The Land Before Time | The Meadow of Jumping Waters | Videos For Kids | Kids Movies

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[Music] and that one's like a big Harper that doesn't look like a hopper you must use your imagination Sarah yep yep yep it won't look like what it's supposed to look like unless you can't imagine it I still don't see a hopper okay ducky your turn that one looks like sweet bubbles oh I am sorry spike it only looks like sweet bubbles but it is not no no no hmm but maybe you can find some in the trees [Music] Hey look at that one [Music] chopper and he is eat the sweet bubbles but I don't even like sweet bubbles Petrie spike all I see is the day in front of us with a newborn son [Music] [Music] know it too horrible to say me not believe it [Music] spike are you sick inside oh you just aided red tree stars he eats tickly red tree stars yeah everyone know you know eat tickly tree stars tickly tree stars bad luck everyone know that no one knows that I've seen this before it's rare and very sweet but it doesn't bring bad luck spike no may not fall if spike naughty tree stars that's not why you fell look Petrie if spike doesn't eat any more tickly tree stars will you stop talking about bad luck no it not okay my uncle pterano no leaf eater who no leaf eater who eat it and get bad luck uncle pterano that nice full of crazy stories Mino and may not stop thinking about them so try to think about something you're not thinking about like what what about a different story ruby is a good storyteller yep yep yep sure how about one that takes place in the mysterious beyond shaumbra and i were on our way to the Great Valley and trying to stop us [Music] you what is that smell I don't smell anything but your sniffer does smell more smells than mine oh it's awful more awful than getting caught by red claw and follow me while I lead [Music] [Music] [Music] I was so surprised because he wasn't expecting it wait a minute you're telling me water just jumped out of the ground you got some imagination Ruby but I saw it too Yeah right well maybe it's something you have to see yourself to know you saw it huh you want us to go to the mysterious beyond just to see waters jump no Sarah though it's really not that far into the mysterious beyond yeah it's just beyond the sheltering grass I would like to see the waters that jump into the sky yep yep yep I'd like to see it too I don't believe you guys are serious about this you'll believe it when you see it [Music] venturing adventuring [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay fine let's go see this water that supposedly jumps [Music] oh wait to see water that jumps yup yeah [Music] [Music] what's wrong Ruby nothing just this tree isn't as familiar as I remembered it we lost we lost Oh this bikes fault he ate bad luck tree stars how can we be lost when we're going somewhere that doesn't even exist oh wait we just go this way and we're on our way CP tree nothing matters happened there's no reason to be scared of bad luck it'd have been good trip so far maybe bad luck get lost instead of us maybe we have good it's okay it's probably just [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe we should go back Skyfire happens all the time but if any of you scaredy eggs want to go back that's okay with us well I'm not a scaredy egg Pippi big scaredy egg oh [Music] don't make us go back alone bad for sure [Music] [Music] no everything's fine let's go [Music] but you are not walking the way you usually do don't don't worry about it [Music] you wouldn't have to worry if we knew what not to worry about I slipped on the ground prickly no no no it doesn't hurt that bad but if Petry finds out mmm he'll think it's bad luck that brought you bad luck [Music] so hungry yeah and whose fault is that you aren't so afraid of bad luck maybe you could eat [Music] spike maybe you'll find delicious no bad luck tree star there [Music] [Music] what are you doing why do you have a log on your head because spike have bad luck and because me think they're trees dollars in log careful spike see spike never should eat bad luck plant no Petrie you're saying that he has bad luck is the problem [Music] look the waters jumping if ruby says there is water that jump and I know there is and I want to see it well we're not going anywhere with all this high water Hey the bright circle is coming out from behind the sky poppies and we will go see the waters that jump yes yeah [Music] you know believe in bad luck of course not but nothing else better happen the sky water caused the running mud that's all but what caused the sky water and sky fire it's my bad luck and you got a ground prickly in your foot ground prickly all that very bad luck thanks ducky well we're not having all bad luck the running mud slip us all the way to the end of the sheltering grass ok everybody ready I think no let's get this over with everything's going to be fine everything fine everything fine three things I've everything fine [Music] we're almost where we're going I think she's right because I can smell something it's not so bad once you get past the stinky pools remember that sure smells bad yep I still don't see jumpin water yes just wait you still have to see what you haven't seen yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] say it ducky [Music] we had this time to spend good times good friends [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm glad you are okay no spike the stinky pools have made you stinky worse than usual see luck oh they doomed from the start let's just get him cleaned up [Music] [Music] does he still smell bad we get the mud off bad luck well we have to go home now anyway I don't care how far back he is I can still smell him from now on everybody listen up a tree pee dream right spike make bad luck when he eat tickly red tree stars no Petrie [Music] [Music] spike spike [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're gone why I don't know I think you do Chomper sharp teeth like you can smell things much better than we do so if we don't like the smell red claw must hate it home thank you thank you thank you spike it good luck you fill in mud and smell so bad wait first it was bad luck now it's good luck it wasn't good luck it was good thinking right spike hmm first time for everything good luck bad luck me no care as long as we safe Thank You spike [Music] your smell is not so bad no no [Music] why is Petri so excited do you see where you win can someone please tell me where we're going [Music] all I see is the big pride of us burning with a newborn son [Music] [Music] Petrey are you okay so what's the big deal you not remember today bright circle celebration timing in I don't really know if I know about the bright circle celebration you know no I'll tell you everything you need to know go back to your sleeping spots before Petrie tries to make you work all day hmm must work right circle need wonderful it's celebration so it's still shiny more longer oh well Petrie you can waste ur time with the celebration but I'm going back to my nice warm spot oh so write me need help big celebration need big space all clean um is there more to the celebration and clearing the clearing oh yeah we gather delicious cold time foods for everyone and happy feast it is much work but it is worth it yes yes yes also everyone think about what they learned since last cold time like me you learn this [Music] we all have great piggie fun later but we make place ready first I think I'm going to like this bright circle celebration right just this one tree my sleeping spot is getting colder and colder [Music] this make bright circle oh happy bright circle see celebration if good then bright surplus stay in sky longer and longer until one times come the bright circle is watching us yes right circle always watching now it isn't so the bright circle doesn't like the celebration does that mean the warm times won't come that's what Petrie things but it is a true it's just a story right Littlefoot huh well I don't know I just think it's fun to celebrate something that you're thankful for fun for some of you maybe to me just seems like a lot of work for no reason are we done with this tree yet me no done push tree the best water for bright circle [Music] glad to see you kids are getting an early start there's a lot of work to do today maybe for some of us beautiful day for a celebration isn't it something wrong Sarah why would a grown-up like you care about the bright circle well there's nothing wrong with being thankful Sarah me so thankful yeah I'm thankful I'm done pushing that silly tree hmm I have to learn what I've learned since last cold time I know what I've learned it yes yes yes I guess whatever duckie learned is underwater she's going awfully deep [Music] maybe she's trying to get underwater green food for the celebration those green food underwater yeah but you have to hold your breath a long time to did it I did very much since the last bright circle celebration I did it I did that was really impressive ducky well I bet I've learned more than all of you I learned um what you learned Sara tell us tell bright circle too oh forget it doo-wat Sara forget everything I'm so sick of hearing about the bright circle why do you not like the bright circle I like it fine I just don't think we need a whole celebration to thank you for being there what's next am I supposed to start thanking the trees and rocks for being here - well if you want - yes yes yes well I don't want to the bright circle is just a ball in the sky that's going to come and go and make warm times just like always it doesn't need a celebration I think everyone can make up their own minds about the bright circle and the celebration then go ahead and waste your day if you want to but I'm not helping and I'm not celebrating [Music] doesn't look like you think it's so good to me [Music] where are tree and Trisha oh they're off on some bright circle celebration nonsense of course you do you're a three-horn like me life's exactly what you see [Music] rocks are rocketry sentry it's what I call reality my reality is I can see the world is flat the sky is real can't argue that while we stand still here on the ground the bright circle goes round reality [Music] reality [Music] I think spike knows but he can do yep-yep-yep good spike what you do what do you think he's doing down there [Music] everyone will love those tree parts at the celebration yep yeah me think right circle very proud all right time for us all to get back to work but Littlefoot have you not learned anything haven't I learned anything of course I have watch this [Music] [Music] here we'll have a feast of our own while everyone else is busy with that bright circle nonsense hop Topsy hi Sarah who are those for the celebration nope they're just for us what do you mean you know I think this whole celebration stuff is ridiculous well the rest of the Great Valley disagrees with you hmm Sarah doesn't right Sarah right daddy [Music] well Tricia and I have been having a great time we've helped make the clearing look pretty and Tricia found her first sweet tree part whom are you listening to me [Music] of course I was listening you and all the others are busy thanking something that doesn't need any thanks well if you change your mind Tricia and I will be digging up sweet roots for the celebration no thanks I'm staying here with dad dad tree and Trisha are silly no of course not will you worry too much there are some things that I just know now eat maybe I've learned to like the taste of bad tasting tree parts no I haven't learned that no worry Ruby right circle very patient dad yes Sarah remember when shreya took me and my friends in the mud pool yes and at first I didn't want to get in but once I did it was kind of fun well now my friends were getting ready for the celebration [Music] well maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we helped just a little bit well I suppose we could go over there just to see how everyone's been getting along without us [Music] this place is looking much cleaner er yep yep yep yep it's just about ready for the big celebration hey is that part of a celebration - may not think so [Music] a fire wrong hurry Sarah [Music] [Music] [Applause] is bright circle mad no pay treat we've all seen smoking mountains before and sometimes they cause fires it doesn't mean that the bright circle is angry it just means that until we get help we're just going to have to fight this fire by ourselves spike stick like you did earlier today chopper user likes to kick the dirt into the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we have to find a way to get water over there which restarts work work I sure am glad I'm faster at running than I used to run must be what I thought [Music] minou she figure out take all the wet tree stars out of the water I will yes I will and Petrie I need you to take these wet tree stars fly over the fire and drop them onto the flames fly over fire you can do it it's for the brave circle right for fight circle [Music] [Music] hurry the fires not out yet mr. three you're here too of course I'm here and I'm here to help to drop some tree stars over here I can cover this whole area [Music] lots of trees knives [Music] no celebration ruined the fires eating the food everyone else was going to beat we need more help we already have it look frozen sky water it's beautiful it is slowing down the fire [Music] frozen sky letters save bright circle celebration the fires not yet Petri and it won't be if we just stand there gawking now let's go [Music] bright circle beautiful yeah it's alright [Music] now maybe I've learned it's okay to celebrate once in a while you're right Sara it isn't that bad is it I know you're not one for celebrations Topsy but I'm awfully glad you're here [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Petri [Music] better have gone this way [Music] who put these wrong here [Music] all I see is the babe running with a newborn son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you don't think the belly trackers got Sarah oh no no no poor Sarah your life I am so happy you were okay belly draggers not get Sarah almost I was trapped she's a big circle of flat rocks why knock them down you knock the belly drivers down I knocked the rocks down and scared the belly draggers Sarah scare belly draggers you saved us yup yup yup I didn't exactly sandwiches them late all by yourself look I okay fine Sarah Sara scan of the belly draggers all the way back to the mysterious beyond actually I her very brave we must find a hole and seal it up for good yeah meanwhile you children should get safely home okay hmm if it weren't for you we might not have known about that opening Thank You Sara big hero me tell everybody Sara big hero [Music] oh well whatever everybody here Oh Sarah save us from belly burgers amazing Sarah scare belly draggers away Sarah big hero ah there she is the hero girl what was that three stars but why are they falling it'll be amazing three girl she drove the shock keep away her mighty courage save the day [Applause] now woulda thought a task so big could be done by one so small but now we know she's strong and brave she really did [Music] [Applause] pleasing three-horn can tell her story near and far because of how impressed we are she is our shining star the amazing three [Music] well I always knew you were amazing [Music] hey long neck you're here what my daughter did yes I was with her this morning she single-handedly fought off the belly draggers yes I thought you'd like to know we blocked off the opening in the Great Wall and there was no trace of the belly draggers of course not when a three-horn chases somebody you can bet they stay gone all right Sarah I hope so I really didn't do anything special nonsense you're a hero you stood your ground while your friends just ran away good thing she takes after a father a longneck who came to hear about the amazing three-horn girl come on Sarah we were just exploring out by the great wall from the speaking Rock Sarah and speak up dear get to your part sorry dad okay so there I was just me and the belly draggers and she was cornered mind you right I was cornered by the belly draggers I bumped into the rock no no she's just being modest but we want to hear the real story don't we owe me want to it very good story tell us how brave you were Sarah and how do you draw those smelly belly draggers back into the mysterious beyond you heard them Sarah they want to hear your story okay so I was surrounded by the meanest belly draggers I ever saw and they were snapping at me with their big ugly teeth they wanted to hurt my friends Oh scary oh no no no oh yes but I couldn't let that happen so I so I led them into a canyon and that's where I hatched my plan if it is okay with you spike today I would like to write on the amazing three horn girl hmm and if it is okay with you Sarah fine oh [Music] good idea you'd be safe if anything bad happened during game what would happen during the game nothing's going to happen during the game except for my team winning [Music] it may have been the hero yesterday Sara but today you're just a regular three-horn girl so you better be ready to play [Music] what we just wanted to see the amazing three-horn girl you see her tell the story of how you drive did away the belly draggers oh yes tell us please I just told that story yesterday oh but I didn't hear it me neither I want to hear it too it good story and Sarah so brave well I guess I was brave and you saved the whole great valley from the belly draggers it was pretty amazing wasn't it everyone knows belly draggers are scary but I've always known how to handle them so when they were chasing my friends I knew I had to stop them I guess everywhere she goes everyone wants to hear your story I don't think she Minds talking about Sarah's one of Sarah's favorite things to talk about well I guess it's okay she did do a good thing and that's when I sprung my trap I shove the big rocks of the belly draggers and scared off [Music] Billy trackers on this side belly draggers on that side hello little foot Ruby you must be here to listen to Sarah's story we've already heard it unlike my friends I stayed calm we didn't hear that part then shea butter spotted belly dragger all the way down the path but his two friends three of them there were only two belly draggers well maybe you wouldn't see them because you were running away where was I oh yes belly traders friends showed up and they were big biggest two trees three trees I've never heard of a belly dragger that big Shh but they could tell they weren't chasing me out of my valley so they stopped their giant feet [Music] [Music] never to return anyone who wants to hear the amazing three-horn girl's story again can come back just before the bright circle leaves the sky things about what happened that's because every time she tells her story she tells a new story Oh me no no belly dragger grow so big say maybe that's why I can still smell belly draggers they're so big huh you can still smell them sure ever since they David chased us no matter how big they were you shouldn't smell them all the way from the mysterious beyond unless they never went back no Sarah chase belly draggers back too mysterious beyond with all her stomping if she really did do all that stomping maybe she left footprints we should go to the circle of rocks and see then we'll know what parts of Sarah's story are really real and what parts really aren't really real [Music] there's the circle of rocks this must be placed where Sara scare off belly dragger she didn't scare their smell away so that no mean belly dragger here mean belly dragger here [Music] I can still smell them Oh but she scared them away did you see where they're going yes and that path leads home we have to warn everybody fast Sarah not here oh I wouldn't be surprised if they've already heard about me in the mysterious beyond maybe they are telling the same story about the amazing three-horn girl right now but to them it's a scary story maybe I'll take care of impossible didn't you hear the story yes but we saw the real story with my own eyes and Petrie's and littlefoot's and chompers and we smelled it with my nose why can't you kids just accept that Sarah's better than you she scared them off for good and that's that the belly draggers are too afraid of Sarah to come back right Sarah Sara are you sure they were belly draggers maybe you made a mistake [Music] you said you scared off giant belly draggers well maybe they were giant you scared them away right well they did run away but I didn't see where they went I didn't do anything amazing I knocked down some rocks by accident and they ran off we didn't even chase them [Music] that means the belly draggers are still in the Great Valley that's what we've been trying to tell you is it true she lied she's not a hero it's a shame to think that we called her amazing what she's really nothing never once told anyone it was made up until danger [Music] we [Music] [Music] send her away past three horns [Music] everyone please calm down we should have known better than to leave the safety of the Great Valley to our children that's our job and now we should find those belly draggers and drive them out for good [Music] you should probably stay here I cannot believe I believed it in the amazing three-horn girl no no no why would you tell us a lie that is not true [Music] dad I'm very disappointed in you but dad not now Sarah I need to be alone [Music] it's so stupid beli draggers fault they hadn't come now everyone's gonna be mad at me forever even dad [Music] if they hadn't run away I would have scared them with a big war [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brown scrapers [Music] [Music] stay away from my daughter [Music] [Applause] [Music] I said stay away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I told you that sounded like a three-horn come on everyone let's get rid of them for good I'm sorry daddy no I'm sorry I pushed you into making up that story but I'm the one who lied I know I shouldn't have just felt so good to be a hero Oh Sarah you'll always be my amazing three-horn girl besides no one messes with a three-horn [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 3,961,238
Rating: 3.9364212 out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Id: V6eAwF8gKg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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