Largest Ever, Thunder-Egg Gemstone found!

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[Music] foreign [Music] Denver prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earned your subscription today I'm back here on my thunder egg Quarry by thunderegg claim here to collect some more Thunder eggs had a plan with the Prince George Rock Club to meet them out here to dig today things didn't quite go as we thought but I'm here I'm collecting gemstones I'm collecting Thunder eggs I'm having a blast so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] it is October 1st on the claim and uh early in the morning Sun's just coming over the mountain fall colors up in the trees nice and warm out considering it's October beautiful morning now my plan was to meet the Prince George Rock Club up here this morning to do some digging for a few hours before they had to head back to town but unfortunately our schedules kind of got mixed our wires got crossed we didn't communicate well enough something like that and um they were just leaving as I got here I don't like coming into this spot by myself it's too far from civilization if something goes wrong there's no one out here to help me out I always like being here with someone and that's why I arranged to be here with Prince George group but unfortunately circumstance have it I'm here by myself so I'm being extra careful today I will get out of here fine now a few tasks I have today I am going to collect as many of the free Thunder eggs as I can as many of the ones that are sitting around here on the surface I will dig in some of the safer spots on this low wall I will not go underneath the great big high wall that I have to deal with somehow someday but what I have already started doing is putting spikes around it I'm going to put some caution tape around that high wall so if other clubs or anyone that comes up here that they're not going into what I deem is an unsafe situation I will suggest that we dig over here where it's easier digging and it's safe there's not going to be rocks falling on you and I do plan to take I I was hoping for 10 buckets but I was also hoping for help from the other club so maybe five buckets of Thunder eggs today hmm someday that high wall has to get dealt with but without an excavator or something I don't know how I'd knock down that much material from that high safely for now when people come up here I'll just tell them stay out from behind the gaussian tape and if you're not sure what Thunder eggs are I have two or three other videos on my Channel about them they are nodules that form in volcanic ash as all the silica sort of combines together in the Ash and it makes these round balls that in the center of are amazing agates quartz crystals Gemstones of All Sorts that have great patterns and look beautiful so we're going around and collecting nodules like that today and hopefully getting a lot of them here's a really good example of the ash bed we do have debris on top which actually has lots of Thunder eggs because they're sort of washed down from the hillside above but here's where it actually goes into the Hard Rock Ash bed I'm out of breath here I've been collecting already there's a really nice big guy right there see if I can pry him out there's a beautiful one you can see some little guys here two little guys three little guys that looks like another big one in there that's probably a little gay oops got that on the wrong setting there we go [Applause] another Beauty [Music] little guy medium knock off the ash another medium-sized one conglomerate the small ones [Music] a bigger one and a medium one sir to come along right together we'll get our buckets filled in no time I've managed to get the first bin full already and this Beast rolled out which isn't necessarily one thumb drag it's a whole bunch of mashed together I am going to take this home with me and uh cut it just to see what it looks like inside it I see you know knobs all through it it might be interesting on the big saw cut one of these big ones and see I see most the big ones are left behind around here so it's probably that someone in history has tried figured out that they don't have much in them and then you know gave up but I have another bin you take a chainsaw out here fill up another bin take it back to the truck [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go there's a nice one maybe worth keeping might be worth keeping might be worth keeping really nice one right there [Music] there is a nice one oh that one's Hollow light I can feel it let's get that one out [Music] beauty that guy is huge and I think that's separate very lightly yeah big guy medium guy nice two or three more big ones there's one there one there one there that might be one that might be one okay five let's see what I can do there's the first one let's go after that one next and number two maybe that one that one next yeah three ah stay stay it's amazing how round things roll hey and here comes four and five oh look at that guy he's huge love it that one's not too bad either one more down there and he's coming easy I also see another one back here oh another huge guy another huge one nice let's throw all these in the bucket well that bucket Plus what's already in the quad definitely going to be one trip back to the truck let's take her back [Music] because there's no one up here with me I called my wife from the last sell point which is the top of a mountain back there and I told her that I would work for about two hours then I'd drive back and call her again because I'm by myself uh so I only have till noon basically uh before I got to get out of here well probably 11 o'clock it's already almost 10. so let's get going and round two here we go look at that Beast it's huge that is one big Thunder rig that is the biggest thunder egg I have ever seen forget about anywhere like that's huge I am really looking forward to cutting this Beast open one huge gemstone again well unfortunately the good Thunder eggs dried up where I was digging I just spent the last you know 35 minutes with only one or two little guys so I have to change spots but unfortunately my safety call to my wife is in about 45 minutes could take me 15 minutes to get back to the truck and get loaded and half hour out to the uh call site so I'm just gonna pack up here head back to the truck see what I got and go back and call her but I know you guys want to see what's inside these Thunder eggs so of course I'm taking some home to cut them to show you in this video okay I'm all loaded up big bin of rocks big bin of tools I have the safety tape around the high wall to keep people out of there I gotta go I don't want to be late for that phone call and worry Dana and I think I'm going to be so let's get out of here wait a little over the thunder right in the bucket holding the quad into the truck loading myself into the truck and getting going live bucket and one quad in the truck and ready here although it's a very slow trip out because it's a very tight road with lots of logs and stuff very close to the edge thus the injury to dab last time we were in here and I'm by myself I can't afford to injure myself vlogged [Music] uh made it out with 10 minutes to spare I hate leaving my wife into Lurch and having her worry about that kind of stuff so I'm glad I made it out and got the phone call in time and now she knows I'm good just have to drive back down the hill I'm on my way up to Cornell to do a video at a place or mine a big plaster mine up there so I'm not home for a few days yet to cut those stones but I will definitely take those stones when I get home cut them and include them in this video I will do a lot more Reclamation actually before I ran off I went and tried knocking down some of those High Banks and I think the high banks will come down fairly easy at least the ones that are safe the lower high bank I don't know what I'm gonna do with those high high Banks but the lower ones I think I can knock down sift through the material because there's lots of Thunder eggs in the sluff that's on top collect those then take the remaining tailings and dump in that pit to keep it to start filling that pit up I can only do what I can do I can only do so much up here here it's not like I can drive an excavator up here to knock down those high high bank I didn't create the problem but I'm gonna do my best to fix it because I got to keep those guys at the ministry those inspectors happy I'll do my best anyhow this is where we get Soul service we must be high enough to grab a tower Like A Million Miles Away over there somewhere what a beautiful day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that I have the buckets of Thunder eggs at home my first job is to take them and put them into my cement mixer here just tumble them around for a little bit which breaks off any extra perlite that's on the outside and cleans up the outside of them makes them nice and round and gives you a better idea of what you have a little bit longer on those and then I'll put the next bucket in and this shows you the difference between a tumbled one nice and cleaned up and one that's still rough with all the extra perlite on the surface there we be all tumbled up three piles we have this small mystery Stones small complete spheres don't know what's inside them the large mystery stones again complete balls and ready to be cut if anyone wants one of these those are 25 those are 40 and the oversized and crazy pieces and whatnot these are what I cut all of our specimens out of you never really know what the big pieces what you'll find inside and often these big ones don't have anything these almost always have something inside them these quite often are just a mishmash of small spheres put together so we cut these ones and the good ones we make our specimens out of the bad ones we chop these guys we sell as mystery Stones so I will cut a few for the video's sake today and we can't forget the Behemoth that thing is huge it's already been washed and dried that's why it's looking a different color than the piles those are still wet but that thing is massive I will definitely be cutting that one and we're all set up in the saws three small Thunder eggs on the three small saws three Big Thunder eggs including the Behemoth on the three big saws and outside we have a big concoction out there being cut on the hube saw outside let's get cutting and I brought one of these beasts home it's just a whole bunch of smaller Thunder eggs sort of smooshed together I think I don't even really know but I put it on the big saw I'm gonna cut it and see what it looks like inside I've left enough room to take one slab off if the place I cut doesn't look good I'll move over and try again foreign let's see what the first few Thunder eggs look like oh wow nice Beauty little holes off a little bit of a geode in that Thunder egg looked at already this is amazing where's the light amazing the big beast was interesting inside it ended up having a green Jasper inside this thunder egg geode need to wash that up before you get a real good idea of what that looks like though and this guy finished early so I managed to get a slab off him as well slab beautiful half and obviously inside here will be another beautiful half let's get these all upstairs a washed up cleaned up and see what they actually look like without the oil on them and here we have them all cleaned up in proper lighting showing these beautiful beautiful Thunder eggs Empire Valley Thunder eggs we did very well with the you know random selection we grabbed there to put through the saws the first time now the big one is interesting because it doesn't have the typical Agate inside there's a little bit of Agate there a little bit but mostly just this green Jasper throughout it and it is a geode meaning it's Hollow in the top and you can see the botroital pattern inside that Hollow there you can definitely see the star pattern of the Thundering itself and yeah a green Jasper with a bit of egg inside very unique very large and the other half had a lot more of the green Jasper a lot less of the Void making it a geode still has some of that Agate up there very cool on the way down the hill I decided I have to stop by the Fraser and enjoy this beautiful sunny fall day Fraser River where Churn Creek comes in what a beautiful spot absolutely love it down here I'd love to put a pan right here take a pan from right here put it in that water and pan it out but I know this is a claimed area so can't do that here but still what a beautiful spot I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't earned your subscription yet I hope I earned your subscription today and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because the sport of my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting hope you're all having an amazing day I sure am and until the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 284,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond, thunderegg, thunder egg, lapidary, gem hunting
Id: 86MRhTrUqF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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