Even in the Darkest of Times, the Power of God Will Overcome!

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provided to the believers voice of victor broadcast brother Keith Moore is here today and father we just praise you we open our hearts we open our minds to hear and to see you Jesus oh we want to hear what you say and see what you do because we'll say what we hear you say and we'll do what we see you do and we receive it in Jesus name Amen now now listen to me very carefully here this has been a long series I'm talking about in the United States particularly of grief and grief is a dangerous thing Jesus bore our griefs and carried our sorrows grief comes from that the definition of it it comes from a sense of loss and people have had their homes foreclosed on they've lost their jobs they've lost this and and lost that it's been an extended time brother Keith of loss in people's minds but don't you call yourself a loser no you are an overcomer yes and this is the way towards God restoring not only what you've lost but time and again over what you look he don't depend on the shape of the economy in fact when everything is bad is when you ought to be prospering the most so you can help people that are yes that have gotten into this area of loss so that's what it means to be a world overcome this you've been given faith Old Covenant system mm-hmm add to be a blessing when the rest of the world feels like it's cursed mm-hmm so world overcoming faith in God yes Helen and it's you don't have to wait until you get your stuff back or till you get this evidence or that that you can testify about it's your faith that is the testimony and that can be immediate today the luck we talked in previous sessions broadcast we don't know how much faith you got when everything is going good we don't know how much faith you got when all your bills are paid you're feeling good things are good in your marriage we don't know because what you're seeing and feeling is good we find out how much faith you got when it's not good when you're experiencing lack when you don't know where it's going to come from when the symptoms have got worse and just like in the time of economic darkness is the time for light to shine when it's the darkest it's the time for light to shine wins there's so much chaos and pain and problems around you it's the time when God would bless you would heal you would raise you up as a light and even though the devil is lied so much about God and told you know God put this on you God took your house away God made you sick it's not true it's not true what he would do with us is heal us in the midst of it bless us provide for us in the midst of it and people look at it and go how are you doing that how are you doing and we say hey that's a testimony that it is and we say God I got a good shepherd and he's still taking applications for the flock yes he is but it doesn't it doesn't begin with the results just like it's time in the darkness for the Lord's light to shine in his blessing and provision and protection it's time for your faith to shine people have taken it the wrong way they've had the idea that because I'm a faith person I shouldn't have any problems I shouldn't have any challenges I shouldn't have any issues and then because they do there they've allowed the enemy to just heat condemnation on them and go you know well I I must not have faith or this wouldn't be happening and granted we we've made some mistakes all of us have missed it in some areas and made some mistakes but don't be deceived now is the time for our faith to shine yes in the midst though it reminded me of an example I had the privilege of teaching ministering in healing school brother Kenneth Hagins ministry for a lot of years and one day the night before I had eaten a bunch of pizza and didn't realize it but it was bad that's some bad stuff in well I got up that morning well I had three classes to teach it Rhema and then I had lunch break and then I had healing school excuse me and when I got up I my stomach felt like world war three man I mean said something it's not right in there so I just I just spoke to it and I got ready and I pushed and and I and I was able to make when I first started speaking I felt like man I'm just gonna throw up and and but I just kept going and I made it through class 1 class 2 class 3 went home for lunch Phyllis said boy you're pale I said yeah and I was I felt dehydrated and so I got a big glass of water and I downed it and I got four another fella said I wouldn't do that I don't think you'll drink all that water I said yeah but I'm thirsty and so I just went ahead and drank a bunch of water well I got to healing school this is healing school where we're teaching appreciatively on healing and the folks were there with symptoms and and needing help and I got up to the poof it and I said open and that was it it's like I was gonna say open your Bible and I threw up over the pulpit over everything in humans goo my ulcers bless their hearts they rush don't they rushed on me they whipped off their jackets they covered up the podium they covered me up they didn't want people to see me in that state that's love love company and they kind of ushered me and escorted me out the back and on my way out I turned around and Duane who's our organ player to church now sitting up on the b3 I just pointed to him I said Duane sing and I didn't know it but he didn't consider yourself a singer he never sang he just played you know I just assumed he looked at me kind of wide-eyed I said slang he said yes sir he started singing the plan and saying I got I went to the bathroom cleaned up I put on a new shirt I put my tire back on and went back out and we preached on dealing with symptoms and the Lord helped us and before we got through we had a great service and and what I'm talking about is in that kind of situation too to leave the impression or to have the idea that if I got enough faith I'll never be attacked I'll never have any symptoms I'll never have any trials is not true it's not the word it's not the Lord never never promised us we'd never have any challenges he did tell us that if we'd believe him we would always triumph we would win overcome over everyone and so in a situation where in my case that day I'm looking bad this is not a good example of healing this is not a good example of anything but this is not the time for me to curl up in the back and shut the door and go you know what's wrong with me if I was man faith this wouldn't happen that one it's be so embarrassed just no lying gonna finish that message dear Lord I'm out of here that's and that's private you know you can but it's just not a bad dad hurt somewhere I mean Satan don't take advantage of your really really bad over a deal but if we could see it right brother Kenneth this just like when it's dark in the world it's the perfect opportunity for the light to shine and when you have maybe you lost your house maybe you lost some stuff maybe you lost your job maybe a lot of bad stuff is happening in this darkness is the time when your faith can shine it's in the darkest hour like that that when you look up through the tears and the muck the foam up but whatever it is you look up and you go I don't care I don't care I still believe this just like God believed it in our another now aren't you convinced that's what the Apostle Paul was talking about when he said that when he went he was weakest was when the power God come on yes he's talking about in the middle of all this mess because he refused to quit yes that the power just keep getting stronger and stronger and stronger instead of weaker and weaker and weaker and he just wouldn't turn loose of it and like they told oral one time my spiritual father or robbers he hey said no oral don't why don't you just why don't you just take it easy here in these last few years and this let the Lord take care of you and and don't don't do things that are risky to your health and Nona and he hollered over the phone he said you're gonna tell all robbers not to take any risk and he said well take a risk why not he said you said it might kill me whoa he said oh no other side of that it's stunning oh and I just hear the Apostle Paul saying that do you know he said well so what if he kill me hey I'm not quitting understanding I'm oh I'm gonna finish this message one way or the other I'm gonna finish it I'm going to heaven bored though mm-hmm no once you get that kind of attitude about things yeah man that faith just keeps coming on it just keeps coming on yeah I was in I was out of the country a number of years ago and word was sent to me that a fellow minister was was at death's door with cancer in that same city and they had asked what I come by and speak to him and so I did and it was a lady and she was skin and bone and it was so weak you couldn't you could barely hear her speak when she tried to speak you had to lean down put your head down close to her ear close to her mouth and finally I was able to hear she said and doctors told you no we're telling them that she probably would have been going a week or so ago if she hadn't they think just a strong will but the Spirit of God prompted me just one simple phrase let the weak say I am strong yeah well see she's not saying that she's saying iron is so weak and she's saying every time I eat something I can't keep anything down and everything it just comes right back up well she's got cancer and cancer of the stomach and cancer of all kind of stuff and it's that's what she's experiencing but faith can overcome any disease any destruction anything that's there or not there anything in this world but faith calls those things that be not as though they were faith is not moved by what it sees and feels I said sister to Minister she knows some of these things but any of us can get focused on what we see in the field start talking about and I said sister we said would you just do this one simple thing say I am strong well she looked at nodded her head I said now right now I took her hand I said just say it with me I'm strong in the Lord we'd have to wait he'd take a couple of minutes and the Lord is my witness brother Kenneth in 20 minutes she's sitting up in bed saying it loud enough I don't have to lean in anymore in another 20-30 minutes she's shouting loud enough you can hear outside the house praise God just just in an hour or less she's looking at me tears of joy running down her eyes she's a believer she's preacher she knows faith I said now look at me you say this right now she's ready to say it as you said I have a voracious appetite and when I eat it stays down I said now listen to me if you eat and if it hits the bottom of your stomach and it bounces right up and you as they say puke your guts out you're throwing up I said in the middle of throwing up you wipe off your mouth and you say when I eat it stays down and this is for folks missing it brother Kenneth that they make good confessions and then if it doesn't go the way they wanted it to or needed it to and and they throw up or whatever they said well Houston understand I'm a faith man was just working faith people don't say why isn't this working not unless you want it not to work right right in this case if you believe it's worked you don't say why isn't it working you're unmoved by what you're feeling I see one fella tell me he said brother Kenneth I just got so sick I just had to say how sick yeah well I mean that's what the devil is trying to get home and when you did you gave substance right but you have not lost because there are some circumstances and there's some symptoms and some issues folks are thinking because I had this loss or I had this problem well it didn't work something's wrong with me no no no now is when we really find out if you have faith now is when you got an opportunity for your faith to shine in the midst of the pain you don't have all the answers in the midst of the loss why did I lose it why why was are foreclosed on why did I have to move why did this and that you're never gonna get it if we're asking why like then because behind that wine is a question of God's character we have a right to ask for the Lord to teach us an understanding we never have a right to question his faithfulness or to question his fast deadly it is a deadly thing and when people Christians some people think it's okay for them to just yield to the flesh and go why God why why that is a direct dispersion on his character you're not saying the words but in the tone you're saying God where were you why did the why is is there not how did I let this take in the mother why is why did you let this because Act that's word that's where it is and that's what so devastated oh well our faith is to be in God in the person of God in his character the Bible said Sarah when she was past age she received strength and was able to conceive and bear a child I'm god we know God turned the clock back on her body amazing things happened in that woman and as she not coupled with Abraham she herself has her own verse in Hebrews 11 as she does her pictures on the wall this is not not with him says because she judged God faithful yes that is what allowed the power of God to come in when she's too old it's too late it's too far go the Bible said past age well in Keith she'd been bearing all of her life she never said she got a lifetime of not being able to bear she's right there's a lot of condemnation the devil used on her over a period of years because yeah so the old ladder had to be removed yeah that's that's not strong but it wasn't that she could quote you know the scriptures the there weren't scriptures at that time like we have now it wasn't that she was so knowledgeable of the principles of faith and the steps the perfect confessions and she had faith in the person of the Almighty that he would be faithful to her and she didn't know how didn't know the ways but she just trusted him trusted him that he would make this right in her life and he would give her what the desire of her heart I heard brother Hagin say this and it really came to my rescue the time I was preaching on Shreveport Louisiana early days of this ministry life Tabernacle Church had this head of marvelous me but something had happened I didn't know physically what it was but it something happened in the inside of my leg up close Tim McGraw it started out down here low around my ankle and it just moved all the way up my way is excruciating I never I never felt such pain at that time is worst pain I've ever had hmm but I've determined that I I'm not going to just yield to this and not preach my meeting I'm not do that so I just went ahead well the morning had come only while the service going on and I'd walk off the platform and it hit me why one night it hit me so strong that I screamed out loud before I couldn't stop it I couldn't get my hand over my mouth quick enough to stone thing and I had done what I knew to do with no effect except during the services but it kept I could see it as consistently getting worse I didn't know what this was what what's it gonna progress into I'd heard brother Hagin say Lord you can't miss it no can't be wrong your word that says by His stripes you were healed that can't be wrong right now I've missed it somewhere yeah so I went in that is the night before the last service and I I just threw myself across the bed there in the hotel room and I just said it out loud I said Lord you you can't miss it yeah and the words that I've been confessing from your work they can't be wrong I've missed it somewhere mm-hmm so I'm asking you to reveal to me where I've missed it I said I'd find no fault with you right and you know I'll take it about I didn't say that that not and learn that until few sometimes later but that's essentially what I was saying and I said I listened this I said I'm just going to get quiet here and when I did it came up on the inside he said you've been quoting my word and that's good but you have not gone to the word and put your eyes on it according to what I taught you in proverbs 4 mm-hmm keep it before yacht their health oh you play em hmm I just been quoting it mmm so I went back over these scriptures and called went through the service at night it just it bad as it had been but that's the last service flew a home we then I didn't fly home that night we went home on the airlines instead of meeting him trying to fly and there's man showed up at the gate with a wheelchair why aren't you sitting on the bed MA and my dad picked me up there but he said they said I believe you need one of these I said he'll men don't need wheelchair and keep us hurting but I did I just not gonna do that anyway we got almost home on today don't take me all the way home let's stop at your house I need to get in a bit so we did my mother and Gloria just prayed in the spirit and by faith I just dropped off to sleep he gives his beloved sleep about three cosna morning I opened up I just jerked my eye out and set up in the bed mama said that did it and she went on the bed I was totally completely healed and delivered in the meantime though I had gone to the word obeyed his instructions did exactly same verses with now wasn't quoting them I put my eyes on them and I said I believe I received this I'm following his instructions even but I didn't quit and turn the meeting over somebody else and sometimes over yeah but you could have died well think about it out it I'd be 30 years in heaven right now wouldn't it be wonderful that we're out of time I'm gonna take hold of it just say that left I had it in the name of Jesus doesn't even I'll be back an object in motion stays in motion Sir Isaac Newton it is our faith and we can put it in action or we can stop it dr. Kenneth Copeland faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead James 2:17 it is active faith that produces lasting results if your faith formula just isn't adding up to produce the desired results then maybe something or someone is missing it's possible that the most important element has been forgotten your faith must be in God let the faith in action package help you Kenneth Copeland's four-cd series faith how it works and the book the force of faith will teach you biblical laws that always work and show you the importance of your relationship with the Creator with these time-tested teachings from Kenneth Copeland you can better understand the solution to every problem and find the right way to connect the dots in your life of faith you can have results every time learn how to put your faith in action order your copy of the faith in action package by Kenneth Copeland and start building a solid foundation of faith and strength for your life that will never fail you order your package for just $12 and enjoy a 52 percent savings go to KCM org / TV special or call or write to us today for an additional product discounted 48-hour processing and to find other KCM products visit KCM or when you walk by faith everything is going to be all right you know the important thing about these messages this is an eleven message series by brother have faith in God I just called faith in gum talking about these same things but that he he's not limited here we're not limited in these series - 2015 18 20 minutes or so and you go into detail just how long it takes to get him well what if you were sitting right here and I said here brother Keith told me that he'd like for you to have this oh and you'd be anything like I am man you grab it and I can't wait to get to getting all my machine where I can listen to well hey I'll tell you something better than that you just go right over to KCM dot org and brother keith has offered this to you to download free of charge go there and get it you can have it but in the next few minutes praise the Lord and be right in it and finish out the day listen to it praise God I mean this is important and father we thank you we pray for this entire radio and television audience we receive together and we hear your voice and and we see your word and we thank you for it in Jesus name today starts the Branson victory campaign you need to get there and brother Keith and fiza's church brethren Branson Missouri and just pull yourself into the Word of God we'll see you tomorrow until then remember Jesus is law thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for more information on Kenneth Copeland ministries go to our website Det KCM org while online you'll discover a resource of faith-based teachings to help you find the answers you're looking for when you walk by faith everything is going to be all right [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 10,480
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: ken copeland, overcomer, courage, daily, faith, bvov_daily, youtube, hope, bvov-youtube, adversity, victory, process2, kenneth copeland ministries, word of god, 1549046485001, keith moore, kenneth copeland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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