all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Morana in the mid lane we're in Inc Comet Mana flow Transcendence Scorch cheep shot and Eyeball we're going to go a burn morg build because the Blackfire torch is a really good starting item with her now we can put down a pool and just clear a whole wave with it and then I can go leandre's too and we got The Scorch my pool burn that's like four burns with a leandre's Blackfire show you what it is five burns with Ignite pent to burn Orana could get another burn with malignance they have a three range Champs though I don't know if I'm going to want a malignants I was betrayed once cuz Blackfire is enough for a lost chapter item I don't really want to build more than that but as a Morana mid early try to use your W on the wave don't try to poke the enemy so much if you watch me play Mages a lot I don't ever go too aggressive before I get my first base cuz I don't have a Mana item yet say I just throw a w at him get a little bit of poke I won't get the uh the minions and the minions matter more cuz I don't have the highest chance to kill him early I'll probably run out of Mana before I do so you want to use all your effort in getting the minions although some's up with uh this last patch damage over time stuff is really bad at last hitting I don't know what happened but I've been struggling on any burn champ to get some last hits this guy's out of man already but he can get it back with his passive but I'm just going to focus on shoving him into turret see he's trying to poke me but I'm full health and he has this much Mana even if he hits me even if he hits me three times in a row I'm not going to get low and I'm just going to keep pushing him into turret and he's going to lose this Farm which is way more important once we get a lost chapter then we can start using abilities on the enemies if I stand over here and he uses on me he doesn't hit the minions our wave clear getss a lot better once we have our Blackfire but it's already pretty decent right now shall these waves are actually clearing pretty quick oh wait why does he have this no wonder he ran out of Mana so fast this some new tech I know in MSI they they ran double support item still even though it got like gutted but the what's it called the support or Senna who built it sold it or Nautilus I don't know what it was yeah I'm just only using spells on Wave hard shoving him in and I basically killed him already because look at this CS lead I'm up 20 Farm which is equal to a Kill if not more just by hard shoving an ally has been slain you don't care about trying to bind him I'm just trying to get his wave under turret because it's harder for him to farm then a Vigo or knockturn was down in our jungle so I just sit on this side now that I know he's down here and I'll just run away from him if he ganks me I can spell shield his fear I shouldn't die and I've poked him this low just by pushing he'll occasionally step in my pool or the minions will hit him I enough for chapter we get base soon but as long as he's staying in this Lane getting nothing I'm just going to keep pushing cuz we're not have really good resources I could actually kill him if I hit a bind bind pool ignite an ally has SL could kill him maybe not with that level up I need to get him a little bit lower oh my God I don't know as a zerth m it's so interesting to see what people do sometimes all right buddy that auto attack was a deal breaker feel like I want to use a potion but I'm going to base soon so I don't know hey he has teleport so he can also base whenever he wants I accidentally used a potion it's fine let's see my combo costs at least 250 mana and that's without the shield he's still staying hey maybe the support item is good for him since he's not that great at farming is a lie of the powerful oh my jungler already died three times we'll go base actually I mean I think we could kill this guy let's see if he stays for this wave I want to go like wrap around but I I think he's actually basing he is oh he was quick to poke me before I got him knock turn up here I mean I could uh flash alt in but if I do that he can just flash out of it I like to walk up and ALT first and then flash if they flash to stick it is I could be getting baited here there could be a knockturn I just got to make sure I at least have enough Mana for a L Shield I don't know if I needed to ignite or Al I think I did it's fine just to be safe not today sir oh that was kind of close I need 10 Mana aer's going to TP oh God you don't even know who you're alting Buster all right well yeah see playing it safe just farming I now have a oh do I really have a Blackfire torch on my first oh my God how did he know I was what is going on how did he know I was there all right well yeah we got Blackfire torch and boot now I have pain now it's a breeze and we're going to go leandre's next for more burn and then I might throw in a riiz after that it's nice for the pool or we can just go full damage like Shadow flame and make the pool crit the burns crit I might do that instead of Ries we'll see therez the problem with going LeAndre and a Ry on a R Mage is it doesn't give the most ability power damage and my bind my Q already like riy adds nothing to that since it's already like a turbo CC not requ an ally I'm not going to get a Riz actually burn not me please probably B enemy has been slain oh I got a red Bel Ally oh you're cooking damn should have waited for my Comet to be up I actually think I could have killed him did he walk back in the pool I think he did and then the comet killed him I might be getting sandwiched here I'm down to fight him though I can pop alt if I had ignite I know for sure I could take somebody with me although nocturn is actually really strong into me because of his spell shield doesn't matter all right screw it by the time my Al finishes here I can bind and then pull and then he dead take pride in I don't know where Camille is hey more double Buffs learn 62 I don't know what he's doing he's not cooking he's burning his whatever he's cooking he's burning it is burnt to a crisp it's still going to be a difficult game though they have a jinx and nocturn that are winning um boots I think I can do two books into leandre's now right yeah that's nice I actually really like this this build path instead of uh blasting one cuz you can buy a book I don't even care for the burn item I just want to do book into this like saving up 850 can't get anything an ally we'll have a nice little 1v5 game here think I need to get a move on and Rome though I wish I took Gathering storm but the Scorch is actually doing a lot of damage well I should at least get one of them I might be able to kill this guy just by pressing pool on him no oh I didn't hit her it's fine I'll wait for pant stun so this is a guaranteed hit hook them don't stop it stop it stop it stop it I might get nocturn aled I should probably leave [Music] he's mid well I feel like this is better but I do want the burn H actually I'll get burn HP I mean 6% extra damage or 15 extra damage on whatever I hit somebody with at least 15 extra damage let's say I do I wouldn't do a th000 damage but 6% of the th000 is 60 I'll do like 500 damage so it's like 30 am imortal we just want Burns see if I can hit a bind on this guy oh this threee he cooking I wasted my uh that doesn't matter bye-bye ow you are cooking leave me alone here you go VA go get him double kill go get him I'm doing a lot of damage I really like this uh-oh can I spell shield her alt oh no you learn something new every day damn I think he's going to die too although Pantheon's here that's funny she accidentally hit Pantheon trying to jump off the wall damn I should have flashed right away I actually thought if I spell shield myself though it doesn't make [Music] her her alts lock me down what I give her 1,000 gold oh no okay we're losing so bad I was only worth a 350 gold Bounty at uh 8 and0 I've literally had games where I'm I have one kill and I'm worth a gold Bounty yeah I need to go uh shadowflame next we might need an hourglass for Camille because if she jumps on me and I don't have hourglass I have to pretty much kill her before she kills me which is kind of hard to do especially once they start building magic resist I fall off pretty hard I think we'll be okay an ally has been slain also if Jinx gets a kill in a team fight she's going to be too fast for me to hit with a bind yeah I probably need an hourglass cuz as the game goes on and they get more hang on one second I'm about to go Goblin mode I think I'm fine what that guy just H our blue oh yeah y aled oh I forgot what I was saying oh yeah I need an hourglass because I'm not going to be able to just walk up to them and ALT anymore I can but uh they'll be able to kill me burn damn that hurts oh my what 100 to Zero from one Bind W already you have slain an enemy are you kidding me oh I have Max rank fine you stuck for 3 seconds you're dead now oh my goodness there's a firing range truly Divine oh you sold the support item I wonder if it actually did anything I don't think so he might just Al me if I Shield though I think I can tank his Al cuz he's not super fed he's actually more fed than my mid laner I'm against oh I had the LeAndre there so I had the double burn you know I was not expecting to 100 to zero somebody with a bind and pool this early into the game once I get Shadow flame it's really going to hurt see oh we do still have an alloi we got decent Champs all right literally touches my pool and loses like half of his health stop poking me bro there's a Canon minion I can heal off Canon I think I can heal off of a chicken or Camp too let's see I need to bind to hit the big one though well this will probably do damage to me we'll see I don't know am I healing or am I taking damage I think I healed Ally SL I forgot morgana's like turbo buffed for jungle and this item does more damage to Jungle so I can even take jungle camps if I want you try and queue him when he's charging up his Q cuz then he's slower goodbye rage who is this Camille an enemy has been slain they got Jinx black Fire's done 1500 leandre's done 1,000 your team destroy uh probably shouldn't be doing this cuz they could engage on me the second I pop out oh that actually put me really far away okay I need a backup so far so good I got to stick with my team over here actually this is not looking this I got her with the burn though freaking nocturn he's been looking for me this whole time see if I can get out of here he's probably looking up here he probably thought I ran yeah nocturn still has alt I believe so he'd Al me and I'd have to kill him before I die which might not happen cuz he's kind of tanky he got stride Merks well now my Burns in W crit oh no he scared her I was going to one shot her you didn't even know okay at least finish checking the bush here have a spell shield he cooking he cooking he cooking come on I'm check uhoh who put that word there well CA I think did uh I think we go death cap next I I mean if I'm by my teammates I don't really need hourglass I'm not going to go that aggressive I'm just going to keep fishing for binds and throw pools your team destroy a tret that I will if they do group up for an objective like they're doing my whole team gets AED and they're doing Baron and I flash in an Al I could get a big kill I don't Hour Glass but only those you love level 15 oh somebody's dying here I don't know who I got to Al to save him but I didn't even save him damn oh there's a no turn here okay I didn't even know he was there oh my God another one I'm cooking uh-oh wait a second an ally has been SL we got time she's not going to get anything I just need to damn I wanted uh two large rods but I don't have enough yeah I kind of accidentally trolled that and revealed myself I have a feeling they think I base those still surely they won't just check the bush but if Camille comes down here the bush I think she's going to live just kidding you got collected why did oh cheap shot hit at the end cheap shot crit got wait out the spell shield do that well he will suffer the Fate that he was going to suffer dude this is awesome I think there's a Camille around this is actually awesome this is way better than um the Demonic before it got removed going like LeAndre demonic before didn't feel as good as this cuz we didn't have Shadow Flame the shadow flame making these Burns crit plus my w is also an execute it does more damage the lower they are so I just do so much damage to people that are low health I so I can feel each fra of the earth increased up to 170% I must have a cap death cap come to me I am raid boss Morana Camille has uh just Merk Treads I think I can actually kill her before she kills me the issue is if I get jumped on by Camille she ults me and then nocturn alss me I can't run away I have death cap I think they're about to get gaaged on should have aled her but maybe not no nice it's actually pretty hard for them to get me my team's peeling what was that was that a nocturn que I didn't that's not my base okay last item probably a void or a uh [ __ ] [Music] Bloom I mean void is Max damage it does a little bit more than [ __ ] Bloom but we don't have the most haste hell am I watching has been SL wild Jinx Chase I have 19 of our 30 kills you're getting these uh mountains might be beneficial for us come on he dies from one bind in the pool it wasn't even close oh he's not worth any money a an ally has been slain my my Cannon your team has destroyed a turret missed Q I need to run deia forgot the true cost of War I remember my mid turret it's under attack I'm just going to buy a blue pod here 760 AP oh that thing didn't last longy I got thousand damage binds hopefully they're not on Baron we don't have vision of it I don't think they will do it though just going to wait in my bush want to look for binds over walls I'm probably on Vision all right I have to wait for that to hit then Flash and then die cuz he flashed and ignited me me ignited me that's fine though they use everything for me it's my fault for not building hourglass hourglass would make me survive that also I wasn't quick enough to spell shield to Camille CC look how much damage she did to me though I took over 3K damage I only have 2700 HP I must have healed from hitting him the ignite is what got me though if I didn't get ignited I might have been able to live might be bad power F he's leashing if he steals it I'm leaving the g a wild Jinx salt that Camille actually did not die oh she only had a a what's it called hex Drinker and mercs and she was that tanky her passive Shield I guess was like half of her health bar nocturn also has hex strer H I don't know they're probably going to they're both going to have MOS and then they're probably going to build another magic resist item an enemy has slain but at this point of the game if they keep building magic resists like allawi Vigo as realer Pantheon like they're going to get melted by them they're starting to come online get off of me I love that I just got hit by a Cho Gathol on a basic ability for 2,000 damage ouch hey I'm full build I don't know if I could sell boots I'm going to be too slow if I sell boots it's going to be for hourglass just to bait them to jump on me me but if I sell boots I'm not going to hit any binds cuz I'll be too slow to get in position to hit one in I should just do [Music] this we're on Vision I'd like to just Siege mid an enemy has been slain well noct's dead so is Vela where's Camille oh she hit the wrong one she hit Pantheon for half of his health bar with a cute an ally it's true damage too enemy kill uh-oh junks is online he's going to chase him oh she ghosted it's too fast I'm not even going to be able to catch her I just don't want her to take this wave going to try and walk up to this guy it worked oh my goodness kill I might be dead oh I got a looi we're fine I think I would have beat him on my own anyway camil is a little more difficult if I have alt up I can beat nocturn last time he jumped on me I was low and I didn't have Al cuz I need alt to make him use spell shield and even if he spell Shields the alt he's going to get hit by a q after them that's a kill literally one bind one kill on anybody that doesn't have a defensive item another one is that three in a row morality well do we sell the boots I don't [Music] know or these wolves are chasing me all the way to Baron one burn two burn three burn Scorch four five I don't want this it's either I get Horizon I get hourglass I don't want Horizon although I'll just get the AR BL it actually gives more AP we got th AP now I'm as slow as a turtle but they're engaging on me he if uh Jinx gets a kill and ghost and just runs at me and starts shooting Rockets I will never be able to hit her with a bind I can touch her with the pool which will actually do a good amount of damage but don't think I can kill her are the that should be enough to make that wave slow push we just go to Baron going put this sh wow that's a big Shield Ally put the shield on when I go by bushes and walls where's Camille oh we hit a bind I don't know who I Shield there you go go get him need inhibs we're not getting anywhere I mean oh Camille's still alive I mean if I got Pantheon Maybe I don't think we can do this actually what dude what did anyone just see that yes she just used her Dash while rooted and stunned she used both parts of it while she was CC I didn't know you could do that I know you can like buffer the CC with it but she literally just straight up said no I'm not CCD I just get out did we get the no are I think Jinx is scared of me cuz after Pantheon died she could have just tried to run me down uh I'm just going to pressure up here cuz nocturn I'm pretty sure is at this or not I think he's yeah he is there oh my goodness those hurt too much and they're really bad at dodging them come on Minion die I might be dead I'm outy I'm dead damn it BR Inn all the way from bot Lane to base to Al me whatever we get in here we get this oneor more inhibs the better just die for it even cuz then we just go top when we spawn oh hit me for 1100 true damage actually 1,300 true damage counting inite okay he popping off don't careful you don't want to stay as velca too long he's not that strong up in him still up I think AOW can get it if she hits an eon Jinx she's got to go back to base well she's in base but oh she's dead your teamy never mind no tentacles oh she did die I don't know how she died but she died oh we win right no we'll eventually win we need to get Baron first unless she somehow just kills all of them but they can't leave their base I can just start this I'll just Shield him cuz I should out heal Baron damage not really actually I am iaut 1,00 AP oh that almost hit him damn it dude my spells do like no damage to that champ okay she has death stance that's why it did do damage just not all at once oh he's so close look at Oh my he almost just died from touching the pool [Music] Jinx is still alive I'm just going to hit this once and it should die oh oh yeah I can aha winions with Baron yeah 31 kill game game that was fun that was really good I actually would enjoy playing some more moreana with the Blackfire she luden's didn't feel that great last patch on her it probably wouldn't even be that great this patch either but having a burn to clear the ways just makes your W an actual ability that was really fun you guys had fun and enjoyed the video too make sure to leave a like also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next also enter the giveaways I'm doing in my Discord giving away three mouse pads and a keyboard it's zwag and check out my website swag. have some really high quality stuff I got nice mouse pads that I sign and send out we're having a sale on them you can get a medium mouse pad for 15 bucks including shipping if you live in the US it usually comes out to around that and then I got some nice high-end keyboards if you're a baller and you want something really nice that'll last forever be high quality go check out swag. I run it all myself a little fun thing to do almost 73,000 damage I'm That's crazy cuz they nerfed they like gutted every single Rune like if this was a year ago before they gutted the runes this would do like this would be at 78k damage I think shot and scorched it a lot though yeah thanks again for watching guys see you later