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hi everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland welcome to the believers voice of victory broadcast let's have a word of Prayer and we'll get right into today's Bible lesson father we think we give you praise and thanksgiving we honor your word we honor your presence you are your the one we're looking to you're the one we're looking at amen you are our source and all of these other things in the world that are making so much noise and all of that no we're looking at you and we thank you and we receive and we bless you today in Jesus name Amen would you join me in welcoming brother Keith Moore to this broadcast today god bless you sir sir you the busiest man in Missouri and Texas both in and for you to come down here and to spend some time with us we just deeply appreciate it man it is an honor hallelujah Keith let's get right back in here we're talking about faith that overcomes the world this is the victory first John 5:4 where we began you mm-hmm whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith yes yesterday through the scriptures and so forth they went we went through we came to this scriptural conclusion that there is nothing in the world order mm-hmm that faith won't overcome the nice faith in God yes and it is our faith given to us by him for a believer I remember just right after I went to Oral Roberts University and in 67 now I'd been I had accepted the Lord four and a half years before but I didn't know anything I hadn't gotten into the war I want to learn some things but not like about faith until I got there and the Lord that's one of the reasons Lord put me mmm-hmm not only through brother Roberts but brother Hagin and and I was I was witnessing both their ministries at the same time anyway I began to realize that for a child of God a born-again believer to go to God and say give me faith enough to overcome this it's not that you don't have that faith when you accepted Jesus as Lord you accepted him by faith and God put that faith in you mm-hmm so it's there I realized that when I got there and I and and I thought wow I've been begging for something I already had I've already the problem me is I don't know how to use it mm-hmm and I noticed Robert it just astonished me on purpose he used his faith like a mechanic wouldn't go to the tool box pick out the tool that he needed go over there and play you can't just get any - mm-hmm but then a mechanic has to be taught that mmm I had the faith it was there it was world overcoming faith that's ready if you read down through this anybody that's born of God and has this world overcoming faith in them mm-hmm so the reason I'm bringing all this out honey get you get you ears out there and begin to listen open up your hearts that I receive what these men are talking about I have that kind of faith in me right now and and if I listen to the word that then faith cometh well what's happening faith is in there and though and it it connects with the Word of God and God will show you how to access what you already have and then nothing in the world then what you already have from God that that faith won't overcome it yes but you need to pay attention it'll work mm-hmm amen but you have to put it to work the the faith that we have in us is a measure of God's own faith and as such it is undefeatable it is uncomfortable but the enemy knows this he's seen close up in firsthand what this faith is capable of what it can do and he's afraid of it and so he being who he is and how operates he has a number of deceptions and wilds that he uses against believers to hinder them from walking in faith and a couple of the big ones that have been all too successful is if he can get somebody to misdirect or misplace their faith that's big or if he can get them to become offended in their faith because faith offended is faith lost the person's no longer operating in faith they've given it up and so I believe the Lord like we prayed yesterday is given us utterance in these broadcasts for folks that have made these mistakes because most all of us have made these mistakes in these areas either a little bit or alive out of ignorance or foolishness or a number of things but it grieves me and I know it does you we've talked about this that you see people that had made good progress and then some things happened and they became disillusioned now and they say oh you know that faith stuff doesn't work and that's just a bunch of junk and I don't know about that and it is so sad to see someone who has lost their because first of all they're deceived faith in God has never failed never will God has never let anybody down never will but also a person in that case the if they gonna say okay I'm not that believe in God net confessing and that's sowing and all that stuff I'm not doing that anymore okay what are they gonna do instead yeah that's what was coming where are you going yeah yeah which is exactly what happened back in in the book of John in the sixth chapter we see a group of people who became offended and lost their faith and what what happened to it is one of the saddest things to see a person lose their faith not only because of what's happening at present but like what we're talking about what's going to happen to them in the future in John stay you know keep you can't just stand static no you can't just stop right there and just spend the rest of your life right there in that little spot no no you're either gonna go fall yep are you gonna go back cause nothing else is standing still right if everything is moving all the time you know if you don't move forward you're gonna get shoved back yeah the only way to move forward the only way is in faith that's right that's it that's the only way to move so you quit believe in God you will go back no no ifs and ands about the only way to move forward is in faith you never that illustration that brother Jerry did years ago about the guy out and the remote and he's peddling his little boat then the minute he quit paddling his boat had just turned it on and head down strong well the whole earth is it it has a negative flow to it it's flowing in the wrong direction yes not going toward God even though Jesus defeated that negative flow you don't have to flow like that you can turn it around but not without faith and that's that's a perfect example because what's the victory that overcomes the world even our faith what's born of God overcomes well that paddling or that motor is overcoming the flow of that current and if there wasn't something flowing against you you wouldn't need to be an overcomer there'd be nothing to overcome but faith is what pushes you through this negative fear unbelief pessimistic junk that the world is full of and it is the only way to move forward and make progress and increase come out come up praise God only way these folks here in John 6 we're listening to Jesus preach and it's maybe challenging for us to believe that people could hear Jesus preached for hours and then decide he was off the wall but that's what happened this day they decided he was in error and they weren't going listening to him anymore he had a message that God gave him entitled drink my blood and the longer he preached the quieter it got in the crowd wasn't cause he wasn't on it no one cuz he wasn't right wouldn't cause he hadn't heard from the Father when cause it wasn't true and yet as he comes as he continued to teach and preach this I don't know at least hundreds maybe thousands decided I'm never going to another one of his meetings I'm never preaching I'm never listening to his preaching anymore and I'm not gonna support his ministry and him not then I believe on him I don't babies who I thought he was uh uh but and the thing is the day before they were the ones taking the most notes they were the one waving her hand shouting hallelujah this is the best thing we've ever heard this is the move of God this is the real deal until they heard this and then just like that own that with this one situation they decide nam i'm unhooking from this I'm not gonna be a part of this anymore and the Bible said verse 66 john 6:66 from that time many of his disciples so these weren't just folks had curious people that jumped in the meeting these are his disciples not the 12 but disciples followers of him people that had made some commitment yeah to go with him and support him and be with it from that time meaning not just a few many of his disciples went back in their what we were just talking about they went back and they walked no more with him literally that means they went back to the things that were behind them so they went back away from living and walking by faith they went back to living by tradition and living by natural rules and here's the interesting thing Jesus did not go whoa whoa wait wait wait everybody that's not what I meant he made no attempt he made no attempt he did not he's right the first time he didn't need to recovery well and that was one of the purposes of this message I see that yeah it tried their faith we don't know how much faith you've got when you understand it it's when you don't understand it that we find out about your faith we don't know how much faith you've got when your bills are paid things are going good it's when they're not paid and things are due or pastor we don't know how much faith you got when you healed in your body and you feel good it when you've gotten worse for the last several months now we find out if you got faith you know Judas never old king yeah so he dealt with him around he said have not I chosen you twelve one of yous a devil right he he net he never came back I don't know where when and where he got off but he he never recovered from from this time on to the finish if he'd have been honest he departed left that day with the rest of he would have but he hung around all I was thought about it because they said where would we go except the very next very next verse yeah Haiti there wasn't any other said well I'm not leaving here praise God well where would we go but then Peter came alive he caught hold of it yep and stirred himself up and said you're the one with the word of life and I'm not leaving and that is passing the trial of your faith let me have some Keith this never occurred to me for that this very moment it could very well be that that stand that moment is what kept him from going and hanging himself like Judas mm-hmm when he literally betrayed the Lord he just literally spoke out against him and cursed at the sound of his name mm-hmm but he didn't go hang himself and he any repetitive wasn't willing to just let go of this and Jesus just loved him and brought him on back in there but that that one statement of commitment right in the middle while everybody else is walking away could have been the very moment that gave the Lord opportunity to just hang on to him when he was so close there to jump in ship yes sir yes sir the one simple phrase that he did that the all these others didn't do that left he gave God some time he did he gave him some time and that's as simple as that sounds that can be the difference between going under or making it because if you trust somebody and that's what this is about faith like jesus said in matthew excuse me mark 11:22 have faith in God not not just in the movement not just in the feeling faith in the person of God you and miss Gloria have been outstanding friends to me and fellows for decades and I believe in you and I trust you and if somebody came and told me that you did something awful or you messed up I would not just immediately believe that or if I saw you or heard you do something that looked bizarre I still wouldn't say well I'm through with Kenneth Copeland I'd want to I'd want to talk to you I'd want to hear from you I'd want to know what's going on but now if I heard some little rumor or some little something and I say well I'd see it I'm we're not sowing into that anymore I'm never going to be associated with that well that means I didn't believe in you to start with and while everything was good and it was maybe conducive or beneficial for me to be around everything's fine but then when something comes up that that's a challenge I unhook it means I didn't believe to begin with and that's what this is talks about it says the Lord knew from the beginning who believed in him and he didn't need that men should testify of him and so when this kid that's why he didn't follow after him and he didn't beg him now please give me a chance to to explain know if they believed in him even if it just bizarre they would have sat right there and then said well there's just some stuff here we don't understand but we are gonna maybe he'll explain it tomorrow or maybe maybe he'll teach on a new series next week but they would not just have gotten up and said I can't be a part of this anymore that proves their faith wasn't there to start with they were just jumping on the bandwagon with everybody else because it was popular and the faith wasn't there you know what else it proved he didn't say anything that day that they could not have known from the word mm-hmm it was in the Abrahamic covenant it was in it was in the Torah and everything he said was in there mhm so there was not anything - something strange and weird it was only strange and weird if you didn't know what the word said about mm-hmm so you can't just jump up and run off and just declare him wrong not when he's been right all the time up to there mm-hmm but just like he said they didn't have any word base to believe it in the first place only they just got shook up and stirred up by the miracles and the food they ate and recharged and all that yeah but then had they already known it in the word have they taken what he said and gone back to the scripture and said well now here you know here's the scripture that he used when he preached that let's see what let's see what else the word has to say had they done that they to come back and said let's don't be too hasty here let's look at the word and see what to see what he's talking about huh the as a teenager I had an allergic reaction to some poison ivy and sumac stuff and as a as a baby a child I got in it and smeared it all over myself and didn't know what I was doing and man it affected me some way and certain times of the year I just break out and hi and I'd be bed fast it was more than just a little itch and scratch this went on for a long time and I didn't know much of the word but a new job had some problems along that you know I didn't I didn't know much about healing or faith or anything like that but I just read in there and then after I got in the ministry and learned a few things still I'd read about the book of Job and it seems that the book of Job is about the question why because at one point you know when some of the things first started happening it said Jobe said he didn't curse God or speak ill-advisedly but then later on the chapter starts off with Jobe saying why why was I born to see days like this why I'm a righteous man why and that's when his three friends came in and they tried to answer him why and it went on and on and on and you got 30-something chapters after that of wine and for years and and so many people that talk about it you see they told me why why why and finally one day the Spirit of God spoke to me because when God showed up on the scene spoke in the whirlwind he did not just answer the question he didn't just say here's why he asked him about the creation and could he explain this could explain that he didn't just answer and this is what came to me the the purpose of the book and the understanding of faith is not the answer to one it's what you do when you don't know why that is the trial of faith and it's not our faith must not be just in faith principles are in this and that or in affiliations our faith must be in the person of God in the person of Jesus and that we trust him no matter what we understand or what we don't could there'll always be stuff we don't understand there'll always be thing we don't have the answer to but the thing that will get you and I and all of us through the worst times that can exist through our tears through our ignorance through our challenges we look up through it and go I don't know all about it but I know this god you are a good god and I trust you and I don't care what they say I will never doubt you I'm here it's me and you I'm never going I'm never leaving and that will get you through anything he did that when his wife and his wife committed the sin that Satan accused before God job of heal heal curse you to your face yeah well his wife did it and then just and got the family just slaughtered she said why don't you cursed God who died so she'd already done it his answer was woman I don't care if he decides to kill me that's his business I will serve it yeah so he put his faith in the very character yeah yes in the faithfulness of God yes we're out of time brother Keith and I'll be back in just a moment an object in motion stays in motion Sir Isaac Newton it is our faith and we can put it in action or we can stop it dr. Kenneth Copeland faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead James 2:17 it is active faith that produces lasting results if your faith formula just isn't adding up to produce the desired results then maybe something or someone is missing it's possible that the most important element has been forgotten your faith must be in God let the faith in action package help you Kenneth Copeland's four-cd series faith how it works and the book the force of faith will teach you biblical laws that always work and show you the importance of your relationship with the Creator with these time-tested teachings from Kenneth Copeland you can better understand the solution to every problem and find the right way to connect the dots in your life of faith you can have results every time learn how to put your faith in action order your copy of the faith in action package by Kenneth Copeland and start building a solid foundation of faith and strength for your life that will never fail you order your package for just $12 and enjoy a 52 percent savings go to KCM org / TV special for call or write to us today for an additional product discounted 48-hour processing and to find other KCM products visit KC org when you walk by faith everything is going to be all right now that that world overcoming faith and when it says world it's not just talking about the planet it's talking about this this Babylonian system that man has built that's just choking the life out of human beings all over this world that's talking about being delivered from that world and overcoming that that system out there that teaches that that man oughta meet his own needs without God now listen to this whosoever notice that believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God everyone that loves him that everyone that loves him that gave that birth loves him also that's born of him by this we know that we are that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments now the fourth verse then says whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith that faith comes when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior it's not based on what you haven't done in your life that was ugly and bad it's not based on what you did do that was ugly and bad it's based on what Jesus did and that's the difference listen there's an old saying they say you go to hell for lion the same as stealing you don't go to hell for lion you don't go to hell for stealing you go to hell because you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior from those sins so it's right here in this same book if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness then over in the book of Romans you believe he's been raised from the dead and confess him as Lord so pray this right now Oh father in heaven Oh father and I believe with all an hour to leave with all my heart Jesus has been raised from the dead Jesus has been raised from me come into my heart come into my heart I I confess you as Lord and our absolutely renounce the sin in my life best shoes Lord announce the cinema fill me with your spirit fill me with your hope in Jesus hey man now we're out of time but right quick if you prayed that but brother Keith and me let us know use the information on your screen we'll send you this little book he did it all for you you use this to get started in Bible and send it to you for your own face see you tomorrow Jesus is walk thank you for joining us on the believers voice of victory if you've made a decision to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior the blessing is at work in your life right now be sure to request your free salvation package from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland that KCMG org [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 17,061
Rating: 4.908257 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, youtube, adversity, 1549087884001, kenneth copeland ministries, process2, word of god, offense, bvov-youtube, daily, faith, bvov_daily, choices, forgiveness, ken copeland, kenneth copeland
Id: x99MUWfZZCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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