Expert slams accusations against Gen. Milley a 'foreign policy disaster'

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uh let's bring in our two guests please let's bring in our two guests joining us now morgan ortegas former state department spokesperson and mark thiessen fox news contributor thank you kids appreciate it very much um i just want to ask you straight up i'll start with you morgan uh given what we now know yesterday the issue was did millie do this and say this today it comes out he did and he's defending it and president biden is defending millie for defending it so i'll ask you should um in your judgment should general milly resign i'd like to see what he has to say next week under oath i think that's incredibly important but i'll tell you what the most troubling thing out of all of this for me larry is that there is a clear pattern that it's almost obvious that millie has been talking on background or off the record to multiple authors and reporters that happens in washington but never to the degree i've never seen a chairman of the joint chiefs that has inserted himself into the press and into the books in real time the way this general has it's time for him to answer these questions under oath which i think he will take seriously which uh under oath what's he appearing before in congress yeah next week he's scheduled the senate armed services committee and you think he'll take questions on this i guess he can't escape it you think he'll testify mark yeah i think he will i think he'll have to and i think he'll have to answer questions on this i mean look the the reality is he's got a lot of questions to answer uh this uh and and look he's denying some of the things that are alleged i think jennifer griffin reported he denies that he told the chinese he would warn them uh but there's a simple way to get to the bottom of it which is release the transcript uh the jennifer griffin reports that there were 13 people in the room in the video conference that there were notes and taken president trump released his transcript of his call with president zielinski why can't general milly release the transfer of his call and we'll find out exactly what he said uh behind president trump's back so here's the other thing that that uh yeah no no just gonna follow up mark milly doesn't deny the calls he's denying the content of the calls jennifer griffin said that he is so that's he's quoted as saying that that he told the chinese uh in the woodward costa book that he told the chinese his chinese counterpart that if we there's not going to be a surprise attack that if we have us have an attack i'll warn you ahead of time uh which is you know that would that would surprise uh any chinese general who had read sun tzu the art of war would be surprised that the enemy would would give you an advance notice but if that that's a terrible thing for any military leader to say but again we can find out what he exactly what he said uh to the chinese to his chinese counterpart by getting the transcript can i raise it look so mark are you voting should he resign are you want you with morgan you want him to want to wait until next week i want to see what he says i i'm with morgan on it all right you're both very easy on it that's quite interesting you honestly think morgan that donald trump would have bombed china i mean donald trump would slap tariffs on china i'd get you that and he did and i was part of that for better or worse bombing china where'd that come from i mean to me trump's made strong statements about that where's that coming from i mean it's almost like reverse spin you talk to your chinese counterpart we're not gonna bomb you so what does the chinese counterpart think they're gonna bomb us how weird is that well that that type of discussion obviously from from every senior leader is saying that that wasn't going on further the president trump the last president was very focused on holding china accountable for covet 19 for holding the world health organization responsible right so it wasn't just the trade war i mean we saw that they unleashed this deadly uh pandemic on the world and he was very focused on holding them accountable as well so he was certainly tough on china but again as the president even mentioned the other day he was he's one of the only presidents of modern history not to get us more entangled or more involved in in conflicts he was tough when he needed to he released the moab bomb in afghanistan whenever at the early parts of his administration um and you know he was certainly tough on qasim sulaimani who has now gone on i guess not to a better place hopefully to a much worse place so he's tough when he needed to he used military force when he needed to he took out al-baghdadi but that's different than bombing uh okay exactly so we'll wait for millie uh you guys have given millie um a little parole until next week okay i get that but i want to ask you something else mark there's other stuff going on here um cnn is reporting this is from the woodward uh costa book okay that biden basically overruled his own military with respect to afghanistan and i find this to be very important in some sense maybe it's more important than the milli stuff okay biden was bound and determined to get out as soon as possible and there's a quote here this is jamie gangel uh jeremy herb and elizabeth stewart cnn um quote the military doesn't f around with me end quote biden told others this is way back in 2009 and then they also write in the book now uh woodward and costa write that biden's secretary of state lincoln and defense secretary lloyd austin both pushed for a slower withdrawal after march meeting of nato ministers they actually wanted a gated withdrawal in steps which is what trump wanted but biden wouldn't do it so um you know millie could be a great chairman of the joint chiefs and austin could be gay uh def sec but biden won't listen to him anyway what do you make of that well this is my bigger problem with general million it relates back to the to the to the book which is that he clearly did this interview with woodward because he wanted to be seen as one of the adults in the room who restrained donald trump from following through in his worst instincts and avoided disaster in the final days of the trump presidency well why didn't he avoid disaster in the first eight months of the biden presidency what did he do there you know if you go back and look i mean president trump wanted actually wrote up an executive order uh to uh to withdraw all u.s forces by january 15 from afghanistan and general milley went into the oval office along with uh with some of the other members of the national security team and convinced him not to do it to leave 2 500 troops they put they said that they they pointed out the specter of saigon and did trump really want that to be his lasting legacy and trump listened to them where why was he unable to do that with joe biden why didn't he put his stars on the table and say no we're not going to put uh we're not going to give a bag of marijuana we're not going to put the security of our troops at the airport in the hands of the taliban and the haqqani network and with which led to 13 dead americans we're not going to give it when the taliban said uh we're going to uh you can you can take in charge of security of kabul so you can execute your people we're going to take that offer we're not going to we're not going to do this and we're not going to engage in this or this disastrous withdrawal why didn't he push for that he didn't put his stars on the table he didn't do anything and joe biden executed a far worse disaster than anything trump might have done well okay in his final days but morgan i what the distinguished mark thiessen is saying what i hear him saying morgan i've got 20 seconds is that trump listened to his military advisers but biden did not i give you the last word and that's why the testimony next week larry is so important remember that austin did not appear before this week he this week before congress he hung blinken out to dry to take the heat from congress and that was certainly a poor showing and so austin excuse me millie is the only person we're going to have from the military to answer from this and unfortunately i think there it needs more than one hearing i mean there's so much that is alleged between this book we've seen a modern day catastrophe in our foreign policy that biden didn't listen to him that's very important i mean i've said this before but it's also high but it's also on them to put their stars on the table well okay but if the president doesn't listen to it mark you've been in the oval i sure been in the oval look i tell you this people get on my case i yearned some for the calm orderly days and certainly more prosperous days under donald trump okay because say what you will trump did listen to his military advisors he even occasionally listened to his economic advisers or his trade advisors he actually was a process president all right you may not have liked his tweets but you know we got tough with china and we had a roaring economy with tax cuts i miss those days i mean trump you know biden done listen who's the middle east too yes the middle east thank you anyway i'm running out of time producer screaming are we morgan ortegas welcome to the cutlow show nutty as it is mark thiessen welcome back to the show i hope you'll both return very soon coming up on cuddle the demo
Channel: Fox Business
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Keywords: business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kudlow, fox business larry kudlow, fox business network, fox business news, kudlow, kudlow monologue, kudlow monologue tonight, kudlow tonight, larry kudlow, larry kudlow monologue, general mark milley, mark milley, gen. mark milley, general milley, phone call, donald trump, donald trump mac miller, miller phone call, gen milley testimony, gen milley afghanistan, gen milley phone, fox, news
Id: LUC03KYtpbA
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Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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