The Land Before Time Full Episodes | The Spooky Night Time Adventure 115 | HD | Videos For Kids

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[Music] [Music] and that when great chapters flying grabber get them in one bucket and just like that they gone [Music] it true you saw this yourself oh no me no see me uncle pterano no leaf reader home at flyer who no other late leader who saw it I thought we were telling scary stories oh I know a scary story from the mysterious beyond hmm iris told sharp teeth tell their kids this story to scare them something mysterious lurks in the darkest dark caves of the mysterious beyond [Music] all I see is the game [Music] [Music] something mysterious lurks in the mysterious beyond there in those dark caves lives a mysterious spooky creature they call him the hidden runner and and then the hidden runner waits till it's night dark at night when you're asleep he sneaks up to your sleeping place and before you wake up hey shall we watch for hidden runner what do you look like that's the problem no one's ever gotten a good look at him because he's hidden more than that sometimes he's invisible what's invisible it means he can't be seen if he is invisible how do you know he is there oh you know right before he eats you they say he lets out a noisy horrible yell invisible maybe he here right now but we might know that's impossible isn't it maybe not whenever you think you see something but nothing's there maybe whatever was there you didn't see was the hidden runner that could be him right over your just cuz you know see invisible runner not mean invisible man or not there it's just a story Petri nothing to be scared of metal fort little fort sleeping time little ones oh okay grandma oh no time for more scary stories tonight like we were scared by that story um can I stay with you tonight I'm not scared but I am here alone yep yep yep it's nice under the bright circle that is not what usually happens no no no spike [Music] [Music] [Music] you had one too yup yup yup mm-hmm we all had scary sleep stories all of us hidden runner did not come to visit your sleep story how could he three-horns don't have sleep stories remember a sleep story about hidden runner only happens when you're asleep and sleep stories can't hurt you in the first place maybe sleep stories not hurt you but hidden runner might maybe you only see hidden runner in sleep stories but me see hidden runner here with own eyes but you can't see something that doesn't exist even if it's invisible okay Petrie then what did this invisible runner look like like like nothing huh Petrie I know everything I know about hidden runner is a story I know I even made parts of it up just because you make story up not mean story not true no true but you know who knows closer to everything than me mr. thicknose I bet he knows that nobody knows this is a true story and now they're having scary sleep stories about hidden runner no me see hidden runner for real so please tell them the story about hidden runner is just a story so hidden runner is back huh money can't be back if he was never here because he's imaginary oh no hidden runners no story he's mad he's been around for generations since I was a hatchling even you were a hatchling he goes from place to place but never stays long enough for anyone to get a good look at him but sometimes he comes back some time now must be but this time this time I'm going to see him for myself last time hidden runner was spotted at the dark caves on the hill about a two-day walk you're going to look for an imaginary creature correction I'm going to look for an invisible creature I might not get the chance again when opportunity comes along you have to take it this is my opportunity to see a thing that's hard to see it might not come again for me I have to true he cannot be seen he's really real or really mean [Music] [Music] we want to go injuries I would like to see hidden runner with my own eyes which is the only way I can see it you tell us hidden runner not real but then why were you so scared it because me me thing will have to be real to scare me I want to see if there's really anything to be scared of if you're going I'm going why you don't even believe any of it but it sounds like such a nice relaxing trip to the woods you can all come if you like just ask your parents before we go [Music] now stay on the lookout for his footprints they will be big me afraid he say that and far apart and that to seeing hidden runner is probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity what if hidden runner eat us then it'll definitely be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity [Music] you hatchlings worry too much there's nothing to be scared of in these woods [Music] they're fine let's go just the kind of woods hidden runner likes I once heard hidden runners scared away the tree stars themselves nobody ever saw for sure I was just a little older than you kids did you say the hidden runner scared away the tree stars [Music] [Music] Your Honor various break if you gotta sleep you might have to sleep stories I [Music] wish I could be like Sarah and not have sleep stories being scared is for scaring eggs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I knew there is nothing to be afraid of but you are afraid aren't you Sarah [Music] [Music] what are you looking at were you having sleep no you woke me up is all [Music] did you sleep okay Sara you sure look tired so what if I'm tired she felt like I was having scary sleep stories because three [Music] hit me runner we're getting close [Music] his whole life is a mystery come after me but I would really like to see just follow me now through the trees I think we're close get scared on me now it's okay just try and be brave I always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe we know find clues we know find hidden runner I found something or maybe not these branches have been bitten just the way hidden Runner bites and look footprints let's go [Music] go inside we won't find hidden runner if we don't look for him it can't be that you're scared right Sarah me scared me wait outside okay okay where'd is he maybe he's nowhere because there's no such thing as hidden runner it must be him at home my life I've wanted to see him up close and now almost [Music] little owner wait I missed em no one's ever been that close to hidden runner that is something is it not maybe we can still catch him mr. thicknose we have to find Sarah first where would Sarah go if she wanted to be somewhere that's not here I was so close it's my fault you didn't get to see hidden runner now you know I'm a big scaredy egg I have scary sleep stories and everything you could have just told us then we would have known we're still your friends but three horns are supposed to be brave being afraid doesn't mean you can't be brave too doesn't true bravery is to admit you're afraid and face your fear anyway like your friends even after they admitted being afraid they still came to find hidden runner then they're braver than I am I just took one look at Hidden Runner shadow and random [Music] whoa he's really real and I'm looking right at him I can't believe it a story I made up wasn't a made-up story look at him he is many different colors hmm I can't believe I almost let fear keep me from seeing this may not believe me not facing the way hi I'm Sarah [Music] he disappeared 'add he doesn't disappear he blends in look he's still there but his funny colored body after some sort of disguise hidden mana not invisible he only looked that way ah maybe whoever first made up my story saw him disappear but didn't understand how he disappeared yeah yeah [Music] thanks for taking us to see hidden on a mr. thicknose I could never have imagined something like that I thought I did imagine it it did not look at all like what I imagined in my sleep story no no no I'm just glad we all got to see him to think the hidden runner was more scared of us than we were of it that's right it's not anything you kids need to be scared of to be scared of no very true [Music] [Music] I never thought I'd see him again there was all sorts of trouble the last time he was here well I hope he doesn't bring any bad luck with him this time [Music] good game guys yeah next time spice on our team who's coming back where have you guys been dogs coming back dog you mean the lone dinosaur all I see is the day [Music] [Music] [Music] it wasn't that long ago everyone thought the great valleys good luck had run out because source Rock had been damaged I tried to bring her luck back by taking a tooth from a dead Sharptooth the only problem was the sharp tooth wasn't dead [Music] grandpa tried to safety let's fight to shirt that's when Doc Show [Music] [Music] sharp teeth never bothered anyone again thanks to Grandpa doc the lone dinosaur how exciting no I know why everyone's so excited so where did balloon dinosaur go where's it been he never stay in one place very long and he is always alone he is he is well yeah that's why he's the lone dinosaur but wherever there's trouble with sharp teeth he'll be there you said trouble right yep he always seems to know and sharp teeth are coming here uh you don't think don't worry Chomper I think he'd understand about you I don't know how his doc supposed to know choppers different I'll tell him doc doesn't seem like the kind of a longneck who likes to be told he's after me use me of course not could be he'd never pick on a kid but he'd always pick on a Sharptooth whatever is going to happen won't happen until it does so let's all just get a good night's sleep so we're all well-rested okay you're right Ruby good night everyone [Applause] [Music] don't worry it'll be okay if Doc's as good as they think I'm sure he'll think you're good too huh the worry it'll be okay don't worry it'll be okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] understand I'm good I'm never going to be a mean Sharptooth [Music] [Music] he's coming for me he's coming for me Oh who's the heat it's coming for you the long dinosaur he is where is he he was in my sleep story and he tried to crush me with his tail that does sound scary Chomper but it was a sleep story and now you're awake so you shouldn't worry unless you fall asleep again porn-wise he's really coming after me [Music] hmm hey everybody Chomper had a scary sleep story but the lone dinosaur was coming to get him so did I really was he trying to crush you with his tail um no he was trying to crush you he's coming for me Clippy no he's not Sara they only come for sharp teeth and past see so what do you want to do try to hide a Chomper until Doc's gone that's a great idea then that's what we should do okay I'll try to distract doc while you guys hide Chomper so Doc's big enough that I'd see him coming right yes very very big shoulders [Music] Oh dinosaur [Music] his heart is breathing he is frightening [Music] [Music] um oops sorry hello kid have you been great what I've learned you want my tail just like you you uh might want to work on that a little more I will maybe you can teach me more tricks while you're back sure kid by the way have you seen a longneck named Darla around no who's Darla she's my lady friend huh lady friend yeah she's the prettiest long night Beast tired eyes have ever seen I remember the first time I saw her the big blue eyes sparkled brighter than the big water itself she understands my need to roam and has been my traveling partner for a while now lonely longneck couldn't ask for much more [Music] you're supposed to be out there alone well I was for a long time right and that's why you were able to keep an eye out for any sharp teeth causing trouble just the same kid you care to help me find Dara she's a stranger to these here parts let's hope she hasn't run into any trouble but doc if you're busy spending time with Darla how are you going to have time to protect all the other leafeaters she said she'd meet me here you can't be the lone dinosaur if you're not alone anymore [Music] still no sign of Dera best we keep looking [Music] what are they doing [Music] you think looking for something he's coming for me uh-huh I was right all along [Music] me well not let doc hurt you oh no no no little foots probably too little to stab doc right that's why we better find a place to hide chopper I really don't think she's here maybe she decided not to come she said she'd meet me here so unless there's a problem that's just what she'll do and that's why we have to hide you now where we dock nothing to look for a small little Sharptooth of course the rocks quick everyone gather around Chomper and we'll all move together [Music] [Music] okay everyone be very quiet chompers life is depending on it [Music] [Music] what was that miners shake been through enough of those let's keep looking [Music] [Music] another hiding place hmm me think me have one right now I'm thinking but me really think me no good hiding place okay what is it will we all fit ah good thing me family not home today your good idea was really a good idea Petrie it was it was yeah I can finally calm down we'll see this way up hi doc not find us here not find who where you [Music] you're supposed to keep away I know but you promised I'm sorry Chomper but it's going to be okay Doc's not looking for you he's looking for his lady friend Dora right doc doc I [Music] can't believe you're friends with a sharp-toothed what do you mean I mean there's no use being friends with him you're just gonna have to fight him some day no I'm not compras my friend and always will be yeah and I'll never fight my friends new trick teach never talk Oh he learned it all on his own see he is different he is he is maybe I can even use my snuff roots help you find your friend hmm that'll be the day what will the day I ever accept help from a Sharptooth what I'm telling you choppers different I ain't never had a good experience with a Sharptooth and I don't reckon I'll start having one now let's go a little foot no I'm not helping you anymore have it your way kid you know I still think I could use my sniffer to help that would show doc do you wanna help me what do you say Littlefoot just because you won't help doc doesn't mean you shouldn't help Dora you're right Ruby come on Chomper let's go find Dora [Music] you can do it Chomper you can you can yeah not with the nose full of mud this swamp is full of sneaky mud spots I hope Doc's friend is okay me too then come on we gotta find her the smells stronger this way she's gotta be here somewhere but we've looked everywhere Oh No [Music] oh hell please little ones please you must find my friend doc to help me get out da you know me but how will never find doc in time we have to get you out but Dora too big how we help her there we can use that tree to pull her out all we have to do is bend it down to her great idea we're coming Dora thank you thank you so much [Music] what you're a little Sharptooth it's true but I just want to help try to grab the tree so we can get you out a cute helpful Sharptooth why [Music] Oh No [Music] anything [Music] so is this way you were late and shopper here why he risked his little life to save me I know I'm sorry what for I was the one who was wrong kid you are different and I hope you can find it in you to give an old longneck another chance well sure thanks doc [Music] so doc why were you and Dora coming to the Great Valley well I don't really have any kin of my own so I wanted Dora to meet a Littlefoot and his grandma grandpa which reminds me where is Littlefoot over there excuse me you feel like talking sure I'm sorry I said all those things before it was disrespectful it was the right thing to do kid huh no one's ever really told me when I was wrong before Littlefoot do you promise to keep doing it oh sure doc then we're good let's join the rest and I'll show you how to really do that tail whip do you want everyone to see it's like the bright circle is shining inside [Music] when dog came back I was afraid that all his heroic ways they come to him but you told me your friend the Sharpton's new friend [Music] it's like inside of me I feel so happy everyone to see it's like the right circle is shining inside of me [Music] you [Music] the old watering hole isn't all covered up with sticky bombs [Music] [Music] hey that was fun to me Petrie you are a flier and I am a swimmer together we can fly and swim [Music] come wait in the water it is very refreshing yep refreshing for swimmer maybe all I see is the brother [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they think spike is stuck I am sure we can get him unstuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's stuck all right but if spike stuck how he get unstuck [Applause] [Music] no where'd it spike go in hole in hole who not good maybe he will see the tiny sources no they live in the caves on the other side of the Great Valley live something down there something scary scary no I do not think spike heard me because I do not hear spike and may not see him either careful Petrie you don't want to fall into how is spike going to get out I don't know he's not much of a climber we're gonna need help help is good but I do not want to leave spike alone no no no then we'll go and you stay ok but please hurry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you do this time spike fall into hole so it's too deep for him to climb out oh dear if I were spike and I fell into Hall I wouldn't want to be spike can't he just dig his way out no we need a big head to dig like that well at least my head isn't small yes but if your head was on spike he wouldn't be spike and you wouldn't be you I'm afraid I must concur with Ruby on this issue spike does not possess the strong flat prow of a three-horn nor the long neck of well a longneck so how is spike gonna get out do you think you could help us rescue spike mr. thicknose why certainly just lead the way I'll believe it when I see it speaking of it you're it what is he doing here [Music] no way you ask him I'll ask him [Music] greetings I am Milo and these are my friends Vidya and flower if you don't mind me asking him what brings you to our world [Music] I understand maybe you're not supposed to huh huh maybe this stranger who fell from the mysterious above is [Music] [Music] not me not think about where he came from above the mysterious of all all Politis dreams my world we've never been to legend says our dreams will come true with the big wise one above the mysterious where our visitor has come from do you really think I'm so dumb to think that he's the one he's kindly smile his giant size a big white morning he just looked into his thoughtful mysterious and how we've looked forward to this day Oh Bing watch one show us the way so we may share your love from the mysterious up [Music] here arey is the big wise where are you all going mr. thicknose going to help spike out of a hole yes well good luck then spike will need it I don't find anything funny about a young spike tail in trouble [Music] oh come on Sarah I better show them how to save spike [Music] for you big wise one Oh big wise one I must know why is it sometimes the ground shakes and shivers of course it is you who makes the ground shake oh thank you big wise one Oh big wise one when will I be ready to leave my parents nest and forage on my own [Music] ground thank you oh I'm so happy you're back are you sure he's down there I saw him fall but only I've heard of spikes tummy sounds don't worry ducky I'm sure I can think of a way to save spike Oh thinking won't save spike but strength will now mr. three-horn in my experience things like this require careful consideration consideration Wow let's just start digging but if you dig in the wrong place we might all end up down there are you suggesting that I would dig in the wrong place yes you've got to think wrong place that's right I don't know any hole that's been dug by thinking you've got to think you've got to use strength know you've got to think strength fake strength think so how is my gonna get out of that hole I do not know but I do hope he is all right [Music] don't think we should wake you what choice do we have Oh big big wise one [Music] maybe but the time has come to use that strength big wise one we are sorry for the rude awakening but it is time time to vanquish the great it is Beast [Music] fighter has the helmet of the three-horn the big scary eyes are like type Walker [Music] thank you for coming from the mysterious above to save us big why's why did he talk to you hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you really are a big wise one if the ground was soft enough to swallow spike will need to use rocks to stabilize no time for that we need to dig I don't think it's that simple huh you don't know what you're and you're my way my way my way we'll do it my way we'll do it my way did they agree on an idea yet me not know me too busy and we'll just have to agree to agree on an idea ourselves right [Music] what about the sticky vines they are very long yep-yep-yep not long enough to get all the way down the hole but they can be even longer by curling one vine with another vine with another vine long enough to reach spike spike can just curl the vines around his middle then we pull up the vine and the vines pull up spike that's the best idea we've heard all day being the big wise one must make you very hungry hmm so we've brought you all the food from our colony [Music] you're not giving any this time enjoy [Music] the wise one from above wishes to go back to the mysterious abode [Music] do you think spike escena I think so I'll wrap it around your middle spike and then target once you're ready and we'll pull you back up [Music] but by Oh big wise one you have protected us from the great hideous beast it is right that you return to the mysterious above and protect others [Music] hey where did the great hideous beast go [Music] huh you're not spiked no no no I thought he felt lighter his spikes not here somewhere excuse you spike spike [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that hmm it doesn't matter who that was who was here what matters is that spite is the who that is here and for that I am glad very glad if you just listen to me why should I my way is better mr. thicknose and mr. three-horn spice already been saved it well how nice he would have been rescued earlier if you hadn't argued with me you're the one who started arguing I did not oh yes you did I did not [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 4,240,677
Rating: 4.0974298 out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Id: Kpx-a-TGpQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 0sec (4080 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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