Lady BURSTS into TEARS as She Finds Out ROOF is Completely FREE!

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thank you don't cry no it's just all the I've been through in the last when my dad died all at once you're going to make me cry hi morning I was just riding by I want to give you my business card notice you have really old GS in your house I want to offer to replace it for you okay how much would something like that cost I would do it for free no nothing's for free it's for free cuz that's what I do have my own business room my younger brothers we're giving back to community go out once a week and providing free free services it doesn't sound right nothing's free no not to be funny nothing's free but once a week we go out usually weekends we find a house that needs some work done and we offer a homeowner to do some free work on their house oh hey if it's free go ahead but I'd have to think if you wanted I'd have to read everything with fine print just to make sure I'm very ly I work for insurance uh so I'm very ly when it comes to contract so if you want to write a consent I I'll happy to sign it for you they I'm doing everything for free so it's a gutters so these things the the white ones the the one they leaking here they look they look really old yeah so I replace them with the front and at the back of a house and it's free completely free yeah but you're losing no on money then if it's completely free it's giv back to the community we do it once a week what's a metal roof cost on a house like this how would a metal roof cost yeah like around 10,000 maybe a little more cuz those are the permanent roofs we do it with the wood strapping and we once we put our Mel roof on the house the roof stays there yeah I'll do it for you right now that's what I'm saying I'm here with my guys in the van I have all the materials ready so we're doing it right now want talk yeah no problem hi hey how's it going D how are you good good man yeah so I just find your wife what we do how we give back to community by going out once a week providing free services so I notice you have a really old guts in your house and if you guys want I can do it for you completely free of charge yeah what what I have to get my shoes on from yeah the other problem with this house is I got the for girls getting in the attic and they go going through the wood how much would you charge do you do that kind of stuff or do what I'll show you I'd have to get behind here but they've got the wood chew through they going through the wood yeah behind the fish yeah then I went through the roof no not through the roof but I I don't see where they're going through here though um I I don't have materials to do that right now if you want not right now I'm just saying in the future yeah there's something that can definitely give you help you out with if you can give me a price on that down the road down the road no problem what I can offer right now is just to replace your gutters on the house okay yeah the white ones I think these are plastic yeah and they're I see they're leaking everywhere so oh yeah you're going to get a brand new seamless ones straight run aluminum 5 in so the problem's going to be sold for you okay and then down the road we can give you a call and give you a price for our stuff that sounds good no problem man I'll work with you yeah what's your name my name is ever I'm I'm nice to meet you yeah so that's my van right here okay we're going to leave it on the street yeah yeah I just need to use a power outlet yep inside here hi everyone welcome back to rud Roofing in today's episode we are taking you along on an incredible journey just a few moments ago I approached a random house with a offer that seemed too good to be true free G replacement the homeowner a lady who works for insurance company greeted me with understandable skepticism I mean who offers anything for free these days right as we talked she called her husband over and he shared their ongoing struggle with the animal sneaking into their roof it was clear they needed more than just a g replacement here's the big surprise my brothers and I decided to take things up a notch we are going to give this lovely couple a brand new metal roof absolutely free this isn't just a makeover it's a complete transformation they will permanently solve their problem with the roof and those pesy animals but we can't do this without your support the best way to help us continue doing what we love and keep bringing smiles to more homeowners is by subscribing to our Channel your support means the world to us so stick around watch the whole video and witness the amazing transformation of this house trust me you don't want to miss their reaction to our surprise is the moments like these that make every nail every screw and every metal panel worth it stay tuned and let's make some roofy magic [Music] happen [Music] St hey more [Music] t [Music] hey guys we with me today working installing brand new guts and it's super windy out here as you can see let me show you the view and this house we're working on has a lot of damages from the animals ripping off the old vents lot of shingle damage and you can see how they've been getting trying to get into the attic throughout the vents and also ripping off the shingle from the roof and trying to get behind the fascia board so the Gs are finished and we have a solution for this problem as well so make sure to watch the whole video and see what happens [Music] [Music] bye [Music] hi hey BOS how are you we're finished how are you y so as you can see these ones won't give you any problems that's awesome no connection straight aluminum large Square pipes you're going to have them permanently yeah you want water or anything like that sure we can have some water yeah like I said it's not ice cold that's okay I like we like it like like that better so you like it yes yeah we also did the same thing in the back okay perfect man I noticed the thing what you're telling me about yeah the situation with there is like there was no facial board at all right okay so the they were just aluminum cing the rafters and the gutters were bolted into the rafters so the animals were just ripping off the shingle and going behind yeah can you guys fix that type of thing down the road or yeah yeah that's something we can definitely do you can give me a price and the you have a card and everything or yeah I I you're going to give me a bunch of them too so sure yeah how how do you like it wow 100% better I told him to give me a price on fixing out that wood and all that so I actually have another surprise for you guys we see the issues you have with the problem here and how animals are trying to get in ripping off the shingle and everything so we're going to install a brand new steel roof on your house completely free no yeah no I pay you some money we're doing completely free for you guys no I'm going to give you some money don't have to give me anything we're doing completely free for you guys to solve your problems temp permanently wow yeah okay you're getting gift certificates or something Whip or but water oh my God that's amazing so I'll give you guys a call in a in a week or so cuz we we're installing throughout the weekdays right we have like three four roofs we don't have to be home do we yeah you guys are going to be home I'll let you know when it's is coming we have to deliver the truck at the at the driveway it's going to come a big truck with a crane unload all the materials and everything I'm going to call you confirm which color you guys prefer what do you like the profile and it's going to be completely transformed with the gutters and the brand new steel roof you get it's a different house and no more animals getting in not just yeah it's like cuz the these ones they come with a special drip edge that's going to go straight to the gutter right it's going to lock it in from the outside no animals getting in it's still lifetime warranty so you're good no problem man I'm glad we helped you guys I'm glad you like it we thank you don't cry no it's just all the I've been through in the last few years yeah it's been H for everyone the last since the co here and everything people getting laid off when the dad died all at once yeah oh this is awesome man yeah no guys you're not doing I you're going to get something you're going to make me cry I I I'm going to get vouchers dinner vouchers and all that stuff we appreciate it we appreciate it and let's stay in touch give us a couple weeks okay and we give you a call I'm going to take you guys phone number yeah we have the address and we'll see you then okay you got his phone number yeah I'll take it right now okay oh thank you so much no problem no problem you see you soon thank you so much you guys oh my God my hands are like I cold was yeah this one's extra okay you can take it take yeah let me just get the phone number I don't what you prefer you want to go with a red or with a black or with a dark brown light brown or with a gray roof you're doing it for nothing you do whatever color you I want you guys to be happy so your house looks like exact how you want it cuz this roof is going to be there for a very long time blue maybe yeah blue no blue we a there's black there's black gray I have gray yeah Gray great great yeah sounds good perfect we keep in touch and I'll see you in two weeks some your cards or going yeah let me give you right now okay guys take care give me touch okay one week later sorry about that worries man laying down I fell at work the other day yeah you told me yeah everything okay yeah you busted your head oh yeah oh how' that happen I was just walking across the driveway and I watch tripped over the curb and I went head first into the door frame oh it's a big cut yeah so while I came back today I actually lost the measurements of the roof so I'm going to remeasure the roof right now and we're coming back this Friday oh you sure yeah yeah okay yeah so we're just going to come go I'm going to go on the roof right now double check the measurements put in an order and we have the installation book for this Friday okay perfect yeah we're going to be here Friday morning man okay so go back to your sleep we won't bu anymore we here we going be here for like 5 minutes that's it that's hello yeah good morning good morning are you home y I am yeah I'm outside are you okay yeah I'm coming okay I'll see you at the front door hi morning morning how are you good how are you good wa coming okay perfect yeah hi hey how are you good nice to see you guys yeah so I'm just waiting for the for the truck to come deliver all the materials he's going to load everything here on the driveway and we're going to get it going he should be here in minute now okay great yeah morning guys so we're here at the address now waiting for the truck to deliver materials and soon we'll be getting [Music] [Applause] [Music] starting [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] so this is what we were talking about when we said they were going behind the facial board you can see here squirels brought the Apple into the house and all along because there no house has no fascia they just been getting in and bringing their stuff here so now our drip edge is going to go lock here from the outside all going to be [Music] [Music] sealed [Music] [Music] oh you can see the lake out there Lake [Music] Ontario [Music] a [Music] he [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] yeah everything's going good so far soon we going to have a break so I don't know maybe guys want pizza yeah or Subs better Subs huh Subway sandwiches whatever okay whatever you guys want thank you boss just let me know what you want on them yeah you can order we're going to have a break in like half an hour okay uh she's got a pad what do you want on the subs what kind of Subs uh what are the options whatever you want I just take sub regular so yeah like a ham okay yeah with ham cheese lettuce assorted or [Music] yeah [Music] there shinkle [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he so's finished just going to take our equipment off and go take a break I think the home owners got us some sandwiches so let's go check it out he thank you guys for sandwiches yeah we just finished the strapping so now we're going to take a break and then we're going to go start doing the steel yeah now you can see what it looks like the the the profile it's it's called select it's like a tile roof sorry you want anything else no no no thank [Music] you so there's the starter flashing with a drip edge going into the gutter so everything's locked so no more animals getting in it's all along like that see perfect [Music] cool ni [Music] thanks [Music] what [Music] okay [Music] don't [Music] want [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] d [Music] oh [Music] coffe huh coffee perfect warm them up yep okay us is better this we can have it quicker right maybe 5 minute break right now one more side yeah only front left and then the the rich cap the closing Gables and that's it I'm keeping the fingers crossed so rain stop doesn't today yeah I don't think so yeah I don't think it's going to rain today yeah guess hectic around this time before winter everyone wants to get the roof down before the snow right yeah so it's crazy all the leftovers we're going to put it on this kit and guys going to come tomorrow pick everything up okay yeah so it's only going to be blocking your driveway overnight so how does it look to how does it look to you guys so far you like it I I went around the corner you saw the back yeah I saw the back I walked over a couple times yeah so so I did all the new flashings around the chimney okay there's a there's a big back panel in the back so all the water is going to be going on the sides everything seal from the top don't worry about it anymore everything is TI to the G yeah have you told any of your family you got a roof for free my Mom and Dad yeah what did they say no no way you're I watched some of your videos too are you final videos okay great yeah so how long you guys been living in this house uh uh since 92 ' 92 yeah and when was the roof down last time well we had a guy come in to repair it because the wind blew the shingles off the one time on the back so he came and fixed it uh-huh but I don't know probably 15 15 years yeah yeah okay huh let's go back yeah we can't finish holding right now you need it warmed up later I'll warm it up thank you so much yeah put in the van [Music] oh the [Music] TR [Music] [Music] o [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] almost done finishing details maybe another 15 minutes and we're done there wood on the bottom so we do membrane for the whole house we open Ridge venting we do vertical wood strapping then horizontal one so there's like a 2in air gap between the original roof and a steel roof perfectly vented and still on top once once you get this roof installed you can forget about the roof I know me I have a house in forland I know [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] okay that's it perfect everything is finished what do you guys think oh everything looks beautiful those at the bottom those are called snow guards that's what I was going to ask you yeah yeah those are snow guards so when the snow goes down usually you see those bars yeah but these are horseshoe ones so they hold less amount of snow and also when the snow falls down it breaks into smaller pieces so it's much more efficient than those bars wow yeah you guys did an amazing job thank you guys perfect I'm glad you like it I'm glad your wife's happy with the color oh the color is perfect yeah happy what about the design you like this design oh that's nice yeah perfect it's amazing okay guys don't go away I got something for you guys you guys don't have to give us anything huh we love what you did you guys are nice everything's perfect you guys work your asses off and it looks really good yeah we really appreciate it we can't take money we're not taking money cuz what we do we we help our community by going out helping but you know what this is to buy your listen what what I what we going to do get gift cards and I thought no you guys go give it to someone else pass it along we started we did your house you have a new roof so what you guys are going to do you guys go find someone else who you think need their money and give it to them is that okay no you guys no I'm telling you take some please uh I appreciate like I took it right but I'll be more happy if you go and get someone who else need it so we we started and now we just spread you know what I mean you guys worked hard all day that's okay we do it we we we are used to this our job we do this every day for us is it's not that hard we've actually passed it on at restaurants before where we and we bought people meals we yeah but I want to treat you you and you for dinner you already offered us well we'll feel much better if you just continue what we started okay if you won't if you won't do that at least at least so much listen thank you so much we appreciate it you guys are amazing okay I hope you thank you I hope you're going to feel better soon with your head oh thank you yeah you're welcome let's take one photo together in front of the house perfect okay perfect perfect oh thank you oh my God I will do you have cards more cards yeah I did put some at work yeah perfect I did I hope you got some business today yeah there's one gentleman just passed by he really he really likes it yeah he he really likes so he he told me if I give him a good price he's definitely going to get a roof and as far as warranty all the work we did you guys have full warranty so any problems down the road just give me a call I'll happy to come back but nothing yeah there won't be any issues we really appreciate it I appreciate it I just wish you would just thank you guys thank you guys so much okay go to the store you or something it's okay you know I know but oh my God we appreciate it well I work on motor app so if you ever need something you come and see me perfect yeah you can give me your business card if I ever need anything I'll give you a call hang on one second yeah I actually I have your number over I'll just give you a call I'm at enter Motor Sales so you ever need anything I'm glad I meet you guys you guys are very nice people oh wow I appreciate it like oh I'm going to put big choose a r house that's amazing like how do you guys like like I hope you get a lot of business cuz I'm going to go on there and I'm going to perfect really thank you guys okay you're welcome now we're going to head home yeah go enjoy your night the guy's going to come come up tomorrow and pick up all the materials okay okay
Views: 1,096,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: imHvuqUwcI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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