Hutts Streams HADES

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um yeah first time playing hades on stream you guys we have a lot of grinding to go and i just keep dying again and again and again to theseus and the bowl so answer to that is to like i said grind away and get a bunch of stuff from a small amount of health when you exit a chamber plus one per rank oh max unlock anything here fainted list of minor prophecies i mean it would tell me i heard hades bull strom boy strong stromboli pal hey uh something back there for you pal what where here excellent you know 10 damage to distant foes distant memory um the next boon you find will be from dionysus his blessing left plus 10 chance to be rare or better next spoon you find will be from poseidon okay so when you gift your juices to one of the gods gives you one of these things i'm assuming that each guy does their own okay we'll try distant memory here all set i did take it right keepsake's holding power let's do that and then let's what the hell is that glove is it a ranged weapon the courtyard of the house of hades is kept neat and orderly in contrast to the terrifying sprawl that lies beyond sweetie wolf girl you stop talking about vaginas also sweetie wolf girl i gift you my sexual juices talk about lines earlier i don't know where your line is it's meandering it's not that orderly really looks like a monster hand it looks like it might be melee since i've got this range trinket i'm thinking about taking the bow let's go karina i just tap it you can't really tap the x button this is interesting you have to charge it which is annoying if i forgot to do anything here i got a lot of points to spend but they don't go away right like the hydra bloods the two diamonds and then the three jewels can do anything here three jewels i need 20 jewels no like diamonds glove is very close range yeah so that would not really work out with the artifact that i just got more of a gray area than a line no turning back oh can you change the stream title it's not huts anymore it's not huts anymore what the hell does that mean dude poseidon won't leave me alone he's my relatives obsessed i we've been holding back one of our greatest gifts to see if you were worthy and you are my aide is yours so call me if you need anything especially to smash your enemies to bits you're talking it up aside and it better be good oh what's this your call makes you surge into foes while impervious for 1.2 seconds press right trigger for an olympian's aid if you have such a boon use one stock of your god gauge or all four stocks for a much stronger effect what the hell is a stock the wrath of poseidon at my beck and cole what's that portal thing there on the ground new unlock what happened descend what does that mean each time the prince devs back into the build to ensure no one gets out we'll see about that there's so many things happening right now i don't understand what do you want and what are my stocks get a chaos boom descend no balls i'm assuming that's like hard mode or something do it chaos blanchino was here okay so i don't know what stocks are that's my first question my second question is what the hell is this i'm probably just not gonna do it it seems like a hard mode i mean i guess we could just try it if we end up dying right away and whatever so all i need to do is sacrifice some of my life essence to go in here i don't see why not chaos what is that except it's like maybe have them tell me about it within the underworld's quietest most solitary darkest abyss lies hidden evidence of the beginning of all things of chaos the most ancient sculptor that has shaped this world [Music] and best take all the evidence i find gift this is not someone i recognize so in the name of hades um hello may i ask who's calling um have we met you wish to leave this place and it is my wish to make your doing sound a little bit more interesting and if you encounter the olympians someday you give them my regards hoppers flourish for the next four encounters you cannot earn money afterwards your special deals 38 plus damage it actually encounters your dashes minus 37 range afterwards any gems you find are worth a lot more or life is reduced by -44 that would put me at a total of six let's do the halting eclipse i'll have to withstand the whims of chaos to extract the benefits a few chambers from now oh that's a tiny dash i'm gonna break your pots chaos [ __ ] you i've never used calls no i don't know what they are we're starting off already with low health that range boondo one shot in suckers what do we have here should we go with the special juices i want to know what the difference between encounters and rooms are because that was three encounters get rocked on that guy had like a ranged attack what was that shockwave sweet all of the juice rooms are encounters rooms with enemies are encounters okay so it might just be per room or per hey that's a funny thing i'm rich it might just be a room that has nothing in it and a counter is a specific room that has combat my dash is so pathetic okay ow [ __ ] owl watch out for that guy's little blasty shockwave thing it's right trigger to use a call go okay so i just like dashed forward a little bit and did like a little bit of damage there's just one more thing to use it's not like necessarily overpowered right how quickly can i use it i'm empty i'm empty what's filling oh it's beneath my okay i got you it's beneath my health i see it now my chaos building evolved a new effect chaos boon evolved a new effect i mean my normal dash is back and i got the thing yeah halting eclipse now my stuff is worth more that sounds pretty nice maybe we should go pretty hard on the purple [ __ ] then since we are grinding and that's what we're grinding for hey how much is this game on steam i'm not sure 500 no i don't these guys jump across the gap [Music] and those gauges calls that charge is real slow let me know if you see a pot too that has money in it they kind of shine gold 25 bucks this clock falls stronger if you have a full bar [Music] get rocked on dude we could somehow combine like maybe a damage boost with my my b ability i'd be in for something like that i'll just take that you guys don't know anything about this game we are uh what's his name zagaris i'm for haiti's son trying to escape the underworld and the gods of olympus want me to escape as well so i can get boons from them instantly restore health that's kind of nice you deal 50 damage to armor i just i hate the uh the timed things on them that's trash boss to the shop can i do the shop and then the mini boss i'm still not totally sure how the miniboss system works can you skip mini bosses zigzagarus tardy what's up keepsake not boon guy take a note to the front gives a good keepsake what's up chino athena's dash best shops aren't worth under 300. but if i went to the shop i'm saying do i skip the miniboss is it skippable really what i wanted to know am i gonna see new bosses now that i'm chaosed am i chaos or was it just that one little tiny thing god getting super overwhelmed here so douche finish him focus large body dash to get past the little boys small boys waste time and put you in danger it comforts me to see how far you've come cousin and i am confident that you shall make your way eventually i shall look forward to our conversations then she holding a little owl that's what that is 30 of the time 60 chance you get thrown in right after something you don't know your attacks are stronger and can deflect your special is stronger and can deflect your dash deals damage and can deflect i like the divine dash we used that before and it was pretty good although stronger attack i just feel like maybe there could be something better put on there like uh aries is doom dash deflects i think was pretty forgiving appreciate the backup when i used it last as an owl cup damned lost souls with nowhere left to turn congregate in deepest tartarus where they fuse together with the earth itself into odious forms which defy description attacks deflect though but i'm shooting so rarely if i had a sword and i was going to yes that would be actually really really cool but i'm not i'm like you you you cue you i just deflect a dude's charge it's my projectile are these guys gonna stop spawning my god that was a solid no how many was that like 20 there that's a wall [Music] i'm gonna accidentally hit right trigger instead of right bumper and use my uh poseidon call let's stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming it's attacks not projectiles when these guys have shields the orange stuff or the yellow they don't get staggered important note so but now it's done lock stun lock dance for me boy you deflect attacks other effects can be stacked on deflect you're doing great if you get poseidon for a special you can get great aoe pushback attack you want more damaging and if dawdless hammer piercing back stronger and can deflect your special stronger and can deflect your abilities that can deflect also make foes exposed victims take more damage when struck from behind stack the yeah maybe i don't know boss or dawdler's hammer see now i get a choice wait a second that's the the dual thing nickelodeon oh don't already have piercing with the bow though you get both boons but you got to fight for it and last time i got absolutely cremated by poseidon what if i went for dawdless like chino said and go for piercing that would almost sound better bottle's hammer usually slightly better this is a tough one i like the content that's you know the double boon thing has but uh it's pretty early on in my career here i'm gonna go with the daughterless we're not we need a grind to get better you guys dying right away is not to help me do that i want to do more exciting things but i also want to be strong enough to actually play the game so my shots they they still like remove their bullets it's not horrible yeah the deflect on the dash is so forgiving like be somewhat close to them and i've got the double dash going on so i can just deflect everything look at that watch me do all right don let's what he got your attacks deal 150 damage to nearby foes point blank shot probably not going to happen all that often your power shot is easier to execute and deals 100 okay without yes your attack hits up to three foes dealing 15 base damage for each chain shot i like power shot because i do the perfect shot as much as possible but the chain shot sounds pretty delicious question log seven months what's up chains all capital from chino all those are incredible they're so incredible modified did i just overwrite something do i want the chaos welcome back question log i kinda do is there a healing here in this gain no i'll buy the eye of lamia by the eye of labia might as well is great chino 23 health to come down here and get this boon that hurts me in the beginning and then helps me later on i should have gifted him to actually yeah i should have gifted it your total health there's a deuce by a lot afterwards gain health max health or is it extra encounters you have minus movement speed afterwards your attack deals more damage uh you can't earn any money afterwards your stuff is worth more i'm kind of feeling poppers eclipse here since we're grinding for darkness and gemstones i'm gonna do it interesting um wait we just get a shop oh this is the next level that we're going to health would be important oh i don't get to go back and and go to that shop thing okay we'll go shop then i'm gonna buy a hoagie probably should have gone with the palm of power to upgrade my chain shot yes to hoagie hey carol if there happens to be something really horrible awaiting me beyond that door then give me a sign won't you [Music] can't boost dawdless abilities great i'll take it dionysus or hermes or herpes i can't get gold remember hermes more dashes all the dashes that's a good point that we're running into one another here among the words of my professional associate i mean must be some sort of clerical mistake with my dash deflects smart unless i overwrite my dash to flag on accident a chance to dodge automatically when you're hit you can dash more times in a row or after using call gain dodge chance to move dodge chance and move speed for 10 seconds great more dashes triple baby what's that blue i probably would have been a lot of money huh rip boss pays out with darkness only we meet again i heard what happened you crossed the river of flame you really did it i really got that it was a total bastard though bastards but you sound practically impressed with me there meg i feel so flattered you use a pick for your guitar um when i'm strumming i do yes but when i'm finger picking obviously no i come off as a pushy ass pushy please let me know if sharing my knowledge just sharing my knowledge i can't read today apparently i put hundreds of hours in this game you'll soon feel something else i don't know how you did but it changes nothing it's just pretty standard do you know if i'm if i'm asking specific questions or wanting to know an answer obviously um but i i understand my position too where i have every right to just you know do whatever i want anyways i'm not gonna feel bad about that i'm a good one how can i am i am i not charging my super shot right now i think i am but it's like for some reason such a small little oh this [ __ ] spikes dude good one that was a good one we're getting like we're we're not doing very well right now i'm just let's just die let's throw me off here by doing this weird tiny shot [Music] so now we're just gonna die definitely the worst i've ever done against this boss something feels wrong though right now with the bow what's up with that it's almost like she knows i've got deflect on and she's not doing her little like bullet hell thing there it is [Music] boom bay bay you're overthinking it this game requires so much focus it's it's crazy like the speed at which this game goes it's probably one of the fastest paced lights i've ever played in my life perspective is different different because it is a bigger area with a slightly pan away from screen i have no idea what you just said there were there were words there reflect special on bow is sweet i need more than 15 dude pretend when you enter a chamber probably i didn't just need to do it my fans are butts poseidon's aid what if i just purge this do i use it ever oh making foes exposed to is just not exciting me at all and i'll switch my stuff out if i want to just what the house contractor ordered from well if karen has increased duration is there anything like full heals me now no there are better ones by a lot i believe he said it pans the camera back a little so it's charging up and it seems like it always just charges this meter right but when i was charging it on the boss it was doing this little tiny short one and it wasn't fully extending which i felt like was really in hell it was helpful for me to land my perfect shot so it almost felt like i wasn't doing a single perfect shot at all and it was really hard for me to get the timing right do i still need these the path from tartarus has finally laid bare it's an illusion says chino yeah i mean i i kind of figured out at the end that it was just you know it's faintly felt already even like i was still doing the damage it just kind of messed with my brain it got it took me off my center oh this heat asphadel makes the camera farther by a bit the boss fight does stand down or suffer hello sneaky still doing it is that because of my chain shot that's it's changed my meter that doesn't like go through enemies anymore but how it always was and i'm just drunk right now should i be more drunk right now i spawn over there i thought they was gonna spawn wherever i was i'm not gonna get very much here besides death okay point blank shot could have been pretty nice it's so hard to time my perfect shot when they're messing with my shot bar man i can't i like literally my brain is unable three i got three and my keep i got three five technically quit i'm just gonna quit give me squid worst one of my life literally have not played worse than this ever would you let me drink my water yeah like it didn't have like the timing down per se i just had like the feeling of how like when the bar extends the sexual jokes i'll make your bar extend i i just i can't do it i can't get a perfect shot anymore this this weapon for no other reason than just it being like inconvenient now to charge my bar is just has rendered it completely useless i absolutely hate the bow now [Music] it's gotta be the the the chain shot that did that right like sending his bombs back red bow fans it's dark all right you make me want to scream you're just being huts blind i'm blind i don't understand why my vision would have anything to do with it hey that was a shiny couple am i still like not able to get gold your body flash is white i know but i just i i can't that that's like i said it's not about the amount of time that it took i was more focused on the bar and i'm not looking at my character i'm looking at the enemies that i'm shooting because i'm aiming so my body flashing white is just not is that is the exact same thing that i was saying the timing thing that i literally my brain says no i'm trying my best right now and i am utterly flailing you're holding it too long too long too short doesn't matter it's not happening i like how i freeze them back [Music] so dash deflect is pretty clutch hydra's hacking through the walls is it just me or is it like a not a very smart deflect though your abilities that deflect make them expose bash damage and deflect i don't know if i the dash damage necessarily does it for me but i'm definitely not using my call adapt overcome i believe in you i was just getting used to like all the things that we had and now they're throwing more on top pop the balloons definitely gonna go aries here i think karen's shop probably though for [Music] food no i have no money no money in the bank so aries looking for a shop i see nothing do these i could sell something i could sell my poseidon call and then buy food with it or just try to clutch the mini boss or both why do you not use your cast or spreadshot well this is falls and you sit there for way too long for what it's worth and it it's not upgraded uh and my cast i don't understand why i would want to use this over this unless like i said i can somehow get my cast to give them more damage or something the zagreus sound like huts doing an accent your boons are pretty dukey this run game is about multiple attempts so it's no biggy if the run feels bad just rinse repeat was that how roguelikes work i'm new to them i thank you for explaining it it gets stuck in so it does um both single target foes would be good to stick them i'm a little nervous that if i was to sell a boon it still wouldn't give me the money right away we go wait i didn't get on yet i didn't even get on [Music] [Music] yikes take your bombs back loser [Music] is that just like an aoe attack from the brimstone i know what that is sorry you were just whining so much i thought i'd be positive ouch my feelings aoe but not an attack until it gives mobs shields in kind because that was like a blast of aoe damage that would be really tough to dodge your attacks inflict boom your cast sends a blade rift or after using death defiance deal more damage that encounter deal more damage that encounter if encounters a roam with enemies deal more damage that encounter i'm not sure how it's being used in that context how's this winning is what we like blade riffs are pretty bad if you don't have artemis and aries duo cast boon i'm gonna go with the curse of agony but i just i don't understand the wording you only deal more damage for the room you died in deal more damage that encounter got it it's horrible the war god's power i wasn't saying that the damage encounters i got it poorly that makes sense now i just was reading it wrong before that encounter maybe would have been some nice having a nice addition definitely taking damage i need some hoagie subs i could just basically run around and deflect dash the entire everything stupid dumb dumb well we could sell stuff again get a lot of these cell things the abilities that deflect can also make enemies exposed not do it for me but i don't know but what doom does is it uh it's like a timed release what is that i don't know what that means time to release damage like another second after i hit them it hits them with more damage watching huts use deflect as an attack irritates me to no end i mean though if if they're sending out like 75 000 bullets and i'm like i could shoot through them hopefully destroy them or i could just dash around and have everyone die npc assists special event room see what those are yeah good boy steve harvey three months what's up welcome back come on in okay how do i come in [Music] hey you must be the hades kid how's it going then your royal majesty nice to meet you i'm eurydice what brings a big important guy like you up to a place like this she's a broccoli head hi there no need for formalities i'm zagreus just heading out on some official business past the menacing bone hydra don't mean to be rude though i'm in a bit of a rush pain in the shen 21 going on i'll let you go but there's one rule in my place which is nobody leaves here empty-handed you got that so take your pick my treat ambrosia delight loved by the gods of the two random boons of yours are upgraded to the next rarity underworld delicacy at the four random boons of yours gain plus one level or a rare and fragrant beverage the next three boons you find have upgraded rarity um two random boons of yours are upgraded to the next rarity which means it might take away my dash deflect and my chain shot probably not right on porridge could be good to upgrade them all huts it doesn't take it away only upgrades them what's the difference between adding a level and upgrading the next rarity i thought the each one had a specific rarity so are you saying that i can find a dash deflect that has different rarities placeable 18 what's up rarity's better scaling from levels levels or higher output okay so if i like some of the ones i have i should do the ambrosia delight then curse of agony and greatest reflex now i have two bonus dashes and uh more doom but watching this and have been keeping up with all your stuff on youtube too thank you pain in the chat ten thousand and one bits hot dog we're putting a hat on in a while [Music] been a while hat drawer thank you so much pain in the shed that was very very very generous of you bye holy shin random power up i'm gonna buy the hoagie sub here for sure yum um we're having a hard time keeping our head above water although we're not really going for money are we we're going for the darkness so and darkness we are getting 155 and that might be the most i've ever gotten nice how the hat blends in with the lava oh yeah totally planned i need to remove these little velcro nubs they just get up up in my face difference not yet how does it look different got it the fleck dash is gonna be nice for that look at all that and all that [ __ ] in so those things go through i can't just hide behind the uh the thing anymore okay definitely gonna be hot harder since that was my whole tactic last time was to hide behind the uh the light the sconces look at that [ __ ] it was invulnerable but still felt good you're getting rocked on you're gonna do something but oh as he attacks me dude we have four dashes in a row this is pretty banging for dash deflects watch me string my dashes i'm getting the timing down a little bit as you'll notice my attacks are oh yeah a little bit better [Music] these guys aren't spawning other enemies which is actually making this very easy and they're not shooting things either this almost seems like an easier version question mark i would say this is definitely easier would you recommend hades yeah no it's definitely a lot of fun very very very polished game which is nice to see when you're bouncing around from indie game to indie games sometimes you just run around across things you're like i wish it was more like this we have so much purple hydra's easiest boss to be honest you surpassed my hydra i sure did father look at us almost full health gain 20 movement speed eight encounters is not bad and we could even bump it up to 12 encounters yeah that's the one that we have right now then 10 damage and distant foes it's just good with the bow pain in the shen still pouring on the the hutt's love here with 10 gifted subs look at us go you guys four more subs and we'll be at 900 again hell yeah you're making learning your [ __ ] i think it's called the learning god i'm so tempted to sell the besides aid is there a way to upgrade or get a different call or do you have to start with a certain call smittybacall shen calm down holy [ __ ] four more anyone got it bifinator gifting five subs look at that we're back over 900 on our way back up yeah that was surprising today when i looked at my sub count it was uh yeah we were almost at 2k at one point in time i don't feel like i feel like streams have been good i feel like everything's been totally fine i've been feeling good i've had more energy lately we've been streaming newer like hunter more fun things on our way i mean uh repentance is around the corner we're checking out new mods i'm feeling good hermes is pretty good oh my power could upgrade the things that i already have though the only things that we have left that are we don't have is um our cast and i don't know what that other one is or special upgrade or caster upgrade are special i'm thinking hopefully the god will offer replacement yeah any other gods could hermes could give me like a better call or something i'm gonna go with the palm upgrade i like what we have they just need to be better upgraded doom damage could be pretty meaningful by the way let's read out these subs to uh to those of you who got a free sub powder hellfire skyrim porzi zeus maybe zuce ethan treathen lancert a dark haunting super panda kill mana burst maybe possibly percent brett asriel marduk subtle mad cap and dead man floats and all the hutt's love right now stupid chariot i can get enough doom damage that it basically just doubles my damage to be hella meaningful those things are beefy we need more damage now okay exploding boys hey there's my doom call or my reflect exposed thing let's do thanks to fife i had issues for a bit and went without a home for a bit low back though well i'm glad to see that you're back on top thank you so much for being incredibly generous nautilus hammer's pretty good right centaur heart i kind of need the health with the dauntless hammer our boons had increased doom damage but after more time and food that makes doom stack booed just like running through with my dashes oh gosh they regenerated way too fast pain in the shed 10 more gifted subs thank you so generous today let's try not dying huh popping off shane dude gifting a sub to george costanza ben gaming or is it bowen sold at kuro zesty prestige salty bastion just a windy deer the zany one k shari drent and wolf tamer pro our shot is easier to execute and deals 150 damage so we didn't take that one last time and i think it would be really good your attack fires two shots side by side but has reduced range that would be going against my collectible thing special deals plus three base damage for each consecutive hit to a foe let's do a perfect shot focus on what we're trying to be good at one thing at a time here into our heart okay we ended up getting it anyways just want to like double check around the map and see if i can't see any chops or my mist lots with money [Music] got me i want uh a boon that makes me heal one percent per kill or some [ __ ] like that that'd be cool boom baby okay let's go 88 health oh my god i'm rich twin shot nukes your range hard twin shot would have been super cool with the point blank shot because that would be lower range is better anyways and it would do the double damage with the even more damage with them being close and everything like that this is probably going to be detriment to my health oh well do i even still have the call things that was good in darkness pretty good you have it i just don't see the bottom charged up at all and that's that's what it looks like when it's full dark gray where's the glasses or more hat for all these subs lol this fly finator i mean uh yeah fair enough generally these come out for like specific uh donations but i guess you know 10 gifted subs is worth 50 at least spent more than 50 so i'm sure which would technically be glasses yes let me go with on shop i don't have much for money here remember when there was a person that kept making anon accounts and renaming it different versions of anonymous yep you have met the champion you've met the champion i get to fight the bull alone you mean face both of you together which doesn't seem particularly fair thank you life isn't particularly my dad it's gonna be interesting i think with the bow it's like me i missed i do more damage with uh the thing of them right that thing last time i just ran around a circle and he wasn't able to hit me still works because when he does hit you holy [ __ ] i'll crush you i'll crush you will you okay now he's got the sideways thing bring around the rosie pockets full of posey ashes ashes okay what was that swing there at the ends okay [ __ ] ouch dodge as much as possible when he's jumping don't leave i beat the ball of minos lady athena i didn't beat him until he's soaked in blood would you have to see athena hear me on my authority we made him a mini boss instead but then you still have to fight him later anyways special stronger can deflect their cast and damage in a small area and can't deflect death defiance make you impervious longer replenish one use replenish one use does that mean does that mean that i have to have used it already for it to be replenished or it will give me one extra on top special is poop go phalanx i wouldn't mind the divine flourish deflecting now i'm just not using my cast you have to have used it up needs to be used i'm gonna try it they're both garbage i mean i'm not really gonna but i don't know right now my my dash it's kind of putting me in danger like when i was dashing through the hydra stuff and if i could just do this and then just like in a wide area spray everything back it could be i don't know andy maybe come and get it take damage there with these things it's like one of my options here deflecting them pretty much all i got it's working quite well actually satisfied uh juicer key how many keys do we have right now six keys that's probably enough to do whatever we need to do with them special is great close range not the butterfly [ __ ] it's too many [Music] double boon you're healing you'd hide your light seems like maybe my money would be better spent elsewhere though i don't even need more boons man i want to upgrade the ones i have coming home off on games until they start spawning behind me all right see that it was attacking good shot [Music] exposed we're just getting nothing but these three things every palm are those that my only upgradeable abilities maybe halting eclipse probably not blinding flash that's the exposed one can't upgrade that one probably chain shot no bash more times i'm not sure we might only have those three as upgradables 37 health huh all right yoshi junior seven months what's up hot stuff how are you doing oh my miractus mishaps a thousand bits thank you so much my friend i almost missed it i apologize for taking this along to read it huts this is for you thanks for the great content can't say it enough also i would like to play a song for you but i don't know if you have sr or not song request um no i don't have song requests but if you want to me to see a song or check out a song you can always tweet things to me that'd be a good way to do that and then oh sh oshinova oceanova thanks for the prime sub welcome my friends dionysus or money i think 300 monies is probably fine for money i don't know which of the boons work together you know apparently some of them like stack like they synergize to a degree i'm gonna get in there and kill these suckers while they're trying to get back in putting myself in danger [Music] so uses special literally does nothing come this way sucker it'll be fun oh i didn't see that thing in the wall that just spiked me i didn't see those turrets i had no idea already she's cool though once you get to know her yeah i got something that ought to suit her style your special deals 350 damage like if i was to hit them with every single one of the shots [Applause] gas lobs a large explosive i don't mind that as the cast that worked out pretty well last time i ever used it using the font restores all your health and gives you bonus damage if your health is low after encounters restore to the threshold probably that one threshold is pretty low though we can upgrade it i would have brought me back up to 30. ops or anything fountain buff is good when you're low too i just i don't see fountains like ever go for hockey sub [Music] no hoagies [Music] right before the final boss karen a word please where's your [ __ ] hoagies i already gifted him one i can gift him another one what does he give me then she is mate i should have done the other one first but then i could have upgraded it yes gain health when you pick up blah receive one now hey that sounds pretty good i get my health then yeah good cool good got a lot of darkness so we're most likely gonna perish on this fight no worms permitted in this chamber build fountains everywhere gift them all i'll try it glad you like it mate thank you for helping me out with your supply even if you fleece me with those prices but now it's just like i gotta get into the top as i see like there's another there's like three hearts and then there's like a triple heart thing in the end i don't know what this all means i get them another one he's holding his hand out still i wanted to give me cheaper shot prices that's really what i want here i don't know if that's a thing use your call this right please this fight please is it charging i still don't understand gentlemen the dating game portion you seek to break through to the surface of the world but you shall not achieve your goal whilst i yet live and breathe it's going to be really hard to fight these years of the ball you gotta sit still for so long while you're charging it and then the ball is gonna poke me me with little choice but to make you shut up already and your bull-headed man servant there that minotaur whom you address is my dear friend you pre-conceiving stain upon the earth asterius and i are brothers here in death as we were enemies in life not that you could ever understand fraternal bonds as strong as ours called minotaur first i heard the focus thesis first but oh it resets every room so i gotta recharge it every room i gotcha oh my [ __ ] god solid half second i got there to react to that [ __ ] off dude i can't even see him he just sits there and does that non-stop it's [ __ ] over it was over before it [ __ ] started that's this i really really dislike that fight i am trying my [ __ ] hardest and it's just it's unreal blasted ghost minotaur that is unreal it doesn't even make sense surprise hypnos you can't bring that in here just kidding thanks don't wait i'll trade you look cheers hypnosis coin purse that just give me more money the minotaur killed you again that must have been exciting huh so any chance you got that autograph for me before you got destroyed sorry what are you laughing at why i can scarce believe my eyes is that you boy surprise look who it is he's back cerberus looks mournfully toward the prince boggle a special armor that gets stronger as you die listen to the whirling sound and the pink target on your head no need to drag the dog into this you just have to worry about the minotaur jumping and shoving his axe down your ass while you're also dodging perseus who's off screen with this tiny little target that gives you like a one second response time of it's just it's too much going on it's not an enjoyable fight in my opinion i think it's [ __ ] but they have you fight two things at once it's like uh it's it's like it's like a check it's like they purposefully made this so difficult that if you're not leveled up by that point it's a soft lock is what it feels like feels like a soft lock all right
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 12,331
Rating: 4.9699998 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Action Roguelike, action, indie, rpg, roguelike, hack and slash, dungeon crawler, roguelite, mythology, hand drawn, difficult, funny, fail, levels, bosses, tips and tricks, playthrough, footage, gameplay
Id: RirEsvxyhRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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