Lamborghini Huracan EVO RWD Review: The SCARIEST Lambo | 4K

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[Music] the murcielago neuro diablo fighting bulls that left an indelible mark on our history today a distant memory their legacy continues with this the lamborghini hurricane evo one of the few balls left it's small in stature yet big in heart a fearsome package of extreme power and theatrical design or at least that's the theory but the reality is that the hurricane is just a bit meh compared to the old guard don't get me wrong it's fast and it looks brilliant but when you share your platform and your oily bits with a fancy audi and all of that power gets castrated by a safest house's all-wheel drive system but then the end result is just a bit meh lamborghinis of old not only looked like alien spaceships they drove like they were trying to kill you so has the new evo lost that fear factor that made its forefathers so great nope that might be the case if this was the old hurricane but this ain't the old hurricane this is the brand new lambo hurricane evo rear wheel drive this thing takes us back to what lambos are all about it's designed to be scary it's got all the ingredients to be a proper classic lambo 600 horsepower tick big scary 5.2 liter mid-mounted engine tick stupid paint job tick and then the big one rear wheel drive tick tick boom and it's the big one because that's what transforms this lambo from a car that any joker can drive into a monster that if you're not careful we'll send you backwards through a hedge on fire [Music] the old hurricane had grip and traction for days it was basically idiot proof you could throw it into a corner and it would do one of two things either understeer into a bush or more likely it would grip up and then fire itself out like a laser guided missile driving the evo rear wheel drive is a bit like blowing up a balloon letting it go and then trying to catch it again you've got to be quick you've got to treat it with respect [Music] it still has grip and traction loads of it to be fair but you've just got to be so alive towards every little movement because it is a proper animal in the old car if you got it wrong you wouldn't even know about it because the four wheel drive system would sort everything out in this car if you get it wrong you still won't know about it but that's because you'll be dead so there's a newfound sense of theatre to the way it drives it's fast fun but does the hurricane evo have enough theater in the way that it looks the design is absolutely gorgeous isn't it you don't really get a sense of just how cool the hurricane is until you stood up close right next to it but it really is silly in a good way but it's a little details that tip it over into the realms of absurdity there's not a single curve on this car apart from maybe the wheel arch everything else looks like it was designed with a ruler or sculpted with a samurai sword even the brake discs most cars have a brake disc this has a brake dodecahedron i'm sure lamborghini will tell you that there's some engineering benefits of that but nah nonsense that that's just there because it looks cool and then inside lovely these switches for your windows your nose lift and your hazard lights are straight out of a fighter jet lovely then this cover for your engine start button looks like the trigger for some kind of device that could start world war three and then you've got this alien looking reverse lever that for some reason looks like that i mean they could have gone with a button but instead they've gone for this love it well i'm not sure that i should love are these really ridiculous switches for your wipers look at that you push it left to turn them on right to turn them off and then you've got a separate button for your washer fluid and then the indicator is another switch you push it left to go left right to go right and then push down to cancel imagine trying to use that with the wheel upside down on the roundabout would be absolute carnage that is the dumbest most lamborghini thing in the world and i love it it's not all mad though there's a few sensible touches inside this car there's a couple of usb ports on the rear firewall there's apple carplay there's alexa for voice control and everything is controlled through this delicious looking tenant screen although the user interface is a little bit too lambo for my liking and don't get me started on the lack of a volume knob [Music] so the hurricane evo rear wheel drive does have some useful mod cons even if some have been designed in true lamborghini style to infuriate but is it a car you can drive every day without risking your life right so what does it feel like properly awesome the steering isn't as hyperactive as i thought it might be it's quite neutral but it's near the dead center but it's actually really quick once you go past a certain amount it's really lively really sharp not brimming with feel but it gives you enough confidence to throw it into a bend and you know exactly how much grip is there on the exit [Music] brakes really really strong they're not carbon ceramic these are steel but they still do a fantastic job the chassis balance i've got to say is the highlight for me all right it's got outrageous power and it will throw shapes but if you're quick enough you can catch it it's got a few different driving modes there's an anima switch right here on the bottom of the steering wheel which gives you three different modes to choose from there's strada which is italian for street then there's sport which is italian for sport and then there's corsa which is italian for i've got a big massive pair of all three modes are completely different in strata the car is a complete pussycat the adaptive suspension is soft the throttle response is progressive and the steering is light it's a nice everyday mode in sport it firms up the suspension makes the steering quicker just turns everything up to 11 and then corsa basically turns it into a racing car the problem is there is no perfect mode strider is too soft sport is too hard in corsa well i don't think i've got appendages big enough for corsa and you can't customize it you have to live with what the lambo wants to do at any given moment it's in sport and strada where you make the most of that naturally aspirated v10 engine the same unit used in the hurricane pour fermante except here it's tuned to deliver 602 brake horsepower instead of 631 but it's still a free revving peach of a thing that runs to an 8 000 rpm crescendo with every last rpm sounding more sweet than the last in a turbocharged car the fun's over by three four thousand rpm in this thing the party doesn't get started till five grand and the gearbox is an absolute dream seven speed dual clutch super responsive on the up shift fast on the downshift it's even got a kick down mode so if you find yourself in seventh gear and you suddenly want to be in say third you don't have to slap it multiple times to get where you want you just hold it and look at this seventh to second and i'm gone [Music] so this is a lambo that finally feels like a lambo should that channels the spirit of classic lamborghinis but in doing so it still remains as modern and capable as any audi this is a car you can push to its absolute limits one minute yet take to the local shops the next on a journey to buy your essentials this is a car that will let you hit upwards of 200 miles an hour in a matter of seconds yet the next will happily allow you to cruise around in traffic without a fuss it's a car that looks exotic and delicate yet because of its reliable proven underpinnings adaptability and innate toughness is just as happy conquering an epic b road as it is fording a river with the evo rear wheel drive they've created a lamborghini that pays true homage to the models that came before it it's a car you'll want to be seen in yes but also one you'll genuinely enjoy driving every day and in every situation the hurricane evo rear-wheel drive is a dinosaur but in a good way it's a throwback to when supercars were super fast yes pretty of course but also involving rewarding and also a little bit scary the memory of the murcielago miura and diablo is a distant one one i thought we may never see again but in the hurricane evo rear wheel drive we have a present-day supercar that looks to the future without ignoring its illustrious past you
Channel: AutoTrader
Views: 1,254,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lamborghini huracan evo red review, huracan evo review, lambo huracan review, lambo huracan rear wheel drive review, Lamborghini exhaust, Lamborghini v10 sound, new Lamborghini, Rory Reid, lamborghini drag race, Lamborghini huracan review, huracan rwd, Lamborghini huracan performante, lamborghini huracan lp610-4, lamborghini huracan purple, lamborghini huracan black, lamborghini huracan sound, lamborghini huracan convertible, lamborghini huracan 0-60, huracan interior
Id: -vdTUfEuYzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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