Lee Turret Press Set Up Discussion And Reloading 9mm

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alright guys I know it's gonna loss as I made a video I've been really busy you know we all have a personal life that usually involves work that interferes with our reloading well I'm putting in this hopper is the alliant powder powder here we go again power pistol power pistol okay works been a busy but that's not where I've been developing and developing and changing loads and developing loads and changing loves changing different bullets changing I mean just change and change and changing and I have yet to find something that I like I thought I had a factory ammo that I had purchased that it was gonna work out for me in revolvers you have something called inertia and during that it was throwing the bullets basically out of out of the case they were oliva either falling out of the gun or they were dropping on the ground it was just an all-around bad situation worked real good on there on the first cycle through the pistol you know and we're talking about the 929 Smith & Wesson revolvers so when they're first being used it was working out pretty good but then the second cycle through them it was it was having issues I've got a load here that I'm working on like I said I've tried many many many loads and I know some of you would have liked to have set right here with me and gone through the agony of defeat you know that wasn't pretty you know but anyway so I I'm sitting here and I thought well since I've made a video in a long time I would just bring you with this process all I'm doing now is I'm using this Lee the reason I'm losing this lead turret press instead of the rating press it's a little bit faster and I've been developing so many loads that and I've been using the same powder I've just been using different charges and different bullet weights and things like that so we see if I can get up in here right now we have at throne the consistency that we want so we're just gonna go ahead and make them and make a round here where I'm sitting I can reach down and grab the bullets I'm looking for let's tap this out make sure there's no extra powder in there okay I'm gonna take my glasses off so I can see it's kind of i running okay no powder in case we're gonna throw the powder we're gonna check it we're gonna double sink these bullets i found out that this particular bullet that I'm using that every case length that they put in the manual or that I've been using which is one point one two zero which is exactly wrong good thing you know this leaves been pretty consistent it's not correct so we're gonna dial that down a little bit we're gonna mash it a little farther I don't want to smash it too far oh oh man I hit it and then it went bye-bye all right we're we're looking at one point one four or five and now it switches over one one one five point zero okay so that's what we're going for we're going for one point one one five so we're right on the money they're making adjustments on that we're using different type of powder so I double crap just a hair there's the first alright so I'm gonna run you through the process with me and during that I'm going to kind of explain this little setup that we got here it's mainly what this videos about I said I was going to do a video on the setup of this press and I just haven't had the time to do it and I apologize the first station here is your resizing die I've already deep primed the cases that's why you don't see any primers coming out then proceed the primer when you're shooting a revolver some of you might know this and some of you might not there's a seating depth on primers that you do not want to exceed or you don't want any exceed that's even a word so you want to set it either flush or down into the case down to a certain level but when you're shooting revolver you actually and I'm not going to tell you to do this do not do this this is against every rule known to reloading mankind so do not try this but you have to flatten the primer and with thusly press I can flatten the primer consistently you know when I do it with my hand primer I can flatten it but I don't get that consistent flattening that I do with the lead but do not do it you know if you're shooting a semi-auto there's absolutely zero reason to flatten a primer don't do it it could go bang and you don't want that alright so got that other way the next stage on this on the Sleater of press is the it's the flaring die and the powder throwing guys so we're gonna throw the powder check the powder have the bullet down here in my 50 freakin bullets that I've been testing cycle it through the next one is the seeding guy on on the turret press I found that if I see it once and come back with a half turn and see it again same thing with the crimp seen it half turn crimp I get better consistency that way he goes throughout the whole I can't even think of the dang word what's the word I'm looking for nope concentricity our favorite word and makes it more concentric so alright oh gosh I'm rushing here I got a lot of stuff to plan okay I'm still this was a 1000 shorter close enough that's not for Social Work all right so we're gonna kind of run through how I set up this die since that was kind of the question not really what kind of a my mom reloaded today on the on the seening dive or you know the resize and I follow the directions that Lee gives you okay as simple as that follow their directions but on my particular press cuz every press is different just like every farms ifferent every chambering is different you know how many rounds have been through it there's a lot of reasons why one press would be different from another press ok when I set my lead I up I set it to the factory paper and then I bring up the press ok on this particular press whenever I was putting the sizing die in I'm trying to find a pointer guys is what I'm looking for kind of looking around here I know I got one here I'll use this when I set this the shell into the press I was still I still had a little bit of hangover of the case that wasn't going into the resizing die okay so for me to do that I had earned another half to turn up well then that was too much and what I mean by too much is that when I push the press handle down I don't want it to slam against the shell plate to slam against the the die itself I want to have a when I wanted we're gonna label I cam over action which means that I get the full east you know full extent of my handle in my press which was too much so when I set it on there I I went a half turn which is too much so I backed it out about a quarter and it was just fine I had the factory spec plus a quarter and more I was able to get the cam over that I was looking for which was like a complete cycling of the press I also get the complete case being being resized we have I'm just gonna drop everything in this video y'all get tired of seeing the top of my ball head probably but anyway that's all I did that night okay and I could take these out and show you but we all know they screw in I mean even if you're a beginning reloader you have seen these several times you know that they just basically screw in on the powders singing die in the flowering day I'm gonna tell you you're flaring dye is the hardest dye to get set up correctly you want your bullet where they just kind of touch the rim and go in just we'll see that's not even rousai slit you don't want it to do that you don't want it to go all the way in and then we're gonna stick on the primer because we're gonna be in action okay now this resize you see that that don't even they attempt to go in there so you want to set your size and I now I followed the lead manual but on my particular press I had to screw in the in the die a little bit out the other way up not in because it was it was actually flaring the case for me too much flaring the case over it works the case and you don't want to overwork your case you want your case just to be flared enough that when you stick the bullet on it just barely starts going in I mean it there's just it's just barely going in there and that's exactly what you're looking for because you don't want to overwork the case so when you're setting up your supplying died you know adjust it accordingly because everybody's gonna be different you know some some presses you're gonna have it one way and other presses you're gonna have it another so do it to the factory specs that Lee tells you to do and then make a fine adjustments in or out based on your particular press I'm gonna tell you right now this new powder thrower it's the new drum powder thrower from Lee I wish I remember the name that it's working out excellent I didn't know how well it would work with all the plastic pieces but leaves been using plastic for a long time and plastic is a good product everybody seems to use it nowadays but I want to tell you once this is set up you take the little key out and forget it because it really does it throws consistently and I'm gonna say it throws consistently with small powders you know and with long stick powders I haven't really tried it yet but I'm telling you the weight that doesn't really have a cutting tool head like in the reading powder measures you know they don't actually cut the powder I don't think this will cut the powder so I don't think with long stick dollars at work but for just regular small spherical powders or ball powders it seems it to working fine all right so we got some powder in it let's double check it again what still making this now okay on this on the seeding die simple to set up just screw it down till it touches the steel plate and then adjust out you just you're seeing knob out accordingly okay there once you touches the bullet go ahead and you know screw down still touches the bullet and then screw it take your back out the screwed in another half turn okay if you're shooting a revolver totally different set up you know this is a nine-millimeter revolver nine-millimeter is not technically made to be shooting out of revolvers so you have to crimp it just a little bit more okay all right sorry it's things too long to make a video and I'm sorry this video was horrible however I you know this this load I have to get developed there's a lot of things happening a you know everything that I had planned to using the revolvers that worked excellent was already ready to go I can't get those components anymore and I haven't been able to get them for so long that I'm shooting somebody matches that I haven't been able to replenish my stock and since I haven't been able to replenish my stock I'm basically having to change everything so we've all been there you know when you're reloading sometimes you get your favorite load then you never can't go back to it because everybody's out of your components so all right guys there's a quick video today once again I apologize but I do appreciate each and every one of you watching and thank you for all the new people coming in thanks
Channel: TRD Reloading
Views: 21,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lee, turret, press, set, up, reloading, 9mm, thereloaderdude
Id: xh3okTPq_e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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