Laser Nuke Build - Hutts Streams Hades

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yes i saw your new pact of punishment out in the courtyard whether you consented to the terms of the pact as an entirely up to you boy but in all your comings and goings it is important that we have full knowledge of which property is being carried from the premises your surprise um father i know we can't exactly change the past but this is kind of nice to me now i wonder if he's gonna be happy for it i know i'm not even supposed to have this stuff but everyone likes it won't you try it at least here take it either way um i can't dispose of this properly in my mouth speaking of disposal nectar read me enema why don't you on your way out i saw this uh this video cry 100 bits see you huts have to go back to work thanks cryo appreciate you i was going to say something like kill work or something like do really good or kick ass but then like kill work sounds like it's like that's not that's horrible never mind let's shut up i saw this video of this uh woman that just she's obsessed she's literally addicted to coffee enemas and it showed her it didn't like show it happening but it showed her like the tube that she puts up there uh a a sizable tube and then she like i don't know if it was a bowl or a bag or something and then like you lay on the ground and you hold the bag up so that it flows in and she's she just loves the feeling and her husband was like i was a little worried at first about her coffee enema addiction and until i tried it now yeah our boyfriend husband whatever he's also addicted to it and then it showed him with the bag no no it's like that picture of uh who's that comedian where he's looking at the magazine it's just white people on the front and he's like like that is that's yeah okay i need to decorate this haul this haul sucks stop my ears sounds wrong yeah get back disturbing meg almost there contraband i wish i could do over how he started i too wish for a lot of things unfortunately there's no unraveling the fates patterns we can learn from our mistakes or keep repeating them that's it what have i learned from my mistakes have i ever done anything to hurt you since we've been like this besides killing her the unavoidable and frequent fights to the deaf there it is have i ever done anything to hurt you besides the biggest thing that i could ever do to hurt you kill you have i ever anything else stabbing you nothing you can do it killing you putting arrows into your face well am i worth your time then meg you know let me get back to you on that i need a little time to think it through i see tickle the time you need he's almost there doctor's telling them not to do it because it it could cause a heart attack and [ __ ] definitely cause [ __ ] i i'm just i'm thinking about how that would go oh thank you you put a bunch of coffee up your butt you poop it out immediately back into the bowl slash bag you do lower the bag then so it refills back in or do you like take out the tube and hope that none of it goes and then you like waddle to the toilet where you just blast a bunch of hot liquid you know which one is it i i can't imagine either of them being nice what the [ __ ] these people are doing this you guys okay you can decide not to think about it and not to talk about it but it's happening it's real okay i want a diamond or whatever i'll take the special please okay if this is still being recorded the people on youtube will love this this is how the video is starting on youtube so now we haven't pet this boy in a while circumstances call for more pets just merely listening to this shut up dads who don't want dogs dads that don't want pets sitting next to dad every day excellent work i got nix to talk to chaos again who's her mother father this is probably on a locker thing nix you ever have a burning urge to find the case files for the circumstances under which our court musician bound himself to eternal servitude here in this house and forever lost his opportunity to be with his beloved muse i was wondering if you had a remedy for that our court musician brings a certain peace to this abode my child but you may discover once you find his case files in section zeta pi omega upper beta folder the consequences that he suffers may be quite an excess of his trespasses zeta pi omega upper beta folder i'll look into it as soon as possible let's go free administrative chamber now get the old band back together contract i'm looking for should be back there right here nestled among the towering administrative parchment work of the long since deceased lies an old document concerning a special pact signed by a once living court musician who attempted vainly to rescue his wife from death you would have resources for nexus quest anyway now okay it should be dispatched over to the house contractor now how many runs have you had i think i've had like 63 attempts not here now huh what am i looking for right now fingers gamble oh that's crazy easy three diamonds in the name of hades i hereby release orpheus from the terms of his pact what where did you unearth that blasted contract is he not going to be here anymore though i want them to play here i don't want to have to go find euripides right which is the hall is it the west hall that we haven't decorated because it's just [ __ ] rabbit [ __ ] this will start with a rug sanguine sonic let's go with this by my decree this house is not a house without this rug you know that actually does add a lot to this space [Music] pictures old man bust i gotta have it drive another job a marble bust of some old man seems just the thing to liven this place up yeah that's the stuff 800 [ __ ] gems for that oh yeah uh-huh i can do anything that's the good stuff i don't have 2 000 don't bust on the old man gun run ready exit not my favorites hexagrif how about aspect of lucifer gun run best run fully upgraded ancient strength fully upgraded hades whatever [ __ ] was it lucifer hellfire blast damage all right it's all about the special excellent kind of like being all about the base this one we're all about that what the what's this what your call becomes haiti's aid which briefly makes you invisible what i didn't even know there was another one your god gage starts at 10. darkness that's kind of cool i mean i'm not going to use it but it's thanks appreciate it oh god he's still burning up i'm out baldy companion yeah yeah yeah here you go shady shady you're all set better um we're down to 36 whiskies now let's roll we only need it up to four so let's do calisthenics maybe we were we died on the hades fight last time or before the hades fight so let's just go ahead and do that yelling in the background oh what upgrades do we want to get not that one don't work yourself too hard down there you promised little goblin heartbreak strike let's go the highest damage upgrade we can get wow pretty hot that's hammer for triple shot cat special turning that into a rocket though would that be good it was my fault chaos boonicle all right infinite scaling laser never having to reload and the laser sounds pretty hot deals more damage your boons have a higher chance of being rare or your darkness and gems are worth more i'm going to go for the rare boon i'm not excited about no money but free encounters 20 chance it's pretty good infinite ammo gets rid of the ramp up start bombing over the map a blammo what are the best balloons for the gun i i don't rightfully know honestly slowing would have been a better thing than the heartbreak strike i'm not really excited for diameter uh crystal call or crystal uh cast i guess would be swell multi multi-laser i think i'm supposed to shoot the balls for them to explode but it won't auto seek the ball should you achieve your goal and see the surface world zagreus but one bit of knowledge to impart don't ever fall for mortals use them if you must but do not waste your love on those who waste away ouch i don't like frost flourish on this combo i think there could be something that we could do that would be better but it's not bad i guess you can show it's up you're playing gungeon i already played gungeon yeah what do you think plus damage and area on special standard triple bomb ravenous will that's cold which special should i be seeking for this and and monies i'm not gonna do it only have one cast at a time but i get it back really quickly assuming that we get a good cast i wouldn't mind using it more often i guess my boom from master chaos has evolved i feel like most of the upgrades for the gun are are solid unlike with like the shield like i never used a bull rush so like half the upgrades more like 70 of the upgrades for the shield they're just trash let's see how we can modify radiates 250 percent damage in a large area fires three beams in a spread pattern or special three times in rapid succession ripple bomb everyone's been talking about triple bomb and i think triple bomb is actually yeah and that's gonna be the right answer but uh hellfire that's my destructible bombs radiate damage and stagger oh that's good oh instant explosion what since it it's an explosion trip what do you guys think inferno or triple bomb you can only have three in the field holy triple load it up not too many votes though darkness we're not getting any wounds here i could just do nothing but specials it staggers them too which is also a huge positive oh my goodness uh well athena's dash is obviously a big winner here but lightning potentially could be super cool big booms athena this is trebuchet boy no guarantee that we'll get the dash though is the problem i guess maybe i wouldn't even mind special deflects from athena because if we're just firing these out then that means that they're also going to basically create a barrier i take it back gun run is fun the gun run heavily heavily depends on your build i i think okay now we have one vote zeus juan athena one zeus athena also has damage up for special athena that's three votes athena i'm just gonna do it i'm i'm a huge fan of zeus gotta guess where he's gonna be see they don't blow up fast enough to get him that one got him is he teleported the wrong spot dumbass what wretched fools dead stand against you cousin punish them so that they learn something they ought to have learned in life damage plus 84 is uh pretty significant here i'm happy to have it like i said hopefully some sort of barrier i can't talk and fish at the same time i really can't i think we've proven that time and time again um let me take the help up right here primary is nice too oh yeah the gun hits a lot right so like i also like pairing that with the artemis spoon that allows me to uh cast or fire a heat seeking arrow almost like doubles your damage it's real good i'm not really using rolls that much i'm gonna go with the palm nectar i don't need i don't need the nectar anymore but and we'll think about doing this uh punishment hole look at that the pulsing they're they're so generous on the deflection shoots bomb directly in front of face awesome divine flourish gemstones i suppose remain exactly where you are i think i'm gonna go for a god boon here on this punishment hall can't change that one can't i thought i could okay not authorized oh that's why i can't change it because i'm at four out of five i forgot that my gun was so shitty we're up to like seven or eight on everything else um oops uh we still have the chaos thing active no or we won't be able to collect the money so just nuking the battlefield here divine dash i'm tempted what the hell how long did it take that mine to drop follow 10 bits first stream should i watch your youtube videos over this game uh yeah absolutely starting from number one in the name of hades didn't get it family shot is just not going to cut it i don't think i want something better than that it's not the worst but i you know i guess if i had the failing shot i could just go that phalanx shot failing shot and then like that again and then run over here and then finally shot and then that again and i could just trade off from one to the next and it could be pretty good but you're in spoiler territory pretty much good i don't think that would cause somebody to not like the game i dashed right into that spike get [ __ ] on oh [Music] pretty good i was gonna i was looking for that golden pot i was like did we hit that golden pot everything in like three mile radius is disintegrated like where was that golden pot again i didn't even collect the gold because the gold disintegrated which one um i'm having a good time with the bomb blossom which has gotten us level four heartbreak strike which is plus 111 damage on this 108 damage on my divine divine flourish which is hot we should totally be using our our body thing like a lot we have five charges and we get money and health and [ __ ] but only once per room can we use that so we got to use them i mean i we could just wait till the last bit for when we actually probably need the health but 100 for a health upgrade is not terrible this is a horrible time for a chaos gate because a lot of times i get a hermes boone or a daedalus hammer convicted thank you so much for those appreciate it hope you had a fantastic stream um save my money too i'm doing quite all right until next time roll you have five but also for the whole run dominoes won't even deliver and i live nine miles from it which is also weird says mala i have uh well we now know that jimmy john's does deliver through grubhub which is odd because i have got two jimmy johns that are like literally two miles down that way and two miles down that way and neither of them i i talked to one and they're like nope you're not in our area talk to the other one nope well is it it's like a venn diagram but where they overlap they're like nah we don't we don't have a bloodshed competition here we'll just not deliver to that area oh okay screw me then uh gold i wish i had a chaos gate you love nine mallows from it get out listen to your little [ __ ] i don't even know why i try to use the laser it's so not worth it don't run away from me swiping with this grubby paws lucky hits jimmy john's won't deliver if it's more than half a mile out learned that while i was in school half a mile everywhere or just the one by your school we need seven health worth all right brushes get to work what a waste of my time trying to laser useless excellent excellent yes [Music] anything else going on here no bunch of trash darkness i hate it gems gives me some money i could just get money what if he gave me money i don't think so i found a key get a reroll for using a reroll um let's get out of here half a mile by the way is not a delivery radius maybe he said from school so like when i was at the university of minnesota i could see them doing that because there is a jimmy john's every half mile and they're all students that are only delivering on their bike so that maybe is if you're talking about university jimmy john's it's probably different hey osboon watch me get a god boon though finish him yes what do we have here yes our break strike level five uh euripides you you do siftees i think i gotta go with the aristocalis fairy testes university of jimmy john's such a prestigious university i got to go with this right i mean chaos sounds great mom could be real cool shop at 450 but it's 100 it's almost like deflective festive fog but with no fog hi and here i was just thinking it's been too long since the hades kid stopped by upgrade two boons that i have to the next level that could be really good it would probably do a ravenous will because we don't want it to do raven as well i might do divine flourish or heartbreak strike i don't really need honestly we're not using lasers so i don't know why i'm so excited about the heartbreak strike um we have a lot of things to get so the nectar could be really really good next three boons are upgraded rarity so that that's probably makes more sense and then we get demeter wait lasers though i see you legendary i mean heroic lasers please oh the deflect you guys are screwed yeah okay ow wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay yeah they got [ __ ] witchcraft what can you do interesting epic crystal beam uh epic demeter aids also just hot i asked for the crystals though there's a lot of good crystal upgrades to get oops wrong button i meant to press this button maybe go look at them quick we want to get the cast moves slowly piercing foes and firing shards around it that's not the one i don't think that's uh we have to have the flood shot crystal clarity your cast is stronger and tracks foes more effectively that one's really good you're cast blasting nope that's not the one um that's not the one cast crystal fires is beamed directly at me that one's pretty cool yeah i'm not sure we're gonna get any of those so i uh i took the bow at one point in time that allows you to load the cast into the bow and then shoot it and i did that with the crystal beam it turns out it's trash because you shoot the crystal beam and then the crystal beam activates where it lands which is generally speaking on top or behind the guy so and it shoots out wherever you're aiming so if i'm shooting at my microphone it would hit the microphone and then just start pissing off the laser like behind and it would miss all the shots but i got the one that makes it track directly to me so the crystal would land on them and it would track back to me and it lasts a very very long time and it was like a guaranteed hit and it was really good super good i really don't want gemstones i really don't want to spend my reroll on gemstones either i really don't want the money well now it wouldn't work that way hey this is our cool it was really good with the upgrades i had on it that's really what it boils down to what upgrades you got you know you can make anything work really who's next one of the best things i think they did with the game is they made all the upgrades significant worthwhile i'm loving this deflect though it's a huge range on it a much larger range like you would think that it's just that little circle around the balls that deflects it's like three times the size of that i wish i don't think we have any hermes right now and only one daedalus i'm gonna see what this can give me and then if it's garbage we'll go by the three fates the shop uh that's kind of garbage we could get dash deflect or we could get the call too fine i guess we'll just save up for buying everything in the shop later your predicament has pulled our family together united in a desire to assist you cousin even those who typically do not think much of those other than themselves like if only i had wisdom such as yours athena dear so that i was more capable of picking up subtle jabs and insults such as that you're not fooling anybody with your feigned benevolence you know the world is not all lies and deceit as you make it out to be aphrodite sometimes a lending of assistance is no more than it appears to be now either back up zagreus or stand aside nothing more than her helping me and then showing me her tits no not true she's offering an extra cass gains any bonuses you have for striking foes from behind and we have something about two duos yeah it's it's a duo duel from behind something do we have a farm behind thing bonus backstab damage i don't know if that would apply um also when you have note that defiance i'm not a huge fan of the stubborn roots one i'm going to go parting shot attack is i think the the range of the laser is not going to be wide enough maybe if i took auto in completely off and i could just swipe the field that would be actually pretty cool but so i mean it's pretty good though without anything that modifies my behind the from behind strikes it's like all hits if i'm reading that correctly it gas my cast gains any bonuses you have striking frozen behind so it's just going to automatically do more damage which is great it only deflects right up your face but that was an insult to see you once again learning with my favorite horns right there he bit me what gives learning gonna get us learning kibbles and bits stop i gotta remember to use my cast more often whoa pretty much just focusing on my bombs and dodging and our health is probably better off for it it's slow but it's going to work you're done learn give it up baldi is it now ah i can't i don't need the health right now though i think if we just use it in the seder caves if we make it to the seder caves without having used any of them i'm just gonna pop them off and then i'll use all the money that we get to buy a bunch of palms maybe an extra monster blood pokers and blow you know the huge for now i presume let's think about this ravenous was not that good but it's extra i don't really need the money 80s is a good game man with a plan workers end blow that's when you go fishing for blowfish oh my god are you kidding me right now like picking which one of your kids you like best this is cruel that's not right hammer obviously but hades is like or sorry hermes is so good they're both like the best games like oh yep he doesn't like hermes all right cease all hermes upgrades mirroring out roger that a little [ __ ] god damn but the gun is so bad on its own imagine if we had to shoot people still put the lasers so your igneous eden attack starts firing plus 50 faster with plus 15 range your igneous eaten attack damages his foe it ramps up 100 times faster your attack pierces foes deals plus 50 damage to armor none of these i wanted special upgrades maybe flash fire at a chaos gate to that situation and it would be just cruel i almost bought the chaos thing always dad hammer and hermes every time piercing fire i'm not using it enough though i feel like i'm i'm losing on single target foes if i'm gonna go for crowd control i'm just gonna blob bombs only special available would be greater inferno i think but i don't have my b-roll thing ready i'm kind of feeling flash fire in pierce and hit infernals hit infernals what are infernals the armor guys who is best says trebuchet special orb thingies oh you can pierce and blow up my own bombs you're saying but i have like the auto aim on and it's almost impossible to hit my own bombs through somebody i could just blow up my bombs by firing out more bombs the rail grows stronger neither of them neither any of the three or you know they're kind of all lackluster i'll take another artemis call maybe more bright swords that's pretty good it's usable at least oh that miss everybody did you just reload your damn gun you missed again keep hitting these little statues didn't think she would though you'll be glad she did provided you stay on her warm and fuzzy side of course working on that myself artemis aid call let's do it when do we dip into eggnog you guys [Music] is now a good eggnog time pleasure doing business yes crystal fires its beam directly at me for plus four seconds do i want that pregnog [Music] i can't i don't want to not take it i'm not exactly sure it's useful i like demeter artemis better this is the one that we have right now warning shot let's try it we can work around it here's the feet let's get some ambrosia for yourself and get the nog spk let's upgrade our our aid already oh [ __ ] oh god we gotta give up those i don't know you guys gonna want me to do it you always do it's too bad you don't have the ability to get the card and then shop he should spawn a shop after you beat him sorry and we're dead can really stay very far away from him i'm not really going to use my cast properly but i think staying far away from him is going to be the best thing to do here oh [ __ ] that the the size of his ore ladies is just too much his aura is packing oh my [ __ ] god dude oh he just blocked all of it oh that's good right i was supposed to know that at uh three-fifths health gone yeah he does his thing there we're done you had me worried mate a deal mate what a deal mate had me worried mate mate mate mate mate hey that's pretty good hermes hey herpes so enough chit chat now pick and go oh yes definitely going to go with greater reflexes here we don't have any dash um upgrades though attack is faster we're just like i said we're not using our laser ever it's epic sounds cool this is not what we're doing moving right along 30 attack though are you aware of the idea that i don't use it something that i use or something that i don't use it's a simple time to make some changes around here i wanted athena there for the dash let's upgrade our crystal astro attack is neat it is what does it mean does it mean that i attack faster i don't get it did you explain it to me hey look at this this is pretty good for anything chasing me pretty good oh [ __ ] oh gosh don't get hit by that all of those things are bad for my health oh [ __ ] you wanna die again but you just used your laser a little bit oh my god what the [ __ ] dude are you seeing these spear guys coming in from absolutely nowhere and from downtown [ __ ] you you can't spawn back in and immediately know what you're doing just comes in hits the ground running vomit kill it fire you had it coming what's the build uh bombs super bombs in the name of hades gas fires longer and inflicts chill probably southern ritz could be super cool but let's try to get to the point where we don't die buying the no more flame wheels could be pretty sweet a lot of money i'm gonna take hermes actually over that guy it just gives me a temporary ten encounters plus whatever tax damage it wears off is the only reason i don't go for it hermes is forever i want special faster hermes it'll make me take the like plus 10 coins per freaking thing i do don't do that i'm empty this is a [ __ ] zone yeah bud olympus i accept this message regenerate faster we did get special faster yeah i'm gonna go with the special faster i mean it comes back faster seems to be what that means i found a key i guess like i heard some weird noise maybe i'm crazy but how do you like me now mr crowley great swords the lasers are you know they're working out we're doing a decent damage with them on accident press b run away bob bombs press b bob bombs blob bombs press b bombs money this spicy dog victory sip and my keep i'm just gonna go to the shop i think dash deflect this membership has its perks why not a zing good enough to eat artemis aid level three go satisfying i ordered mild ducks [Music] my friend ready yourself is serious my friend let's go in way my brain was gonna go with that let's just say it's best i did not yet dude we're gonna get theseus down before we get the minotaur at this rate i'm gonna accidentally kill theseus [Applause] oh [ __ ] they both got me how did that work out okay and also how did that work out bullhorn yeah see i i [ __ ] i'm killing theseus way too hard here there we go kind of in trouble though okay that was my face sir ugh yuck good thing we beat this one before we got the darkness because that health was necessary [Applause] have you ever killed a serious first instead of theseus that's usually what i go for by far the easiest way to take care of that boss other way around i mean no i don't think i have beats dying i can buy a death defiance i'm out of here rardon what's up i'm the pink laser fired sweet and sour duck picking duck grant me a swift sack all right we'll take the monster blood for sure i can use this or save up for that hermes um really tough one that's rough lift us up sacks tricky to hit these guys much better against crowds hey look a crowd oh i missed the claw foot flit wet companion huts this blasted place again baldy wait did bully just die did bully to sacrifice his life was it worth it the ultimate yapper in the name of hades if you cast damage with chill after you take damage chill any health plus or better and restore it more now i was in touch probably was his cousin scholzi get out it's no burst maybe i don't think i'm gonna really use any of them effectively pick up all the [ __ ] i think we did steve bold steve roxton how much tunnel could go ahead and switch one of these to try to go for more goblins one two pretty hot and happening um right now cliffy better than moldy and i'm talking about moldy smell the rock is cooking look at my palm blossom those up up to my heartbreak strike to level seven wow also their father cobble please cobble is my father's name the biggest brain gamer i know when it comes to roguelites and roguelikes you must not know very many that no i'm kidding thank you i try is a real way to smooth out kabul [Music] probably used to be so sharp and pointy after you crit damage to a foe is marked critical as even more effective armor after you cast or hit with an attack or special fire a seeking arrow i don't know if support fire is gonna be any good but i'm gonna [ __ ] do it it's just not enough enemies on the hades fight for the marked thing to be worth just gonna call it it could be really good if i hit them with the bomb damage immediately when they're marked but to get those two things to work together with a constant laser going about probably pretty slim if i can get the laser going out with the pulsing of this and maybe even a little bit of shooting of this we'll be firing quite a few arrows i'm gonna go this one entertaining personally keeps bringing me back and one day i'll repay you for all the times you've made me laugh what time will you be done streaming tonight um well we haven't started um we haven't started eggnog time so a little while hour two hours three hours seven hours 100 hours oh boys bowsers housers don't forget their good friends granite and basalt storage in the name of hades in the circle weak is more potent uh what am i weak i weaken my normal attack uh i don't really use that enough as maybe i should but those are slain they damaged nearby foes and it looked weak that was quite alright a quiet taste bath salt asphalt get out of here move faster god gauge charges up automatically i like greater haste here for the hades fight we'll be able to kite him around while i'm just dropping bombs and running away like a little [ __ ] maybe this way maybe we'll get a death defiance back here probably the best possible thing that we get easily trigger drug abusing uncle salty sharper cousin obsidian first of the family go to college is there a gold thing back there i think we're using laser quite effectively actually better than i thought we would yeah let's just do the replenish the death defiance i suppose i really should be using my thing more let's use it every single room until we have one left this a perfect scuffer thinking i'm actually gonna save up for the palms [Music] alright that's you this makes me dude that baldi is sacrificing baldi's life for me bolding dating sim would be nice this hits the circle circle of life it's like a circle baldi's immortal we sell something deflect exposed why is this laser latching onto him i have a special that uh causes my laser to latch onto me believe it or not this is like a messed up arena i don't like this at all there's no place to go where everybody knows your name oh oh oh oh oh i didn't use my last moldy thing i'll take it special stronger vlog cast is a couple seconds longer that sounds pretty good power of olympus aid sounds pretty good what do you got reflect exposed hey pretty good princess address once more offers to cerberus one of his favorites prince segres offered my favorite sack i think baldi got a dog named pebbles you're never late father rampardos sorry i missed your prime sub thanks for that you approached me with that loathsome braille boy nice one i don't know if anyone said that already more even at that little surprise you took a shine to it it was the weather that i hated most of all well lucifer apparently thought differently and took a crack at his own father with it once this one's for him then rock and roll d invoking names rocking stone brothers coming all the while far too much you take that monstrous artifact for another friend you would be wiser to be wary of its influence but let us fight fight me father we're not gonna be very good at clearing his uh skulls but i'm not sure that matters when everyone's dying i can't get this hand though what do i do there we go yeah the 30 speed and extra dashes we're just all over the place look at how long our crystals are lasting now we now but i felt a spider on my arm ah didn't see that guy the stupid shield guy backed himself up to a pillar and he's just like hold we're not finished enough of this you winning and stuff you missed he wasn't even close to hitting me was shooting at the wall blah blah blah blah blah and that's how we cheat no you're a cheater bruh good that's good gun run nuke get to the tier one sub demand with a plan what about that daft punk song bigger better bolder boldy in my father's name maybe she's bold with it maybe it's maybelline may bouldering a sadness hundred bits you never stop clapping the time between claps just gets longer can't believe it's not baldy how about a very small yet very deadly beetle landed upon hydras distant um it's such a like a non-satisfying ending let me see the [ __ ] garden go to the garden look at how much cooler this area is look at how much cooler this area is look at what a pile of [ __ ] this area is you're back within the house's gallery now sits the bust of a distinguished poet ruggedly handsome in his age who although yet to earn his fate at fame shall probably be better known someday i've never heard of him never heard of him touch his crotch dream come true i mean how come they're always being so darn nice to me i don't know anyway um thanks i don't know sure thing hypnos knock yourself out is this the last meg thing last meg one hey meg you're off duty aren't you look i was just hoping you might want to split this with me i want to split on my i mean you might want to do bend over oh [ __ ] from me you sound a little tongue-tied sagras just like you always used to around me you're not exactly easy to approach you know so how about it then care for a drink with me open it up and we can go from there eggnog time you should have seen the look on your face you act a lot more confidently now though i think deep down you're still that inexperienced little goblin that you used to be look at her smile and i think deep down you're not the heartless harbinger of retribution that you want for everyone to think you are but i can keep your secret if you're willing to keep mine what do you say that's an awful lot like blackmail zagreus you'd stick to that with me i don't think we opened up the drinky guys no i i was just that's not what i meant at all i just want to see you squirm thanks for the company and for the drink guess i'll be seeing you around he loves me bond forged megura cooking's one way to pass the time or like your mom's gay or uh oh all right then meg worth probably my friend what do you want to say i know what must be done regarding chaos and myself my child it is not often that i ask for your assistance but i need for you to do something for me take care of your own [ __ ] problems people of course nix anything what can i do and then there's the zagreus way anything for you whatever you want me to do i'll do everything for you in the administrative chamber you perhaps recall the eldest sigil there through it we have access directly to the darkest reaches of the realm but not to chaos anymore not currently though this is solvable i think wait the sigil but i'm not authorized to use it it's never worked for me and i have even less authority around here now that you are stripped of your authority is what makes this so that i might travel again to visit them will you bring darkness to the sigil for me you're a night incarnates impossible don't you have darkness aren't you darkness isn't that isn't everything that you're wearing right now darkness gemstones [ __ ] off really knight incarnate needs darkness from me need me to spend my money hey maybe you can put in a request with a house contractor for me so shall it be prophecy foretold also this one's very important the most amazing circumstances oh that's right remember we paid his uh thing they've been altered such that i may visit sometimes is it i visit her i want her to visit here that's great orpheus what are you waiting for mate go and find your muse out there you two have lots to catch up on i think i think you're right i'm so very anxious i must say but i must also thank you for this opportunity and for speaking with me all this time so how might i repay you have any darkness around here you're my mate and your songs have lifted many spirits here including mine now go and make it he's so nice he's like overly nice he's like he makes me mad how nice he is this is her real life and everyone would be all taken advantage of and oh there he goes oh you know what oh hey deuce that's real hey do sir congratulations on completing your assignment with the lounge look at this place it's better than ever all thanks to your effort and dedication here this is for you something special for the occasion just banged meg and i'm like deuce what's up yo companion a catholic companion any do so really you're the best idi pre-fitty cool let's check that out later i totally forgot you guys i got a promotion and now i'm in the acquisitions department of br burger burger of burgers and uh i get to pay this guy to upgrade my rank which does literally nothing it's just another place for me to spend my [ __ ] um there was a thing that was put in here right was there not yet i guess not yet he sent yes a divine chase i uh gonna need that it will stick lighting it's important no well she i guess she hasn't filed it yet but all right uh i'm gonna call the hades right here gg good run good couple of runs way better than the last time we all got along no one got yelled at fulfilled wait it's fun
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 10,365
Rating: 4.9305553 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Action Roguelike, action, indie, rpg, roguelike, hack and slash, dungeon crawler, roguelite, mythology, hand drawn, difficult, funny, fail, levels, bosses, tips and tricks, playthrough, footage, gameplay
Id: 6i7MnwliV4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 26sec (4826 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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