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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] hello brothers and sisters welcome to the ever increasing world feast always my joy and my pleasure to serve you the grace of god right here on this consistent broadcast that we have held on for many years now ibel damina is my name the intent of these teachings brought you away every time every time many times a day is to equip you because the essence of ministry is to equip the saints to do the work of ministry that the body of christ may be edified and it's always an honor for me to serve you the grace of god today is going to be explosive as together we fellowship in the word of his grace but just before we get into the service i want to call your attention to a new book i just wrote the book is titled every man a minister responding to the call of god ministry is the highest form of calling it is the honor jesus best us upon every believer along with salvation the call to ministry is not a different encounter or experience it is the same as a cult of salvation many believers today are found with the excuse of not being called to ministry they claim they have not seen a vision or had any experiences they are every believer is called in this book get ready to unlearn and relearn as i examine dutifully the will of god salvation through the ages how the believer is to fulfill the plan and purpose of god on earth salvation as a call to the ministry concentration in ministry the cost of the cause the role of the local church ministry gifts and the evolution of ministry gifts in the book of acts you will also discover that the local church is a place for discipleship and training for ministry that is upon salvation men are taught the scriptures and trained to serve which is ministry this book is a must-have that is to say you don't have to wait to hear a voice to see a light or to see an angel or to hear some thundering no the day you got born again was the day you were called into ministry this book will equip you with all you need to answer to that call to fulfill that call so when you see jesus when the sun is no more the moon is no more the rains are no more falling and this planet is gone when mortality puts on immortality and you see jesus you will not be ashamed artists coming you need to call the office quickly and place an order for this book and of course it's appearing on the screen right now the number to call and the email address to send the mail to audrey for this book for yourself and for all the people you want to put into their lives this book will change your life let me also mention that if you watch my teachings and you've been following my teaching and where you live there is no crystal centric church where you will go and hear the message of christ you looked around no church there is able to serve you the message of christ like we do we would like to help you either start a campus or identify with the campus that we have in your area we will train you equip you and walk with you until the campus is started in your community so that there will be a lighthouse in your community for other people to come to the knowledge of christ all you need to do today is shoot email to the email address on the screen right now or call the number and let me know that you want to start a campus or you want to join any of our campus a campus is an extension of our chart like what you call branches we don't call them branches in power city we call them campuses all over the world you want to be a part of this team shoot a mail today the email address is on the screen i want to take you right now into the service into the teaching of god's word make sure you have your pen your notebook and your bible it's going to be exciting as we adventure through the riches of redemption enjoy the service and be blessed amen we've been studying the misunderstood god for months now the misunderstood god and we've come you know through a lot of things and we are now in part four of the misunderstood god and this is the second part of part four finding god in the midst of evil often times a question arises because you know god in an assumption when you hear people ask certain questions it simply explains that they have known god in assumptions look at job chapter 42 verse number 2 to 5. i know that thou canst do everything that already is an assumption because god cannot do everything and that no thought can be withholding from thee god cannot do everything god cannot lie god cannot steal god cannot repent god does not go back on his word so god cannot do everything see that that's an assumption and most times that kind of assumption comes from a religious mindset or a distorted mindset or it comes from just what people say and how people reason you know because they think god is all-knowing and god is everything so they believe that god can do everything but you see god can't do everything and we will find out why as we read through the scriptures so put that scripture back again job chapter 42 from verse 2. i know that thou canst do everything and that no thought can be withholding from the verse three who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge therefore have i ordered that i understood not things too wonderful for me which i knew not if your bible was mine i will underline that which i knew not ought to have understood things which i knew not so i said things i didn't know and i understood or gave an impression that i have an understanding but my understanding was in ignorance things i didn't know i uttered and things i didn't know i understood all right here i beseech thee and i will speak i will demand of thee and declare thou unto me next verse i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now mine i see of me job was just a man of assumption and whose information of god was assumed you know i gave you a picture of the other day where you hear people you know just catching snippets semi-pets of messages singing pets you know one day you hear you are a palm tree christian and then another day you hear you are an eagle christian so there are eagle christians there are palm tree christians and then you have all of those snippets eagle christian palm tree christian then you also hear another message somewhere dare to be a daniel dare to be odania then you hear another message somewhere joseph the dreamer so in the church we have joseph the dreamer we have a daniel somewhere we have you know just snippets and so many people the impression of god is a summary of all these syndicates put together so they really don't know god because you cannot know god like that you cannot know god like that if all you know about god is all those little little snippets all over the place compiled together you are just gathering junk junk food you don't actually have any precise knowledge of the scripture and if you grow in that kind of atmosphere you will become experienced in ignorance you will become experienced in ignorance and you will have developed experiences that will have form you know your convictions you will have developed experiences that will have formed your convictions so we said the reason why people ask questions like did god do it was god responsible for why my mother died when i was young was god responsible for why my wife miscarried a baby the other time why did god do it when you hear people asking questions like that know that they are ignorant of the scriptures concerning god or you hear people say well if god is alive why did he allow armed robbers to come to my house and beat me up and took away everything why if god was alive and sometimes when i hear people talk about evil happening to good people the first question i always ask is what is your yardstick of defining good people what is your yardstick of defining who a good person is because some people a good person is somebody that gives them money from time to time to some other people a good person is somebody who always favors their desires that's what they define as good but you see what you define as good may not be what another person is defined as good so your definition of good is relative depending on what you mean by good but if it is looking at the scriptures jesus said to the rich young ruler there is none good but god there is none good but god because he came to jesus and he said good master what shall i do to inherit eternal life and jesus said to him there is none good but god so you only become good when you are in christ you only become good when you are in christ so when people say why do evil happen to good people it's very important to clarify what they mean by good people here so now sitting with the scriptures which is the basis for doctrine which is our persuasion the scriptures which is the borderline the borderline for our conviction which is the borderline for truth where scriptures are concerned look at james chapter 1 verse 13 let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man let no man say there is not just a mere statement it's a present continuous statement that is a consistent affirmation where it has become a conviction a consistent affirmation where it has become a conviction let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god let no man come to that conclusion or let no man come to that place of conviction or persuasion that god is responsible for all the wrong things happening in my life maybe god is teaching me a lesson or maybe god is calling my attention to something let no man say or let no man come to that conclusion because that conclusion will be erroneous that's why in verse 16 he now says do not air my beloved brethren do not air my beloved brethren look at that james chapter 1 verse 13 again please pay attention let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither temptation any man that statement is absolute that statement is absolute god cannot he didn't say god may not it is a sometimes god no no it's absolute god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man look at verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lost and enticed next verse then when loss had conceived it bring it forth seen and seen when it is finished bring it forth death next verse do not heir my beloved brethren do not air the word planner o that is do not be led astray do not be led astray or do not be led out of the way so we saw in verse 14 and 15 that god was totally absent in the absence of god that we see there all we see in that 14 and 15 is desire conception and eventually the production line desire conception and eventually the production line god is not there at all desire conception and eventually the production line so it is absolutely ridiculous to say god is in everything god is not involved in sin god is not involved in human desires you see that god is not involved i also showed you that for it to be called a sin it means it involved god listen carefully for it to be called a sin it means it involved god but it involved god in absence for it to be called a sin means it involved god but it involved god in his absence because seeing is about god and seeing is without god seeing is about god and seeing is without god because the word seen from the greek word is the word hematite hamatai means to miss god to miss god or miss what god has said or to miss god's provision hematite to miss god to miss what god has said or to miss god's provision to miss god's provision from a hebrew word chatter c-h-a-t-a-h it means something is missing yet it is missing from god it is missing from god it is missing about god something is missing about god something is missing from god so in sin even though it is about god god is inactive and absent even though it is about god sin against god but in that scene god is inactive and god is absent pay attention again to james chapter 1 verse 16 do not air my beloved brethren seventeen every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and coming down from the father of light with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning of his own will be guarding us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruit of his creatures next verse wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath look at verse 20 for the wrath of man walketh not the righteousness of god slow throat there simply means wrote which is fast because rot is fast rod boils is fast and it boils so you who are slow slow to rough or slow concerning road that means you do the complete opposite it doesn't mean you are slow to be angry slow to rot simply means you are almost an idiot when it comes to wrath it means you are dull when it comes to wrath it doesn't mean you get angry eventually no it means you are dull when it comes to wrath it means you are in the opposite of wrath that's what he's talking about he says the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of god absolute statement the root of man worketh not the righteousness of god if you have an atheist an atheist is one who doesn't believe in god's existence an atheist doesn't believe in god and atheist doesn't believe that god exists so when something evil happens an atheist will just try to think out a logical reason to explain why it happened he will look for a natural explanation or a scientific explanation as to why that didn't happen that's all in the mind of an atheist he will calculate physics for you or calculate you know some principles for you as to why it happened medically biologically or physically that's the way atheists function because atheists are just logical in their reasoning they are godless and they are thoughtless they are without god but then on the other side we have a guy who has heard about god grew in church grew in a christian home and then this kind of present that grew in a church and in a christian home paul calls them superstitious look at acts chapter 17 verse number 22 then paul stood in the midst of mass heal and said ye man of athens i perceive that in all things you are too superstitious for as i passed by and beheld your devotions you are superstitious even though you are devoted i found an altar with this inscription to the unknown god in capital letters whom therefore you ignorantly worship him i declare unto you so a man can be involved in worshipping a god he doesn't know whom you ignorantly worship an inscription to the unknown god on mass heal they were worshiping a god that they didn't know they had a mindset of superstition they wanted to worship god but they were ignorant so these guys anything that happens they will say god said or god was thinking oh god was trying to teach me listen have you had people say things like that you know i think god is trying to teach me something off the reason why i am sick is because god is saying something to me all the reason why things are very tough with me is because maybe god is taking me through the wilderness have you had people say things like that it's because they don't know god the reason why they arrive at such conclusions is because they really don't know god those are superstitious statements from people who are in ignorant worship of god they are in ignorant worship of god all god was planning to do something for me god was planning that's another extreme and you know these people who think like these are not different from the atheists the atheist says there is no god okay then the church man says god is responsible for everything bad good evil both of them are in the same category because both of them are ignorant of god both of them are ignorant of god each other they are two extremes one says no god the other one says god is responsible for everything good bad and ugly so these people are superstitious anything that happens has to be from god and an african who grew up in church oh god is responsible for everything you know that's what they taught us africans when we grew up everything has to do with god god is trying to tell me god is responsible for and the two look different but they are the same because both of them don't have a knowledge of god they begin to make assumptions we saw in matthew chapter 19 verse 3 the pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause a question they asked jesus a question and the other day i said the kind of questions you ask reveals your ignorance the kind of questions you ask exposes your ignorance now look at jesus's answer in verse 4 and he answered and said unto them have you not read do you know what jesus is simply saying with all that is available you are still asking this kind of question have you not read because if you have read you shouldn't be asking this kind of question have you not read because if you are read you shouldn't be functioning or wallowing in the mirror of assumptions have you not read that look at verse seven of the same matthew chapter 19 they say unto him why did moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away they are still asking questions why did moses then so two questions they asked and the two questions were all based on assumptions they were all based on assumptions and jesus referred them to the book have you not read have you not read because if you have been reading the scriptures and paying attention you shouldn't be asking this kind of questions have you not read and these are pharisees man these are astute scholars of the old testament and he referred them back to the same old testament that they are scholars of have you not read matthew 22 26 likewise the second also under third until the seventh look at the next verse and last of all the woman died also the woman who marries seven different men all right next verse therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven for they all had her look at jesus's answer in verse 29 jesus answered and said unto them you do air you do air not knowing the scriptures nor the power of god for in the resurrection so the power of god is in the resurrection jesus calls the resurrection the power of god so the power of god is not in men dying the power of god is not in debt the power of god is in the resurrection the resurrection is the power of god read the epistles whenever you hear the power of god it's making reference to the resurrection look at romans chapter one from verse one to four paul a servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of god next verse which he had promised a fall by his prophets in the holy scriptures concerning his son jesus christ our lord which was made of the seed of david according to the flesh and declared to be the son of god with power how according to the spirit of holiness how by the resurrection from the dead that's the power of god the resurrection from the dead so the power of god is the resurrection from the dead look at ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is exceeding greatness of his power to us what who believe according to the walking of his mighty power which he rose in christ when he raised him from the dead his power was wrought in christ in resurrection and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and had put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that feel it all in all so the power of god is in the resurrection he says you know not the scriptures not the power of god so if you go into the old testament and remember when jesus said you know not the scriptures is making reference to the old testament genesis to malacca you know not genesis to malachi nor the power of god so the power of god is revealed in genesis to malachi as the resurrection of jesus from the dead that's the power of god the resurrection of jesus from the dead it's revealed in the old testament so he said in the old testament the resurrection of jesus is the power of god the resurrection of jesus is the power of god so these questions arose out of assumptions these questions arose out of assumptions some questions come either out of ignorance laziness or total unbelief why did god do it why did god allow it why will you ask such a question because you have known god by assumption many a christian today number one cannot speak confidently about their faith they cannot speak confidently about their faith number two they cannot defend their faith they cannot defend their faith why because their attitude about their faith is ridiculous i mean remove the bible from any church service it is no more church once you remove the bible from any church service it becomes a nightclub or a social club so that means the most important document in this service are the scriptures you know not the scriptures not the power of god so a church that handles the scriptures likely is a church that handles god lightly a church that handles the scriptures likely is a church that handles god lightly in some churches the totality of preaching and teaching is 15 minutes all the other hours are for entertainment that's not a church that is serious that's just a club for acquaintances you cannot treat the word of god lightly because to treat the word of god lightly is to treat god lightly you know we can also see that a believer that handles the word of god lightly is a believer that handles god lightly you know a believer that is not serious about the word of god is not serious about god there's no other way to know god outside this world the totality of god's revelation is within his word it's not by dreams and visions no it is within his word primarily and fundamentally you have assumptions you have assumptions from your experience and assumptions from the experiences of others you see that's where assumptions come from and the question will be how much of the bible do you read how much of the bible do you read remember jesus said have you not read how much of the bible do you read because if you really read carefully and you read you know with concentration you won't have many questions you won't have many questions so assumptions a result of all of these you are not paying attention to the word of god you are not a diligent student of god's word so all you go around looking for is cliches to just catch something see me pets here and there you have many preachers you listen to many preachers so every preacher he just captures something captures something captured you are a collection house you are a dumb side you just dump things and when you gather all these things that you have junks everywhere now that becomes your revelation of god you don't know god because you can't know god like that to know god there is a serious attention you must give to the scriptures very serious you can't know god like that it's a serious issue you can't know god just by scratching things around assumptions you know they come from knowing god in bits and pieces and then at the end of the day you have the conclusion based on your collection of different snippets of god's revelation from different preachers so when you see things in life because you are godly in your life you are godly you know what i mean now you are godly you go to church you pray you try to be a nice person you're godly in your life you will now sit with god wrongly you will sit with god wrongly when things happen and because you're godly you have gathered smith page of teachings here and there all right and then you have been in church you have some experiences so now based on those little scattered things you have you will now sit god wrongly because you can't know god by those snippets and by experience you know god only in his world in his word assumptions so church is where we do very serious lectures every time you come to church you're coming for lectures yes you're coming for lectures then monday to saturday is when you write exams for the lectures you received on sunday you write exams because when you finish receiving lectures and you go out and the circumstances of life confront you that is exam exam for the lectures you have received and if you fail in the exams it means you are not diligent in the lectures because if you had paid attention to the lectures you should pass the exams there are questions a believer should not be found because it is an insult on your mental capacity you either pass or fail the test depending on how you how focused and how dedicated you are to the teaching of god's word especially if you're not diligent in studies in school you feel the test i mean you just feel the test and you know how many of you know that students that are full of assumptions in school are always feeling always feeling they will come out with their question paper and oh god i'm making noise i have passed i have passed i have passed in fact i finished in five minutes five minutes i have finished then when the results come they failed everything how can i yeah you were too over confident and because you were too overconfident and you were full of assumptions you thought you did justice but you are not paying attention that's the problem with many people they do not pay attention they assume that they know but they don't know some don't even know how god speaks how can a believer not know how god speaks how can a believer not know the voice of god if he just baffles me a believer who says he doesn't know the voice of god baffles me big time you know they don't know whether it's god speaking here's somebody i don't know whether is god speaking or satan speaking or my mind speaking or demon speaking that means all of them are living inside you god is living inside you demons are living inside you satan is living everything is living inside your junk house that's what it means that's what it means yet you know clearly the voice of your neighbor you know clearly the voice of your wife you know clearly the voice of your children you know clearly the voice of your colleague at work immediately your phone rings and your colleague says hello you know that this is this person speaking am i communicating you know the voice of your fiance you even not know the voice of your politicians when a particular governor is speaking even if it's on radio you can tell this is this governor this is this president you know all of their voices but then your father that lives inside you you don't know his voice are you really sure he lives inside you your father that lives inside you a politician lives outside musicians live outside your neighbor lives outside your colleagues live outside yet you know their voices without thinking but your own heavenly father who lives inside you you don't know his voice you don't know his voice yet you say you know is he the devil or is it demons or is he myself those questions arise out of a life of assumptions you should get to a point where you have a perfect response to things you are not thinking about it you just know those who have their senses exercised they can discern between good and evil i mean they just have their senses it's maturity the christian world is not alive of assumptions the christian world is not a life of assumptions so we said in matthew 12 look at matthew chapter 12 verse 3 but he said unto them have you not read what david did when he was unhungered and dead away with him this is jesus response to a question they asked him look at verse one so that it's clear at that time jesus went on a saturday through the corner and his circles were unhunger and began to pluck the ears of corn and to it look at vasuna and when the pharisees saw it they said unto him behold their disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day what was jesus his ancestry but he said unto them have you not read what they did they asked him another question in matthew chapter 19 verse 4. he answered and said unto them have you not read because if you are reading there are questions you shouldn't be asking that's what jesus implied now that what have you not read is the greek word anaginosku anaginosku ana means of again and again anna guinosco it means anna again and again guinosco means to acknowledge to take the facts to perceive or to know so it means read in details read in details anaginoscope read all over and over again have you not read don't forget the reference jesus is making here he's not making reference to the book of romans when he says have you not read it's not saying have you not read ephesians have you not read philippians have you not read the scriptures genesis to malachi have you not read because if you read genesis to malachi very intelligently you will see the entire new testament in genesis to malachi because the new testament was called out of genesis to malachi have you not read right there in that old testament where you seem to have confusion is where the answer is right there in the old testament where you seem to have confusion is where the answer is but the problem is many do not read well you cannot know god by prayer you didn't hear that you cannot know god by prayer you cannot know god by prayer the sons of battle didn't they pray they prayed who were they praying for they were praying to whom they don't know the guys of martial we are not praying they were devoted they were praying to an unknown god when your prayer is directed to an unknown god is going nowhere so you cannot know god by prayer you cannot know god by singing you cannot know god because you go to church you know god only by reading and hearing his word you know god only by reading and hearing his word you read you study you read you study so we now said how did jesus answer those questions he showed you something not accidental matthew chapter 19 verse 7 look at it i like you to see they say unto him why did moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away he saith unto them moses because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so how many of you remember in luke chapter 24 and they were complaining about the events of the other day how that they thought jesus was going to restore power jesus is going to do this but he has died and this is the third day he has no reason and some women went to the tomb and they said they didn't find his body and to make matters worse some of the disciples went and they said he didn't find his body they were just you know ranting all over the place and these are disciples of jesus what did he say he taunted them and he called them fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not christ who have suffered these things and to enter into his glory verse 27 and beginning at moses beginning at moses beginning at moses jesus always started teaching from genesis in verse 44 of luke 24 put it up for me these are the words which i speak unto you while i was attitude that all things must be fulfilled which were written where in the law of moses beginning from the beginning jesus always started settling doctrinal matters from genesis from the beginning from the beginning so you have seen something that is consistent jesus always begun from genesis let me ask all of your questions when you read your books in school do you read from the last page you always read from the first page you read progressively you read introduction in fact you start from table of contents so you know what the book contains then you go to introduction or preface all right then you come to chapter one you read chapter two you read chapter three you don't start from chapter three and come to chapter two and then you go to chapter five you you you yourself the way you will function will be as confused as you read it's always sequential and documents are written in a progressive expansion and explanation and as you follow the thought pattern in reading what the author intends for you to know becomes clearer as you read on that's why jesus always have you not read from the beginning and beginning at moses and beginning at moses jesus never began from malachi nana did he begin from jeremiah he always begun from moses beginning at moses and all the prophets that's how to read the bible it's not accidental it is organized in other words to know god you read everything together you read the entire book sequentially from genesis look at john chapter 5 verse 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me next verse you will not come to me that you might have life john chapter 5 verse 45 do not think that i will accuse you to the father there is one that accuses you even moses in whom you trust 46 for had you believed moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me so moses wrote of jesus that is why beginning at moses he expounded unto them in all the scriptures moses to malachi the things concerning himself it's called systematic bible study systematic not hazard intentional bible study intentional bible story john will even write in john chapter one verse one in the beginning now observe when you see the word in the beginning it means in genesis so in genesis was the word and the word was with god and the word was god next verse the same was in genesis with god next verse all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made next verse in him was life where in genesis and the life was the light of men where in genesis next verse and the light shine it in darkness where in genesis and the darkness comprehended it not he has shown you something there that from that genesis you have the word at the beginning you have the word at the beginning pay attention and he makes a distinction at the beginning between light and darkness a clear distinction between light and darkness there was light and the light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it he wrote moses in making the distinction between light and darkness wrote concerning christ you didn't hear that in making that distinction between light and darkness he wrote concerning christ and when you read the epistles they will always say from the beginning of the world from the beginning look at ephesians 1 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in christ next verse according as he had chosen us in him where before the foundation of the world before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love next verse having predestinated us to the adoption of children by jesus christ himself according to the good pleasure of his will peter will say in first peter chapter 1 verse 20 who verily was for ordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you all right look at the way john was said in revelation 13 verse 8 and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are now written in the book of the life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world first corinthians chapter 2 verse number 6 habit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world not of the princes of this world that come to not next verse but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory what were they talking about that hidden wisdom that mystery is the death of jesus his resurrection and the plan of redemption that's the mystery that was hidden that was the mystery that was ordained before the world unto our glory the lamb of god slain from the foundation of the world death burial resurrection these are things you should have seen from the beginning if you have read and paid attention these are things you should have seen from the beginning the death burial and resurrection of christ the plan of god's redemption for man everybody lets you see that the way to know god is to read from the beginning read from the beginning many events have happened since the book of genesis was written that's why jesus said the reason why moses gave you the bill of divorcement was because of the hardness of your heart but from the beginning it was not so meaning many things have happened from the beginning which if you have read from the beginning you will understand why things are the way they are you will understand because from the beginning it was not so meaning after the beginning a lot of human events have happened that have colored everything so if you had read from the beginning you will be able to understand why things are the way they are that's why he always told him have you not read have you not read this is what he said from the beginning in the beginning there was no divorce what god has done again and no man puts us on but there are many divorces why a lot of events have happened a lot of events have happened and because these events have happened to show you that god is not in those events it was not like that in the beginning where god created everything that was his plan from the beginning it was not so a lot has happened in human encounters so systematic study of the scriptures is how you know god systematic study of scriptures is how you know god it's not that casual reading you know where you just casually read or attend services sparsely and then today you hear due of hamon in another place there to be a daniel another place taping into a new level another place seed for upliftment and strategic positioning you can never know god that way never it has to be systematic the way jesus taught it the way they are supposed to start it that is the way to go you take the scriptures line upon line precept upon precept you go through everything a little here a little there scriptures explaining scriptures you see in the bible if you observe the apostles of the new testament nobody preached circumstantial messages no apostle preached circumstantial messages or feel good sermons what we call motivation no apostle beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so bible study must be systematic and rigorous it must be rigorous you can't study the bible carelessly know there is a recall involved look at the eunuch in acts chapter 8 verse 30 and philip ran see that to him and heard him read the prophet isaiah and said understand this down what dory does and he said how can i accept some man should guide me and he desired philip that he will come up and sit with him next verse the place of the scripture which he read was this he was led as a ship to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before he shall so open him not his mouth in a simulation his judgment was taken away and we shall declare generation for his life is taken from the earth 34 and the eunuch answered philip and said i prayed of whom speaker the prophet this of himself or of some other man look at 35 oh then philip opponed his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus from the same scripture meaning he had skill in the understanding of the old testament there is a skill with which you can teach jesus from anywhere you can teach jesus from anywhere there's a skill required beginning at the same scripture look at the sermons in the book of acts they are not the evangelism that people do today people go around sharing happiness they call it evangelism what kind of where did that branded christianity come from sharing habits how can sharing paper evangelism no apostle nobody in the new testament did evangelism like that you meet someone in two minutes you are finished preaching two minutes i asked him do you want to do you want to give your life to christ you know do you want to give your life to christ you want to receive christ into your heart i repeat after you lord jesus lord jesus coming to my community tomorrow thank you thank you amen you're born again okay thank you he doesn't even know what he's doing he has no understood evangelism must be intensive and intentional you sit somebody down in his house and turn him to a student you teach him and teach him and teach him you will teach till he will be the one to stand up and go and carry notebook campaign he will tell you wait first wait wait wait wait because the kind of thing i'm here i've never had it before he will look for paper and pen and sit down and say repeat those things you said again now he wants to note it down because you have turned him into a student that's evangelist it's not uh excuse me excuse me do you know where you're going to go after you may die now you know the way people are dying if you die without jesus you're in hell do you want to receive christ yes open you up close your eyes say jesus no that's not salvation that's not salvation that's junk he doesn't know what he's doing at all he has not understood anything you have said it takes time to bring the gospel to people the man doesn't even know what you're saying read the book of acts you will see how their discussions were exhaustive they discussed the scriptures exhaustively when they met people they brought the gospel to them exhaustively paul met some guys in berea look at acts 17 11 pay attention these were more noble than those in thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily whether those things were so they searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so they searched the scriptures not that they searched the verse they didn't search the verse they didn't search the few verses they searched the scriptures that means when they were engaged they were given a plethora of scriptures a plethora of scriptures explaining scriptures scriptures explaining scriptures scriptures explaining scriptures contextually they took it and went home they didn't receive christ yet after their heart they took it and went home they sat down and searched to see and when they saw it was true they came back and said i have understood no rush job no rush job at all it's intensive it's rigorous the word search there where they say they search the scriptures means to investigate investigate through reading whether those things were so that's evangelism that's evangelical look at the sermon on the day of pentecost by peter the sermon on the day of pentecost by peter did you observe how many scriptures and explanation upon explanation peter gave on the real pentecost it was hours of teaching hours even though the writers summarized it historically if you study the history of the day of pentecost peter spoke for two to three hours two to three hours on the day of pentecost he spoke and spoke and spoke and spoke and spoke today people say what shall we do because it entered them you have to speak until it makes sense until a man's heart opens to the truth it's not casual evangelism is not rush job he's not trying to cover territory no one at a time one at a time you take time and to talk him and cook him until he's well cooked in the message that's evangelism i mean peter for two to three hours systematic under the pentacles read it you see in chapter two of acts see the way peter took the people through reasoning two to three hours in acts 3 he began from genesis peter through all the prophets genesis through all the prophets look at acts 28 23 have an idea of how the apostles approach evangelism and the teaching of god's word and when they had appointed him a day there came many to him into his login to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of god persuading them concerning jesus both out of the law did you see there were always all of them bought out of the law of moses and out of the prophets for how long from morning till evening that's evangelism these were not believers he sat them down from morning till evening it's not exaggeration it's not exaggeration from morning till evening this morning to leave me 8 a.m to 6 p.m you sit a man down you keep teaching teaching teaching teaching teaching teaching teaching he will be born again before you finish he will be born again before you finish without you asking him do you want to be born again the teacher will burn him again look at that acts chapter 19 verse 10 and discontinued by the space of two years so that all the which dwelt in asia had the word of the lord jesus both jews and greeks by the space of two years consistent laborers teaching look at verse 8 and he went into the synagogue and speak boldly for the space of three months disputing and persuading these are unbelievers three months he engaged them disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of god but when divers were hardened and believe not but speak evil of that way before they multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples in the in the course of teaching for three months some believed and some did not after persuading and persuading and he discovered those that didn't believe were distracting the believers he separated the believers for discipleship while they will go back to the orders for evangelism he separated them for discipleship to make them know what has happened to them in receiving christ it's intentional there are no accidental discharges in building people for the kingdom please follow me and listen look at acts chapter 20 verse 31 therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years how many years i cease not to warn everyone how many times night and day teaching night and day morning evening morning evening services teaching that is the intensity required to build people to bring people to a knowledge of god you can't be casual about it sometimes you're married to a woman living with her in the same house for 15 years you have not finished knowing her 50 years living in the same house with a woman or living in the same house with a man you are not finished loving the man we are talking about knowing god and you're casual about it we are talking about knowing god that you're casual about there's no casualty about it otherwise you will end up being a man of assumption or a woman of assumption it takes time it takes time it takes time hallelujah in acts chapter 5 verse 42 and daily in the temple how many times and in every house so when they finish temple service then they went to houses house to house what they taught in church they took it home and sat down with it and discussed it so that it will sink that is a serious approach a man must give to bible study if he really wants to know god except he wants to joke about god that's the serious approach a man must give in acts chapter 13 paul went through the entire bible if you read acts chapter 13 i see the way brother paul preached he went through the entire bible what about stephen acts chapter six and seven stephen went through from genesis through all the prophets he went through that was how the apostles evangelized that was their approach to the bible and that was how they taught the scriptures systematic taking a step-by-step line upon life that is how god is to be known that is the way to know god so that you don't just think is take your bible and just be surprised i'm surprised so this thing has been in the bible i didn't know you are not a serious person you shouldn't be surprised you should have a grasp of the whole bible you should read through and have an idea of everything then you begin to now break it down and have a detailed understanding that's how to know god you can't know god has said the pages of the scriptures no way no way you can't otherwise you'll be a victim of deception you'll be a victim of delusion you can only know god within the confines of the scriptures study it read the events read the statements in their context who said it why did he say it what was said before it what was said after it what was intended to be communicated what did the audience understand what did they not understand all of that is part of it and when you think like that you will not ask foolish questions you will not ask unschooled unintelligent questions you know you will not ask such questions so we picked on a man called job on thursday when i introduced this subject and we're going to be on this subject for a bit a man known for a contradictory experience he had a contradictory experience the reason is because people don't just read the story of job well that's the problem they don't read the story of job well the story of job presents the kind of queries questions conclusions people make about god queries questions conclusions people make about god now before we enter job look at genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth if you read the first two chapters of genesis you will see that when god made everything the writer moses because moses wrote genesis made sure he put and god saw everything and it was good genesis 1 31 look at it and god saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning we are the sixth day the word good there is from the hebrew word 12 t o w b 12 means without evil and without anything to have that everything god has made was without evil and without anything to have so if you have that basic understanding that at the beginning everything that god made was very good and the book of genesis in hebrew means genealogy genealogy things now started bringing forth after their kind if you read that you now read see that sin will also bring forth after it's kind now listen carefully god created heaven and earth and he says the air positive form and void genesis 1 1-3 and god said let there be light that light in verse 3 is not the sun because the sun was created much later you will see the sun created in verse 14 of genesis 1 that's when the sun and the moon were created so the light in verse 3 is not a physical light the light in verse 3 is not a physical light the light industry is a spiritual implication of god's goodness and kindness a spiritual implication of god's goodness and kindness then you will find darkness as well darkness was never created because darkness is the absence of light so darkness was never created only light was created so he said here look at genesis 1 verse 4 and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness god divided the light from the darkness god saw the 12 all right god saw the twelve that it was good that's the first thing god will call good light the first thing god called good was light and god saw the light and that it was good which means the hebrew when he said light be he means me be light be because that word let there be light in the hebrew is actually not b and when god said light be what god was saying is i be or me be because god is light in him was light light be me be now god said me be that is god is light which means god is good he called the light good good means without evil without anything to have god is light means god has no evil and there is nothing in god to help nothing in god to her so no evil know how then moses writes he said god saw it god saw it and god divided the light from the darkness the word divided is another hebrew word be a d-a-l but that is a hebrew word it means to distinguish it to distinguish the light from the darkness to ensure that you don't mix light and darkness in everyday language we all know that light and darkness do not could well do they could well no they don't in other words this already in genesis informs you in what god is and what god will be already clearly that's what jesus said have you not read from the beginning it already tells you who god is and what god will be good light no evil nothing to have that's god no evil nothing to have in genesis from the beginning he separated light from darkness the word 12 means perfect that's what talk it means without evil he separated did he observe you know the scenario of adam what is called the deception and the subtlety of the enemy in genesis chapter 3 look at the genesis 3 1-4 now the serpent was more subtle than any piece of the field which the lord god had made and he said unto the woman the suffering said unto the woman yay her god said you shall not eat of every three of the goddess and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god had said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die you shall not surely die and somebody will take that as if it confession you shall not surely die say you shall not show me that you're quoting the serpent you're quoting the devil because that statement was from satan so some of the things we call confession of faith you have to look at them very carefully where they are coming from you shall not surely die what it means is that satan steps into man's desires and calls god before man satan steps into man's desires and then calls god i mean look at it you shall not surely die that you say don't mind god god was just joking he doesn't mean what he say and because a woman desired it satan walked within her desires and colored god as a cheater she called god as a bad guy who doesn't want her to enjoy certain things he called god as a mean person how can god say you will die it's just a of coloring people's impressions about god you shall not surely die god gave them eternal life satan said you can do without eternal life you don't need it you don't need life god said this is where life is satan said without it you shall not die even if you don't do what god said you shall not die so within those actions we find what we call today the sin of adam you must have read that first if you have not read that if you have not been systematic and deliberate in your study you will miss that you will have seen that the first murder if you have been written if you have been reading with paying attention you will have seen that the first murder in the bible was done by man it wasn't god the first murder in the beginning you will have seen that the first mother was mandated ken killed abel very simple despite god restraining him he still killed ever what does the epistle say about it first john 3 12 not as cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew he him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous cain was of that evil one cain was of that wicked one the devil look at john 8 44 the way jesus will now say it you are of your father the devil and the loss of your father you will do he was a murderer from genesis so the person that murdered abel was satan satan entered into the desire of cain and colored god moved came to kill amen you have your father the devil he was a murderer from the beginning and aboard not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh in life he speak out of his own for his a liar and the father of it he was a murderer in genesis chapter four so the first manifestation of death we see in scriptures was it god killing somebody no it was man killing man have you not read it have you not read then why foolish questions or why foolish assumptions how can you say god does not kill how can you say god god does not kill are you saying oh are you trying to sleep look at how foolish the question is coming have you not read when people ask you such questions you know what you answer them have you not read because if you are dread you shouldn't be asking that kind of question question did god stop king no god didn't stop king did god warn him yes did god plead with him yes did god try to restrain him yes and that's what god still does today god will plead he will warn he will woo he will try if you insist he lets you he doesn't enforce you he will love you and do his best but ultimately you make the choice you make the decision that's where god functions read the scriptures and see the power of god in that scenario the power of god in that scenario was that he raised abel from the dead resurrection that's the power of god he raised abel from the dead how through jesus christ on the day jesus rose from the dead all the old testament sins rose with him there's a power of god there you know not the scripture not the power of god always read well so when you read hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same the true death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil him that had the power of death that is the devil is that no claim of church is that not clear enough why would somebody read that and still be saying god is a killer him that had the power of death the first mother was satan in man and the scriptures clearly said him that had the power of that that is the devil so if you have been living genesis you wouldn't have found that hard to understand he that had the power of death that is the devil of course you won't see the devil in genesis chapter 4 you won't see because the devil is failed he's veiled look the devil is veiled in human desires and the devil is veiled in human actions he is veiled ephesians chapter two verse one and you are free quick and who are dead in trespasses and sins next month wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the earth the spirit are now working in the children the spirit that worketh where in the children in the children of disobedience there's a spirit that worked in the children of disobedience so satan is veiled in human activity satan is veiled in human activity that is you will just see satan to see satan you will see in the activities of children that have the spirit of disobedience to the gospel so satan hides behind the scenes but is the chief architect of the actions within the children of disobedience how many of you remember i've told you before satan is only as intelligent to the degree of the intelligence of the man that is inside satan is not more intelligent than the person he lives inside what it means is satan relies on the intelligence and the creativity and the wickedness in the mind of a man to carry out his operations if a man is dull satan in him will be done if a man is very creative and wicked certainly he will find expression in wickedness satan does not function just on his own he has to find a vehicle to use and that vehicle's equipment becomes satan's tools of operation yeah in the children of disobedience he lives in the children of disobedience look at ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places now high places does it mean sky this spiritual wickedness is not in the heavenlies it's not in the sky this wickedness is in man is in man all of these wicked operations of satan man is a custodian he already told him ephesians he lives in the children of disobedience so ladies and gentlemen your study of the scriptures must be deliberate job 21 and say naked came i out of my mother's womb and naked shall i return thinner the lord gave and the lord had taken away blessed be the name of the lord what a religious statement very religious a great part of the body of christ worldwide that's the scripture they use for barrier worldwide contacting so many funeral services the lord has given the lord has taken away so giving the impression that god is the killer the lord has taken away the lord has given an assumption of job god is light and god divided the light from the darkness no harm no evil no intention of injury god is absolutely good totally good god is perfectly good there's no evil in god there's only good in god god is totally good and everything he does is good and god saw that everything he had made was very good very good no harm no evil and no intention of hurting can i hear powerful amen stand on your feet that's all i've got for you in this service glory to god oh glory somebody bless your glory thank you lord jesus hallelujah lift your hands up to heaven let's pray and talk to a few seconds together thank you lord for everybody men and women whose hearts you have opened and stirred up a people you are raising that will flood the entire blue bubble planet with the fragments of jesus everybody under the sound of my voice revelation knowledge rises big on your inside until nothing else matters clarity upon clarity the eyes of your understanding flooded with light you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man christ dwells in your heart by faith la costa marica cortola you're grounded and rooted in love and in the name of jesus grace and peace is multiplied unto you in the knowledge of the lord jesus and we declare right now that you are bound in grace and you are bound in knowledge you are rooted you are established in the name of jesus and we take authority over every infirmity sickness disease we declare you flushed out in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed right now receive receive your healing receive it in the name of jesus father we give you praise and we declare that we walk in these realities we walk in the light and i declare for everybody in this light you have no occasion of stopping you have no occasion of stopping you have clarity of thoughts you know exactly what to do and you know the [Music] oh glory to god welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back oh my goodness what a service what a word i know you have been blessed and i want to encourage you to stay with me every day i'm live on this platform 12 noon gmt plus 1 and 6 pm gmt plus 1 god's word keeps coming with clarity so that you are built up equipped and edified and help me invite more people to this platform so we can enrich the people of god empower them to fulfill the purpose of god for their lives i wrote a book is titled every man a minister and i want to encourage you to order for a copy of this book and the many other books i have written this book is a must-have you can't wait one more minute without ordering for this book it will enrich you and help you serve the purpose of god to your generation i'm very excited about the opportunity to serve you the grace of god every time let me also mention that you must not forget you must not forget that in case in your community there's no christ-centered church where what you hear me teach is being taught would like to either direct you to one in your area or work with you train you and help you start one so that other believers in your area can come there learn christ and grow in his knowledge if you're interested in either joining a campus or beginning one in your area don't forget to shoot a mail today i'll be waiting to hear from you we love you very excited my prayer for you is that you abound in grace you abound in knowledge you grow into the fullness of god's purpose for your life it is well with you you are strengthened with mind by the spirit in the inner man christ dwells in your heart by faith you are rooted and grounded in love great grace is upon you today in jesus name amen [Music] victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,350
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: TgjL9Pum4vg
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Length: 83min 23sec (5003 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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