I managed to find "Black Gold" on the Fraser River.

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foreign [Music] prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I'm back here on the Fraser River at my black gold claim I have a high banker I have the piglet high banker from gold hog and we're gonna see if we can run a hundred pounds worth or so of material through that machine and see if we can find some of that Infamous Black Gold that this site contains I'll explain a little bit more in a second so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy foreign [Music] Ty set up yet it is way too steep right now it's really nice on this claim at low water the gravels are so loose here that the water soaks into the gravels before it gets back to the river at higher water we have to recirculate or something but low water there's lots of time for it to soak in which makes it legal here in BC you're not allowed to run a high banker here in BC and have its water make it back to the river because the silt gets into the river makes it muddy messes up fish habitat all that kind of stuff I know it's the Fraser River it's muddy already but we that's the rule we have to follow the rules this is an awesome claim at low water great gold the black gold here can be quite big often quite small but let's see what we can find today and if you aren't familiar with my videos and this claim this claim has this crazy gold that is completely coated in a hard black surface it doesn't look to be manganese which often does coat gold old it looks to be more of an iron rusting onto the surface really bizarre when I find some pieces I'll show you and I later on in the video I think I'm going to actually test some of those pieces to see why they're going black that's the plan first I gotta find one and I am limited on hose today so that's pretty much where the high banker has to be luckily there's a nice little gravel deposit here that I haven't touched in the past I'm gonna move the Rocks off top of it and we're gonna run that gravel deposit it's right beside there's one that I ran before and we found lots of black gold there we found some here it's in the same area we should be able to find it there it's kind of strange on this claim we are way away from the river usually on the Fraser River the best gold is down at the bottom but for some reason on this claim the pay streak seems to be running here like 10 20 feet away from the tree line and up high when you go down low you don't find all that much kind of strange [Music] thank you [Music] foreign this wasn't actually my plan to do today this was a backup plan originally my plan was to go to that claim where I just did two pans we got a quarter gram of gold but unfortunately they were doing some rail work and pulled the tracks and blocked the access so then I decided to stop by Pickerington but lately Pickerton every time I get there there's a train parked across the road so I can't get in there either so this is three this is uh option number three well let's get that pump going there we are it's a running we'll probably run in 10 to 15 minutes spurts to let the ground you know soak up the water nicely and also give me a breather [Music] all right [Music] [Music] oh no the pump ran into the gas well that was pretty good that was like a 25 minute run out of that hole there probably you know I did the equivalent of 50 pounds worth of material in that 25 minutes really I probably could have only done five pans if I was uh doing pans so ran about 10 times the amount of material through the high banker that I could panning sorry I'm out of breath that's a lot of exercise and it's the end of winter I'm really out of shape I need to get back at this get myself back in shape let's look in the box and see what we see so nothing jumping out at me saying hey look at me I'm a huge nugget hmm in fact I don't see any gold at all top there oh is that something in the mind less no that's a yellow rock well I guess we'll do a little quick cleanup and see if I'm on the gold at all oh what's that piece I guarantee there's a piece of gold in here somewhere but I'm hoping for like a few hundred pieces of gold not just a piece of gold oh and let's pan out the miners Moss by itself and there's a lot of material underneath the miners Moss Wow Let's paint with minus Moss if there's any big chunks that's where it's gonna be I should probably do it all at once save myself one trip down the hill but no I just grabbed the miners Moss anyhow I need the exercise I gotta get myself back in shape so an extra trip up and down the hill is not going to kill me good for me looks like that's about where it soaked in I don't see any evidence right past here of any water going any farther that's perfect what a beautiful way to spend a Springs day I know it's not really spring yet but pretty much it is here sitting on the river looking for gold that's kind of what it's all about today is satisfying the Curiosity about this black gold all I really want to do is find two or three pieces that are big enough that I can test them I'm gonna go back home I'm going to put half of the flake if it's big enough half the flake down into some acid and see if I can dissolve away the surface and I'm going to use some iron out and some muriatic acid and see if I can figure out what's on the surface and see what the gold looks like underneath that's the idea okay there's the material there's you know half a cup of material in the miner's moss I am really out of shape I am really tired after one 25 minute run okay come on gold please be here I don't want to have to move oh there's gold uh see you know dozens of pieces of gold I'll get close up on that but no bigger flakes of Black Gold hmm so that there is not what I had in mind for the day I was hoping for a whole lot more than that and I was hoping for some of that black gold and I don't see any of it in here so I will clean up the rest of the high banker and see if uh maybe it's down in the other mats and if not I'm gonna have to move didn't really want to don't have any extra hoes to move but I'll figure it out somehow lots of garnets in the mix lots of garnets well let's hope this is where all the gold is hiding in there and there we are in the maps about a cup of crap maybe a cup and a half of material counter down and find out it was strange there was no lead in that header box that miner's moss this is a really garbagey Beach with no lead there and no gold makes me wonder if uh maybe I just chose a spot that had been on top of someone else's old diggings I'm thinking I have to move that's prospecting for you it don't always hit it first spot you look but unfortunately there's the gold here isn't abundant enough that one or two test pads could have told me that I would have asked you like 10 test pans and in that time well I may as well have just done the run of the high banker let's have a look Moon Black Gold Dark Horse Heavies here lots of garnets lots of gold no black gold let me get that all in one spot to let you see well lots of little stuff but that's still pretty sad results for high banking for you know 25 minutes let's say half an hour to get that kind of gold here we would expect a lot more than that so I'm thinking I'm gonna move to the left a little bit and see if I can find some gravels that maybe haven't been worked in the past if you look in there see some of those brown pieces of gold that is the Black Gold I'm talking about but those are tiny tiny tiny specks of it a lot of the pieces of Black Gold here are really big and I have nothing big in the pan I need the big pieces to really test so I have moved 15 feet over I was there high banker was right there I've now moved over here I know I got lots of black gold out of that pit I don't have enough hose to get back up to that same height so hopefully I'm just not missing the uh pay streak up higher but right below that pit where I know I had the stuff I know I stopped at that burn so let's do the stuff underneath the berm and hope it's there and maybe I was just in a spot that had been dug before let's hope that's the case and now I'm on it okay I'm just sitting down for a few minutes take a break before I start shoveling again gives me a chance to talk to you guys about the purity of gold gold in the environment is never a hundred percent pure it is often mixed with another metal that brings me to today's geology lesson of the day Alloys gold is never found by itself almost never there's one rare situation where it is but it's almost always alloyed with either copper silver or manganese or iron or something else making it slightly impure now you usually that's a small amount it can be up to about 50 percent or more in some situations these are called Alloys it's like copper and Tin mixed together make an alloy it's not a molecule of bronze it is a copper tin mixture Alloys are when two different metals are mixed together not molecularly bound and gold is almost always an alloy with silver copper manganese or iron there's a few other things out there as well there we go today's geology lesson of the day gold in the environment is never pure one exception and here on the Fraser the gold is about 90 to 95 percent pure the smaller specs are more pure than the larger pieces but we're around the 90 Mark though I am thinking that the iron stained gold from this claim has a very high percentage of iron alloyed in with the gold and that's why it is stained the way it is that's my working Theory right now here we go round two right there [Music] what a full fault trouble foreign [Music] I think I need another break so that run down clean off and then I will kill off the phone now by the time I get down there it'll be good let's hope for a better showing this time oh I'm tired no visible gold well nothing visible in here after a real good look let's hope that just means that it's buried underneath I'm really hoping more than the last time I think that's a piece of visible gold a poor old eyes well let's clean this out and hope for three big pieces of that black gold I don't know if I've got another run in me I need it in this run I'll take a break after this one and then hopefully be ready for a third [Music] did both mats at once this time come on gold last time we were here working this plane we found very very little which was surprising because the first few times we found quite quite a bit including some big pieces right where I'm working last time it was just not there I am hoping this isn't a repeat of that I figured bringing that high banker running through that much more material I'm bound and bound to get more of those bigger pieces if you find some bigger you know Shiny Gold but most of the well most of the black pieces we find are bigger than most of the gold pieces we find here and that is why I'm hoping for a couple or three big black pieces right now I'm really wishing I got into my first spot I would have had like four grams by now rather than you know 0.04 grams come on gold please be there I'm begging now our gold couple bigger pieces I don't see anything black well the biggest piece in there is showing the rust staining it's definitely showing that rust standing on the surface there I saw one more piece that had it I'm not even sure where that other piece was it's not the big black pieces that I remember from the first few trips in here there that one's showing a bit of rust staining too but still yeah just not what I was getting that first time I am going to take a break get a bit of energy back have a snack and then hit one more run and see if I can find there lower my expectations let's hope I get one I just checked to see how far I could stretch the hose that is as far away from the river as I can get right now it's kind of backwards but I think I can dig up on that bank there which is right in line with where the big gold was if I was missing the pay streak that's got to be on the pay streak I have some work to do to set that up properly though first I need a snack [Music] okay cleared a little spot right there it's a bit of a walk to the high banker and you don't have to take two or three steps before I can shovel in and I have to shovel in kind of backwards I have to go up over the high banker and shovel it in but that's as close as I can get it we're gonna make that work I'm not gonna be able to dig nearly as much as I've dug the last two pits so I have to hope I'm lucky here let's go fill up the pump and get going interesting found something very Rusty down here maybe that's the source of my rusted gold maybe it looks like just a rock that was broken maybe not well there we go that tank is empty I actually got as much through this run as I got through the previous runs so let's hope I'm up on the pastry I dug a fairly good hole it may even have been bigger than the other two it was easier digging getting up underneath the Rocks there I think I was on the right stuff let's hope the block shows something a little bit better I'm really tired damn I'm out of shape I gotta do something about that like getting mine in again foreign the weather is turning it is time to start mining again unfortunately in uh two days I take a big trip down to California I'm going to Cerro Gordo then I'm going into a couple of underground gold mines gonna do some magnet fishing with d Almighty all sorts of great fun as my son Evan and I are going on a big road trip so just as the weather turns up here to mining season I leave but in two weeks time I'll be back and I'll be hitting these gravel bars hard yes let's see what's in that's loose [Music] oh [Music] okay if there's no black gold in there today will have been a complete failure I will have been a complete failure oh let's hope I'm not a failure this water is still very cold I guess technically it's still in winter foreign black gold black gold don't be a failure don't be a total failure here we go let's see what comes out oh bigger pieces of gold well let's have a close look and see if anything in there black is actually gold well nice gold yet today was a complete failure I wanted one piece oh I want three pieces of big black gold and I got none though that is some pretty nice gold to the last run very odd we've found so many in the first few times here well the sun just went behind the mountains because it is still technically winter that means it's going to get really cold really fast so I better start cleaning up get this stuff out of here but of course like always I will be taking this home cleaning it up and showing you right here now as you can see I didn't clean it up completely there's still a lot of black sand in there and that's because I want to get in the good idea of what the black sand contained and see if any of those black pieces were actually Black Gold uh if you want to know how much gold there my guess would be that that's about a half a gram of gold but obviously I can't tell until I clean it up completely and I don't know if I'm going to clean this up completely I want to have a good look at some of these uh black pieces to see if any of them are actually Black Gold but I don't think they are I think I missed the Black Gold this time around about half a gram of gold for a day of high banking I should have been able to do a lot better than that that was not a very successful day of high banking gold wise that is maybe that's a black piece of gold I don't think so I won't know till I get it on the computer and zoom in and on closer inspection sure enough that is one of those pieces of Black Gold unfortunately it's not a big enough piece for me to test the way I wanted to but I'm not a complete failure I did manage to pull one piece of Black Gold out for the day but yeah very strange that there is really actually gold well that was a lot of fun even though I didn't find the pieces I want C'est La Vie I'll find them the next time had a great day hope you guys enjoyed watching if you did please leave me that thumbs up big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because I support my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting hope y'all have a great day bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 440,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gupta dham, Real diamond
Id: A6TTmbET5ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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