LDShadowlady & The Concrete Factory! | Empires SMP | Ep.11 (1.17 Survival)

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welcome to today's video we're going to try and complete the intro before i fall into the void thank you oh gosh i forgot what words to say oh just please subscribe and stuff oh this is terrible welcome back to the colorful kingdom of mazzaglia here on the empire's smp and speaking of color that is what we're going to be focusing on today as surprisingly the concrete for these colorful roofs doesn't just come from nowhere in fact every bit of concrete you see on these roofs here which is to be honest a lot of concrete i've made myself some concrete powder i've dug a little hole and then i've just sat here just placing clicking placing clicking etc so i think we need to change that as we are going to be needing a lot more concrete in the future not only for this area but for our megabase over here which i have now finished in creative mode meaning we should probably get started oh dear it's so daunting though look at it ah let's just run away i've just run away from all my problems now in the past people make concrete machines where they'd use this tnt dupe glitch and it would blow up the concrete for you however i'm pretty sure in 1.17 that's just not possible instead we've got to do a way where we just stand in one spot afk and all we have to do is hold down our two mouse buttons or get a program to do that for us and i thought this could be another export from our empire we've got the terra cotta business why not add some concrete on top of that as well so just here we're gonna build ourselves a concrete factory we'll make and store all the concrete here but before we can do that we've got to collect a few materials and surprisingly one of them is concrete but the main things i needed was some acacia wood plus some smooth sandstone and smooth red sandstone of course and you can see here us heading to the never as well where i killed this gas that i really want a gassed head but i didn't get one so to collect some warped wood as well as some sand and then i realized frip was streaming and last time we got into a bit of a kerfuffle so i took my deep slate redstone all which he collects and headed over to his kingdom where he was doing some work why did i even bother bringing a stack if i'm like only doing this much we managed to sneak in quite close as he was afk and we built up this tower of deep slate redstone ore and then we waited for him to come back which took quite a while until finally he returned but he didn't notice me how has he not noticed me what are you doing but then he did and i got digging down with my non-silk touch pickaxe ruining all this deep slate redstone or i collected for him don't have an arrow i don't where happened to my arrow luckily as he said he didn't have an arrow so i just dug it all up 24 blocks or so right here hey fruit just wait until it's dropped by and say hi goodbye i'll see you another time for him he's dead no no no no it was just a little troll it was just a little joke i'm dead he's dead sheep protect me i haven't got a bow this was unprepared oh my god i will lose you oh there we go we got another we got oh he's down he's in the hole oh gosh i hid out in a cave for a while we lost him no until finally sneaking off and building my way up and escaping quick run no he's flying oh good fun we got away we got away he's given up all right that's enough messing with people for now we've been busy collecting all these materials as you can see here we've got a load i also place down some moss blocks as you can see here meaning we now have all this lovely area for building our factory and i think we have everything i hope we do at least this is time for one miss alien boy to do a misalien boy time lapse are you ready take it away handsome joel wow i'm so complimentary to myself and as you can see here we got building a quite big building i keep going bigger and bigger each episode now that the material's a bit more easier to gather i want to do these spectacular buildings and this one is very rainbowy as you can see we've got three rainbow rooms and i thought i'd show you a bit of shaders look how bright and colorful that looks oh beautiful so now the concrete factory is complete which honestly kind of looks more like some sort of pride church which i'm cool with so yeah it's time for the inside which as you can see at the moment is um just a a mob spawning haven so we need to fix this asap and i'm gonna try and do a really cool transition here so if i shut the door then open it again we will see our room is complete look at this so here is the main storage area we've got three double chests per color of concrete as you can see every single color available these three chests here will be where we collect the finished concrete and in fact to show you that let me quickly make some concrete powder some cyan concrete because why not we're gonna head up a little spiral staircase here to the second layer where there's a sign saying mine concrete you but before we can mine it we need to load it up in here so let's put a stack in and we'll keep a stack in our off hand which will get funneled into this dispenser here as you can see and then all we have to do is stand here like this and we will get fed more concrete powder all the way until it basically runs out and some concrete will spill onto us obviously but the majority of it will be picked up by the hopper underneath and that hopper underneath will feed into this chest here and as you can see we should have two stacks of cyan concrete although we seem to be missing one and i'm not sure why never mind i found it and fixed it and there we go two lots of cyan concrete powder put those into the chest there a more advanced system would have been just having this automatically sort into the chests but i'm too lazy for that and also you can only do one type of concrete pattern at a time anyway so i think i'm going to take all our concrete out of the chest in here and just change this just to a wool chest and we'll keep all our concrete in here from now on now i want to get some more stock in there as i need a lot of concrete for our first tower we're going to build over here next episode and also just want to stock some up in case people want to trade however to make this mar easier to get around to the gravelly mountains or the desert i think it's time we finally upgrade to elytra and we still haven't killed the end of dragon meaning that to go to the end you have to die to come back luckily we have ender chests as you can see here and i've already built one and it's got some cobble deep slate in it cool so we have to die meaning i'm gonna lose all these levels i currently have so i'm gonna quickly make myself a diamond helmet now and enchant it let's see if we can get protection five or four there we go nice now i promised lizzy i'd go with her to the end so we're gonna go meet up with her in a second but she's currently preoccupied so instead let's just do a little bit of work around here maybe add in a couple of trees etc maybe some bushes and some more moss all right so you may notice some change here as you can see we've got a hedge around our house and a little garden as well with some flowers very sort of simplistic design but i like it i've also used this stripey grass and moss block again which i really like and i've also been busy making some concrete i was using up all the sand and gravel i had in there so now we've got a load of yellow a load of light blue a load of cyan and a load of lime but we are out of gravel which is why we're going to head to the end so we can get some elytra some shulker boxes to make collecting sand and gravel a bit more easier i started off by making some new boots for lizzy all right lizzy before we set off on our end adventure please accept this humble gift i've made you wow out of a courtship it might be what are they called lizzy's custom nike air maxes you're welcome are you just taking bread joel food out on the ocean is very limited okay literally stacks and stacks of cod i hate fish okay i've got to remove these boats i've just killed a dolphin almost yeah do you know why i needed to remove the boats why to protect the wildlife okay down here queen lizzy's secret grotto and then it's this way isn't it but do you know the way once we're in here no i've never been in here before oh here it is so just to be clear the dragon is in there yep i'm in let's go this way i don't care about the dragon i just let's just get away oh i was looked at an enderman i didn't bring my pumpkin head you looked at an enderman are you serious i don't know i don't wait why are you going that way oh joel what are you doing just come this way you haven't lost just oh gosh oh dear come come quick come quick this way go go go and let's run wow this is a long way yeah this is kind of freaky i hate it they will knock you off if you run straight into them so be careful you gotta go around the outside i see land over to the right looks like a small little island there's about five million endermen and also an ender chest here come up sorry i can't get off the honey joel it won't let me off making a little ld shadow lady safety barrier come on my queen let's go out an adventure why is your version of kabul terracotta babe i have so much terra cotta i don't know what to do with it so i use it what do you mean why have you not seen where i'm living yeah but it's like it's gonna run out one day have you not seen the size of my mesa it's not running out anytime soon the good thing about the terracotta is they know the king of the mace has been here that cobble could be any old empire but the terror cutter it's one man don't you dare push me off that would be funny though wouldn't it you will make an enemy for life i will not be able to forgive you what are you doing for some reason melissa just decided to start quoting harry potter more bridgeton that's my boy my boy harry take my body back will you take my body back to my father and here ld shadow lady quoting harry potter as she sprints across the bridge oh jump sprinting she's getting a bit of confidence i nearly looked at enderman not me not hermione you why is it just harry potter quotes no you can't he's going to sacrifice himself sacrifice himself devil snare once i make my move the queen will take me then you're free to check the key no wrong no what is it he's going to sacrifice himself stop you're gonna make me laugh there must be another way do you want to stop snake from getting to that stone or not harry it's you that has to go on i know it not me not hermione you knight to h3 i learned it in hogwarts a history a history we could die or worse expelled oh look what end city oh if i looked at an enderman i have no joe no no not harry oh i mean not joel babe i need help i need help i need help [Music] oh thank you queen thank you oh my goodness how did that happen that was just pure panic from me there i should have brought a golden apple i didn't i nearly sacrificed myself not the end men you i'm pretty sure no one's been here before i hope i can see no bridge across to the boat up there which is a good sign fresh can we just go straight up to the boat uh sure but i want to get some shulker shells as well can i get the elite in case i fall sure go for it i feel danger why are you are you building up from the ground to the place i thought that you knew that that's what i was doing yeah you're a bit mad you are i want to know if the sky is the limit lizzy i have daily trainer oh sky's the limit there's no armor or anything cool in this end city it's good for the for you but for me it's been pretty boring and rubbish so we set off in search of another end city for me to get some elytra too and lizzy had a little problem babe i'm in trouble i'm in trouble you've got a lot of arrows how many are there 36 counted them myself 56 26 and we're back welcome back ld shadow what a day she has a tick-tock quote for everything all right let's go find another end city because i need elytra as well okay oh there's two here there's one just a bit north as well we could get an extra spare elytra which i feel like you're gonna need because you're gonna die and lose yours at some point how did you know okay i'm coming i'm coming oh here i am here i am oh nice landing here are your wings thank you very much nice all right i'm going to kill some more shulkers and i'm going to go to the other end city as well do you want some rockets or do you not want to try that i don't want to try it here all right liz are you ready here's the end of chest let's put all our stuff in it all right so to make it fair let's uh let's split everything we've got okay well here's your split then so bam bam bam bam bam yeah you have everything yeah of course wait i didn't have you some of my stuff it's all right i got quite a bit did you get any diamonds because you can maybe half them yeah two okay well you can keep them i don't really care about that okay to get back for the end because we hadn't killed the other dragon we both had to die you ready three two one i was that kiss hey it's been a long bit well that was fun we've got all our stuff here back in our shulkers lots and lots of goodies which is awesome plus the main elytra or as i like to call them joel's flappy boys although they don't really flap do they i'm gonna give lizzy the spare ender chest here because she needs it more than me so let's fly over to her now oh the kingdom looks good from up here oh yes where's lizzy there she is what's she doing why is she looking so sad all right i've got a gift for you oh it's all my stuff it is all your stuff well done and also another little gift take this unbreaking free book to put on your elytra and you know what you can keep that in the chest as well if you want do you have silk touch no all right just take it then there you go now we have these wings getting around is gonna be so much easier and we can actually see whoa look at that from up here oh it looks so good from up here and look at the base now the main reason i wanted the elite is so i could fly around and gather resources easier however we've lost all our enchanting points but luckily i have some string here just a little bit of string which i can trade fix up all my tools and speaking of our tools one of the main things we have to gather of course is red sand to make the red sandstone and our shovels here although very good shovels could be better so i'm gonna go get some neverright quickly so i collected a load of beds took them to the never blew up the beds got some never right simple as that i got 14 ancient debris enough to make three new bits of never right gear i also made myself a helmet there as you can see and use the never right on my legs and the two shovels before getting a load of shulker boxes heading out over this way here to a gravelly biome where i decided to collect a load of gravel so i collected six shulker boxes worth of gravel as you can see here that's a lot of gravel but it ruined one of my shovels so i had to go fix that up by training with some villagers and when it was all fixed i decided to go out and collect a load of sand as well in fact six shulkers once again look at all that sand lovely i put it all away in my chest here so now we can get working on a load of concrete powder when we want we have achieved a very nice amount today the most important one being the wings however the only person with a creeper farm on the server is whip and um i'm not sure if we're on the best of terms with him so let's hope that we can come to some sort of deal with him to get ourselves some gunpowder to fuel our rockets we also need some paper as well which can get from pearl i believe but for now that is it for this video thank you so much for watching i hope you did enjoy make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe if you're new and next time the megabase building begins
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 560,128
Rating: 4.9765205 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, build game, minigame, mini game, 1.17, smp, multiplayer, youtuber, empire, empires, survival mulitplayer, survival, empiressmp, joel, and, lizzie, prank, shop, first, business, house, clones, mother, tree, knowledge, emeralds, village, roof, colourful, mega, base, cactus, farm, jump, scare, ep 11, ldshadowlady, concrete, end, harry potter, quotes
Id: RIZ6RlFbh0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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