Lee Classic Turret Setup

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this videos for Jim show you the three classic trick press this is one of the turrets I've got the leaf or die set installed in here for forty five cold so install just dropping them like that now this is the Auto indexing rod it's got a little plastic piece on the top that engages in with the turret and then this piece sits down here on the bottom and it's held in place with a screw I took that off also because I like to do the indexing manually like this and when they removed you can turn this thing in any direction as you want you can skip a station if you want to just have a lot of flexibility on I'm used to doing it that way now it comes with two primer arms and they both added at a glance they look the same and even looking at them this way you have to look close to tell which ones for large and which ones for small primers so what I did was I took some nail polish and just put an L on the large and an S on the small that way I can tell it a glance so this is 45 long colt which takes a large primer arm so you just take them and drop them down in there like that that's how they that's how they go in there's a rope there's a roll there's a roll pin in there that engages into this little little hook area right there that so keeps it in like Scott and then here's your shell holder for a 45 long cold that's it right there now when this thing is lowered all the way you'll notice that that primer pin is sticking out through the shell holder well what that also means is if you have a shell in there and you lower it all the way you can't you can't pull the shell out or put one in because that that primer devices is holding it captive so because of that what I do is I I do all of my this is the D capping and resizing guy so I put up I put a shell in there that needs resizing I pick up a primer I drop it in there and then I run that up into the die and then when I lower it I push it forward and reprime then I have to raise it up just a little bit so I can take this one off and put the next one on okay so after I've done my batch like that then what I do is I just pop this off take the primer arm out and put the shell holder back in now I can lower the shell holder down as low as I want to and it won't interfere the primer arm won't interfere effect of you know taking taking shells in and out so I use the primer arm for this very first stage and that's it then after that I just remove it and I don't worry about it for the rest of the operation now in the second die this is your expander die it flares the mouth of the cartridge so that you can get a bullet to start that one's already flared and see now if if you don't flare it you can't that the boy the board will go in there to start it now what you got to do these dyes come there's a hole in the middle of them which lets you flare the mouth and also drop the powder in now when you get it from lead they have this little aluminum plug at the top which has got a hole in the middle of it and Lee makes a funnel the fits in there just perfect like that so you can run your casing up like this and just dump in a measure charge let's say you let's say you were doing real precision shooting and you were measuring every one of them on your on your on your scale you take take it off the pan and just dump it in okay now what I'm doing is I'm using this this auto drum measuring device and I've already got a riser screwed on there and what you have to do is when we first install the the turret gun the unscrew this plug and take the little o-ring off put the plug back in the box so you don't lose it the o-ring goes on here and they need to screw down and you die okay like that now that's already adjusted and I've locked the adjustment with this with this dial operate now what you'll notice what when I run this up in there you'll see that it's operating the mechanism for dumping the powder and then here's the here's the hopper powder sits on top like that okay so the adjustment here with this with this audio drum is that you've got to get this thing so it comes up far enough if it doesn't come up far enough it won't operate it all the way it or just be a partial operation like that it will drop any powder or maybe not enough after a while you'll see how far you have to bring it up now if you bring it up too far then you'll start crushing your cases so you have to bring it up almost really to a full stroke but without going too far alright so that's that stage the next stage these guys have the potential to do two things they can see the bullet and crimp at the same time but because you've got a Ford I set the fourth guy is your crimper so what you do with these is you screw them down until you can feel the crimping part touching the case and then you back it out I'll back it out about a turn and then this this knob up here is used to control how how deep the bullet is put in so you start like this and you rate run it up in there and you keep turning this down until the bullet is seated to the proper depth and the proper depth depends on the caliber and what type of bullet you're using etc and then the fourth die is the crimper now in the for die set this also does two things it's got a carbide insert because if you're using cash LED bullets some sometimes these these aren't perfectly round and there you can end up with little small little bulges in the case from the bullets not being perfectly round but when it goes in through this Carbide winging it is out any imperfections in the in the cast bullet and then this knob adjusts the crimp right here the other thing I wanted to show you is when you've got four dies in there you can see that the dialect rings are pretty close to each other and you don't have a whole lot of room in here to get a wrench I think that's an inch and a quarter so RCBS makes a thin-walled socket I think I paid eight dollars for this thing and of course it works on our CBS lock rings but it also fits needs these lis ones and works just perfect so you can now when you lock when you lock this one down good you might have to unscrew this so you can get this over it but the rest of them you can just put this right over top of it and help hold your turret and you can you can loosen these up now there is some play in here but it engages on all that all the corners and it will it'll tighten to loosen no problem and then the way I store these turrets is I went out and bought a three-eighths inch hardwood dowel and if you've cut these I got a scrap piece of lumber and drill 3/8 inch holes in it with my drill press and then pound pound a section of this stuff into the piece of wood and then these just sit will sit right up on there like that and they're understable three-eighths inch hardwood dowel at the bottom I don't know if it's in the field of view at the bottom you've got this this tube that catches the primers and I have on the end of it I have the little red cap and when I see it's getting full I'll just empty it into a can some people probably just leave it open at the bottom and just just set a small trash can down there to catch catch all the primers so hope this helps
Channel: cspitler
Views: 47,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lee Classic Turret, Reloading
Id: gK5hoAhMVac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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