Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon_ HELP FROM ABOVE

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hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name let's give Him glory let's give him our let's give'em adoration let's bless the king of kings let's bless a lot of loss let's bless the only one who can do marvelous tree people Lori prism magnify is Holy Name thank you by the water you know what is the difference [Music] really [Music] in Jesus mighty name we'll wash it now I wanted to lift your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear say father on this new ground do something new in my life right now go ahead talk to the old mighty God my father my god on this new ground do something new in my life right now right now right now Almighty God on this new ground do something new in my life something or forgettable something you haven't done before something mighty something that will showed you all that truly you are the Almighty we do something new in my life today Lord and your name will be glorified thank you my father Thank You mighty name who have prayed give you all the glory we give you we give you all the we gave you a man we give you all the glory we give you [Music] we gave you [Music] Ancient of Days will give you all the glory they all sufficient God will give you all the glory the why would never grows old will give you all the glory please accept our worship in Jesus name my father my god on this new ground let a new dawn begin in all our lives in the life of the Blessed family the kind of blessing that they will see goddesses becoming too much release to them today individually blessing beyond measure as family's blessing beyond measure as a congregation as a family of God blessed beyond measure that kind of blessing they can't even dream possible now my father my god before this time next year let them begin to enjoy do marvelous things today glorify your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen and then somebody shout hallelujah I shake every one or two people I say neighbor I love you but today my miracle will be bigger than yours and maybe I love you but today my miracle will be bigger than yours and if we believe that Olivia you shot a big Alleluia and please visit it just want to thank the Almighty God for the Blessed family you are doing new things I am going to be doing nutrients in your life you brought me from the camp now to the venue with an l a-- copter even though you highlight by next year you will have to hire at least one of you are bought his own Wow who is that fellow let a fellow shout hallelujah in 1998 we had lucky 98 well you and Jeanette the choir they love you so much that's why they are clapping for you in 1998 we had latina G which then was the largest gathering of human beings on earth there was a beginning of the Congress only goes Congress today we are having lucky 18 [Music] [Applause] and the greatest miracle that ever performed is going to perform in the life of so on I rejoice with you I saw the crowd that were see on the road as we were driving they weren't enough to feel TBS and then I got there and I saw that this place is already packed the devil is angry and he shows that God is on your side let me have somebody shout hallelujah Psalm 121 from verse one two three someone twenty one one two two and we lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth today we want to talk very briefly on help from above Almighty God may declare that you should not expect help from below don't expect your health from an Jeremiah passivity was 5 to 6 Jeremiah 17:5 to success curse is the man who trusts a man who has made the arm of flesh with strength don't put your trust in man man will fail you but he says if you put your trust in God expect your help from him and then you be blessed Jeremiah 17 verse 7 to 8 jeremiah 17:7 to 8 now the beauty of expect take help from on high is that according to John chapter 3 verse 31 john terry verse 31 he that is from above is above all and the one that we were to lift up your eyes to today is the one who says in isaiah 66 was one isis isis was one he says heaven is my throne the artists refuse to some people are so clapping for the engineers of my extreme left [Music] engineer the Lord will bless you my dearly nobody should track all this distance and be denied they are blessing because some people did they allow them to hear the one who is above and is above all controls everything below it controls Kings vibe you see the heart of kings are in his hand and it turns it whichever way twist like you water rivers proverbs 20:1 was one it controls everything above angels birds the wind the wind and the sea obey Him is the control of all but what I want to really talk to you about for the next few minutes and the minutes will be few because when God wants to perform a miracle he does he suddenly along with I finish your breakthrough would have come because is above it can take you from the graveyard and bring you to life in John chapter 11 verse 13 8 o 45 John 11 at a NATO fortified a brought somebody who has been degree for four days out of the grave all he had to do is speak a word because the one who is above is also called the resurrection and the life George 11 verse 25 so I want to decree to someone today that if your business had been dead today it will come out of the gradient if your marriage is already dying it will come back to life and if the enemy think that they have already buried your destiny because of the one who lives on high that destiny will come back to life today but you can do better than that there might be some people who are not dead benefit business-wise the business not completely dead but they are loaded with bodies of death they repeat it can bring you out of the pit and put you on level ground because in some forty was one two three some forty was one two three he said he brought me out of the miry clay and then set my feet on the rock to stay in 17 chapter 4 verse 1 to 7 second Kings for was one to seven there were who was dead the children were not there but she was so deep in debt that the creditors wanted to sell her children to pay for the dead but the one who is above and thread for this mighty hand from above and poured out so that she never had to bear born again I had a testimony not too long ago I think I've shared with some of you of one of my partners who said she came to a partner's meeting last year and I pray that God miraculously with help people to pay their debts and after that meeting those he was who he called him how are you going to pay the debt wars and he said I don't know they say you after no he said because if I pay you a million lire for every day that I've been alive I won't be able to finish me as I said in that case we cancel your date I decree today to somebody here if you are in debt before the end of this year you'll be debt-free if today you are in the valley financially speaking success speaking progress speaking the one from above will bring you out of the valley and put to a level grounding Jesus Mary but then if I do more than that it can pick you from the valley and put you on the hilltop you see does the devil David I will lift my eyes on through their heels the one on the hill they are the one the Almighty go compete you from the level ground and put you on the hilltop enforceable chapter 2 verse 78 forceable true several to eight the Bible tells us that it can pick up a beggar from the dunghill and cause him to begin to seat among princes in foreskin chapter 17 verse 1 first Kings chapter 17 verse 1 he picked up a man called Elijah Elisha was in no body his family was nothing that's why when they say Elijah the Tishbite of the inhabitants of Gilead they did not mention his father's name because they are mounted to nothing but the Almighty God lifted him up and fortune mighty level where they command the heavens to short and God saw tree that is what was obeyed there might be somebody here today nobody knows you nobody think you can become anything but in the name that's above every other name because you came today you should be sitting on the hilltop but you can do even better than that it can pick you from the hilltop and put you on de Monte it can move you from glory to glory according to second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 8 a second kori chastity verse 18 it says he can move us from glory to glory now in 2nd key chapter 4 verse 8 to 17 second Kings for masseter 17 the Bible talked about a woman and God called the woman a great woman she was great but she had no child so even in all a great nest there was see something missing until the one from on high who reached out to her and all of a sudden the one who was called great became greater I know there are some of you who are here today that already great and I'm decree in the nameless above every other name you will become greater after all you the story before a meeting I heard and so we are here in Ocoee some mighty people used to invite me watch them a year to come and do Bible study for them only mighty people go there but one day one small boy just money to sneak him when I finished preaching he came to me and said sir I've never had this kind of preaching before and so I want to bless you and he gave me $10,000 I prayed for him I said well next time will be more I said after I left there was wondering what kind of passes I gave him $10,000 must be very greedy they say next time will be more but the following year he came and he said now I understand your prayer because last year when I came to this meeting I had only 11 petrol stations this is mobile utterly level petrol stations is abet now I have a hundred ante in the named as above every other name you may be great now before this time next year you will be far far greater and God can do even greater things he can move you from the man chained to the sky in a such a / 44 such a while I support even such a while he says he will give you wings of eagles so that you can fly into the sky in up chapter 8 for example if you read from verse 39 to 40 acts 8 from verse 39 to 40 a Bible tells us of how the Almighty God caused Philip to travel by the Holy Spirit he got him flying into the sky there are some of you who are ready on the mountaintop there might be one or two here for example that if they were too tragic to withdraw their money from a bank the manager will catch cold but Robinson anything yet there is a God in the heavens all over the picture from where you are now and take you to well rough line I was sharing with some of my children not too long ago there were people who considered himself mighty and I told them I know you are wealthy and I thank God for your being wealthy well there's something greater than being worthy it is called being prosperous and I told them the story of a man who went for a walk money walk it was on holiday in England and he decided to go for a money walk and he went with his bodyguards and then he saw a factory big factory where they make a choice but as every factory the factory was tetchy so he answers people what factories as I said that's where the micro so I say aha you mean that's where they make dekai right and he says the chasis he says let's branch so he break there and say I wanted to see the owner of the factory so they they met and he told him I I want to buy a factory that man looked at him I said are you sure you're aware I make rolls-royce only the top people in the world behind my product who told you I am poor uttered really easily sensor I will make you an offer you can't refuse sit down calculates your profit for the next 10 years added to the cost and I pay you right here he went for a walk he came back home with the factory so you understand what I'm talking about there is somebody here today you are already on the Munchie before this time next year you'll be flying and then God can do even better than that that's why you need to look up high don't limit your vision this is the one who is on I is above all away come check you from the sky to heaven when you hear that the sky is the limit that's not for children of God this guy's not your limit the limit is level in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 from verse 2 to 4 second Corinthians 12 verse 2 to 4 Paul told us how God took him to the 3rd heavens inefficient after 1 verse 32 23 official 1 attend to 23 it tells us that this was very seated far above all principality and power in the officiator - 2 verse 6 efficient 2 verse 6 the Bible tells us that the Almighty God as result of resource up together with him and we are sitting with him in heavenly places the Almighty God's plan for your life it's not to limit you to describe is to take you all the way to heaven so when Debbie said I lift my eyes to the heavens I live my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help it means I am making up my mind that I'm going to link up myself to the one who make me far far far above anyone it was a shepherd boy by the time God finished with him it was not just a king he became the father of the King of Kings I've always told my children whenever I see something tree something great in the reading presence of God there was our glory be to God we have arrived and I've always today we have one started and I'm telling the Blessed family you have not started I'm telling you in the name that's above every other name that by this time next year one of you already in a thousand and ten of you in tenth house in the name that's above every other name your journey to the top winner versus body move you higher and higher they will take you to greater heights from this moment or anytime I hear concerning you it will be from a higher height let me conclude how do I access this help how do I get myself a link dog to the one who can raise the dead who can pick somebody from a peach and put him on level ground who can pick somebody on the level ground and put him on a hill who can pick somebody from a hill and move him on to Mont Alto who can pick somebody from the mountain top and cause him to fly who can take you from the sky and take you all the way to heaven how do I access this helper in Matthew 15 verse 21 to 28 Matthew 15 verse 21 or 28 the woman came to Jesus Christ and fell at his feet as I help me I need help I know you can do all things Jesus Christ said yes I can but I can give the bread of children to dogs the power is there I can perform any form of miracle I can do the impossible bet is not for those who are not mature the woman fell at his feet I said I agree I am a dog but I saw then that to you and as she surrendered the miracle that belonged to children was made available to her her goodness for someone here today who says so right now all to Jesus the impossible will become possible for you the impossible will be reversed for you it takes complete and absolute surrender to him because if the one who wants to pull you out reaches out his hand to pull you out and you are shaking he will drop you less if you surrender he will pick you up and take you to the month later from the monthly to disguise and there from the skies to heaven a total story before and we designed clothes a woman was pregnant and the baby died in our own the baby stopped moving for almost a week before she went to the hospital to find out what's going on and a Torah how the baby had been dead for at least three days and that the most havoc with quickly because it will be by now with the erotic she said thank you very much for your report I know the Congress is coming I'm going to attend the Congress it wasn't with before the Congress if God does not do something for me during the Congress I can come back you can't do you have a question they laughed at her you wait another one week you are dead because the we would have become retained the poison inside of you will kill you she came to the Congress the first day of the Congress not a happened not to God it innocently photographies at all the second day not to happened the third day are so Marisa who remember that occasion the power of God came down so mightily I could in stand as to ask for a chair on the puppet i sat down babe as I was about to sit down God spoke and said there's a woman here the baby home had been dead for more than one week the baby's coming back to life instantly will be John back to life instantly brethren there is a God who can pick you up from the graveyard and that baby today now is getting ready to go to Bible College it can take you from the grave and told you to somebody who be flying all over the world proclaiming his name but your surrender to him must be absolute it must be complete so this let me start by calling those of you who have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus Christ to come come to my Jesus he will save you so it will give you a brand new beginning and then everything will become new for you and so I'm going to account from one to twelve because I know some of you are very far away but before I say twelve if you want to surrender your life to this one who is the on high you can't do anything before I say twelve come and stand before me and Counting now one - and if raqami you have to come fast because my time is running out sorry those of you are clapping you are clapping for Jesus thank you your hand will never be empty but laugh as if you really mean it four [Music] five all there is a power that is above all powers common be don't with him and everything will change six fill up your hand will never wither seven oh this is a new day for you a new day on the new ground are you eight yeah I can see some of you so far away you have to move a little faster keep coming this your day your day of salvation your day of a new beginning it says if anybody being crisis a new creature portals are passed away behold all things are become new come to him let's forgive your sins let them give you a brand-new beginning 9 oh thank you Jesus glory be to the holy name 10 array of body of audio Acosta system of the audio [Music] 11 thank you Jesus now those of you are ready in front will you please talk to the Almighty God ask him to save your soul ask him to have mercy on you and those of you on the way keep praying to us you come and then the rest of all this stretcher hands was our new brothers and sisters and pray that the Almighty God who saved our own Souls who save their souls also intercede for them brother let's pray for them for just 2 minutes and those of you on the wait body or body of audio be sure you get up before I finish pray because I must pray now oh thank you Jesus glory be to God thank you Father thank you Almighty go in Jesus mighty name we have prayed eternal Rock of Ages we just want to say thank you thank you for your word thank you because we are the Almighty thank you because you have proved yourself a a father except attention Jesus name look at this your children father they have come to surrender to you please receive them in Jesus name I pray my father and my god that today you will save their souls that your blood will wipe away their sins that will write their names in the book of life that we walk send them into the family of God and learn from now any time they'll cry on to you please answer them by fire and let them serve you for the rest of their lives thank you my father now in a moment my father my god I'm going to ask your children to cry to you for help every one of us here today from the east side helped rose from the West sent her to us from the north send help to us from the south send help to us from heaven above send help to us and further that falls on that individual that has allowed us to use this ground for this program said help to him O Lord God Almighty answer some prayers awesome and I am pray Lord God Almighty that by this time next year all your children will be flying the whatever have be hindering their progress my father may go be destroyed right now show them that you are the Messiah in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen now those of you in front let me hear you shout hallelujah now I'm rejoicing with you because from now by the grace of God I'd be praying for you so I'm going to need your names to address and your prayer requests the cancel loss will give you a piece of paper kindly fill the information they will send me a copy and I promise you I'd be praying for you if needed piece of paper that one if you need a pen to write with ask for one but I want you to stay where you are so you finish that and be part of the prayer we're about to pray now I mean if you believe God would do something new here today showing you that the devil may try by the devil failed at Otakon are a source by sending rain while I'm preaching it's wasting his time does he understand the reason God who can live - Opry stage where even the rain who have to obey you stand on your feet if you believe me once I appear to dilemma you shout hallelujah and like you have never cried before lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father send help to me go ahead talk to the Almighty God sent her to me physically saying help to me financially send help to me maritally st. help to me spiritually Lord send help to me send her to me Oh Lord you will suffer no loss TV channel you will suffer no loss our TV channel
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 61,016
Rating: 4.6825395 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg sermon, 2018 rccg sermon, rccg tv, rccg bleesed family, rccg live, rccg broadcast, rccg powerful sermon, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye new sermons, pastor e a adeboye online sermons, 2018 pastor e a adeboye sermon, youtube sermon, rccg region 11 lagos
Id: T608Ycn1WpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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