Blippi Learns Trucks at the Fire Station and More | Educational Videos for Toddlers

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[Music] hey it's me honey and today we're at the Bellevue Washington fire station and today we're gonna learn about fire trucks ambulances and the fire station look at what it is this is a big red fire truck whoa come check it out Wow look at all these gauges so interesting it's a compartment lot of cool things in it all right let's go look at the fire station come on all right now let me show you one of my favorite parts yeah this is the kitchen and this is a fridge with a lot of food in it it's another one Wow firefighters work really long days nights and so they have to have a kitchen so they can eat and stay nice and healthy oh hey there's some food good this looks tasty we have some salad potato even have some chips cool and a strawberry YUM so what we're doing now is we're just getting ready for a training exercise yeah we're doing really good what's that I see light I hear a siren that must mean that there's a fire we gotta go help some people do you hear that that's the sirens in the lights we need to get all of our fire equipment on ok first our pants and the boots we need to take off our shoes one shoe two shoes all right I need to hurry right there we go we've got my boots on all right [Music] this rice is buckled put on my suspenders over my orange suspenders all right tight picking that up oh all right my jacket what this one all of this will keep me safe when I'm at the fire all right here we go I mean zip it up mm here's the zipper put it in there like that there we go velcro okay then we have a helmet this will keep my head fake perfect tighten it up and then last but not least my two gloves all right man I got ready really quick because I don't know what's happening there all right let's go we're gonna go to the buyer No [Music] all right now that the hose is all hooked up and it's full of water we can put out the fire here we go [Music] we're doing that the fire is almost out [Music] good job [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was sure fun putting out that fire with you good job all right I have something else really cool to show you first I need to take off my helmet let's put that right up there the next thing I have to do is put on a mask this goes all around my head to keep my ear and my hair safe alright alright check out my sweet hood yeah this is the color alright next piece of equipment I'm gonna put on is this mask this mask is gonna help protect my eyes and then be able to deliver clean oxygen so I can breathe in the smoke are you ready look at me now I have my mask on hey if there's a firefighter trying to help you they might look like this but that's ok that scary bird is trying to help you okay let me put on my helmet now there we go now that it's nice and snug I'm gonna put on the air tank [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah look it's an air tank this is what provides air to me just like [Music] see now I can breathe when I'm going through a burning house do you hear that [Music] so what that is is air coming from the tank going through the tube into my mouth so then smoke doesn't come inside all right let's go check out some more the fire station No all right now let me show you some of the parts of the fire truck whoa look at this this is a really big wheel and tire whoa it's silver and black okay let me show you inside the fire truck check it out [Music] whoa that's really mean they're they look like they're ready to go to a fire oh yes whoa there are so many gauges Oh interesting there's so many I don't even know what they're for whoa one compartment another compartment and this compartment has fire extinguishers let's count them one two [Applause] interesting more things like a little broom nice and clean let's go to the back oh wait where are you going come over here you see those there's so many different sizes of hoses Oh interesting all right what else do we have hey here's a compartment oh look in there this is a really big ladder so then the firefighters could go up really high and save people on the roofs and windows I'll lock it back up there we go [Music] whoo what's in here yeah chainsaw there's so much great equipment on a fire truck another compartment axe even look yeah even a hammer all right come on this set that right there whoa look at this this is where you connect the fire hydrant to the fire truck and let me show you have you ever wondered what this this is on a fire station yeah this is what connects to the fire engines exhaust so yeah no smoke from the fire truck [Music] all right checkout it here so it's really important for firefighters to stay nice and fit like over here these wait mmm these are bicep curls and they make your arms nice and strong ooh it's really important for firefighters to stay in shape because when they go in houses that are burning they might be bit carry someone down the stairs or up the stairs and then down the ladder [Music] medicine balls yeah oh I love exercising hey some jump roads have you ever jumped rope before check this out [Music] see every time I choke the Rope goes underneath my beak one time now I'm gonna make it oh oh I'm gonna make it go under my feet two times every time twice that's tiring being physically fit it's really fun all right this is a treadmill to where you can walk and then be in one place see and you can also run [Music] whoa now I just went really fast all right in the tombs [Music] that's fun oh hey pull-ups [Music] now last but not least the bench press this is a great way to keep your upper body nice and fit so then like I said firefighters can help people and they're nice and strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah all right now let me show you the rest of the fire station come on Oh check this out so not only do firefighters eat healthy and exercise that the fire stations they also have to sleep because firefighters are here day and night and just like you and I firefighters need to sleep and the reason why firefighters have a bed at the fire station is because they need to be really close to the fire trucks and ambulances just in case if there's an emergency so nighty-night [Music] wait a second no time for sleep and now I want to show you an ambulance let's go Wow look at what it is it's a medic unit also known as an ambulance let's go check it out come on let's look inside the cab oh now we're inside the ambulance all right let's shut the door first things first safety first let's put on our seat belt all right here it is all right now we're ready whoa what's this it looks like a giant map wool you can use this so then you can see where you're gonna go um right there all right whoa a computer whoa this tells you where you're gonna go like the address the information all about the call that you're doing oh look a steering wheel that was the horn hey we're going to help some people Oh what are these these are headsets listen whoa check this out down here the siren listen [Applause] if you ever hear that in your in a vehicle or on the sidewalk get to the side because the ambulance is going to help someone alright and this right here turns on all of the lights go check them out [Music] oh the lights are so bright pull check out this compartment I wonder what's inside [Music] this right here is a heart rate monitor it gives all the medics the information about your heart this this is a medical unit pack whoa there's so many interesting things in here oh hey like a stethoscope oh I could hear my heartbeat well and is so interesting all right let's lock this back up and go check out what houses around here [Music] another compartment this is will the firefighter gear is see here's some jackets oh hey here's even a helmet that they wear when they go into areas with fires hey you know another time that you should wear a helmet yeah when you ride a bicycle all right the back of the ambulance get ready [Music] look at this this is the stretcher watch out here it come [Applause] see this this is what you might get a lay on some time if you do just be very calm the people are trying to help you all right let's believe this right here oh let's go inside the back of the ambulance let's go [Music] here we are this is another entrance come on oh it's so bright and light in here Wow very interesting oh hey look at what it is it's another stethoscope put it on my ears listen do you hear that yeah that's my heart beating I'm nice and healthy all right put that right there what else is around here oh hey rubber gloves put one of these on all right he's keep my hands nice and clean when I'm working in the back of the ambulance hey what color is this yeah it's the color oh look at this you do you see this that's mister yup if you ever see mr. yuk somewhere do not eat it don't drink it and we should probably stay away let's look in another cupboard this one wow that's interesting a lot of medications and things to help people if you're in trouble hey just know if you ever need to ride in an ambulance be careful be nice and calm because the people in here are just trying to help you well let's go have some more fun [Music] fire truck fire truck I wish a cried fire truck fire truck fire truck I was shocked right my truck I wish I could wake up in the fire station - sound of fire Bell I'd slide down way down and up on to the fire truck fire truck fire truck I wish I could ride chuckles I wish I could buy when people see the truck come here but the hands of years siren is so loud this fire truck by a truck I wish a crier truck fire truck fire truck I was shocked by [Music] Hoess to the hydrant spray the water on the fire I wish I could climb the giant ladder [Music] and say I'm here to save the day bye bye Chuck I wish I could ride a fire truck by a truck go by a truck I wish I could buy [Music] once the fire is all put out everyone will scream and shout great job mr. fire [Applause] and I'll say you're very welcome just doing my job on my [Music] by I wish I could ride a fire truck fire truck fire truck I wish I could ride a fire truck bye I was shocked by a fire truck by a chuckle by a truck I was shocked by a fire truck that was so much fun learning about fire engines medic units ambulances and the life of a firefighter at the fire station hey it's really important to know what number to call if there's an emergency so be sure to ask a grown-up what number to call if there is an emergency like a fire Hey it's also really important to have a working smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector so then if there's ever a problem it will chirp like this yeah and then you can call the emergency number so then you'll get some help well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me bli PP hi flipy good job see you soon [Music] hey it's me Whoopi and look at what it is whoa it's a real ice cream truck and today you and I are gonna learn about ice cream trucks [Music] whoa all right now let's learn the parts of this ice cream truck on the outside whoa it's so colorful oh and look there's some ice cream right here we have a strawberry shortcake we have an ice cream sandwich we have a drumstick and we have a red white and blue ice cream oh look at these so cool they're pink rims so then the ice cream truck can drive around on the street sweet wheels and tires whoo what's this huh it says children slow crossing it looks like there's lights let me show you all right you see this red knob you pull it out watch what happens whoa these lights flash orange and the sign comes out from the ice-cream truck so then you know not to get close to the ice-cream truck or at least just be very weary so then you don't get hurt so we'll keep that out right now let me show you something else whoo you see this this is a switch for music [Music] you hear that music that means the ice cream truck is coming to you so then you can get some ice cream whoo and look at right here some social media of this exact ice cream truck in Las Vegas mater sweet OH then look right here look at all these ice cream choices we have wool this one has the color red orange green oh and look at this one one of my two favorite colors orange yum ninja turtle Oh spongebob squarepants and let's see here remember this one yeah it's on the other side too it's the Strawberry Shortcake YUM oh look at this this is the window that you walk up to and this is where you order your ice cream from huh hello hello wait a second no one's in here I have an idea maybe you and I can go inside and serve some people an ice cream come on whoo all right now let's hop in the back and serve some ice cream but first we need to turn on the generator this is what provides power to the freezer let's turn it on oh it's like a mini engine that produces power to keep the freezer really cold but the freezer is already cold so we can turn it off alright let's hop in the back and serve some icecream oh the inside of an ice cream truck oh [Music] this is where the driver of the ice cream truck sits it's just like a normal vehicle a steering wheel a shifter knob set of keys but we're not here for driving we're here for ice cream whoa this big white thing right here this is the freezer let's open it up look at all this ice cream all right let's pick out five ice cream bars ready all right got one one [Music] 103 all right and let's see here we go all right five all right five let's shut this to keep them nice and cold so right here we have five one two three four five five ice cream bars but now we need three snacks hmm okay how about some popcorn one how about um some chips two snacks Oh what else oh yeah all right three three snacks so we have five ice cream bars and three snacks five plus three is one two three four five six seven eight YUM all right now we need to let everyone know on Twitter and Instagram where we are all right [Music] okay we have some ice cream here pass it out all right first we have cotton candy who wants cotton candy go you're welcome hey we have an ice cream sandwich YUM you're welcome and a Hello Kitty yeah you're welcome all right enjoy the ice cream thank you [Music] that was so much fun learning about this ice cream truck with you well this is the perfect time for the funny fun ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream with chocolate sauce warm and gooey nuts and cherries on top make some ice cream with chocolate sauce let's make some body on ice cream let's make some ice cream with gummy burn up some green red and yummy worms up now make some ice cream with gummy worms on now let's make some funny fun body screams make some ice cream nuts yummy yum let's make some ice cream that's funny fun but bother make some ice cream or tommy-toms ice cream just make some ice cream that's yummy YUM now let's make some ice cream that's five fun boats make some ice cream or Tommy Tong Bonnie but ice cream YUM woohoo look at what I have this is some Dooley clay and I'm acting like it's ice cream but it's actually a toy so be sure not to eat it all right see this is like vanilla ice cream yeah and this is like chocolate ice cream woo look we have some ingredients glue like this yeah some strawberry syrup okay let's take off the cap and here we go [Music] no ruin look at this one it's like chocolate syrup oh let's put some over here again alright YUM that looks tasty and what we can put over on the chocolate ice cream is maybe some whipped cream YUM here we go [Music] oh that looks tasty move look at what we have over here some Moy it's a more toy molding clay I think this deserves us a cherry on top okay let's take some off right there and then squish it squish push push push push and let's roll it up oh that looks like a cute cherry let's put a little dimple up top yeah all right let's put it right on the chocolate ice cream YUM oh that looks tasty but like I said be sure not to eat it and this one looks like we have some blue and some orange blue and orange my two favorite colors let's make some gummy worms all right let's take half of this orange roll it out okay mmm look at that orange gummy worm put it right on top right here then let's take the blue and we'll make another gummy worm and put it right there all right roll it out mmm look at that gummy worm let's lay it right there and there we have two tasty looking toy ice cream yo well this is the end of this video it was so much fun learning about the ice cream truck with you and listening dancing and to them funny fun ice cream song well if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready BL i PP I flippy alright see you again buh-bye today we're at the Las Vegas mini Grand Prix oh and look at these these are joke cards this is a green go-kart [Music] is a red go-cart and this is a blue go-cart I am so excited [Music] look at these two coal carts there are my two favorite colors this go-kart is the color orange in this go-kart yeah is the color [Music] now it's time for me to teach you the parts of a go-kart oh hey and look at this yeah it's a go-kart so the first thing on go-karts are all of them have four wheels and tires see right here this is a wheel and tire and it's really small so cute so this is the first wheel and tire this is the second wheel and tire [Music] this right here is the third wheel and tire whoo and this is the last wheel and tire it's the fourth wheel and tire whoa whoa and look at this yeah this that's the bumper guard it's there to keep you safe so then you don't run and drive into things like this all right look at this back here this yeah this is the spoiler they put spoilers on go-karts and super fast cars because it creates some downforce and it adds about three million horsepower to the vehicles wow that's fast ooh look down here this is the engine of the go-kart it has an air filter spark plug muffler oil and so many other things well how the engine gets all of its power is it needs some fuel just like how you and I need food the go-kart needs food too and right here yeah right here is the gas tank whoa I think you and I should fill it up and put in some gas in the go-kart let's put our safety glove on here we go [Music] all right put the spelt right here turn it up all right I think it's nice and full now let's put the cap back on oh yeah nice and tight and we turn on the on switch right there then all you have to do is pull a string three two one a little harder this time even a little harder this time okay first things first when operating the go-cart yeah safety first pedal wanna stop whoa pedal right here yeah it's the gas pedal that's what makes you go forward and backward this is the steering wheel [Music] [Music] [Music] riding go-karts is so much fun the cool thing about go-karts are there so many different kinds like the ones we just rode then also these ones come look look at this this go-kart is so small that's funny Moo there's one up here for you and I to ride whoa yeah this green cart looks like a dandy all right we need to turn it on so you remember you put on your glove and then give it a pull anyone that's 38 and trust me I'm above 38 inches yes safety first gotta put on your seatbelt nice and tight all right now the gas pedal here we go [Music] I just crashed but since go-karts only go forward [Music] hook up yet Wow check this out [Music] hook it under there yeah now we can go to drive again [Music] oh that was really fun ready card but I think now is the perfect time to ride the big cart whoa ooh look at what it is wow this is a big kids go-kart yeah so it's so powerful it was even imported from the country of Gramps and check that down there yeah this go-kart has LED headlights and go to the back and it even has taillights do you see them and when you push on the brake yeah it even has working brake lights oh this go-kart is so powerful you need to be sixteen years old and have a valid driver's license lucky for me I'm full so that means we can start it up so let's flip on the switch give it a pull [Music] our two so let's take a seat in the seat and let's put on our seat belt because it has so much power whoa I'm a little bit nervous but it's gonna be so much fun all right are you ready here we go [Music] [Music] that was so much fun learning about go-karts with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name yeah let's spell it together ready bli BPI Hey look at what I have yeah it's sidewalk job so colorful I love sidewalk chalk hey let's write on the sidewalk and spell my name together come here hey alright do you know my name yeah it's blimpy how you spell that is BL I whoa and look I'll underline it with the color blue awesome okay not only can you write letters and spell things you can draw things with sidewalk chalk hey I have a game I'm gonna take the color yellow out and I'll draw something and then you get a guess what it is okay ready all right one circle another circle and let's connect those circles with tracks and then let's go up like this over up over down for the cab okay tracks and the cab whoo and then broken okay a giant blade yeah look at that bleh whoa and on the back whoa that's the Ripper whoa yeah it's a bulldozer good job Hey whoa look at what it is it's a bulldozer are you ready to learn about bulldozers with me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's time to operate the bulldozer come on whoa whoa whoa not so fast before we operate the bulldozer we need our safety equipment I have my hard hat on yeah and my safety vests new orange and yellow now we're ready Wow now on that what all those are push what oh this looks like a vacuum from the 1600s and it's in our way so I think we should bulldoze the vacuum [Music] [Music] are you ready to learn about the parts of the bulldozer with me yeah let's go [Music] let's go to the front whoa Wow this Rick here is the blade in the blade is used to push anything and everything out of its way whoa do you see up there those are the sweeps and when the blade pushes large trees out of its way if the tree falls down it won't hit the driver in the cab the cab Oh up there is the cab yeah that's where the driver in the operator sits that's so cool whoa and look look at these Wow these are the tracks whoa the tracks are really useful for going over mud dirt rocks debris anything and it won't even get stuck oh and look at this compartment this compartment yeah it's full of the hydraulics it powers the blade the tracks and the scratchy my Bob's oh come here [Music] I love the scratchy my boss yeah these also known as the Ripper haha rips up anything and everything on the ground so it makes it nice and soft for the bulldozer and another compartment this compartment is the electrical compartment and it has two batteries because this machine is so big oh and I almost forgot the engine come over here [Music] Wow that engine is so massive in this machine is so cruel [Music] [Music] oh hey I was just doing the dozer dance will you do the dozer dance with me yeah I'll teach you okay first you raise up your hands and your arms and act like you have a bulldozer blade like this okay and then you move your feet like the bulldozer tracks so it looks like this good job okay I have a really fun game will do the dozer dance when we hear the music but when you don't hear music and it stops you need to freeze yeah okay are you ready okay listen hold your arms up march in place left foot right foot keep the pace move your arms up bend down crouch and crash down to the ground turn your hands we're dancing like a bull Joe sir we're dancing like a bull the ball doesn't dance stand up tall on two feet from side to side bounce to the beat raise your left knee raise your right raise your arms and raise them high we're dancing like a bull Joe sir we're dancing like a bull we're dancing like a bull sir [Music] [Music] whoa we are inside the bulldozer before we operate the bulldozer we need yep our seat belt on okay buckle that in okay there we go oh look at this wow this is the instrument cluster see the lights the windshield wipers and the key and once you turn it on then from there the bulldozer has power and right here this joystick whoa when you push forward it goes forward backward you reversed left and go right Wow and this joystick over here whoa this operates the blade so left right down and oh oh and this operates the Ripper Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I'm doing here is bulldozing down some old dead trees so then I'll make some room so we can plant some new ones [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bulldozers are such amazing pieces of machinery now it's time for the bulldozer song bulldozer clear in the land bulldozers and rubble it's an old those are constructing the roads move over it's about to roll it's a yellow track machine factory it can push most anything bulldozers purring up debris ol dozers help work by pricking up rocks and chicken and lizards with the blade on the front on the back build a home whoa [Music] bulldozer [Music] and they can move through some rough terrain they can move all kinds of things those are clear in the whooshing Rumble those are destructive move over it's a belt those are clear in the way she robbed those are destructive brochures me move over principal roll roll on bulldozer bedroom bow but it comes to she roll roll on bulldozer better move over it comes to feels on the sheet that was so much fun learning about bulldozers with you well you got to keep on keepin on life's a garden dig it you just got to make it work for you so anywho if you want to watch more of my videos you know what to do right yeah just search for my name BL I PPI blippi good job alright see you later [Music] it'll make you wanna shop
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 13,131,765
Rating: 3.5086265 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Fire Truck, Nursery Rhymes, Videos for Children, nursery rhymes for kids, fire trucks, educational videos for toddlers, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, Videos for kids, fire trucks for children, blippi learns, blippi trucks, trucks for kids, Blippi videos, Blippi songs, Blippi ice cream truck, math for children, simple addition for children, Blippi toys, Blippitoys, learn numbers Blippi, Blippi numbers, blippi visits the fire station
Id: LfuEad93Ap0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 42sec (3882 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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