Large abandoned Pastors house with all kinds of items left behind. Explore #72

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[Music] so [Music] hey welcome back explorers today we're another abandoned house this one here is originally an old farmhouse pretty sure was built in 1888 i'm not 100 sure but i did some research on it it looks like it um but there was obviously there was an addition added to this house i'm probably thinking early 2000s maybe late 90s it looks like it um but it's supposed to get demolished for some new development i'm not doing if they're gonna put some houses here or industrial buildings but i think they're gonna demolish this whole house this whole area uh the machines are already here so i know i know about this place for a little while it was on my list to visit but i just never had a chance and i seen that there's a some machines were dropped off here so i'm assuming that they're going to demolish it really soon so i thought i had i better explore it before they demolish it so that's why i'm here today it's cold cold winter day in canada here uh i can't wait to show you guys inside the windows are smashed i could tell from the front here so hopefully it's not too bad inside but let's go hello oh santa claus there on the ledge there yeah there's a lot of personal documents in here which i'm not going to film look at this painting it's crazy looking it's a real painting too oh man this place is just a disaster vapors everywhere that looks like a new new washing machine it's pretty it's not that old as far as that's left seems the kitchen like look at all that fridge is all tipped over here i got barbie frozen all those it's frozen here it's freezing here i know you start food in the cupboards here let's see if we can find a date here 2013. you have baby food 2015 yeah i think this this house here uh has something to do with the church next door the church and the cemetery there's a lot of documents in here um to do with the cemetery so maybe the owners of the cemetery next door lived here i'm not sure there's a newspaper here what's the date here 2006. oh there's all kinds of stuff left in here banking information all kinds of stuff yeah so this room looks like it obviously was being renovated look at all the wiring all new wiring they're probably we're gonna install excuse me probably going to install pot lights got a gas fireplace there look at the boxes here just smashed up too like look at the windows it's too bad these stairs no risers on them block staircase it's nice all the boots here still crazy now somebody smashed the walls up all right well let's go upstairs here these stairs are so nice hello oh man i thought there was a person in there a little freaky finding a body there oh there's clothes still in the cupboards or in the closet yeah i don't know if that was a squatter here but wouldn't surprise me i think somebody was i don't know that's all toiletry stuff look at that switch root beer barks root beer i got some mold going on up there beautiful house nothing going on in there it's a storage room i guess yeah look this is the uh this is the original part original house you could tell from the front this is an old original late 1800 farmhouse and they added this huge addition on so obvious from the front i like how they left the brick though it looks nice look at the bathroom here crazy i hear something there's a large master bedroom here oh there's another toilet here oh no there's no toilet okay i thought there was two toilets in here this is like your own little private spa here to go poo poo that bathtub is nice some pills here all kinds of stuff in here still dress shirts cologne what's this here it's empty doesn't say anything nice dress shoes they seem small i'm a size 12 shoe this guy can't see looks like a size seven or eight yeah there's quite a few stuff left behind i almost missed this room here this is the view of the window just forced yeah developing this whole area putting all new new houses new industrial buildings so i'm assuming this one's going to be demolished and look at all the papers like just a boat [Applause] so all right let's uh see what's in the basement here i don't know if there's two basements or just the one turn my light on here well yeah you can see the foundation and the block foundation on the newer part covered it up but it looks pretty ruined another gas fireplace sub pump it's full you could tell i think that i think there was a flood down here you could see the water line so there's no power in here so that would fill up and you can see it i got a feeling it was flooded down here at one point but the bar doesn't look too bad it doesn't look rotten there look at that what's that tiffany cold room yeah this has all been upgraded this is all new i wonder if you get to the basement in the old part i didn't see any stairs sometimes they have the stairs outside oh yeah there's no there's no stairs in the basement oh look at this there you go that's how we get into the basement see if i could pull this up oh is it turn this is gonna come crashing down on me look if i let go of it it's gonna fall so look how thick it is weighs 100 pounds i uh i'm just gonna poke my head underneath oh there's nothing much down here anyways brand new toilet seat cuz i don't want to go down there and this thing comes down on me now i'm trapped in the basement and you guys have never seen me again oh geez that was heavy all right well now you know that's how you get in the old part [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back hope you enjoyed that one pretty nice house the addition was pretty fancy very large edition but yeah it was good i'm glad i found the basement and that older part i wasn't too sure the stairs were but there was a little trap door there that was pretty cool and before i go guys like to say thank you to all my supporters on my coffee page to buy me a coffee on that it really helps me out i like to say thank you to candace gill shea vampira chris william deborah laura rickster jan and brian echocraft tiffany robin and mariska robert kendall jason and laura emily roz melissa lenora and martha really appreciate it guys it really helps me out thanks for all your support see you next explorer
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 88,770
Rating: 4.9393039 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, urban exploration, Urban exploration, Urban exploring videos, everything left behind
Id: O1y_nY78C8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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