Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster Review: Roof Down, Pulse UP! 4K

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what gives you energy what stimulates your senses what fills you with adrenaline what really gets you going [Music] all is all is this is the lamborghini aventador svj roadster it's a drop top version of the iconic svj coupe and more than anything this car was built for one purpose to stimulate the senses it uses the same six and a half liter naturally aspirated v12 it makes the same 770 horsepower and it has the same damn near 220 mile an hour top speed except here you can use it with the roof down and trust me when i tell you there is no bigger rush forget your espressos any energy drinks if you want to feel stimulated take a ride in one of these it stimulates every single one of your senses and just sends them into overdrive a big part of that rush comes from the removable roof which puts you even closer to the action with it down you hear more you feel more you experience more this isn't just an svj it's an sbj that brings you closer to the action let's talk power shall we so we've got the big v12 behind me not to 62 in 2.9 seconds 220 flat out but as always with the svg it's the bit in the middle that really defines the experience a lot of that is down to the gearbox a seven speed single clutch robotized manual it's rubbish at low speeds lurching between gears like it's broken but in the most aggressive courser mode it changes gears as if it wants to break you corsa engaged traction off thrust mode possible oh my god that is just violence this gearbox it is the most violent gearbox i have ever driven and that includes in manuals in most other cars when you do a launch control that initial launch is all you get but in this thing first second third fourth every single gear change is a violent event so what we have here is the ultimate lambo they've taken all the best bits of the svj coupe and by removing the roof made it even more involving but have they made it better well maybe not some would argue and i'd be inclined to agree with them that with this roadster lamborghini might have made the svj worse that two-piece carbon roof is completely manual so raising it in a hurry when the heavens open is a complete nightmare you'll need to drop the windows move the seats open the latches remove the panels in the correct order and place them in the gaps in a perfectly pre-prescribed position it's a fast and thrilling car with an exceptionally slow and annoying roof that arguably ruins what the svj was built for in the first place secondly lamborghini designed the svj coupe for a very specific purpose to set the outright lap record at the nurburgring and they succeeded but this roadster is 50 kilograms heavier than the coupe now 50 kilos might not sound like an awful lot but trust me it's not good for your lap time it's not good for your acceleration your deceleration or your handling thirdly lamborghini spent years developing a fancy ala system it's this aero system that perfectly distributes your downforce front and rear and left and right and it worked perfectly in the coupe but then in the roadster they went and gouged a massive hole in the top and you can't tell me that that's good for your downforce that has got to mess up your arrow it's almost like they perfected the recipe with the coupe and then with the roadster just just went and ruined it this is nothing new of course most convertibles are inherently compromised from a performance perspective the true joy they provide comes from the pleasure of going for a simple cruise although there's not much pleasure to be had from cruising in an svj it's a struggle honestly these seats are horrendously uncomfortable i think they're made from alcantara and rocks also the driving position is a total nightmare if you're over six foot one don't bother trying to drive this car your head will touch the ceiling and without the roof your head actually sticks out above the windscreen so the top of your face is just freezing the whole time especially in weather like this it's also quite noisy in here a from the wind noise but b from the exhaust and c from the really wide tyres that generate so much road noise it it's genuinely uncomfortable the car's actually got quite a good stereo but to hear anything you've got to crank it up to maximum volume and then you've got the stereo competing with all the other noises that it can leave you with a bit of a headache if i'm honest and here's the kicker this car this particular one cost nearly 500 000 pounds half a million pounds to drive a car that when you get out makes you feel like you've just been beaten up but that's the beauty and charm of an aventador svj driving one is not a passive experience this supercar is a throwback to a time when every minute spent behind the wheel was a real event it is a proper weapon on first impressions it would seem that this aventador svj roadster isn't quite as sophisticated as some other mid-engine supercars but the reason for that is because the driving experience is dominated by that amazing engine and that ridiculous gearbox but dig below the surface and you can find a real gem there's so many highlights to this car the brakes are absolutely tremendous 400 millimeter carbon ceramics on the front 380 mils on the back they're so easy to use so simple to modulate and it gives you so much confidence to drive this car fast the grip levels in this car are absolutely astonishing you can throw it into a corner at barely believable speeds and it just grips no worries whatsoever on a track maybe i could feel the benefit of the amazing aerodynamics but out here it's all down to these pirelli p0 courses some people accuse the aventador of being on rails of being completely stuck down but not true the steering is incredibly fast incredibly direct and it's constantly moving in your hands it's not bristling with feel but it gives you a sense of connection with the road and you know exactly what the car is doing at any given time it also has rear wheel steering so the turning is absolutely incredible it's not a small car the event although it's actually quite big but it feels a lot smaller than it is because it is so agile and so responsive and it's not heavy either 1600 kilos with 770 horsepower trust me that's pretty decent [Music] this rain is just horrendous but there's one last thing i want to talk about and that is the all-wheel drive system as you break into a corner it actually disengages the front axle so the car feels a lot more like a rear-wheel drive car it's quite astonishing and did i mention the noise did i mention the power all of which you get so much more of because there's no room it makes you feel completely alert completely alive this is the very definition of a supercar [Applause] with super unleaded coursing through its cylinders and adrenaline coursing through your veins you won't want to stop but it's inevitable you will no stimulant lasts forever especially one as potent as this it will beat you into submission forcing you to slow things down gather your thoughts and reflect on how much of this particular thrill you can actually take it might not be as technically impressive as the coupe its approach might not be as sophisticated as other supercars but that's almost irrelevant because in the svj roadster lamborghini has built a supercar that will stimulate you like no other [Music] you
Channel: AutoTrader
Views: 286,958
Rating: 4.9393001 out of 5
Keywords: Lamborghini aventador svj roadster, lamborghini aventador svj roadster, aventador svj roadster, svj convertible, svj roadster review, svj review, lamborghini review, lamborghini exhaust, lamborghini sound, aventador sound, aventador svj sound, aventador svj acceleration, aventador svj roadster acceleration, aventador svj 0-60, aventador svj 1/4 mile, aventador svj vs, best supercar, convertible lamborghini, lamborghini vs, lamborghini top speed, Rory reid, Autotrader uk
Id: kWa20wfQUu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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