Last Life episode 1: CHAOS SCAR

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well hello there and welcome to third life season two or shall i say last life because we've got a new name new players and twists and turns around every corner the first one you can hear right now the click of the clacker and the numbers on our screen that is the randomly generating number of lives we start the game with we can start between two and six what are we gonna get cross your fingers oh we got six oh my gosh that's such a relief oh that's fantastic okay so some poor unfortunate last lifers out there got two lives and you know what it's not the end of the world for them because in this season we can transfer lives that is right they join an alliance with me well i can transfer one of my lives to them we're doing a transaction trying to get some resources we could transfer lives so there's a ton of possibilities when it comes to transferring lives which is absolutely amazing now as i said we've got twists and turns along with new members we've got ld's shadow lady we've got the mumble with the jumbo and the pearlescent moon but the twists keep on coming because we've got boogeymen amongst us that is right our boogeyman is amongst us at the start of every session a random person is no no no oh i tried to catch at the last second why did i make a hole oh let's put in our back pocket save it for later but as i said we've got a boogie man amongst us at the beginning of every session somebody has created the boogeyman and when they are the boogeyman all of their friendships and alliances are out the window because their only goal is to kill and by killing they are then cured of their boogeyman this and if they don't kill in the allotted time as the boogie band they lose all of their lives but one they are sent to their red life and that is the life of the boogeyman it is unforgiving it is but that is also the nature of third life and last life but you get back here what are you doing you get back here mr pig you become uncle scar's cured bacon you get back here right now there you are but as i said there is shenanigans around every corner in third life danger stealing this that andy everything that is the nature of third life or now last life so remember we're all just friends having fun making videos to entertain you so sit back relax and enjoy where do we want to go all right hmm so we are a hundred percent blind to the map we have no idea what any of the terrain looks like wait we've made it back to spawn hmm we should steal the enchanter that would be hilarious it's just hanging out over there so we have one enchanter for the entire server it would be [Music] i like that this is now scar mountain this is amazing i absolutely love this we're gonna put like a castle or a big who's this who's this skizzleman so i am going to claim this as mount scar pending a better name look at them conspiring down there oh the boogeyman the boogeyman is coming guys the boogeyman is coming two one you are [Music] not the pokemon okay obviously i was a little worried i didn't really want to become the boogeyman because that's a guaranteed loss of lives for me because there's honestly no way i would be able to kill anybody i have created the most pro house of all time look at this it's got a peaked roof it's got windows on either side of its doorway and the greatest thing inside here is we didn't go with no hardwood floor absolutely not we've got squishy floor that feels very nice under your feet look at that it's awful it's horrible but at least we have somewhere here and look at this we've got a ton of room and we can see the whole map from our humber humble i can't say harm bar i can't say humble or i'm a little home here so oh my gosh green's got diamonds and we've got a dirt house this isn't working out really great let's go gear up that's right stone age my friends i'm coming now a little late a little late but i like my little house oh thank you mumbo thanks hi pro good to see you keeping up scar help all right we are cooking now we've got our furnace we got our chest set up we just need to get some uh torches and some actual gear but i kind of realized that we're getting a little far behind everybody and you know you can witness that from the mockery of the chat in a moment ago and there's boogeymen out there there could be bandits going to take advantage of us when we go on an adventure so we're going to need a bit of diamond not armor skin diamond skin is what we have and from afar i think we can trick some people into thinking that we're big we're tough and not to be messed with especially that boogie man don't mess with me i got a diamond set of armor here but it's actually diamond skid if you look closely pause the video right here you can see that i have a six pack some may even say that i've gone full nine pack that's right i got full nine pack and yeah so we can intimidate the boogeyman maybe we can get some people to come back to us base up with us which should be really cool we're pretty pretty lonely up here so let's leave a sign here scar i'm a pro we got a dirt house in fake diamond armor i don't know how much more noobish noobish brand new to minecraft we could possibly be but we've gone full noob right now and i'm all for it anyway i'm kind of worried about the cliff here falling off this is this is kind of precarious this is scary but let's go make some friends let's go get some gear and i also had this idea right we have six lives to our name right now and that's a lot of lies there are people with two lives right now so i was thinking what if they died they would be in desperate need of another life to stay in the game they don't want to be on their red life on the first episode so maybe they come to the soul salesman not no not the not souls like your shoes but souls you get it souls and they come here maybe we're some kind of wizard or some kind of sorcerer and uh they're like hey man i need i need a life it's going really poorly and i'm like oh tell me more because as you can see i've got some souls for sale this is more of a reminder for myself that i don't really have minecraft diamond armor on these are at best pajamas from the kids aisle at target other people are being smart right now down in the mines getting real diamond armor my priorities are always so skewed with every series what is wrong with me what hello oh hello oh i thought you had diamond i i do i do let's go we cut we can't we can't uh it was fine it was fine yeah dude i i have a suspicion that you don't have diamonds hey no touchy touchy i'll bite i will bite i will fight first things first things first yes everything that happened last season is null and void doesn't count i mean i can't put you on a llama and take you to the sand desert nope no no everything that happened is is in the past now but i do need to know yes are you the boogeyman oh no no no because if you are i'm not sure you'll win this that's fine with your your budget armor this is this is pro armor do you see my six-pack look at my six-pack can i have one of these yes oh thank you so much thank you so much here here how about this how about this i trade you i trade you my pants and that's okay i can go without my pants for your sword so toss your sword over no you don't you you you fooled me for a second when i saw you between the trees i was like how does he have a diamond armor it's a bit too it's a bit too fitting you know it's it's intimidating right like people think i don't want to mess with him like look at him dude have you tried have you tried the transfer give life command no i have not you wanna dude i'll send you back give it do give life green and you'll see the animation how about you do it first i can't if i do if i do i'll be on redneck name and then i'll kill you but you'll be so funny no give it a little just just put yourself because when you're that is the that's the rules of the server when you give a life yeah like when you're on your red life all deals are off the table you are now scott oh can you can you take care of that can you can you get that thank you thank you thank you okay all right i will give it to you all right all right so yeah i'll give it i'll give it straight back green just give life korean and then then how do i know how many lives i have because i start out with six you got six lives yeah i'm not giving this back i'm not getting this back wait a second you get back here mister you get back here back here oh this is scary here i know i'm intimidating with my six-pack and everything but he stole my life can you can you get it from him yeah i'm gonna hide behind you what kill grief i just told i just asked scars like uh just do the command and i'll send it right back and he did it i was going to prank somebody with that can you kill him please life ping-pong but yeah i was going to scam them too so come on i can assure you it it actually works if you find the right person husker joelle i guess he's snowballs work on jimmy i think he'll work on jimmy has he no he's got what he's got two lives you got it you gotta you gotta choose someone yeah oh nice of you to come and steal my mining that's great thank you very much this isn't real diamond this is a this is a pajamas i need i need a shield scott i do feel like i'm not gonna give you this life back because somehow you got six and that's not fair but i will give you some armor and i'll give you a golden apple oh my god i want my life back i'm opening another man i'll keep it safe i'll keep it i'll keep it safe for you and if we uh if we end up in a situation where you somehow end up with less lives than me then i'll give it back okay you'll keep it safe like if i if i ever hit red and it's it's bad you give it the life to me right we'll see investment i think that is it that's you're keeping your life safe with me as long as i don't lose it i trust you more than myself did you give me some oh you gave me some iron i appreciate i gave you some bits i gave you some bits what if the guy in the diamond armor was the boogeyman in the end no goodbye have a good time it's so good that she knows that she doesn't have to run away from you no she was intimidated by them that's why she ran here let's go ask her liz liz hold on come back here one second i need you quick question when i said i was the boogeyman you ran in fear right from me yes see grand she ran from fear she knew i was big and tough she knew i had the giant six-pack yeah let i get to know you first wait did your mama actually have a six-pack on it did you actually think he had diamond armor wait no touchy touch where i bite that wasn't your real armor oh something lit up what was that was that the creeper okay no nevermind that is fake uh i've been tricked i cannot believe you've been bamboozled wow i don't even know what to say the first person we run into we get our life scammed from us you know what no more chill scar i was gonna be chill make some friends get some gear no no no no it's chaos car time oh not safe not safe in the dark oak forest at night oh my gosh oh gosh we gotta be careful but as i said chaos scars here gloves are off now and i'm going to i don't know use the diamond armor for intimidation or pretend i'm the boogeyman however it is i'm getting uh oh [Music] hello there how are you hi you have a helmet on are we not supposed to have helmets nope okay bigby i've come here to level with you i won't tell anyone yeah don't tell anybody all right i'm gonna level with you i'm the i'm the boogie boogie guy the boogie man you are but but you know what i'm maintaining our our friendship forever okay okay me and you yes so the question is the only way that i can leave without your head is with a life with a life i only have a couple of them that's the key right there you have a couple to spare that's what i hear from you or the sword i will take the sword or i will take the life and i will spare you [Music] oh wait i wouldn't do i wouldn't do it i've got full diamond armor so i would make it out i mean i would make it out um can i can i think about this wait you can't because i'm the boogeyman so do we have a deal for the diamond swords yes i'll give you one diamond and you can spare my life okay i'll take the deal i will take the deal i'll take the deal okay there you go bigby is always a pleasure doing business with you it's always you know look remember me don't don't forget me i don't really have diamond armor nor am i the boogeyman wow i've just been [Laughter] is this the origin of the super villain scar oh man someone's up at my house there's a horse with armor on who's who's down there i can't see who's there who's down there hello hello it's scott green green great great great i tricked bigby into giving me a diamond you know he thought i had diamond armor oh so did you find my humble abode i this scar i've got to tell you yeah this is this is uh you're murdering your horse would you like me to save you there you are so this is your house right mm-hmm pregnant if i'm wrong well um i can't help but think this mountain and you is a bad idea would you like to buy it no no i've already got a place that i want to settle uh good luck with death mountain wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on pop off your horse here come here for a second don't kill your horse here over here i have a secret i have a secret over here here this way up here it's a secret little hiding hiding spot okay oh look someone's living at the top of that hell hello look at the house i hear a scar hello everybody where is though hello i'm uh i'm writing a trusty steed well hello no way i thought you had diamonds it's a skin oh my gosh no no no there's a creeper guys what are you doing what are you doing what's a creeper there's a skeleton it's like a skeleton oh thank you guys woof wow that was wild so how are you doing it's actually again it confused me for the longest time i had to stand up really intensely looking at it scott i hate so much the things that you've just said you're looking beautiful scarf how are you did you like my six pack look look look six-pack oh six-pack oh that's cool six-pack so honestly it matches pretty much any like fantasy medieval show when they give the breastplate like aren't this is true so here they've got a problem here kind of moving around the server trying to find somebody to off hello oh oh there oh hello jimmy hi oh my gosh jimmy you have picked up time for i don't know if you want to be down there right now i i said as i was running over here i haven't spoke to anyone literally the whole time and i bet you i will run into the boogeyman so please scott please tell me you're not oh yeah jimmy i um i was just speaking with these two as you can see i am fully decked out i don't know how but i am fully decked out is the thing and i'm the boogie boogie fella oh no i even have a little song it's called the boogie boogie boogie fella here to kill you or you can give me a life and i will be off on my way on my trusty steed so just pass your life why do you think they're in a tree they're hiding from me no we want to have anyone else that you'd like i think you'd like can i can i pay off in that way instead of a life in what way i've got resources for a spy glass that you can have fancy i can even give you my trusty life i'm gonna say like well what i'd like to say to that is my friend bon voyage oh no okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right the life was a lot to ask i admit it i admit it it was the spy glass will fit the spyglass will be fine all right you you take that you take that i actually if you finessed me scar this will be this won't be nice did you see my armor do you see how shiny it is it's so good is it enchanted yet i can't no no no not yet have you have you got lapis no do you have lapis yeah we i've tried to get some i couldn't find any here you go there you go this is me trying now i feel bad i can't take that i'm not really the boogie man see you later come on have a great time why are you kidding me dude i got a spyglass class oh you're excited yeah course it's not the questions it's just a scar thing to do yeah he just he doesn't gave him my spy glass this isn't even my horse before i took it from korea what is this it's crazy what have they done to me what have they done to me they have truly corrupted the scar into chaos car already but it's worked out pretty good we've got a horse we got a diamond and now we have a spy glass but i am still after that sixth soul i'm gonna end this series with six souls watching soul on disney plus [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hello there hello you've gotten taller oh you're on a horse oh yes you see my fancy horse look i bet i could oh look at this i went right over there oh ah i'm just stopping by to say hello okay that's good that's good because i'm out of diamond wow this is the worst jumping horse of all time [Music] oh there we go all right big b have a good time all right bye that's a cool little peak over there i like that oh my gosh i just came up with the best name for this horse it's yellow snow oh man i can easily make myself laugh mumbo hello up there or down there actually hello where are you going down there now this is my little you can come wow oh dude oh oh let me remember help me help me out there's a lot going on there's a lot going on i've got a spy glass and that's it look at look at how majestic i look mumbo look look at how majestic i look but i can't think of anything more pointless than a spy class well i suppose i suppose you can scout people out to a certain extent but that is still you do look very majestic how have you you're fully geared up i mean i thought i was doing okay but you are yeah this is like this is like an instagram flex you could you could post this on instagram with the hashtag rise and grind and you know like hard work pays off oh yeah give it a run give it a ride do you know what his name is you know what his name is what's his name yellow snow yellow that's a good name that is a good name you know what it feels very good to be riding a horse as opposed to a donkey it is i'm not used to these sorts of speeds so i've come here for business actually oh okay yeah lumbar white as a uh you know as a bona member and everything i i can't kill you but i'm the boogeyman so i'm gonna need something in return i will have to kill you i still beat up a load kills that was in self defense those those little rap scallions were up to no good i passed by there i was like those guys are going to get into some trouble see my full my full armor you see it yeah but i'm pretty getting out myself i'll give you that but you're armed with just a spy glass so do you see my six-pack [Music] you are shredded yeah wait what not a minute i it was worth a try but did you see do you see it look look look it's just it's his pajamas it's actually so good that works so well you know what i think i should have gone with the six pack i think it was too much it's the best thing in the world though buddy that is unreal i mean mine mine is real underneath this i'm just pure suit all right so you best believe i'm pretty good dude when you came out i i like diamond sword and a chest when i'm like oh shoot yeah it's about me well look look i can i can give you something potentially to help you on on your way oh really really even though i lied to you you came here for business it's uh one of these babies oh why thank you that's very shiny i will give you some redstone that's actually exactly what i've been needing so this is ideal but there we go we we had a nice little business arrangement now remember i will be opening a shop soon actually i didn't realize the horse's head moved this has just been a true failure i will be off in shame holding my head in yellow yellow snow's head down in shame goodbye mumbo uh is your skin got diamond armor what don't get touched no touching no touching oh this looks so close this is manly armor this is [Music] i could hit you with this axe you'd be fine should i just stress that out quickly yeah give it a go yeah give it a go give it a go give it up i'm not gonna have a six pack under these armors you you hit me right now give me a swipe i don't want to do it i'm not gonna lie do you guys want to see a magic trick yeah yeah yeah let's see with it okay everybody come here and stare at beat him stare beat up okay yeah beat up take off your chestplate oh here we go this sounds like a trick he's look he looks like oscar the crouch from sesame street very funny that's real funny scar in front of everybody his pants are the trash can real funny so were you the boogie fella i was a boogie fella oh okay there you go i was pretending i was the boogie fella and i got things i got a spy glass i got a horse i got a diamond so i guess that that's foiled now wait you were the boogeyman i was a boogeyman no no i'm still going i'm still going scott you're looking super pimp on that horse oh why thank you did you see my armor jeez look at that armored up the horses armed up i mean my my goodness look no red [Laughter] he's been doing a lot of sit-ups that's all i'll say is [Music] it was intimidating to some most people were were not not fooled look at this by the way so you're you're on a and uh do cool stuff like you're obviously on a high-speed vehicular unit so i like how you said that it makes me feel tough even though oh my god right now start he's got a dirt house at the top of the hill which is a genuine landmark at this point it's yeah you're looking right now yeah where can you see it from here i might build on top of this house i was up there and i i was a lonely and decided to come down and if i if i built next door oh come on over mumbo i love a neighbor i love a neighbor we'll set up as a fortress that sounds good to me we've all got on the spy guys are we the long eye crew yeah yes we are do you want to tour the house mumbo do you want to get a tour of the humble abode yeah let's do it let's do it let's roll up did he sneak up please let me tell my tail take a seat yeah yeah all right okay all eyes on me good good good good so etho ha vouch for him by saying you know i've done all these tests on b dubs i turned my back i you know i took off my armor for a second like testing him and so i was like okay okay those vouching for him and then we were enchanting stuff and i was like i'm just gonna do this one at a time in case one of you the boogeyman and he's like i am the boogeyman and then he just slaughtered me there and there she actually said it while he was doing it yeah well i just finished and then he went for me what a beast that's such a boogie move [Laughter] is recruiting people you don't want to stay no no no i already recruited the mustache man yeah you know you don't want to stay in the north this is the north think how much better the north was in game of thrones like remember it was like snowy i mean honestly i don't even know where i i i i dug a hole for a bit and then i came back to the middle for a while and now i'm i'm a man with no home like i have all my stuff on me okay how about how's this for an offer i will give you one fish for your unwavering loyalty like one fish you can't get through here guys do you have a pair of shears maybe no you're trying to give a fish to a man that already has too much fish are you telling me you don't want one more fish it's probably the thing that i have most stuff right this is all right all right three fish the north has an amazing thing going for it in the fact that we're at your house yeah the north the fourth yeah you're saying the north wait the south north the north brings in an emerald the south the south that's my emerald's car i gave you that that's true you can't take my fish look listen mumbo i i didn't want to have to do this five fish five fish five fish was i have 12 fish i've just put down 12 fish you've taken the offer right right to the south we go no you took the fish once you take them out what does the south have to offer come on what does the south have to offer it's got a defensible location dark oak and it's more importantly it's got you in dark oak remember i have redstone i'm talking i've got red lands let's go i'm sorry scott i might have to come back i might have to come you another trade the south is is beating my interest i have an unlimited redstone i don't that i don't i move oh man all right i know exactly what i need to do bye scar okay have fun [Music] the north will remember the north will never forget this treachery upon us oh we almost had a friend we almost had a friend at our mountain but uh yeah all right uh man we came out with a diamond a spy scope and a horse that i cannot traverse the landscape and i have yet to get my six lot back not super successful not super successful i'll admit a little a little a little bummed out welp the hits just keep on coming after we lost our friend mumbo to becoming our neighbor i forgot to hit re-record at our 40-minute marks every 40 minutes we reset our recordings to avoid file corruption when we're pushing three hours on our recording sessions and thankfully joel had the replay footage of us to watch where he took me and chanting to ultimately break the enchanter and change the course of the game forever so what would one do with such power should we burn it because it is too powerful or should we use it to gain friendships and ultimate power of the server and that's what we decided to do we made a fishy deal with rendog for unlimited fish for use of the enchanter and of course scott and pearl lurking in the woods so make sure you check out their channels for this footage and next time i'm going to remember to hit record again back to the normal footage big beans big beans big beans oh hello scott how are you doing so i have this yes yes from my inventory it's so beautiful i love it it's a it's a heavy object that a lot of people have have have chased me around and tried to make alliances now because of it oh like who like who bren knows about it and has access to it for endless supply of fish okay that's fine and um scott and pearl are on to it but they wouldn't make me a good offer so i just told them to get lost yeah fair enough that's we we're strict around here yes so i i've got i've got i've got an idea do you want to hear it yes please yes we create magical mountain beautiful i love it so we have this beautiful magical mountain and you're in charge of magic and enchants and up at the top oh yes i'm in charge of souls we create a soul emporium okay what's the soul empowering all right so there's a division i have right people come to buy souls or we buy souls from them and i don't know maybe we can set it up in a way where there's like a a purple glass vial and that's the soul and then when they buy it we transfer the life where are you going to get all these live stars you first have to collect lives i've got five lives i'm willing to give up two okay well i've traded one of mine away to tango for a bet but if jimmy dies uh first out of all the yellow lives into the first red life i'll probably get a lot of souls so if jimmy happens to have an accident you want me to eat him off a cliff i totally can't please yes okay so we've got magical mountain right right you're in charge of the cliffs and stuff like that because you're scared to go up to the top and then i create like a like a soul tower emporium at the top we control all the magic on the server perfect perfect you know what seeing as we are now the best of buddies a little gift for you there you go a real piece of armor i just don't want to see those abs anymore i'm not gonna lie i'll uh i'll keep this safe for you you uh you can go do your soul thing get it sorted and uh i'm excited i really need to get more souls after losing one really sad really sad about that but well just kill jimmy we get all the souls dude i'm a hundred percent down with that you tell me when and we make it happen okay i'll try it if if he's ever wondering he's dead all right see you later neighbor i'll be up top welcome back i've done some modifications here i set up a tunnel down to a mine that will do some mining in our next episode and a faster way of getting on top of magical mountain here via this endless ladder going upwards and we've got ourselves a chest plate from joel which is amazing and i made a few little modifications of the pro house obviously in our next episode we're gonna make something really sweet up here we have such a wonderful finish point i don't know why the pro house just makes me uh wall but we got a floor here we kind of cleaned up the place a bit got some resources i'm out back here we've got a bit of food we got some carrots growing some emergency berry food and some dark oak now best of all we have a start of some food here we've got two pigs and just one chicken i'm going to try to get another chicken we need another one we'll eventually get it um but i think this is a good start to being a bit more sustainable and we've got a lot of room up here to work with so i'm super excited to who i was curious to see what was back there i haven't looked but uh yeah i think we got a lot of potential with the top of this mountain it is a most beautiful view from on top of magical mountain here where we've got some fun plans with joel in the future here and i hope you enjoyed and i did not know that chaos scar would be unleashed in its full extent so fast maybe just a dash of chaos scar but not full chaos car i was pushed up against the wall by losing my life but i had a ton of fun i hope you did too and uh in our next episode we're going to build up this mountain get some of our shop going and it's going to be amazing and until then we will see you in the next episode of last light you
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 803,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last life, minecraft, minecraft last life, last life episode 1, last life ep 1, 3rd life season 2, 3rd life, last life scar, last life episode 1 scar, 3rd life episode 1, last life minecraft, goodtimeswithscar, goodtimeswithscar 3rd life, goodtimeswithscar last life, last life smap, last life server
Id: MBmcZNfmJMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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