Jim's Roof COLLAPSED! As We Started His Garden Rescue.. (Jim Ep1)

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take off morning Jim, you alright? you alright? Nah I've been  hospital, today? I went the weekend   bit of a heart attack, No way but I'm all right well  I'm not right but I'm all right yeah let me out   there um 12:00 Sunday night oh yeah I'm flying  this can see from there I wonder what you was   doing. I'm a bit wobbly, hold on to the bin um. you got too much going on  you have yeah well ain't just the art I've got   me um your wife I've got me cancer so just so  um frustrating that you can't do nothing   have you always been quite hands on as well yeah yeah I've  never in my life asked anyone for any help. Landing   they're going to come and do my garden, brilliant init. yeah I couldn't believe it I thought they was getting me at it I said to me wife they do it cuz  she she's bed bound with them now. I had a bad day   was at Friday roof Collapsed in the kitchen in bed a  bang I thought someone was breaking in basically   the whole deck's gone the only thing that's  holding it up is the rafters that's that's   just felt I just can't thank yous enough  hello everyone and welcome back to the channel   Ben from Flawless cleaning and today we're doing  something completely different we're helping out   the lovely jim this is going to be quite a crazy  series I mean we're going to start off we got   to find a severe leak and I have no idea where  it could Be oi plonker you going to make the tea?   better do that first but yeah come join us I'm  going to stop waffling and let's get cracking it's been overlaid about three times completely soaked underneath. well there's no going back now least they stuck it down well hello mate this is the best bit me knee there, see you later Ben I got you boy  I'm going with you.. six layers on there and there's just the wood oh chippings  we can spread them around the garden yeah   yeah so before long the lot would of came in, oh yeah was only literally   the felt probably this flashband look you can  see it's full of water probably that flashband   the only thing that was stopping it from  actually yeah that's the actual deck oh there we like termites, yeah completely soaked. Roots growing out there. that's grown under the roof all right Jim we'll sweep that in a bit mate even this is so it's nowhere near the leak one two three careful that bit soft power, energy crew reload I don't know what I would have done with out you's, it's all good mate I'm not worried about myself it's just the old lady. if I pop my clogs she ain't got to worry. £5 if you drink some of that? no what's it with the money challenges and I really appreciate don't know how much I  appreciate you oh good honestly fantastic what's   today been like then in words must be a bit much  no I was getting emotional yeah it's going to be   a lot overwhelming is it someone's gifting you  something like that it's a bit it is actually   when the dad first come over here and he said that  we do your garden I said what's catch yeah I'm a east ender I'm going to say that yeah he said no catch  do it then you come over and explain to me all   about it yeah the videos and whatnot yeah and  uh I said to me whys over there going come and   andone going to come to our garden she said we  can't afford it I I told him that they're going   to do it for nothing no it's a catch but what  I do I One open it I'll lift the blind up and   get her out of bed and let her have a look yeah.  Rough and Ready this one, are these yours? yeah oh my wife Samantha Theo and Arthur.  Peggy it's Theo, Peggy it's Arthur hello hello you   all right we say hello we just finished it day one  at Jimms but how's it going you know what it went   quite well for the roof like coming off and that  so oh you going start digging now are you seem to   really enjoy he there can all right so today  has been full on but great start the I think   it's now watertight so and got to put the final  layer on the roof or something I'm not going to   talk technical to you cuz it's pointless but it's  going really well and yeah we're just starting to   clear the driveway a bit but half of the drive is  covered in um type one or something like stones   so not sure what to do that but we'll carry on  clearing it and yeah start looking nice just   look at all that I'm try and get some drone shots  to show you the sheer size of this Garden [Music] j for? I have a little peep Jim that's lovely no more hole all that's brilliant and you've done that look   we're well we're halfway through we're halfway  through that bit got the lead ready as well   for there go in there didn't have any lead  flashings or anything amazing that's why   I call you the Magnificent 4, see that one  there Colin at conifer yeah my wife paid one   pound for that in a pound shop and it was as  big as this one you got it there yeah lovely you want one boys what one do you want that's Lemonade or orange. well Jim I sorted it just like  I promised I got you m got oh I love   you man honestly you're all good I don't know  what to say it's good mate all good we'll get   step one new roof step 400 on the on  the way to get with the rest done but   we'll get there. let the games  begin welcome to Jim's jungle so new little bit of Kit from kresss you still  want your toenails clipped yeah go for it there you go I never would have been able to afford it, all I was going to do was get you know the   stuff not like that I Tarp in oh no I was going  to get the the felt you put on the shed but you   nail down oh okay and try and do that but yeah  I couldn't do that but I keep thinking it was   funny it was just the next day after we finished  it it rained that night and I got up and I looked   at the window and I had a big smile on me face  oh good I thought I ain't going to go down and   I've got to start emptying water out cuz that's  why I that big right okay CLI that you got empty   out she we can't thank him enough him I so now  we can't but it's all good this is just a start   honestly you you wa to see what's going to happen  honestly you're brilliant you won't believe it I   keep saying it but you are you won't honestly  I don't really know what to say just thank you   thank you for watching these videos just being  a part of this community commenting liking the   video whatever you're doing cuz we're just look  what we've done there's a fresh roof on here and   that was episode one as you can see behind me  look how far that goes back but we're going to   reclaim it all just lift the weight off of Jim  and Jean's shoulders hopefully they can get them   back out there and sort this area out but yeah  just honestly just grinning like a chesher cat   is absolutely just an unreal Journey so thank you  so much and obviously thanks to my old man Colin   Nick just they always give it 110% and yeah a big  thank you to my Uncle Paul as well he's got rid   of a lot of waste for us so it's just yeah it's  it's unreal anyway I will see you in episode so cheers I don't know where it could be coming from   wait plonker you going to make another cup  of tea all right we'll do but yeah so
Channel: Flawless Cleaning Services
Views: 157,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roofing, roof replacement, roof collapsed, transformation, makeover, restoration, helping others, helping hands, community, community giveback, satisfying, oddly satisfying, kindness, emotional, happiness, bexley, bromley, helping Jim, flawless blessings, kress, kress commercial, father and son, diy sos, garden rescue, help
Id: EfdJHXc5dhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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