The Ultimate A to Z Learn-A-Thon 📖✏️ | Learn to Read | Alphablocks

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[Music] attention alpha blocks are we all here then let's take it away the alphab blocks Alphabet Song and a [Music] a a where's B sorry bit late and again from the top a b a b where I can't see a b not a b a b oh I see once again A B C D of course I can see D he's there no c and d That's s c e and again a b c d e e e F sorry I forgot don't despair D will do something to help dot what's that a DOT a b c d e f g amazing h I'm so incredible I'm so important I'm the most intelligent and interesting well I am H I'm a little teapot short and St fine h i jbt I'm a jolly j k l m n no no no no no oh no oh oh oh h i j k l m n o p q r s t anyone terribly sorry dot who's next you no I've just done mine it must be you Q R S T U V [Music] W the exciting X wble X why are we singing this no time to explain now the song must go on W X Y and me Zed now [Music] wec next time don't you bounce on me again again from the beginning a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z z and Zed now we our ABC let's sit down and drink some tea ah o ooh o ooh [Music] uh oh oh oh P qu oh [Music] w w w [Music] w y [Music] y on oh oh ah ah ah ah ah B [Music] [Music] B [Music] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] m [Music] [Music] qu [Music] wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo [Music] w y y y- y y y y- y- y- y [Music] ah [Music] [Music] w y oh [Music] am I fast or very fast I'm very fast it's a very nice day for a race and the will room room to Victory on your marks it's It Go a cap cap follow that [Music] v g down we go I'm a jolly jir I can fly jet I can [Music] fly [Applause] [Music] lovely vroom vroom [Music] [Music] v a run run yaho hold tight Alpha friends this will be [Music] exciting you'll never catch [Music] me everyone ready uh where's p v is for V V is for [Music] victory surprise but I'm very fast I'm very very very fast race your back oh uhoh oh uhoh uhoh Ox f b b [Music] dog fol dog folks F dog B Brown Fox brown fox brown fox a z e Lazy Dog Lazy Dog lazy dog brown fox Lazy Dog brown fox Lazy Dog brown fox Lazy Dog brown fox Lazy Dog quick round the quick brown [Music] fox jump jumps the quick brown fox jumps o over the lazy dog jumps over the lazy dog theck Brown jums over Lazy Dog theck brown fox jump over Lazy Dog Lazy Dog quick brown fox the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog lazy do jumps over the quick dog over the quick brown dog the lazy fox jumps quick fo brown dog Brown fo Lazy Dog the quick brown fo jumps over lazy dog jumps over Lazy Dog the jumps over Lazy Dog do do [Music] what a funny noise where are you going just in time this tea party is terribly tiresome could you try to liven things [Music] up a b alphabet what is this why is it doing that where is it going it's the alphabet but where is the rest of it g what is G doing here where is d what about that I think they want us to collect them whatever four only one way to find out whistle we Skip Along singing our collecting [Music] song don't mean to whine but this bag is getting heavier and heavier let's see if we can make things a bit easier elephant water [Music] war with an elephant to help us we can get the entire Alpha [Music] that wao this is going to take forever what can we do to go faster Wheels On Wheels we can whong singing our col song wao the Sheep where did that come from surfing is such fun what are we going to do now we can't swim out to seea FY this could be a catastrophe unless the letters can help us dolphin fishing in the sea is such fun where are the other letters up here what fun thank you dolphin tyho Travelers how many letters did you get did you find the whole alphabet 254 25 we one letter short too bad I hoped it would make this tea party a bit more toet tapping which letter is missing which which letter said we've got the whole alphabet in one bag every word under the sunen tip now that's what I call a tea party ah ah [Music] ah cracking ah a day for an adventure brilliant because look what I've got the big Bob the song contest tomorrow night in capital City cool crumbs carried away should be a blast I could play my beautiful big blue bass guitar and I could sing the band it'll be just like old times before the band broke up B on [Music] top band is big he's just in D has quit the band I don't want to play pop my destiny is rock band band D I've had an amazing idea let's get n and D to join us at the bul bring back the band brilliant but capital city is a long way off I can get you to Capital City come with me c a b cab Adventure await we're off on a road trip across Alpha land setting out together to bring back the band before we are through we'll collect the whole crew and a see what we can [Music] do brother we're on our way to the big Bop we want to bring back the band don't you remember what happened last time it was a disaster I've decided to do my own song a daring duet for drums and diger do drumsticks please b a d [Music] bad that was bad really bad disappointing can't you two just make up then we can all go together brother definitely let's do this Capital City here we [Music] come do you mind if I dig out my digyo it's a long way we should find a place to stop and rest can't ask for a clearer [Music] sign everyone is welcome at ease you don't have to shout everever so sorry we'd like a bed and a bite to eat please excellent at ease everyone gets a bed and everyone gets fed fabulous food for everyone we'll fill you up in no time f e d fed delicious now you're fed it's time for B bed dibs on the top bunk is there another place to sleep follow me home Home on the [Music] Range gosh guests great hi there hello what could be better on a beautiful night than sleeping under the stars b a bag sleeping bag at last I can hardly stay awake busy day tomorrow best get some rest good [Music] night ah [Music] wakey wakey everyone got to get going the gig is tonight the big Bop amazing you're coming as well of course we're the band's biggest fans hold on got to get a bigger car [Music] I'm so incredible I'm so important I'm so intelligent and interesting I just flew I'm a jolly [Music] jird do you know is this the way to Capital City indeed it is that's where I am going if a bus ever arrives hold on [Music] hit did the Bush come it did but we hit how am I supposed to get to Capital City now come with us I know you didn't you used to be the band we will be we get n back on board we're going to play at the bop and hit the big time again I will be the judge of that I can make you big and J can make you g [Music] jig no I mean big stars and big stars need big cars G big fantastic now we can all fit let's get this show back on the [Music] road the fuel tank is empty we passed a filling station back there but it was a long walk 98 99 100 kicks cool can I have a go can you kick it yes I can b a [Music] [Applause] back here we are again again how does this work I don't know la la la la [Music] [Music] bye fantastic we need to find our way to cat Capital City fast go left then down the hill hill what hill hey wait for [Music] us don't make M's marvelous milkshakes hurry up we don't want to be late we just want to we're in a rush I have many many many flavors mango melon mint Murry mixed berry mandarin orange just milk for me please and for me ah mem M I like Jem amam not that sort of jam my mistake Jumping Jelly Beans a traffic jam disaster we don't have time to dilly dally we need to get to n my good friend n he lives just over that mound you go and get in we'll get out of this [Music] jum no I am not in but you just answered we want to bring back the band for the big Bop but we can't do it without you no at least think about it we'd be together again no doing our thing living the dream no don't say we didn't try do I have to do [Music] everything in no I mean I'm in Count Me In Dynamite no guitar no no guitar the bum is back come on leave a lot of ground to cover no time to waste let's a BC what we can [Music] do you've broken down and need a lift oh get in we can get you going but we've got to get a move [Music] on off no maybe there's a way to get it back on oh no idea e m o lemon odd but effective at last away we go maybe it's left or maybe it's right I just popped in to point you in the right direction ah [Music] map perfect drive in that direction Capital City we've arrived I need you you raise anchor meares the seven CES a waight let's set sail into the sunset time for tea first I've packed you clean underwear you how utterly [Music] embarrassing rust no no we'll never make it so close close and yet so [Music] far sorry about that we have to put it right boss beautiful a big blue boss everyone jump in wait for me where are you there you are I've missed you you quick nice no stopping us nownow be meaning to ask what song shall we play at the big Bop ah I hadn't thought about that we've got a brilliant song haven't we brother definitely let's do it keep it down can we sit here instead too noisy we need to play something nice like [Music] this I don't think so not enough drive not enough base Our Song is better no one will hear Ace hanging over your nasty noise it's got no tune I agree quit no more I quit not [Music] again now what very bad weather a van nice v [Music] v wonderful to get out of the rain [Music] wet go sit in my seat I'll get this [Music] I don't know why I got involved in this I think you're all being extremely silly did somebody say x thank goodness you're here x these four are being impossible not our fault they won't play our song they don't want to play ours enough explain yourselves they were too noisy is that true be we might have been a bit loud but their song had no beat is that true n maybe it needed some base and some drums wait a minute Our Song needs what yours has got and our song needs what yours has got I know how to fix [Music] this mix mix both songs together we sound our best when we B together quickly it's going to start soon y have you got your tickets M no [Music] yes yes yay yipp you can go in let's do this brilliant no one here but he's fast asleep Zoe I was absolutely zoned out where is everyone maybe I'm in a doy days but I think everyone's here all ready for the big Bop but but I don't understand I wanted the band to get back together and play some more sizzling Tunes so I sent that to you and here you are huzzah it was a trick you made it up there's no big pop don't be zany of course there is you brought it with [Music] you you mean us [Music] oh what the big book with all of us here we can make anything we want Zip Zap Zoom you've got it when letters get together we go a a a z a m b b b we can love ha we can sing La La we can make everything hold my hand and we'll make up a band the biggest and the best who ever Rock alha land we can p we can B we can knock off your socks are you ready to get rocking with the AL sing a song sing along together forever [Applause] out and nicely [Applause] [Music] done
Channel: Alphablocks
Views: 4,406,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alphablocks, alpha blocks, learn to read, learn to spell, phonics for kids, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, letter sounds, alphabet, learn english, reading, kids learning videos, learn the alphabet, spelling for preschool, spelling for kindergarten, reading for preschool, reading for kindergarten, writing for preschool, writing for kindergarten, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, abcde, abc, a to z
Id: 9HKbQ1QyLaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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