar you know that kyrie [Laughter] he stayed natural you guys know what i mean by the cookie jar yeah my cookie no because he watches the videos of course he is looks that was a little heavy yeah it looks heavy so if you guys just say i don't train to fail you that was that was pretty damn close not gonna lie and uh i love i just love what it says the old school vibes shout out to jtv one of our service guys here man hey thank you thank you appreciate it yeah it's uh actually dude we'll go way back i've known uh jail a while ago and he's actually been a huge huge shout out for the cookies that we bring in here yeah chunky fitted protein cookies shout it out man we got yeah chunky fit protein cookies that's what's in the thing over there right we got some for you man that's gonna be the next biggest protein cookie in the industry right now wow over 25 grams of protein per cookie the only yeah yeah so he was at um at the west coast when i went out he had a booth at the west coast okay nice and palm springs they have changed since then jay i'm gonna let you get to your workout like the recipe just got better okay the cookies just got bigger so he has a dream to make these healthy cookies and uh stuff man we love it i appreciate it man awesome today now we're doing some chests oh all right so we're going to uh we're going to move to my favorite okay so if you guys have hung on and watch this video i'm going to tell you guys i'm going to tell you guys my theory right now and all the gurus are either gonna like it or hate it do you need free weights a hundred percent okay you see all these people on the wall right here every single one of these people built those physiques here's all i miss olympia's with free weight movement so while machines are still beneficial when you get to a certain point a hundred percent you can't get to that level without doing free weight movements you did it i mean i know you are favored probably more for machines now as we get older we tend to do that but listen think about think about the zanes or the dickersons or samir's that didn't have machines back then to even as they got older like a lot of these guys hammer strength when it came out i mean some of the early machines never mind all the stuff you see here they didn't have that opportunity to advance to you okay i'm gonna do more machine work rather than freeways they stuck with the freeways and i think that's how you build your core i don't think you can build a champion physique to that level without doing some sort of freeway work that doesn't mean every single workout you have to only do free weights but you should incorporate machines and free weights and if you are held restricted because of shoulder elbow whatever you have to work around it but you've got to be able to train with free weights man and that that includes for every body part whether it's biceps shoulders legs like you have to have some sort of free weight movements in there to get to that level now if you're just an uh your average trainer that doesn't really want to get on stage and compete and get that crazy contraction with the muscle yeah listen you can work from home you can work with bands you can do anything you know if you but you're only going to maintain a certain amount of muscle density with you know with machine work only so that's why i'm going to focus on doing some incline presses here guys probably one of the biggest uh best exercises i've done to uh to build my my pecs and as you know through all my mitsuru hobby videos shout out to mitsuru yeah uh you know i uh i did i did uh a lot of heavy weights back in the day so we're gonna start with uh i'm gonna start with around 80 okay and i might might go up a little bit i went to hundreds last week but i think i'm going to stick with 80 to start is that light dave or no it's a good way to start is this what you start with 80 or actually i'll take that i don't go much higher than that though i should make you just get off the camera and do a second i just did chest okay you see the contraction every every round so i don't lock out on these when i lock out the chest sell pyramid up so three sets here so two more sets where did you train chest uh dragons i'm gonna go to keel today for arms it's been a while i want to feel rich like a million dollars um all right max set right here maybe i'll try for the 150s today what's your max on that ever 12 pretty easy i think no no i mean weight wise oh i don't know one two hundreds for the crystalline shoe jesus yeah they have two hundreds here is that when we're yelling emil says jim and he was like no it was that metrics okay what happened did he come out he was like who's yelling he's mr olympian it was you you just had one eight nine yeah he loves telling that story he said that you were shooting with chris lon and his gym in fullerton after the 06 olympia and someone he was in his office and someone was yelling at the top of their lungs he was like who is yelling in my gym like he's mr olympia and he came out it was you he was like okay she was here he's got all the stories the best story i could ask him you know yeah he's great yeah we need to get him back on i love when he tells his stories people enjoy it i didn't even know these machines were here oh yeah i would have done some of these you may have to do extra sets today [Laughter] okay that's a good one i talked a little bit about this machine i want to hear the cameraman no i've never actually tried that one well it's a peck deck yeah it's a big deck yeah how often do you do this every workout no i'll throw it in there like i would say every other workout yeah it's a good one to get a if you do like a contraction and you hold it for a couple of seconds yeah so so what i'm going to try to do with this guys so i'm going to do three sets okay so first thing i'm not gonna jump into the crazy weight but i'm actually gonna sit a little low and when i hook push i'm actually gonna try to push from the bottom and contract my chest that way okay so you're gonna watch i'm gonna contract contract okay so the main thing is he's getting the stretch and then squeezing but i'm not gonna come together which i never do on a fly movement touch press you know i never touched the actual contraption together so three sets 12 reps i really get that contraction i'm gonna stretch things out i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna do one of the other machines um to hit the chest again to give it a little more pump and they're gonna call it a day all right so we're starting with uh let's start with it says 132 which i don't know what that is okay okay so i'm gonna keep kick my butt forward a little bit keep the chest high [Music] all right that's good not too heavy so now we'll go into two heavy sets 10 12 who is that guy beast [Laughter] oh your god there he is do you remember those days i think i have that tank top you gave it to me hey so this is a cool um machine because it's a it's a crossover but you see that thing uh in the middle is basically just like some sort of a support for your back so you can actually do it support it so he they showed me that when i first came here yeah it's really cool all right so this is a shot guys so i'm gonna lean against here but so don't cheat allow me to keep my chest so it's gonna be like this okay so chest stays high none of this yeah hey man how's that this would be great so a lot of people ask me about the lower portion of the chest like this area right everyone wants to tighten that area unfortunately gravity as we get older you know it starts to or when you hold more body fat right it tends to be an area where the skin isn't as tight but i feel that a lot more i'm able to come under and push kind of like i talked about with the the pec deck so i'm gonna do three sets um 12 reps here uh and now i'm probably going to finish with a pull over with a dumbbell just to really stretch the chest out there'll be a lot of sets that'll be one two yeah three four five it'll be six exercises for over 20 cents so nice i feel pumped i feel good i had a good breakfast this morning my 100 gram protein breakfast one of my all-time high videos that's right is it the highest what's our highest video i would say between that one and van damme venom's pretty popular too they said i fanboyed over van damme who wouldn't it's like if you were kids from the 80s well that's what remember that was my item i know come on [Music] i thought he was pretty uh flattered that you were a fan you could tell on his face he was happy he was pretty nervous when i met sylvester stallone for the first time i would have been yeah but i know you're nervous you don't let it show and stuff you're just kind of like stoic and like you don't so noise you know when i saw vietnam like that's the [ __ ] reason i said training yeah yeah and uh it was pretty cool though last week to walk into gold's venice and arnold's coming out man i know it's still what a timing you know who hit me up about it who izzo okay because he's in um arnold was in munich i think or something right like the last couple days oh okay so he's like did you see arnold because he kind of surprised because he was there at the gym and then he was in germany okay so he's like uh i didn't see it i said no he said you didn't cut it out i said no so when we went back but no they had a commercial as i was coming up to arnold so he kind of was fast forwarding through the commercials you go never fast forward because you'll miss so important [ __ ] so i wonder how many people he said in germany that's when the commercial landed okay so i don't know how the commercials work on there if they're just like kind of thrown in or yeah like if you watch the ten times of the commercials be at the same point they should it should be yeah okay yeah so he kind of missed it so shout out to our boy izzo over and chris you love him yeah he's awesome he's uh he says they're on lockdown of course he is yeah so yeah because i said are you in florida he goes no i wish no man [Music] [Music] you notice too with this my hands are a little loose when i'm mm-hmm so i'm kind of pulling in i don't keep them do you like this machine yeah it's good it's good huh i'm impressed i've never seen it anywhere else before so yeah i like it all these two i mentioned that reverse oh yeah do they have it on a decline i'm not a huge decline guy you do declines no not really it's a short movement you know yeah it's a short you press ronnie's favorite bro really every time we did chess together he did that he did decline wow um barbell presses yeah it's so short it seems to me okay yeah he liked it though i mean i remember his chest was really developed as yeah i can't argue with that so i think the flat the flat movement is the most necessary even though listen i'm an advocate of protecting the shoulder because i think it's really pretty uh puts a lot of attention on the shoulder but i think the flat press now not saying barbell but i think the flat press is like the number one i mean it seems nice everyone knows right when they start yeah but i always got great like when i did that smith machine man i felt the pump because the whole peck is working yeah yeah so i mean my chest is pretty full right yeah yeah like it used to be by the hashtag these pigs every time someone i see someone at the gym wearing them like nice shirt and they just smile you know really yeah they know all right so squeezing the chest at the top of this movement so i'm squeezing stretch the pecs the rib cage the shoulder joint the lats scope the hat too bro see what it says right hey yeah they gave it to you huh nice i bought it yesterday oh you did oh very nice have to support yeah they're great so make sure you guys when you come to town get a couple shirts yeah they have some nice stuff here everyone's selling their crazy merch with their stores man flex to sewing all his branding you know some porn so what do we think about this dave now funny story backstory so when they um when they were opening this gym they contacted all those people to get pictures and they know if they get to you they'll they'll never hear or it'll take a long time so all those people get to me to get to you and they said you have a really good picture of jay i said you know what i have great picture the one who reached out to you uh so i have the picture the original picture that's on the wall of gold's which is this one from 2009 and i can give that to you but for some reason they had printed a different one they had printed the app shot from the 2001 olympian that's what was on the wall at the grand opening which i still liked and i sent it to your picture and say hey that's all in olympia you said yeah yeah that app shot was sick but they really wanted to have the one why'd they change it i don't know i guess because that's the one because the trophies the trophies there and that's the one that's uh on the iconic gold's gym venice wall that's the big poster um this might have been all one yeah so that was this from the same contest olympia but that was the app shot which was totally uh because you couldn't be here at the grand opening and i said this is from owen olympia you said it sure is with the sick abs and stuff so yeah looks great all those pictures i'd have to say i have one of the more impressive pictures on this wall i know yeah that's a good one that's why we chose it you know to put at gold's yeah i remember we had yeah yep and and we wanted to do the quad stomp remember the last one we're going to do to add the last contest was the co-op stomp i wonder if we could still do that thank you hi okay that's probably the most iconic picture that quadstopper because i don't i don't remember your memory might be better than mine when it comes to these things when did my picture first go on the wall at gold's venice 2006 as soon as you won we didn't wait for so what we did is i contacted goals and i said okay but the picture that's on there is that no no no no that was the one where you were like this like a most muscular was a backstage shot shot by uh um a red haired guy what's his name uh wieder photographer uh robert reed yes backstage yes which one's on the mr olympia right now this is the one so this was taken by kevin horton and we switched it after the online olympia because you look better yeah and we're gonna switch it the third time uh and do the one onset at the 909 olympic which was the quad stomp and right before the shutdown we had contacted goal say hey if we give you a new because we want to add also the last year yeah and that never got done because everything shut down so we should still uh maybe pursue that and have another one made and give that that that quad stomp is just sick you know what do you think maybe we should do that yeah and add the last date pretty impressive there yeah this one's a great one too but every i mean that quad stomp picture is probably the most recognized picture remember which one i i wish you could put can you you know who has it that the original picture kathy in her gym who gave it to scotty it's sitting in her gym right image do you have a picture of it that you have on the screen i'll do that yes yes because i don't even know what it is really i'm gonna watch the video okay okay okay i remember i forget because yeah you were i know you were at the store then so you're quick to put the picture i was the one who took care i mean i called weeder so i could get a pic the file from robert reef i called gold paid what 4 500 325 to blow it up to blow it up yeah because we didn't want to wait for gold to actually do it i said we'll do it ourselves we'll give you the poster exactly and you were excited to go up there so yeah that was my dream dude on the olympia wall yeah we made it happen like literally a month after it was up it was a big deal and who's still not up there right now rami shawn rhoden sean's there okay brandon's not there romney's not there both of them aren't there yeah you have to do it for them they'll never do it you know what i mean this is i mean i don't want to talk bad or anything if you want something done you got to do it yourself yeah all right third all right guys so i want to talk a little bit about uh the new powerhouse because i was bragging about the equipment and you know through my videos you may not see as much because i only used a few machines so uh dumbbell section uh 180s so you guys that think that you know you're too strong to lift here i'd like to see you compress those for 12. everything's 12 reps um all the benches we see what i love about you know we have a different variety obviously of the uh move around benches hoist i like these benches a lot dave i want to showcase this so for you guys benching i always talk about danger it is this this machine oh yeah this allows the you know take to take the uh bar off without because that's a really hard spot especially when you go heavy so you can move that we talked about some of these machines um advance here yeah so this is smooth this guy was just using i'm sure he likes it right good machine right amazing yeah so a couple you know one of these reverse uh machine you can do packs on this thing one of my favorites yeah um they have this at lift factory too another smith machine got a lot of smith do do your squat we talked about that this i bragged about a kilo because it's alternate this is one of the best dip pieces in here your pull-ups this is the cardio section we got jay on tv over here jay cutler's working out over there cable crossovers we've got the hoists this is a great great uh cast machine langley curls all the other press press movements this is similar to uh the techno gym yeah yeah leg extensions is awesome i did this yesterday dude i talked about this oh okay back you asked me what machines i use for back nice what i really love about this is a swivel oh yeah so i was able to do this but this row machine i like this a lot better than hammer strength yeah yeah that are better better contractions for sure [Music] you know better you know these machines i see a lot of people doing the lunges on obviously that road type machine truck blaster all the women's stuff abs equipment this this you know they have this like really great yeah i like that one another cable station and then uh you know we use this what's up very good and uh all these chest machines we didn't get to use any of these this tricep extension i did this on oh yeah yeah yeah that's a good one here's a nice uh bicep curl a little different uh standing row machine so you guys doing your one-arm rows pretty crazy right it's almost like picking things off the floor merlin would hate this reverse grip uh more back equipment yeah i didn't get to use all this for that i know dude you have to train here like two three times dumbbell rows yesterday i should have used this yeah yeah hey man how are you doing what's up good to see you again how are you good leg press another squat machine here back squat yeah i would like we'll have to film a leg workout for you here because i'm interested to think uh see what you think yeah i used this leg pro last time i like the one leg pros it's pretty cool so it's plate loaded yeah swivel the swivel here yeah i like it good stuff yep and then uh we've got even more pieces over here so here it says we should use that pack machine there's like too many yeah i used this yesterday okay this is okay your butt equipment i used this lap pulldown yesterday oh that looks good though so this one's really good iris iris likes that one so you see how it works yeah yeah really cool nice awesome one of these favorite machines yes it is actually it's one of my favorites all right yeah yeah she's here she's [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so another chest day for you guys i know uh you have a lot of chest workouts a lot of options um you know pretty effective we did over 20 sets um worked on like i said the pump not super going for strength here um but my body is feeling solid i did talk about in this video a little bit about um you know i wanted to get back on track okay so we've been trying to launch videos on monday wednesday friday okay and your feedback has been phenomenal guys like even with the angie videos um you know we just we try to give the best content and we let you guys converse ask the questions and we we obviously work off the feedback on what you do now i've been training since 1991 i started training and when i went in the gym when i started to train i wasn't sure how to do things okay so i watched guys in the gym and back then it was just benches and barbells that was it a couple couple smaller machines but not anything that was uh like earth shattering as far as like the hammer strength of what you see here today so the options were very limited so i was taught like a lot of the basics so the bench press the incline press the the declines you know cable flies or i think they even had pec decks back then but what i learned to incorporate as i advanced is it's all about stimulation so not every day you're going to come in you're going to feel like taking the heaviest dumbbells although it seemed like every workout i did leading up to mr olympia's you know you saw me throwing the big dumbbells i picked the gyms that had the heavier dumbbells i remember going to lvac uh back in 0.9 and the dumbbells went to 130. it wasn't really enough for me because i could i could really do a lot with those for chest and for shoulders i mean i was pressing those for shoulder presses i would do one arm rows where one on rows i needed to do at least 150s or 160s to really get good effective workouts so yes as you get stronger you know you adapt to different gyms but what's ideal about las vegas now and you know what you've seen on our videos i feel like don't you know i think we might have the best channel to view the different gym atmospheres on youtube because vegas is a hotbed okay so you have a lot of gyms a lot of options and like we could film at a different gym every single day and we've been trying to showcase a lot of these facilities that allow us to um you know show you guys like when you come to vegas i suggest you know you try the different gyms you know don't just secure yourself in one gym for the week you know try to you know bounce around if you're gonna spend four or five days you know visit these different gyms they're all you know a lot of them have different things that are like super particular for body parts and like we said we were walking through we did chest today we skipped some of the machines that i probably should have tried out just to show but we'll get them in we'll get them in and some workouts but you know we just talked about legs like there's a lot of great legs i mean i missed some of the back stuff yesterday so this won't be the last time we come to powerhouse and uh you know we're gonna plug the gym uh so you guys looking for an address lock it in i know a lot of you will be back for the olympian 22 because it will be in las vegas um and uh you know this year obviously orlando uh but anytime you guys come to vegas i know things are starting to open up um i apologize to all our people over in europe and whatever that are restricted to come i know they put kind of a hold on on people traveling over here so i want to wish you guys the best and hope you're watching these videos and getting motivation from it you know i just finished the jaywalk and i said what is your motivation so much feedback on that and i appreciate that so much because we all have different things that motivate us and you know remember your involvement and your feedback keeps me motivated and keeps me motivated to do more videos like i'm super excited after seeing the last two weeks of our videos because of the success in the channel we've actually grown the most subscribers in the past week almost like 500 yeah so i mean we were kind of we were kind of stuck at a like a slow slow climb yes we're gaining every day but we're going to break the 500 like in the next two weeks before the end of the month yeah so we're really excited about it we're you know we're on a mission now dave and i sat down and we said listen we need to secure spots so every monday wednesday friday we're trying to launch um j videos for sure every monday and friday and obviously we have some fillers because we still have some great talent to show between the jay cutler um the cutler cast podcast is every wednesday so you'll have a double whammy on the wednesdays uh but i'm committed to uh to giving you guys the content i'm traveling less now uh and it's it's just really cool to be able to communicate because i wish i had this when i was when i was coming up because you know we didn't have we used to get excited to open up the books every month to see what the gossip what's going on yeah dude so i would actually wait for the thing i would call and say hey did it hit the newsstands yet at my local like wherever the dnc or whatever where i was going yeah so i'm like man i can't wait to hear what's going on in the bodybuilding world and today you can you can hear about it through all the different outlets you know there's a lot of great youtube channels but you know we're still bringing you guys you know updated um you know content with people that are coming to town or you know uh my stuff what's happening with me and you guys know i still love the fitness uh arena so much more than even i did probably when i was training because i loved the training part i i didn't really favor the competing as much even though i love getting on olympia stage and getting the crowd going the training is what drives me and i'm still doing it like i said almost seven days a week i did a couple of days off this week and uh you know we're getting it in so i appreciate the uh the follows if you guys love this video or just you know like comment share the video and if you're not subscribed please subscribe now um more content coming forward uh we'll see you guys wednesday uh for the next uh j video but uh enjoy your monday man it's monday we're crushing it and uh what's your choice is it free weights or is it machines answer my question below you
Channel: JayCutlerTV
Views: 108,498
Rating: 4.9371223 out of 5
Keywords: jay cutler, jay cutler tv, hide yamagishi, iris Kyle, ms olympia, 10X, 4X, mr olympia, Las Vegas, Nevada, powerhouse gym, chest day, machines, free weights, training, workout, advice
Id: jkjizT7gbXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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