How To Live In The Present Moment - Ft. Chris Stoikos ( Never Before Seen Footage )

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as you guys are watching this today try and practice something that a lot of us don't always tend to do and that's to be present and what that means is just as you watch and as you've taken the information which is gonna be a lot of cool stuff a lot of it's not it's not opinion based knowledge it's truth based knowledge that applies to everyone so a really good way to be present it's just to breathe I know it's something we we talk about and we're told since we're we're kids but when we're kids we breathe deep into our bellies and as we get older everything's a lot of times it's in a rush you know go here go there and we forget to breathe consciously and it becomes an unconscious breath where you don't actually take it in so when you can find that spot where you're still talking you're still communicating you're still moving around but you're breathing you'll feel a lot differently so just start with uh some deep into the nose and watch your stomach feel your stomach go out you can even put a hand on your stomach as you feel it go out five simple breaths it's game changer you can go in through the nose out through the mouth or in through the nose out through the nose so do it even as um I'm doing that a part of me is like you know hurry up on the breath the contents got to be quick it's got to be it's got to be flashy people are here we got time to tell and it's like when you realize that time is nothing more than our perception of time we've all experienced that when we're kids where you go outside to play tag or run around and play some sports and eight hours or go by and it feels like two minutes went by yeah it's just like pulling look what just happened and I'm sure we've also all experienced when you're doing something you don't like it feels like eight hours went by and you're like damn only two minutes went by so we're all experiencing our own versions of reality even as people are looking at us watching they're seeing this same frame but different people are gonna see different things depending on what your unconscious mind is looking for so when you choose to see the things that are good in life and the beauty of it you know someone might look behind and see a curtain and it's rusty and they go oh that's reminding me of my rusty curtains back at my conjure not as little somebody might look and say oh I love Gerard's bracelet or I like one of Chris's rings or men look at those you know these wicker furniture so we'll all see different things in the frame that our mind is attracted to depending on like our past experiences and stuff and when you can release past experiences you could just be present with what you're actually watching it's cool that a lot of people talk about the present as a gift and it is but the actual like scientific explanation of the present and where the word is derived from is its preset so the moments that we're experiencing right now were precent from previous thoughts so you had a thought of contacting Nate you reach out oh I want to do an interview with Chris and hang out and then I thought oh I want to do an interview with Gerard and hang out so our thoughts co-created this experience in which is currently taking place and then what's gonna happen later today is already preset from what we are thinking right now so when you can think in a very pure way it's just not worry about the past don't plan too far into the future you get lost in the now which is a pretty sweet spot to hang out it's just I'm just taking it all in I mean especially being right here in front of this ocean and that's how I reach energize myself it's like how I really I have become the most present is when I'm near an ocean so it's just amazing how you know I weep reset this moment and it happens to be I didn't know where you know you know I didn't know where was gonna be I just like my heart was there I was like no man really it's weird because even with this show I don't like no 100% who's gonna be on the show like I follow my intuition you know hey organically manifest the people that I believe are supposed to be on the show and and for the people that are coming and watching this show it's not like I like have every episode laid out I know exactly who I know it's like I live organically yeah dude and by the energy that I really genuinely feel that I'm putting out and the stories that I and you know I hope them to tell and that will inspire people naturally naturally have been able to just beat them the right people that earth that are that are looking for that as well that are looking to share you know share their experiences share those thoughts share their knowledge and you know I bought a justice person for most say like I'm really grateful of course my available for this moment I'm grateful for all use that are watching right now that are part of this community and that are taking time right now to be here with us and you know from the moment that I came through these I walked up and came through these doors like in the first moment that we locked eyes and I just felt your energy right away you know that you know it's hard to sometimes please put it in words but like words are limiting it's like the best things in life you can't even really prove like or show on like a formula like a lot of people are looking for a tangible explanation to be like prove it show me I want to see it it's like you can't show you can't write down like a formula for happiness or be like talking to an earn love or all of like you know Joyce adventurous experiences they just happen so English in itself is limited because we're just using our words but you can empathically pick up on somebody else's vibe everything is energy and that doesn't need to mean it's like from a religious or spiritual standpoint or like whatever your beliefs are the bottom line is whether you believe it or not everything is broken down into molecular atoms that are just vibrating at different frequencies and when you can come to being in the present you're gonna naturally attract people that are also like that so the same way as people are looking at our screen when we're looking out in the world that we see our eye is not gonna be attracted to someone that's like go go go like I'm in a rush eating their food quick moving on if you're in a state of being present you're gonna unconsciously notice oh look at that person they're chillin they're on my same page and that's what I say your vibe attracts your tribe yeah so when you could just put these things into practice and appreciate those feelings sometimes it's just like making deep eye contact and looking into someone especially when applying that to like your personal life your professional life do I want to make this person do I want to do a business relationship with this person is this a stranger I should talk to in the street you can just look at someone man you don't even need to hear their words a lot of people are really good with their words and society teaches this to speak a certain way and say how you think you're gonna be impressed but you can see through that when you just look at someone and just trust your intuition which again is something that we're taught not to trust from a young age and the word intuition actually has a funny double meaning because school which my look on school is it's a very boxy system this is telling you oh the bells ringing gets here next class Oh put up your hand if you want to go to the washroom I can't go take a piss if I want to take a piss I need to go ask if I'm gonna go do something it's literally like a form of slavery in my mind so when you can remove the shackles of school and the way that people look to perceive that kind of thing and you move backing yourself it make things and make things flow and the flow is beautiful so the double meaning of intuition is when people go to school and they pay money to be in college they pay money to be in university and they're like I'm in tuition you pay your tuition pay your tuition I'm in tuition so that our unconscious mind goes like I want to trust my intuition but wait I'm intuition entrapped in school and that doesn't mean that some people you know school could be for you definitely but at the same time it's like why are you going to school well I'm going to school to get a degree in order to get a job in order to secure status in order to make money but if you just had something you were doing where the money was flowing and it didn't involve school you wouldn't want to be in tuition because you be trusting your intuition and back to what you said you would just be in the flow of life of trusting whatever flows in front of you at any given moment and that's where the magic happens it's amazing do you feel that like when did you consciously become aware yeah a present and like did you hit a point in your life where you fell you got caught up into like right now the buddy is you know they're after right now that deliver like that have a happy life to follow their dreams to make it reality but they're getting caught up into like the for the hustle the go-go-go the grind all of that you know I got caught up in that I know it took me some time I knew that I always I always appreciated that being present I always appreciated like really taking the time to like enjoy my surroundings in Tinian and really get into who people are give them like all of me but I definitely got caught up in like you know would you sitter from the earlier was like this North American mindset of like go go go pancit like I got a connect I got to pick these calls I got to get this meeting I got to get this text messages my text message sir like hundreds of messages coming in you know I gotta get this post up all of that happens you know sometimes you can lose touch with completely dude so it's finding that that balance and it's a delicate balance life is a delicate dance because our mind forms thought system again especially like in North America of that the hustle the grind we have time what's your time worth what's gonna be a trade all I'm selling you my time my time is the most valuable thing you can give it's like dude every single human being that has a breath that experiences ton all time is equal and when you ever try and put yourself above somebody or saying that your time is more valuable than someone else's cuz they have better status in society which today is just measured by money for the most part it's like you're just belittling yourself so speaking of tax messengers dude I was in I was in and when I became what I call this level of awareness consciousness whatever English words you want to put on it it just feels different I was in Australia and I was hanging out I was actually in a conversation with this awesome girl we were just talking about life sitting across from each other and I noticed that we were both kind of like looking at our phones and reaching for our phones and I had like 400 on red text messages that every time I'd see it I'd see that stupid number right there and see all my emails and we're like trying to engage in this conversation but we're both being pulled so other people's Enter geeze from outside of what we can see are coming in in the form of this digital tax message to this ridiculous piece of metal technology I was like how am I ever gonna get away from this like I just want to trust that whatever supposed to happen love is supposed to happen I grabbed my phone and I went the intuition my intuition said throw your phone out the window I was like what the door your phone out the window dude I was like I literally got scared out boom and I chucked it out the window five months ago now the second I did that something just went and like cracked in me and I was like oh my god and like we continued the conversation it's just like flow and I was like I need to go outside and I went outside and went for a walk and I started walking around and just like looking at the different people looking at the things looking at my surroundings looking at nature I was like is there such thing as the hostile is there such thing as the grind I was like every second in my life I always used to think what am I gonna get there what am I gonna get there okay I need to have this status I want to have this car I want to have this house I want to have this business all the things that were talked to thinking I was like does not even actually make me happy or just being happy like smiling and enjoying and accepting whatever comes to you so that changed a lot and it also came with the realization that our eyes are literally this is a truth this is not an opinion they are projectors for the thoughts in our head it calls your eyes open them we are seeing every single thing that we've created right now so your deepest unconscious thoughts and the things that you experience and the things that you see on a daily basis at every single moment at any given time are just projecting what's in your head so when you can replace your thoughts with thoughts that serve you and take out the ones that are you need to look a certain way you need to do this you need to be on the grind you need to be on the hustle you'll come to the moment you'll have a clean slate in your head and rather than waking up and trying to draw your day on a picture that's already been drawn or erase it and then redraw it you'll always have a blank page and you can do that by forms of thought purging I mean the pages blank that's when the creativity comes in inferior ideas will always be pushed to the side by simply focusing on the moment because we just think all the time I'm supposed to be here I'm socially they're perfect ideas shir creation will come in like that and one major success one big hit one big anything can set you up for the rest of your life yeah I mean I I have lived that nobec and I still live that succeeded so this day right like okay I started the show you know in you know just like I don't know where it's gonna happen I don't know where it's gonna go I don't I don't care it makes me happy you know I hate to see when I do this because it I enjoy it with no money no ads no brands no nothing well I wanted this is what I envisioned this is what I want in my life regardless of anything I meant to just you earlier like regardless of money or anything like I would want to tell stories and make content for the rest of my life it's what I enjoy doing yeah and when you just do that and you accept what you want to do you do it you know what makes you happy you but you start to manifest these things and in it it starts that come together like today they were talking about this show on CNN they just this morning and I was like what like that's amazing that's awesome I didn't expect that like I know you know what I'm doing it because it's coming from my heart yup to me from my place of like you know she's just genuine engine you know just genuinity genuinity make up words all the time I don't know who mr. Webster is an Arab Adam or mr. Oxford make your own dish genuinity word maybe and the same thing happened with went up with you Lee Daly and you know for me is just like you know when you do that and you're patient every day it ain't cool like it's like that canvas you know you just you hear free you give you community do the best you can and just like live life man examine up right that's super action dude storytelling it's like because if I was like yo Gerard you're never you're not allowed to monetize this anymore would you still do it oh yeah so that is how you can find something a lot of times you just need to go back so what are the things we enjoy doing when we're kids when they're we had no comprehension of time or money what did you enjoy doing for free we're doing George's doing with your moments and when you can find that and turn it into your profession or a way to kind of manage and get through the world that's what's true and then on people like wait how am I gonna do that I have this job edge security okay so pretend you quit your job walk out of your job what's the worst can happen okay now you start you you're not making any money oh I'm not making any money how am I going to have a place of sleep dude there are unlimited places in nature to sleep when I was walking around Australia I've been crashing on random hills of beautiful grass passing out of the beach call up a friend hey Can I grab your couch tonight wall I'm like following my bliss so every single person has this thing called like a hero's journey and it's the full circle of what you start what you do to go out and learn and then what you bring back and when you can follow that and align it with the desires in your mind and the script that we wrote in our hearts as our soul before we incarnated into these bodies that is dude that's the perfection that's when life becomes fun and there's no downtime not like oh I'm excited you this ah but I have that appointment later today that I don't want to do if you want to do something don't do it everyone should live their life by two simple rules do what you want to do and do what you say you're gonna do that's it it's a literally as simple as that like oh no it's not as simple as I like this what are my parents gonna think what are my friends gonna think what's deciding to think dude that's not you hey you and when you can do that you can find that place I'd literally can't say it any other way than magic literally starts unfolding you'll start attracting different things coming in whether it's an email for an opportunity whether it is a new job whether you find yourself on the sidewalk in Venice Beach doing some art or play some badass guitar and some dude walks by and goes man you're really talented because you're just following your bliss do you want to do this with me but it's a lot of people don't trust they don't trust in the flow they don't trust what's gonna come and they feel this need to set up security systems and their thoughts so I need to do this I need to do that and you do that everything be cakes this linear fashion and you don't just follow what you actually enjoy doing yeah that's so talked to me like every morning did what is that how do you go about you baby morning definitely dude I'd love to get into and and talk about how how this is all gonna tie into business because it's very powerful I uh when I was living the ground live in the hustle go go go go go I had a few minor successes here and there but I did not enjoy them I was under stress anxiety depressed popping adderall all these different things that you know society says do this do this and then when I changed everything I was able to tie it into what I love doing and making tons of money while doing and in meeting amazing people while doing it so one of the most important exercises anyone can ever do the second they wake up is write down your dreams so while you're sleeping at night your unconscious mind is feeding your conscious mind all of these circuits your unconscious mind is feeding your unconscious mind during the day so when your conscious mind turns off at night your unconscious mind is free to roam and the thoughts that want to come out come out in the form of your dreams especially when we're falling asleep and we don't think of what we want to dream so the number one thing people do when they're falling asleep at night heads on your pillow and what you'll start thinking is you'll think of the day you just had so if I was going to sleep tonight I'd be like oh that was awesome Gerard came over we sat down we did the interview we went this night I'm reliving the whole day in my mind but the day already happened so what's the point and then the number two people thing do after they go through the current days they think about tomorrow okay so it was a good day what am i doing tomorrow this that so those are the thoughts that are feeding from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind going into that dream state and then that's what you will dream about you're literally planting seeds and that's why a lot of times it's like oh I saw that person today and then I dreamt of them you can take control of your dreams with powerful statements while you're going to sleep I am healthy I am strong I am powerful I am happy or think of like a beautiful future that you want a man professor you want to create so when you can do that you can alter your dreams a lot if you're not doing that or even if you are your unconscious mind will feed you stuff while you sleep so when you write down your dreams which disappear the second your feet touch the ground that's one like the DMT that's produced in your sleep starts to kind of evaporate and all of a sudden you lose thought of what you actually dropped so when you wake up you can create new neural pathways by making the connection of your thoughts going down your arm into a pen writing it on paper see what you wrote it goes back in your head gives you a chance to uh now analyze it you go why did I dream of that I felt fear in my dream why did I feel that and go back to those memories you can solve them and then you won't have recurring bad dreams you'll never have like a nightmare you'll start dreaming of happiness and your dreams can be a way of giving you premonitions from your intuition of how to act later that day so first thing I do is always dream journal in the morning and then breath work and the breath work a lot of people like all it's a waste of time no it's first of all just again time is just your perception of time and think about how fast time moves we're worried before you're watching this video where were you a day ago and it's like oh you were just there now you're here like things move like this weren't you just born yesterday where's your just in fifth grade weren't you just 16 years old weren't you just graduating from something it's like whoa where did all that go so when you can take that back and come back to here that's what your breath work allows you to do and it allows you to build up a lot of you know whatever words you want to put on it Chi prana you know your Kundalini and those things allow you to manifest powerfully create powerfully there's no such thing as work its creation if you're calling stuff work you're not doing something that you love you need to be able to find something where your professional life is a perfect merge with your personal life they all just blow into each other they're not separate schedules and why why not true do the ginger not at night right before going to sleep is there is there a difference between doing it at night but you in the morning yeah well when you do it in the morning your dream has happened so you're able to think about it if you were to journal at night journal in itself is just an amazing exercise and a lot of people type in a computer and they don't realize when something says like 720p or 1080p that stands for 720 lines are a 10 1080 lines progressively running on the screen so that's how many bars are going back and forth and then there's a refresh rate so that refresh rate is constantly shooting at your head so your brain is playing a level of Defense that's trying to block I'll have that out and everyone talks about the blue light and put it that way and that's awesome but when you could just look at a piece of paper or type on a typewriter the greatest writers that ever lived dude typewriters because they weren't obstructing and having to run a piece of the RAM in their memory from playing defense on that so when you write at night or in the morning um but at night that's a great spot to detox anything that happened in the day that you didn't like I didn't like this experience because it made me feel this way and I'm moving through it so you can do the writing on both sides something you got to start doing that dude it's powerful buy a journal it takes a little bit of time to form a habit will just see yourself doing it right down one simple statement I am going to do a dream journal for the next 30 days just as soon as you write that again neuro pathway created down your arm into the pen you read what you just wrote back into your consciousness into your conscious mind conscious mind feeds the unconscious mind feeds the conscious minding before you know what you're writing without even know why you are so it's like we don't think to go to the bathroom we don't think to wake up in brush our teeth we don't think to breathe consciously or unconsciously it's just happening because it's in a line so you put these things in your mind so there's no resistance to do them where is some of the things that you from gym journaling from this new level of consciousness have started to manifest what's been some of your some of these great experiences that have started to happen over this past year for you I mean at the Australia once that happened when you when you through that phone how long ago was that that was a that was the end of January oh wow so it's still this year yeah so January February March April where are we now May June you just noted June you started June so yeah five months your song Wow yeah had you gone from Australia oh yeah dude I went to Australia I was in Bali for a little bit I went to spent some time in Hawaii I did a six-day water fashion Hawaii on my boy you have a break fasting is a super important part of life where a big percentage of our body's unconscious processes is taking up my digesting food and the liver as long as it just has no calories for 12 hours it has the ability to do a full regeneration so when you can do that every day it's its full power do it I do coffee enemas you can just get a bag from CVS go buy yourself some cold brew organic coffee organic black coffee in just water you literally fire that up your butt hold it for 15 minutes and then let it out and that goes into your portal vein into your liver it produces glutathione does a beautiful liver detoxification process and you just feel it and it nowhere near affects your body and the same acidity level that it does when you digest coffee so fasting is good did that and why traveled around and then with regard to some of the things that I've started creating dude I honestly almost think that I've been unlearning and uncreated more than I'm creating which is just allowed the things that are happening to flow in a better sense so I'm erasing the thoughts that made me think that I needed to do all this and be in these different place there's like I don't know what's gonna come in this I don't know who's gonna see this episode and go oh dude that guy Chris I want to be able to hit him up for an opportunity I have an amazing opportunities right now with a big company in San Diego that does some they do juicing and I met a dude that I saw him wearing a shirt and I was like oh I like that juicing company he's like man they're getting ready to sell for big money but you know the owners kind of stressed out and he needs some help and I was like you know what I don't even care about this for the money or anything I just want to meet this dude so I'm going to meet him and help him out but that can then easily turn into a business off and it's not something I was expecting but it's like has big big potential but if you do want to actually consciously manifest and create things the number one absolute most powerful way is to visualize it visualization is a lot more powerful than words so see what you want to create feel yourself in that moment what would it feel like is it is it excitement uncontrollable or you you playing hockey you coming down the left wing and firing one top chatter are you sitting on a hill having a picnic with a friend shi-it feel it and then another very effective way is to write about it describe it I actually put into words what you want to see and feel but other than that dude my businesses never run better I'm doing less work and seeing more results I'm implementing these practices within my company I'd love to give the audience a couple of these breath techniques I'll go through them quickly and then you can just repeat them on your own time super effective so we're doing that in-house now we have you manifested the right people around you people talk about Law of Attraction and yes you have this level of consciousness with yourself kind of a Brett you know the presence its level of like you know you're starting to really visualize your dreams to mix our manifesting them has that also brought how is that Brooklyn the right people around you so dude that's like Lao Tzu and the the down the Dao de Qi it talks a lot about this this universal source of infinite energy that's constantly creating stuff so the best way I can explain it which again doesn't have any scientific formula it's just like the trusting of the miracle of life is when you start thinking differently you start attracting differently like it just happens so one thing you could just choose to do is say like I choose to see the beauty in all situations in life so that when you're again looking at this frame you can see something that reminds you of like a bad memory or if you say that you'll just see the good thing so when it comes to trust and like hiring people and bringing in a team dude I just I put it out there I think of my network who are the most 10 connected people I've ever met not because a lot of times you get lost that's all I need to reach out to them them them them pick 10 right is simply one of those 10 people brother or sister I am looking to hire a person that has these I would absolutely love if you were able to think of someone that you might think fits this mold put it out there let it go wait so the email comes back who's gonna respond whoever comes in whoever you're supposed to meet go meet them and then you can do a lot of cool things around personality test I have a buddy named on jetty Arnold and he does some amazing stuff when personality-wise and the different scores so you just need to find that there's another great thing called human design and when you can look into these things you can you can build the team pretty quickly it's super effective yeah I'm interested to get into also like your your bit your background and business and yeah you know dollar beard Club has been such a like I love your content man the way that you create probability that you created around it and the growth that you've had on that too and I'm really interested to hear that story how that all came about what you learn from that and during that journey you know how you evolved as a leader for yourself the people around you you know and you know how how your spirit has changed from the process you know you talked a little bit about like things ID the stress of building a business you know yeah and then how you've changed since this you know this year in January and like how more present you've become and and that now you're saying it but you've got even more girl your business yeah and things are manifesting even even more so just really excited that you bats yeah man so we've up the numbers are amazing we've done like 24 million dollars in less than two years and it's it's built a big Brotherhood it's kind of worldwide actually we're getting ready to start shipping worldwide and it all started from a vow of commitment that I made to myself I I wondered why I was always shaving I was like Who am I doing it for but my parents looking good for job interview I had my own things going on but a lot of people thought process looking for a job interview the lady in your life my wife doesn't want me to be my girlfriend wanna have a beer and it's like this kind of social acceptability smells like you know what if I can commit to just growing out my hair I think that's gonna show dedication and who knows what'll come from it right next thing you know started gathering up buddies we only started working on things we all had these big-ass beard I were like you know what man we need a little bit of oil to take care of these things and put it on get the mustache away from the lips have the sides all tamed down and we are looking and we were buying bottles of oil and they were like some of them were 20 bucks heat something 40 bucks each so it was very expensive and it had a lot of different ingredients in it that weren't like natural and pure so we went to source some stuff out and say you know what this is gonna cost make our own oil and we found an easy way to give volume to the customers at a very affordable price so we're like you know what I'm trying to do this for the money we'll sell this thing for a dollar we will give this out and we're gonna tell men to be mad and let their true self be embraced yeah cuz it's like anyone watching this video right now your beard is longer right now before you started watching this video that's a fact and it's longer right now than before I just said that it's literally always trying to come out of your face and it's like why are you trying to stop something from happening that wants to happen we didn't do any manifestation for us to have a beard it just came with like built into these bodies that we have so when you let that flow the energy starts to flow so then we came up with a video dude we shot it over the course of two days you spent 800 bucks on it and we sat on it for like six months because it was even a priority to like do this do that we started the business for 30 grand and when the video went out it went viral and it just we did like 60 grand in our first month two hundred fifty in our second and a million in our third and then it just went off to the races we realized that the energy that we put into the video of us having fun on set not giving a crap giving these funny messages throw in a couple of chirps at you know Dollar Shave Club saying you know real men don't shave type of thing it created some comedy and some humor and some fun around it so things were really able to take off actually the week that we launched it I was on Shark Tank for a different business called cool box we cried funded a product and we did like five hundred thousand dollars in sales in IndieGoGo and then we did a licensee deal on the show with Laurie wood ended up not closing behind the scenes sometimes the Sharks have some very Sharky you know fine print luckily we have a beautiful lawyer Michael Esquivel absolute legend up in the Bay Area and he looked at some stuff for us and said so no ago we hooked up with Kevin Harrington ended up doing a license deal with him and now we're getting ready to ship all the cool boxes out actually in the next couple weeks oh so that's exciting but yeah man they wasn't keeping up with like all that happening you weren't expecting it yeah yeah yeah not being able to handle that yup how did you at that point in time how did you feel when that all happens so that was where there was a lot of depression of like oh my god like I want to go back to the life where things are more calm and then anxiety of like holy what's gonna happen the future we have all this money coming in how would you expand I'm gonna do that and I just made this I had a realization I was like wow depression involves living out memories from the past anxiety involves worrying about the future so if I don't care about the past as I can't change it and if I don't care about the future because it's not here I was like and it's just like the C split in front of my mind and I was like breathe a little chill out let it happen what do you want to do how do you want to make this happen it's like I want to get Dan Bilzerian involved in this thing yeah I didn't know the dude created a video for the ALS ice bucket challenge me jumping out of a moving Jeep over a bridge into a body of water and I said you know you nominate people right I was like I want to nominate different people on my sister James Harden and Dan Bilzerian 24 hours later we go to Vegas I see Bilzerian and a crowd of people like one day instant think it happens go right out to my show to the video I was like do we need to talk and he gets approached by a ton of people for different games but I went through had meetings with his bodyguards the CEO all and finally got to when he's like all right dude you pass some tests let's make this happen and then being able to involve him made it a lot of fun gave us a lot more exposure and it allowed you know that with the other money that was coming in and and the scalability the business to just trust and like in the moment not worrying about the past in the future my thoughts were centered and I used those thoughts to say okay where are our problems fulfillment is not happening quick enough we're not giving it out all right we need to go make a trip to the fulfillment center let's just use our voice to talk to them to express our concerns to see how much quicker we get to our customers manufacturing guys can we add this ingredient to make the products even more pure than they already are and can you simultaneously do that we're willing to pay a little bit more to get it produced faster on the tech side we're experiencing these problems let's hire a couple more tech guys to get you know button this up and you just zoomed out to look at it from the bird's eye view to see where the problems were and then we were able to just execute dude execute like clockwork with no fear of it not working right I think that's like so like literally there's no formula but like that is what it is you know like too many people get depressed stressed out about like everything that's going wrong that already happened anxiety about the future how is this gonna happen how are we gonna fix this all these things you can just heart that and then just take a step back how do you wanna see this thing work out how do you want to solve these what do you envision for this going yes sir and then just boom just stop executing at it yes and it's fun dude it doesn't feel like work like we literally seven of us were in this dope house down in a little spot called Valley Center outside of Escondido San Diego County and we were just like this man walking around in shorts and no shirt you know one guy be working out in our gym downstairs and other dudes in the sauna guys are granted on phone calls and it's like you know making stuff happen who wants a boys I'm whipping up a solid if some pasta any orders like yeah I gotta go outside hey I'm driving to LA we got a meeting it was just it was fun it was no pressure like I always told the dudes that I work with and I brought on the team everyone has equity everyone has a share in this everyone has a role that they feel fulfilled doing it's like at any given time if you don't like what you're doing just tell me and we'll find a way so that you like it so that work does not feel like work and it moves into effortless creation and when you can adopt that mindset dude take care of your body you don't feed it well do some exercises and that doesn't mean you can't go out you know get lit up on some beers one night and have a night on the town maybe hack a couple darts but you know then reset do it fast after you give yourself this this indulgence don't eat for 12 to 16 hours give your body a break come back to it do some breath work speaking of the breath work let's give these guys two different breaths and I won't go through the whole thing I'll just tell you them how you do them so that you can just repeat them at home so the first one is a it's a compliment Kundalini breath and the way you do is sit like this if you can you fold one foot over top of the other but the bottom line is you just want to say it comfortable get your back straight pucker up your butt is if someone's trying to put a finger in your butt and you're closing it so nothing can actually get in there and that'll close your root chakra at your base and allow the energy that you're building with your breath to start going up and down your spine picture the crown of your head being open to be able to receive energy and again just a quick visualization of that I usually put my hands like this back is straight touch thumb and forefinger together three fingers out you start with a big deep breath in through your nose 100% fill your entire belly and your entire lungs so you do that first you go then all the way out through your nose slowly then take a breath 3/4 of the way in instead of 100% n pause at the top make sure your butt hole is flexed and start breathing out with just your nose and let your diaphragm pulse so you're just gonna worry about the out breath the in breath will happen naturally in between the out-breath so it looks like this so I'm pushing out and in between I'm sucking in through my nose and my belly it's going in and out so butt flexed hands here spine straight do that about 50 times on the fiftieth one at the top you're going to breathe out through your nose so that's one round then you repeat 100% of the way in all the way out three quarters in 250 times so dude like we didn't even do a full real round do you feel that your head starts you oxygenate your body dude like I'm already Justin more like I didn't want to talk anymore it's and dude I'm dead serious try that try that pause the video do five rounds of it dude I feel like everything just got like more like brighter and like I don't feel more lively energies now what happens when you film a lot of your content doesn't the content get better as you go oh yeah when you go to the gym don't you get stronger as you go you're playing a sport don't you get more accurate as you go yeah breath is the same thing and the more you do it the more you put into it the more you'll get out and you do that for five minutes just five minutes your whole day 100% change here's another quick one this one is uh wim HOF put his name on it I think somebody else coin it way back anyways whatever it's called names don't matter this one is a big breath in through the nose and a sharp quick breath out through the mouth thirty times it starts like this on the third key bone on the 30th one you're gonna take it all the way in through the nose all the way out very slowly through the mouths until all the breath is gone and then hold it there don't breathe in after the thirty is one hold your breath for as long as you can so big big breath in big-big out through the mouth slow hold it right here no no talking no breathing right here stay as long as you can when you run out of breath again take it in through the nose gently in it out through the nose and then another round 30 times so doing four rounds of that is very powerful again the last thing you want to do is talk after this because I'm already feeling high and bless it's a very alkalizing breath in the body to be able to shift the pH scale to move into a place of serenity and and clarity so what we just did by doing these breathing techniques and the more you do the more you build a lot of people look as currency as money and you use money to buy things look at breath as your prana as your Chi as your energy that you're building up on a different dimension and then the menu of what you want to order into your life is a cosmic menu that has anything on it anything you would imagine the limits of what are on the menu or the limits of what you can think what do you want you want to fly you're gonna need to breathe probably for like 40 days straight maybe a couple hours a day then you can get into levitation stuff but some more realistic societal realistic stuff kind of job do you want kind of house do you want what kind of business do you want what kind of guy do you want to meet in your life to be your best buddy and your business partner what kind of girl do you want to meet in your life to have an absolutely beautiful relationship with what do you want to heal with your parents what do you want to heal with the friend ask for it visualize it feel it the more prana the more Chi you build up the more ability you have to do that [Music] yeah that's a beauty brothers shake right there all right you got a bit of growth going on a little bit and like I said it's longer right now before this thing started so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt straight click bearded brothers do thank you oh yeah so dude I stink I think we move - let's get out there let's get out in the world let's think of what we want to create today I'm big on acts of kindness sporadic acts of kindness and giving out the more you give the more you get when you start doing that you literally can't give it away fast enough I promise you give it away whether it's the form of compliments giving a stranger a hug money giving away money and dissolving your attachment to this material that despite what we're told technically does grow on trees I was I think that's where money comes from it's paper it's trees there are different ways to bring it in and give it away it'll come back I mean for a second I want to talk about materialistic yeah yeah yeah you know early on in my life you know first and foremost like I never had me two things but I had love and like I'm super grateful because I had an amazing family I know you have a sister yeah her to do my sister works with me yeah I'm super blessed with that but I always dreamt of materialistic things growing up you know I dreamt that the poster of the car I dreamt of getting one day being able to get the watch being able to you know just be able to rent the villa yep you know just those things you know private sneakers and I always wanted all those things and early on in my career being able to get all those things felt great yeah but it wasn't all they got taken away from me that I realized it was meaningless it was just those were just things that were just just things that I wanted and achievements but they weren't the actual real thing that we're gonna make but even to this day I do still enjoy horsey realistic things you know it's a sense of accomplishment it's a sense of freedom what is your take on the materialistic so dude it's honestly in what I consider the most perfect take out a lot of people in this whole spiritual thing and stuff like Mill materialism detachment this and not fine despite what we're told as kids you can have your cake and you can eat it to go after the material things to enjoy them to experience them to share them but not because you are tying the emotion of happiness with the materials that isn't detachment needs to be separated and chopped in half in your mind don't think when I get this I'm gonna be happy I'm happy right now and then when the materials come they're gonna come a lot of people think that we need all new things to be happy what's the difference between renting and owning stuff what happens when you die do you own anything where did the billionaires where's all their money now they're gone from this place doesn't really matter so the more that you can share while you actually have it and give it away and be okay so that when you lose something or you give it away or it's taken from you any of all of the above you don't care dude six months ago I was I had a gorgeous place in San Diego it was on three acres of property a big 5,000 square-foot house I had a gorgeous little spa in Costa Mesa it was this nice little two-bedroom apartment closer office in Newport and a 10,000 square-foot badass mansion in Hollywood then we were throwing parties in at the top of the hills we were driving a truck we're driving a challenger dodge who's sponsoring those cars we had a Benz we had a limo we had a Jeep we had it all now this is an air B&B in the car outside the rental all of it gone none of the houses were here none of the cars were here it's the end of the flow it comes and it goes you have it you give it away you share when I had the mansion who want you come to sleep of the house tonight dude I slept ever eyed my very last night at the mansion I slept in the master bedroom that was the only night the rest either slept in the couch because I gave the rooms to my friends or most of the nights I slept in the driveway I had a truck in my back my buddy Claude dude he makes the most crazy organic beds set it up the back the truck and a sub from the driveway and it was like I was good with it I bounced back and forth between the houses I didn't care where I was and I liked it the materials are there what I was ending it made me happy to share the experi but now that it's not here not any less happy I'm just waiting for the next spot so we're just leasing things from the earth I don't even believe in there such thing as stealing there's permanently borrowing from somebody else and when I was in Australia I had a laptop in my car I left my door open and somebody borrowed my laptop I don't know why sure where it was but they needed it more than I did and then I was gonna do some work on my laptop today but I thought hmm maybe that's just a sign that I need to go out and write in a journal and walk around so when you just follow the signs and you have the thoughts and your unconscious mind about what you want to manifest what materials you want to create they will come faster when you don't tie a conditional emotional attachment to them just let them come write it down and draw a picture of the house that you want and when it comes cool but mortgage oh god I didn't want to tell you what that means go Google this go Google the etymology of the word mortgage look what Google says for that and look what happens when you're signing your mortgage it's not cool you don't need a mortgage you don't need to own a house there's no such thing as owning rent give away free if you buy something share it let friends stay you don't need to charge for everything give and give dude just give it all away yeah man oh another thing we should do yeah should get our asses in that water dude I saw a couple dolphins chilling out there there's a duck that might be the dolphin fin oh no it's just another bird but yeah you should go down there let's get our feet in the sand do a couple breaths rinse it off let's get in their car let's go make some stuff happen [Music]
Channel: Gerard Adams
Views: 23,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris stoikos, how to meditate, how to be in the present, jim carrey woke, jim carrey, woke, woke moments, stay woke, Leaders create leaders, gerard adams, digitaljeff, dollar beard club
Id: PxxMlD8R1Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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