Homeowner in Big TROUBLE when GOLIATH Hedge took over his YARD!

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hey do do you own the property here yeah okay I came uh I came yesterday my name's Justin that's a lawn care guy but um me and my sons we go out every week in the neighborhood uh one day a week and just look for properties that need help and stuff like that and offer our services for free okay cool and um I had talked to the lady yesterday and I saw maybe you had been having trouble with your your your bush getting your bush trimmed down yeah um we could take care of that for you today I appreciate that watch people watch on TV okay yeah yeah blessing boys so we have a YouTube channel and awesome awesome very cool great cuz I'm having a whole lot of trouble right now my truck just blew up yesterday and oh no way wow yeah I can really use the help yeah that would be great do you have a specific height that you want it you can cut it about right there if you want to okay cut it all the way down perfect if that's too much for you cut it down that low cut it low you can cut it you know just no lower than that oh yeah yeah we won't go any lower than that we'll get it down as far as we can and uh sure it looks good and stuff I appreciate it awesome we'll stop back by thanks a lot cool [Music] Yep this uh is for sure the Goliath of all bushes this thing is got to be about 15 16t high and we're taking off oh man hey this is Justin from the blessing boys today as you can see we will be attempting to conquer the Goliath of all Hedges and this bad boy is about 15t high from what I can tell and has completely overtaken this man's yard as you heard the homeowner has gone through some Series of Unfortunate Events lately so we are glad to step in and take this burden off his back before the city gets involved and he has more problems on his hand so today we'll start by first cleaning up the trash that people have unfortunately thrown into this area and then we'll start from the right side trimming the outside of the Hedge and then we'll move to the inside of the Hedge taking it section by section until we work our way all the way around now this home sits at a very busy Street intersection so I apologize for all the traffic but hey at least we know many people will notice the DraStic difference in this and hopefully be inspired by this transformation hey now this one is one you'll want to hang out to the end for since we actually will get to see the reaction of his wife who shares a little bit more about their situation and then you get to see the incredible before and after photos of this massive job that took us multiple days to finish hey thanks for watching today we appreciate the support now let's get right into this yard w [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] God [Music] spe [Music] all right so a little up State this uh is for sure the Goliath of all bushes this thing is got to be about 15 16t high and we're taking off oh man at least 6 to 8 ft off of this bush so I'm using the pole uh hedge trimmer and it's getting kind of heavy and so it's it's wearing my shoulders out real quick so you may see me in a minute switch back and forth from the hand tool to that depending on which one I need just to give my shoulders a little bit of break but um I want to show you up here I'm going to kind of give you a view cuz we're doing the outside then we're going to go inside like what this actually looks like up top I mean we barely barely nicked this thing so far so we got a lot of work ahead of us but man is it going to look good when it's done yes [Music] SC [Music] a all right so we just finish the first section on the outside so we're going to come around to the inside and start working on that we'll take it one section of a Time looks like there's about three or four big sections but we want to clear out the inside before we move on to the next section you can kind of see from the inside looks like we've done nothing but we're going to cut it out and keep moving forward [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] a the we so the more we help people the more our names and information gets out on the internet which can be a good thing unless it gets into the wrong hands like data Brokers and thanks to the sponsor of this video delete me I have now been able to fight back and get a lot of that information out of their hands you see data Brokers are corporations that gather big amounts of your personal information not just mine like Social Security numbers addresses birth dates and they package it all together and sell it to advertisers and businesses crazy right well this is where delete me comes in they're a handsfree subscription service that will help remove your personal information from hundreds of data broker websites all year long because the data Brokers they don't stop so check this out just in my first report they reviewed over 2,000 listings of over 100 data Brokers and found that 73 of them had my personal information they were then able to remove 157 of those listings and will continue to monitor my 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this thing [Music] out [Music] a w oh [Music] [Music] just want to say real quick uh the bush has some natural es and flows in it so I'm trying to get it as straight as possible but you're going to notice there's going to be some bare spots and some spots where it kind of dips in 6 or 8 in now what I'm not going to do is go in 6 or 8 in just to make it perfectly straight so you'll probably notice in the end that it won't it's not going to be perfectly straight it's not that type of bush or it's not that healthy of a bush um so I just wanted to let you guys know that so if you see where it kind of dips a little bit uh that's the reason why [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh a what is it Judah it's a big bird nest in here a lot of Le it's empty ah it's empty yeah cool well it's right under where we're cutting so we'll leave it there yeah so that the birds can come back and use it yeah pretty cool yeah oh now I just got to get down careful it's tall how tall is this thing I don't know probably like I'm 49 so probably like 4T I was talking about the bush oh 10t no 12 to the top yeah probably 12 to 15t but 12 to 15t cool all right we got a lot of work to do oh a [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] God a all right Judah wants to show you guys something something cool happened what happened I lost it too you lost a tooth let's see oh bet you never seen that on a l care video a tooth pop out it was loose and it was a baby tooth so it's a good thing but yeah pretty cool how's the job so far uh we're actually moving really fast moving a lot faster than we were yesterday huh yeah I don't know what it's today but some click just like this ladder yeah you think we're going to conquer this Goliath Bush or what uh-huh I don't know we got like four 4 hours left so yeah it's going to be hard but well let's get to work a oh keep oh [Applause] a power one [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh a the [Music] oh oh oh what [Music] this [Music] oh [Music] yeah what oh all right so I'm up there you know obviously I can't get the camera up high enough to for you guys to see completely down in this massive Bush but there's something like I don't know like three feet away from me when I'm up top and I don't know if I'm crazy or not but it looks it looks like a baby stroller in in a a 15ft tall Bush which which a lot of questions come into my head um like how how did you get that in there but I I could be wrong so I want you guys to to try and guess with me I'll know when we get to the inside of this bush and we start um cutting it out but uh I'm going to show you I see I don't know it looks like the little top canopy I can't tell maybe it's not I don't know I don't really know what it is but I don't know if it's giving you a good shot of it but I thought it'd be fun to wait and see to either see how spot on my guess was or how completely far off it is but that would be really interesting hopefully there's no baby in it [Music] a the he all right guys we are on the inside of the Bush now as you can see we're in the home stretch and me and the boys are both thankful uh we're all thankful because it's getting we're getting pretty whooped this will probably be uh the toughest part only because we've got to maneuver around a bunch of stuff so we're going to have to kind of cut the sides there and um we've got a bunch of stuff in our way so but once we get through with that should be a straight shot and we will get this thing finished up and get that customer's reaction for you we're also going to try and find out if that's really a stroller in that bush so hang in there w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh go a [Applause] oh all right we got it um I was wrong but in a you know in a minute you'll see why I thought that is actually some kind of chair look yeah it's one of those chairs but so on the back I was looking at it like this and you see how that it looked like from a distance it looked like the top part of a stroller and maybe this was the handle but once we flipped it around it was actually uh one of those kind of disc shaped seats so I was wrong but still interesting you think in your head like how did that how did that get in there who took the took the time to actually launch that thing up there but let's go strange but that's what it is should I sit in there yeah what should I sit in there probably not it looks kind of looks a little dirty it looks just a tiny bit how excited are you Judah that we're on the last stretch so excited this like one of the hardest drugs we've ever done it really is it really is going to lie cuz like if we' cut it so short and it was like so tall and there's like binds and stuff and like it's so thick to cut through I can't even explain it all right let's get back to work yep finish it up [Music] no this was actually good job was it he did a real good job yeah yeah about once or twice a year I have a friend who will come over oh that's awesome so the timing is good huh yeah like I don't have the energy between and everything else but to see your boys working so hard [Applause] yeah yeah it's a little easier to maintain when it's when it's cut one B time Tred to take down I can't see anything around my right of gives you a little bit of protection and privacy that road we have a what [Music] hey yeah hey
Channel: Blessing Boys
Views: 336,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn transformation, overgrown yard, insane overgrown yard, mowing transformation, mowing for free, the blessing boys, blessingboys, blesing boys, tall grass mowing, free cleanup, yard cleanup, blessing brothers, transformation, hedge trimming, giant hedge, bush, giant bush
Id: VuzFXsWqYbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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