The Land Before Time | The Threehorn Girl | Full Episodes | Kids Cartoon | Kids Movies

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swimmer splasher splasher splasher splasher splasher [Music] little foot little foot hi petry what's going on me me fly here see something from sky little foot must see what is it oh it big surprise follow me [Music] this way this way [Music] hello little foot dad you're back [Music] all i see is the day in front of us [Music] before [Music] i'm surprised you and shorty are back in the great valley dad i know it's sooner than our regular visit but you do know why your dad's here don't you ron you're here we were beginning to wonder if you were going to make it i've already begun to set up the testing place testing place yeah for the big long neck test huh the big long neck test is a series of tasks many young long necks must face before they reach the time of great growing it's usually given to a young long neck by his mother or father that's why i'm here so what do i have to do to pass the big long neck test ah that would be telling the test is designed to see if a long neck has the qualities needed to someday lead a herd whoa you better get to sleep early tonight little foot grandma's right at the first sign of the bright circle we'll head out to the testing place [Music] what's the matter little foot nervous about the test a little i really want to pass this test but i wish i had more time to prepare braun says is the kind of test you're either ready for or not that sounds like something ruby might say well i think you're lucky i really want to take the test but braun will let me it will be your turn soon shorty once you're ready but i'm ready now uh maybe you could give shorty the test today instead of me it's time littlefoot let's go [Music] i am ready to be a leader why don't i take you over to the watering place you can play with littlefoot's friends yeah okay [Music] i bet i can prove to little foot's friends i'm ready to be a leader everybody look here come grandma along longneck with shorty hi [Music] hi shorty has come to play with you while littlefoot's off with his father thank you children [Music] come and join us shorty we are playing swimmer and splasher now no thanks i can play swimmer and splash or anytime but while i'm here in the great valley i want to see the great stone walkover [Music] the great stone walkover yeah little foot told me about it last time i was here it stretches high above the fast water i can't wait to walk across it uh i'm not sure we want to sounds like fun an adventure yeah and littlefoot's told us how you all love to go on adventures i wanna go adventuring adventuring adventuring i wanna go adventuring to the store walk over now but do you even know the way a walk like that could take all day we know it very far away i'm not that slow hmm follow me i'll take you there and we'll be back with time to spare [Music] so when i go adventuring adventuring there's just one thing you know i'm gonna want [Music] i want to go adventuring [Music] come on it'll be fun everyone follow me why would we follow you uh because because i've already taken the big long neck test you have of course and that means i'm ready to lead my herd on an adventure so now or has heard excuse me shorty but the stone walkover is that way i knew that uh i was just gonna take a drink first i am not so sure he would be able to find the walkover by himself yeah well if he gets lost then we won't have to deal with them but i really want to see the great stone walk over too oh all right hey shorty wait for us we'll go with you that's right follow me [Music] here we are son now can you tell me what the big long neck test is the test is comprised of three separate tasks each task ends when you find a red tree star a red tree star okay now the first task is a difficult path that will test your strength endurance and courage you'll need to reach the top of flat mountain to complete the task okay [Music] gotta get to the top [Music] do you want to come down no i know i can do this [Music] i made it and there's a red tree star at least i know i can just slide down [Music] oh boy yellow buzzers [Music] that's disgusting you get used to it i can't go on an adventure with someone that eats like that you can't [Music] no way but i want to see the great stone walk over too it's okay chomper let's you and i go to the great stone walk over everyone else can go with shorty oh great lucky us come on let's go catch up with shorty [Music] dad look i did it i completed the first task [Music] well done little foot now it's time to move on to the next task the next task is a test of intelligence you must find the second red tree star which is hidden within this forest how am i gonna do that you have three clues the stars have fallen face the tree fuzz and root out the problem the stars have fallen face the tree fuzz root out the problem how am i supposed to find a single red tree star here there it is the stone walkover now which way to go me fly up and see which way best i think i would like to rest for a while i would i would well fine if you're gonna rest i'll eat everyone else without you what you can't just leave them behind too watch me hmm it is okay we will meet you there bet you can't keep up with me are you too afraid afraid [Music] sarah shorty you taking long way how could shorty possibly have passed a leadership test maybe a test for bad leaders the stars have fallen face the tree fuzz root out the problem hey that tree doesn't have any tree stars the stars have fallen [Music] if this tree doesn't have any tree stars how am i supposed to find a red tree star here stars have fallen face the tree fuzz [Music] tree fuzz and it's only growing on one side of the tree now root out the problem let's see [Music] the red tree star well done little foot now you can move on to the final task [Music] uh what taken you so long well we decided to take the adventurer's way up yeah right [Music] careful shorty you don't want to get too close this walkover doesn't look that high oh but it is it is very very high huh you're all just scaredy eggs but i'm not sure [Music] [Music] ah [Music] ruby and chopper headed this way [Music] your final task is to find a safe way across the fire pit so what long neck quality is this supposed to test i can't tell you that's part of the test well i might be able to use those rocks to get across but the fire bubbles might burst onto the rocks so it's not a very safe way across there must be some other way [Music] we're here to help you help shorty looks like you could use it oh yes yes yes can we fall already [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow thanks for your help everybody because of all your help i'm gonna let you two be part of my group uh gee thanks i've used logs like that to cross rivers and canyons but i know if i push the log into the fire pit it'll catch fire that's not very safe either i guess it's against the rules to ask for a hint huh [Music] uh this way everybody that not way back so there's no point in telling him he's too busy leading us to listen me wish little foot here let me see if i can't give our leader a little leadership [Music] you know shorty sometimes the best leaders know when to let someone else lead really uh sure so maybe you should lead us to show you the way [Music] right as the leader i want you to tell me how to get back okay follow me [Music] if i can't find a way across this fire pit i'll fail the test and i don't want that to happen [Music] big big long neck test the very big big long neck test it's been tough but kind of fun i've had to think and climb and run now one more task and i'll have done the long neck test why is this one so hard to complete i'll figure it out [Music] there must be a way crossing bubbling fire by myself just doesn't seem safe so how do i do it big big long neck test the very big big long neck test it's something that i've gotta do to prove that i'm a leader too i only hope i make it through the long neck test long neck test [Music] maybe maybe i could just jump across the fire pit [Music] oh there's no way i can jump across that big fire pit i'm sorry dad i just can't find a safe way to do this one i guess i'm not ready to be a leader yet [Music] congratulations little foot you've passed the big long neck test what but how i didn't cross the fire pit how could i pass this test was different than the others it was a test of judgment the task was impossible and you correctly decided not to try it what if i had tried to cross the fire pit i would have stopped you and you wouldn't have passed but even if you failed the test littlefoot i'd still love you let's go [Music] here they come [Music] did you complete the test yes he did dad someday i hope i can lead her herd just like you well little foot it seems that you already have your own herd to lead oh great another long neck leader hey littlefoot you gotta tell me all about the test don't give shorty any hints littlefoot huh yes shorty's not quite ready to take the big long neck test i'll say he's not ready hey wait you mean he hasn't taken it yet uh no but i will soon not too soon i hope [Music] [Music] [Laughter] little foot over to you [Music] uh [Music] [Music] that's what i call teamwork i'd call it a lucky shot okay score's tied but remember the game's not over till it's over [Music] spike toss it to ducky yup yup yup [Music] whoa [Applause] that didn't sound right yeah where did it go [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] hey what's that um [Music] all i see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] ah i didn't know this was here i cannot see where it goes it is all twisty and turned it i wonder how far it goes well there's only one way to find out come on wow would you look at that let's go [Music] this place isn't very big at all me like hit our special little hidden place [Music] i've never seen this kind of tree hmm smells good [Music] ew you leaf eaters sure have a strange sense of smell i think the tree sweets smell yummy i think they do too i do i do [Music] your sniffers must be broken it smells so bad it makes my head hurt [Music] i'm gonna go wait for me jumper i can't keep an eye on you if i can't see you we'll meet up with you after we're through exploring hmm [Music] hey look spike thinks the tree sweets taste as good as it smells [Music] is good [Music] i think i'll have another then another and another [Music] baby [Music] good times good friends take a look at what we found good times good friends lots of tree sweets all around [Music] say it ducky yup yup yup good times good friends glad we had this time to spend good times [Music] bob [Music] hmm [Music] guess we better head back i cannot wait to tell everyone about the tasty tree sweets [Music] but if we tell everyone will want some sarah you know it's not right to keep food a secret but there aren't enough tree sweets here for everyone so what's the use in telling them [Music] i guess you have a point of course i do no need to make a big deal about a few hidden tree sweet trees oh i eat it too much ducky spike i was getting worried where have you been [Music] we were playing toss the seed then you must be very hungry i gather these especially for you [Music] oh my favorite [Music] you know the more times we come back the better these tree sweets taste i'm glad you ate so much it doesn't smell so bad anymore ugh still doesn't smell good though then we'll just have to keep eating right spike [Music] [Music] ducky spike are you two feeling all right you haven't been eating much lately we have not been hungry you and spike not hungry uh yes all of the stop the seat playing makes us less hungry [Music] mama there's something spike and i should oh no it can't be not here fast fighters in the great valley [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] quickly now ducky spike keep moving [Music] get the hatchlings and the young ones to safety the rest of you fall in behind me and grandpa longneck time to show some fast biters that they're not welcome here hey you fast biters you all know what to do [Music] [Music] you two are going home hungry and sorry tonight [Music] those sneaky fast biters got clean away who we've searched everywhere they must have found a way into the valley we don't know about it it's been a long time since any sharp teeth got into the great valley this is a very dangerous development we've seen those fast spiders with red [Music] and claw claus the biggest the meanest sharp tooth of them all so if they're here he's not far behind then we need to find out how the fast biters are getting in and out until we know we'll have to keep an eye out day and night [Music] spike do you want this i'm not hungry [Music] what spike what what what it's another passageway but where does this one lead [Music] there's a second way out of our hidden place and it goes to the mysterious beyond uh oh that's not all fast spider prince if the fast spiders got in here then they could find their way into the great valley that's how they got in last night oh we leave now me scared what we do now we know how the fast spiders got into the valley we have to warn everyone but what if they get mad at us i guess that's a risk we'll just have to take [Music] we made a big mistake it is more than an oops eats we've got to go tell everyone what we found here even though they will be mad at us how are we to know sharp teeth could get in it's too late now we don't have time to argue we must let the others [Music] where we are right now we've got to try apologize for our mistake i'll say you made a mistake no one is supposed to eat the tree sweets in the hidden canyon you say you saw footprints yeah fast spider footprints [Music] children how much of the tree sweets did you eat uh a lot what's that got to do with anything those tree sweets have a smell that sharp teeth don't like in fact it makes them sick i believe that but if there aren't many tree sweets left the smell won't stop sharp teeth from coming into the great valley what oh no grandma you warn the others mr threehorn and i will check on the hidden canyon at least now we know how the sharp teeth got in [Music] well there are still some tree sweets up here huh you can hardly smell them no wonder it didn't keep the sharp teeth away [Music] we'll just have to find another way to keep the sharp teeth out [Music] screech the fast fighters are back that sounds like red claws [Music] [Music] foreign they've seen us there's no time to get away [Applause] [Music] littlefoot you and your friends go back and get help mr threehorn and i will make sure you get away yes we can stop the sharp teeth at least for a while now go [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys we'll never find anyone in time we gotta help them you're right they can't fight all three by themselves [Music] what can we do we so small [Music] quick fly to the top of the trees knock down as many trees as you can if sharp teeth don't like the way the tree sweets smell let's make sure they get a snoop full how [Music] the same way we play toss the sea let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thinking little ones they can't stand the tree sweets [Music] right [Music] okay let hey that looks like fun toss me a piece [Music] hmm [Music] he's running away [Music] does the passage have to be blocked off grandma yes little foot we have to make sure there's no way for sharp teeth to get into the valley [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can never ever go back to our special hidden place no no no [Music] now that the hidden canyon has been closed off the great valley is once again safe from sharp teeth my friends and i want to apologize for putting everyone in danger we didn't tell everyone about the tree sweets we found we so so sorry hmm well you should be sorry i'm getting too old to tangle with sharp teeth but daddy are so brave the way you fought red claw oh [Music] well it was nothing really there i was face to face with red claw [Music] now the trick to fighting sharp teeth is not to let them think you're afraid so i marched right up to that big bully and i looked him right in the eye he knew who was lost [Music] oh the old watering hole has been all covered up with sticky vines [Music] on [Music] hey that was fun [Music] [Music] grab on to me petrie you are a flyer and i am a swimmer together we can fly and swim not sure [Music] spike come wait in the water it is very refreshing yep yep yep [Music] all i see is the day in front [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what did you do [Music] me think spike is stuck i am sure we can get him unstuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh he's stuck all right but if spike stuck how he get unstuck [Applause] excuse us oh no where did spike go in hole in hole oh not good maybe he will see the tiny sources no they live in the caves on the other side of the great valley what if something down there something scary scary oh no no no um [Music] spike [Music] spike spike [Music] i do not think spike heard me because i do not hear spike and may not see him either careful petri you don't want to fall in too far [Music] oh how is spike going to get out i don't know he's not much of a climber we're gonna need help help is good but i do not want to leave spike alone no no no then we'll go and you stay okay but please hurry [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] yeah green stuff guys guys spike's in trouble what do you do this time spike fall into hole so it's too deep for him to climb out oh dear if i were spike and i fell into a hole i wouldn't want to be spike can't he just dig his way out you need a big head to dig like that well at least my head isn't small yes but if your head was on spike he wouldn't be spike and you wouldn't be you i'm afraid i must concur with ruby on this issue spike does not possess the strong flat prow of a three horn nor the long neck of well a long neck so how is spike gonna get out do you think you could help us risky spike mr thick nose why certainly just lead the way i'll believe it when i see it speaking of it you're it [Music] hmm who is that what is he doing here and why is he eating my bed [Music] um why don't you ask him and find out i'm not asking him you ask him no way you ask him i'll ask him [Music] greetings i am milo and these are my friends lydia [Music] if you don't mind me asking him what brings you to our world [Music] i don't understand maybe you're not supposed to huh huh maybe this stranger who fell from the mysterious above is the big wise one a big wise one [Music] no he's not think about where he came from [Music] above the mysterious above hopefully this dreams my world we've never been to legend says our dreams will come true with the big wise one above the mysterious above where our visitor has come from do you really think i'm so dumb to think that he's the one he's kindly smile his giant size the big white one is here just look into his thoughtful eyes your [Music] how we've looked forward to this day oh big wise ones show us the way so we may share your love from the mysterious above [Music] he really is the big wise one [Music] where are you all going mr thickness is going to help spike out of a hole yes well good luck then spike will need it i don't find anything funny about a young spike tail in trouble [Music] oh come on sarah i better show them how to save spike [Music] for you big wise one oh big wise one i must know why is it that sometimes the ground shakes and shivers of course it is you who makes the ground shake oh thank you big wise one oh big wise one when will i be ready to leave my parents nest and forage on my own [Music] thank you big wise one the big wise one is finally here [Music] oh i'm so happy you are back are you sure he's down there i saw him fall but all i have heard is spike's tummy sounds don't worry ducky i'm sure i can think of a way to save spike oh thinking won't save spike but strength will now mr threehorn in my experience things like this require careful consideration consideration let's just start digging but if you dig in the wrong place we might all end up down there are you suggesting that i would dig in the wrong place yes you've got to think wrong place that's right i don't know any hole that's been dug by thinking you've got to think you've got to use strength no you've got to think strength think strength think me not understand they helping spike now or not drink things doesn't sound like the sound of spike getting out to me think so how is spike gonna get out of that hole oh i do not know but i do hope he is all right [Music] i don't think we should wake him what choice do we have [Music] big wise one maybe he's saving his strength maybe yeah but the time has come to use that strength [Music] excuse me [Music] big wise one we are sorry for the rude awakening but it is time [Music] time to vanquish the great hideous beast [Music] the great hideous beast runs on two legs like a fast fighter has the helmet of a three horn and the big scary eyes of a night walker [Music] thank you for coming from the mysterious about to save us big wise one it's on to you [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] you did it you stopped the great hideous beast the big one is what saved [Music] you really are the big wise one [Music] if the ground was soft enough to swallow spike we'll need to use rocks to stabilize no time for that we need to dig i don't think it's that simple ah you don't know what you're talking about and you're being stubborn well i wouldn't be if you just do things my way yes [Music] we'll get him out my way my way we'll do it my way oh no my way my way will do it my way [Music] there can be no doubt that i can get spike out my way my way if you listen to me he'd already be free my way my way you can't expect me to believe that your idea could really succeed my way my way will do it my way i say my way no my way we'll do it my way my my way [Music] did they agree on an idea yet me not know me too dizzy then we'll just have to agree to agree on an idea ourselves right [Music] what about the sticky vines they are very long yup yup yup not long enough to get all the way down the hole but they can be even longer by curling one vine with another vine with another vine long enough to reach spike spike can just curl the vines around his middle then we pull up the vine and the vines pull up that's the best idea we've heard all day [Music] being the big wise one must make you very hungry [Music] so we've brought you all the food from our colony [Music] you're not getting any this time [Music] enjoy [Music] the wise one from above wishes to go back to the mysterious above [Music] do you think spike has seen it i think so wrap it around your middle spike and then tug it once you're ready and we'll pull you back up ready [Music] goodbye oh big wise one you have protected us from the great hideous beast it is right that you return to the mysterious above and protect others [Music] hey where did the great hideous beast go [Music] huh you are not spike no no no i thought he felt lighter if spike's not here then where oh excuse you spike [Music] spike spike [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] who was that hmm it doesn't matter who that was who was here what matters is that spike is the who that is here and for that i am glad very glad [Music] if you just listen to me why should i my way is better but mr thicknose and mr threehorn spike's already been saved [Music] well um how nice he would have been rescued earlier if you hadn't argued with me you're the one who started arguing i did not oh yes you did i did not did so did not dead [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 2,822,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Id: 4BIZgKYS4z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 57sec (4077 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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