Farms, Pranks & Mega Base Plans! | Empires SMP | Ep.10 (1.17 Survival)

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okay last intro i failed a water bucket trick but hey i was honest i showed you the first attempt and now you're gonna see the second attempt this time i'm gonna prove i'm a super skilled minecraft player off we go bucket woo hello bucket again and now first time oh yeah baby that's right that's right first time ignore those there first time okay now you have to subscribe because i am amazing am i right chicken am i right chicken all right let's stop messing around and start the video welcome back to the empire's s p and more importantly the misalien kingdom and we're here in our village where we have surprise surprise our villagers and there's something actually hiding just behind the camera right now as i kind of went mining and you know how the mesa has lots of gold art in it well yeah i collected a load of gold ore i kept running out of golden apples so i got sad so i went and mined some gold ore off camera of course like a proper youtuber i've also been filling up these villager rolls here as you can see i said i'd do this last time we can now get some golden carrots traded with these guys yet as i'm not sure which ones i want to lock in but we can also get some ender pearls plus some lapis if we ever run out and also i have a lot of string to trade in here as you can see with these fellas however their trades keep going up which is very annoying this one's gone up to four most of them are still one as you can see here but some of them are four it's infuriating and we actually have a few plans to do some little decoration in the village today to make it look a bit neater and also hopefully get rid of all these ugly torches but before we do that i'm going to mine this down baby and you get to watch in a really sped-up time lapse the shulker box is going to be full of gold let's see unfortunately there's no sound on time lapses but if there was it probably sounded like this there you go isn't that fun that was a fun time lapse whoa that is a lot of gold look at all that coal as well yummy yummy all right this may take a while but i'm going to put some of it on to smelt look at all that look how beautiful it looks that is like a stack of golden apples if we want it also a decent amount of iron and an okay amount of copper but we have plans today and those plans entail green dye i have a massive build in plan and it's gonna require a lot of dyes one of them being green the rest being other dyes that i can probably get from catherine so we're gonna make an automatic cactus farm however before we do i've got some blocks here as i want to place some lanterns down in hopes of getting rid of these torches in here and i've come up with a very simple design which looks like this we've got a bit of fire we've got some lanterns it's quite tall but it produces a decent amount of light so i'm gonna place a few of these around i'm gonna have to place like a few lanterns or candles on top of these azalea bushes as well but it will help light this place up oh look who just showed up this may not seem very exciting as he's just a regular wandering trader but we have added the mini blocks so oh look at all those those are cute oh okay let me get some emeralds okay what can we buy here chests all right we can get the granite the little baby chests i'm sad i can't get the prismarine because i don't have this type of prismarine get the drip stone one but that's about it for now so let's just trap this guy in a boat and hope he stays there i think he should but look at these oh they're so cute but we've placed all our lanterns in now unfortunately in here it's not really enough to keep it lit up because it just gets dark in the corners even if i put one there so we're gonna have to place some lanterns or candles down on these things but before we do that i want to get our cactus farm up and running we're going to start out by just building the farm itself and we're going to build it in this little spot here and normally for a cactus farm i dig a big hole and build it in that hole but here i'm gonna build a building around it because like i said last time i like building buildings let's go collect all our cacti from down there and let's get to work but before we do i'd notice catherine's on this island over here let's see if we can go scare the life out of her didn't work joel what the hell is going on is catherine muted i tried to i just screamed so loud i was just under the wall to try to kill a gold squid [Laughter] i made a call with my boyfriend because i screenshare when i build sometimes and i just hear screaming and i scream and he's like why and i was like oh my god i didn't know you and they weren't biting oh that was i just saw you i thought it'd be funny all right bye-bye that was fun goodbye after that little fun moment i went to collect some sand and then i got working on the cactus farm i didn't follow tutorial for this i just designed it myself so it might not be the most efficient thing ever but i thought i'd just give it a go all right so we've got the basic cactus farm here where you put the cacti with some fences etc the fences are there to break the cactus and also so the cactus that flies off won't get broken by the other bits of cactus if that makes sense you can see we did four layers here and then we got placing around some extra bits on the outside and adding in the cactus themselves as well as some water making it all flow into the same hoppers and we did this for every single layer you'll notice it looks slightly different on each layer that's because it's based on the design i have i also went to the nether and killed this little piglet child because i just thought it'd be fun just kidding i actually went there to get quartz which i did as i needed some observers but not for the cactus farm but for a bamboo farm which is going to power the furnace for the cactus farmers this is going to produce us all the green dye automatically so we can just head in get our green dye sorted a very standard bamboo farm here with the pistons and the observers only small and i was hoping at the time it produced enough bamboo to power the furnace but you'll see in a little bit that kind of changes either way we got the minecart working and that's the main farm part done so here it is looking very very ugly at the moment don't worry this is gonna change very soon but this is how it works basically we've got our bamboo farm in here and it gets picked up by this hopper minecart here and we've got like this long chain here so hopefully this thing will back up as it's quite quick and then it will go and power our furnace which will have the cacti in it and at the moment oh bamboo just went look you'll see it coming through there it goes and at the moment the cacti is falling out the sides you'll see bits of it lying around out here as we haven't got all the walls on yet and that is gonna change right now as we're gonna build a nice building to take over this thing we'll actually start with this bit here just to make sure the cactus is all getting collected but already we're getting some green dye just not enough bamboo yet for this to be actually properly working but that thing will hopefully overtake this cacti very shortly oh look see this is what's happening it's not good so i'm gonna gather up all the materials we need but you won't see any of that instead you'll just see a lovely time lapse narrated by some handsome fella quickly before that handsome guy takes over though i found an enchanted gapple in this chest here well let's hope this guy is handsome because he's an idiot because he forgot to time-lapse the entire tower here instead we only get this sort of little bit and the small right building we've built as well which is very similar to the stuff we built before oh well let me show you how it's all looking it'd be looking good i'm really happy of this it is massive this building i think it's actually the tallest building we've got so far it's slightly taller than our house then i'm pretty sure and in the interior we haven't really got much we've got this wall here which you can see into the cactus farm if you look up we've also got some cacti little potted plants around and a few chests for overflow not that we'd need those any time soon we do however already have four stacks of green dye very nice and there's more smelting already and the bamboo right is looking good and there's a reason for this let me get on my cam account quickly so you saw me build this bamboo farm here however i soon realized this was not producing enough bamboo so i had a solution and that was underground you'll see we've got this bubble elevator here this is just for blocks as we've got another bigger bamboo farm underground here and this one produces bamboo into these hoppers which then gets shot up this tube into this hopper train up here and ends up in here which means we've now got a load of bamboo backing up which is good i wanted that and here you can see this building is now the tallest i do like it i think it's quite cool even taller than the mother tree wait what is that oh i think i know what this is let's have a look on the lectern thank you for using ssds an acronym scott i wonder where he got that idea hmm sheep shack delivery service that's a tongue twister your order three types of has been delivered by marina the sheep have a good day well marina let's have a look oh nice we've got our wool we traded scott some terracotta and he's giving us some wool let's go put this in our chest then i might have to move marina as i was just planning on doing some stuff there unfortunately for marina the sheep here they're gonna have to be moved as i just had some plans as i have some plans for this little area here and marina seems to be right in the way sorry marina but like every creature i come across it's time to murder you what we're gonna do now is a big time lapse where this area is gonna be finished the only thing we're going to use it for in the future is for trading and that's it but stick around till after that as we're going to plan out our mega base so once again i messed up the time lapse i've had to get the main part done which is this little pond here with a couple of trees and some bushes etc which looks really nice and i was converting some more villagers whilst doing this and i went to greatest minecart here and uh killed magic mike at the same time so we had to go get a new zombie with an iron sword layer him down here and oh my gosh i nearly died i forget how powerful these iron swords are as you can see one more hit and he would have killed me but i decided to name this new guy magical mike he can never replace magic mike but he will do his best okay welcome to the mesalian village let's have a little shaders run through of here shall we as we run through the village oh isn't it pretty wouldn't you say this is pretty i would say it's pretty would you say it's pretty i think it's pretty pretty it is indeed very pretty and whilst we were working on adding a lot of trees which most of them you probably didn't see in the time lapse there's one over here there's one there there's another one round the side here as well we also added in this guy here little mason who we converted and there's space for a few more masons in here as well also i checked and at night i'm pretty sure no mobs can spawn anymore which is wonderful news the villagers are all safe and this bit is my favorite i love this pond you wouldn't believe that this is a mesa bite when you look at this would you oh it's beautiful but while i was building jimmy was streaming and i was watching him stream and he got attacked by fwip so i went to his aid seeing as he's an ally of me and i showed up at his house made my way into this tree here where i spied on them for a little bit and i managed to get one shot off on flip before he flew away and then i shot scott too just for a little bit of fun i was shot from yeah i don't know where was that from i just got like four hearts of damage and was like ow oh hey jim how's it going what's going on with me i was heard you're getting bullied so i shot flip but he didn't notice he just flew off you shot me but that just confused all of us yeah that was good so yeah they they blew up my my never portal well did but but scott helped um no but and then he killed me and then he took my my head so um everything's going really well joel yeah really well we decided to help jimmy out by filling up this crater that flip created with water we are here the water squad doing a really good job with this as well um this looks so good right now it's our first and only work is the water squad squad we're here for all your water means i think i do need to ring someone soon because this this may be a little bit where are you going to ring child line i've got the number this dot this works this is enough daddy flip keeps bullying jimmy he's back daddy's back how good this looks yeah that looks pretty good this looks beautiful it's not bad for a few minutes isn't it book would not approve this he likes his double layers well that's the one who did the destruction so he did he did we all hate foreign [Laughter] yeah you did say god is the most unintelligent [Laughter] and then out of nowhere whip showed up so obviously i instantly started attacking him and hitting with my bow while jimmy punched him and i got a bit carried away don't hit me scott stop hitting me get it jimmy jimmy jimmy no no jimmy no no no jimmy get him he deserves it this smelly boy sword i would also knock you jimmy i've never been so angry wait get him where is he where's he gone he's got his work yeah you better run dolphin boy yeah probably i'll kill oh he's killed his dolphin how can anyone support this tyrant you just got a dolphin head though where is where is the queen of the sea when we need her flip i hope you die in a video game of video games don't make me do this i will kill you like i kill the horses oh jeremy's threatening you i didn't like you in a video game i need you to defend me joel do you want to apologize uh no bye-bye that was awesome if it was just a joke it was just a joke it was all just a joke ow my boat take that gem is streaming right now and i want to see if i can jump scare her like i jump scared catherine he's just there be careful jeff is this i hated that oh my god let's go oh oh i've got no food oh no i need to go you do need to go you need to go have fun with the panda bye joel that was so mean okay i do need to get out of here though oh gosh well that was absolutely perfect i love jim's reaction oh the proximity mud is so fun but it's time to plan out our mega base and i'm leaving this part of the mesa here just this part as we're heading over to that part now and i'm gonna mark out the diameter and that's it i think i'm gonna flatten it out a bit today as well just to make the diameter a bit easier to place i'm trying to think what blocks i can use to do this diameter so i don't want to use clay as it'll just blend in let's see what we've got down here maybe cobble deep slate i might go get a bit more though always a nice surprise when you're mining deep slate and you come across some diamonds a cheeky nine thank you very much okay this should be enough i think we should time-lapse this as it's probably gonna take a while as um this may be the biggest thing i've ever built in survival minecraft and to give you an example of how big this thing is just placing these lines here took me 40 minutes yes you'll hear me right 40 minutes and look how big it is here you go this is the scale of it it's quite hard to see but from one end to the other let's have a quick measure it's exactly 200 blocks wow minus 901 over there and minus 701 here i didn't know that that's pretty mad and this thing is probably one of the most unique and fun builds i think i'm ever going to do and i can't wait to get started on it mainly just to show you x i've been building it in the creative world for the past two weeks and i'm loving it but it's gonna require a lot of materials so i think next time we're gonna work on getting a few things an elytra a beacon and probably a bridge linking these two islands across as that little journey up and down is horrible but unfortunately guys that is all we have time for this video thank you so much for watching i hope you did enjoy let me know in the comments what you think my base is going to be and i shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 666,115
Rating: 4.9818711 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, build game, minigame, mini game, 1.17, smp, multiplayer, youtuber, empire, empires, survival mulitplayer, survival, empiressmp, joel, and, lizzie, prank, shop, first, business, house, clones, mother, tree, knowledge, emeralds, village, roof, colourful, mega, base, cactus, farm, jump, scare, pranks, geminitay, megabase, huge
Id: yuv8yeujrLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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