Land Before Time | Return To Hanging Rock | HD | Cartoon for Kids | Kids Movies

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all I see is the bride [Music] [Music] [Music] I wonder how many we've seen now huh me lose count it sure is a big flying rock storm this isn't it are you okay Ruby oh sorry I just had this bunny feeling like a memory but I can't remember if I remember it or not I [Music] think the flying rocks are all gone Ruby I hope so chopper I hope so you kids sure look tired up all night watching the big flying rock stormy well I expect there will be more flying rocks tonight more flying rocks that's right it's all part of the flying rocks of many nights flying rocks of many nights that's what they call it and for good reason too but when it does it lasts the course of several nights and the flying rocks will pass so while they're here you'll see them light up the darkest night but flying rocks up in the sky no reason for fried in the sky in the sky in the sky nobody really knows [Music] say I just remembered I remember seeing the flying rocks of many nights before you have yes I was very little and living in the mysterious beyond I hadn't wandered off to look for my mom [Music] Ruby are you okay she couldn't have gone far what if something happened to her we'll find her [Music] [Laughter] but where were you I'd look to find you but I didn't see you anywhere I couldn't find you either but I have an idea so this will never happen again it's just beyond secluded canyon this is Hanging Rock it's a safety place so if something like this ever happens again find your way here and I'll do the same and then we'll find each other at night was another night of flying rocks and we stayed together under Hanging Rock now it's happening again so now I need to return to Hanging Rock well not now Ruby when flying rocks hit the ground in the mysterious beyond they can start fires fires the mysterious beyond doesn't have as much water as we do here so a fire can be very dangerous but if there is danger my family will go to Hanging Rock to be safe and I have to go there to make sure they are safe it's too dangerous Ruby Petrie's right yeah it's very dangerous it is it is I think I need to do some thinking in my thinking place I know it might be dangerous to go but I'll never feel okay unless I go make sure my family is okay [Music] [Music] anybody there or am I alone you are not alone no duckie you shouldn't have come all the way out here alone all by yourself but I did not I went to your thinking place and you weren't there so I followed your trail with my sniffer you should have told us you were leaving we want to help you but I have to move fast and I move fastest when I'm alone goofy it's too dangerous to go alone is it is mm-hmm so we're going with you but I don't want my friends to get hurt helping my family then I will not get hurted and you will not get hurted and we will not get hurted together sounds good to me [Music] [Music] if you're going to go with me what oh don't worry we're going we are [Music] Eastburn trees weren't burned the last time I was here are we near Hanging Rock yet I don't know I can't believe I can't find what I know was there well it was a long time ago and you were much younger then huh well we definitely won't get there if we don't go somewhere this way [Music] I do not think this place should look so familiar to me oh that's because we're going in circles it's gonna be dark soon Ruby hmm then let's keep moving if Hanging Rock is hard to find in a light I sure won't see it in the dark maybe a little rest will help you see Hanging Rock better er I can't rest until I can't keep my eyes open anymore [Music] [Music] Oh mr. thicknose was right about the flying rocks coming again tonight well they don't look any more dangerous and mysterious beyond do you see them spike spike where did he go spike spike where are you oh I was worried about you spike maybe we should rest [Music] your foot is hurted [Music] [Applause] they missed us well we're lucky they probably hurt you shouting for spike hmm you should have listened to me tell you you shouldn't come with me stop coming back in here this way now it's taking so long [Music] [Applause] here are we you're safe now thank me later come on [Music] my name's skip when I saw those two rock heads chasing you I figured you were okay I've been running from those guys almost all my life do you live here with your family don't have a family I don't really remember my parents red claw chased them away a long time ago at least I think he did ah just figuring out they lost you this way [Music] Thunder screech looking for us they won't find you nobody knows the mysterious beyond like I do do you know Hanging Rock it's near secluded Canyon Hanging Rock keep up with me huh he is almost as fast as he talks [Music] [Music] Sakuni Canyon [Music] oh thank you skip if it's here I know where will you not come with us well I am faster by myself plus there are things I have to do please I have to be back bad away hmm okay thanks can [Music] Wow it really needs [Music] where's my family have you seen them no no no huh why aren't they here what was that [Music] Ruby is that you [Music] robee robee [Music] [Music] we weren't expecting anyone else here we sure weren't expecting you Ruby but we're sure glad you're you so I came here okay [Music] it's red claw everyone [Music] Oh Ruby I'm glad to see you I truly am but you shouldn't have come here it's too dangerous that's what my friend said too but they came with me anyway they sure did didn't they know they must care for you very much yes it's almost like like they're my family too yes yes we are your great family family we are we are oh thank you ducky jumper [Music] now that I know you're okay I need to go back I still need to help chump or find out how to help save the mysterious beyond from red claw we'll always be here for you Ruby I know I'll be back when I return [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah here I was all alone you weren't all alone until we got here thanks [Music] [Music] Petri what's he doing here help hurry Nino say at the safe place [Music] hi MA [Music] you're safe we were worried about you so we came looking for you but I knew there was no way we find you unless we climbed up here we find you but then fire start don't worry we'll head out as soon as the fire dies down [Music] well looks like the fire will die out quicker than I thought [Music] skip you are welcome to stay in the Great Valley - yes yep yep would that be okay I mean I don't have any family to stay with there believe me skip living in the Great Valley is just like living with one great big family [Music] the old watering hole isn't all covered up with sticky buds [Music] hey that was fun to me Petrie you are a flier and I am a swimmer together we can fly and swim [Music] in the water it is very refreshing refreshing for swimmer maybe all I see is the bride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they think spike is stuck I am sure we can get him unstuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's stuck all right but if spike stuck how he get unstuck [Applause] [Music] no where'd it spike go in hole in hole who not good maybe he will see the tiny sources no they live in the caves on the other side of the Great Valley live something down there something scary scary no I do not think spike heard me because I do not hear spike and may not see him either careful Petrie you don't want to fall into how is spike going to get out I don't know he's not much of a climber we're gonna need help help is good but I do not want to leave spike alone no no no then we'll go and you stay ok but please hurry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Spike's in trouble what'd he do this time spike fall into hole so it's too deep for him to climb out oh dear if I were spike and I fell into Hall I wouldn't want to be spike can't he just dig his way out we need a big head to dig like that well at least my head isn't small yes but if your head was on spike he wouldn't be spike and you wouldn't be you I'm afraid I must concur with Ruby on this issue spike does not possess the strong flat prow of a three-horn nor the long neck of well a long neck so how is spike gonna get out do you think you could help us rescue spike mr. thicknose why certainly just lead the way I'll believe it when I see it speaking of it you're it [Music] what is he doing here and why is he even might be why don't you ask him and right now you no way you ask him I'll ask him greetings I am milo and these are my friends Vidya and flower if you don't mind me asking him what brings you to our world [Music] I understand maybe you're not supposed to huh huh maybe this stranger who fell from the mysterious above is [Music] [Music] now we not think about where he came from above the mysterious of all Politis dreams my world we've never been to legend says our dreams will come true with the big wise one above the mysterious where our visitor has come from do you really think I'm so dumb to think that he's the one he's kindly smile his giant size impede my warning he just looked into his thoughtful eyes disappear the mysterious of and how we've looked forward to this day Oh being wise one show us the way so we may share your love from the mysterious up [Music] he really is the big wise where are you all going mr. thicknose going to help spike out of a hole yes well good luck then spike we'll need it I don't find anything funny about a young spike tail in trouble [Music] oh come on Sarah I better show them how to save spike [Music] for you big wise one Oh big wise one I must know why is it sometimes the ground shakes and shivers of course it is you who makes the ground shake whoo thank you big wise button Oh big wise one when will I be ready to leave my parents nest and forage on my own horns are full-grown thank you oh I'm so happy you're back are you sure he's down there I saw him fall but only I've heard of spikes tummy sounds don't worry ducky I'm sure I can think of a way to save spike Oh thinking won't save spike but strength will now mr. three-horn in my experience things like this require careful consideration consideration Wow let's just start digging but if you dig in the wrong place we might all end up down there are you suggesting that I would dig in the wrong place yes you've got to think wrong place that's right I don't know any hole that's been dug by thinking you've got to think you've got to use strength know you've got to think strength think strength think so how is my gonna get out of that hole I do not know but I do hope he is all right [Music] don't think we should Regan what choice do we have Oh big big wise one big wise one maybe but the time has come to use that strength big wise one we are sorry for the rude awakening but it is time time to vanquish the great hideous beast fighter has the helmet of a three-horn the big scary eyes like a walker [Music] thank you for coming from the mysterious above to save us big why's why did he talk to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you really are the big wise one if the ground was soft enough to swallow spike will know we need to dig my way my way [Music] [Music] [Music] today agree on an idea yet me not know me too busy and we'll just have to agree to agree on an idea ourselves right [Music] what about the sticky vines they are very long yep-yep-yep not long enough to get all the way down the hole but they can be even longer by curling one vine with another vine with another vine long enough to reach spike spike can just curl the vines around his middle then we pull up the vine and the vines pull up spike that's the best idea we've heard all day being the big wise one must make you very hungry hmm so we've brought you all the food from our colony [Music] you're not giving any this time [Music] enjoy [Music] the wise one from above wishes to go back to the mysterious abode [Music] do you think spike you see I think so I'll wrap it around your middle spike and then target once you're ready and we'll pull you back up [Music] goodbye Oh big wise one you have protected us from the great hideous beast it is right that you returned to the mysterious above and protect others [Music] hey where did the great hideous beast go [Music] huh you're not spiked no no no I thought he felt lighter his spikes not here somewhere excuse you spike spike [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that hmm it doesn't matter who that was who was here what matters is that spite is the who that is here and for that I am glad very glad if you just listen to me why should I my way is better mr. thicknose and mr. three-horn spice already been saved it well how nice he would have been rescued earlier if you hadn't argued with me you're the one who started arguing I did not oh yes you did I did not [Music] just what I am hmm I were to guess I guess a belly dragger and you are a hopper spike you are you are you make a shadow Petrie that supposed to be I think it's Petrie being nervous do not be afraid of the shadows we are making Petrie me not afraid of ducky shadow me afraid of oh no no no me think it got Sara all I see is the D in front of us with a newborn son [Music] [Music] that's the last time I take that shortcut Sarah not you I thought with you why are you guys just standing there hello can someone help me get this thing off my horny sometimes see stars when me fall know my star de star look it's the one right there it's special because it can only be seeing three nights between cold times once the star is a foot away from the night circle it will be my star day a star day what's that a star day is the day you hatched my mom said that same star appeared in the same place on the same day I hatched oh yeah it was your star day the day we left the mysterious beyond [Music] happy start hey Ruby I'm glad we could spend a star day together - mom just saying I love you doesn't say how much I love you both and we love you too Ruby I already miss you and I haven't even left well you must learn how choppers friends in the Great Valley work together yes Ruby that knowledge could one day save us all as from yes Ruby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow me [Music] it's Saurus Rock the great bowers this way come on let's go [Music] that started was the last day I saw my family sorry star days with my family were always so happy but thinking about it makes me sad I didn't mean to make you sad Ruby come on let's play some more shadow games thanks Chomper but I don't feel like playing anymore Nina understand maybe not alone she with us but we're not her family it's just not the same she misses them very much she does she does I'm gonna go queue her up let's not make it worse [Music] if your stardate today will be and it's important for you to be clean for your special celebration after all a star day is a very happy occasion [Music] why does thinking about happy star days make me feel so sad I didn't mean to make Ruby sad I was trying to make her happy hey I have an idea let's have a giving ceremony for Ruby that is a very good idea it is it kids [Music] mm-hmm-hmm we can make it a surprise surprise everybody wait um what's a giving ceremony a giving ceremony is when you give someone their favorite food duh mm-hmm a giving ceremony is a time for celebrating friendship giving head and also sharing so what's Ruby's favorite food I know that it's sweet bubbles oh yes yes yes sweet bubbles are her favorite is they are then we'll go get them at the first sign of the bright circle yeah we'll give Ruby the best star day ever [Music] what if Roby finds us the surprise will be ruined Ruby's busy washing Samaras the time to go where we gonna find sweet bubbles around here you don't exactly grow on trees no but they grow on vines hidden in the sheltering grass sheltering grass it doesn't matter where they grow if they'll make Ruby happy we'll go anywhere to get them right right [Music] remembering remembering is a kind of a funny thing it makes me think of time gone by glad hello [Music] the ring makes for good for bad or divas I'll always [Music] my remember [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we took those too mysterious beyond don't worry Petrie we'll be fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't worry I'm a tree why I'm here with that vine will wrap it around the street [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] do you guys smell that [Music] I can't move it that rocks on our sweet bubbles come on everyone grab an end [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is not a rock oh no no no rock huh what are you kids doing here we're here to pick sweet bubbles brah these are my swiss bubbles get your own somewhere else we came for sweet bubbles and we're leaving with sweet bubbles got it that was gross let me do now I'm a Sharptooth I can scare him away [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] what if we tell him why we need the sweet bubbles he's too busy eating - listen I think it's worth a try [Music] excuse me we would like to have some sweet bubbles for our friends start a hmm they're her favorite is food star day did you say star day why I've loved my star day ever since I was a chalenge take as many as you like [Music] nothing like a star to make you feel nice and happy [Music] [Music] hmm maybe I can't be with my family but I can be with my friends and if I'm not alone I won't feel alone but first I have to find everybody [Music] let's make a giving place shouldn't someone who knows a little more about giving ceremonies be the one giving the orders Chomper Littlefoot it is Ruby oh no no no ducky Chomper let's go stall her Cera you finished setting up [Music] hello my friends my friends hello Oh is there something wrong no we're just uh coming back from a long walk and we are very tired we are we are oh well I was hoping we could all get together and play together well we should probably take a rest maybe later oh okay maybe I'll just go to my thinking place to watch my star de star [Music] well I guess a lonely star day is better than no star day cuz if I didn't have a star day then I wouldn't have hatched and not hatching would be much lonelier than a lonely star day [Music] [Music] yelling she's our thinking place [Music] [Music] [Music] I wish I was with my friends chopper chopper in here are you okay yes but I think that big rock will keep me in here with it instead of out there with you don't worry Ruby if we all push together I'm sure we can make it move ready [Music] [Music] yes we did oh yes yes yes how did you know I was in there we heard you yell and chopper knew just where you'd be what more could I ask for them to ask for great friends like you well you can ask for a start a surprise a start a surprise what a surprise oh no my giving circle the sweet bubbles the earth shake must have caused a rockslide hmm this was where we were going to have your giving ceremony we even got your sweet bubbles these are for you Ruby sorry your star day isn't so happy hmm but it is happing you sure you didn't have to do what you did but you did [Music] it stays here [Music] [Music] me [Music] there it is my star de star you know I may not be with my family but I sure do feel at home [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 4,399,650
Rating: 3.928247 out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Id: ht8-GQMhb9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 8sec (4088 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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