NEW Porsche 911 GT3 vs Turbo S: Agility vs Power | 4K

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShorohUA 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
power it's the obvious and most certain way to achieve great speed but there is another way agility in the right hands finesse can be just as effective as brute force they are two ends of the same spectrum today we're going to find out how those two different approaches affect both lap time and enjoyment the first thing you notice is how refined this thing is it's quiet in here it's comfortable these seats are magnificent speaking of seats you also get a couple of seats in the back so you can take your friends and family along for the ride it's far more comfortable it's far more hospitable than the gt3 it's even got a load of toys a nice stereo a sat nav apple carplay what else is there oh yeah it's massively massively fast that engine is an absolute beast the amount of progress they've made between this version and the previous generation is absolutely staggering the air intakes are bigger the turbos are bigger the numbers are enormous now [Applause] it will do zero to 62 in 2.7 seconds 205 miles an hour flat out and a quarter mile in 10.5 seconds porsche have brought a nuclear weapon to a pillow fight [Music] it's not all big dumb power either it uses a clever porsche active aerodynamic system that deploys a chin spoiler and a rear wing to increase downforce to 170 kilograms handy in the corners and the handling is just wonderful people tend to say the 911 turbo west is a bit of a one-trick pony devastatingly quick in a straight line but through the bends maybe not so sophisticated maybe not so involving but honestly it's the complete opposite out on a racetrack these pirelli p0s don't offer the last word in grip but actually that kind of helps this car's case because it is seriously playful it's not glued down at all it rotates so sweetly through the corners helps of course by that rear wheel steering system but the balance is just beautiful it's a lot of fun it really is i didn't expect this but i am enjoying this car massively admittedly on the road the power might be a bit too much to handle but out here on a circuit it's such a joy [Music] on the right roads in the right hands the turbo s is probably the quickest 911 money can buy so the case for raw power has been made but the jury also needs to hear the case for agility this is the gt3 its four liter straight six doesn't have any turbos this particular model has a manual gearbox rear wheel drive and it makes 138 less horsepower so in a straight line drag race it doesn't stand a chance see ya i'm absolutely molded it wow and yet despite being majorly down on outright power the gt3 is no slouch i pulled such a massive gap on him look but he's pulling it back he's reigning in he's quicker to defense hold him off hold him on come on yes yes yes no no no no no oh he's so quick in the corners oh no no here we go damn it damn it that thing is a weapon through the corners so how can it be that one 911 with less power that's slower in a straight line has the potential to match another 911 with a massive power advantage [Music] a wise man who worked for pirelli's marketing team in the 1990s once said power is nothing without control and while both these cars have plenty of power it's arguably the gt3 that harnesses its power most effectively the turbo s has the firepower but also plenty of creature comforts and all-wheel drive so it's heavier at 1 715 kilograms the gt3 is far more stripped back and is over 200 kilograms lighter its rear drive only has double wishbone front suspension that makes the car stiffer and more stable uses michelin pilot sport cup 2 tyres and of course has that huge rear wing providing plenty of downforce all of those minor details add up to two things lap time and fun mostly fun so the first thing you notice about the gt3 is that it feels a lot more focused it feels a lot more serious it feels like a racing car which shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone because that's sort of what it is it's a lot less refined than the 911 turbo s so the road noise is a lot more apparent it's got a lot less sound deadening there are a few toys inside the car but it's nowhere near as nice to sit in as the turbo s but oh my god it's good this is what i call a 10 second car not because it does the course a mile in 10 seconds but because 10 seconds is all you need before you realize how brilliant it is [Music] [Applause] it doesn't accelerate as quickly as the turbo s zero to 62 and 3.9 but it doesn't really matter because that engine is absolutely phenomenal 4 liter naturally aspirated flat 6 and it revs to 9 000 rpm and honestly it really does pay to take it all the way up to the red line because peak power comes in at 8 400 rpm oh and the noise it's all induction noise too it's beautiful and then there's this thing down here look at this a manual gearbox i'd almost forgotten how good these things are i've driven the pdk gt3 touring and that's great but oh yes having to change your own gears take control of the situation doesn't get much better than that i tell you [Music] the steering in porsche's is always brilliant it's right up there alongside mclarens and lotuses but steering in the gt3 has just been taken to another level now that's partly down to the fact that it's not all wheel drive so the front end is uncorrupted by the front wheels having to accelerate as well as steer but it's also down to the fact this car has rear wheel steer so it is just locked on like a laser through the bends the gt3 is also the first road going porsche to use double wishbone front suspension taken from the gt3 cop car and that just takes things to a whole other level it definitely does feel more sophisticated and also just more accurate the front end particularly in the turbo s moves around so much but in this it's not going anywhere you point it and it delivers and then there are the tyres michelin pilot sport cup twos essentially a street legal racing tire and the difference in grip is night and day between these cars and then there are the brakes club and ceramics just like we had on the turbo s they're actually 10 millimeters smaller than the turbo s but i don't think it matters because this car is lighter so in conjunction with the tyres the stopping power is just outrageous over the bumps wow it does beg the question though the turbo s has way more power but with its fancy tires and fancy suspension and fancy downforce is the gt3 as fast well i don't know but i do know a way to find out this is adam adam is a racing driver he's had over 150 races over a 10-year career 30 career victories including at the nurburgring and three championships including the vln gt4 what this man doesn't know about racing isn't worth knowing at all have you had a drink just tripping how are we doing uh good yeah have you driven land out before uh only the cart circuit i i've been here i don't know 15 years ago maybe so that's a no that's a no yes okay well uh you're still probably going to be slightly better at this than me just what did you drive here today in a renault clio 197 um it's it's what i use for coaching and teaching i've got dual control in it so breaking a clutch in the passenger side i've got data logger video in it and it's used and abused around most uk circuits i don't have dual controls in this but i do have a little parking brake it's a term one all right cool take it away professional how do we turn it on there's a key on the side on the side on a racing car you have teams of people to do this for you but it's a road car so there you go right this is a great start isn't it getting serious gloves on all right let's uh let's do a rolling start then so oh sounds racy sport plus okay so you remember to turn left that's good yeah which one do you want to be quicker we'll just go straight through the bus stop it's being a racing driver a bit like riding a bike late where even if you haven't really driven the track it's it's like riding a horse like right now i'm just scanning it like down here looks really bumpy so like in my head i'm thinking i'm going to be breaking around now i'd break a lot earlier than that mate and then am i allowed to use the curve yes do whatever you want let's go full beans your lap starts now gotta nail this breaking point oh it's bang on good lad right try and maintain the speed through the corners that is where the turbo west is going to lose out oh it's rotating already i can feel it come on come on go on oh we're doing great we're doing great this is the tricky one right here that was better that is great it's so quick in a straight line breaking point full use of the kerbs oh mate all election election last one now make it count oh perfect that is perfect foot to the floor and bang whoa yeah good that felt good wow i don't think you left anything on the table there no like actually over this like we definitely took off going over that curve and it landed in like the perfect yaw and it just almost twisted all the way around this section really nice no it was i mean that was i don't know if i've seen a car go faster around this circuit um so should we jump into gt3 hell yeah yeah [Music] right so you don't know the time you have to be but i know it i just don't know whether you'll do it but we're gonna find out we'll try which car do you want to be faster or just not care to me it doesn't make any difference but i think this will be quicker [Music] wow this is a lot stiffer [Music] all right here we go building up to it on the last bend [Music] foot to the floor and your lap starts now it's still massively quick in a straight line there oh that is neat it's all about patience through this little sector using the kerbs the rights occur so nicely doesn't it it already feels much neater much more tidy than the turbo quick in a straight line though not as frightening oh serious aggression over the curves little bit of a rotation there final corner coming up oh no oh my god oh my god oh my god keep it flat keep it flat bang wow well well well well that felt good so the speed like obviously having the the manual is really satisfying yeah and this is a lot more nimble but it's so much stiffer that over the curbs through the first bus stop it bounces a bit too much whereas uh the other one swallows the curbs a bit nicer um so the turbo where is nicer over the curbs it just swallows the curbs whereas this one bounces off him a bit yeah and i think through that bus stop it's worse but through this one this felt better i felt like it could attack but you heard the impact of the curb uh going through that fascia cane and that cost you time no no it didn't it just just the the noise of it was just like a shock it was aggressive it's definitely uh noticeable it felt good though like you can't you can't replace a manual it was it was bloody good the thing is though manuals are meant to be slower so well like modern technology now is they know when to shift at the optimal time and of course there's more chance of driver error with the uh with the h pattern gearbox this has got the auto blip which is beautiful so like if i accelerate now when i go to go down a gear it just blips on its own and it's synchronized so nicely yeah i think the lap was sweet yeah yeah happy with it yeah yeah i i think that's i don't think i can really get any more out of that okay well let's head in there and we'll talk about it wow i will say not bad for your first time around landau um which one do you think was faster and which one do you think was more fun i'm going with the track toy for the lap time but i enjoyed checking this thing around and getting it moving too really interesting well i've got the times and i suppose you want to know all right yep well i can reveal that the 911 turbo s did a lap time of 42.9 seconds okay which is very quick the gt3 did a lap in 42.4 seconds which by my reckoning is a new lap record around landau you gotta be happy with that that'll do that's pretty mega isn't it well i definitely couldn't have squeezed any more out of it so i'm pretty happy with that yeah i mean you are on the limit adam thanks for all your help if you want to find out more about what this man does all his socials are down below but we can confirm that in the battle between power and agility on this day on this track in the hands of this man agility is the clear winner [Music] you
Channel: AutoTrader
Views: 791,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt3 vs turbo s, turbo s vs gt3, 911 gt3, 992 gt3, 911 turbos s, porsche 911 review, porsche review, porsche 911 gt3 review, porsche 911 turbo s review, 992 turbo s, porsche 911 gt3 vs turbo s, autotrader, rory reid, rory reid autotrader, track test, track battle, porsche 911, 4k review, car review, drag race, gt3 vs turbo s drag race, gt3 acceleration, turbo s acceleration, turbo s 0-60, gt3 noise, gt3 sound, gt3 exhaust
Id: pLS4-alA7VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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