Hermitcraft 8 | Ep 12: The Factory Courtyard!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft that is absolutely one of my favorite ways to open an episode with an epic time lapse we worked on this outer wall for hours upon hours it took a long time and also this courtyard area in front of the factory is coming together it is looking fantastic in fact i have to get some of these boxes out of here because they're kind of in the way but this is also here this was a nice gift from joe hills congratulating me on hitting a million subscribers we did it i talked about it last episode we were ultra close to getting to a million subscribers and you guys came through you did it we have hit a million just a fantastic milestone i am excited so happy to hit that milestone and thank you all for your support on the channel here it's almost been nine years which is crazy so check this out joe stopped by and uh oh we hit it on live stream which was awesome because we got a chance to celebrate together so again you know you have heard me mention you guys should be hanging out with me on the live streams at twitch.tv because a lot of people got to actually witness me hitting the million subscriber mark which was super cool but we were just placing placing dirt the whole time all this grass needed to be placed down so i told joe i needed some copper and look at this he came through because i want to start decorating some of this with some copper bits so thank you for that joe unfortunately i got to take down this this guy here this armor stand cause um yeah we're gonna be doing some stuff around here but oddly enough i ran out of andesite see there's a lot of anzac in the paths here and we're throwing some down there's gonna be a little like garage area over here and over there as well and so yeah there's some andesite sprinkled in and we ran out of it i don't have any anywhere and so i need to figure out how to get my hands on somewhere and a site so i was looking and it doesn't seem like many people are online i'm gonna go actually to the gold farm and just afk there a bit and try to think about how i'm gonna get some more andesite yep this is the spot this is where we do our best thinking all right we'll figure out how to get that end to sight yet because i was kind of hoping the g train would have some in fact speaking of g is that him right there what is he doing oh he's just looking at his build um oh my gosh i just had an idea should we get him back should we get him back remember what he did to us with the end crystal i wonder he's not looking he's not looking let's see if we can sneak up on him and get him back okay let's be very very quiet he's definitely focused on his build let's just sneak up and maybe we can just right here got us both it was so worth it what how am i the only one that blew up in that i'm the one with blast protection what that backfired come on how did you survive that i don't know okay so mumbo's mumbo has uh let me in on how it works so it's where your feet are so if i was kind of close you were right next to it yeah i should have put it up here my feet were right here which means the obsidian protected me from most of the blast and crystals make no sense but you were right here and your feet were in the firing line oh no i knew i had to hit it right away otherwise you were gonna run so i just went ahead and did it ah i can't believe this protected you come on all right that's the last time i'm making that mistake oh god jeez well it had to at least scare you right i was spooked i was i heard a block and i was like wait what and it was too late it just turned around to a bunch of items on the floor oh people are gonna freak out i just lost 400 and something levels again oh man i'm so bad at this i'm gonna get better i will get you eventually good luck with that oh yeah well if you keep staring at your uh your mountain range i'll have opportunities that's for sure by the way by the way um i came to your g train because i'm looking for something specific i don't know if you can help me but i actually need andesite is that something that your villagers do uh do they i haven't got i can definitely try and stock up on some okay that would be excellent um i need like a shulker box full unfortunately yeah i can sort that out don't you worry oh okay excellent awesome man thanks i i did take all the bricks though that you were selling so you have a great customer in me for this thing i have such a big base to build all right thanks for trying to blow me up you know you know that i thought even though you didn't succeed i can't let that slide either yeah yeah i know i'll be watching my back as well but hey at least uh you know maybe give you a little little perk perk you up a little bit you know all right i'll let you get back to it all right all right oh man i'm so bummed that failed oh my goodness but hey some good learnings there don't place it so close to him where the block can block his feet i can't believe he actually gave you that information oh we should keep our eye on him and maybe just maybe we can catch him not paying attention again you know what i mean like we may fail the first time i got no levels to to worry about anymore but he's definitely oh he's still over there do i have any more end crystals he's seriously still just staring down his build can we get him a second time like right away without him knowing okay okay okay he definitely oh he turns around just in time get you one of these days right when he turns around i'm like oh panic hit it all right i thought we might be able to get him because you know we just tried it and i figured the second time around he wouldn't be expecting it to happen so fast but maybe this time we'll give it some time we'll let some time go by we'll let him forget all about this and then we'll truly get him oh i got some good news from green he came through i asked if he could hook me up with some andesite and even though we discovered his villagers don't actually trade for andesite it's the opposite way around you're supposed to give them andesite for emeralds look at this he has a choker full of i'm guessing because he had a lot of digging that he did and so he probably just had this sitting around but look at this he hooked me up full choker i'm gonna keep the shulker box only 10 diamonds awesome thank you so much grian i really really needed this where do we put this in here i guess we'll put our 10 diamonds in here i really really needed this so that we can finish that courtyard out and um yeah and then we got some other builds i want to do over at the factory today in the courtyard itself so we're not done with the megabase building portion of this episode at all we got a fountain to put in and i'm not done with this area but now thanks to green we can actually continue to make progress [Music] [Music] uh incredible incredible scar what's hello there what's incredible oh oh oh impulse you startled me well i mean you startled me i was over there building and then i look over and you're in the garage i just built i was trying to build this as fast as i can without you seeing um well i kind of caught it at the corner of my eye what what's what are we doing here are you you're renting a parking spot or what well a man with such garage space i thought you could use a swagger in here uh you know what i could i mean i got to put some kind of vehicles in here anyway it's a it's a it's a 10 car garage you got set up here yeah we're gonna need the space there's gonna be all sorts of delivery trucks and things like that when the factory's ready to go play and pulse step right up step right up whoa come with me what do you got you got an offer for me i do i have some things right now i've been saying you've been a busy busy impulse building amazing stuff over here you've got a lot of island work to do here looks like you need some uh supplies yeah i do i do there's a whole i gotta build an island out there just so i could build on top of it oh i'm gonna need some terrace i'm gonna i'm gonna pre-rip yeah i'm gonna need to borrow some of your terraforming skills at some point man [Music] okay and then inside i presume this is some kind of beautiful factory it's gonna be yeah we've only got the front face of it but yeah eventually we got a factory being built i'm gonna make amazing chocolate bars i'll i'll be sure you're gonna love them you're gonna love them i know you're gonna get addicted to it you're gonna buy all the chocolate bars we'll be having a truck delivery come over to your base probably daily oh oh that sounds wonderful well then pulse i have a deal for you why don't you take a moment to just peruse this chest right here just see all the wonders that i have in here for you oh oh some redstone oh i could use this to make my front door red stoney and moving and stuff whoa shulker shells hello yeah and grass yes i definitely need this and terra cotta you know all the things i need oh my goodness this is amazing i mean i do have the profit scope after all oh have you been have you been spying on me well i know i i i just get i fell up your car is dangerous don't don't don't yeah it's it's a workplace hazard so this is all things that is this appealing to you making you you feel like you know very much you can work out a deal you know something that'll help you i i you know what's funny enough the grass is actually one of the most lucrative things for me right now because i i mean you obviously saw but if you look out this back door here look at this space we need to fill in with grass oh man it's a lot i know when i was spying you i saw i mean yeah i noticed this a minute ago when i was just looking around here yeah yep so i could definitely use that so how much i got lots of diamonds how much oh my god step step aboard here okay a little higher than you think it is it's not easy yeah you can do it you could do a scarf there we go all right first try impulse uh-huh impulse take all the things that you desire place it in your in your chest here this is all the things that you want okay and look boom throw in a slurpee i kind of deserve okay threw in a slurpee oh man that's gonna give me a nice headache okay i took it all i like all of it can i have all of it i like all of it all right so for all of this impulse uh-huh for all of this i'd like a certified coupon for a redstone contraption okay i can build you some redstone stuff you know i like doing rest in a factory tour a factory tour i mean i mean that's really really special that's a really special thing what you got more boom 32 more pistons okay all right now full stack of pistons nobody likes crafting pistons all right see how about this how about this bam 64 hoppers oh i'm i feel like i should keep holding out but it's night time and i'm worried the mobs are going to come up on us so boom cat head let's make a deal okay well that's that that's sold i already i'm wearing this now i have it you have a deal i will give you a tour of the factory when it is done oh i just looked in enderman i don't think yeah he did notice he's coming up scar why i got him where is he he's here he's on fire though he's very angry about being on fire oh yeah he's not happy i looked over and i looked up directly like oh i'm sorry okay [Laughter] that was that was clutch thinking there i don't know did it put you out hold on let's test that out oh gosh i'm gonna die hey this is science i post it's okay hey it did but it dude it worked it just ruined it from you i'm not sure if that was worth it oh no there it goes for science it was interesting but now i'm oh you could you could have the slushie you gave me since you saved my life with it you know you could have that i have the slushie yeah yeah yeah yeah that's very true she was spent well saving my life and all all right well you've got a deal in fact if you want to keep the swag and parked in here i won't charge you any rents you can keep it parked in here for about a month or so if you need and um and then we'll give you a tour of the factory when it's all said and done and the redstone contraption i got to get you a certificate give me a second you get i need a cert i need a temporary certificate for both okay i got him i got him i got him oh oh stuck under the cart hold on i got you i gotcha oh thank you thank you okay parkour excellent okay here you go okay redstone contraption my number one number one two beautiful number two oh there you go you know what because because i love my customers bam no way more redstone oh you're amazing whoa i should have held out for more but you gave it to me anyway i appreciate that oh my gosh look at this all right i'll just break that i like that it's all yours now thank you and i appreciate these tokens very very very much and may we certify this together inside a frozen block yes we shall shiver to death together [Music] so much building today has gone on and that is good because it's what it's gonna take if we're gonna get this factory open anytime soon but the courtyard is officially done and we have two new garages one to the right one to the left eventually we're going to have our delivery trucks stationed inside these bays here um i guess next to the the swagger which looks quite tiny in this giant garage oh man it's awesome though this car gave us so much good stuff uh i hope i don't regret giving out that iou for a redstone job he's gonna come up with something mega probably to uh repay all those goodies i got but this is really cool we've got a fountain in the middle it's looking really great and this pathway going around at the door looks fantastic oh this is just turning out beautifully and i gotta mention i got quite a bit of help from a few patrons of mine i asked for some help in building this thing and they came through so ken kalai thank you so much my friend abk real ruby red and tuner thank you all so much for helping me out with this build it's turning out so good and i love these garages and the outer wall it's just coming together but it is still missing a few details out front actually and i need to see if tango has restocked his copper because uh yeah there's a lot of copper i want to do a design right here and yeah these are still looking a little bland these walls even though it's got this really cool gradient to them we want to add some bits and bobs that really just shake things up so let's head over to tango's shop and i'm just gonna cross my fingers and hope he has some more copper well it is our lucky day look at this it looks like we've got quite a bit of copper to buy in fact i think i'm gonna buy him out because we do need quite a lot like he's even pre-oxidized some if you need that but i need this kind right here so sorry if anybody else is looking for copper i really need this all and now i finally have enough copper to build this oh yeah look at that we've got ourself uh i guess a copper bow tie looking thing of sorts but hey it is good decoration we got the end rods on there for some lighting effects it's gonna look really cool at night so that is done and um while i was working on building this up something odd happened you see i had a bit of a visitor stop by well hello there whoa whoa uh you snuck up on me um hi hi eve evil x hi hi my presence does not scare you surely um well i mean you popped in out of me out of nowhere i don't even know where you came from but um that was a bad idea you're you're very bad your reputation definitely precedes you because yeah you know evil that's what i'm here to talk about my reputation it needs to change i'm here to reform my image and prove to the hermits that i want the best for all of you oh really okay well you know i am one of those people that believe people can make a change if they put in some effort yes okay i mean yes of course oh i heard that i'm i'm here bringing gifts okay this has been very popular today every hermit that i've given this it is pretty cool looking i'll admit that oh my gosh look at that you got a great face i'll say that right now thank you very much look i'm here to deliver you a gift my friend not only do you get an eblex helmet inside of here the wonderful the illustrious derp coin yes i've heard about these i've been willing wanting to stop by and check it out and um i just haven't got a chance to yet so now i get some freebie coins free purchase maybe okay they're all yours you know where to go you can come to the evil emporium and spend them and definitely buy some more while you're there okay excellent yeah i will stop by very soon appreciate that that is just wonderful impulse keep wearing that head yep i will you ever need me you know where to find me i'll be at the emporium yep and i see the coordinates on this piece of paper thank you for that appreciate it exactly all right take care my fellow thanks for dropping in evil x evil okay um what's with everybody giving me player heads today first first car gave me the cat head now evil drops by and gives me this thing um you know i mean it does cover up uh you know i i think this isn't a bad haircut or bed head i i think this is actually a hat now that i look at it it does kind of look like a hat kind of hanging off the side of my head i had that all wrong um but yeah we might as well keep that covered up until we get that situation figured out yeah not sure what to make of that but i'll take the free derp coins we'll maybe we'll get some good product out of that anyway we'll stop by i told him i'd wear the helmet um i'm not gonna though i'm to put this back on just to stay protected i got a few other things to do around here as well just little things i just like i said i want to just add some bits and bobs that's really going to make this look a lot more interesting so let me see what i can come up with here yeah definitely say this is an improvement we've got this kind of pipe thing that's either pumping something into the building or maybe something's pumping out of the building added a few more little things over there and then over on this side as well just little bits and bobs to kind of draw the eye and make everything look a little bit more interesting and uh yeah that looks pretty cool if i must say so myself anyway while we were doing that we had a couple visitors stop by i don't know what's going on today as i'm trying to build all this up and yeah we spent a lot of time building today but as i've been building i keep getting visitors nearby which has been fun but pearl and scars stopped by i think he was showing off the swag into pearl and as usual you know funny things ensue oh wow okay um excuse me excuse me what are we doing here he's feeding you he's your voice okay what are we doing here some medicine as well nothing it's just checking out sky's wagon oh okay sorry about that um yeah there he is he looks like it took you for a second there you are uh i don't know i don't know you will like stop by and gave me this head and uh it does weird things you don't want to put that thing on no yeah i put my head on before and it made me invisible to scar so it's a little bit suspicious yeah yeah uh that's a good lesson to learn when people give you random heads don't just put them on yeah especially when they're evil zuma mm-hmm in very weird ways scar it's comically tiny in this enormous garage we were just saying it needs to make it a bit bigger yeah exactly yeah i wonder if the stream agrees with me here impulse yeah does it bother you that it's one block um you know a skew oh my gosh it didn't until you just told me that now i can't see anything else all right rebuild it rebuild the whole thing and not the wagon move the whole garage over the left all right oh yeah yeah i'm not gonna wag and i've built that thing nine times wait you guys hang here i'll be right back okay much better oh that's better see now we don't worry about you know creepers blowing up my base or anything like that you know right oh yeah we never want something to blow up as one would say no blowing up is just truly not ideal oh he tried he tried i feel like i always killed myself for running away why why didn't you die because i stood here i learned okay right i've learned see go ahead go ahead give us another go come on blow us up we won't move come on now yep ha ha ow tickles oh i think you're clicking around let me see can i can i see one that's my last one all right the last one okay here's the thing here's the thing like like right there here you got it you got it you got it realize that that's so if you yeah if you stood there maybe stand right there yeah when you clicked it okay i think that's the problem pearl did i pick that up i think do you think maybe the half slabs had something to do with the blast could have been what's the direction on the on the explosion [Laughter] i got all three of us that definitely was worth it this is gonna take a little while to sort out oh no this is not ideal i feel like i'll see you all later all right see ya see you later well i guess i'll get back to work now that was fun yeah so yeah there we go always fun to have some shenanigans here on the server and the proximity voice chat allows us to do that and um you know the whole end crystal game with botum is uh obviously going to be a fun thing to have going on but i think that's going to do it for me today guys i've spent an amazing amount of time building up this courtyard i really hope you guys do like it but uh with that said uh if you guys did like the video make sure you hit that like button if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said i will see you again next time have a good one everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 527,001
Rating: 4.9825191 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, impulse, impulseSV, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, season 8, hermitcraft season 8, hermitcraft 8, caves and cliffs, minecraft tutorial, minecraft 1.17, 1.17, TEGG, YWC, Yes Wings Club, minecraft mega base, mumbo jumbo, minecraft hermitcraft 8, hermitcraft mega base, grian, mumbo
Id: gM1GW_jyMwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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