Prospector finds a NEW GEMSTONE deposit behind locked gate!

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[Music] foreign [Music] Dan here with Andrew prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am here above Harrison Lake going into my hard rock garnet claim last time I was in here forestry had put up a gate over the road and I had no access so I'm here on a working day to talk with the forestry people and see if I can get access get a key get permission whatever I might need so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] I love stopping at this spot on the way in it is such a beautiful view of Harrison Lake you imagine having one of those homes down there on the lake wow spring is in the air it is beautiful out here it is warm I'm excited to get up the hill and see if I can find myself some of those amazing Garnet specimens and being on a very active forestry Road it is very important to have yourself a forestry radio so you can hear when the logging trucks are coming and going and you can let everyone know where you're at and keep everyone safe on the road just a little tip about driving these very busy forestry roads I was able to talk with people at the logging yard and unfortunately the boss is not in today so I just came to check on the gate and right now the gate is open I could actually go across there is this sign right here which worries me because even though I have you know legal rights to be here all that kind of stuff I'm not really the public if they close the gate while I'm up there um Sol it's not good so um I'm just sitting here at the bridge right now hoping that one of the trucks comes down someone I can talk to that's up there and I can see if it's okay for me to go up and make sure they're not going to lock the gate behind me the radio channel for this road has been dead although I hear I hear that there is Machinery up in the hills working so there are people up there I just really hope one of them comes down the road and I get to chat with them and see if it's okay for me to go up it's a beautiful day it is sunny and warm that's for sure but don't want to push my luck and get stuck behind a gate now luckily when I was at the yard the guys were able to tell me what Logging company this is where their head office is all that kind of stuff so now I can actually go back and request a key for the gates which is great in the future I'll have access but right now I'd love to get out there today and get some material so I'm gonna stick around here for an hour or so see what happens well it went for an hour's walk up the hill seeing if I could you know bump into some of the loggers up there I never did uh I did hear them on the radio a little bit uh they're a long ways away so I didn't even bother them with the radio but what I did find was a new Garnet deposit check it out I did not bring the cameras with me up the hill all I brought was my radio but I did find some garnets I'm gonna bring out the close-up and show you these crazy specs ones I found now this is a new deposit this is not the same deposit I've worked before but this is kind of typical for the deposit I did work before a very molded shift with garnets in it and these are a very dark Garnet but I found some more exciting ones as well now this here these garnets are much more gemi red well not bigger but nicer formed for sure I like the look of it and then there's these black crystals that we always find with the garnets up here now I'm not sure if that's a non-cross Starlight or if that is just a black kyanite both of those form commonly with Garnet in these schists and I don't know which one it is I'm sure not an expert on these metamorphic rocks that make these Garnet schists so I'm not positive what those crystals are I'm sure someone out there will let us know I'm thinking a black kyanite that's what I'm thinking poured a bit of water on this one yeah wet see if you can see the geminess of these a bit better and then there was a whole bunch of this up there too lots of little garnets lots of little black crystals all smooshed together endless amounts of this material at that deposit so this stuff will never make gemstones out of the garnets but it's endless possibilities for lapidary work in this material spheres Palm Stones decorative items free forms everything you can imagine now I just have to get access up the hill so I can get a truckload of it and I will be heading to the main office of the Logging Company there tomorrow to see if I can get a key for the gate I tell you what if I get a key I'll leave green check mark right here if I don't get a key I'll leave a big red X I don't know what's gonna happen let's hope they give me access up the hill [Music] well after a failed day of trying to get up the hill I decided to head back into town go and see the logging office where the loggers told me to go to and I got myself a key for the gate and permission to be up here so now I can get up to my site right there and start harvesting some garnets and then checking out the hills around me to see if maybe there's even a better deposit let's get to it so here's my good spot by no means is it the best spot around it's just the spot I know of that has red Jimmy garnets in the host material that debris pile there showed some really nice pieces that were bigger and better than whatever came from here so when the road was being built they cut through something that was even better right in this area but I haven't found that one spot yet maybe today's the day I'm going to bring my equipment down here and grab some of this material then I'm going to start looking around but I gotta get some rocks in the truck first this spot is amazing just amazing nice big red Jimmy garnets right in the schist poking around before I pull out the big chisel and start working I found this one really big Garnet Crystal almost free let's see if I can pop it out before I get to work managed to pop it free let's have a look what a beautiful Crystal now we need to find Rocks full of those and the tools needed to get myself some good big specimens today thank you foreign first good piece love it when you get these little quartz Pockets within the schistially with garnets looking good [Music] I have what I think is a really nice chunk to come in here [Music] if I can get pry bar in it properly [Music] I need to work a bit more at it I think I got a perch for the pry bar let's see what we get oh she's solid does not want to go well I broke the front off when trying to pry didn't break the whole rock out but that is gonna be a beautiful specimen and the size of that one Garnet some really nice guys on there and another just loaded look at this one now that's loaded I love it when the garnets come out little clusters like that that's a micro specimen right there check out this guy that just exposed itself wow perfect Crystal nice red nice Clarity that's what I'm looking for see if we can pop him free well trying to work the one real nice Crystal free I managed to get the whole Hillside free like this whole chunk and it's still attached so I'm probably gonna leave it attached because that'll make an amazing specimen there it is that one is going just like that a huge Crystal and all other big ones all around it oh those are the big specimens [Music] oh look at that I've been sweeping up the debris that comes off here just sweeping up anything that comes down into the bottom and then grabbing handfuls and putting in my gold pan over there because it's just loaded in crystals that have fallen out and I'm just going to take that down to some water somewhere pan it out and see what kind of crystals are lost in this muck in the bottom now you may have noticed I haven't put water on any of these to show them off I really don't want mud in the pit here so I'm keeping the water away right now when I take them home to clean them up you'll be able to see what they would look like wet and clean salute wild piece garnets everywhere well there's a rock to take a break on I need a break I need a drink I need food but I just pulled that one out oh wow I love clusters here's a pair a twin and you've grown together loving it there's some big ones coming out up here really big [Music] there's some doozies in that one that one hidden in underneath there well there we go had some pizza had a drink and now my radio is talking to me no and now let's look at what I've done here a little bit not a lot I did a fair bit of work right there did a lot of work right down there and I poked around a bit there but I've got a full pan of debris to go and see what kind of full crystals we've got I've got this bucket here which is you know about as much as I can lift out of the ditch so I'm not feeling it anymore and I've got a full bucket there that will be enough to keep the web store busy stocked with garnets and schist for probably about two years so that's good I've got some bigger rocks here that I want to try to make some spheres out of I think spheres would look fantastic out of this material because of the way the schist sheens on two faces opposite faces and the garnets in it I think spheres of this material might be fantastic so maybe the next time I send a big lot away to get made into spheres I'll include some of that material now I'm just gonna go look through the debris pile and see what hasn't been pillaged over the years yep there's still some good material here that might be able to be you know sent off to get made into spheres that one's pretty good that one's pretty good and you know I just got here kind of neat but I'm looking for the garnets just now exploring the general area around that first the the main Garnet showing and I just found another exposure new deposit here it's only a thousand feet away from the first one but that is great let's get the close-up on it slightly different host here it looks a bit more green with a bit of white in it but the garnets are Jimmy Jimmy red very red so there's a bunch of the Rocks I found from that new deposit it's all kicking around this outcrop here but I don't see the actual outcrop of that deposit they were all sitting just below now to poke around and see if I can find where they actually came from I'll see if I can trace the debris back to its source poking around found even another deposit of garnets very very fine grain though different looking entirely interesting stuff kicking around here interesting stuff ah I feel like I'm heading in the right direction there's some neat stuff right beside that big Bedrock there's a outcrop of this and there's lots of it here and if anyone knows what those black crystals in amongst those garnets you know in amongst the white is can you let me know I have some speculation of what they might be but I'd love to know someone who's more of an expert than I am on metamorphics if you'd be able to tell me what those black crystals actually are they tourmaline are they a black kyanite are they um biotite or what what are they if you know leave a comment below and there we are the Bedrock with red garnets another deposit you know the the schist here breaks and plates so it's also squished in One Direction take the strike from this it points almost directly back to the main deposit I was digging so it's probably the same seam the same general zone of that metamorphic rock here's a fun one I found weathered out on the surface so I just stopped by Garnet Beach here I'm not doing any gem sieving for garnets today although there's some really nice garnets here I just want to take my pan of material down to the water hand it out and see what kind of free garnets are in there there are a million little micro specimens small specimens uh everything like that in here even some medium sized ones those I sell on my website if you like your own you know garnet and in schist careful how you say that word garnet and schist check out my website but today I just want to see what kind of free garnets are in the bottom now that the dust is washed off the top we can have a look hey there's a free one once I shake it that'll go to the bottom units and lots of them [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] check out this slick I found on the river just loaded in garnets I love this beach everywhere you look there's schist just flaring back at you everywhere they catch the sun right I'm not sure if the camera will pick it up it's like a mirror almost shining back at you that's a metamorphic schist and there's a shift with garnets a grenadeshist and if you start looking they're everywhere [Music] holy holy shist holy shist a new product on my website for every Rock Hound everyone needs a piece of holy if you got that swear jar you don't want to pay for well you're just talking about your holiest check out Dan heard prospecting .com I do have to say a big thanks to western Canada Timber Products the lady in the office that helped me get the key for that gate was awesome thank you so much [Music] well what an amazing day I had so much fun enjoyed the Sun so much I hope you enjoyed my adventure if you did please leave me that thumbs up big thanks everyone especially my patrons and until the next one bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 129,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gupta dham, Real diamond, garnets
Id: ZUIeHh_O3Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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