Last To Fail Waterdrop Event Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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all right so in today's video we got a hundred kids and the only thing they had to do was jump into the water if they miss the water they die in there out in the last person alive wins the rounds get progressively harder and harder and the winner walks away with $1,000 this video is sponsored again by me my bank account dude I really need to get a sponsor one of these days so if you could I would really appreciate it if you would like and sub right now with notifications did you do it aren't you solved and yeah check out skip eShop calm that's pretty much it I hope you enjoy sorry bad are you ready to start this yes okay so as you can see we have a hundred players up against the wall we have our arena and all they have to do is jump into the water and it gets progressively harder and that's it though this is water drop $1,000 on the line wait so the winner yes thousand dollars yes I still haven't got a sponsor for this yet someone sponsor me so the sponsor then is Capetian yeah that's exactly thank you I need that alright should we all go ahead and tell them to make it in the water yeah I mean that the rules are pretty wait wait wait wait wait wait I have a question do you think anyone's gonna fail what the heck somebody got bad for cheating do you think anyone's gonna get out the first round do you think they'll miss the water I do not you know there's always one there's always one but I think do two people will get home too so if they die they respawn jail and we're ready let's do this everyone get on the red stone right you're just for this round one person is afk that B's as that I have five seconds movies in the bathroom I don't care actually I kind of do care look at his skin can jump into water do not miss go is anyone gonna miss oh is anyone did someone die yeah it's one person are you kidding me you were right one person did mess up only one guy be scary Skippy Skippy you yeah you know how we always pick one random to give like a second chance no let's pick it's just gonna mess up again no no no no no no no no no fine we'll give him one more chance I don't know why we're doing this we're gonna have a normal revival later though go why are we doing this if he misses again okay fine dude if he wins I swear okay TP all same thing again we're not changing anything second round is the same all right they are all back for round two we haven't had a single death except for the one kid in the jail can you explain this wait one down I don't know did he die if they type spawn they go to the jail I think unless you did that three two one go they're all going they're all going is anyone missed so far it's the same jump so it should be really easy okay done but literally nobody down no one we need to make this harder that's perfect I like this no no no I'm just gonna go ahead and add a little cross is that good yeah I mean I guess it is yeah perfect all right they're all going back up you're making it smaller exactly you get four little squares that's not little that's easy are you serious that is little dude all they have to do is literally go from here and go down they have so much time to figure it out I totally didn't mess up wait no no no no I wasn't paying attention I wasn't paying attention it is easy all right are they all back yep they are all ready for round three how many test predictions do you have you know what I don't think while many I think one one two and you want to say go sure three two one go - is anyone gonna die surely a few surely of all yep that's one one total okay we have the testing I kind of want to give him a revive but I know we can use a good skin it's it's a really good skin all right you do it oh now I feel bad you didn't deserve that treatment all right bad I'm making it even harder Boop you're me of course I am a tiny bit only a tiny bit harder all right you can tell them to go whenever you want it looks cool I'm gonna add a little water in the middle and let's see if anyone's feeling risque you know what bad I want to start playing I feel like I could win I'm gonna start playing - you're gonna play yeah I'm gonna play you're a thousand yeah so why would a play okay all right you say yo okay three two one wait some kid I just witnessed some kid die did you see that all you have to do is jump in the water all right I must start playing boom don't want jumped in the me I saw that what is wrong with four alright let's see who's in the jail Oh do we have more people to kick these are the people who I guess are not really that good all right kick them all I think we've like I don't know maybe 90 players at this point or do imma let them out okay but in the right amount now man so drive to make it harder now ah sure you can make this run harder what are you gonna do because I am actually pretty confident that I can win this event I'm gonna make it a smidge harder but it's still gonna be pretty wife you what you doing okay it's still pretty easy still pretty easy effort she's not hard it's a little hard but they've still got big ol open spaces they can land in right that should be no it's good tell them to go three two one oh there we go everyone's going down anyone's I won why only one I thought we'd have more to be honest like it's two three or I mean peppy love the water got it no I don't I don't know according to him you do take him wait the one kid though look at his skin Skippy oh my god he's getting kicked goodbye alright so that was round six I think so now we're going to round seven I'm gonna make this one harder I got this what we're gonna do we can't make it - I'm gonna make it harder boop boop oh my can it's not even that hard it's not that hard well then let's let's open these corners oh that looks kind of cool oh wait did someone just jump yep someone John what do we do about that did they make it well I yeah but I guess I'm gonna jump in the middle middle Jerry I'll put it up in the very very very middle this is totally not stupid oh my goodness it is I want to see if anyone does it oh my god this is a killer round maybe I don't want to jump in the middle middle I kind of want to try it alright let me go and I made it all right i'ma make it even harder but let's see who do we have to catch dude so many people to cake no Skippy psycho mode I don't want to kick step you psycho mode no you're like oh no as you're kicking them man they're all shifting Skippy it's hard to see their name it's easy all you have to do is walk up to them and be like bye mom onions goodbye oh I'm sorry I'm gonna kick this Skippy SiC on them no no no no no leave it for life all even for life I like Skippy psycho mode look you can have a diamond alright while you do this I'm gonna go make it harder wait how am I gonna take them they won't come out of the corner just take them I'm going to place a block on each four block jump so that there are no more for water block jumps it's only three oh my goodness Skippy you made that very difficult looking oh it is a lot of people are about to get out here all right so you go say go I'm going I'm going bad I mean it oh so many deaths oh it's raining it's literally raining thousand dollars at stake and they're gone Oh No and there's so many people in jail here I'll help you take them Oh Brendan here Oh stepping psycho boat still here yeah let's go oh they're so sad oh they are he's gonna okay okay goodbye my friends it was fun while it lasted should we take Steffi psycho mode or leave him ah just leave him here for now he's kind of our special guest what about this guy I give him the bird oh okay I'm gonna make it harder here we go alright so in order to make this harder what I'm gonna do is change it from three block jumps to to block jumps good Oh perfect let's do this like do you know how hard that's gonna be yeah a lot of people are about to get out here all right let them out oh do how many people do we have left I don't think anyone got out that round oh that's the first person I got out is one more kid left to jump and now I will go oh I made it let's go imagine I would my own event you know how many people would be so mad they would be very pressed here I'm gonna do the next one it's not gonna be like this it's gonna be oh I see what you're doing okay okay and you want one I'm gonna go for the metal one I'm gonna go for the middle I'd wait I'm gonna go first before everyone here we go you know what Skippy watch I'm gonna make it you're gonna make the middle jump yeah oh you're gone oh oh wait other people are going okay oh my goodness three lots of dad did everyone go no we got this one guy he's not moving mister meet me five seconds to go five four three two one go what they're shifting maybe okay well I'm giving him the boot all right and kill him all right all right all right let's kick the rest of them oh this is sad I feel bad every time I do this all right I'm gonna make this round harder you ready it's around 11 Boop how much further can you mean it no yeah I don't have a choice here bad well if you're doing that why not just grit it off no I think this is good no wait a minute Skippy can we put just like one little less I'm in the middle tense all right let's let them out go whenever here we go this is really it dude these are all the pros never mind never mind that's two deaths oh really is it really just is go go go go Oh ten seconds pressuring them pressuring them Oh are they gonna make it they all chose and none of all we made it Cappy they're so you know we literally wait no way do we actually let's let them back in hard are you ready this is going to be very very interesting perfect that's so perfect all right they're off how many people are gonna make this how many people are gonna die we have one that otoscope he died no I wonder if this jump is hard or not let me just go like that and then you know jump in the water oh look I made an easy first try alright to make this one even harder what we're going to do is only have a one by one right on top of that we're gonna go like that perfect wait pretty hard Cappy that's literally way too hard yup go we're about to have a lot of deaths out here but a thousand dollars is on the line Oh literal professionals here oh my god that guy's dad that guy is also dad good two people left one person left all that guys made it go on I believe in you okay just wanting it harder it's gonna be even harder remember how we had to last time we're gonna do five they literally drowned scampi why are you breaking it so that they can get out once they okay okay fair all right let them out let them out we have about one two three four five six seven eight wait no way mega did you make it mega made it Zeljko made it who else made it Cade made it I'm telling them to go go are they all gonna make it no way dude if they all make this I swear oh my god every single one of them made it I know how we can ramp this up all right God how are we making this harder I have the best idea ever go ahead and get rid of your little pillar thing hey Randy this that water and then we're gonna do it's to right about here this is my idea - oh wait maybe wasn't right about here - you realize everyone's gonna make this cuz they have four no nine blocks of water to jump in yeah yeah that's good how hard that is you know what can I make it I'm making it harder go go go it's not that hard all bad come on oh yeah you're right I yes okay is gone and he made it heavy should we make him jump it again I think let's do it with my way place the block in the middle no they will literally die they so cold yeah I think this will kill a lot how about like that I mean that's a little bit more survivable all right okay test it can't be we gotta test it to make sure this is possible all right I shall test here we go test test test around and made it yeah I made it why are you so surprised I'm surprised oh my god okay yeah that is possible that is possible get a good look before jumping oh you're so nice Oh first man job Oh second person jumped who made it third person heads made it worths made it two more to go Delk made it all right she made it only one died all right we're doing we're doing the same but my way go up don't jump one block one block 1 block dude go no it's possible they can do it second person dudes are all making it I told you they're gone oh my god one died all right last one to go please make it no wait so are these three the last people I believe so Oh Skippy let's have him could stand over here it's Kevin literally look at that or we have no three dude carved e underscore Costner how did velka make it how did you make it so far no he did it legit I watched him every single time I know he's I didn't know he was that good yeah John I'm gonna make this one really hard bad watch this look at me what are you doing and I'm not done yet yo what why never mind oh it counts oh wait if this guy dies how do we gave him too much confidence wait wait should we get so come in here ho let's get him let's get him who's your was welcome how did you make it that far and you did really good dude I literally bypass to the ring there's two rounds I think dude we were just talking about how good you were and then you die oh I feel like that's also uh it was $4,000 I'm rolling in it all right we have two left all right bad to make things even harder I'm going to completely get rid of the Rings and do this we go up 50 go like that and that's really good for now I'll see what you're doing one made it oh if he fails okay put them back out two more on the bottom two more on the top oh oh oh my goodness he made it in the other made it they are gone are you just making up harder harder and harder and harder each time that's right go how much longer can they go for how much longer can they do this horse who do you think is gonna win skill I honestly have no idea I've no idea I'm betting on - nerve okay okay I'm gonna make it two more dude screw it oh he made it and he made it way I would add two more to the bottom go so much pressure so much on the line all for this waiting go go go oh my god dude wait bad are you ready you found are you ready bad oh by the way this is for 1000 watch someone mess up this time no I added two more to the bottom yep either go dude so much is on the line here oh I literally can't watch someone's bound to mess up go all right they're off they're off dude first one made it oh one made it bad already boop-boo-boo-boop okay this is impossible I don't know so what happens if they both die we just have to go again I think so yeah alright go yeah this is gonna be a stretch honestly oh here comes one oh my god how how what I'm adding board they're so nervous I would be so so so nervous two more has been added go this is it someone's gonna mess up no it's so difficult it's literally so hard no way he makes it no way he wins let's give it a call poor guy this person no mega you're so mean hello I feel like I'm gonna die from a heart attack it's fine no I was fun 100 it got really difficult though like I think we survived a lot longer than no yes you guys are literally like gods I don't know how you did that the water drop on kit pvp that's like the training zone like I've gone to around 1,000 with no other guys have been played so Karthi you said you want to give him 100 yeah you're both gods yeah like the videos alright I subscribe okay perfect thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did once again be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already go check out Stephie shop calm here is the proof of payment in case you're wondering and yeah bye you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 10,696,854
Rating: 4.8787503 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, $1000, waterdrop, skeppy challenge
Id: Zx8Tt2LTmKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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