How to say and write numbers | 123 Learn to Count | Numberblocks

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a rainbow oh it must be nice being so many different colors I'm just gray gray gray cheer up nine you never know when your luck will I heard a noise oh oh iszard Den this must be your lucky day nine draw a number in the air that many colors you will share draw a number you can draw me if you like I think it means draw a number like these are numberings and a number one is one straight line going down one color we're all red one color isn't very exciting let's try three make a curve just like me then one more and you've got three oo W what colorful stripes that's funny three colors each so who's next I'm the largest here that means the most colors a loop and then a downward line that's the way to make a nine nine colors beat that that looks like fun can I have a go round in a loop like an empty hoop make zero zero Colors oh whoops where's everyone gone OCT block breathe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 breathe that's better I'm sorry the one turned to saw Zero colors and itself too the wand where is it I don't know someone bumped into me and I dropped it maybe there's a counter spell in here uh ah you'll stay invisible until you draw your number with this quill my numberers easy to remember round in a loop like an empty hoop makes zero nothing to see [Music] here my turn one line down like a stick makes a run that was quick over to you twoo I can't remember how my number looks I'll be invisible forever we could copy our numbers from the bookcase quick our numbers let's Trace them together round in a loop like an empty hoop Mak zero one line down like a stick makes a one that was quick one curve down is what you do then straight across to make a [Music] two make a curve just like me then one more and you've got three down and right off once more cross the line that's a four it's working it's working down and around then a line of high high five start with a curve round with a swish that's the way to make a s a line in the sky and down to the ground That's How Lucky Sevens found an S to start looking great loop back up and there's your h a loop and then a downward line that's the way to make a nine and what fine figures we all make B [Music] lucky catch I wish I could be you Savin you're so lucky you can be me just ask a friend to jump on your head but first you have to know the difference between you and me we all have a place but we're different that's very easy to see we're all friends here but we're different but what makes you you and not me I'd love to be you but I come up short I need to add something but what I'd love to be lucky like seven one of you got that we have a got I could try on a heart that's the difference four I can stand on a box that's the difference six and if the difference won't pop into your head you can kind the missing blocks one two two the difference is two so what's the difference 7 - 3 = 4 that's the difference four 7 - KN = 6 that's the difference six 7 - 5 = 2 that's the difference so make up the difference and everyone will see what the difference is between you and [Music] me I'd love to be you but I come up short I need to add something but what I'd love to be stronger like 9es what have you got if we haven't got you can count on your hands seven eight nine that's a difference three 1 2 three you can fill in the space that's the difference one and if the difference won't pop into your head you can count number gloves in place 1 2 3 four five five the difference is five so what's the difference 9 - 6 = 3 that's the difference three 9 - me = 1 that's the difference 1 9 - 4 = 5 that's the difference five so make up the difference and everyone will see what the difference is between you and me [Music] [Music] I'd love to be you but I'm much too big we need to lose something but what I'd love to have some of your talent what makes you two and someone we're not I can walk through a door that's the difference seven I could get into bed oh that's the difference and if the numbers won't hop into your head you can count the extra blocks instead 1 2 3 4 5 five the difference is five so what's the difference Nine - 2 = 7 that's the difference s 10 - 2 equal 8 that's the difference eight 7 - 2 = five that's the difference so take off the difference and everyone will see what the difference is between you and [Music] me we all have a place but we're different you have to admit we from far we're all friends here but we're different and the differ between us make us who we are calling all number blocks 15 here on the lookout for hidden talents are you hiding a team of jugglers or even a team of musicians show us What You're Made Of wooo I'm 25 and I'm here to show you the five fives high five to the side above you can do this 26 look deep inside yourself um I can make a team of ones how about a dance number can you make a team of twos I think so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 of them that's a lot to remember that was fun good luck out there 132s 132s and 26 and I can make whoops what was it again oh yes don't say it to [Music] their well I liked it that's my chair two t 2 3es makes 26 thank you hello hello 21 are you there maybe she took the lift wait a moment lift H hush agent 15 here you may be just the number I've been looking for follow [Music] me the talent show is just a cover the real work goes on down here oh in our top secret number base at mi15 our math investigation agents are always on the hunt for hidden numbers I'm looking for bonds number bonds there are all sorts of ways to find smaller numbers inside bigger ones once you start looking some of our larger agents can carry teams of smaller numbers where they're needed a circus in need of rainbow jugglers an Explorer in need of a triple dose of luck or if you need a complete set of one to six steps can be taken 21 how did you get down here I took the stairs actually I am the [Music] stairs oops back to work I've been looking for a number like you 26 step this way o [Music] I'd like you to meet my top agent agent 13 whoops don't mind M agent 13 excels at breaking bigger numbers into smaller numbers pull yourself together I'm happy being hang on the problem is if anyone says 13 then agent 13 goes to pieces I get it you need someone to carry around 13 and not just one 13 but a team of two 13 because I'm double 13 hey I figured myself out I'm agent 26 and I'm double 13 well it seems that agent 26 we'll be great and next I'll show you the long Gallery keep up everyone oh what's through there [Music] yeah [Music] oh oh it's a magic mirror oops I've made two lots of me making friends is fun oh let's make make three next oh Mirror Mirror he my plea I wish you could make three of me your wish is my command wow three lots of won 1 + 1 + 1 equal 3 my turn my turn two lots please two lots of two 2 + 2 equal four I'm four I'm two lots of two the terrible [Music] TW the magic mirror is even more magical than we thought oh the others will want to see this keep an eye on it while I'm away and don't mess around with it right my turn once it not two oh go on it's only fair two lots please two two lots of three is six number six is on the floor don't be shy let's have some more good idea three lots [Music] please three lots of three is nine I'm three3 see yay yeah we should probably stop now but look there are so many of us here already what would be surprised if she comes back and everyone's here all right then we've got two three four then six oh no we're missing five how many lots of who is five H let's try you o three lots please three lots of two six number six is on the floor wait have I said that before two lots of three three lots of two yeah I was hoping for a five maybe I can help no two lots [Music] please two lost a four is eight no no no we need a five and we're missing seven and 10 who wants to try next it's a big [Music] surprise not is 10 that's 10 sorted all we need now is five and seven next get ready for a really big surprise one's coming hide why can't we make five [Music] seven there surprise a magic mirror some big surprise ah but what if I said I could make lots of number blocks appear all at once now that would be [Music] APR I feel like being naughty extra naughty octo naughty ah time to activate the dimension nator Two by Two by Two Octon naau cube with my new three-dimensional Powers nothing can stop me now three four my turn to roll no my turn I win and you lose Square power two by two three by three naughty [Music] me not so fast Dr naughty what are you doing taking you for a spin Octor naughty now in 3D you'll never escape from my Dimension [Music] Ator ahh no sneaky signaling octo flop huh what is that maybe someone needs a big Cube like me coming did somebody want a cube mhm what's this who are you I am 27 and I am [Music] a bit of a mess I'm the only Cube allowed around here the rest of you will be wonky shapes [Laughter] forever now let's have no more distractions [Music] [Music] as I was saying I am 27 and I am a super Cube 3X 3X three TR the power of three [Applause] [Music] dimensions the three n superne [Applause] [Music] octo Cube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 octo Cube by the power of three dimensions the fantabulous Force nice is stronger then NY by the power of three dimensions the three three three smile please [Music] aha the dimension Ator will make me a super powerful Cube again uhoh hey I'm feeling flat let me out of here [Music] super I'll get you next time Al bl by the power of three dimensions Hello friends glad you could make it the Museum of numbers I love this place the Museum's closed there are robot guards everywhere we need to get in grabb what we came for and get out or certain someone's not going to be happy now we need to get through this big Square gate 16 you're [Music] up there is a problem boss there are four bolts I can't lift them all at the same time Don't Panic it's time for a backup plan use your skill sheet four heavy bolts what would help e twos twos aren't strong enough two eights not enough of them I can be for square fours squares are [Music] strong the plan says there's a keypad for the main door way up there but we don't know the Cod how can we get your pie Qui could climb up a step shaped 15 but we need a lucky guess to crack that cord aha step shaped 10 and Lucky Seven Intruders Intruders tickle tickle tickle tickle woo tickle tickle tickle tickle was lucky Intruders intruders there you the floor past that line is alarmed if anything touches it we'll all get caught those buttons turn the alarms off but how can we get to them tickle tickle tickle tickle quickly I can't hold the door much longer where power I don't believe this calls for Speed Six ra and Away careful friends watch out for that inconvenient I'm stuck tickle tickle tickle tickle how can I reach both those buttons while still stuck here 92s no use 63s police two 9 ding we have a winner alarm off follow me friends nearly there now tickle tickle tickle tickle a Laser Maze the perfect job for a oneoff like me tickle tickle tickle tickle the guard hide for once I need to blend in not stand [Music] out you oh yeah there it is the gold an Infinity time to grab it 16 wait in stealing the golden Infinity tickle tickle tickle tickle wait we're not stealing anything we came for this one's teddy bear she left it behind at closing time we to come back in the morning but she can't sleep without it we're very sorry no need to apologize we can't sleep without ours either cuddle cud pH it's cold up here keep going everybody we near the top of Blocky Mountain oh if we're really lucky we might spot the legendary big tum a big hairy monster with a big hairy tummy who loves puzzles don't be silly [Music] seven yum what was that Yum Big T yum yum who's in my tum who's in wait is one of us missing uh everyone call out your number 1 2 3 y 5 6 7 8 9 10 where's four Four's missing Four's in your T yum yum well [Music] done are you feeling okay for I'm fine thank you it was warm and snuggly in Big [Music] T come and get me game on coming ready or not look nine nice smooth snow oh yum yum who's in my tum nine oh no where are you it was me I was nine and big tum gobbled up some of my my blocks how many I don't know I have my eyes shut oh I know here goes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] n so nine was here then some of his blocks were taken away and that left you three which means n - yum = three so what's missing H come over here three hey that's one two three 4 5 6 there so that's what's missing 9 - 6 = 3 and is in your tum yum yum well done it's good to be back who are the others OCT block [Music] Sledge everybody stay close no need to panic um what's wrong friends why don't you oh they're made of snow snow yum yum who's in my that's easy the real one 2 three and four NOP they're all together now so what do they make when they're all together 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 equals yum let's try adding the snow blocks together 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 snow blocks so 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 there's a 10 in your T yum yum well [Applause] done it's nippy out much warmer inside can we all come in until it stops snowing please no problem and plenty of room for you too it was a great day in the big city I was wondering where my next case would come from when you've got to help me one it's gone everything's gone slow down nine tell me what happened I live in apartment 9 on the ninth floor of numerical Towers I left home this morning at 9:00 to buy a newspaper when I came back 9 minutes later the door was open everything was gone a mystery indeed I'll take the case let's look for Clues did you notice anything strange or unusual when you got back uh no nothing oh there was one thing a suspicious shadowy Stranger in a coat and hat pushed past me and ran out of that door but apart from that nothing can you describe this stranger they were as wide as the door so two blocks wide with a flat head clue one flat head when standing two blocks wide anything else I could see over their head when we were both two blocks wide so they must have been smaller than me clue too smaller than nine look hat coat it's them after them [Music] quick there on the steps the Hat these aren't steps [Music] it's did either of you see a suspicious step-shaped figure in a coat and hat sorry friend no one else down here just us something didn't add up or did it let's look at what we know clue one the suspect had a flat head when standing two blocks wide so it can't have been three 5 7 or nine and it wasn't you because you can't stand two blocks wide 2 4 6 8 10 the suspect must be an even number Bingo and remember clue two the suspect was smaller than nine so it can't have been 10 that still leaves 2 4 6 and 8 but which was it h wait there's one more clue we nearly [Music] forgot the suspect can make a step shape not two or four or eight so it must have been six and who did we meet in the alley three and another three equals [Music] six stop th you've got it all wrong oh where to begin in I'm not taking these things I'm moving them in moving in come up and I'll show you 1 2 3 4 5 9 wait nine doesn't come after five this isn't Apartment 9 it's apartment six look number six turned upside down looks like a number nine no one stole your things nine you went into six's Empty Apartment so my things must [Music] be right where I left them Case Closed sorry we chased you six I thought that you were after me that's why I hid as 3 + three well one and all to the final stages of the 10 bolting contest and it seems there's a 10 bolting progress as we speak there's the T there's the Vault [Music] lovely now there's nine and four getting into shape nice and tall 9 + 4 making 10 and three look at me making oh don't say it 13 time on my own Action Replay amazing and if that seems a bit fast don't worry here's someone who can show us how it's done please welcome eight the first thing you need to know in 10 volting is is who's your 10 friend your 10 friend that's the number block who takes you up to 10 yes that's right come on out here little buddy hide so Eight's 10 friend is two and I'm told we can see a bit of this morning's 10 friend training session on the beat find your 10 friend go go go that's it make those 10 10 friends 9 and 1 eight and 2 s and three six and four five and five 10 10 friends 10 10 friends so once you know your 10 friend you can go 10 vaulting that's right the trick is to find your 10 friend on the way come on six let's show them how it's [Applause] done eight plus [Music] [Applause] six equals 14 extreme Wow Let's see that once more in slow motion [Music] eight plus six cool [Music] tricks uhoh there's two eight 10 friend they've made the 10 hello 10 fans two came from six to leave four tummy tuck Square flop a 10 of the four equals 14 extreme that's much clearer just in time for the target round where our vultures need to make EXA exactly 17 that's a big Target when it's accuracy that counts you need to pick your partner carefully good thing we train for that too come on eight that's it those first two get you to 10 now keep going + 3 = 11 + 4 = 12 + 5 = 13 now go for the burn + 9 = 7 so to make 17 you need to partner with nine yes taking my 10 friend two away from nine will leave the seven I need or as we professional 10 bols say find the 10 see what's spare slide it down and pop it there that's a work of art eight is our 10 bolting champion and he better to toward the trophy then 10 um where is 10 and where's eight um they right here you just need to put yourself in the [Music] picture thank you but this trophy is not just for me it's for 10 volters everywhere 10 11 10 two T 20 count your ones 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 count it out tens and ones 10 20 21 22 23 24 I wonder if we'll ever figure ourselves out like you 22 ooh can I help I love exploring numbers and I know just the place Prime positions wide and tall and more switch turn switch turn Hello friends welcome to the rectangle Retreat seeing what rectangles a number can make really helps figure them out totally when I found out I make a 2x1 rectangle I knew at once I was a game of two halves result wow 12 you can make lots of rectangles I'm a super rectangle I can make different rectangles all day long and it takes all day at that rate some of us super rectangles like to go a little more speedily ha 1x8 2x9 3x 6 6x3 9x 2 18x 1 how rectang is that the answer you're looking for is very rectangle indeedly you think you can help 23 and 24 find their rectangles we'd love to all we need is some buts and a couple of plank Scrolls let's do this thing first find your Prime positions that's as wide then as tall as you can go stretch out wide as you can 23 by1 made a rectangle a really wide one now reach up touch the sky 1 by 24 a tall thin rectangle that's two so far can I make more let's find out bend over and touch your toes do you make a rectangle when your two blocks wide ooh I can I'm 2 by 12 I can't never mind it's lots of fun now try three blocks wide then four then five until you're back at your Prime position again three wide rectangle four wide rectangle five wide oh I was doing so well I wouldn't worry about it 24 I've not made any rectangles apart from my Prime positions keep going you haven't lived until you've tried turn six wide no oh yes 6x4 so many rectangles already now seven wide eight no no no yes yes again eight by three there's no stopping you no no no don't give up 24 keep going yes 12 by 2 and 24 by one my wide Prime position so many rectangles that's even more than we can make sis we might need to find a bigger name than super rectangle that's it I figured myself out I'm 24 and I'm a super duper rectangle check out my array display turn switch turn switch turn switch I can make rectangles all day and all night too how did you get on 23 just Prim position that's all are you sure all those blocks no other rectangles anywhere how remarkable It Feels Right somehow numbers are very rectang and some are not very rectang and that's okay I figured myself out I'm 23 and I'm happy being me and at the end of the day you can't [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 1,507,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, how to say and write numbers, learn the numbers, 123, Learn to count, full episodes, counting numbers, back to school, maths, maths cartoons for kids, cartoons
Id: qkiqhMGPAyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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