3 Reasons why YOU CAN'T OLLIE!!!!

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welcome back to just keep skating today we're going to go over the three most common reasons why you can't ollie so this isn't something that i've studied and have a report on but i just figured these are the three most common reasons i see for people not being able to ollie all right so number one the biggest reason is you don't have the timing yet it takes a really long time to figure out the timing it's like such a subtle thing there's absolutely no way that you're going to be able to get that by powering through you know eight hours of trying all these like it's gonna take you know trying them sleeping on it trying them sleeping on it and for some people it could take as long as a year to get a solid ollie so you just gotta hang in there and you need to know that an ollie is actually pretty far up the tr progression so i want you to think about like when did all these get invented so i'll tell you all these were invented by transition riders who already knew how to skate vert and stuff and already had an idea of the timing of how to bounce their wheels off the coping so it wasn't something that some really inexperienced skater learned how to do in eight hours so don't be fooled by the youtube videos that are gonna tell you how to get an ollie in one day it's just a lie so that's the first one getting that timing just takes a long time for it to get drilled into your psyche deep in there until you never forget it okay next number two not being on the balls of your feet so i see this all the time with people trying to learn how to ollie they're really flat on their feet so what i mean by that is i see people trying to do an ollie with their feet totally flat because it feels safer but the fact is most of the jumping in your ollie and all the pop when you really learn how to pop and get your tricks high it comes from that like bending of the foot so you got to be on the ball of your foot and it's usually centered in line with this line of your trucks so you got to be like this more on the balls of your feet even though you can't see my shoes flexing up i am on the ball of my foot i know that was a bad example but it's kind of hard to do when you just stand still so that's the next one is learning how to balance on the ball of your feet instead of flat footed because you just can't get that extra jump that comes out of your metatarsals if you're standing on your flat feet and trying to jump and finally number four is hinging your back in the wrong spot and it wasn't until i saw my son trying to learn all these that i realized i've watched people doing this all over the place so in order to be able to actually jump you can't be hinged over like this and a lot of people when they're skating they hinge at their back and you can see them like this and they're trying to do an ollie and it's because they feel safer they're closer to the ground they're looking at their board but you can't jump when your back is hinged so like look at this just watch this i'm going to hinge my back and i'm going to try and jump so i the only thing i can do is lift my feet up a few inches by just lifting my legs so in order to jump you got to straighten up your back you need to have your core engaged and be ready to pop because otherwise you're going to be like this trying to do your ollies and for a lot of people that's why they can't get their ollies off the ground because they're hinged at the back so once you straighten up that back you can engage everything and actually jump [Applause] so it's all about not being too far over like you gotta look at your board you know especially when you're learning and you are bent over a little bit but don't be hinged at the back engage your core and stay solid and for a lot of you that have been struggling for a long time with ollies i bet you that's going to be the reason now on closing i love to do little montages for you guys so let's go straight to an ollie montage [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well thanks for watching just keep skating you guys hopefully after watching this video you're one two or even three steps closer to getting your ollies but remember more than anything it takes time and patience and if you want to get an ollie just keep skating don't get frustrated know that they're a little higher up in the trick progression than people think so most people start out trying to learn an ollie because they think it's a beginner move but there is literally like 20 other tricks you could be trying before an ollie anyways thanks for watching just keep skating till the next one you guys
Channel: Just Keep Skating
Views: 202,072
Rating: 4.9696074 out of 5
Keywords: skateboard, ollie, tutorial, skate, skateboarding, lesson, video, ben degros, noseslide, slappy, trick, best, easy, 50-50, kickflip, popshuv, shuvit, grind, slide, treflip, 360 flip, boardslide, board, thrasher, heelflip, hardflip, frontside, backside, tailslide, miniramp, fakie, axle stall, axel stall, smith grind, feeble grind, crooked grind, disaster, rock to fakie, trucks, wheels, bearings, fast, nose, variel, varial, indy, laser flip, ramp, curb, stairs, handrail, switch, no comply
Id: GrOCMjotAuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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