Land Before Time | The Forbidden Friendship | Cartoon for Kids | Kids Movies

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[Music] how can you eat those things spike you're one to talk there's not much else for spike to eat that he can eat I'm just glad the warm time is finally coming then there be all kinds of green food to eat hmm I am looking forward to swimming in the watering hole instead of walking on it yeah if the hard water really is turning soft do you think it is and you know what that mean how does hard water hop why do not hop look you hop on water come on we'll show you I want to go first I'm going to sit here and watch so I can see [Music] [Music] I did it did you see that no sorry busy seeing all of this green food [Music] all I see is the day in front of us [Music] burning bright with a newborn son my man [Music] - father [Music] [Music] yes it's green food all right but there's not much of it well I guess the cold time was just too cold huh if you ask me there's not enough to go around not nearly enough oh I think there's plenty for all of us as long as we share share hmm but still the more horns you have the more food you get right I don't think so it's just a good thing there aren't any more of us [Music] hey everybody look for walkers those farm walkers look familiar [Music] [Music] hey chip he's learning to talk despite no that little spike tail they sure look like friendly friends and playful playmates Tippy's herd came to the Great Valley once before and he and Spike got to know each other [Music] Dougy are you okay with spike playing with tippy he sure got mad last time tippy was here tippy and spike might be good friends but I know now that spike and I are family I want spike to be happy and playing with Timmy makes him happy [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello spike it's wonderful to see you again [Music] hello children what brings your heart back to the Great Valley oh this has been a very harsh cold time dear green food is hard to find out there but we knew that here in the Great Valley everyone is happy to share food Serah food are you crazy there's not enough to go around as it is why of course there is you're just being selfish I don't believe this first you barge in here and demand our food and then you insult us I don't like your attitude nobody asked you to like it please there's plenty of green food plenty for everyone no there's not and even if there were I wouldn't share it with this pack of of interlopers did you push me [Music] you trying to push me oh when I push you you'll know it [Music] [Applause] Oh insult me [Applause] oh okay you're all welcome to share what little green food we have fine thank you but that doesn't mean we need to hang around with you oh no oh wow sad spike tails follow me well I never who does he think he is ah the nerve oh but I [Music] that goes for you too - I mean as well come on but give me wants to play with spike but spike doesn't belong to our herd he lives here then why is your son playing with him I forbid it you hear me tippy I forbid you to play with that great valley spike tail [Music] oh now tippy you heard what our leader said no playing with spike tippy knows mom don't even think about it spike if those far Walker's don't want to associate with us then so be it [Music] hmm I am sorry about you and tippy but I won't play whatever game you want yes yes yes [Music] oh no no no spike is too sad to play this is bad it is it is spike would still get to play with tippy if the grown-ups weren't mad at each other it's all the far Walker's fault they shouldn't have barged in and demanded to share our green food when there's not enough to go around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spike spike where have you gone [Music] [Music] if someone sees him he will be in so much trouble he will he will what to do I wish I knew it is something I must think through spike is disobeying mom and I know it is wrong they just want to play boy lost those two foals keep away I wish I knew just what to do about those two I do too I wish I knew I do not what spike and tippy to get in trouble no no no maybe my friends might have an idea what to do [Music] come see what pcs [Music] the green spike and tippy gotta go tell the others mm-hmm but then the others will know that spike and tippy have been playing together [Music] what it's like until we do [Music] hi where have you been I tell you guys is something super secret while you promise not to tell it ever ever ever we hum never I just saw spike and tippy and they were playing together oh yeah what are you gonna do how did you not know that is why I wanted to talk with you oh you're gonna tell on them I do not want to get spike in trouble so then you're not going to telling them well spike should also not be disobeying our mom well you're not going to tell then I will [Music] what is this era well what'd you find out I found out that if you eat the green stuff with the purple flowers it'll make your breath minty fresh I [Music] already knew that I told you oh oh yeah [Music] thank you thank you now tippy and Spike secret is safe what what tippity what are you doing with spike tip and spike jizz wanna play together but you disobeyed me spike you disobeyed me well spike into it doesn't talk going on here What did he say green food well if tippy found it it belongs to us nonsense we get all the green food in the Great Valley we don't tell them where we do [Music] here we go dippy [Music] [Music] I can't [Music] hold on ducky we're coming you are heavy [Music] if we can save our kids together why can't we eat together yeah why not I don't know stop doing that [Music] just look at them Littlefoot thanks to your friends they've learned to share [Music] thanks again for sharing your green food I'm sure there's enough growing out there now for us to continue our far walk he will miss spike spike is Phoebe's friend and now Dougie is to be Fred Kittel yes yes yes [Music] [Music] oh I wish the sky would stay still I'm hungry we pick them using our hands [Applause] [Music] all I see is the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi what are you doing in there I was just hiding you know until the wind settled down hi Guido remember me and Ruby we met you the last time you babysat Tricia Chomper the friendly Sharptooth how could I forget you're still friendly right yep you still learning to fly oh that well being a glider it is kind of hard to get off the ground without a little help maybe big blow you win give you lots of help [Music] but it's really blowing it'll be okay Guido Petrie will help you we will oh oh yes we will well I really would like to fly I should have stayed at my stump you can do it you good glider well that's really nice [Music] [Music] blow you make you fly good yeah it does kind of doesn't it now follow me follow Reese's [Music] [Music] it getting to blowie we done now oh yeah but I [Music] come on let's do it again I'm gonna twist it one more time come on if you give me peas no to blowing now we fly tomorrow tomorrow but my wings are all warmed up now no not safe I thought blowy was good why is he going up so high [Music] we better help [Music] [Music] in the mysterious beyond oh no no no [Music] we have to tell the grown-ups [Music] so tired listen I think the wind stopped [Music] [Music] [Music] know what place this uh yeah I think we're inside Blackrock Blackrock oh not good I know mind helping me up okay Wow whoo I must have landed funny on my foot yes and me no can fly yeah but at least you could walk see if you can find a way out of here arrived okay ah too steep no climb here [Music] may not see anything too dark and I'm afraid of the dark and afraid of James but most of all I'm afraid of being afraid [Music] Hado you more scared than me don't be competes it's easier to say that there but singing help me know it true then I will try to sing with you oh it's awfully dark way down here in the Black Rock it's very black rock [Applause] [Music] let's just find anyway okay don't be don't be sad don't be don't be scared pretend that you'll be brave and strong you know the tone so sing along hope I don't end up being [Music] well Petri I got it bit I'm not as scared as I was [Music] it's all this stupid wind fault I just hope they find Petri we know soon [Music] oh oh I can't look watch the Adobe babe it's too scary don't tell me one me before you talk right over there [Music] a ground stock plant well at least you won't starve crawlers you eat - do you feel better and not bad for cave crawlies Petri you hungry oh I finish my benefit what they used to be I don't get many visitors around here dream is swooper I've lived here for a long long time but they're eating so bad you see I'm not alone this here is cliff the tall one over yonder goes by slim and then the good looker in the corner why that's he he has been here a long time why you stay so long why wait because I'm glide [Music] raise my look so tired hmm we can't just sit here we gotta do something to help I'm hate feeling so helpless say maybe we can't help Petrie and Guido but we can help the helpers [Music] you blind how you get around oh that's simple I member asked every last bit of this place between hearing and smelling my I can figure out exactly where you fellas get to huh that's also house I could tell you were eating my ground stars back home in Great Valley there's so much food everybody friends everybody happy a great Valley well that sounds like the kind of home I've always dreamed about cuz I could never get there that trips too risky for a blind old flyer like me me wish we take you there but me still no can fly guido still hurt and you know see huh we never get back to Great Valley yeah if we tried to walk there a shark tooth would get us for sure you know there might be a way what if you fly while Pete Rick and I ride on your back we could be your eyes oh I don't know it sounds risky Maddie risky I'd had to think long and hard before I'll give that a try well now I made up my mind I'm sure gonna miss you to it I'm heading for the Great Valley with my new friends if you ever out that way I'll stop by and visit you here [Music] fresh [Music] who too much fresh air if you ask me hold that way well let's get goin hop on [Music] way exactly was the last time you flew oh let me see now it was so long ago okay maybe on second thought [Music] oh sorry about that Marsh takes me a bit to get used to flying again you know now which way okay and hold your brake a little left that's the fastest way to the valley no no still to blowing fly around go right [Music] Oh Phyllis if we're gonna get anywhere we've gotta work together [Music] okay supers right you've flown more Petrie you decide which way Guido help to use your wings feel for change in wind I can do that oh that's better especially since I can only go in one direction [Music] [Music] we brought you some tree stars we gathered enough for all the Flyers we wanted to help thank you all very much I haven't had much time for food since oh do not be sad Petrie will come home he will he will I know a little one they'll both be home just as soon as the will stops and we can go find them I just hope they're safe [Music] I haven't gone this long in ages would say we Lancers I can take a load off [Music] me no think so oh then we got a problem I'm not sure how long I can keep going well then Petrie fly make easy for super [Music] you're not ready to fly Petrie I guess I'll have to glide for a while you shouldn't well one of us has to get off scoopers back and this trip was my idea [Music] you can do it you good glider you're right I can do this [Laughter] [Music] I'm gonna check this out up higher [Music] come on up here the wind's blowing toward the Great Valley you can rest your wings [Music] he does these or bonds Lucas or again will be given to your valiant [Applause] [Music] it's true they've been spotted they've come back to us oh wait Dennis Rupert we're home and we never would have made it without you Guido [Music] [Music] Oh Petrie you're hurt a little maybe okay this swooper he flew me home thank you so much super glad to do it ma'am but the whole idea was Guido's and he found the wind that helped us get here we never make it home without wind oh thank you Guido thank you everyone let's give Petrie guido in their new I mean our new friend swooper a big welcome home [Music] [Applause] now our journey is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so make your new home oh I like the showerhead [Music] lovely [Music] [Music] where'd you get the new rock from the canyon of the shiny stone nope from right around here pretty isn't it well what is it Trisha she's hungry we found the great tree star tree but the good ones are too high for me to reach well let's go get you a snack [Music] everything's too high today [Music] all I see is the big pride of us [Music] learning with a newborn son [Music] [Music] Sara what happened to my pretty stone that's all you care about your pretty stone I just break my chin trying to save it but do you care no Sara okay everybody hide one tree star to tree stars three tree stars or trees [Music] [Music] [Music] you didn't find me sure I did I saw you there and here you are so I must have found you [Music] Ruby's right she fine did you you are it Sarah yep yep yeah how can I be it when I wasn't open playing the game Sarah are you okay no I yelled at RIA I told her she cared more about her pretty stones and about me why'd you do that well I didn't really mean it but it was just so mad what made you mad well see I sort of by accident let her favorite pretty rock fall in the fast water if it was an accident then you would just say oops beeps and apologize I could say what'd you just say oops oops I made a mistake when I lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you can say oops Yves - tria and that you are sorry you lost her pretty rock that's a nice idea ducky but it's not enough I gotta do something more [Music] hey how about we bring tria all the tree stars we can carry Speigle just eat of all before we can get to my sleeping place I know we could take her some fuzzy crawlers or some buzzy flyers then you'd eat them all I know we can go to the canyon of shiny stones and bring tree up back another one Petrie what's wrong me not sure me what a go but why not Canyon of shiny stones new Smoky Mountain yeah so me no like Smoky Mountain it bad place too smokey I do not understand what is so bad about smoking Mountain it have big black smoke that makes sky all dark and spookily and sometime it get all shaky like Sarah when she met Petrie we're just going to walk past smoking Mountain okay it'll be fine sure it will just because it shakes like Sarah does not mean it as scary as Sarah no no no you know what I mean have you ever even seen the smoking Mountain sure me have from way far away I bet it's not that bad close up you could fly over it and see for yourself what the smoke probably so stick up there me get lost or fly right into something yeah that'd be bad okay well II think we better head home down the heat relook nobody wants you to do anything that makes you scared okay thanks wait they think me scared Oh [Music] Wow smoking Mountain sure is a smoking Mountain I have also heard it is called the booming melon because sometimes it booms it booms not much farther now the canyon of shiny stones is just beyond the mountain [Music] [Music] smoking mountain is really pretty pretty yeah it doesn't look bad at all does it Petrie no the canyon of the shiny stones is just over there we just walk around the edge down the other side and we'll be there see Petrie nothing to be scared about stop calling me scared me not scared of Smoky Mountain we could fly over Smoky Mountain if me wanted to huh Petrie no you don't have to do that yes me do everybody watch [Music] he's doing it me doing it me flying over Smoky Mountain we should have tried it [Music] [Music] [Music] it's over we're fine everything's fine fine nothing fine we almost hit my fire rocks and all that shaky boo meself my fault why me your fault smokey mom know like flyers we make it mad oh this bad place that's just silly Petrie you're flying didn't make the mountain mad pal you know me fly over it go boom me stop flying no more boom okay fine so just don't file for it and it won't happen again oh don't worry may not fly over at me not fly anywhere near it guys we'd better move on if we're going to get to the canyon and make it home before dark [Music] well here we are [Music] ah I can see why they call it the canyon of the shiny stones look at this one this one there's so many I don't know which one to choose [Music] [Music] it's even prettier than the one I lost it's beautiful yes it is yes yes yes if only I could get it loose let me just [Music] not good is all my fault smoky mountain still me [Music] [Music] doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look allege we'll be safe up there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no more shiny stones no no no Petrie you gotta go for help me no fly here only make mountain even matter how much matter can it get Petrie you didn't make the mountain mat but even if you did you still have to fly we're counting on you [Music] [Music] Smoky Mountain just a mountain I know you could do it yep yep yeah now all we have to do is wait and all you have to do is wait waiting is easy to do yeah easy to do [Music] it's just been so quiet lately I hope the kids aren't getting bored Petrie [Applause] well what is it Petrie me me friends need help is it just me or is it getting kind of hot around here it's not just you I hate to say it but I'm hungry I wish you would not look at me when you say that yes I do I really do we beat [Music] we're here Littlefoot just climb aboard kids and we'll go for a ride here you go kids [Music] watch your step now one at a time tria wait'll you see what I have we came all this way to get you a new shiny stone and [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm really sorry tria about everything I'm just glad you're safe Sara you're much more important to me than any shiny stone [Music] well time to head home everybody looks like we'll have to take the long way around not us we flyers and Smoky Mountain just a mountain [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 4,494,645
Rating: 3.8165314 out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Id: j4nLV7TOle8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 7sec (4087 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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