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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Teo in the mid lane we're running a harvest Jeep shot eyeball ultimate Hunter absu focus and Gathering storm we're trying to go for the strongest Teemo shrooms so that means we want a lot of damage but we also want a lot of haste to put down a lot of shrooms I love playing Teo mid because once we make it out of Lane we can kind of control the map like I can put down shrooms easily in the jungle we're going to watch a Leona die and she might make it out yeah just the early game's a little rough cuz you don't have wave clear and you could get poked by like a mage or all in but once I get level six I put down my corner shrooms and we're good to go we're going to be going LeAndre first into malignance and then third item is probably going to be a bloom or a shadow flame whatever we feel is better Shadow flame is better if they don't have like a straight up lot of magic resist cuz then it makes the poison crit when they're lowp Bloom's good because it gives a lot of uh Magic Pen and haste for a cheap price I used to always uh Max Q on team o mid but I've changed my ways after playing him top I'm going to do probably at least two or three points in my e and then we'll Max Q if you're able to Auto attack the enemy always Max E but uh lasagna she's probably not going to get too close to us unless she's going all in so we won't be able to Auto too much but it's good for wave clear the extra points in E make it so you don't miss as many minions and you can clear the wave faster scarner jungle with LeAndre I should have probably taken barrier but ignite can help me get my first kill but I'm probably not going to survive against them too easy I mean LeAndre will give me some HP to survive but scarner is going to come through the wall stun me then landre is going to stun me then she's going to stun me again then she's going to root me and then I'm dead so I can either push this and then potentially get ganked or I could let her push me into turret maybe take some more poke lose some minions tradeoff I've got go around bot side and I still have my flash up also I'm starting with a dark seal over a Doran ring because you don't actually need that much mana on Teemo and if I'm going malignance that's more than enough I'm trying to hit her with an auto Q we can get a harvest stack early I got hit but she's pushed into turrets so she might lose some of these minions we can poke her we'll keep our HP full the lower I get the easier I am to gank I'm going to let this wave go in uh we see scarner to so I can play a little more aggressive oh wait she's going to miss this cannon she might have just died for this now if I wasn't tanking the whole wave I could have committed luckily she didn't go for me I'm going to do three points e and then qax that gives me more than enough Auto damage and once she hits six my trades aren't going to be very wrong with [Music] her Oh I thought I could flash that I'm dead oh she died all right we'll take it an enemy has SL leave wave that's fine at least she died I thought she was going to get away and I preserved my flash I was going to try and Flash behind scarner but I think I still would have died I still have my flash so I'm going to go with this mask we got an assist we got a harvest stack we're scaling with Teo mid early games are a rough part especially against candre she's kind of a safe mid two three four and all in with the jungle gank I'm going to pick up my kills on objectives when everyone team fights for dragons and stuff when I have my shrooms that's where this build shines Lane's the hard part but she's actually worse off than we are and she has TP cuz Eko saved my wave so I get all these minions and I'm already up like 10 Farm on her we're looking good she didn't even get a kill either so yeah I'm not lot we'll get this [Music] pushing nice yeah if he ganks again and she just alss me I'm probably not going to be able to get away but I can start setting up my corner shrooms yeah I can only really hit her with a Q and it's not going to do that much damage I'm just going to prioritize farming having a hard time clicking these minions armed ready I'm a prioritize farming and then I can get more ahead of her cuz uh the faster I can hit my LeAndre the faster I've got shrooms that take half of somebody's health bar I going do another Point E I just see myself autoing these minions more not really trying to trade her cuz I'm not doing that much damage to her and I'm not able to hit her so I'll just prioritize winning the farm game down to fight in the river with Echo I can grab this some Mana back I don't want to lose this wave but I will lose some of it I think eo's fine Garner's bot reporting in that means if he's going to gank me here he's going to come from bot side she's just playing safe she's not really going into much she's trying to poke me with q but I will outscale her let's set up more shrooms we don't have any haste either they Nerf Teo shrooms pretty hard haste wise but we're still really strong once we have two item power spike leandre's malignance is all we need I mean I don't really want to fight this because landre is going to get there and we're already outnumbered we don't have jungler I mean they got zillion but not quite worth an ally has been slain an ally has been SL I would have just died we have a Leona when Leona hits them and then my shrooms hit him I think I'll do extra damage CU of her passive let throw the shroom here to explode in case she was committing and scarner was coming through the wall it's kind of low I think she has all yeah just in case she like aled Leona I was going to go for that at least scarner doesn't appear That's to sting there he is help me oh I juked him aha you can't see me oh I got hit oh my God he could pull us through a wall sir nice I canot that is good can't get the plating cuz she's back already yeah I'll just finish maxing this we have LeAndre now no no no no no yes all right cool and we'll pick up boots We're Not So Slow let the fun begin now when I quue her she's going to take some guaranteed burn damage same with the shrooms and now we just need malignants so we have haste and then even more burn and Magic pin on the [Music] shrooms but malignance is going to give us like 45 haste just for our shrooms yeah 25 and then 20 this should be a good game cuz both of these teams scale they're going for the play game smolder carry an ally has been slain and with the LeAndre and level 11 my shrooms one shot casters that's got to sting let's see grubs are next so maybe I should set up shrooms there it really depends if scarner is going to go for them or not our top Lane's losing so grubs might be hard to do if they try to fight us there but if they hit a shroom that could change everything think we play around grubbies we have a shroom here but it's going to die in 40 seconds going to put one here I don't think they're going to contest Garner's bot side I got to get this wave enemy has been slain you didn't get the plating D's tping bot I'm going to try and take plating or two here armed and ready there's no one to defend this turret scarner bot like missed all those but we have the grub buff so I'm actually getting more than a kill here did she get another kill no I'm getting more than a kill here if I get two platings I think cuz I got the wave she missed a wave she's they're coming for me I got to leave they're coming they hit a shroom H he stepped on it he's going to be low nice acally would have hit that I'm scared to hit it cuz I don't know where landre is one of the wards is still there they're like two on top of each other got a lot of farm I need a kill though that's got to sting going to be low kills early cuz they have hard Champs to kill zillian lasandra at least we we know the game's going to go along I need Mana nice thing is since I have e maxed I don't need Mana to clear this wave we'll just reset I need sorcs but I also kind of want the Lost chapter I'm going to grab the sorcs though yes and then the Mana and the moat cuz I need to get to Lane quicker and if I'm faster with the shoes I can maybe pick up a kill AR he we can roam we'll try and kill uh smolder alandre I don't know if she aled or not win he's dead she still had Al I hit her with the shroom let's put another one down oh hit her with a double shroom combo perfect yeah it's actually it's better to throw the shroom on the minions if you know the enem is going to be in range of where it explodes cuz then it's guaranteed going to explode if I tried to throw it where landre was standing I wouldn't have hit her cuz she probably would have just walked away from it there we go think we can get turret to teesty he's dead nice that's Al stack so now I'm four to five I just need what their to laner Sho well we just got a huge power Spike cuz I just stacked up ultimate Hunter and I have malignants so my shroom cool down probably like cut in half off that just about CH Tech we could get a dragon or infernal Soul which is good they oh we got it okay they got the first dragon I thought we got the first dragon so we could get three fire dragons now though that's good wow she exploded B room is not exploded okay I got red buff my auto hit somebody it's going to do a lot of damage your turet has been destroyed yes sir your team I love putting shrooms like wherever the enem is going to walk in their jungle and I kind of put it in the middle like not too close to this wall not too close to this wall they're usually going to check the bush oh hey I'll just kill that I don't think it got hit by my queue I should have got gold so now I can just set up a shroom for Fortress it's pretty hard to gank me you on her oh I'm dead there's that landre scarner combo I was talking about I might be able to kill her oh my God I got her they didn't have enough damage cuz of leandre's HP not bad I actually didn't think I was going to get a kill there Garner doesn't really do any damage oh he hit a shroom all right we're going to go I think we'll go Shadow flame I can wait for the large Rod oh the real Sho died oh no okay he's out if the Clone would have died first there he would have got like a double kill uhoh oh Sho doesn't have Leon laes yet he just has how many stacks does smolder have 126 he's stacking decent he's going to get really strong once he has his execute but I got shrooms if we just play objectives and stuff and we don't all get aced by him we'll be okay cuz it's going to be hard for them to take stuff if uh there shrooms on the ground oh I could put a shroom on her and then bounce one well there's no zillion all for smolder now and they got LeAndre with The Hourglass with her Al and then Z zillian AL need to kill Sho I think he's mid I want this wave oh he's bot that gu dead oh my Cannon oh yeah the nice thing about infernal soul is I get to pick up all these and get more haste too as long as I don't die if they really want to kill me though landre can just e in like she did and then scarner alss me me somewhere we could trade top turret for bottom turret I don't know if sho's still going I'd put a shroom over here but I only have one or two charges and I feel like if they're going to come from me here they're going to go through the wall nice Gathering storm I'll throw shroom clear this wave of course they move they'll hit it when they move forward of course yes sir team destroyed AET right here is a good spot right on the corner we wrap around okay we can go get a alternator swiftly we could do Shadow flame death cap next I don't need the Bloom I mean it would be good but I could go death cap uh Magi and then maybe sell something for a Blom later that's got or void staff void staff's more damage than Bloom it's just less haste what just appeared above my head oh red buff I'm going clear this wave let's back up I want to walk into them uh dragons up soon I need to try and get some shrooms for this but they have really good uh pick okay they're going to kill me maybe not even I don't even need to flash feel okay I need a flash does burn you have an eny get the shroom big boy oh he's too thin that's fine cuz they're all dead we get the dragon unless smolder somehow kills everyone but he doesn't have his uh he doesn't have his execute yet I don't know where oh zillian died he's getting a lot of stacks here but he's dead I didn't think they'd have quite enough damage to kill me but I think landre and scarner flashed they wanted the Teemo but that's fine I knew we're going to get dragon if the they go too deep oh no wait he might steal it on nice eeko landed his Smite I'm going wait 10 gold for this their team doesn't have enough damage with uh landre and scarner if they're just both alting me all inning me they don't have damage till this guy has his execute but once this guy has his execute they have enough damage to win team fights also Sho isn't really doing much in team fights oh the shadow flame such a nice power Spike cuz it makes my poison crit and execute minions and stuff ow that hurt get that one shroom damage did half of her health go set up my corner shrooms mid next objective probably is going to be Baron or Dragon throw it on the chicken I might be able to sa shroom and to yeah they want me I got shrooms he's out come on poison no he's 178 what does he need 225 ow Sho boxes hurt oh he coming let's go this way yes sir Moulder bot I think they know I'm in here maybe not and that's slow can't even hit him um I'll set up dragon it's going to be a dragon team fight mold's going to have his stack soon with a rapid fire so he'll be able to snipe from far away I don't die over here hit that plant so they don't get it later oh she must know I'm in the river she's going for this your turret has destroyed we might still get her Leona can lock her down for a while oh my God that Q Dam shroom on her oh my God he exploded get scarner to really an Al way too early nice Leona's a little deep I blinded him come here too fast and we got the smolder nice all right this is my favorite spot to put shrooms either here or here and then they come out of their base they hit one here they hit hit one here you can even put one like right here yes sir and then they got to just recall again it's so funny and then this side something over here so basically they can't come to Baron now without hitting one or two shrooms unless they sweep over there which some people do reporting in oh I got a harvest stack I got a kill I didn't even see I saw him hit that one I wonder what HP was at ooh level 16 Dragon got room for this zillian somewhere over here I don't know if he knows I'm here if they back up into that they're just dead um I'll put one right here scarner is going to try and maybe go for steel I don't know one more for soul and that makes makes my shrooms just auto win I could upgrade Dark seal and the mag but I want a death cap we're almost to a death cap and if I die the mag isn't worth anymore I want to just Auto Q ignite her it would kill her but she's going to Al and then she won't die a minion will hit that shroom and then zillian is going to take a lot of damage oh my God almost all bot we're getting blue buff I mean this is just a part of the game where I control the game because I'm just putting shrooms down everywhere they hit one shroom they lose half their health and you can't even buy enough sweepers to stop it that guy is really low oh that was a real SHO thought she was dead think they hit a shroom over here or something maybe that slowed him down stopped him from going in I need like a few hundred gold I mean zillian I think calls it he his execute oh he does I think the dragons online watch watch out right here's a good spot long as the minions don't hit it knew got my off here's a good spot so they're going to hit these shrooms unless they sweep them a minion might hit this one it's kind of far out I need 200 gold jaob just go over the wall got okay they got that shroom I laughed at them they're not happy I got to throw a shroom to clear this wave okay we got death cap we're going to like I don't know 800 AP 700 860 wow I just doubled my AP off that by uh there's a huge wave top and you to clear we're going to lose like two turrets I think they'll be able to hold mid plus I have shrooms back here if they they back up they're going to they're going to hit them an auto Q might kill Sho at full HP okay I just need blue buff there's another wave um I'll put one shroom here and that way when the wave comes and hits the turret again it'll die and not take the turret with it it's a good way to stop uh waves from crashing he sho's still pushing up there I mean I don't think they're going to go for Baron unless we all die I'm going to set up for Dragon and somebody can clear top I need to really space the shrooms out though because they have sweepers and one way to avoid them the sweepers is put them really deep like back here they won't expect my shrooms to be all the way Echo CAU is fine for now okay I just got all of dragon shroomed up they might come from our side of the map which is not good they're really low eny I can wait here an ally has been SL uh shoot I don't think they can end the game but my whole team's dead yeah they can I got to go try and stop this blue pot they're really low if I can get a shroom bounce into their whole team here like that that could that could kill them all oh my God I just got the biggest shroom in existence no way I just got a pentac kill with one shroom oh my God I saw the setup I saw the setup I saw it happening before it even happened oh my goodness wow they all stacked on top of each other I wonder how much damage that one shroom just did they were all low too for Harvest and I didn't even have the fire Soul yet wow that's my best teos room yet see it's a slow start for this game but I I scale with this build their smer scal killed my whole team but not me I sat back I waited I thought they were going to come to Dragon they were just going to try to end the game though I didn't think every body was going to die on my team they're coming I need a base go buy uh ma they don't have that much M we can try the mag I'll get it stacked up goo Ally we need to be careful I could sell my boots for void staff enemy we're over committing on fights so my team doesn't realize that the smolder is actually really strong now at least I have 10 Stacks bounce and hit him oh it hit I just got to kill on lre somehow where' that other sh Just Bounce enemy kill uh they're probably going to get this oh I could have stole it I didn't know they had I'm dead I think they're going to die I think they're dead They're All Dead quad kill Quadra kill oh my God I knew I was going to die there but I killed them all and I actually got more mag Stacks 1100 AP try not to chase so hard smer is big oh imagine we get Elder in four minutes my shrooms will be one shot they're so strong uh blue p all right I'm full build I could go Bloom but this is just going to do more damage and we want as much damage as possible I Max damage Teo there's nothing I would sell for more damage here these are all the perfect items yes sir play for for drag just wait I'm going to set up some shrooms mid to clear the waves cuz what they're going to do is try to get a pick and then mid I think they're going to try and win before Dragon I don't have um two three what's it called I don't have boots so I'm really slow but I have a lot of shrooms we're getting hit by shrooms but we we need to get out we want him to chase we're we're still running into them I mean this that it's fine not the end of the world going to keep setting up for drag reporting in what a banger game this ended up being though win or lose man Penta kill with one shroom I the only thing I could have gotten for more damage is one more infernal so if we didn't get the second dragon but happy we even got this many uh they're pushing mid I need put more shrooms back here I guess if they go behind need blue if I get picked we might lose here so need to be very careful somebody use na Chang oh SCAR or smolder bought it from me I don't think it'll save him dragons in a minute we just need to clear waves they sweet weapon 1200 AP temo and in 2 minutes I'll get like another 50 AP or something we don't want to fight somebody just Panic flashed oh they getting engaged on run we're going to have to play base defense oh wait good missfortune all run they're good they're good nice we actually didn't lose anyone somehow in in I could Flash and kill zillian but I think Echo can do that I just one shot her with a cube there we wi let's just go get Elder yes sir their engage is dead they have no engage right now Elder Dragon I have the maximum damage Teo shrooms there's nothing stronger than this you get hit by one shroom you die molder is he's going to get soloed by Leona here because she has elow she just keeps hitting him nice all right okay they their Carry's dead huge we got dar's pushing bot they're pushing top so I just need to not go too far out mid I need to push mid but I don't want to go too far out some defensive shrooms in case I get chased blue buff could be good it will rotate into a Top push actually he hit a shroom oh I just got a shro that two of them there 1200 damage Cube hit the turret oh my damage oh my damage what a game this is like one of the best Teo games I've played oh I I'm dead no yes am I going to live I think he ignited me the end there oh my God I'm alive Al oh no smolders smoulder online please don't Al up here I got to go heal and we need an inhib oh I guess we are he might hit that [Music] Sho I don't want to Q Baron and then have smolder just fly oh I need to he's got all swiftly somebody's sweeping oh my God we almost got one shot by a shroom if I had Elder still that would have one shot her you be careful if zillian smart all he has to do is Flash slow me he'll maybe die but if they kill me they just might win armed and ready I mean my team's strong enough to win the fight without me still but it's unlikely you don't want to rely on that need blue blue for more shrooms we could play elder or we could try and Siege with Baron but come get in the greatest spot to stand I'm just watching out for uh LeAndre oh perfect shroom she's dead nice sho's like one HP I almost killed smolder too I think if I would have gotten an auto off on smolder he'd be dead a good thing I put that shroom back there but scarner being dead is huge cuz that's their front line tank and leandre's dead so they have no engage again they just rely on smolder getting far away que like that and burning us problem is I can't really get close enough to smer that we got the turret this backup play rag did I could never get that blue uh I got put some shrooms to a huge wave I mean I have time to just go clear it before Dragon swiftly I don't think I even need to Trum it cuz a infernal I'll put one here just in case Sho pushes 1358 I'll have flash up in a minute it won't be up for Elder oh we got to pick wait a second she gets him too oh she picked the right one she's dead but that's fine that's a two an ally has they saw me mid I need to be careful that's two of them for one that's got to sting oh we need to hit this or we could leave it up I put a shroom on it but they're going to sweep everything I'm just scared they might try to push mid instead of going for the dragon and I don't have a lot of shrooms mid and then we have to recall but dragon's going to be up too soon they'd have to stop our recalls and they come through down here I don't have any shroom set up I think they might be giving since they didn't even show yet yes sir the only way we win is we kill smolder cuz if he's alive he just can't win cuz he he has good wave clear I might have to use my flash to try and take him out we don't want scarner flanking us though here rillian hit a shroom that'll give him well Moulder top that's you P my reward almost dead will they hit shroom they burning think we need Echo to Swit oh I just got a kill what the hell he hit a shroom we're kind oh no we're really low maybe we can grab this before I'm doing long fight this so hard oh yeah probably lost here wait Sho died I have to get out and we can play Baron this is so hard to end with the smolder zillian yes sir oh here he is you kill him he's alone he might still die I H do eny over there damn I wish Eko would split and just like get the side lanes while we're fighting mid in we need to split them up it's just not working B smolder just keeps queuing and killing people let's get this going to be an hour long game got troop set up we should just do this we melt it I think I'm going to die to shake never [Applause] [Music] mind well I have no flash again yes the echo's splitting and there's no Sho alive oh we got aandre again I could throw a shroom on her body a she got up too I didn't know she was going to die though yeah Eko can get Top This is perfect we pretty much have everybody here you're either going to fight us or go defend ohy it's fine I'm going to go up here nice we got the inhib yeah there we go that's just what we need to do just not stand all in smolder stuff oh I'm slowed no end it out nice we won good job team that was fun yeah I couldn't do much late game besides just put down shrooms and hope they walk into them cuz if I get too close without boots I just die that was that was good we did it 50 minute Teemo game how much AI I think I had like almost, 1400 AP at the end I didn't see yeah I just need to tell Echo to split cuz as soon as we split they didn't know what to do they're only damage is smaller 100K damage heo here's our Rune stats Harvest did 4250 cheap shot did 2600 and yeah make sure you guys like for that Teo game subscribe to the channel leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 307,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SDl9WVmq9r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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