Last Epoch 1.0 - Things I Wish I knew Earlier! Tips And Tricks For Beginners (And Some Veterans)

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[Music] what's up everyone we are back and today we're going to be doing kind of a tips and don't do this type of video I am now level 100 I have put a lot of time in the last Epoch I'm finally confident enough that I know enough about the game I can help some of you out with some mistakes and things I did not do and things you should do a lot sooner than I did the first tip I want to talk about is when you are shattering or getting AIC shards from a item that you find for example if I wanted the plus4 to multi-shot 90% increase Bo damage because this is a rare Shard skill shards are generally have a lower drop rate than the other shards like plus to strength plus intelligence just base resistance and stuff like that but has plus one to decoy endurance threshold not terrible mods but this only has 33 forging potential probably not worth forging to try and make this better for if I want to make a bow build but I do want those multi-shot shards uh shards now if I ruin up shatter this it's going to give me a random number from each of these it can give me seven shards of this level mul shot or it can give me zero and anywhere in between so you could get nothing from it or you can get all of them same goes with these uh two other affixes it could give me five or it could give me zero give me two it could give me three that kind of thing this give me zero it can give me up to three but if instead you use a rune of removal that automatically removes one of these at random you will always get the maximum and I want those seven shards so keep in mind this has to have foring forging potential to do this also so if you have zero forging potential say you bricked an item got it to zero you can't use a rune of removal you would have to use a rune of shattering at that point this one has forging potential so let's remove it till we get the multi-shot you see we got all seven level of multi-shot shards cuz it was a tier 7 exalted mod very important next is do not be worried about making poor skill choices in the beginning whether that is with your passive points or whether that is with what skills you put in here uh to use their trees to when you Respec one of these it's very easy you respect the points and it levels the skill down but then it gets accelerated experience until it catches up to where you are so if you desp specialize the skill it will go down to I think since it's level 20 I will get 10 free points it'll go back down to level 10 with the new skill that I put in there um if I just respect a couple points but I want to keep the same skill it'll just delevel but I'll get accelerated experience to get those points back and especially near the end game that is very very quick with the passive skill points you just go over to the brain guy right here um he is going to let you resp specialize a skill point and you can see um respecing one point in this node costs 40 gold if you do higher ones it cost a little bit more but you can see it is very very cheap to just Respec your points so do not be afraid to make mistakes and to resp later down the line next tip is take chances with your crafting if you find something with high forging potential especially an exalt that has a good mod and this one like you can see has 48 forging potential and its base has cooldown recovery which I also use and I like this dodge rating I can take a chance to try and craft this now my current Helm is always going to be better than in this because I got physical pen with Shadow daggers I use Shadow daggers as a blade dancer and it has increased damage of skills used by Shadows so this is not going to be better than that but say I wanted I had some shards of physical penetration Shadow daggers and I really like this dodge rating helps my defenses but I don't want this dexterity on there because that is a prefix and I want these two prefixes The increased damage ones and the physical pen now um the ones on the right are generally defensive the suffixes and the prefixes are generally more offensive things that is a good rule of thumb about these and they're always two and two so what I can do is I can use a rune of removal and hopefully this gets rid of the decks so I can free up both suffixes I'm going to use this and I did get rid of the dexterity so that was lucky it used a lot of forging potential use 17 that's not good but when I'm crafting on this say if I wanted to put some kind of Shadow damage on here damage of skills used by Shadows or physical penetration with Shadow daggers I could do that I have 12 of these shards you can see it says right here I have 12 and when you're looking in the menu It also says I have 12 there as well I can add this on with a glyph of Hope remember you have runes the two basic ones are the glyph of Hope which has a 25% chance to have no forging potential so even though that took a lot of forging potential with a little bit of luck I can still get some good stuff on here the Rune of or the glyph of chaos it's another important one is going to upgrade a tier these are tier five and tier six already so you can't upgrade these but it is going to change it into another mod in the suffix pool or the prefix pool which is good so you know I can use a rune of Hope and just put some Shadow penetration on here you could see the uh Cliff of Hope did proc it did not take any forging potential and I got a little lucky and then I could also put you know increase damage uh skills used by Shadows I only have one Shard which kind of stinks but if I knew this Helm had a much better chance and say already had a Helm with just skills used by Shadows like in the previous tip I could use a rune of removal and get the tier five so I have some extra shards to use on this craft but just the gist of it is take chances if I wouldn't have gotten decks removed if it would have remove the Dodge rating no harm no foul I have plenty of Runes of removal not the end of the world I just see Rune of shattering it for the shards if I have some extras or I just drop it on the ground oh well next is in chapter N9 pick your faction when you first go to I believe it's theine era in chapter 9 and you get to maelka Upper District you're going to be able to talk to zerich and go to either the bazaar or the observatory the bazaar for the merchants faction or the observatory for the circle of Fortune faction now I like the circle of Fortune faction a little bit more in the beginning but I am going to be completely honest with you as much as I love this faction I am realizing that if I would have went to the merchants faction it would have been massively easier for me to minmax this build why because you need uniques with legendary potential so you can mash them with exalted items to make them legendary and finding unique you want with two even legendary potential is incredibly hard and finding one with three or four legendary potential feels freaking impossible I am level 100 and the most I've ever found on my smoke Weaver dagger is one legendary potential I've never found a two and finding a three or four I don't think it's ever going to happen before I just stop playing the game until next cycle with Merchant skilled I would probably be able to save enough gold a lot easier to buy something with higher legendary potential so as much as I love circle of Fortune if you are someone that you think is going to want to min max a character and you're going to be playing for Long Haul I highly suggest going with the um Traders Guild or the merchants just to be able to get these items a little easier now you can switch to the faction any time you have to start from the beginning and that is great I can hear it in the comments but then you cannot use the stuff you found with the mer with the circle of Fortune uh perks so you can see my weapon has that little purple icon next to where it says rank seven this one does I cannot use this stuff if I switch to Merchant Guild so I'd have to depower my character and go through the entire list of stuff back here also on a side note they need to lower the requirements for the last ones I'm level 100 I'm still not even close to getting the level 10 tier that is a big no no considering how much I play the game and I am still not all the way up here that just isn't good they need to lower the amount of reputation that you need to rank up but that that's a u topic for another video next is use a loot filter even if it is a very basic one you don't really know much about loot filters what you're going to do is you're going to either hit escape and go to game settings manage loot filters or you can hold shift and hit f for your loot filters now if you have not made a loot filter you're going to see this screen you can create a filter the basic one that I did probably at level 15 is I went to create filter create a new filter you can call this new filter one you can give it description you give it an icon you can give it a filter color um whatever you want to do and you can hit confirm and you can add a rule the very first one I did I said hide add condition I do not want to see any Rarity of normal or magic and then I clicked add that was it to start I just didn't want to see normal magic items it was rare higher or I wouldn't see it at all now once I started getting into higher tier monoliths which is the endgame I eventually clicked rare all I wanted to see was exalted I did not care about checking all the rares especially with the circle of Fortune that note you're going to drop a ton of items ton of rares it got really really slow down effect and the only upgrades I really wanted were exalted and then I could see uniques and sets alt also hit add there's my rule and that is it now you won't see any normal magic or rare items obviously you can go more in depth with that the current filter I use which is still incredibly basic I only find rogue specific items I don't see stuff for the other classes I will play another build but I'll deal with that when the time comes I only see Rogue type Idols so I don't see see any of the other ones uh I show all uniqu set exalted and again I hide all normal magic and rare items so even if you don't go super inp loot filters which you should eventually I am going to I just lazy and don't feel like doing it but you should at least hide a couple of things for your own sanity another great tip is make sure you using your Idols to fill in gaps when you get through the campaign you are going to notice when you click on some of these quests and you can go back and do them which is what I usually do go through the campaign if I don't get any on the way to getting the campaign I go back and finish some of these quests but when you click on some of them it's going to show you the rewards for example this one says it has a passive point and an idle expansion slot um that did I really that might be a bug I I'm pretty sure I got all my passive points yeah it says I got all my passive points and my idol slots I don't know what that's about anyways you will see something like this that isn't bugged and you are going to get your passive point or your idle inventory expansion passive Point self-explanatory finish the quest to get a passive Point idle inventory expansion it's going to give you more slots to put in these Idols these Idols give you things like damage and resistances it is a great way to fill in your resistances or to get more Health you can see right here 5% increase Health Plus 5% um increased Elemental resistance very very good especially in the early game when you're just try and to Cap all your resistance as you hit C you can see resistance you want these as close to 75 as you can get them Idol are very very important very very strong and they are also a huge damage creep near the end game last one a very quick tip when you get to the end game and you start running monoliths and you get in here you can skip two certain monoliths that give blessing rewards that are kind of pointless in the beginning or not as strong when I look at the monolith the first one you're going to do is the follow the outcast what you're going to do is you will just run through these monoliths and you will Empower them going through the map picking the rewards you want and then eventually you will do these two quests fill up this bar and when it hits the third one you'll be able to do the third Quest you have to do these first do this one this one and then the third one to fight the boss and then you will get a blessing um and the first one is the fall of the outcast is this one um increased large idle drop rate it's a drop chance not that deal but it is going to unlock it is going to unlock these two what I suggest doing is doing the black Sun next then the ending of the storm next then the rain of dragons and then getting to the '90s the reason is you can go to this one then this one then this one then this one you can see these blessings are just drop chance they give you no power you can come back and do these whereas these give you great things like this one's void resistance this one is Mana which is very important especially for my build the man one so you could skip these go back and do these later and get the blessings that make you stronger and give you uh more defense before doing the ones that give d drop chances so that is the tip video everyone make sure you like comment subscribe if you want to see more of these tips video I got some more tips in the tank and I'm still going to be playing the game and streaming so get followed over at safe. TV uh saafe on talk uh so you can hang out with me you can ask questions I should know the answer to a good amount of them uh this isn't like Path of Exile where even though in that game I am a veteran there's still a ton of stuff that I do not know this game's a little bit more simpler I can generally give some good ideas and some good tips and possibly answer your questions so yeah I got some more uh ideas for videos and now that I'm level 100 play the game enough they're going to be coming out so again make sure you get subscribed and thanks for watching everyone I hope you're enjoying the game and we'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Safe On Talk
Views: 26,677
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Id: VfD0C9QJmtQ
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Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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