Learning Sea Animals With Blippi | Educational Videos For Toddlers | Animals For Kids

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[Music] hey it's me flippy and today we're at odyssey in scottsdale arizona [Applause] this is gonna be awesome i think today you and i should learn about some animals whoa look at this place oh those are kind of like raindrops hello okay let's go over here [Music] we're almost to the top [Music] yeah let's go this is gonna be so much fun [Music] oh did you see that i just used two fingers on the back of the head in the back of this russian sturgeon oh it looks like he liked it whoa it feels so cool it's hard but it also has kind of a layer of a slippery sludge on it it helps keep all the parasites away oh here's another one that is awesome whoa did you see that i just touched the stingray nice and gently with my two fingers on its back whoa okay let's uh let's touch another one oh here's one right over here that's silly oh come over here whoa there's so many of them whoa look at that one it's just resting on the ground that's a different kind huh oh here comes one [Music] whoa hey i'll describe what it feels like it kind of feels oh here's one more [Music] [Applause] whoa yeah i really know what it feels like now it feels like a wet gummy bear so slippery and soft at the same time but firm as well wow this is fun [Music] oh hey hey blippi what are you doing oh just sitting here looking at my favorite fish the paddlefish whew paddlefish that's pretty cool it is well see you later hopefully this is pretty cool being behind the scenes of the aquarium hello this is awesome whoa so many cool workers here whoa look at this we're on top of an aquarium whoa look at all that water and those fish down there whoa okay follow me [Music] whoa look at this room oh there's so much scuba gear in here tanks wetsuits whoa okay we need to take this fish to the sharks i bet they're really hungry come on whoa wow [Music] okay whoa look at this whoever drew that is a good artist it shows the different parts of the shark yeah like the gills [Music] all right we did it here you go oh thank you you're welcome what's your name my name's danny oh this is danny and what are you doing here so we're here with cassie and she's actually feeding our big sharks right now oh look i see a fish down there look [Music] whoa so why why is she holding a fish on a pole so that's how we get the food down to our sharks as they're already flowing the water columns you need to be able to have a really long tool to get this food down to their mouth okay so they hold the pole which has fish on the end and then the sharks come up and have some supper [Music] whoa those fish look big how big is that fish that she's feeding the sharks it's about this big it's called the blue fish because it has a kind of blue tint to it okay that's a blue fish it's about this big so what kind of fish did i bring up so you brought up some carrot which is a big fish in here and then some caitlyn which is the little fish in here okay interesting oh hey well this is pretty cool seeing someone else do it but hey can i feed some sharks yeah absolutely okay okay just make sure you have your gloves on so just give me a stinky okay all right let's put the gloves on so then my hands don't smell like fish for weeks okay all right i got my gloves on uh oh there we go one buck two gloves all right so now what do i do so we'll just take this fish bucket that you brought up from our kitchen and we'll head over here okay all right okay all right well head over to our feeding platform okay all ready for us okay i'm on the platform oh look there's no barriers between me and the fish okay i'm just gonna jump in just kidding all right here we go can i throw one at a time yeah whatever you want either one at a time or all of it at one all right enjoy whoa look at him go [Music] they're really enjoying this food [Music] [Applause] oh look at all of them they're swarming to the top because they know that i'm throwing all this yummy food to them whoa here you go [Music] is that tasty fish or is that tasty okay just a little left here we go whoa that was so much fun good job [Music] she's feeding a turtle come on so many cool things up here whoa okay let's go over here oh okay what are you doing i am seeing bretta our green sea turtle she's feeding grega that's a nice name and this is freda do you see greta hey greta hey oh what does greta like to eat loves lettuce but she also enjoys cucumbers bell peppers and even sometimes carrots lettuce bell peppers cucumbers and carrots sounds like red is really healthy can i try feeding greta yeah okay all right how do i do it just a little bit yeah it's a little bit the whole leaf you just pop it right there there you go greta whoa hey what are you doing can i do it here you go bretta you go oh greta's really big do you know how much grenda weighs she is a little bit over 100 pounds oh wow 100 pounds wow here you go okay let's do a big piece let's watch greta eat a whole piece here you go [Music] that's a big piece of lettuce hello hey hello come on since we just touched some animals i think we should use this restroom and wash our hands let's go okay welcome to the bathroom whoa look look this restroom is underwater and this restroom actually won the best restroom in america oh you can wash your hands right here and look at shark sharks and fish whoa this is awesome pretty cool all right i washed my hands now i'll go dry them you enjoy the view [Music] okay let's go down the escalator to the deep ocean come on [Music] whoa look now it's like we're underwater look this way ah that's awesome [Music] i present to you a deep ocean [Music] exhibit [Music] hey what are you doing up there come on down here oh hey look hello hey so this is a sea lion there's another one over here oh it's so big so cool oh look look oh hello whoa and there's actually a seal in here as well let's go try and find it oh let's see oh here it is hello see that right here this is a seal hi so there's three sea lions in here and one seal and the easiest way to tell the difference is this i'll show you so if you're a sea lion you use your front flippers to to basically walk like this [Music] but seals don't do that seals oh hello oh you're curious huh i'm so curious whoa so that's a sea lion so it walks with its flippers hello they're actually really smart animals see how it's following me i'll try and change directions whoa okay and seals they don't walk like that you know this is a sea lion sea lion and a seal they don't have that much power right here and it's kind of short and stubby so this is what they do so they just kind of waddle oh that's silly wow what magnificent creatures check them out a little bit more [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa penguins yeah we're behind the scenes at the aquarium and we're gonna meet some penguins come on [Applause] okay let's walk nice and slow and we'll be very quiet as who well you oh this is hutch hey what do you do here i work with the penguins the penguins and the reptiles do you see the penguins back there oh no are these your only two penguins here oh no we have more friends that are coming do you like to grab a toy we're actually gonna play with them sure okay let's grab a toy and let's see some more penguins look over there really like a lot of movement with their toys so we have violet that has already come over to say hi it looks like it's enjoying my shadow huh that does happen so penguins really like contrasting colors they also can see colors really well they have rocks and felts in their eyes just like we do okay they're kind of although they're birds they're kind of acting like kitty cats huh just a little bit they do like to play with a lot of different types of toys and just like kitty cats they tell us when they want to be touched okay interesting it's pretty cool hey get a closer look oh bye-bye penguins are so silly so where are these penguins from these penguins are from south wow 32 penguins here these are from south africa not antarctica on the antarctica they're actually one of several species of penguins that prefer the warm climate oh okay that's pretty cool interesting warm climate and penguins i guess you learn something every day okay let's take a seat right over here and then hutch is gonna bring a penguin over i'm so excited i get a touch of penguin hello okay so i'm gonna touch the penguin with two fingers gently on its back hey are you ready [Music] oh it felt so soft did you know penguins have 70 feathers per square inch yeah they're really small and really dense can i touch the game yes you can yeah does that feel good you like that [Music] what does that mean when she shakes her head so that means she's really happy uh and if you might be i hope she doesn't want a kiss oh hello this is a little blue penguin it's pretty small whoa this board has the sizes of different penguins oh like the penguin i met today an african penguin whoa and they just keep getting bigger whoa whoa look how big they're getting whoa look at how big this penguin is whoa four feet tall 1.3 meters high geez look how big it is oh whoa that's a really big penguin [Music] [Applause] whoa look a toucan do you see it's beak kinda looks like the shape of a banana a really colorful banana there's another bird over here come on hello a colorful parrot hey how are you oh looks like it's yellow blue and on its head is green hey hey there's another animal right over here i want to show you come on oh look look at this animal it's moving really slow do you know what animal this is yeah this is a slob let's act like a sloth together [Music] that's funny all right hello [Music] whoa these are otters and they're so cute look at them go underwater whoa i bet they can hold their breath for a really long time whoa they're so fast they kind of look like water cats but they're not kitty cats whoa hi hello oh another one cool [Music] that was so much fun learning about all these creatures at odyssey in scottsdale arizona with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right see you soon so much we are at point defiant zun aquarium in tacoma washington and today we are gonna see some awesome animals let's go got my members card all right okay come on this is gonna be so much [Music] fun here we go [Music] hey this is cindy and what do we have here cindy that is a pacific herring oh and we are about to go feed some penguins [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you see how we walked up really low you gotta stay low so then they don't get scared so what kind of penguins are these cindy these are magellanic penguins a lot of people think that they need ice and snow but these guys live in argentina and chile in an environment that's very similar to here argentina and chile so they love the swim it looks like huh they do these guys spend all winter out at sea and they can swim really fast and they have to swim really fast so they can chase fish which is what they eat in the ocean like these [Music] whoa look at what it is it's a polar bear and polar bears are the color white that polar bear yeah his name is boris and he's 31 years old boris was rescued from a circus a traveling circus in mexico and it's really important to have ice so polar bears can hunt off of and get get seals in the arctic so we should be really aware of what we do to our planet so polar bears can have a lot of ice boris is so pretty [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa do you see what that is yeah that's a tiger wow that's a really big kitty cat that's actually a sumatran tiger to be exact and there's only about 300 left on this entire planet in the wild so here at point defiant zune aquarium this tiger is an ambassador so this is sarah hi and sarah what do we have here this is gonzo and he is a tree climbing anteater and here at point defiance doing aquarium we're training him to be part of our wild wonders outdoor theater show that's brand new this summer hey gonzo so what are we gonna yeah what are we gonna be doing right now you're gonna help me train gonzo to eat vanilla yogurt from a tube okay so this is something that he would love to do hold that up right up to his little nose okay here he's gonna slurp that vanilla yogurt way out with his super long tongue whoa check that out look at gonza's tongue it's so long now of course in the wild gonzo would not eat vanilla yogurt he would eat ants and he has really big claws that he can use to break open ant's nests and termite bounds and then he'd use his long tongue to slurp those bugs right up yum that looks pretty tasty yeah so gonzo has been around people his whole entire life and when he first came here we started training him to be part of the show so that's why he's so comfortable hanging out with us out here yeah he seems like a really great and fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] anteater it going oh pretty good what are you doing i'm making some diets for the meerkats meerkats i love meerkats what else are you gonna do today well you know what i was gonna do some enrichment do you want to help me go over to yeah exhibit okay and what's enrichment enrichment is giving our animals choices things to do things to play with kind of like kids on a playground that sounds fun i like playing so let's give them some choices let's put these wiffle balls in the blue pool on exhibit okay all right wiffle balls blue pool got it whoa look at this place this is the exhibit from the habitat of where meerkats play whoa okay anywho back to it wiffle balls blue pool right okay let's put these in here this is gonna be so much fun to see the meerkats play with these wiffle balls that we're putting in here okay and the second one wow okay here we go let's see what else she wants us to do hey here you go thank you what else do you have for i've got some more fun toys let's put these out on the exhibit as well where should i put these wherever you want this is gonna be fun where should we put these here come on okay let's see oh let's see i think the yellow one should go oh do you see this let's put it right there and then oh come back here let's put the pink one right let's do this one right here actually right next to the yellow one and the really big red one let's put over here here i'll meet you over that [Music] way it's like i'm a meerkat watch [Music] okay let's see what else we need to do okay is that all no blip let's take the fun up a notch let's add some food enrichment to the toy enrichment here's some mealworms it's like chocolate for meerkats oh yum look at this [Music] yum so where would you like me to put this you know what let's sprinkle some in the wiffle balls okay and if you want to put some elsewhere in the exhibit you can do that too okay it's kind of like a search and find cause we'll put some right here and then we'll hide something for them to find it okay so spread out the wiffle balls and let's sprinkle some on top of the wiffle balls this is gonna be fun okay okay okay there's a little bit more let's put some right on this ledge [Music] those look tasty okay let's just put the rest in here all right i think we're ready are we all done great job blippi let's let them out okay [Applause] [Music] this is a dromedary camel and his name is winchester dromedary camels are found in africa and if you're three years old and 36 inches or taller you can ride camels at point defiance zoo they're really soft wow we are in the marine discovery center and this place has amazing sea creatures and we can actually touch them see you can touch but with only one finger okay whoa look at these right here whoa that was scary that scared me look here's a snail hello hi little guy hey little girl hello whoa oh oh look at this over here one finger whoa did you see it like attached to my finger you're getting a really good close oh look at how big this one is okay ready [Music] it attaches to your finger and it's so soft last but not least starfish whoa whoa they're really hard that's so cool and these are actually alive they're real sea creatures they don't move very much but they do move really slowly i really love the marine discovery lab [Music] yeah we are at a carousel come on hey horsey [Music] this is gonna be so much fun see it's a carousel and right here this is the instrument panel that turns on the carousel and i got the key okay let's put in the key right there and yeah whoa look at all these animals yeah a horse a poison dart frog some more horses oh a polar bear we saw one of those today a zebra did you see the zebra oh a pig tiger [Music] an anteater okay now i think it's time for us to ride the carousel come on but first we need to pick our favorite animal we gotta wait for it to stop come this way the zebra hmm i don't know if i want to ride the zebra let's see what else [Music] a horse polar bear [Music] so much fun okay this animal yeah is a poison dart frog and i am going to ride this animal gotta buckle up first once i'm all buckled up oh gotta loosen that up a little bit oh all right i am ready to ride here we go see we spin around and around as well as go up and down [Music] [Applause] this poison dart frog is the color yellow [Music] this is so much fun so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout lippy oh hey it's me flippy and look at what i have whoa dinosaur toys yeah [Applause] i love dinosaurs they're so cool and they're so old so silly hey when i was young i really wanted to be a paleontologist yeah that's someone that studies dinosaurs and fossils and digs them up fossils do you know what a fossil is a fossil is just uh like a bone or an egg that got put under the ground for many many many years and then it turned into essentially a rock isn't that cool well hey i think we should take this basket and go around this park and find some fossilized dinosaur eggs does that sound like fun let's go [Music] okay here we go whoa look at that dinosaur whoa that is a fossilized triceratops try meaning three do you see this the spines the pokey things on the front yeah let's count them one two three whoa that dinosaur is so cool let's go check it out wow i'm inside the mouth of this dinosaur it's so big here come here whoa wow did you see this this used to be bone but now it's just fossilized bone wow it's really hard okay whoa let's go over here and see what's around whoa hey a baby triceratops hello hey how's your day going good nice and slow okay anywho bye-bye whoa [Music] another egg wow look at it do you know what dinosaur this is i do a blippi saurus so silly whoa what are these whoa some dinosaur eggs oh yeah they're fossilized i am so excited to break them open later and see what's inside okay let's put him in our basket and then let's go explore and see if we can find some more whoa whoa there's a lot of sand right here yeah look come over here whoa are you finding some eggs and fossils yeah look whoa you want to hold that up whoa check it out we found some more eggs will you put it in my basket yeah good job whoa did you two find some eggs over here oh you did will you pick it up for me whoa oh thank you thank you whoa hold it up hold up an egg here we go okay hold up the pink one [Music] oh you do okay here's a pink one okay hold it up hello okay oh i wonder what's inside can i have it please okay thank you very much all right bye-bye whoa look at this a dinosaur skull whoa do you see its skull its face and its teeth right here oh yeah isn't this cool this used to be a dinosaur but now it's just a fossil hey look and some eggs will you put them in my basket there you go thank you very much good job to her oh some more over here these are ribs of a dinosaur what did you find right there some more eggs [Music] whoa big smile okay so silly okay now let's go see what's inside these eggs let's go [Music] [Music] i love geese they're so cute [Music] wow what a nice setting we have here we have our fossils and we have my paleontologist cheat sheet right here my tools and my lunch can't forget about the lunch okay in order to find the fossils from the inside of these dinosaur eggs we need to put it in the water and let them soak so then they get nice and soft shall we count the eggs ready one two [Music] three four five six seven whoa eight nine ten [Music] eleven twelve 12. do you know what a word that means 12 yeah one dozen okay let's let them soak look at them whoa that's pretty cool oh and then the colorful pink eggs yep these aren't fossils these are toys you can break them open whoa look at that cute little creature hello kinda looks like a crab huh okay there's a lot more of those but i'm pretty hungry while we wait for these let's eat a really healthy lunch we have some water i love water it tastes so good that moment that it hits my tongue what else do we have here oh an apple have you ever tried an apple before apples are fruit and they are really tasty and good for you and look at this do you know what this is this is silly looking they're like squares huh well this is seaweed yeah i said that right seaweed you find this in the ocean it's really healthy and really good um you should try some seaweed sometime oh and last but not least a tasty healthy sandwich i love sandwiches ah i love water hey what's this doing here this isn't part of my lunch but it's part of my fun activities the bubbles okay you take out the little blower device and you pull it out whoa did you see that whoa i love bubbles you know why because they're circle they kind of look like eggs so silly well looks like we have some more time to kill for these eggs to soften up so why don't we head on over to the pacific science center up in seattle washington to check out some dinosaurs so be sure to see what dinosaur is your favorite [Music] check that out that right there is a dinosaur they don't live on our planet anymore but they used to look at it it kind of looks like a velociraptor will you act like a velociraptor with me [Music] whoa another dinosaur oh this dinosaur that's its name right there it's really big hey look at its head hey see it kind of looks like it's wearing a helmet just like when you and i ride bicycles we wear helmets cool oh here's some more dinosaurs oh look at that one that is a triceratops do you know why they call it a triceratops yep because it has three horns on its face and head let's count them one two three all right see you later triceratops hey another dinosaur wow hey dinosaur oh this dinosaur right here was a herbivore see these plants that means it eats plants and plants only it doesn't eat meat and look at what's on its head it kind of looks like a shark fin so silly whoa check this out whoa this is a massive footprint okay let's compare my foot to this dinosaur's foot ready its foot is way bigger than mine it's even way bigger than two of my feet whoa another dino check it out this is a stegosaurus whoa do you see those plates on its back that's for its defense mechanism wow hey stegosaurus so many cool dinosaurs in here whoa this dinosaur is so scary it's the king and queen of the dinoland whoa i'm gonna act like this dinosaur okay will you do the same ready [Music] [Applause] i love acting like a dinosaur [Applause] oh i think they're ready to be opened okay let's grab our tools and let's open them up let's see which one should i grab um whoa this one looks great okay all right so let's take it and then let's use our hammer and break it open whoa whoa whoa did you see that it just split into two pieces one two oh oh look at right here okay i have a brush and i need to brush off oh do you see that yeah the dinosaur's tail okay now we need a set of yep set of pliers so we can really get some of these pieces out of there oh look at that whoa oh yeah we got a dinosaur okay let's rinse it off real quick whoa hey look at it oh that's a cute dinosaur okay now let's use our sheet to see what one it is okay what one does it look like oh it looks like that a styracosaurus a styracosaurus wow that is a cool dinosaur okay let's do another one okay let's see how about this one yeah that looks good okay what other tools do i have in here oh a screwdriver all right here we go [Music] all right yeah good job yeah oh whoa oh i see a little bit let's take our brush yeah good job do you see it poking out yeah okay we need to do a little bit more okay let's take the screwdriver whoa look oh oh we're almost there okay oh wow good job there it is okay let's rinse it off oh i'm so excited [Music] wow look at that one whoa i don't even know what kind of dinosaur that is okay let's use our cheat sheet here we go okay what one does it look like um there it is it looks like a cory thesaurus cory cory thesaurus yeah corey thesaurus whoa here we go okay how about one more dinosaur okay let's uh use our flashlight to see in there okay oh there's one how about this one this one looks real good okay this one's really tough so we need to bring on the saw okay cut cut okay cut it by look the tail put this okay there we go where'd it go oh there it is yeah what a big dinosaur okay let's rinse it off wow look at that dinosaur that looks like a really big dinosaur has a really tall neck a really long tail okay let's use the cheat sheet okay let's see looks like a uh diplo docket diplodocus that's a silly name diplodocus diplodocus well good job it was so much fun finding these fossilized eggs with you and then seeing what dinosaurs were inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey i was just acting like a dinosaur you want to act like a dinosaur with me yeah come on let's do it [Laughter] that's so much fun get ready because we are about to sing and dance to the dinosaur a long time ago on this planet earth before we ever existed another kind of creature ruled the land and this is a song for them [Music] dinosaurs [Music] stegosauruses were bigger than elephants but their brains were the size of a peppermint triceratops had three horns on their head in case they ever needed to defend the brachiosaurus had a really long neck and at the end was an itty-bitty head [Music] pterodactyls would soar through the sky their wings were enormous in size and if they stood up straight off the ground they would be as tall as a giraffe dinosaur [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] raptors were smart and fast [Music] had a tail like a hammer and a body that was built like a tank and the spinosaurus had a spine like a sail and they looked quite a bit like a crocodile [Music] big back legs [Music] i love dinosaurs wrong dinosaurs dinosaurs whoa look i'm on top of a dinosaur all right here we go yeah whoa this is so much fun riding a dinosaur whoa whoa okay let's head back this way all right okay here we go giddy up whoa whoa [Applause] whoa whoa whoa whoa hey i have an idea why don't you act like you are riding a dinosaur as well okay let's do it at the same time okay act like you're riding a dinosaur and sitting on it okay on the count of three you say giddy up ready one two three giddy up whoa good job whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa now whoa now do you want to do it again yeah ready one two three giddy up whoa oh that was so much fun riding this dinosaur and seeing all those fossils with you hey remember what i said earlier about me wanting to be a paleontologist yeah all it takes for you to do anything you want in this whole wide world is dedication and hard work and you are very special and you can do it just stay dedicated do that hard work and you can be whatever whoever you want well this is the end of this video so if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job well see you again bye-bye get [Music] shout it
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 4,700,029
Rating: 3.7164013 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi videos, Blippi songs, Blippi animals, Blippi fish, Blippi aquarium, Animals for kids, sea turtle, sting rays, penguins, behind the scenes aquarium, odysea, educational videos for toddlers, fish for kids, seals for kids, sea lions for kids, sharks for kids, sloths for kids, parrots for kids, stevin john, educational videos for kids, animals for toddlers
Id: WaLgPt8cRGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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