Numberblocks Colourful Maths ๐ŸŒˆ | Learn to Count and Read - Crossover | Full Episodes -123

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we're alha blocks we're number blocks together we can make friends we're alha blocks we're number blocks the magic never ends time to think outside the box the B this number rocks double the together it's tough being a detective in the big city when nobody needs your help with no big cases to crack I've been feeling a little gray detective one's office a missing blogs case you see a big one I'll be right [Music] there detective one thank goodness you came two 4 yum 8 10 I should have noon big tum the friendly monster who loves popping blocks into his big snuggly tummy yum yum who's in my tum let me see this is an even tops Expedition that's right we're all even numbers yum standing in a line two bigger every time so the missing number is two more than four and two less than eight let you ever way you look at it six is in your tum yum yum well done well done one you cracked the case I was in that cozy place you're welcome SE yum yum what's going on the magic ho mirror big Tom is going to Alpha land quick after him H my mate has gone missing detective one on the case tell me everything it was only moments ago I declare my magnificent new munching room open welcome to the Big Y M Yum Big yum terrific this looks like a capital spot for a big cup of tea Big T T big [Music] tum oo new blocks yum yum Tut Tut yum yum who's in my tum I saw it all it was tea tea is in your tum yum yum well done tremendously toasty in there come on big tum let's get you back to oh Catch Me If You Can yum yum he's got someone quick what happened both of us bolted down this back alley and then someone ran into us coming the other way who ran into you I don't know I had my eyes closed they grabbed my hand I grabbed be we all called out and yum yum who's in my tum we need to work out who's gone missing look for for Clues is there anything strange or unusual here I should think so this stinky bin was not here an instant ago a bin appeared from nowhere alpha blocks can make things appear when they hold hands and say their letter sounds that's it if we can work out which letter sounds make bin we can work out who's missing let's try it say the word b say each sound b i n bin bin starts with a B that's my letter sound then I which is my sound and the final sound is b i bin n is the missing letter sound n makes the sound n so n is in big Tums tum yum yum well done nice Catch Me If You Can yum yum here we go again it looks to me as if another three-letter word was made b g what are your letter sounds b g B- G what sounds like b g oh get away you buzzing bug bug that's it B uhg the missing sound is a that means you is in big Tums tum yuck yuck you're stuck uh-uh unlucky it must be a vowel though a e i o u a makes an a sound that would be B- a g [Music] my bag of apples annoying not a e makes an e sound BG e beg your pardon very excited to be here at Capital Tower not e in case you get any big Ideas I am not inside that hairy tum hm not a not e not I not you so how about o o makes an o sound b o g bog a bog is a sort of Swampy Marsh like this one oh isn't big Tums tum yum yum well done we solved big T's riddles and saved all the alpha blocks Brillion incredible [Music] great big Yum Yum Yum big big tum this case keeps getting bigger big Big T's tum is empty yum yum yum yum yum yum oh no big big [Music] tum 10 stop woo 10 is in your tum big big tum 10 is in your tum worth a try but he's too high up to hear you oh no hello up [Music] there [Music] oh 10 great thinking oh that's a whole new way to make [Music] 10 I Big T 10 big 10 I'm still 10 blocks but I'm 10 very big blocks I have an idea t n can you swap places please b i big net big net oo got him but I can't take either of them home at this [Music] size not big not big yum yum tiny tum case closed thanks to your quick thinking detective o oh [Music] and so capital city was saved tiny tum grew back into Big T once we got to numberland and his new friends gave him a present to remember them by being a detective is such fun and there are all sorts of puzzles waiting to be solved one and another one is two that's what magic mirrors do make another one of you two and another one is three miror magic as you see makes another you and me that's what magic mirrors do they make another one of you with magic mirrors making the magic never ends three and another one is four each time one more before a brand new friend to take the floor four and another one is five watch the magic come alive one by one we all [Music] arrive five and another one is six one more number in the mix a pal to join in all our tricks with magic mirrors making friends the magic never ends with magic mirrors making the magic never ends with magic mirrors making friends the magic never ends yeah with two magic mirrors you can make friends twice as fast if you think that's impressive allow me Square power if two mirrors are twice as fast three mirrors will be even faster if we use this mirror to copy that mirror we'll have three mirrors I thought magic mirrors only copied number blocks um maybe we should stop roll the dice and let them spin if you don't try you'll never [Music] win keep going I want to see what [Music] happened look at that it's really weird the whole inside bit disappeared hello hello nothing happened I think they're broken it's no one's fault but we should try and fix them perhaps we could um actually I have no idea does anyone know how magic mirrors work or even where they come from I do 21 of course if anyone knows about magic mirrors it's the greatest number Explorer of them all kind of you to say I was exploring the coast when there was a stream strange noise and a flash of light was there really three we broke these magic mirrors here's a thing we need to fix this Cube should not be made of sticks I've seen that before all magic mirrors come from a mysterious Place known as hexan Island The Hiding Place of that r musly pirate Captain hex beard P pirate Legend says the island is the hiding place of Captain hex's treasure treasure you say six Keys waiting to be one six faces turning into one the first to come shall claim the prize hex marks the spot where treasure Lies We have to go to hexagon Island if magic mirrors come from there we might find out how to fix them oh yes that's why we have to go there well that and the treasure pirate treasure try and stop me do your worst the treasure goes to who's there first never mind who gets there first how do we get there at all I think I can help with that behold the hexag gallion Captain hex Beard's pirate ship remember a ship needs a good crew you need to work together Stay Together ooh look what I found is it treasure even better costumes o wait for me thanks 21 I hope I'll make as good an Explorer as you one day who knows maybe today is one day come on one set sail to hexagon [Music] Island hi ho off we go we're in this boat together we're off to see but who will be the first to reach the treasure [Music] is this a hexagon Island you scurvy Rogues Captain hex beard after my fabulous treasure are you then race to the top of Cube mountain where hex marks the spot so exciting I warn you though you'll need to find a key to claim it maybe we can man the mirrors after I we find the treasure I've hidden six keys in all enough for everyone the first to come shall claim the praise so what are you waiting for get hunting ha a Treasure Trail a thrilling race I think I'm going to like this place Captain hex's Mark is in the middle of the map so I should go Inland but first I need to find a key oh first to the challenge e i well if a key you'd win of me make it hole again make what hole again oh easy there I don't think that's right but why not ah that should be on the same side that's not quite right oh yes a white circle in a red square thanks reflection there two halves make a whole Cube now make it whole again again right let's see there's half a circle on this piece and a quarter of a circle here and another quarter here oops not quite all the white bits are in the middle one half and one4 and one quter make a hole yay you're so Sly but so am I now show me a cube but how that's not [Laughter] [Music] fair hello anyone looks like it's just me oh well best foot forward [Music] who huh oh I see it spins around the middle so if I stay in the middle easy peasy wo dly I can't go around it maybe I can jump it yes but I'll never jump all that oh I have to go left or right But whichever way I go the bridge won't be balanced oh if only I could go both ways at once well I can't go both ways but we can perfectly balanced out again and forwards and out again and forwards come on forwards wait I can't go forwards there's a gap I could jump it but if I jump I'll fall into that Gap over there H we can both move inwards towards the center then we'll still be balanced now we carry on together thanks friends I'll take it from find your step oh no no no no it's impossible [Music] ha why do I get the swamp come on three you can do this you don't need anyone's help show me a cube that's too tall and too wide and also too deep two blocks on each side well there is a cube but it's not very tall tall how big is two tall oh I see you mean two blocks tall and two blocks wide two blocks on each side there you big old face two blocks high and two blocks wide but not two blocks deep your problem is you're too shallow how dare you oh I see I need another four blocks in front but there are no more blocks oh [Music] yuck ooh nice tunnel a square puzzle for a square pirate how many squares can you see on this door um one very good but how many squares can you see now well that's easy as well 1 2 3 four four uh 1 2 3 4 four 1 2 three four four I'm sure that's right four squares just like me but I'm a square made of smaller squ squares so I can see 1 2 3 4 four small squares and one big Square so that's five squares all together third times the charm matey how many squares can you see I don't know [Music] no here up there a treasure key my friends they need help if you stop to help them someone else may reach the treasure first if I don't help my friends when they need it no one's going to reach the treasure sometimes everybody needs a helping hand sometimes things don't work out quite the way you planned we the friend to help you through there's nothing you can do things can look much better when you put your heads together 5 + 1 equal 6 when everything seems hopeless and you need a new Direction stop and take a breath a moment for reflection a half and a reflection of a half looks like a hole thanks five is this a key when you see a friend in need you can be a friend indeed things can look much better when you put your heads together 5 + 2 = 7 you don't have to be alone when you feel you're out of luck if you find yourself a friend they can help you get unstuck thanks f yes things can look much better when we put our heads together need a hand yes please help 5 + 3 equal eight everyone feels bad sometimes and wants to scream and Yelp but never be too proud to tell a friend when you need help octo Cube 2x twox two octo Cube pieces of eight pieces of eight thank you thank you thank [Music] you I'd hurry if I were you o it's too hard 5 + 4 equal 9 if you've been working hard all day and now you're feeling tired a friendly face can lift you up and help you stay inspired square like me in every corner there are nine little squares and one big square that makes 10 plus four squares like me that makes 14 hooray I hope that it was worth this song and dance I hope it didn't make you miss your chance I think you will find it's always worth it to be kind life is so much better when we put our heads together sometimes everybody needs a helping hand they'll be happy that you help them understand help your friends pull through they'll do the same for you things will look much better when we put our heads together 1 + 4 = 5 2 + 3 5 you lent us a hand now it's your turn to take ours 5 + 5 = 10 climb aboard this rocket and I'll take you to the stars with a friend to help you through there's nothing you can do sometimes everybody needs a helping I'm so glad to see you all now we're back together nothing can can stop US Army harties you're close now will you be first to claim my treasure oh yes I've climbed the ladder to success and I'm the first one here I guess look the treasure must be there hex marks the spot I'm going to have to race you lot swim for it no [Music] wait that happened to me does anybody have a key looks as if we have five we did it we've beaten Captain hex beard using the keys the captain gave us so why give us Keys obviously old stoneface didn't think we'd be smart enough to beat the challenges they were pretty hard some of them seemed impossible but we beat them all when we started helping each other that's why this bridge is not complete there's one more challenge left to Beast the only way to reach the treasure is for us to work together ha you've solved my final riddle you all are first to reach the middle w six Keys waiting to be won six faces turning into one six faces turn into one Cube one look it's working again Cube looks like a giant one of those in fact this whole lake looks like a giant magic miror the hexahedron my whe treasure the giant Cube that poers every magic mirror in numberland what a beautiful sunset I wish I had someone to share it with [Music] it's my lucky day well done Shipmates I take my hat off to [Music] you 21 I knew you'd make a fine exploring team together now who's ready to set sail for home y oh what is that only the most incredible invention of all time a time machine it can send you back to the moment you woke up this morning or your last holiday or any time you can imagine could it send me back to when I had three scoops of ice cream it could once my assistant brings me the time regulator the machine won't work properly without it he should be here any minute now where is he 2 158 that's only 2 minutes to two I have to get to the Clock Tower oh nearly forgot the time regulator does anyone want to play seesaw I can't stop sorry sounds like a storm is coming Run for Cover dude hi sir don't say it [Music] te oh it's heavy good job squares are strong I should have left more [Music] time there you are hurry it's going to I've got the time regulator [Music] where did 64 go when did she go more like 64 has fallen through [Music] time wooo 2 it's just like before I've traveled back in time that gives me a second chance to get this to 64 before the lightning [Music] strikes does anyone want to play sounds like a storm is coming yes I know I need to get to the clock tower fast can I borrow your skateboard go for it dude round things I'm sorry 13 it's heavy good job squares oh oh excuse [Music] me 64 look [Music] out I've the time [Applause] [Music] regulator where did 64 go she's fallen through time again I blew my second [Music] chance but here's a second second chance no here I go again y OCTA block sprinty Wy Wy aha nicely [Music] balanced sounds like a storm is coming yes I know could I borrow your skateboard go for it OCTA block speed one two huh actually OCTA block jump thanks eight no problem [Music] 13 whoa Octor break aloop coming [Music] through 64 stop I have the time regulator [Music] couch where did 64 go oh 876 543 2 [Music] 1 I'm all in a spin but still not fast enough ready or not here I [Music] come again again looks like fun oh no no time to lose sounds like a storm yes skateboard please thank you chck out the 4x4 mind out square coming through a square made of squares hey you never said 13 it's heavy good job squares are strong I know [Music] right now I'm a square in the Town Square when the clock strikes two a bolt of lightning will hit the tower you need to fit the time regulator now great where is it um funny story I forgot to pick it [Music] up where did 64 go don't forget the regulator don't forget the regulator don't forget the double time double quick double back gotcha up up for the way yes there's a storm coming May B your skateboard than you best seesaw ever half [Applause] time [Music] lightning is going to hit when the clock strikes to trust me I've seen it several times quickly F the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] regulator where did 64 go the there's only one person who can answer [Music] that 64 Great Scott there's not a moment to lose what are you doing here how long have you got two and back in time meaning there were two twos that made four and [Music] [Applause] [Music] then you know sometimes I talk too much but at least I can stop myself from doubling back delivery for 64 right on time for me but I didn't order anything [Music] surprise 64 but how simple The Time Machine sent me back to yesterday and I arranged to have myself delivered here at precisely 2:00 [Music] today and now that regulator's fitted we can go anywhere and any when we like come on [Music] to [Music] what about my ice cream hurry up too if we don't catch the train we might miss the talent show but it's such a lovely day just give me a second a second how long is a second a moment to start a beat of the heart a step on the way a second stop for a second the Sun is up high straight up in the sky today is my day we'll ride the train to the edge of the sea where we'll dance together my best friend in me but for now come on we have to go a moment I'll only take a moment today is too fine so I'll take my time for a moment [Music] four time is a train on a oneway track and this is a moment I won't get back no it's nearly 1:00 we have to catch our train oh no we're too late if I can stop the clock maybe I can stop the [Music] train h that's not how it works you oh we missed the train is there another one we can catch maybe but with the clock broken we can't tell when any train leaves well I broke it so I should fix it but how does a clock work there's these two pointy things and lots of numbers starting at one and going all the way around to 12 did someone call looks like you could use a hand learning how to tell the time after all you can't be on time if you don't know what time it is thanks 12 where do I start well I said you could use a hand in fact you can use two the two hands of the clock these are hands there's a big hand and a little one and as we know little ones can be very important the little hand is called the hour hand it shows you what hour it is like this it starts at full height and moves to the right like the sun in the sky it m day like the sun it won't stop as it moves around the clock and we count every hour on the way and now it's one and a bit one and a bit it's one and a bit till it's two two and a bit two and a bit it really is that easy to do three and a bit three and a bit the hour hand is steady not fast and now it's four and a bit four and a bit the hour is the last big number that you passed five and a f five and a bit it's a short hand for telling the time six and a bit six and a bit halfway round and starting to climb seven and a bit seven and a bit as the day moves on towards night eight and a bit eight and a bit you can have the time on sight now it's and a bits and a bit all together call out the hour 10 and a bit 10 and a bit tell the time now you have a power 11 and a bit 11 and a bit all the way around we have fun 12 and a bit 12 and a bit and a bit more and we're back to one thanks 12 and 12 you're welcome we could keep this up all day and all night 24 hours a day so the hour hand is seeing that the time now is 1 and a bit and that bit it is the number of minutes which is what the big hand counts hello 60 so the big hand is the minute hand yes and the big thing to remember is that 60 is 12 lots of five roll out the big band to explain the big hand look close at the clock and you'll see between every number a five little marks so come along and count them with me one minute 2 minutes 3 four five one lot of five is five then here come five more and the big hand arrives at two lots of five 10 10 minutes as we reach number three it's easy to see three lots of f 15 the secret is coming in fives that's the key four to five 20 what's the minute hand Dan is the minutes Advance five LS of five 25 you can work out the minute you need at a glance six lots of fiber 30 now the hours have passed so we move up at last seven lots of f 35 counting in fives you can work it out fast eight lots of fiber 40 keep on and keep going there's no time for slowing n LS of five 45 five five out of times how these numbers are growing 10 of 50 come on iron rock all the way around this clock 11 LS of 55 at 60 we stop cuz we're back to the top then we start again all over from zero while minutes raced around the face the hour hand moved on one place and if you put both hands together reading one one and then the other you can tell the time so the little hand the hour hand tells you what hour it is and the big hand the minute hand tells you the minutes of the hour say the hours then the minutes and that's what time it is so that big two there for the hour hand means it's 2:00 2 and a bit and for the minute hand means it's two lots of five minutes and two fives a 10 so this clock says 210 ding ding ding we have a winner I can do it I can tell the time yay well done to I'll get this clock back to the right time and you might like to know there's an Express train on platform 2 leaving at 1:15 an Express train then we can still make it to the talent contest and the time now is 1 10 11 12 13 14 114 our train leaves in 1 minute a minute how long is a minute as soon as you begin it is ticking away each tick and each talk is the second the 60 to check on my blocky display 50 it's time to get Nifty we need to move swiftly to catch that Express let's hurry come on and let's Scurry I'm starting to worry we'll have no success 60 seconds in a minute 60 minutes in an hour 12 hours from midday to midnight 12 from Midnight to midday halfway a minute how long is a minute no matter how you spin it it isn't that long so you could just pain Lea or eat a small peach or sing a short song together a treasure we sharing forever whatever the news we'll make it I know we can take it but let's not mistake it there's no time to lose from day to midnight Midnight mid we [Music] must goodbye [Music] just in time for the 2:00 Talent contest great now what shall we sing H and two of five is 10 12 hours from midday to midnight 12 from Midnight to midday 60 minutes in an hour and now now we run our [Music] [Applause] [Music] away
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 2,445,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, Numberblocks Colourful Maths, Colourful Maths, maths, learn to count and read, counting, reading, numberblocks full episodes, full episodes, educational
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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