Leaders CREATE LEADERS | Gerard Adams

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and in that moment I had gone from being this young Justin Bieber oh I got into cars and I'm traveling the world and I'm a multi-millionaire - literally having everything shrimp I'd never forget getting that first paycheck and it was like maybe $300 and I remember just seeing my mom working there and I'm just like I gotta get my mom out of this and I looked you're quite as I said listen man I lost him too and if I was able to realize that that was not what I was meant for in this world you're meant for so much more you meant there's so much bigger bro and like I'm here to tell you that you have such a greater gift for this world oh wait a comment right now I am world class Gerard yep the profound nature of the things you say is just like that clip right there is gonna be played millions of times somewhere brother welcome back to max outt I'm ed my lat and I am so fired up about today's program because I have one of the most successful human beings on the spinning earth right now that is under 35 years old this guy to my right right here you all know who he is you can tell from looking at him but let me give him the right introduction okay this young man right here founded Elite daily sold that thing for about 50 million dollars he's one of the great thought leaders on social media today he's a serial entrepreneur Forbes magazine called you the Millennial mentor right and above all of that stuff having getting to know him today I must tell you my favorite thing about him is a caliber of a man that you are and how generous you are and your spirit and your heart and your character so today is gonna be amazing and so this is Gerard Adams Gerard thanks for being here brother thank you so much I really appreciate it yeah so inspired right now you know it's one thing when you look through the lens of social media and look through on the videos it's another when you're able to actually come and feel the energy see it and most importantly right back at your brother like there's a lot of successful people in the world but for me it's about character yeah and not only do you show up for your community but the way that you are you know when I met you and how humble you are and how welcoming you were for me and our team really appreciate that me thank you it's my pleasure man to have you here you know I wanted you to do this for a long time and so the stars align so yes let's do something great here today I hope my billing of you was accurate because you Girard has a lot you know the very few people you would meet with the success that Gerard's had so young who has kept such a humble spirit about them to and such a generous giving person so but I think some of that haven't got to know you a little bit has to do with your upbringing I always like to think people back just a little bit yeah so you grew up a little bit like I did in the middle right and the middle class but tell everybody you know just a little bit about young Gerrard even though I still think you're young but young young Gerrard how did you grow up tell us about your background well you know I I really had an unbelievable upbringing because I had a really strong you know group of parents like my mother you know she just really showed me a love and compassion and empathy and like the things that you know a lot of people I feel like don't have that's worth more than anything in the world and my father was there just a strong man yeah he really instilled the leadership in a very young age when he would used to do is used to read write notes and leave them for me hidden and throughout my house really if I want to go get a glass of milk there's a freaking little whipped up note in there if I went it to bed there's something under when I pull the blanket up if I wanted to go to school he's dropping something in a freaking notebook for me or something and there were these you know just quotes from whether it was John F Kennedy Marcus Aurelius you know just different leaders and for me you don't really an understanding when you're really young you're kind of like oh this is kind of cool again but I really started to appreciate it as I started to get older so I grew up with unbelievable parents you know hard-working um and they really instilled the the work ethic for me but I walked to school I took the bus I loved BMX I was a skater and you know for me I was just a very creative person hmm even young yeah I had charisma you when I was young I used to make my own clothes I used to I loved I begged my parents for one thing only put me into art school really yeah I wanted to go to art school were you a only child no I have to unbelievable sisters okay yes we do the same thing for them was he writing them notes too is that something he did just because you know it's funny I've actually never asked them yeah be interesting to know you know is is the you know they were they were he was very protective of my sisters okay yeah yes that he just you know they were way more educated anything and and of course he nurtured he nurtured them and your mom by the way I just get to ceiling your mom's a major influence cuz I hard shirk then I watched earlier when you talked about your mom there's certainly something very special there with you and your mom to write what you learned from mom well you know on both sides of my family I'm extremely grateful of my heritage um which is what by the way people will buy me I know you get asked this all the time right well I'm sorry Colombian and Italian good but you know my mother's side I just want to say like thirty days ago I'm visiting my grandfather he turned ninety nine years old and I you know I said it myself I wrote it down like my my grandfather is turning 99 this year I don't care what I'm doing I don't care what any of you I don't care what who wants to pay me for anything but business you know opportunity there is I am going to see my grandfather to help celebrate his ninety nine and ask him these questions about immigrating to this country and you know I'm second generation and I just feel like well no my mom's you know parents my grandparents they came here you know with that typical immigrant story with nothing my grandfather came here first then he sent back for my grandmother and my mother my mother was born in Colombia and she came here so I think they that work ethic in that you know and just the appreciation you were for being here and like and making and building a life is instilled in my mom and then so I'm really I really think about that and that's what really drives me but it was the moment that I saw my mom working seven days a week in a supermarket and that was my first job you know I wanted to work I wanna you know my parents weren't like they didn't give me things like I had to earn it mhm so my first job believing that was like working at the supermarket where my mom worked she was an employee there and I'd never forget getting that first paycheck and it was like maybe $300 and I look at that paycheck and I remember just seeing my mom working there and I'm just like like there's no way like I got to get my mom out of this like this isn't real money like um you know and at that moment I started to really feel and think about that I'm so proud of them I'm so proud of what they've done you watch your mom work you see this struggle that she's gone through you go away to college which I'm sure was like a major priority for your dad and your mom especially for you to go right but you didn't last in college and so I want people that are listening this cuz a lot of Millennials are gonna watch this because you're here they're in my audience as well what happened with you in college well this is a this is really interesting I really didn't want to go to college I was a bad kid right before graduating high school in fact I lost touch with a lot of my you know my good friends that I had grown up with earlier I started hustling weed when I was in high school and I almost had a moment that really set me back and I'll never forget the day my father caught me scaling in my bedroom and typically you know my I was bold my dad my dad's a little bit more of the old-school Italian so like growing up if I did something wrong like you're kind of like I got the Bell like my dad like pushed me around wasn't like I know you mean you know II mean my relay and I had a moment where I got pulled over and I thought that moment I was about to get arrested and it was gonna completely ruin you know my the respect that my father would have for me and just for my community and that story I've talked about but someone who's committing grand theft auto in front of me and when I was doing this drop-off they end up figuring that out letting that person go and saying hey kid alright get out of here and when I have walk drove all the day that was the day that was like okay I'm going to college whoa okay like I got it I gotta take this muscle mentality and I got to learn about business like I cannot be one who ends up life-altering moment that was a life-altering moment for me but I ended up crying during graduation because my father wanted me to get into a good college want me to go to Princeton and I went to I got into barely a community college mmm so I remember just completely freaking distraught being we cried because you thought you let your dad down actually no I was actually really more about the fact that like the people that I had been friends with they were they were going to these great schools and I was alone going to this community college and I was like such a disappointment to itself and but going to college that first semester I instantly was like this just isn't for me you just knew I just knew I think was part of the reason why I hustled mmm like I just always was this creative I wanted to be outside the box I didn't want to be you know I wanted to break the rules I was that art thing in you all right thing in me very creative to this day and you know being in school I was like this isn't for me yeah I went to college that's one of the things that I you know there's more and more people I interviewed but that wasn't their thing and I think the consciousness about that is changing too because when I was in college one of the things that I observed too is like it just sort of brings out these cookie cutter people the business school you know yeah and and it sort of squashes from people their ambition their creativity I'm not knocking College at all I have a degree I mean either doji's in this you said would tell them it's a great debate in my family more it's like they don't need your culture absolutely they're going to college well they're gonna be entrepreneurs anyway it'll give them experience and it's an achievement it it shows work and finishing an idea but you know you're a product like I am though of getting some mentors in your life and having guts like you're where you are you can give yourself any credit you're too humble your actual conditions right now okay your past and your present do not equal your future Gerrard's present at that time I'm gonna take you guys we're gonna flash-forward Gerard's present if you gave you your resume plus a little bit of weed mediocre student Community College now I'm dropping out if I said where's he going right you'd say well the trajectory is not real good trajectories are BS there's no such thing as a trajectory you at any moment can alter the direction of your life but one of the reasons you dropped out though was you did have this burning desire to do something great in business right and you met a mentor something at that time right tell about that story yes so you know for me I felt at that time the college wasn't for me but I kept asking my classes I'm like does anybody know someone amazing you asked us like does anybody know anybody that is like that's that's made it that's become you know you know we we talked about this earlier you're not so much self-made but like for me at that moment it was self-made it was like oh you know it didn't have to go through the system you can break beat the system and it figured it out and this internet thing is like really booming right now like if there's anybody know anybody who's doing this that's building online businesses that's going out there and like becoming successful I was really interested in the stock market at the time and there's no knows about the stock market and one person was like yeah I know a guy Wow and they're like you know after class well I'll take you over to take you over to the house and you know took me over to meet them and I'll never forget that day I pull up and you know a three-car garage basketball court in-ground pool just phenomenal the house and I just remember walking in this kid walks down the stairs I'm like yo what do you do for a start what are your parents you know this is actually my house and in that moment it was the first time in my life that I finally got to see yeah the success I got to see someone who's created it inning for me I'm an experiential learner this is the way I am that's why mentorship is so important to me and my traveling is so important embracing your cultures it's why building these simulations it's it's you know for me it's like I need to learn hands-on yeah and I need to see it to believe it yeah and for me that was the first moment of like okay boom I'm gonna make this happen I I can see it now and I was like whatever it is that you know and you you like you've learned I'm willing to bring Valley to you show up every day work for you you don't have to pay me Wow just you know let me be a fly on the wall here let me serve for you and learn and you dropped me at a college you go to work with this dude yeah first thing is everybody that little story he told you bout a graduation where he was crying there's success leaves Clues can I give you one little clue in there people that win that are successful are incredibly self-aware okay what that was was a moment of self-awareness even as a young man you're like what did I do what have I been doing see there are there are millions of other guys that graduation who didn't do we're gonna go to Community College they weren't aware enough to go this isn't Who I am I can't believe I let myself down so that's number one number two is to have the guts to ask a quality question the quality of your life is made up by the quality the questions you ask yourself if this guy's a traitor yeah he was that he was actually a email marketer he was an extremely great writer and researcher okay and he would write here addition do research and he when I met him he would teach me how to do research how did you do diligence okay even know what that word meant yeah how to actually look up companies how to discover undervalued companies okay and how to actually read their incomes names how to read their balance sheets had to understand you know what they're you know what their business plan was where they were going and good just with the catalysts were whatever he was so if the email marketing was involving recommending buying or selling a particular style the the training aspect was one end you know just investing yeah and then he had another type of business which was actually helping companies tell their stories okay so you're young then how did you end up doing with him did you end up doing well financially yeah so I built up a more I worked with him I started my first online business it was called stock spot it was an online community and I looked at I was like wow I want to do something unique in this industry and I want I'm now starting to trade I want to discover other traders and so I decided to launch a forum called stock spot and I looked at eBay and I was like what eBay has a rating system one to five stars what if we had a stock forum and when each member is rated from one to five stars and you would rate them based on the on how well they picked stocks because I want to find other people like this dis mentor right that knows how to pick them and and it is recommending that you created the space that didn't exist you a space for it how old were you when you do that nineteen that's bananas so you cook there's something special about you Gerard I mean guys go do that at 19 that's not normal now they do yeah now they do because they have models but when you're doing it there was nobody saying this is possible right that's what you didn't have Instagram we didn't have that like YouTube you know show we didn't have any of that okay so you end up I think the deal is you end up making a bunch of money but then the market crashed too right yeah so I took that business to about ten million ah that's crazy grace was I loved investing I started doing you know going and visiting these companies interviewing these CEOs and and telling them I hey listen so that this is a huge win for me I went into a mine I meant about the mining industry and I was like you know the economy right now is there's so much inflation and I saw what was happening within the real estate bubble and I was like I want to play some go I want understand gold so the miners commodities so I went into this mine I learned about the whole mining industry and then I sunk you know a huge amount of the money that had saved and I would put it into these companies and I would publicly disclose yeah I'm locked up for six months but I believe in this this is why I believe in this company and I've had multi-million dollar trades because of that okay and someone looks like a young little warm Buffett at the time really you and I got I got overly cocky I got only confident you know and I started to go all-in and I had I finally I was up twenty million dollars in the market playing a company that had the patents for TV Everywhere allowing content to stream through our smartphone devices which is now everything yeah right so I found the company had the pads for that but sometimes you know you can be you can be right but you can you timing is everything and I just timed it wrong and the stock crashed the economy had crashed at that time and in that moment I had gone from being this young Justin Bieber log on the cars and I'm traveling the world and I'm a multi-millionaire to literally having everything stripped from me mm-hmm and what the duty you've really learned about ego you know and I just you learn about ego so you know for me at the time what I really learned and this is what happened with my mother and it was really they asked at the point where when this happened I didn't want to tell anybody I was like so scared and we go through this we go through so much always worrying about what everyone else thinks and you know and for me the only person I was able to tell us my mother hmm and my mom told me this the story of when she was when she immigrated here that a studio apartment and it caught on fire and they lost everything and she's like when that happened Gerard I had to in high school drop out and go get a job on Canal in New York City in the winter to go make a little money to help your grandparents and I didn't want to ever tell you this mm-hmm here's my mother he's been the strongest woman seven days a week working always took care of us love this compassionate here my mom crying to me telling me the story and she's like if I was able to get through that then you can bounce back from this and they can money can be stripped away from you but they will never take this and then will never take this mmm she was like you have a skill hmm you know I'm saying if you believe in it I believe in yourself you were able to do it once you can go out there and do it again and in that moment I was like you know I you know I don't have this you know I just felt in that moment that like I need to figure out maybe that wasn't meant for me like maybe I wasn't you know maybe that wasn't meant for me maybe something bigger is meant for me and at that time that's when I started to make content I said alright you know what I want to make content that helps to it to educate people on what's happening with the economy because I obviously I lost those money but a lot of Millennials are not paying attention to and this even is - today they're not truly paying attention to what the truth what's truly happening in our economy yeah you know don't pay attention to everything I'm social media on a daily basis they'll probably spend you know 12 hours out of the twenty-four hours a day to everybody else so what everyone else is doing but they're not paying attention to their own finances not pay attention what's happening with the email they're not paying attention to planning for themselves you're getting down their vision so for me I started doing documentaries on the economy and then that's what led to then saying I want to start a publication mmm and then that was the birth of buying a lead daily.com for $9.99 you bought it at $9.99 by the way what a magic moment with your mom and for all of you listening to this that are in that down cycle of your career you they can't take away what you know they can't take away your heart they can't take away your work ethic they can't take away your ingenuity right stick with it chase the next thing right maybe you got to innovate maybe you need to course-correct in the business you're in and change strategy but so you lead to elite daily right and Housel learned like you know I was at that time spending money on bottles I was buying freakin two had two Bentley's I was over you know going just spending and spending and spending on things you know talked about that on your from your perspective too so there's all these Millennials watching this and I have this theory where I say if you can't save money when you're broke yeah you can't save money when you're rich if you're either you either have the habit of saving or the habit of spending it's the hardest thing in the world but if you could even save ten dollars a month see habits matter in personal development and fitness and in faith and they matter in money too you got to find a way even paycheck to paycheck save your 10 bucks a month but to say that all these young pumps out there that are you know male or female that are out there spending money in these different places what advice before you hit the nail on the head with with having an investor's mindset and creating the habit of saving and investing you know you hit and hit the nail on the head but I would also say for me one of the biggest lessons was and this comes from a personal development side when thinking about wealth creation for yourself it's you know talent can help you achieve success but character will help you sustain success when I first made my millions of dollars where I didn't have the character to sustain it so that's why I was taken for me my ego is big I thought what made me successful was having all of these materialistic things and it doesn't you know and I love I love having nice things right true for me buying this watch out there so my company it has a meaning a lot of these things have me like if it hasn't meaning behind it bad god bless going it's going you know you know create that life for you but you have to realize that ultimately each back your character and at that time I was being very selfish good and I realized that like I needed to you know start thinking about how am i showing up in the world how am I actually being a leader how am I actually helping the people around me serving the people that that my team that community and I just I really at the time I just didn't have this this character of of wealth or you know of actually being a leader I love that and you know by the way we both want you to have a Lamborghini we both want you ever both once you have a job just once you have it in the right time right for the right reasons but so you find a lead daily guys eighty million unique visitors right yeah 80 to 100 articles per day it went from the three of us to 200 employees it was one of the best journeys of my life and how old were you when you sold it nope so I was thirty years old thirty years old everybody you know whatever you take from it but it's about a 50 million dollar sale right so BAM yeah you're back now you're really really back what was what did it take everyone feared I'm just curious I asked people this in my private life I've never had somebody on camera what was that day like what was it like to go oh my gosh like what's that feel like to have a day like that or a moment like that when my life just friggin it changed yeah I mean so it's interesting because the the initial feeling was a little uneasy I actually was a little bit a lot of what-ifs clicked in for me in the very beginning it wasn't like oh I hate it it was like you know you have partners investors I felt very much like I didn't want to sell the company this wasn't like something I wanted you know we had long board meetings and you know we saw Facebook changing the algorithms and they meet daily for me was like this brand that I wanted to really continue to take to become the biggest millennial media company in the United States so afterwards and for real it was like man I feel like my baby just got taken yeah for me yeah and it was until I called some of my closest friends mm-hmm and told them and they were like gee you always want to jump out without a parachute man and you know listen man for once in your life let this soak in what you just did let this soak in and that was the moment like hearing it from one of my good friends that was like oh wow and then it was you know for me where we really hit for me was when I was able to really go and talk to my father first and tell him I want to pay off all the family's debt I want to pay off all the mortgages and and then I took my mom after after I paid that off I took my mom she wanted this Jaguars my mom and got her jag where I took my dad got him a Mercedes Benz convertible which he but she loved and big surprise my younger sister with the car of her dreams and just and by the way by the you guys he still cuz I know the story he still isn't listed anything he did for himself and you noticed finally what is the big thing you did for yourself yeah I mean the the the two biggest things the first was I bought myself this watch you know I just wanted to basically have something on my wrist I just reminded me but the truth is and this is what comes when it comes to having that character and having that wealth mindset you know it's like a billionaires mindset really you know it you know for me I put it after that paying the debt you know I got to watch I put it in a trust I know you know I didn't think about buying the next fancy exotic car or anything materialistic I said okay take a step back yes what how do you want to forget about the money how do you now want to leverage this to show up in the world as a better role model Millennials need role models right now yeah of what it really truly means to be successful more than just money but actually showing up as a leader in the world and serving your community so for me that was when I was like you know what I want to go back to Newark New Jersey where my grandparents immigrated from you know immigrated to yeah really give back to that community because I want to show that that success yeah you can you and when you have all the money they world yeah it's it would be easy for me to go and just you know get three Lamborghinis and like leverage just trying to show that lifestyle I'll of course I still have a left course but for me I wanted to show that aspect of for the past three years I dedicated myself to go to the hood yep you know and I built an incubator in the middle of the worst projects in Newark yeah and for me that was we're talking I was a reward yeah guys that's character by the way showing up is why I endorsed this man do you Millennials out there you guys that are 80 years old out there that are watching this that's what you do when you win that's that's how you handle yourself by the way I want you have eleven Lamborghinis if you just do as long as you knew those are the things then you start founders right that's basically what you did you guys are going to love what this guy did with this and this model is brilliant what you've accomplished this is we're sitting here in 33 years bro so I'm so blown away by you and you deliver it in such a way like it's really not that big of a deal but you're talking about a guy who you know let's be honest talking a little weed community college drops out 20 million loses it comes back sells is deal for 50 large and then takes that and goes no that's just the very beginning now I'm gonna contribute so what's founders you're gonna you guys are gonna love this - I just started thinking about social impact and I I just I had this moment where I said okay Lily Daly was this brand it was the voice of Generation Y that's gone but I am still you know I'm still a voice like and I finally felt like you know it's time for me to start coming out and telling a lot of my life lesson start start being i-i've seek mentors my entire life but now it's like it's time for me to start being a better mentor a better role model and I just had this moment where I was on the balcony in Miami I was behind this penthouse and just getting to sit on my count so you got to go to Florida because your tax purposes and I'm on that balcony and I just had this moment where I had this moment with God you know and it just was like as lightning struck my heart of like this is not where you're supposed to be right now you got time to do that right now you're like right now you have this ability at such a young age you are like to go back to your family's roots are from and like and start something and get back to a place that like never actually like they don't teach entrepreneurship in schools like I looked back at my life and I was like man like God thank the Lord thank you God that I've been able to somehow ask that question and find that mentor and like you know and slowly take action in my life to create that to create this to success but like there's so many people out there that lack the belief system that are that live in fear and don't even know about shoot like don't even know what how to become an entrepreneur what entrepreneurship really is and then it was like there are certain things that got me here so it's like my EQ like I was never the smart key but my EQ was something that I really started to master over the years you know but the way that I learned how to communicate the way that I was able to really truly build relationships the empathy that I really had to build the team you know these are things that like again and never learned in school mm-hmm and and then financial literacy again the things we're talking about about financial wellness and saving again no one teaches you that when you're in high school you know and I was like I want to go back and just start to be a voice and start to actually work with the youth and actually teach them these skills within entrepreneurship EQ financial literacy and you know and and I just felt that's where my heart was how do social enterprise so what I did was I I partnered up with a real estate real estate developer and I said okay well let's take an area that's that's that's a really kind of bad area at the time but we saw the future of Newark Newark right now is got so many amazing things happening right it's it's got billions of dollars of investment you have all these unbelievable corporations there were right now top ten for Amazon moving there there's a lot there it's one of the first like tech real technology cities there has fiber-optic running right through the ground crews there's a lot of infrastructure there used to be you know it's one of wealthiest it's the biggest and one of the was one of the wealthiest cities in all of New Jersey and just through the Industrial Revolution it lost all those jobs then there was riots and then it just you know it self-destructed so I know the infrastructures there it just needed and needed someone to go in there be part of that revitalization so I partnered with a real estate developer I invested into the building we built a high-rise of 20 about 20 units and I said on the bottom floor I'm gonna create something for the community so I launched an incubator and then I was like I'm gonna build something where I run a program for 12 weeks at a time I'm gonna pick 12 entrepreneurs I'm sorry 12 companies that I have about two co-founders typically one to two co-founders and I'm gonna bring them in here for 12 weeks I'm gonna coach them and I'm gonna bring in some of the top and the best mentors out there to fly into North Jersey and work with these can work with these young entrepreneurs so I did that and Wow and then during that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring the youth middle school and high school students we're gonna go and teach them in class because you got to go where they are if you want to really truly disrupt the education system the first thing you need to do is you have to actually go into the education system understand how it works yeah you know so like I need to study the education system again so I went you know I got some unbelief I got an unbelievable team and we just started going and building relationships with the teachers in the middle school in high schools there and you started going in there and then you know we taught those we talked these classes and semesters of entrepreneurship EQ front of Twitter C and then after school we allowed those you to come to the incubator and work under the entrepreneur's building companies and then I would bring people like Eric Thomas who would come in and host not only working with our entrepreneurs but then actually speaking to all of these young kids in that community and then we built an art gallery down the street and we just started revitalizing this whole area and now it's completely transformed my gosh are you hearing you that's amazing brother I'm just that is brilliant and amazing oh my god I wonder how I can help with that huh thank you but I would love for you to come and work with some of these kids I mean I want to one of the biggest moments of my life was wow you know I'm starting this thing and I remember when we opened the doors I was like okay how is this gonna work now now I'm in this I'm in this incubator in this space I'm just like okay how am I gonna finance much to move to Newark New Jersey I'm gonna find local entrepreneurs they want to actually be in this incubator building company like how am I gonna how am I gonna be able to do this and I'll never forget I'm outside on the phone handling one of my other companies and this this young this young man this young black man kid welcomed by he's like hey man yo what is this place and I'm like well this is uh this is it this is an incubator what's an incubator I'm like okay well this is a place where we teach business we're able to teach you how to create things in the world how to solve problems oh I like business man I want to know about that I want to come aside for a second he comes inside and I sit with him and I talked to him and when as I'm guarding him you know I start to see he's like he's like listen everyone's lied to me my entire life I've seen my uncle get killed on the port front you know porch steps you know like how am I gonna be able to do anything like who are you man like what there's where's the fine print man you don't mean he's talking like that he's like listen all I know is I got a hustle out here in these streets you know and I just started to see that now remember the early part of my story yes I hustled yes yeah so I knew I had the ability to finally I feared telling anybody on the camera every before that I ever hustled me you know he him you know you just don't want to tell that to a problem you know I'm proud of it but I knew God made me go through that moment this very moment looking at that kid in the eyes his name is Chieko and I look Shakur as I said listen man I've hustled - mm-hmm and if I was able to realize that that was not what I was meant for in this world you meant for so much more meant for so much bigger bro and like I'm here to tell you that you have such a greater gift for this world and if you come here every day and dedicate I promise you I'll be here right in there next to you now we're guide you and mentor you so that you could find that gift inside you and realize what you really meant for in this world the next day he shows up at a Thai hot mmm like well you know God we're a tire around here but what was interesting was a little about the Bible's he probably bout a month after that so much turquoise friends from school come by mmm and they came in whatever chicoy zon I want to be on that and apparently he had unconventionally gotten the school to go to the auditorium and gave a motivational speech unconventionally to the students there and this that that one moment of shifting his mindset and seeing the change in him that's when I was like okay thank you now I know why we're doing like I really know why I followed my heart and that that there was the reason why we were supposed to do this and it's still a battle and it's not easy yeah no it's definitely not easy continuing to be there I love you brother I love you I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you like that that's one of my favorite stories I've ever heard I mean and I want to be able to help with you and I there's so many what you're doing is wonderful and it's brilliant and and I know you're finding the way to you know there's so many lessons and the things you talked about your arts like there's these things you do so naturally that are just such lessons for people but did you hear what he said he said now I got to figure out how we're gonna do this a lot of people are particularly know but but it's brilliant because a lot of people and you didn't even know all that with the lead Bailey and you didn't write it before numbers night and I didn't know what my business people think well you have to know every single step before you start you will never start now there's gonna be so many adjustments and course scrunchy did you have to do is know why and find the mentor and just start has a vision right for me I've had a vision I had a why I had a vision then it was a guy let's let's figure it out let's go I love this I love what your being my model and similar to you faith yeah you know what faith is my business model for sure talk about that for a second because it's everything with you it sort of comes back to that with you with your faith doesn't it so and how important is that to your life and just speak to that a little bit it's it's just part of you know people you talk about habits we talk about routines we talk about mental toughness like for me it all starts with that faith I mean every single day every single morning you know we talked about this you know on leaders create leaders when I you know we both take that quote we both you look something with coal gold I don't know if you do the dunking in the cold water we do the dunk either honey I can I got yoga the ocean or dunk here that's so cool you know for me it's simple I just you know I turn it on high school in the shower you know and I pray I say my our Father in the cold shower every day day every day every single today our father and and then I speak out I speak out what I'm feeling is some days I speak out God please help me give me the courage give me the strength give me the ability to fight through today you know maybe because I woke up a little bit depressed maybe I woke up a little bit sad maybe I went through something you know it happens to me a lot you know it can be lonely a lonely game sometimes you know going out and serving and showing up in the world so sometimes you know I feel that I feel lonely you know sometimes I have anxiety so I'll pray to get me through that mmm and to show up as you know as God's Son and and then I'll pray for my family I'll pray for my team I'll pray for my community and then for me when I turned that cold shower off it's like a hits me bro I'm like let's go inner warrior comes out thirty-three years old bunch of money saved you could just play it cool all the time you're taking your time to serve to change the world and then to admit your frailties and some of the things that you struggle with I think is just beautiful because there's this thing in the world like masculine men aren't supposed to share things that they're afraid of or that they struggle with right and real masculinity is actually sharing those things and then showing people that you can still overcome them yeah which is what you do but let's talk about you a little bit you know I learned that from a Navy SEAL you know I never was like that again I hit a lot of that and charity in my life mmm because I always thought a leader had to be that had to be the one who's like showing up for the team has to be the strongest you know I always ate last but I always showed up first hmm and you know for me that was that was how I showed up as a leader and it wasn't oh this is I hope you have members time you have duo but you know I really believe in the universe and you just like when you're putting the I believe in energy and this is like the energy that you put in to the world and just into just who you are how you show up like it just it's unbelievable what comes back to you and it was Memorial Day weekend long story short I'm at this bar and I see this guy walking he's got this hat I'm at the army flag and and his huge and this other guy who's jacked and I'm like excuse me sir have you served he said yes I have actually and the woman was like oh yeah 30 years he just got out from you know relief and I was like would you mind if I bought you a beer he's like well you know thank you should no one ever does that thank you so much and by this got beers were hanging out and but the other guy he starts telling me stories anything the other guy who looks like Sylvester Stallone from Rambo who is this guy he finally tells I'm a Navy SEAL I can't tell you too many stories I'm on duty we're in San Diego and had an amazing time mm-hmm I leave I feel like I've met the real celebrities they are the real slow yes okay not as influencers not as you know these people on TV all these people we follow no they are our heroes they are the real celebrities so for me I was so excited I finally met this Navy SEAL phony met these people I got to you know show them gratitude two weeks later I get a call or Hokie in the morning from the summit from from the incubator he's a there's a guy named Paul here ringing through he looks like he's ready to kill someone I'm like Paul I Drive over it's it's the Navy SEAL news in you going like what are you doing here he's like I don't know what it was Gerard there was something about you and I'm not supposed to be here but I had to come out here they think I can help you and I sit and hang him and that day he asked me so how are you and he was that day I was like okay he made me feel like is that Navy SEAL I could be his this Navy SEAL yeah sometime he asked you bro I am stressed I am NOT myself like I just got through a really bad breakup four years I love her to death and just I also just was going through things internally and he was like and I was like but I gotta show up everyday man and I'm putting on this this dislike you know this this the Superman suit for my team because they're struggling they're coming to me and struggling because we're still you know it's bodegas you can't it's hard to get healthy food it's hard to live over there we're changing it all and it's exciting but it's the hard way of life sure and so he was the one who expressed to me Geron a real leader has to show vulnerability as a seal if I don't let my team know when I'm hurting down how are they supposed to know when to pick me up oh my gosh that's awesome what is special about you what is unique what did you do to win I mean something special happens when you've done this but you've lived a lot of life in 33 years yeah so why I mean I really genuinely believe that it's in within all of us mm-hmm you know I really genuinely believed that it's just a matter of just shifting from from fear to faith I used to be someone who was so fearful like I cared so much at what people thought of me I thought I had to prove everything to my father you know I I just was I always felt like I would never you know this is a big one for me one of my first mentors when I started to break out and become more successful hmm they said you'll never be more success you'll never be successful without me I actually had a moment with my mentor he said that to me and you know so I've had these like struggles you know when I was you know when I was younger of feeling I had to prove myself being a little bit fearful and there was a moment in my life where I just recognized that like nobody else is in control just nobody else is in control it control externally and I completely can take ownership of my life I am in control of my destiny and you know I really genuinely believe that the one of biggest things about me is I'm just present bro I am extremely present mm-hmm you know I'm a visionary but I am everyday present to what the gift is today and what I need to do today to be 1% better that day and I just show up every day and I'm every day for me it's 24/7 365 of course I have balance at it but for me it's just who I am I think when you live as an your authentic character mm-hmm you know this is who I am whether you're a business partner mind whether you're the doorman opening up the door for me hmm you know what I'm saying my family to my friends to my team you know whether you're looking at me on Instagram or you're meeting me in person I'm the same kid that I always was growing up in a sense of like I'll always I'm always someone who is full of love I think you know I for me it's like I just genuinely believe that the number one thing that will end all suffering on him if you're Humanity is love it's plain and simple and I think when you embody that love and you embody that fully for yourself like I find out to a point where like I just love me for who I am and I want to share that energy with the entire world I want them to love themselves I want them to want to give love to everybody regardless of skin color we're from we can all understand struggle and I just for me I've just recognized like listen we all we all have we all gone through things we've all struggled we've all had these moments we can all we all have a story we're all writing it and we have such a short period of time the universe is vast billions and billions and billions of years and we're lucky if we make it a hundred of them like what are we gonna you know to me so it's like why worry about what you know why I live in fear why worry about trying to prove yourself anyone why not just step into your greatness step into who you are step into fully loving yourself and the fact that you have an opportunity today to be present and to take control and take ownership of your destiny and for me that's it I just I'm so grateful and every single day I'm just like I want to just fully be present I want to be present to the fact that I'm here I'm so blessed to be here with you I want to take be present in my businesses I want to be present in my relationships and I just think that in this in you know we can all get caught up with how with the fast pace of Technology and doing and going and hustling and grinding but I think that your real strength in life if you said this as an observer if you can be poised I don't care what storm you go through in life because we're all gonna go through storms more money more problems it's life you have to be willing to adapt constantly constantly adapt constantly shift your mindset so number one thing is you have to build your character and you have to find that leader within yourself because when you do when you become poised no matter what happens externally tornados hurricanes you know you're gonna lose death is part of life you're gonna lose people that you love your businesses are gonna fail you're gonna you know things are gonna happen and it's just it's part of it who would have thought that you know the president United States would have forgotten one who went through bankruptcy right but it went through the matter you know there's a lot of things he's gone through you know it's just you know you look at everyone it out there that we admire they have gone through struggle but they take ownership of their life nobody else does it for them they're taking ownership of it in an amazing brother i I I've done a lot lot a lot of conversations I've had in my life that affect me like this one has our former president by the way didn't even really get raised by his own father right didn't come from a perfect family it wasn't even raised all the time by his mother and he becomes a leader of the free world right and so when you say things like this man I'm just so moved by their you have a massive spirit yeah I I really think that I'm ready to start sharing a lot more I've done you know I lost my show leaders create meteors and for me I'm a storyteller I love shining light on oh there's a because I'm a student just like you I'm a student and I think that's really how you you grow in life I'm constantly seeking these can relay ssin ships and mentors and and and learning through experience so but I recognize that I don't do it enough of opening up myself mm-hmm and I want to start doing that one I really appreciate you you think you've done a lot of that today brother thank you before I ask you the last question like I find myself wanting to know more about you I'm guaranteeing you people that are watching or listening like they want more and so where can they get more of you so the first social media wise web wise whatever tell them everywhere they can find yeah all right I mean my number one platform is Instagram mmm I love it creatively so at Gerard Adams and then art my show leaders create leaders is under Gerard Adams TV you can just search leaders create leaders on YouTube ed is on season 4 I cannot wait for that episode of it's definitely by far the greatest episode we've ever done I want to just say that you just smashed it you so I can't wait for you guys to see that and other than that you know I think that's where that's typically where you can find me is is Instagram YouTube and you know I shoot me a DM you know comment you know I just try to engage with it can gauge your contents magnificent you're so good though it's hard to contain you in a minute and your Instagram is awesome but this is this longer format is better because we get to see the real you I enjoyed today I want you to give everybody a gift though because I feel like the I don't want to have somebody sitting next to me that's accomplished all that you've accomplished without asking everything I could possibly get in the little window so if you were if someone's watching this they got a chance to have lunch with you mm-hmm you know your legacy you're too young for legacy right now okay so they get they get access to you right now they get them which would be expensive but they got access to lunch with you right and they could ask you things about their life or being an entrepreneur getting their life going they're at a stage right now where they go you know what you've inspired me Gerard I I do need to change my life I do need to make some shifts I need to be gutsy enough like you were to maybe make a decision like you did out of college gutsy enough to get off the mat when I lose the 20 million dollars gutsy enough after I saw my business to go find founders now right like these were all gutsy calls that took vision right yeah and I feel like I'm ready to do that but now I got to go I got a start what would you say to me what would your advice be to someone who's now ready to go they're gonna start their business they're gonna transform their body they're gonna transform their family or their spiritual life what advice would you give them well I mean I would tell them they gotta inherit what I call being world class this has took me a long time to even come to this term of what it means to be world class similar to Max and maxing out and for me the definition of world class is being it's very simple it's being amongst the best I mean right now no why why we're world class I'm amongst the best bro like I'm like I'm sitting next to Ed might let you know his unone of his unbelievable Mancha's on the moon it means like this didn't just happen I created this reality and how did I create this reality how can you create this reality it's my becoming world class it's becoming amongst the best it's by setting the highest standard for yourself being of the highest calibre in all aspects of your life so what I'll tell you is you need to sit back and reflect are you really ready to be world-class in all aspects of your life you know are you really step up to become that world class leader and it starts with having a world class mindset and that comes from you know how do you have that world class mind say well you got to like completely change your habits your routine the way that you actually see yourself the vision that you have for yourself and the way that you see the world and you have to really live that way and believe that and then I would work with them on for creating a world-class brand you know and for me I think that there's never been a better time for people to really take ownership of of their brand I think that one of the biggest reasons why I'm successful and if they want that is relationships man it's the impression that you make on the world how people see you the relationships that you get listen your life can change within one moment one opportunity one decision one impression mmm I have one when Edie met me today I had one shot one one moment one impression to make on Edie for him to feel my spirit him to see in my eyes and understand how the human that I had the humbleness that I had you know the honor and the respect that I had for you in life comes down to those one at one moment so for me it's how are you becoming that world-class brand how are you showing up to create those opportunities to create those moments to create these relationships you wanna you want to you want to inspire the world you want to impact we all have that purpose we all have that gift but are you living world-class and the last but not least are you living as a world-class leader as a father as a husband as a wife as a daughter as a teacher as a fireman as a cop as an entrepreneur as a CEO how are you showing up as a leader in the world and that comes out of your character so for me I would really dive into those three aspects and that's it you inherit that living as living world-class I want you to I want to comment right now that you are I am world class when you write it I am world class and that's what it's about hmm Gerard yep I use the profound nature of the things you say is just like that clip right there is gonna be played millions of times somewhere one person that's my hobros millions of people are gonna play this that last part back over and over and over again the great thing where this interview is I'm not kidding you when you do an interview like this you know this at the end you okay guys we got to cut a one-minute clip for Instagram right in this interview - Mike's like my gosh like what you can't cut one clip from this interview there's too much of it so it is so good it was so wonderful to have you here today I just love you it's just magnificent I'm so proud of you and we're just knowing each other and I'm proud of you so I hope you're proud of him I hope you enjoyed today I'm just sitting here blown away I can't wait okay listen head anytime you want to you know just want to let the Gerard I got the G suite hey everybody listen I hope you enjoyed today's program you have a brand you have a couple of things here I'd love if you would write a review of this on iTunes so we continue with the rings right now we're number one in the United States number one in Australia in the UK number four in Canada Canada get your act together let's get the number one you do that by write and review give it a like or a comment on YouTube and every day on Instagram I run the two-minute drill which means this when I make a post of my main feed everybody who makes a comment for the first two minutes with a hashtag max out we select a daily winner that gets gear from me coaching calls every guest does a 15-minute call with you you get one guest so you had a chance to win that or if you missed the first two minutes just post every day and we pick a winner from the week two so I hope you do that focus on the two-minute drill if you enjoyed today write some comments here god bless you and max out [Music] you
Channel: Ed Mylett
Views: 371,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ed Mylett, Mylett, Maxout, Maxout with Ed myett, WFG, Motivation, Motivational speech, Motivational podcast, Motivational video, Motivational speaker, success, money, tony robbins, luis howes, grant cardone, andy frisella, tom bilyeu, finance, financial freedom, financial podcast, education, eilite daily, gerard adams, gerard, adams, fownders
Id: NIneVLHcYhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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