League of Legends but I play BIG champions (THE TANK MOVIE!)

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hey guys welcome back to another Zago movie today we're playing all the tanks Champions that are Frontline very hard to kill and have a lot of Health all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Scion in the Top Lane running grasp Shield bash conditioning revitalized cheap shot and ingenious Hunter there's this new unkillable Scion build where you go an eclipse and then you also get unending Despair and the eclipse gives you Shield unending despair gives you heal in combat then you also have a shield so we're just going to keep getting shielded and healing and hopefully just take forever to die be very hard to kill we're against aelan Soul top though it's a weird one he can melt me but I mean he's going to stand still with his lasers so then I can just Bonk him with my my Q right and be silent but he will be able to wave clear I think have I won you're we're either going to be unkillable or we're going to die a million times and still win either way cion gaming I think we throw in a bomes too after Eclipse bomes apparently counts as one of the hits for the eclipse come here give me uh oh I just want to shake your hand maybe I'll let him push Shana's going to be pathing up here or not could be pathing towards Dragon actually ring is like breathing never stand of a star got his W that doesn't have a super high cool down though they did just like Nerf Soul pretty hard after over buffing him but I think he's still strong after the Nerfs hello R terror eat at me an eclipse first item is going to give me a lot of damage I don't know if that was worth butd well I think he lost a lot more HP than I did and he only has like 12 Stardust our drums will drown out's mid I could probably kill him with next q first if I hit that let the it I think he's baiting shyvana getting the Double Dragon compling why did that was some weird physics right there or it pushed the minion I wasn't looking at I'll grind you what if his e counts as like a black hole so you push a minion in like this and it curves that would be funny okay I just really need Pantheon not to be up here but you are you ready that cheap shot actually feels really nice have I paid an enemy has been slain did I hit him no dou kill on stop is soaked in blood have this wed I didn't quite get to push the wave all the way break their will and their bones but he kind of has that automatic laser that don't stop we can count a little longer okay eclipse this the with this Hammer where is the grill ofage I have a now I think he just pushed in base I was going to clear this wave but I think he's actually safer under turret I going to do swifties as my boots too met with death oh Cen got counterpicked by Pantheon also I do need to go kill um everybody else I'm coming I think she's got him but I'm coming blood of Victory what the hell where bra come from only I'm going to get aelion sold I'm dead I think oh I hit him we haven't killed him yet for a Braum just like slowed me five times that fight come on can oh no over the wall everyone get out of there let them die all right that's good I got two ingenious stacks and soul is still killable get the he's still fighting what is going on I wanted Braum death had its chance I don't have demolished so I might as well just base I wonder if I should get the swifties early nah pickaxe death to dealain H uh she's doing grubs I really like grubs as cion but can't really do much about it if she's on them already an ally has been slain I know an enemy has been slain I'm just going to chill wait for soul I think we can actually kill him cuz I think he flashed away no way what a Slaughter oh that's crazy literally canceled my que at the last nanc of charge time that's unreal I will break you oh I'm dead should have ran the other way actually got the wave not bad we got eclipse and I got three out of five uh ingenius I just need to go all balling but this is good Eclipse okay look it it has 6C cool down but with my ingenus it probably has like 4 seconds I'm getting a shield but I'm also doing damage and then we're going to get the unending despair which is actually pretty bad vers uhan Soul cuz it gives armor but we can grab like a hollow Radiance after or just one of the op magic resist items oh no oh my God he's right that one an ally has been slain time to the Al has that hit him yeah I mean I don't think this match up seems too good for soul actually cuz I'm just going to qu him he has a riiz already though like I could just baade his W I got a zerth coming up who just got a double kill Italy zerth wait for me all right what are you cooking bud I need to bait out his uh that ability him what am I his W's already back up again by the way oh my God Shield bash puss Eclipse did so much damage there I didn't even hit Q damn oh shoot I'm so good damn it man she held her e forever got a grasp okay we need swifties to get away from those kind of situations and then I mean if I get bomes I'm going to get Tower aggro really easy versus a range champ I don't know if I want that but we can we get the bomes I can just proxy I can beat shobana if I'm not literally one HP she's going AP the hollow Radiance would be good then I can insta clear waves or oh we have an AFK really an AFK oh that hits an ally has been slain killing hey remember me it's my teammate's ability I mean it really doesn't matter if we get that last grub or not I do not oh wait did we even get it I think Braum got it we don't even have a grub buff oh I think it died is of baral oh nal's back yeah the bommies will proc eclipse cic Let's Dance first you start with some matter then have start of one dying basically does the rest me from shut down eny has been SL H just go get bomes and TP back up GP B and kill her oh they're on Herold I heard it heard something more enemies it's a really fun Lane he just like avoids me enemy I need to bait out his W forget the faces of the SL and then I can C him oh that does no damage death had its chance I'll be back is that [Music] all your weapon I'll die if I die him let me go get item I'll go maybe TP to this or something I'll break it in I need a Slaughter I mean they're not on it let this only cowards fear death hey there we go bro how many times do my clipse pop no why did CID and wait so long to go in the unfortunate thing is I just had Braum on me that whole fight just Perma stunning me and slowing me but my eclipse look it blocked 1300 damage there we go AR need a braam and kaisen genius brum's really annoying man I hate that champ he just sat on top of me that whole Zam fight oh he could have just ran he's out he gets sniped he's going to get himself sniped is soaked in blood I mean I had like four people on me that whole fight I feel really strong pain no well we are still fighting for drag that hurts whates no way dude this guy is so lucky for some reason my ALT buffered and just would not go off and then he just gets to flash it oh my God he should be dead again bro is so lucky oh he's going LeAndre how fun he doesn't have TP oh he stayed slay the strong tramble the weak oh wait I'm going to get executed soon I need to be careful my Al almost back up probably just going to get ganked by a Pantheon or something enemy cowardice be met with death imagine if n came up top once this game though their will and their has destroyed a turret scream actually based you are how battles have I of course there will be three people up top before I even get a single bit of help the life of playing Top Lane all right on Des spare which is useless for him cuz he won't even come near me but it'll help for his Pantheon now I need an MR item either kic or I think kanic and I go Sunfire Hollow Radiance isn't that good for burn damage I guess it's like the [Music] same your turret has been destroyed Sunfire Stacks though and does more I believe is like breathing it's all right I think I'll out scale Soul where are they my jungler didn't play for grubs heral my jungler didn't play for topside at all there is De it's as simple as that I've been G ganked by like their whole team a few times now I think I need to go behind his turret but then I'm just going to get ganked dude like can I get some help how does bro always have his whole team up here I let them sneak will let them die thanks dude I actually just have the whole damn team on my ass every move I make oh no if it breaks that's the problem is I'm the only front line on the team so like we never have any pressure just dead God forbid I try to move with this braah on me all game look at how long it's taking me to die though dude I'm just so hard countered I got hard countered by aelian Soul top hard countered by being camped by the enemy team hard countered by Braum Perma sitting on me I still have a chance to win though it's just like imagine if they didn't have the most annoying Champs in the game I think I need a force in nature yeah move speed oh it's just so insane I might need to get kanic too I have like zero followup well I still have all yeah wait probably better if why didn't I just swamp with cidan it's probably better if cidan up there versus him oh my God the hex gate glitch I'm coming don't die oh he's dead hey what do you know stunned by Braum again stunned by Braum again an SL Soul's here at least he lost his turret I hate this waiting this really doesn't put me over this wall that's insane I can't kill him bro has so much CC your team has destroyed a turret wait this healed me 1,700 already I can't even CU her she's too fast oh nice hey we got the gin zerol dude they have so many damn dashes it's fine I disrupted their whole team n's at least healing me n knows what she's doing the team comp is so annoying though I'm not going to lie very frustrating team comp to play into I'll go I don't think we can Baron we only killed like one of them your life is mine I don't think any of them can beat me in a 1 V one it's just it's always going to be like five of them oh nice sh how many are we going to lose in retaliation somebody's going to have to comat I mean I'm not like a super strong split push build I don't have demolish The Shield bash is really good with this build it's done 900 damage okay we can't ping me after we take a fight knowing I'm balling it's not how it works that is not how that works budy your team destroyed oh they're still pushing I got my Force he's going to die they're going to lose Baron for this Ang that's really not worth boom yeah we can go actually I'm going to be that guy I'm going TP down here cuz that will force shyvana or soul and then they won't kill my team at the uh [Music] Baron I will ruin you go bro chill you're not even close to killing me bro behind BR I swear if you save another one of them bro kaisa just literally used her whole damn kit and didn't even come close I think Pantheon's going to maybe Al me oh you're not going to kill me but you're going to take forever to die no it's personal I'm I will die in order to kill you I really don't care okay this build slaps man I think I might die for this turret te destroyed AET okay look at this 2800 healing 4500 shield on Eclipse with 2600 damage I am so strong man when I don't have five people hitting me at once all right we got the Sunfire trying to think of what I want to go Jack shows I want to go Jack shows cuz doesn't it increases my resistances oh I could go Spirit though and get bigger Shields maybe I go Spirit do I need more armor I don't need more armor do I an ally has been slain I'll go Spirit blood I think I got to go push top even though top spot inhibs open they're all going to be there cuz a dragon bro prom get off of me bro I have to kill this rat I'm dead it's so annoying with this Braum he doesn't leave me alone okay Soul still does a lot of damage but I think it was Kaiser there yeah kaisa just has Kracken Slayer and melts me if Brom just does not CC me the whole damn fight I could do something is this guy doing he trolling you could kill her maybe near not switching to Merks won't even do anything I need the swifties I need the speed I still took majority magic so spirit for the shields plus it'll give me some haste I hate Brum so much like bro literally every single fight just sits on top of me I got to go I don't okay back up don't all die or we lose stay alive stay alive clear mid you're going to die they see you I have a feeling they're going to just get Ka is going to like Al him and kill them have I paid fortunately there we go oh hey hey guys Broms on me for the 10th [ __ ] fight in a row man get off n bro you're dead so sick get out of here this [ __ ] guy he's like oh Sion got to go sit on Canon the whole fight okay that minion just [ __ ] out of it all right we need to take miden hit back we should be able to I have ult again why does my Q do negative damage where are my teammates what happened to the mid push we had a huge wave we can't push oh I have 3K they have the super Al can we not fight here there we go good job I'll use their bones to pick my team an enemy has been slain kaisa is dead your team dest do I push still oh yeah spring them to me broy uh I might as well stay alive cuz like I don't know they might just go mid and try to end if I'm dead for 50 seconds a Slaughter I wonder if selling my swifties for Dead Man's worth probably not it's baren what well we totally knew that the aelian soul had the big alts yet we still pushed mid oh I got it nice I mean I might just have to fight with them I want to split they're they're going to get caught D where is the thrill of get out of here braam you [Music] loser we W Pantheon's still alive I don't think we can win only someone do dragon we really don't want to give them Soul or else we just lose like they shouldn't steal it nobody's going to be alive they're going to have to go top I hate that I have to tank the turret just cuz the minions won't walk up to it these wounds bring no pain I this I got the turret and cast splitting bot your team destroyed an inhibitor soaked an ally has been SL shut down a trap for verman this batt is done oh zerth died too they might try to end it's your two Monon sub anniversary let swag know it's your anniversary it will noxus suffers no C I just peel Jin if I peel Jin he kills whoever's trying to hit me my move speed 400 kais is alive she is no Mana I hate this waiting I won't be able to get the top in here but I'll get the majority of it bro what what do you you don't have a team what are you doing why am I killing this at like negative speed oh here's Brom don't worry guys brum's here to sit on me that's sure one you the gamey in shut down shut down Dr from your skull think okay the trets eny what is he going to do kill meest where are they what was that in the face youram destroyed oh I got one shot oh he's dead yay we did it all right that was a fun game all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some nasis in the Top Lane we're running grasp demolish Second Wind overgrowth presence of mind and tenacity we're going to go tank nasus I don't think I've ever done hard steel nasus so we can stack up infinite damage with our q and if I build a heart steel we're going to stack up infinite HP and then I can combine that with items that deal more damage with how much HP we have like a Titanic Hydra and yeah so I'll be very hard to kill while also still dealing damage our early game is going to be a bit weaker with this build so we just don't want to die to Aurelia she has ignite but she doesn't have Flash so once we outscale Orelia we just pop ghost wither her and run her down and she's not going to be able to get away too easy but right now if I try to fight her she will win so we're going to do NASA things or Susan if you can figure out why he's called Susan a trick not really but it's nasis backwards um we just sit back and farm that's what this Champion does I like playing him cuz I like farming but he actually he doesn't take as long to come online as most people think nasis actually starts to be able to One V one his opponent and beat them as soon as he hits level six usually the power spike is as soon as you get your first item and you have alt you can pretty much One V one anyone I want to try and get grasp thank you my bnk all right oh my God wait a second get over here plus 12 an enemy really players who knew that their uh biggest enemy was the turret between life and death I don't know why but aelas and yasu are just they're like flies attracted to that light and they just go right in and die so I should be fine versus her now I got basically a free kill still trying to land that stun just farming her for HP re so often when the grasp is up I'll just stack it off her I throw in a q for a little bit more damage I mean I could tell in uh she did it again B kind of scared but she's also kind of dead imagine if she didn't take a turret shot though but yeah I was saying I didn't feel like she's the greatest uh greatest aelia because she's running Harvest they usually don't run that oh I hope my Q's up for Cannon I get so many extra stacks for that nice it is and even even you can see not the turret the turret is pissing her off all right I think we can get this in get more grasp I mean while she's withered she like can't do anything so I'm just going to keep smacking her please okay wait a second I'm making the same mistake as her well while I burn my ALT I may as well Farm a few more all right I'm leaving before I die I so art steel we're going to rush it I probably won't even get boots cuz she's just going to come to me what are we going to go second though nasis does like a Sheen item oh we could go iceborn it's really low damage let's see they're pretty much heavy AP though besides Aurelia and Jin so maybe I'll skip out and then maybe I go like Hollow Radiance wave clear the thing is I don't really want a Sunfire Cape wave clear just yet because it's going to take away from our minion stacking don't want a Titanic because it'll kill minions and I'm pretty sure I don't get the stacks an ally has been SL maybe I get a Sheen I got an idea maybe I will go the ice horn for the Mega SL that actually sounds kind of fun cuz I slow them with the Wither and then I auto them and then they're super slow give me my HP I'm getting a gank in the win free pink who put a pink up there I actually thought I was against a vol bear top I didn't even know it was aelia till it was too late all right we're stacking pretty good I need what do I need 700 more buy Bears on grubs Bo bear is ganking me B I've hit my power Spike already I'm level six I just bunk I also have so much HP I feel like when I pressed R I think I had like more HP than both of them combined nice Caitlyn's doing good Gallo's losing to his counter match up though which is not good maybe once he gets some magic resist if he ever decides to build it I'm just going to keep farming and bunking an enemy has been SL should be okay damn that hit for 1K oh oh no wait I'm full HP it does demolish does more damage with your HP right I don't know for some reason I wasn't expecting it to do that much oh wait I need 50 Gold Heart steal is pretty expensive I think he's getting buffed next patch too which is cool okay she is going blade of the room King first so once she gets that she's going to hurt but the nice thing about NASA is I nuke her attack speed so she's not even going to be able to use it that well words I mean we could go full tank and really see what I could do I'm down the iceborn really isn't a damage item I got to check let's see 100% base ad so that's decent STS okay I got to push this wave and then clear this next wave an ally has been I think we can get one more stack okay not bad 192 stack coronis in 9 minutes the thing is the longer the game goes the more damage I get they don't really have too many people on their team that are going to kite me the brand is probably going to hurt me the most if anything sleep best in Fizz is pretty big I just TP to Lane I don't know when I'm going to use it again but now we can start getting heart steel Stacks so I can get even more HP what other items give a ton of HP just like farming her for grasp and hard steel Stacks the thing is this Lane was over the first time she died because that just makes me get my item faster and Lane was the only part I lose this game at least the early Lane but as soon as she died once I get the lead and there's not too much she can do cuz I'm just going to keep getting tankier and I'm still going to have damage cuz a lot of the Champions I oh my god do noty my yeah a lot of Champions I do this hard steel build on they don't really have any damage till I get a like a Titanic Hydra or something but nasis is different I've already gotten an extra like 234 damage on my Q as you can see I'm just kind of standing still tanking a all combo thought about it not worth the death though an ally has been slain an enemy has been SL and I have life steal oh Fizz died cool it seems like there's a war zone over there okay I just uh one shot her with the hard steel oh my God all right this is going to be a fun build I could feel it life is part of a cycle and Voli bear is not going to have like a ton of damage vers me either I could use some haste though and I think the iceborn has some get 15 power uh-oh where you going I don't have that much Mana a this is awkward going to die they got me I should have popped ghost and just chased down the Fizz but I got a reiad okay so I think I'm going cool down boots I can change them later cuz I do just want to Stack up more I'm running out of Mana though there a Mana HP item or a Mana magic resist item uh even look it is I don't think there is besides the Catalyst item oh this doesn't even do it either well I have presence of mind but that's not enough I got to get back to Lane what am I doing enemy kill why can't I how do I get out of this okay there we go no Dawn comes give me my armor I had a stroke in the shop my [Music] bad I haven't had any caffeine in two days now so I'm a lot slower I'm doing a jungle climb on the wagmo channel now I'm climbing jungle and I already first first video I forgot to pick up the herald eye already so I'll get iceborn I actually think a better route would have been the frozen heart for the Mana and haste I mean I can get it also like days and maybe I'll save I'll save Titanic for a last item I think so let's see iceborn Frozen heart I have inventory space for oh man I miss both of those the past is Mana where's mana mana oh I could get this I'd have to stack up a tier I don't think it's that great though a frozen heart should be more than enough it'll be better that item is kind of bad maybe if I had in genius Hunter all right what we doing guys I'm just trying to farm destroy all right thank you for your delivery darn I hit the wrong minion I was kind of farming stacking up my que while I was fighting them oh hey Jen by the way I don't have any magic resist built and I just tanked a seven kill Fizz oh hey there's a volly bear I think coming I thought I saw him ow I got one shot I really wanted the hard steel stack on J you know Aurelia got a kill worth I mean what else is there let's see Jin did do damage fiz damage I could actually tank and Vol bear is not actually doing any damage either so I can go to Frozen heart it's fine it's okay oh you better start running they're probably on Herald Gallo's following me around are they going to come back up for me some Spirits are F to burn let's get some relaxing nasis Farm session up here well I don't think we're going to get this Dragon especially oh wait hang on if my team loses this fight the thing is it's my fault we lose this Dragon cuz I didn't TP down there but I can make up for it by pushing top I mean they jungler is not even there so they might not even do it I'm going to get this top turret as soon as I make it there hello bear how you doing I'm dog you have some something I want we got the dragon chilling all right can we not send the whole damn team for me I'm probably dead en and the I got the heart steel stack I'll take it I mean they got three people on me we're getting stuff on the other side of the map if I had ghost up I just get kited by the Jin route and Fizz jumping around I did take a lot of magic damage there I mean next item will get Mr I could do Jack shows next and then I just have like ungodly amount of uh let's see Frozen Heart Jack shows your tret has I mean I could actually go this whole game without Titanic I don't need it we could go full tank I could do Jack shows and like force nature Force nature would be good versus Fizz or I could go the kanic and have the shield but I think Force nature is better cuz the move speed will keep me able to hit the enemies I think the move speed will activate vers non magic damage SKS right 414 Stacks at 18 minutes not bad and death lies inity this is just really hard to catch I need to farm I guess I'm Bing now this time Kaitlyn's going to die here your turet has destroyed all right stack off Canon and then I just kill her please not alive an enemy I push really slow though cuz I'm stacking every minion but I have TP up brand is getting LeAndre so Force nature I think is the move teesty I'm level 14 I'm three levels on fizz I am just a monster in creation your team destroyed AET oh got mid turret enemy 500 Stacks an ally oh my team got aced oh my God it's messed up my stacks um I'll base and TP to Baron cuz I don't want them to do it just to make sure I think they're coming B though oh they're going mid damn it man my stack aronis a bad idea H I just want to hit him get the heart steel stack but I get CC an enemy Spirit healing would be good too but I mean I don't have the most healing I haveed I really just need some Mr right now it is um if most of them go to Dragon and leave me alone top like like I can 1 V2 1 V3 maybe probably not since I don't have ghost journey all thought he was going to jump away I'm not going to waste my demolish on this if I can demolish this next turret be good I probably should have kept tanking but I think I would die to Jin oh nice oh he dead how am I not dead here oh my God jeez Happ be bonking this is going to be a wet fight my Al almost back up oh his e shreds me all right well I have 4,000 gold I think after this base now I am unkillable I almost got my ALT up twice in one fight and I'm not even going like a haste build even though I have a lot of haste I walk Jack shows are Force I'll get the force we can just go Jack show's last I so impossible to kill now I didn't have any magic resist before so Fizz was actually hitting me pretty hard but once I finish Jack shows I'm going to have just way too much armor and Magic resist I should have taken conditioning too for even more but I thought I was against volly bear and the second win would be so good versus lightning that pokes you in Lane so much I've got TP let me just deal with AIO spaghettio he a little faster your soul will I hit the wrong one there we go I got 700 Stacks at 25 minutes so I do more damage than them without being building a single damage item I have nothing that gives ad I have 127 ad an ally literally zero damage items and I don't even have a Sunfire all my damage is coming from my heart steel and my Q all right they're sending four people down here do we limit test and fight them I'd like to have the Jack shows but I don't really have a choice here I think all will CR well if you don't want to fight me I'll fight the turret can't move I mean I had to go for the turret and I got CC ignited by two of them but I almost have this what dragon soul that'll be good yeah we'll have to switch the boots to mercs too after Jack shows because the CC is just killing me I just can't move with volibear Q into gin rout into brand stun it's just too much but the second I catch one of them and I have my ghost up they're done I really want my Jack shows how much magic damage I could go kanic uh 483 I mean the shield does scale with uh HP I screw it I'm not going to go to Jack shows I don't actually need it their whole base is gone I'm just going to get this this might actually be better because The Shield's going to block so much of the brand damage in the is damage whereas if they build like void staff they're going to go right through the Jack shows extra resistance anyway the thing is look I have so much it's 70% reduced 67% reduced and getting much more resistance isn't going to make it go up by like that much more it actually you get diminishing returns I mean I'm not worried they have to come B turet has destroyed bully bear has a lot of armor though I need to not go for him I could switch for Merks oh we have an AFK G an AFK I didn't even notice that between life and death lies immortality all right I'll group with them I didn't know Gallo was AFK and what's not good is they're all farming those inhibs we got sherea is not of this time we kind of need to get a pick I'm just going to take her out go help nice look at Baron a has disconnected do not try I'll just help the team here 800 stacks I think we team fight it's too hard for me to on V5 the CC plus if I get away from here if I die again I think we might come close to losing I didn't even break my shield I just can't move why is he shooting me b b oh my God a quad kill are you serious oh I survived so long that fight that's hilarious your team has destroyed an inhibitor I want 1,000 Stacks though I have [Music] oh I got a pentac kill all right we'll round it up to 1,000 I only need 25 more plus I got like another 12 for the Nexus so GG if you guys enjoyed tank NASA's game make sure you leave a like I mean that wasn't n bad definitely a lot less damage than building damage items but I that last fight I literally just survived forever I don't know I was not dying all right we did hey I did the most damage 44k damage how much did we tank damage taken that is what I want to see where is it damage taken I took 65k damage and mitigated 100K oh how much healing I healed 23k here's our Rune stats grasp did 4,500 okay grasp is doing some damage that's pretty good second wind heeld 35 and other than that I'll see you guys later thanks again for watching make sure to like comment subscribe cribe peace all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Mor Kiser in the Top Lane we're running conquer Triumph alacrity Last Stand second wind and overgrowth we're going to go full tank Mizer I'm going to get as much HP as possible on him and thus granting me bigger Shield bigger heal from my w we'll try to go hard steel first it doesn't do a whole lot of damage but it can get me stacking up HP faster false and then we can build items that scale with HP like Sunfire unending despair riff maker I might need a riiz though cuz Shiana and Garen are pretty fast they might be too fast for me to kill so we could do what is it hard steel into riiz and then all the HP tank items I think that might be the best he doesn't have ignite he tries to fight me I think we do win yeah we win this there we go going to say we win this but if he does a short tra trade and backs up he'll actually heal the full because of his uh passive healing I think he's just going to TP back my minion somebody in our jungle I go help no because I lose this pretty big wave it's a standard wave if I go Rome and he could also freeze it and I'm not guaranteed to get anything now I am let's go look mean I want to go this way but I feel like she's going to go through here oh he found it wait that's not her an ally has been slain oh nobody saw that well we get nothing now oh wait oh my God it's a fiesta I'm going to get Nico rooted I think she's still around maybe bait him in I I do have ignite oh my God how does that not hit River height I don't care I'm ego it yes it worked oh no begins and we're out oh no there's a I got to just fight there's a pike Shield oh my God okay I don't know how that just happened or how that worked but uh yeah I'm going to base with my three kills I I I don't even I can't even say anything after that he didn't have flash so he couldn't flash on me he doesn't have ignite he didn't have boots well we can definitely get away with a hard steel now I don't even need a potion and look a gigantic wave that's going to be waiting for me at my turret I suffered a mortal yeah he didn't Ward the bush so I can step in the bush he's got to walk in the bush first before he can Target me the second he walks in the bush I make a run for it to the other Bush an ally has yeah I didn't think I was even going to get one kill out of that missed flash q and I end up getting everything so you know what sometimes a misplay is actually an outplay I meant to do all that I'm that good and she got the grubbies an enemy has hold this here th Begins the slaughter I'm pushing Nico has eight Farm after that Fiesta she was running around in our jungle for an hour almost just missed my Cannon because of that pole how much do I need I don't care if I die I just need 600 gold before I die shyvana's mid so there's nothing that's going to kill me I just kill the minions I want the wave the push I don't have demolish well he's level four I may as well try to kill him before he hits six and out plays me [Music] theal he actually almost outplayed me what's he going to do he's going to walk into my Q if he walks up now my Q might not kill him oh he's coming malice never Wis oh okay shyvana's not here another q clear those are they going to live with one HP a that's fine good I didn't mean to qu he's still here but look he's regening an ally has SL okay we're it's a little scary cuz like if he hits level six I am dead I think yeah his flash is definitely back up I'm healing too but Ally has been SL I think I got him [Music] oh damn myignite didn't go off well that's a tad bit unlucky should have ignited before I aled let the foolish curse me why do I feel like he's still there yeah he left all right let me go grab hard steel I should have ignited I mean I could go iceborn instead of heart steel I don't think it's going to be as good though it does scale with HP I mean iceborn instead of [Music] riiz balling 6 and0 I don't know what do you guys want riy are iceborne iceborn really doesn't give me much damage but it will because of the cheap shot oh I didn't take cheap shot I took a oh I don't need the riiz then I'll go ice forn yellow I thought I took cheap shot I took HP but Ries might be necessary Nightfall shall I mean if we're going to get a riff maker we should have a Ry too we'll see I might be able to kill these two just with an ice hor though cuz all I have to do is land an ALT I land an alt and then they're dead I raise my Iron Fist to the living enemy I just want this okay we might need we might need the riiz I'm not even hurting him throw in armor boots into Mizer my heart SE do physical damage does I don't even have demolished so I can't even kill the turret that fast has destroy oh no well I'm going to get two more heart steel Stacks in a second but I might not make it out I never mind she's attracted to mid lane I mean I'll just proxy and then when my heart Steel's ready I'll just go collect it from this guy damn it he didn't want the minion I don't think he's going to leave turret onlyy and he's not even farming that well under turret but he is getting experience might be up here yeah hello yes stonis please don't flash please don't flash yes I didn't have to flash or ignite such bre the r all right little early on the alt buddy I will he queued me first I just wanted to play and now I want to kill [Music] you he might be dead toiv yes that's what I wanted to happen the first time D I'm regening a lot of HP though I did a lot of damage to shyana I don't know why I don't do any damage to him when he has armor boots she has a dragon too she had more resistances than him I don't I guess it's his W blocking all the damage I don't know an ally has been slain I mean shobana's just everywhere she just died top but she's already on that Dragon I need to go down there for next dragon though oh garen's down there too okay yeah we're actually like as much as I'm like running over Top Lane our bot Lane is getting run over just as hard and I might have issues reaching their bot Lan am I going to get this this is going to be close close oh no man I don't think I'm low enough for his all to kill me an enemy has been SL but I'm definitely going to die morals planning fear for all right whatever I'm out see you later I think I think we need the riiz this just doesn't give any damage we could go swifties or armor boots probably armor boots I don't know blunder on with a false sense of purpose the empire we do have a blue cane oh that's good all right oh my wave Kane please oh it hurts I wave oh Jin's dead where we killed Pike who I killed three people I guess I killed these three shall be next oh we're fighting man why do this got to happen though when there's a juicy Cannon [Music] minion just let me hit you oh no well he's going to dash over the wall something I got him I'll take it I'll take it oh see I got kited even with a Riz I just need armor boots let's see how much damage I took yep we need armor boots or I could go merx they do have CC I could go merx Sunfire I'll just go Sunfire armor I go Sunfire unending despair how about that and then last item we'll figure out maybe I need a move speed or something eny has been SL my tower what are you doing dude can I get red has destroyed yeah Sunfire and then I have good burn damage oh yeah we need um Rift maker 2% bonus HP is AP I mean it's not going to be a ton but it's something I mean we might not even need a rift maker we'll see what's my bonus HP even at not that much we'll see leanis would probably hard out damage a rift maker but I do want to keep this a tank build I could get a no I'm going to go commit to tank I might not even get a rift maker I already have the riiz that's all I need I can go like Thorn mail unending Despair and they're not killing me cu the AP Champs I can just kill or tank and then I'll have so much armor hey what are you doing how you doing oh my God how am I stunned for so long oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God can't believe I didn't get Pik aled there I really thought I was going to get Pike aled I might have aled right can I tank it can I tank it yes which one is it is it this one damn it it's the wrong one almost got a 1v4 there I did a one V4 well it was a one V3 and then a One V one at the end wait they're already back up I got to go watch this uh big heal 400 oh gotcha got your nose fear and I don't think I can beat him e alt where's my turret we have an ocean drag they have the ocean drag I can maybe beat him if he walks into this bush we trying going mid look that did 422 kill all right unending despair for more healing and HP I am surrounded by weak and Petty Souls CL could do Jack shows last what did I say I was getting last I could do Jack shows then I get a little bit of Mr and then I just get even more armor oh no I need the thorn mail I'll go Thorn mail last who needs magic resist 05 Nico shyvana's going to hurt but FLH con jy's not going to do damage to me I mean he's got ldr he'll do damage to me but actually Thor M's terrible versus Jin an ally has been slain Thorn mail is terrible versus chin he doesn't Auto that much change of plan what is good verse Jin I promise eternity maybe we will go the Riff maker I don't know I do like zero damage to turrets though I just want the has SL Eternal I an ally has been SL I haven't seen you in a while bud how you been uh oh no where did he go I okay they're going to send five people up here wait shyvana's splitting B I mean we're getting mid but like what the hell is going on randuins would be pretty good versus but I Forge Nightfall from Dragon I mean we got the last one so actually pretty good I could probably just Al this guy under turret and kill him I am unkillable could grab a spirit for bigger shield and healing too wait that's a minion that's a Nico I might die I'm going to get gar Al and then I'm going to get ped oh my God your team destroyed and I got ignited well at least we're getting stuff on the map right surely we're getting stuff what do I need need doesn't gar shred my armor too oh nice a got in there get the PIP oh my God he does damage oh my God he kind of hurt we'll go unending just spare and I don't know yet last item maybe a leandre's cuz like when three of them were sitting on top of me here I just need to do more damage the Sunfire is cooking them but not enough LeAndre gives a lot of HP too the thing is if I just keep building more armor they're like he already he went first item armor pen and so did this guy cannot save them so it's just not going to block that much since I already have pen I'd like to do a little bit more damage we'll see we'll see what happens when I get this this will do some damage right does it sap each Champion or just oneor shobana's not here I'll just go to Dragon hey guys I'm going this way waste his thing an ally to the dragon thing me your all never mind we're good oh we're getting uh Cloud dragons that's nice oh hello oh he doesn't have Flash this time I'm eating everything you have been SL all right they have now started to send the whole damn team for me wow garol outplayed me with 1,700 true damage that's annoying man the Gin rout lasted an hour oh no she's dead too at least Kane's getting backline but she's dead don't hope damn I want unending despair never stop me all right I mean they I literally ate every alt I got Pike aled I got Nico aled I didn't get Jin aled actually I got gar aled did I get ignited again no 1,700 true damage and I'm so big with heart steel I can't Dodge the Spells I mean I think I just split bot now they send five people for me and we get Baron I'll split bot they send five for me you guys do Baron seems simple enough all right we have a little bit more healing now survivability oh you know I could do um is stone plate no stone plate doesn't exist anymore does it I can get ay steric esteric actually would work I might get a oh they're doing Baron oh oh no why is there a Saka B oh God they're on Baron I think we lose it the hell happened your team has destroyed I'm too slow I didn't think they were going to rush Baron such a weird call the of the Living World can't reach these two never going to get him I mean they can't kill me how does that not hit him damn I should have just went for the bear and shyvana wasn't even going to Smite it oh my god dude the Gin route lasts an hour you're not killing me okay maybe little oh my God saraka my savior they really want me your team destroy keep heing me I want red buff he's going to come to Red do she know damn she gone I'll tank I am getting cced for an hour but luckily I liveed forever I mean this healed 900 off that one fight that's not bad what do I what is going to help me survive though I think aerx because sterex will eat a ganol I think it'll pop before Pike can Al me and I'll just survive so much longer n is dead oh I'm dead I the natural it's so annoying having this pipe permanently on my ass yeah no matter how much armor I have this item just shreds me look at how much he's done I mean I either need aeric or more damage St wouldn't save me there more damage might I mean it sucks J was under turret though it's fine thunder [Music] sky it could work but I don't think so I think I'm going to go the ster I don't think we have an issue with with damage I just need to survive longer cuz like where're we're going to win the game like Kane's popping off I'm I'm eating all their alt somehow I actually have more kills than him they they just send so many people for me there's not much I could do I get endless cced by Jin and uh Pike okay that guy just peed his pants what did I do to this Garen omn Vamp well the issue is I can't hit them so I can't really heal an ally has been slain yeah I know I don't even push fast though I won't even get it never I think I just need to instantly Al someone even if it's a tank I'll group with Kane though cuz like me splitting is not good right now I can't get turrets you already know they're going to chase me out of here all right we have stairs this gives tenacity too which is huge oh I could have got a all breaker and then been able to do damage the turrets but I'm not a I don't want a split push all right that's fine Nico's gone that's the one that's going to CC him Jin I mean I completely can stop Jin from being in this fight [Music] finally I had to I have to use everything on him the Pikes is more annoying than the gy look how big I am that's 8500 HP on me over 8,500 HP with that Shield oh my god with a ster Shield it's over 10K all right we breaking in we good I still dead just hit this please I don't do damage to it but you can damn it I die now cuz she doesn't want to hit the damn objective well I'm going to get it it's just going to take forever Spike's going to catch me good good [Music] hourglass they have endless CC good she dies when she almost got me killed like all she had to do was hit the inhib twice so I didn't have to hit it 10 more times I don't think they're coming does my ability size scale with my Champion size I think my passive does get bigger if I get bigger I think my Sunfire does more damage than my autos and stuff all right might walk into a bush of all of them the spell shield is annoying oh I'm melting [Music] her and she runs riiz well at least my team was there I really thought I was going to pop out of that alt and be in the middle of their whole damn team where'd she go down here there she is your team has destroyed a turret at least my teammates were there I mean I don't think they were killing me if they were all there anyway I have the sterex 1,00 heart steel Stacks the D of the Living World The Silence of the I Ru it all sh your team has destroyed I am too tanky your teamy oh the Shan's full AP no wonder I almost like one shot her does that oh that pulls my uh Q that's [Music] cool he got a qss bro look at this I don't give a fu [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] all right I give a [ __ ] oh my God I'm a tank I kind of want to die here just to see how much damage I took oh my God I took like 20K damage right there I thought I was dead but then I'm like oh wait the ster Shield didn't even pop yet that was insane I just honored somebody random I don't care it was fun I did the most damage still with riiz and Sunfire being really the only items that deal damage 44k how much damage did I tank damage taken 72,000 how much mitigated 92,000 93,000 950 healing on conquer Last Stand did extra 2K this yal 3700 yeah other than that make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next and thanks again for watching guys make sure to check out my website swag. got some cool keyboards on there that I custom build and make and mouse pads so go check it out peace all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Tom kench in the Top Lane running grasp Shield bash second win Revitalize Taste of blood and ingenious Hunter we're going to do the unkillable PCH build where we have a heart steel and then we're also going to build unending despair so every second 7 seconds in combat with this item we sap life and then heal so with ingenious Hunter it lowers the cool down of heart steel and that item so I will have more HP and I'll heal more and then kench also heals missing Health when you land a Q and plus we get big shields and heals with our E from damage taken so I should be pretty hard to deal with the only thing I'm really scared of on their team is uh Master ye yeah I got second win Doran Shield healing too we'll see hopefully we can fight Cante I really don't know who beats that champ I'm going to get my e here since he's trying to poke me a bit I'm having a hard time reaching those minions he standing in Yeah by getting my e here I don't have an ability that deals damage but I heal back some of the damage he's going to do me in these trades Savor the misery I mean when Cante alss me he'll actually take a lot of damage cuz he loses all his resistances I must sample this and then I can just ult him under turret or something we're just trying to get some grasp Stacks early kench is a very strong early champ but so is Cante I feel if I don't have the minion wave Beed in my favor which it's not can't really do much yeah just don't want Master ye to get fed cuz he can shred a tank when he gets play of the Run King we're up one minion I amti focused nice and I get Shield bash when I uh Auto attack attack with my e oh that minion in front of me even without hitting a q we still win that trade I do have ignite and he does not nothing escapes hunger Ally I'm losing Cannon for this but I got XP for it I think he's just going to end up tping back is De let's stop his base oh ye didn't get a kill yet he didn't show so that means he's probably pathing up here well he loses this cannon at least but I am a bit behind in uh Farm [Music] I guess I'll just base here we get for 900 I guess I'll get the HP regen Eve doing this on vision is very scary cuz we don't know where ye is oh wait he showed somewhere what is with this is the second game I've had my jungler try to do all of them at once doesn't really work like that I can't believe cassant didn't go down and kill her that is a crazy Evelyn I can't believe she pulled that off yeah hard steal into unending despair me and cassan are kind of playing unkillable Champs I wish I was against like a Bruiser but I mean I can beat him in a one V one I just wish I had a way to clear the wave I have only single Target damage outside my w Mercy has no flavor but as you can see he doesn't really do damage to me he's hiding in the minions so I can't quue him he's just won't leave these he's scared nice Grass Auto almost had him I got to be careful when pushing up though because if he alss me like into his turret that will die well kie got double kill that's good I don't need to Ward he's dead bro playing the most broken champ in the game and he's scared of me that says something I think maybe I Roam and try to get in genius Stacks before it's too late I demand an Entre I'm not sure if this guy's killable without have one nice well I'll have to play the lane the rough way now and just Zone him off the minions you know fight you know get Farm surprised he's not using his e to Dash and Dodge that and get a shield every river ends in me little slow push into him good old Top Lane suffering our ban is born hey we might be able to kill him with Evelyn we could dive him actually E's level six nice oh hold on nice I would have killed him even without Evelyn okay I guess I am stronger than him hopefully his tp's not back up that was a lot of laning there hey kench beats good Sante let me go get oh I need 100 gold let me push this wave I could kill ye also cuz I still have ignite Nevers but I would much rather just go get this heart steel so I can get it stacking if he's not going to fight me at least I'll get heart steel stacks on but I got a Kill so we're good the only real Sin is to deny I already have 2500 HP hey he got Merks braven's not winning Lane but we also have SME both of these adcs are like all or nothing but I'd say Samir is a little better late game than Draven for sure every heart has its own hunger I don't think he did the grubs I might need to pick up a bomis before un unending despair so I have some wave clear I think my Autos yeah scale with my health so I do more damage gluttony my q and my Autos I believe do more damage sir an enemy has SL I'm coming oh I actually hit him I want Gras actually dude I'm still full HP something to nibble okay man that went from nothing happening to uh yeah it's they're done for just got three four hard steel Stacks there I don't know rivering think he's got teleport this time I did so much damage and took none Tower did more damage than all of them combined to me yeah I can get bombies and boots here don't freeze it I will freeze it's fine and then we can go unending despair an enemy has been I really thought I was going to go this whole game with zero kills but then the kench activated I have taste that not easily cuz I knew kench is one of the strongest Champs early just because he does so much Dam damage and is so tanky but he does fall off a cliff late game but I don't think we'll fall off too much late game with this build especially against their team they actually have re really low damage team the only one that's going to hurt is Master E if he goes blade of the ru King and uh second blade of the ruin King and rage blade will hurt a Q and heal like 200 hp an En has oh you know what's awesome about this that I got ingenious Stacks too well you's not up here River an enemy has been slent an enemy has been slain this game is a killfest an ally has been slain Raven did get some kills though tyon prosect man I'm shredding him I've never been able to like actually do damage to Cante on any Champion I play see the bomes is just last hitting for me now which is so nice it will give me Tower aggro though I need to be careful that the flavor is what I I'm done holding back uh it's probably best I die to him cuz I would have died to you there but that's fine down I got the hard steel stack and I killed him I think we go armor boots I mean look how much physical damage I took what do you cost yeah I got to get boots all armor it up well Tower did a lot more damage than kante did an enemy has been slain my diet is expansively unique he's got mid turret have time if I get red buff I'm really strong minion wave though I got it your team let us eat viously and overindulge got a red buff oh nice they traded I'm here an ally has SL I don't have Al to save her but if he cues he can't slow him true appetite there's a thres anyway I wish she Charmed him instead of running away she didn't believe in the kench well I just need to go kill their bot Lane I just want the hard seal but we can keep fighting it's not really going to help your case [Music] Bud quit it want the minions I mean look at my HP he did 20% of my health there I took 80% of his there's a blue buff now if I auto him three times I can pull him out of the turret again oh heart Steel's already back up problem is he's going to perac CC me under turret again but at least I have armor this time an ally he actually used his e correctly I don't really need blue as much as the red the Red's keeping my HP full I'm not really running out of Mana an enemy has been slain where is it I haven't used my uh Shield F yet I haven't really used my e much because if I don't use it I regen the health if I use the E I don't regen that gray health so there hasn't been a lot of times where I've needed to use it against him yet the oh thought that was going to hit me well I can go waste his time where is that taste I prefer to know when my next wheal approaches our bargain is due think I got to hit this your team has destroyed a turret he has Kraken Slayer I think I could beat him though I shall return to this establishment short no not with Cante here actually but I do have Evelyn I'm also going to need a thorn mail for ye so he doesn't kill me later oh I love that I have my mouse here to use the Ability up towards Top Lane but it does it right here cuz doesn't use the map but if say I was shooting an Ezreal it would shoot at to inconsistent nothing escapes not bad three for one well we'll Farm up unending Despair and then we'll just go tank test in some team fights uhoh give me that you get more gold from the small ones that Roma seduces need like 400 more oh he's got ice so I'm not going to be able to run away from them just took all of these HP thanks guys yeah he's really squishy so he just kind of dies how I can kill ye before he can kill me 100% I found a Draven I wonder how can you receive youve I just like one comboed him hey that's one of the bot laners did I we get both oh I'm five out of five in genius so now my heart Steel's up like crazy I didn't get a heart steal out this guy did I I refuse to succumb to culinary all right I have unending despair I could go Spirit V with and heal and shield more but I might need um Sunfire and Thorn mail we'll see I mean I'm fine with the pom Mercy has no they really don't have a lot of magic damage it's just the gragas who's one and four he is the most farmed on their team though but the thing is I have so much health and he doesn't have like a LeAndre or anything so Health beats AP but the extra shielding and healing might still be worth it so we'll see so it's going to deal 125 but it heals me 250% of that D he guys pretty quick wait I'm full HP I literally don't even take damage well it already healed me 350 there the heart Seal's already giving me 500 HP that's the show stealer getting five ingenious Stacks this is pretty darn good I don't want to tank turret but Gras did already Al how many turret shots did I just tank iand I probably should have Tanked more actually yeah I'm just standing here oh wait I'm diving hey look at my house by the way okay I'm back to full oh oh my God Beast awaits oh I guess the shield bash is a waste it didn't even activate that whole fight I did use my E I guess I just didn't Auto anyone with it up how did I heal back to full now well I just killed Master E under turret watch this healing okay I think it did that heal me more I just healed two like 2,000 there okay I really need to go spend this 3K gold I could kill this Draven but they're going to keep coming back one by one and they'll kill me so I'm not going to risk it oh we have chem Tech dragons too oh it couldn't be more perfect it could not be better I mean I think this would be the best keeping me alive but I'll get this for the shield and healing I mean do they have heal cut yet no I'll buy this I think I sell dor shield and go Thor mail just so ye doesn't eventually kill me he does have the items to kill me but I could just hit him back and kill him first 5400 HP it's going to take way too long to do that yeah I'm virtually unkillable at this point I want to be the tank in fights like I want them all to be focusing me so then they don't kill my teammates down he goes I got to go catch top wve but I mean wait unending it healed me 2300 there all right all right screw it I just want to see am I going to die here oh know I'm tanking now tank you can walk out you can walk out okay I tanked like 10 turret shots I need to get out of combat so I heal back to full well I've never had a harder time getting Hearts they're just like running into me dude I'm permanently full HP extra thousand healing from this I heal like twice as much as the gry health bar shows it's disgusting that is disgusting yeah I think just a a thorn mail so if they do hit me they actually take damage just uh 2,000 damage from this bombes that cost only 1,000 gold yeah I think I could tank all five of them and actually win a fight because I just have to kill Y and Draven and then there's nobody that does damage to me gragas can't hurt me at all but I do need to try and end the game soon because like we may throw I will somehow get kited and I don't know I mean maybe not what's he getting he's probably going to get like a witz if he gets a wits he could maybe beat me not in a one V one but souls or the shield bash Bonk there it is I used it we fighting over here no blood is impossible oh I could get um a rift maker and have healing om Vamp I don't really think it'd be that great though I'm dealing damage just not like a I don't know we do have I'm not taking the turret I just casually hit you twice for all right it's over you're not safe for me look at thisy have you seen somebody able to tank the turrets this long I think not that is GG I mean we couldn't have gotten a better game of kench there I thought this was going to be the most boring game ever 6K HP unkillable yeah the spirit was actually a really good move well I'll add an A on for you guys if you want to keep watching my all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some yoro in the Top Lane we're going to grasp demolish conditioning overgrowth biscuits and approach velocity we are going to make the biggest minions and Maiden possible because if you didn't know York's minions scale with health and his ad so if I go hard steel and grasp and stack up a ton of HP they're going to get stronger so that is the plan have unkillable minions uh we got counterpicked by a Varys top though I don't think it's the end of the world but if he plays correctly I might be in trouble they return but luckily I have some poke with my e and the graves I have some sustain but I got to play pretty safe early use the bushes to hide um if we eventually get a gank though we have enough CC but he has uh he has flash ghost so he can kite me if you really really wanted the is remember I think I just chill till level six I'm not stronger than him early I will not damn you I if we can get a wave pushing into him that's when we could fight but when there's too many minions like how it is now if I try to fight him I'll automatically lose so sit back do my thing nice I hit him okay that's the way I can poke him it actually does some decent damage and it's nice I have uh biscottis and then if I do hit him in the wall he's going to have to flash out of it but I'm already winning in the Thor Department which is good he shouldn't be missing any CS so I'm not really contesting an ally has been slain do need to manage my Mana DOD okay so I'll save the biscuits till I'm really low Mana cuz they actually give you more Mana back if you're lower ni I'm going to go smack him with my shovel tell me of the Beyond in case I never made like pretend like scarner here and I'm getting a gank think if we hit him with an E I might go on oh my uhoh all right the game might be over how does Yu already have four kills it's good to see won't you Jo to I mean he's like out damaging me there so I'm fine with backing up I also got his uh his ghost oh he's going to get away maybe not no I got him okay um B's died five times in four minutes it is necessary luckily I'm playing a split Pusher but yeah that's not really that good but I solo killed Varys so we take those and he has no sums I actually think I'm going to freeze this and T back I must dig got maen strong um yeah the only thing is I'm going heart steel first so it's pretty weak item it just gives me HPS I can make it work all right Pike might be running it down I just have to like hope that yasu is not a pro cuz I could kill him later but if he's too fed oh no embarass there he is how you doing bud to destroy theuse it we just run out it is the end I did my maiden take a break maiden's just like yeah I'mma chill out all right leave the maiden alone I know she bites but don't hit her back death is not to be fear we could I mean Pike's probably he can't possibly screw this up if he Dives he'll die but I'll kill Varys probably did a lot of damage there you go I don't care actually that's really bad that he got the kill cuz he's worth more money now but hey at least he roamed I don't think I would have killed him without Pike that's good though if he just like abandons bot Lane he won't feed yasu anymore okay I like a little sliver of Hope an ally okay let's leave Maiden please survive this I want to wait 2 minutes for you come back 3 minutes you can come back any time you want sir a vital ornament so I'm going to be going hard steel into Titanic which will give me a lot of AD and a lot of HP which means Maiden gets really big and tanky and my ghouls get really big and tanky so they're not super easy to kill as long as this guy doesn't just go AP Varys if he goes AP Varys I'm going to get one shot no matter what I might have to build a m if he goes like the on hit Top Varys with the radiant I'll be okay I think since he lost early he should be winning early if he was doing that I didn't really mean top is like support me but works I guess I mean we could just dive them they got the herald to that means they're going to be right here I want to cut them off where's my Pike where's my Pokemon there he is I Choose You we can get him oh maid's just like I got you no damn it I want to kill oh wait I got one of them didn't I oh hey Karina look at how many minions are up ow what did I do she kind of Juicy I got to go oh my God what did I do what have I done the whole team's up here even yasu was coming they got Catarina yo leave her alone no don't go that way hey come on get out of here get out they're diving top I'm just going to push it I don't care they're all going to die they're all going to die leave leave the FED yasu there know what lies Beyond it is you never know what you're going to expect when you queue up for League of Legends oh Pike saved him oh my God please just don't give him more kills I'm actually really strong oh hey I want your plate no matter how you cry well I'm rich do I have heart steel I definitely have heart steel I think we have to go armor boots oh yo what happened to my turret I respond ouch that's not good I wouldn't be caught dead in that I think it's gone I don't need it bars is going ad we're good oh yasu doesn't even have a shutdown he must have died oh he wasted [Music] it I shall perform your right wait a second did he just get hit by an ash Arrow I didn't even see the ash Arrow they once call these UND okay wait this build actually kind of slaps I have a pocket pipe what's one more grave [Music] remember all right o LeAndre Zyra hurts I am the first and last of my order all I switched Agro but it doesn't Okay this Pike's not bad okay he's dead he's bad no I'm kidding that's fine though he got executed an ally has been do I demolish this I might as well I don't know if I'll make it to the next one oh money in the ground I must dig my baby Minions have 700 HP already 725 well oh he's going blade yeah that's what you do oh they have two dragons I got to go for the next one en all your cont when I've seen the build like 10 times now yeah well the reason I do the same build 10 times is because those builds like people just keep watching those builds if I try something if I like play scarner it's fun it's fun to try something new but nobody watches it for some reason and then it's like there's a million times be like oh I'll watch it but yeah it's like still it's not the majority of people won't watch it I see the stats and stuff we have eternity I throw them in occasionally but a lot of times I have to just keep repeating what works the best and what's worked in the past cuz this is my job I need to get as many views as possible oh I might throw in a hall breaker third item see either hle breaker or demonic demonic wouldn't be terrible but they're not really tanky so I don't need the max Health burn it hurts remember I think I'm just going to go H breaker and just be unkillable I want Wukong to come up here I want some hearts okay yasu got five kills in the beginning of the game and he has has none now he's not getting anymore so perfect teamy en I'm just a top laner me just push well now my bot Lane's winning isn't that crazy I want a heart s ATT I know what I can do watch this oh shoot I got aggro and if I hit him I'm going to die oh hey how you do that yes I'm so dead my [Music] maiden I mean I think varis has all I don't know she's almost dead I hit her with um I am no Tyrant these soul I want to stay for Titanic I also want the herald who's if I get Herald I can just end the game whenever I want which it's kind of too early to end the game but I can guarantee get that turret up there you don't have the heart Ste we might have to pop the turbo booster I wonder does Wukong clone stay long enough for me to get a hard steel stack off it I don't think I can stay my is a circle they're going to get the herald we're not very objective focused team but hey everyone could be running it down and quitting so I'm fine with that I just hope Pike doesn't screw up the Wave Wait no don't hit it yet oh you can hit it you can actually I wouldn't get that one an enem oh my God there we go one bomb two bomb three bomb four M minion you're going to die to the tat just stand by your friends okay I'm going to need to like TP to Dragon just deity will end some of these yeah I want the red buff though I got time well maybe not anymore Zyra really likes me take got to out snipe the plants got it all right wukong's dead I actually don't need to go down there now where's my maiden I shall perform your right they're going to kill her leave her alone run run run yes she's alive a breath between rights okay they got 900 HP now plus more I'm going Hall Breer red is I'm that guy th HP for baby ghouls uh-oh yes oh my God these Ash arrows that actually saved me oh my God I think that saved me because yasu was about to get away or Al me oh hey I I think I can hit the uh the Clone I just didn't hit it in time I actually have time to hit it okay I'm unkillable Retreat imagine if I had a hole breaker I will return n imagine if I have the hall breaker I want this I think this is better than just going Health Crystal whatever pickaxe this heals me a lot since I have a lot of HP your team haset I did not think the game was going to go down this path it was looking pretty bad early heart steel Katarina oh that could be why that used to mean something he just finished his blade he hurts me now but I also kill him in like two seconds I hit the Clone there I just didn't get the hard steel stack I I hit the real one I think the Clone disappeared right now I was going to go for it at again but I do have time to hit the Clone so I like that Wukong can give me double Stacks I am to bury you rest your wonder if I get solo barar I don't think so I have no healing I mean at least one person has to stay top on their team if they they leave top I get the whole base it is for you okay you can't get that close to me I got so much HP I just walk at him uhoh time's ticking where is the turret oh they're pushing mid it's a base race somebody stop the Herold oh shoot hey oh no he got his Al wait a second uh oh no they got the next turret damn the the Herold had 100 HP if Ash hit it they wouldn't have got that in it's fine though my work here's done don't do it don't do it please please please please I'll kill you get him no well I got heart steals no I mean if he didn't flash I would have had both of them I got two hard steel Stacks so oh GG H breaking time [Music] so they hurt remember my name I went Thorn mail that could help too but I want to still do a lot of damage I mean I could like while they five people are doing Dragon I could just TP toen in the game but scarner is already up there for some reason die with me brothers and be free okay they're coming for me next they're assaulted we can fight some of them just recalled there's somebody in here oh ayra your mov I didn't get the stack you have SL an enemy have Hall Breer get away from me watch Mega Bon Bonk I'm going for a walk after this game sanest yo a player I've ever seen all right oh he reconnected your team oh that didn't I just kill the plants so I don't lose half my HP bar my work here is done ah [ __ ] I'm dead I killed Zyra how much HP does maiden have I'm not even level 16 yet dest 60% of my HP Maiden has 4,300 right now she's going to get more too the the baby Minions have 1,300 and now now they have even more now they got almost 1350 I still have my TP I got both the inhibs so like now the end game is I just push one of these side lanes and end the game if they ever leave the base pretty simple she sold her hard Steel what the oh my God my head we got to be careful they're going for the brute force and the game mid so I might have to counter that with the teleport and the game top but my team says Uno reverse card wait we have a 9 and one silus can I get this give me the red give me the red I can't can't really onev five them cuz they have like three anti-tank items healing reduction and a Cleaver they they have a lot to like counter my 1v5 but I could 1v3 like yo can't even really say team Gap because he was so fed and then he like didn't he fell off like if he was still if he had like 15 kills now sure he could say team Gap but he not really contributing to the team I would say I would argue that the Zyra is actually doing better than him see the maiden she comes hello who wants to say hi to Yori get him they still die in one hit I mean they did half of his health bar there oh chunky Maiden 4,800 4,800 HP Maiden 1400 HP baby Minions this never ow damn it did my my auto didn't go off oh God I don't like this get out of here Maiden I'll bring you to safety Mady meanwhile they just walked up here we has one tanky Maiden dude these Ash arrows these Ash arrows are actually so good they're always perfect I mean did my ster Pop I still have ster I wanted this in though one more grave destroyed in beile now they well we can get dragon Baron do whatever we want beat this guy as long as I don't get any by his R I'm too big he didn't win wallet let's get him fight oh [ __ ] all right there's too many of them this journey is long I got red buff healing but I will complete it join me my minion Army we are alive we should do Harold oh no she a lot of HP an enemy has been slain kind want to rudge but I'll get the thorn mail for the HP stare oh I don't have TP for some reason I thought I had TP well I much would have rather preferred us doing Baron than all d but it's okay oh there's only one left it was it just a Zyra Zyra can clear but I should be okay they have to defend side side Lanes I go wherever are a DP what the hell are these watch as I ignore you and one shot the turret ow ow oh my God that Katarina Al hurts where my effing made get him yes Maiden Ma's actually pretty strong dude I got shredded by her blade dude I swear it did like 6K damage from that one Al oh my god well Thorn mail is going to help because now it will reflect some of that damage back but I actually don't have a lot of armor so maybe it's not that great but I mean it's I could go Stone I could sell it and instead of go stone plate get another Giant shield with my ster that might be better to survive I miss out on another Baron buff though but I got TP I got 7,000 HP my Mist walkers have 1,600 HP and 177 ad maen has 6K HP if we round it up and 237 like my maiden I has about the same ad as Ash with three times her HP we just need a triple inhib he's out life is but a brief oh my God I'm gigantic but I also like can't Dodge a spell been SL go take what you will wukong's dead can you guys go mid or top M fine I guess I don't care the remember I mean I just don't get the whole breaker resistances with Pike next to me which sucks but there's no turrets okay I am terrifying I guess oh my God the ster Shield's bigger than my health part get him oh out played to Max so big this is the biggest yic I've ever seen GG 400 ad 7.5k HP oh the double double hard steel proc gigantic yorck 1,700 HP on that 6,200 on Maiden perfect game that was so fun if you guys enjoyed please leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't and join my Discord at discord.gg I'm giving away 10 keyboards in there and it ends tomorrow or tonight so so join now last chance to enter for free to win 10 of my keyboards so go check that out give me a comment below let me know if you join the Discord um I got to give it to Ash man those arrows there's like three or four arrows that hit like the right time I did the most damage 47k how much damage to structures let's look at damage taken damage taken I took the most damage I mitigated the second most damage to turrets damage to turrets 17K grass bended up doing 3600 just because it doesn't do anything early because I can't hit Varys just when I have 7K HP the the grasp Just Hits like a truck Lake game so yeah thanks again for watching see you on the other channel peace all right everybody welcome back to another video today we are playing the reworked scarner in the Top Lane and we are running grasp Shield bash conditioning overgrowth cheap shot and ingenious and with his rework he has a passive now you hit an enemy three times get three stacks on them they take a Max Health magic damage burn Q gives us three empowered attacks with attack speed scales with HP and then does the third hit does Max Health damage to them and slows and then W slams the ground with an earthquake and slows enemies and it's a pretty big circle gives as a shield too e is the coolest ability think of a Noo-noo snowball but if you hit somebody you bring them with you and you slam him into a wall it's stuns him and that of course scales with HP and then his alt is the same old pole except you can pull up to three enemies at once now but you have to hit them with a skill shot it's actually a lot harder to land but I mean if you stun somebody with your e it's pretty much free hit like he has a oh yeah he does have three Tails we'll see how he is into a tank like kench kench is a very strong early game champ I'll play a little cautious into him but my reasoning for shield bashes his W and cheap shot is nice cuz I have a lot of slows so I'll do a lot of true damage and then ingenius cuz I'm probably either going to do the tank tier item with a hard steel I'm definitely getting a hard steel but yeah the tank items are really good with ingenious Hunter cuz they all have actives and cool Downs I just don't know how my Mana cost will be we definitely don't want a frozen heart into their team don't really need it we could do tier on first base if I remember back it up we here's his Z oh I missed oh you go through walls too with it by the way now that's a very long cool down you have to kind of hit them directly you can't just go near them but his uh his third hit on his Q does so much damage and if you reactivate the Q you can throw the rocky pick up but you lose the empowered Autos I don't know he might be on kench level as early game strength I'm too far from a wall but I pushed him look at that damage yeah unending despair could work but I'm against Triple AP up here so we could do the what is it Hollow Radiance gunfire item I I might pick up a bunch of components maybe I do like a bombes and a tier although I need the hard steel so maybe I'll get bombes later all my minions oh we could go get the tier now I suppose not like kench is going to push he has really bad pushing power don't do it hang on hang on hang on watch this guys now there's no wall well maybe I could smash him into that wall I don't think it'll go that far no but I could hit him with this we o okay I bet he wasn't expecting that that probably scared him Garner has like god tier flanks now you can just tunnel behind a wall and scare someone and then if I have my ALT I can tunnel behind like their oh I didn't get any of those minions I can tunnel behind like their backline and then pull them into my team look we that's so cool okay we'll get the tier tier boot uh sell this I'll do my little crab dance and you guys are going to like the video please also consider checking out my website swag. got some mouse pads on sale and some keyboards really high-end custom keyboards that I created from scratch check it out after the video what I do outside of playing League recording all right he's level six there's a big wave here uhoh get away from [Music] me an ally and he goes really fast when you pull people with that there's no way this guy gets away head shot Rock boom anemy if you're not in range to hit him you just pick up the Rock and throw it it kind of takes a while though to pick up the rock his abilities go pretty slow he's pretty slow as is but he a tank at least he's no Cante an ally has been slain but yeah people are not going to expect to bleed on him if you hit him three times they're bleeding for quite a bit of damage enemy double kill just went through that giant wall now you can't use any spells in your Al I think the only spell you can use while alting is your W the slow but you'd want to use it right at the end you get a move speed boost 40% when you grab someone so I wonder if I pop my ghost in then all someone I could probably drag him super far miss the old scarner combo though you could e someone ult him then stun him under turret but now he's got a new combo I'll let this guy push into turret and then I'll tunnel through the wall and smash him into the turret smash that's a cool combo just imagine the team siing your mid turret and you just come behind him throw him into it that does damage you don't have enough time to like pull them all the way around I'm eating okay he's dead Lil's really strong into him and I'm not that bad actually oh nice the W doesn't do that much damage but it got the minion swag w yeah it works like driving the herald except it doesn't go the opposite direction you click yeah the Q3 hits is nice one two three I don't like this I'm leaving oh God I'm dead wait I'm blocked I'm blocked run run run run run run run I had a feeling oh my God what just happened oh my God oh my God did he flash into my old and I I just pulled both of them under turret oh my God what just happened to them that was disgusting we what happens if I just go all the way over here okay yeah teleport out had to test it that's pretty funny yeah we'll probably do Merks they have quite a bit of [Music] CC we could do the tank tier Shield item I don't know that was so cool though that was actually so cool rock that does a lot of damage and like he doesn't need a teamat or anything to clear look at this I can clear I fed Caitlyn I don't think it'll be a problem for me ow well turning is not super tight oh I'm dead goodbye world oh no your e has such a long cool down darn if I had my heart steal I'd at least get two stacks there your turret has been destroy I think I go uh Hollow radians first I need magic resist they hurt Hollow Radiance I'll do Winter's approach and unending despair I'll try all the items I didn't go in the jungle video and then maybe we'll throw in the Titanic Hydra after all that the thing is like you don't need to build damage items to do damage on scarner since he scales with all HP you just want to go full tank and he just outlasts everybody kench is the same kind of champ as me though so it'll probably turn into a wet noodle fight although I have Max Health damage he has a little bit too on his alt an ally SL but my my third hit my Quake does burn to him shut down an eny has got grubs D I'm big I did apply the burn now only two stacks an enemy Dom enemy I got slowed right before it I'll take it got his flash I did not pull him very faster if you get slowed or stunned in your alt it sucks how much is Shield bash done 300 Jeep shots done 300 see you later go gank this guy I don't have my E I mean I got here pretty quick I could slow him he flashes over this wall going the wrong way though you're not going to outrun a Lilia and a speedy scar scar we enemy I stole him I wanted to slam him into a wall there it's good that they're Bing F this will be fun cuz we we have a really good team to deal with like squishy hyper wait to see the two save me boom oh it didn't stun him ooh my third hit did 400 damage to him there I already have 3K HP an enemy is can't wait to see two Buffs followed by 14 Nerfs I don't think they'll gut scarner that quick imagine like they waited so long for this I wonder how many years this has been in the works an enemy is unable your turret has been Destro gu I can grab this why am I attacking so fast destroyed a tret shut down we got Karma o I could buy this now though but I don't want it I need I need the bommies it's not even fully stacked yet it will be soon and then I'm going to get baby shield from this with every slow right since it's melee it's slow I need Karma Caitlyn oh I can go through my own anivia's wall I think I got him I pulled him into the anivia AL zoom zoom careful Leona use your eyes H I don't know I don't know about this M's going to Al one of us and kench is coming too I don't have Al either oh my God I like the It Feels Like The Hard steel charges at further range now or something cuz like by the time I hit them with the E the heart Seal's ready to collect the stack nice little donut I got a long cool down they're on Herold get in there Lilia oh Kate's there I'll get her oh I'm going to die oh wait I'm dead but maybe I can dodge one of these qes hell no we got Kate though that's all that matters I got an assist on her oh that's fine that's fine the Leona passive proed off the Lilia passive that's kind of op an ally has inia probably could have helped but she missed the que so it's better just to back off well maybe we could set up a good Misfortune Al I'm going to need some armor but not really I took all magic damage that fight the thing is oh Kate might hit me no I hit the I hit the chickens damn I thought I'd go through them for some reason I didn't hit anyone I'm getting melted by Kate she might have went a little bit too far right wait I should be picking up and throwing rocks Rock I got an assist I think my Sunfire touched him when I ran through Kate hurts en ooh that's dirty that's dirty okay we have hollow Radiance I have really good wave clear now nice an ally has we'll get this now I don't want a moot want HP will we get the shield item and then what I need something for armor I feel what is that all it's fine come here okay I mean I don't have any armor oh oh man I'm getting good combos now look at the damage look at this damage 720 damage from this already look at my items I don't have anything damage choo choo I clear that whole wave he died to bleed wish if I threw the Rock at him i' get the hard steel stack oh he's hit oh she's going for it oh oh no well she got him but she's out damn that was actually kind of clean I was like why is she going that way oh she's got a plant okay now I get a what do I get 247 Shield every time I slow someone right and it's a pretty low cool down since I have five Stacks oh what did I I wanted the unending despair that could be our armor item has SL unending Despair and then either Titanic or ster aeric might be better all right watch this oh I missed it's okay man that would have been cool if I smashed her in the wall though wouldn't it it's actually it's not too hard to hit but I just suck Rift maker I mean you guys see how like rarely I use the alt though how I'm able to oh what a combo oh that's not who I want to pull my Health's not going down by the way now it damn it I didn't want to go into their turret oh I had a rock damn if you hit somebody near the edge of your b or not your edge of your e oh it extends it a little bit all right watch this pick up a rock drive by healer I need to go out of this mess I almost killed it I can't move oh no wait what the the hell was that oh what the no Shield come on yes no yes I'll take it I take a while to die an Al I go through the anivia wall with him yeah unending despair is going to keep me alive forever let's do it your team yeah Mor saved me a little bit I mean I still died but he I stayed alive a little bit longer I mean what would be the best last item I just I don't feel like I auto often enough for a Titanic but I may get it I think another magic resist item or something or a Jack shows would actually be better cuz I just need to survive like I survive and CC them they all die I don't need to do damage I'm doing damage not the jungler damn I one shot the camp though okay oh I got speared choo [Music] choo much does The Rock do don't know I need 400 gold somehow an ally has I'm scared to go in for Kade I could I could hit her but I'm not getting out I'm not getting away from kenj fruit oh away get smashed into the wall he's going to fear me no way he used it boom see like if if I hit him with my e he's never beating me in a fight he can't do enough damage to kill me and my full combo kills him well I thought I hit him oh she dodged it at least I got a lot of shields get me out of this mess hey go over the wall more I Dare You Dom can throw a rock nice I am tanky oh hey there's a Karma still she's going to beat him up isn't she yes an ally thought I got hit by something uh what do we do I'll get the Titanic man just to see but I'll May I'll probably change my mind I just think there's a million better items actually I could literally go anything fine it's fine yeah heart steel Stacks are actually really easy to get because of his e and his slows how much is this blocked look at this this item is actually really good it's blocked 5600 damage already it just takes forever to stack up and buy who's over here all right don't mind if I do like unless I stun Kate with my e it's going to be impossible to alter well he's dead now Cho oh that kind of glitched out oh my god dude I don't even have a Titanic my damage is too much I'm a train choo choo I missed bye you guys are not killing me okay maybe with that guy there damn wait a second wait a second can't move stop healing dude I'm unkillable I'm not dying okay this tier item's so damn good holy and I just zoom out okay it just blocked another 3,000 damage no at least I just W get a giant shield and disengage see even if Kate's fed it's just so hard for her to play into this comp dude okay yeah this seems a lot I don't know if it's just I'm playing against Champions that I'm better against or what I mean they had a morer last time this item seems way stronger than whatever else I went this seems really good on him I don't need this but I'll get it I I really don't need it I could just get tankier but I already don't die I mean it's going to add a lot of damage I've almost 8K HP oh yeah I had I have the unending despair now that which healed 2100 it's really hard to land the alt though cuz it's like so short but the Al's not his whole kid anymore is the thing oh dude you could pull their whole team into a Mis fortal dude that's awesome I like this build this is awesome we your team has destroyed I didn't make it even to hit her oh God wait the egg's still alive hit the Nexus egg oh I'll fight again I don't care actually I couldn't get to her I'm too damn slow your team has destroyed a turret your team has destroyed a turret I'm actually so so hard to kill that's on the tier item this blocked 10 point 10K 600 this has gotten me500 HP Titanic hits pretty hard too this has done 54 5100 on the [Music] burn he 3700 8K HP I'm so big feel like I got to e to get around I'm so slow the cool Down's not that bad late game when it's maxed goes from 18 to 12 I'm sorry way he's juking us I want to hit him with oh my god look up an enemy has been slain look how big the rock is it gets smaller when I throw it why are there two of these right has I'm so I'm so slow he's going to be dead by the time I get over there he's over here your team has destroyed a turret let's just get the inhibs your team has destroyed an inhibitor all right guys I might have told did I I didn't even hit anyone it's fine the Nexus died I wanted to pull them all out of the Nexus but I missed everything all right well GG that was actually I actually enjoyed that more than playing him jungle he actually feels like he could play to Lane I mean look at that I did the most damage and I just built full tank Leona builds full tank and doesn't do any damage oh you know what Leona is amplifying my damage in the fights too how much did my cheap shot do how much damage did I take there's a La shielding that doesn't work for me damage taken took the most damage mitigated the most oh my God I blocked mitigated 132k damage uh damage to Champions is do a bit more physical than magic grasp did 4K I like grasp I think grasp is good on him especially late game when you have a lot of HP field bash did 3K cheap shot did 21100 that's solid and yeah other than that thanks again for watching make sure you hit the like button you subscribe to the channel you leave a comment below let me know what you want to see me try him next I could do full AP I don't think it's that great cuz like his Al's just not even if the main part of his kit anymore his e is yeah thanks for watching peace all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some chogath in the Top Lane we're running grasp demolish Second Wind overgrowth cheap shot and ingenious we're going to try and become the biggest chogath ever and look we've got the new toy Terror skin it's supposed to be an April full skin he looks pretty funny he's like a little T-Rex and he's got the short arms but He's Got extendo Claws and this I'm curious to see how big I can get with this skin what's on the end of his tail I don't know what that is oh it's the stuffing coming out all right looks like we're against an atrox my claw hands and I have the ingenious so I can get more stacks of uh heart steel then we can get even bigger and more hpin and then I mean while we have in genius we could probably run uh what's it called oh that cancels my auto unending despair we could go that second it'll heal us nice got the grasp we can stack up a little bit of HP that way too have pretty good sustain cuz of my passive might have to get some heal cut for atrox though oh I'm not going to be able to dodge his Q's later on but hopefully he'll just Dash right into my mouth and we'll get the stack for eating him he there's the scream blood this is going to be the new choad skin everybody runs now so funny looking makes a lot of random noises though see I think we just max Q for damage oh the new scarner oh my God oh my holy he brought me so far fine I'm fine wow when I played him it didn't seem like it went that far oh oh my God I thought it was going to run out before it hit me I'm creep block okay that is so broken run how does that not hit oh my God his gangster so gross need kill minions an ally SL back I got my HP and he just runs mid and gangster too he's all reck I ever wanted to be blro flashed after me right he doesn't have that all right let's go get some HP or something well he's dead an enemy has slain I think he accidentally got turret aggro with that one take the regen get a potion just in case I'm I'm up so much Cs on atrox but he does have the way of slowly pushing towards him why I stop moving now do I eat a minion as soon as I get level six or do I try to eat [Music] him I hate that his Q cancels my auto aha nice I can't believe that auto did enough to get him low an ally has been SL an En I queed the minions instead of him so I hit level six in the middle of that fight where's scarner he has enough time to dash through this wall go all the way here and then still even push me more over here they're either going to like they're going to lower something on him like the the duration of the e or like how far it goes or how fast it is they'll probably slow it down by Rai the late game Scary with smolder he has so much peel but smolder is going to be really the only like high damage Source on the team unless scarner like onev fives us let's just laugh it's like the same just a little toy sound effect oh were those little things that came off of the alt shows me growing in power now I think I have to wait to for him to dash before I queue oh my God I didn't get any of those [Music] minions an ally has been SL oh there's a does matter if I get hit by his stuff as long as I can hit mine he take a lot of damage oh I canceled my auto my Cannon I just feel like a scarner is going to come through the wall or something yep all it all right or you get a gold star for trying I'll get this dude get him get him get him yeah Rex ain't doing anything I'm a giant toy chogath they kind of gutted reai with her rework I'm not really scared of her she's tankier now but she does like no damage I think unless they added more damage to her since I last played her but I don't think they did oh he grabs oh it's the fuzz I'm eating that's what oh that's cool I get the fuzz from eating him and I grow bigger you should have an emote where he like clicks the the arms you can't click them okay we one minion can eat five more I'll probably eat one [Music] here it's better to get the minion Stacks out of the way early because then you're just not sitting on an ALT that's not being used now I won't have it for a minute to fight atrox but who says we're going to kill him in a minute kill where's our mid oh he's a RoR Garner's bomb that hits hard an enemy has puny atrox oh my God all I have is a hard steal my damage is kind of gross oh my God art steel I don't know what they did to it but it feels stronger now after the last patch or two they buffed it somehow I don't know what they did I'm growing what is that noise the skin uh oh I'm dead no I'm fine okay just give me the stack damage could hit him they sent the Avengers for me what are they all ad though kind of yeah um how don't I get this now wonder if Sunfire is better though sun doesn't give any haste I'll just get it I'll get the unending oh I need to kill uh smolder real rexi and maybe could have tried to flash out of that but I saw I was going to run I'm like hang on what's that that noise that heart steel I got to go Stack Up My Heart steel I almost got three stacks out of that an ally has been slain your turret has been destroyed I mean I can just get this turret I might as well W here I'm going to wait for actually no no if I kill it earlier I get the plating money like I could do more damage with my demolish but that's a point it already died in one hit oh I grow chill guess I'm just killing this thing aha Rampage they know I'm going this way but scarner was kind of low so I don't think he's going to chase he's probably still here oh I didn't hit him oh hey horse all setting me up I must grow two more minion Stacks unending is 500 away might need some Mana I could eat this if I had Al I got the heart steel stack I was going to take this guy's minions oh damn I'm doing damage thank you oh come here all right we need re Anyway come here why are you so fast oh no smolder and a scarner and what the hell is that where do one come from I don't have any Mana press R oh oh my God I have to I have to one two three oh my God oh my God wait a second I'm not dying oh my God I don't have any more Mana though wait I got Mana ow yes oh I missed he's gone wait we have an ADC ow okay well guess having almost 5,000 Health at 17 minutes makes me survive extra long what am I going next destroy what does this scale with ad clows with HP what do we want I think we go Sunfire we have to go Sunfire I'm getting so many stacks cuz of ingenius and I finally stacked it all the way up I didn't even realize in genius gives you more trinkets I know it's always said that but I never like never realized it said that I don't know I mean I'm kind of I'm kind of big I I don't die did they take scarner Max Health damage all why am I killing this I wanted to kill it in the first place to eat it we're so tanky how many stacks does smolder have 121 once he hits 225 we're going to get hurt pretty bad one two I know how to count I'm getting so big I'll eat you there you go not bad I think I can eat one more minion right two I'm just going to fight The Avengers oh my God wait look how big I am now look how big these claws are one of my claws oh my God almost killed the turret what are these Claw is bigger than them you'll never take me alive ha I just going to use my spells on top oh my God that's kind of funny when he moves me dude I'm not dying I'm the Avengers what happened you think the tower is going to scare me away no I am actually just not dying now how much damage did I I took 12K damage I took twice as much damage as I have HP I healed 4700 here all right I think we have the unkillable choat field what could I throw in maybe like a jack shows I don't know Spirit oh they don't have any AP they have like a little bit uh it's some AP I could throwing a rod of Ages an ally has been slain about a rod of Ages it's not going to be finished for a while oh yeah riff maker forgot about riff maker I'll get a rift maker where is it I'm blind just hold on be patient I'll figure it out I was like or can I get an upgrade he's not even high enough level right what level does he need to upgrade me isn't it like 13 I'm bigger than a turret 14 I could use some haste too I only have 10 haste down I actually don't have a ton of Al Stacks but I have so many hard steel stacks and the ingenius is just so good like I could follow this guy under turret and he'll just die [Music] all right I'm going to go read a book big dragon versus baby dragon I lost vision of I was going to let it keep chasing him I'm just going to click on him and maybe eventually I'll get him it's like he's playing a PlayStation game just run it away from the monster oh he's in the bush well don't mind if I do missed I am going to get so big I'm not going to be able to like move all right all right I pressed r on them I pop ghost re get the hell off me an I'm being kited now you're getting eaten you could have lived give me the smolder 10% omn Vamp does omn vamp heal you from like Thorn maons like that item damage thanks run I'm faster than him well don't I heal more if I stand in the middle of their whole team or I'm going to get one other I I don't know what's going oh nice thre man knockup a my ALT just came up as I died that sucks all right they do Baron we get balling get that turret what's he building he's tank they actually do Baron pretty slow SM what did so much damage to me scarner actually did a lot scarner oh he's he's quaking I got quaked they're on a baron by the way anyone feels like stopping them oh my god look how big I am I hit 10K HP no I have eight I will I maybe will hit 10 what item do I go as I might go with Thorn mail cuz they're all hitting me I need something with haste though I could go spirit we have Godzilla at home let look at him look at those eyes my God oh maybe a cosmic Drive I am pretty slow I can still stack up off a minion the cool Down's so long though cuz I didn't build any CDR items I could eat the dragon stand behind I could go malignance for more alts maybe the thing is how much do I eat this for it doesn't give any HP but I probably would be able to ult like almost twice as often if I have it but a cosmic Drive might give around a little bit less haste but I'll get move speed and HP I think smolder got his oh hey it's a weird looking jungle Camp the kugs got legs or something oh wait aren't the smolder Nerfs on I think the smolder Nerfs are on PBE he has a little yeah I don't think he gets his Stacks to like 275 now or something like he's he's not scaling come here it's a buffet jeez I ate him at like 60% HP come here dodging abilities is not an option anymore I just have to tank it all oh my God okay The Misfortune all kind of am I tanking turret this whole time or is it shooting it's been shooting me this whole time I'm not even losing HP I could go Jack show's last and I'll never die but he's going to have LeAndre in his burn in the next 10 minutes he still has a lot of scaling to do he's probably not going to make it there look how easy it was the Dodge of scarner Al biggest champ in the game I can't move come here get out of here I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm not dying you thought I was dead look at my health I got half of it back already what happened is it this item an ally has been slain maybe the rift maker was healing me too oh yeah my Al probably heals me a lot now all right 42 32 I only lose 10 seconds on that what do we want Cosmic or we could go tank item I kind of want to go Jack shows and just never die or spirit for more healing do they they do have a little bit of anti-heal not good a spirit or what about a warm I need the iron pot you're right I need 100 gold I'm always in combat so I don't really need a warmogs it's never going to heal me dude I don't even go anywhere from a blast cone it's like they're ants just going to squish them get over here ant TRS oh my God give me that damn stack you can't run forever I just hit R once eater fine I'll go get bigger up grade me my heart steal oh man I I swear it's not my keyboards it's me I hit 10K I'm coming I'm too fat I'm going to break the hex Gates they got a weight limit 10K is a weight limit on the hex Gates I might break the game okay what does it do what did he upgrade oh it did upgrade oh my god I've almost oh I'm hitting for 17 18800 on R I can just walk at them like I don't even have to look at my health bar I just hit the hard steel and it does like half of their health bar what's stun me in there oh good Rex like my Sunfire and item is just cooking her I killed her by standing still I'm too big en why do I feel like I can just land a Q on this guy and eat him from Full HP oh wait watch this oh hey going in the fountain to eat did I get the stack he wasn't in the threshold but it still killed him oh maybe cuz he got burned right before I'm going to get pulled into the fountain I'm healing I'm very big come here an ally has been she's too fast to get you she oh yeah doesn't my ALT range get longer now with my size or something they they buffed it look at my ALT range well I don't think we can get bigger than we are now your team has destroyed look at that I am bigger than the turret I'm bigger than two turet oh he's got his Stacks how many does he have oh maybe it's not 275 anymore I don't know what happened to it is he going to melt me if he cares me H see uh yeah I'm kind of Dy oh my God he almost died from Auto I'm out of Mana guys chill no if that all went off I think I would have healed a few hundred I would have healed like a thousand cuz I oh no I don't have Triumph never mind I sell boots I'm going to sell boots I'm going to be so damn slow but I don't care all right what did I take a lot of damage from scarner is actually doing a lot of magic damage oh his passive does magic but wait what is this oh that's his Q an enemy has been slain uh Thorn mail maybe an enem oh no I just Jack oh wait what about a Titanic Oh my God does I think I have to go this does 1100 on the shock wave an ally has been slain winions oh they're not going to be able to run from me if we get this soul is their team on it is that way they're not defending base oh they're winions so close oh my God I'm so slow I don't have boots uh-oh he's going to die to my Sunfire well I'm just going to do this can they even defend the base no there's too many minions R you want to jump over the wall no my oh it's like why is my w not going off I already did you leave him alone I'm never going to catch him oh I just one shot him that was my e that was grasp my e and the Titanic your team has destroyed an inhibitor I bet I could maybe like one shot smolder almost 13k HP I'm just walking in I don't care well that hurts that hits so hard how much is my e doing 13.5% of their Max Health the Titanic Auto did 1K to him how do you survive that he just got hit for like 3,000 damage instantly he went to tank smaller build too all right big damage all right GG we had like over 13k HP that was insane this Skin's cool I like it I think it's my favorite I just don't like the sounds too much but it looks funny yeah the tank just did 115k damage here's our Rune stats grasp did did 9,000 second win did 7K keep shot did 22 and then this just made my heart steal and my all my items just activate more often so thanks again for watching guys make sure to like comment subscribe before you go show your support check out my website swag. I have custom keyboards uh mouse pads on sale so go check it out peace
Channel: Zwagmo
Views: 289,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwag, tczwag, zwag xerath, zwag tiktok, zwag shorts, asmr, teemo, zwagmo, zwag3, ranked climb, league of legends, league
Id: IzoqlTO4zTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 36sec (14376 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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