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[Music] happy Wednesday welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today for subscribing for liking and commenting on my videos if it's your first time welcome to my channel my name is Daphne and I'm very excited to see you today make sure that you do subscribe if you're not subscribe so that you don't miss out on the videos on this channel so welcome to Bible study again and welcome to illumination that began as constraints the Word of God let's go to the book of Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 to 20 which say and the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone I'll make him a helper comparable to him out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name so Adam gave names to all the cattle or the birds of the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him a man named and I wanted to share on this words I guess this is a week whereby we're focusing on the area of relationships future marriages current marriages and this is the word that I've been given and I pray that your relationships that are leading to marriage may lead to a parent that it's full of redemption forgiveness and glory and power so here we see the Lord God speaking thought having a conversation and he said it is not good that man should be alone I will make him a helper comparable to him now when you read this it's so amazing that God says that it is not good for man to be alone yet God was with this man yet the presence of the Lord was covering this man in the glory of the Lord was covering Adam God Himself God was with Adam the I am was with Adam yet and there was alone in the eyes of God you see we can enter into relationships we can enter into successful careers we can be in education studying things that we love things that we're passionate about but if God sees that you are alone that you never find fulfillment it doesn't matter how many women or how many guys you date but if it is not God that is ordained to the person you always feel alone this is why it's very important that people enter into relationships that God has ordained that we consult with the God of heaven the one who creates husbands and wives the one who bring their husbands and wives together the one who brings the wife to - but it's very important that we consult with the God of heaven who has created all hearts and all relationships and all people so the God of heaven who was with Adam who was covering undiminished glory began to say it is not good that man should be alone God was speaking into that now and also speaking into the future you see there's a reason why God had placed Adam in the Garden of Eden it wasn't all about tending and keeping a garden and there was a greater story there was a greater glory there was a greater vision that God had and he began to speak this vision to two casts and we see if we go back to the book of Genesis let's go to the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 we see that this is the plan that God has for the earth and for the husband and the wife and God blesses them in the spirit room you see in the stirred realm your husband is already there in the spare room your wife is already there in the spirit room the person that God has ordained for you is already there they have already been chosen before the foundation of the other they've already been chose that before the beginning of time the one whom God wants you to accomplish his vision his plan concerning his kingdom that person is already in danger spirit this is why we must speak to the God who is spirit and find out what is happening in the spirit room find out from them God who is spirit what is happening could son in your spots concerning your future of marriage because it is God that has created them so God began to bless other than even the spirit of according to Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 and he says be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over every living thing that creeps on the earth you see this was the vision that God had for Adam and Eve so when God is saying it is not good for the man to be alone in me now it is time for the vision to be fulfilled you see there is a timing and there's a calendar in heaven there's a timing and there's a month and the daily wet things I establish over David here at the physical realm just and it's just as it is in the spiritual around this is why we must be patient people who are willing to walk in the fruits of patience we've been given the Spirit of God to also help us to walk in the fruit of patience because it is very dangerous for you to have things of God before their time it's very dangerous for you to have the thing that God wants you to have but you have it before time because if you don't have it within God's timing that means that they can kill you that thing can rub you that thing can destroy it it's very important that you understand this it doesn't matter how lonely you are feeling at night but it's more important for you to have the blessing of God in the correct timing that having us established and ordained so the time came for the vision the vision of Adam and Eve being fruitful and multiplying the time had Allah made for Adam to burn thought his wife from his side to grant for his partner from his side the time had arrived for the two to not have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth it was not time for the fulfillment of God's vigilant plan you see when you pray say God isn't is it now the type of a fit of fulfillment for my marriage is it now the time of fulfillment for me to have this wedding is it is it now time God in your sight you see well it's time with God nothing can stop your wedding nothing can stop your marriage when it is in God's time because it is like an open door that no man can shut you see when the things of God now time for them took manifest in your life nothing you know I can stop it you have to understand that nothing and no I can't stop it this is why you must enforce a relationship don't force things to happen because when God is in it it is God that moves on it is God that said it is not good for man to be alone I don't make him a helper comparable to him it is God that had those thoughts it is God that spoke forth that were that prophetic word it is God that spoke firm for that now word I love God to speak forth and down word in your life and I know either as to hear the now word that God has for you concerning your relationship could son in your marriage concerning your children some of you maybe you want to have a child and you think that maybe it is difficult but it could be that you're carrying a promise that is going to change this generation it could be that your move is better to carry a John the Baptist don't be afraid find out from the God of heaven if it is time for you to burn forth the John the Baptist is it time to God forth your Isaac there's a time in heaven even concerning even your job in concerning your career even concerning financial breakthrough there's a time in heaven you see when you read some stories I'd like to read some stories about some people how they started and how they began to develop themselves and you see that most of the tonight many people began to prosper even after the age of 40 well after the age of 50 and some of these people maybe they struggled for 50 years but when they hit the age of 50 they became a billionaire or they became very successful in what they're doing there's a time underneath it don't be afraid don't look at your age don't look at your ethnicity don't look at your background where you come from don't get where you were born because there's a time under the heaven and God is no respecter of race of age God can change your life God desires for you to have a life that gives him glory and when I dance full of his glory God desires you to live a life that is full of you this is why Christ came to die for me you didn't just come to die for your sins he also came to make you holy also came to reveal his glory in your life and his glory is not only concerning things that spiritual also his glory in your health he's glory in the way that your marriage is joyful he's glory in your career he's gone your financial life go on came that you may have glory in every area of your life that you may prosper in all things may you prosper just as your soul prospers may you prosper in every area of your life just as your soul prospers but how does your soul prospers it prospers in the Word of God it prospers through the Word of God it prospers through the Spirit of the Living God it prospers through the foundation of the blood of the lamb without blemish to the foundation of the word of the Living God through the foundation of the Spirit of the Living God let us seek the One of God let us seek the things of the Spirit that we may live that life of glory that he has ordained for us from the beginning of time so don't be afraid don't be afraid about what you've seen today don't be afraid because God can change his story so we see that the vision of God was now time for it to be manifested in the life of Adam and he said it is not good that man should be I don't know I'm making my helper comparable to him in out of the ground the Lord God began to form every beast of the field you see that help haven't come God is saying I will make it my helper but God decides to make something else you see that God has told you that this is gonna happen this man is your husband this manna the church is your husband but he doesn't look like he's your husband in church in fact he's talking to every other girl in church except you you won't do mean God why are you forming the beast of the field I don't need the beast of the field I need my Eve I need my spouse I need my Adam God why are you forming things that have nothing to do with me but there's a reason why God is forming those things are you seeing that God is forming things that have nothing to do with the word that he promises you nothing to do with the vision that he gave you five years ago nothing to do with the things that you are desiring you're seeing the complete opposite that has nothing to do with you you're thinking this has nothing to do with you but these beasts of the field are there to train you into your area of destiny and your area of purpose there's a reason why God is forming the beasts of the field out of the ground don't think that this is irrelevant to you because it could be relevant to you ask God God why are you forming the beast out of the field what does this have to do with me Oh God what does this situation have to do with my few what does this situation have to do with my future children what does this situation has to do with my future career with my passion and my desires oh God why are you forming the beast out of the ground of my life out of the gram of my career out of the ground of my relationship God what does this mean God began to fold the beasts of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam you see when you go back to Genesis 1 you see that God gave Adam and Eve authority over the beasts of the field over the birds of the air over every creeping thing that lives on the earth God was beginning to chain with Adam in the area of authority this is why the beasts of the field are being formed it's not only about naming animals but it's about taking authority as the head God is beginning to train Adam on how to be the head how to be the king of the earth you see Adam was a king of the earth but now it was time for him to be trained some of you think because you've been saying for 20 years you've been saying for 10 years for 5 years you think now Lord you know I'm ready to be a wife gun you know I don't know how to fast and I know how to pray for 5 hours a day yeah yeah I know how to sing to the Lord I know how to worship the Lord but it doesn't mean that you're ready for your husband because you're ready to be a wife does not necessarily mean that you're ready for your husband you see you can be ready to be a wife but you're not ready for your husband who is coming Abdullah as a king and them had Authority was full of the glory of the Lord he was God he wasn't God working on the earth he was actually the god of the earth but Adam was not ready he wasn't ready to be a king in marriage so God had to begin to train Ian's train him on how to take authority over the beasts of the field training him how to take authority over the birds of the air so God began to form the beasts of the field and Adam began to land he began to be familiar with these things familiar with certain things in his life that were coming in his life sometimes you have to be familiar with trusting God because if you're not familiar with trusting God how are you going to trust your husband how are you going to trust your wife if you don't know how to trust God God has to begin to try some of you you think you're so knowledgeable but you're not getting there you're not yet dad says why God hasn't brought the spark said you're not yet bad in the area that you need to be you need to be at a certain level and you have at least a level yet sometimes God brings spouses to people who are very young in the faith and it's because God has found it worthy it's because God has founded ideal in that situation every story is different but God is the one that ordained times and seasons some of you this bus is not banging because you're not yet on the love what you need to be don't think because you've been saying it for so long you deserve this of that it doesn't work like that the things of God work with time the things of God work with seasons and other nations and establishments the things of God don't work because you feel you deserve the blessing you feel you're too lonely you feel this event it doesn't work like that with God God is not like a man God is God and he does what it wills in his ways are so much higher than our ways his way of thinking is way beyond your way of thinking so when God is doing something worship Him when God is needs something you don't understand seek his face don't seek his face to go to war with God just because Jacob fought with the gardens they must change of Israel doesn't mean you need to fight with God every time it doesn't mean you need to fight with God every season and we turn you're fast and you fighting with God why are you fighting with God find out the mind of God that is higher than your mind find out the mind of God that is more excellent than your mind so God began to drink the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and he brought them to Adam to see what Adam would name them you see Adam at that time he didn't know that he was lonely you see God knows you more than you know yourself you may feel like maybe you're lonely but God doesn't think that you're lonely you may feel like you don't need a husband now I got me see that you actually lonely you're ready for a husband right now you see some women are so content in the Lord is so good attempt in this singleness and they shut themselves down it they put a wall around them but God is trying to say hey hey hello trying to get your your husband is right there some people are so content in the Lord and there's women like that who are content in the Lord but God is saying a lot that's your husband right there baby doesn't look like how you want it to look but he's the one some women are looking for a boy some women are looking for an atom man was really complete he was working in the glory of God man who can teach them the word fast and pray for them but their husband is not yet there that level but you don't get to that level you have to understand the mind of God when it could says these things don't just judge people according to physical science physical limitation God is saying to you hello this is your husband yes that new guy in the church no this is your husband that guy at the airport yes that's your husband you see we have to be able to hear the voice of the Lord and understand what God is saying here don't perceive according to your senses according to your intellect and your understanding that comes from the flesh it comes from experiences and opinions don't do that don't limit God some of you your husband is going to draw you in the things of the Spirit but you're judging him according to the flesh you judging him according to what you're saying just because he's driving that car today doesn't mean that 10 years from now he's gonna drive that same car God is raising him up on a different level but you are the one you are the key but you're refusing the mind of God you're refusing the plan of God don't refuse the plan of God because of what you're seeing it's not just say the lawyer standard or law of this but you have to understand the mind of God seek the mind of God that you will not be in error you will not miss the perfect will of God so the Bible tells us that whatever Adam called each living creature that was its name Adam was excelling in the role that God was giving him adam was excelling in his purpose and him was excelling in his new role we see was a new season for Adam a new season of walking in authority in the things of the earth in the things of the air and the things that concern the vision that God spoke to him and his wife you see you have to understand that the wife of Adam was inside him so as he was walking in this authority of maybe the animals his wife was also partaking in that authority and that blessing his wife was also / taking in the same glory in the same establishment that Ida was walking in Eden was also / taking in this new season because she was buried inside him she was buried in his side she hadn't been burnt yet tangibly but spiritually she was particular in the foundation in the vision that God spoke before time so Adam gave names to all the cattle all the birds of the earth and every living beast of the field but though he tells us but for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him you see women women you have to understand this I know that there's so many women conferences today there's so many women teaching other women concerning marriages so many women are desiring marriage because this is what God has placed inside you but you have to understand something that men are more at stake when it comes to marriage men have more to lose when it comes to marriage and this is why the Bible is telling us God is telling us that it is not good for man to be alone the man himself is incomplete without his helper so that's one thing a man without his helper is incomplete that is if he's called to marriage he'll never be complete until the helper comes number two his vision is incomplete until the helper comes but when it comes to you women you women were fashioned and establish it cause to continue in the hand of God you are completed in the presence in the hand of God so when you came to Adam you already complete you are the finishing piece that completes him and you're the finishing piece that completes his destiny it is very important that you are the sternness as a woman understand it according to the eyes of the law don't understand it and be arrogant don't understand it it has pride but understand it from the eyes of God so for the women that are called to the marriage their vision is incomplete without them completing the vision of the man means their vision is incomplete and it's very important that men and women understand this according to the our roles and according to what God has put inside them as a woman you have to understand the importance of your of your role you are there to complete him in his strength you're there to cover and protect him because you're on his side you are the one that pushes him into his destiny and this is only possible by the power of the Spirit of the Lord and the word of the Living God you cannot fulfill and completely without the power of God and without the Word of God so when you begin to cry out to God like God I need a husband God I'm ready for a husband you have to pray with understanding because what you're praying about is it's very serious here so you have to ask yourself are you ready to help this man are you ready to complete it because this man is incomplete without you you are the one that is going to bring completion in his life are you ready to do that because these are sacrifices that need to be made it's not about having sex or having children it goes beyond that it's about completing this man sexually emotionally financially you had aid even in the area of his finances you're the one that pushes him even in the area of his finances you have to understand the role that you're praying about it's very important that you understand this and when you say God bring my husband God lead me to my house but you have to understand that there's a vision that God has for this man who is meant to be your husband there's a vision that you need to fulfill together and you need to walk in your role you need to walk with you in your role with humility you need to walk in your role with power you need to walk in your role according to the word of the Living God that your marriage may be a success it's very important that we understand this when we make these kind of prayers don't worry about people that say that you're in this age or why I'm still dating why are you doing this while still doing that you have to understand things are calling to the mind of God so ask yourself am I ready to be the helper that is comparable to my husband the husband and God thankfully be so but we be vigilant in the way that you see this in the way that you're going to answer this question are you ready if you're ready we're gonna pray if you're ready we're gonna pray ask yourself are you ven if you're not ready they don't pray this prayer and we're gonna pray ask yourself are you ready to fulfill the vision that God has made for you as a couple because some people want to be like other couples but you are not meant to walk like another couple you're not meant to have the same story like another couple you're not meant to have a worldwide ministry don't design marriage because you want to be on a flyer or the poster don't design much because you want to travel to Zimbabwe and South Africa and minister you have to be content with the vision that God has given you as a couple you have to understand the vision that God has for that man that you're going to marry and if your man watching this video you have to understand the vision that God has given this woman that is way to help you so it's very important that you know yourself when you pray these kind of prayers know who you are in God know your purpose and your identity in Christ before you pray these kind of prayers that God bring me to my husband God do this said that you have to understand who are you in Christ what is the vision that God has given you and God brought Eve to the man Eve had a vision and a goal and a purpose concerning her own life and all concerning her husband Adam and that purpose of that vision was to be an influence and great influence to Adam influencing Adam in the things of God but the enemy came Bailey saw that Eve is working in a purpose the enemy saw that this is the one that influences this man Lynch speak to her let me pause her to sin so you have to understand your role as a wife you're there to influence you have to be an influence you are a powerful influence in the life of your husband and you have to usher that power according to the foundation of the word of God the foundation of the Spirit of the Living God you have to assure the power into that man's life according to the things and to the things of God concern the things of God could selling the things of the kingdom of God so when you pray these kind of prayers do you understand the role that you need to play as a wife do you understand the influence that you are mental walking as a wife do you understand why God is saying it is not good for man to be alone the man that God is ordained for you to understand these tiny tiny seasons or are you warring with God for him to bring a husband because you want to have sex you see you cannot afford to desire a husband because you want sex because that is not what makes up a marriage that's not what marriage is about yes that makes up part of the marriage but marriage is more than that it's a lot more than that it has a bigger vision than that it is a bigger purpose than that yes the Bible says that those that burn in passionately should marry but what about walking in the fruit of stuff controlling the exercise that yet because if you get the blessing before time it can kill you some people are wanting to climb out of marriage because they stepped in wanting to have sex they got married because they want to test sex they were not ready for the vision that God has for them in marriage they were not ready to be influences in marriage they were not ready to walk in the authority that God would date for them they're not ready to walk in the blessing the blessing of having dominion over the birds of the birds of the air the fish of the sea and everything that creeps on the earth you're not ready you're not yet mature to walk in that kind of authority in that kind of blessing so the blessing began to kill them so marriage began to kill them you see it's not about getting getting again again it's about giving your debt to give if you're ready to give give give then you're in the right direction so to tell you what to pray if you're saying god I am ready God I'm ready to be an influence I'm ready to walk in the power in my role the power of your spirit I'm ready to walk according to the Word of God that I've been learning and being trained on by your spirit I'm ready God if you're ready we're gonna pray a dangerous kind of prayer if you're ready we're gonna pray today that God opens brings an acceleration God is able to do that if you're ready so if you feel you're ready and you understand the role you understand what it takes and you're ready to walk and to give God glory of God you're ready to listen to the voice of the Lord even if he says this is yours but you're when I get to his voice we're gonna pray let's just pray O God Abraham Isaac and Jacob you of God there is no other god father we thank you for this word that you've given us today O God it is a reminder Oh God of the plan and the purpose that you were dating for the beginning of time concerning your children that are called to marriage or God there are people watching this video that are called to marriage people that you have ordained father to me their spouses according to a certain time scale and time my own God according to your whole and and according to your desire according to your ways oh god father these people today that are praying today father some of them are tired Almighty God some of them Oh God they come in the behavior voice could study this fast because of the burning desire that they have because of the passion that is burning within them some of them feel that they are lonely but God you know all things and further we are asking for your mercy today we just ask for your mercy today we need your grace oh god I pray for your grace oh god those that have been waiting oh god those that have been waiting for a long time oh god father according to your mercy according to your grace or God established them bring their spouses to them Oh God that makes you they may give a testimony oh God let your people testify Oh God that you brought the spouse Almighty God just before they died Oh God you brought the spouse just video about to lose whole just before they felt they were about to die Oh God let there be a miracle in this present life a miracle silent wonder Oh God I pray in the name of Jesus the miracle starts Almighty God bring them father I pray father some of your people I divorce some of them I helpless and they feel because they this angel the end that any job mighty God some of them feel maybe they don't deserve it because of the way that they've been living their lifestyle Almighty God but God you are the God that is compassion you're the God that ordained seasons and times you're the God that is not a respecter of persons oh god I pray that you may forgive this person or God if they've been living a life that they feel maybe doesn't deserve such a blessing Oh God covered that by your precious blood the precious blood of you son our Lord Jesus Christ Oh God look upon the blood of God and bless this present oh god bless them O God with the spots bless their marriage oh god bless their love like oh god I pray bless everything that concerns their love life oh god I pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every name mighty God I thank you for the blessing that is coming me away Oh God I thank you for a spouse that is going to be a blessing in their life Oh God in the name of Jesus teach your people God how to receive the blessing teach your people Oh God not to receive even your time in your season Oh God Almighty I thank you in the name of Jesus not one year from now this president is going to testify of your goodness in their love life I thank you O God in the next in the next in the next year that is coming oh god that this person is going to testify Almighty God even in the next few months and weeks oh oh god I thank you in the name of Jesus the name that is above every name oh god you know the one that does the impossible it's gonna give you I'm gonna we give you praise we give you glory thank you O God for it is your desire to bless your children of God father those that you see that the blessing might kill them oh god I pray for your mercy O God let it be that the blessing will not kill them let it be that the blessing will not destroy them o God I pray that these people continue to seek your face even in their happiness even in their joy their love life Oh God let them remember your name oh god I pray teach them the fear of the Lord by your spirit teach them the love of God by your spirit oh god I pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every name God we honor you we give you glory we give you honor oh God in the name of Jesus how these people Oh God to walk in higher dimensions of joy of bliss of fulfillment even in their love lives Oh God even in their marriages O God that there that you are as establishing today Oh God Almighty let them taste heaven on earth Oh God in their relationships let them taste heaven on earth in their marriages Oh God let them not hear of heaven on earth but let them taste it oh God in their own relationships as they endeavor to walk in your word as they endeavor to walk you're loved oh god you love that it's Canadore God your love that is a long suffering Oh God you're not that is full of joy you're God you love that it's peaceful oh god your love that does not delight in evil but delights in truth Oh God let them walk oh God let them taste the anger pain love Oh God let them see that it is possible to experience in a cafe Oh God in their relationships at their marriages father this I pray in the name of Jesus the name above every name oh god father help them to grow each other Oh God even as the spouse comes oh god help them to accelerate each other in the things that concern you oh god I pray in their conversations Oh God let them delight in you Oh God in their conversations let them glorify your God even when there are no no God help them to glorify you Oh God have that they have the fear of the Lord or God I pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every name and this we pray in Jesus mighty name father we thank you for the spouses that are coming oh god I thank you for the spouse that is coming for this person Oh God you are faithful your ways are high Oh God your ways a good Oh God thank you Oh God for the plans that you have established today oh god I think you know this person is going to testify oh god of your goodness in their love life oh god I thank you that they will not experience Oh God the pain and the hurt that other people experience because they have waited on you or God I thank you in the name of Jesus the name above every name we give you honor we give you glory in Jesus mighty name we pray amen and amen amen oh I'm so excited I just have to smile and laugh god is good so I'm so excited for what God can do in your life I'm so excited for ways taking you in your love life you know my desires for the people of God to experience heaven on earth in their relationships and let me tell you that it's very possible heaven on earth is very possible in your relationship in your engagement in your courtship in your marriage it's very possible and it only comes by walking in the Word of God it only comes by allowing God to take the driver's seat in your life it comes about God to be the leader of your relationship being the master of your relationship allow him to take off allow the spin of God to come so you guys to you know teach you guys and to help you guys and you experience heaven on earth it comes at a cost but the cost is just obedience in Christ's obedience and willingness just to be humble before God to be helpful before each other to be transparent so I'm so excited for what guys gonna do in your love life god bless you I love you so much and I'll see you on Monday take care bye grab a copy of my latest book incorruptible beauty on Amazon Kindle and iBooks [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 74,541
Rating: 4.9493532 out of 5
Keywords: godly marriage, God preparing you for a godly marriage, preparing for a godly marriage, wisdom wednesdays, it is not good that man should be alone, wisdom wednesday
Id: vpJBRLyhYn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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