Leaving them behind!💯✌🏾 ( Prophetic Word: Graciously entering into the land of Galilee)

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glory to jesus christ good morning good afternoon good evening hello brothers hello sisters in christ i hope that you all are well in the lord so good to see you guys and as always i am honored to be in your presence i thank you guys for coming to hear what the lord is saying in this moment in time so i will not be before you long i just wanted to release a very exciting word to the body of christ a video or so back i released the word on behalf of god where the lord was letting us know that many of us were going into a period of wilderness many of us were going into a period of temptation many of us were going into a period hallelujah where we were going to have to be refined our skills were going to have to be tested and we referred to the book of matthew chapter 4 verses 1 through 17 we talked about jesus being in the wilderness for 40 days right and during that time that he was in the wilderness the enemy tempted him three times he tried to get jesus to bow down to him he tried to get jesus to turn a rock into bread he tried to get jesus to forfeit his destiny while he was in the wilderness fasting okay he was hungry he was tired he was weary but jesus conquered that and as a result he was released from the wilderness and he began his ministry he began to to face the purpose that god the father in heaven had purpose for him in the earth okay and and god told us that there were many of us that were gonna go into that period but now god is saying that some of you are getting ready to come out some of you are getting ready to come out it's time for you to come out of the wilderness god is saying that bye bye is going to be your salutation god says get ready to tell your job bye bye get ready to tell that church bye bye get ready to tell that place where you used to stay bye bye get ready to tell that supervisor bye bye god is saying that your new assignment that he has graced you for is waiting for you god had me revisit the book of matthew today guys now in the previous video we touched upon verses 1 through 17 and i believe that was it god had me go back and revisit those scriptures in addition to reading through the end of the book of matthew chapter four and one of the things that stood out to me is that while jesus came out of the wilderness he began his ministry of preaching if you notice jesus did not stay in nazareth he moved away from nazareth why because the people in his own home town of nazareth rejected him they did not want to hear what he had to say they pushed the gospel of jesus christ away they did not want to hear what they needed to do to repent to be saved and so jesus said okay well i'm gonna pack my bags god let jesus out of nazareth and he sent him to a place called galilee and there was a small town called capernaum jesus went to capernaum because that was the place where although it was dark they anticipated his arrival they were hungry for him they would welcome the gospel of jesus christ and that is what god is saying it's time for you to come out of the wilderness child of god it's time for you to come out of that old church that won't give you the opportunity that won't let you operate in your gift that does not want to hear the message that god has given you to speak preach or prophesy god says get ready to come out of that job with that supervisor although they're asking you to do all of these things as if you're a supervisor they don't want to acknowledge your presence they don't want to acknowledge your talents and your gifts god says get ready to say bye bye to those friends who gossip about you who mock you behind your back god says get ready to say bye bye to that previous organization who will not use you for important missions who will not use you for assignments that are passionate on your heart for assignments that god says that you can do god says get ready to say bye bye to your wilderness god says he's getting ready to take you out of nazareth where they don't want to hear you where they reject you and he's getting ready to send you into capernaum he's getting ready to send you to the land of galilee where the people are hungry where the people are waiting for you where the people are going to welcome your message where the people are going to be hungry for what you have to give they are going to be appreciative of what you have to get god says get ready to say bye bye hallelujah to the place that reject you to the place that don't recognize you to the place that don't want you there to the place that mocks you to the place that lies on you to the place that is jealous of you to the place that is envious of you to the place that does not want you in their presence dust off your feet you're getting ready to go into your assignment where you are going to be welcomed do you hear what i'm saying so get ready get ready get ready and god is saying don't second guess this move because some of you are going to have to leave your state you're going to have to leave nazareth you're going to have to leave your home town you're going to have to leave your job you're going to have to leave that church you're going to have to leave that circle of friends you're going to have to leave your family to go into your kingdom marriage you're going to have to leave some things behind so that you can pick up your assignment so that you can fulfill the purpose and the plan that god has for your life in kaepernick and kaepernick is where you're going to be welcomed and kaepernick they are expecting your arrival and kaepernick they're going to appreciate who you are and what you have to bring hallelujah to their place so that is the word from the lord on today people of god before i get off of here we're going to say a quick short prayer dear heavenly father dear jesus christ of nazareth father we thank you for this enlightening we thank you for this insight we thank you for this word we thank you lord god that our time in our wilderness has not gone unnoticed it has not gone in vain we thank you that you gave us the opportunity to be in the wilderness to build us up to shape us up to get ready for this next assignment we thank you lord that you are trusting us to walk into the land of galilee we thank you that you're entrusting us to walk into the land of kavanaugh father we thank you that you are giving us a heart of stone against those people who are against the gospel of peace father we dust off our feet from our homeland where we are rejected we dust off our feet from the land of nazareth and we move into a new place a new territory a new people where we're going to be able to serve you father we give you all glory and honor father we thank you for walking with us and talking with us father we ask that you be with us for all the rest of our days in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth we pray amen and amen hallelujah glory to god listen thank you for subscribing to shaniqua buyers united for christ thank you for subscribing to our second channel united for christ prayer room and if you want to go head on over to rumble we have the link in the description box and subscribe there just in case we're not able to get our videos uploaded on this end listen i love you guys and i certainly plan on coming back to serve you if it's the lord's will okay i want you to be blessed bye [Music] i give you the glory [Music] and honor in praise [Music] praise [Music] give you the glory and honor and praise praise the lord you
Channel: Shaneika Byars United4Christ
Views: 14,973
Rating: 4.9890561 out of 5
Keywords: prophetic word, prophetic word today, united4christ, prophetic word for today, prophetic word 2021, prophetic words, prophetic word for now, prophetic word for 2021, prophetic word for September 2021, shaneika byars, prophetic word for someone, 2021 prophetic word, prophetic ministry, daily prophetic, free prophetic word, leaving them behind, the land of galilee, saying byebye, Matthew 4:12-17, prophetic, prophetic word for september 2021, prophetic word september 2021, word
Id: Mul5VSWk92I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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