Ladies Give Hints That Men Completely Missed [LOL] (r/AskReddit)

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I'll slash ask reddit laters what is the most obvious hint you've dropped that went unnoticed by a guy as a guy I once had a girl climb in my bed and cuddle with me just thinking she must be cold now she's putting her hand in my pants to keep it warm now she's putting my hand in her pants to keep it warm she's such a considerate friend okay I get it lady I'll turn up the heat stop with this passive-aggressive crap already I literally whisper duck me in a seductive manner and he responded with what's wrong he thought I was saying duck me in a negative way duck me that's one oblivious man you'll write you can always talk to me I sent her tit pic once and the guy just loved kinda makes a girl not wanna do that anymore did you put some thought into it or was it just a close-up of a boob face was in the pig he asked to see my bad tattoos and I thought it was the perfect excuse to send a full-on tit pic to win his attention I'm gonna go out on a limb and say misguides aren't missing the signals just they don't want to take it the wrong way they don't want to be the guy who jumped to conclusions and is labeled a creep or charged with XL harassment or mess with a good friendship another underrated point after weeks of him staying over late he was friends with my roommate so we could hang just the two of us I gathered up my liquid courage and sat in his lap and kissed him we did that for a while but when I was like let's go to my room he asked me why and like with complete pokerface so I panicked and was like to finish the movie the movie had ended we both stared at the credits and then he was like well it's late can I kiss you one more time before I go Jesus Christ he was thick tbh back before I ever got laid I was not used to girls liking me so when an day this girl came over and was kissing me i legit didn't know if I should make a move because I thought she'll get scared it can happen my usually no more maybe she's just being nice maybe this is how she treats everyone on the first date I went on with my husband we were sitting next to each other really close and I looked up at him and moved closer to his face and he said can I help you I do this to my wife all the time just to annoy her she pays me back by having Perpetual cold feet and hands and uses me as a way to warm the map reading this thread makes me feel so much better about my obliviousness nice thing about me is that I'm so ugly that no one flirts with me ever or are you just oblivious to it if I have learned anything in my 30 something years alive it's that if you want to sleep with a man you basically have to come out and tell him because they do not take hints well lots of guys have been burned I've misread signals and into forward leading to awkward whoa what the dark law I was just making conversation I've been flirted with by women who just wanted to flirt / get attention not have X with me or even date me last and most important most men are terrified of miss reading something and ex alia salting a woman if you say why don't you come over and we'll watch a movie together lots of guys will think now she could mean X but the risks to Egger / reputation / violating her rights are too great let's assume it's just a movie nothing can go wrong with that assumption during the movie she says like I just haven't been ducked into the law so a guy might think okay that sounds like she wants to knock me however if we are just friends this could just be something she wants to get off her chest I don't want to be a creep also this is a pretty compromising situation and things could look bad if I step over a line better not acts let's see if this goes any further this I'm not oblivious to what you're saying / doing I'm just not willing to put my foot on the gas until I see nothing but green lights I told my now boyfriend that I was attracted to him he assumed that I meant I thought he was aesthetically attractive but not into him myself same boil so miss me watching an entire football game with him in a pub leaning on him the entire time despite me saying I had never watched football before and thought it was boring and then walking home holding his hand as an indication of how much I liked him the team he's supporting probably just lost the match not much can cheer up a man from watching his team lose I mean if I was a Liverpool fan last week I'd be out for a while had this ridiculously attractive girl sitter seats down from me in a college writing class some kids had between us réguel proceeds to mean-girl the hit out of this kid next class he sits somewhere else she slides her books over to his seat sits down next to me and says hi I'm your new partner we didn't have partners in this class after class she asks if she can email me a paper to critique I give her my an L address she sends me her number I text her saying here's my number - but I think you forgot to attach the paper never received the paper following the next class she asks me to walk her to her car it's 11 a.m. she claims to need to get something out of the backseat and then just sorta rummages around a very clean backseat bent at the waist calls back that she hopes I'm enjoying the view I sought a chuckled oblivious she gets out looks at me and says I'm a little surprised you didn't grab my ass maybe next time following class she literally takes my hand and places it on her ass looking me dead in the eye and says give it a squeeze I've met Predator drones less tenacious than air what are you supposed to XLE assault her on the chance she likes it duck no dude missed signal or not you did the right thing at her car I'm absolutely well aware of that this was a few months ago and I just got out of the military after a long enough time XL harassment and assault are two things very much on my mind when interacting with women edit at 769 upvotes I realize I probably don't need to clarify at this point but avoiding Excel harassment and assault are what's on my mind not just being at the Keely over here it's non ladies who suddenly remembered all the hints they lost and now uh smacking their peen for heads in shame and disbelief at being so dumb avoid this problem with one simple trick be so unappealing no woman would ever want you but what if you only think you're unappealing but in reality girls fawn over you but you're too thick to take the hint how about we get some girls to answer guys girls this is ridet boys this is read it I met a guy in New Orleans and after a lot of texting and talking we wound up having a second date in California I live in Colorado he's in Florida he had to run out to doing a few things and when he came back I was rolling a doobie in sunland jury out on the deck of our hotel room he legit just said hey you ready for dinner get dressed so we can go guy was hungry not thirsty he could have ate back an HSI sent a guy pictures of Mars wearing underwear he sent pictures back of his as in his boxers totally clueless until we met up again in college and hooked up now we've been together for almost four years I love my boyfriend even though he missed my obvious advances six seven years ago edit I did not expect this to blow up so much this is hilarious he sent pictures back of his as in his boxers that is so ducking hilarious oh man hit I've been on this when the guy may have now been married to for 15 years and I first started hanging out we spent a lot of time at a friend's house with the whole group I finally got him out to front porch alone one night hanging out on the couch there and I kept finding reasons to touch him and flirt with him I stole his watch and made him try to get it back from me we tickled each other and other flirty goofing around he told me after we started dating that he called the female friend later that night to ask her what she thought it meant if I was flirting with him one night we were at his house watching TV late and I kept throwing hints at him no dice we were literally spooning on the floor by the TV and I finally just said would you like to kiss me he's such a sweet wonderful man glad I finally got through his obliviousness aaww this one made me really happy I was at a girl's house that asked for help with homework when I walked into her dorm room she was in her underwear in bed and said climbing let's do homework here and I literally said I think I'll do it at the desk that way we can write easier what edit for any curious yes she decided to get out of bed and we ended up doing homework at the desk while she was still nearly nude if pain could be translated into words you have found a way I'm now squirming in agony thank you to continue the trend guy here to offer a disclaimer here I'm your textbook ugly duckling in terms of self esteem vs actual attractiveness apparently my first year in college I met a girl who was a friend of a friend of a friend like two circles removed she evidently had a fascination with me and I got word back that she was joking about wanting to marry me after we hung out twice in a group we ended up spending more and more time together and at one point I offered to show her this cool little decorative Aztec calendar I got that was in my room not thinking that hey come check out this thing in my dorm that I have to myself had some connotations to it we went and I showed it to her and she was just staring at me if memory serves she was actually biting her lip I then asked if there was anything else she wanted to do like grab coffee to my credit I dodged a huge bullet there but that's a very long story I also got along great with a friend of mine and I offered to let her stay with me during a rough patch in her living situation she was super cute and I thought she was way out of my league so I really did take it as a joke when she told me she would suck my penis or a dr. pepper when we went out to lunch on that first day she had a very F beep sense of humor so I don't feel like it was that much of a stretch to think she was joking as I found out later that night she was not kidding about that and she kept her promise best dollar I ever spent fast forward six months and we are exchanging wedding vows the dr. pepper landed me a wife so thanks dr. PEP pe our carrot TM ads are getting smarter edit spelling I'm not a bot friend that's absurd this isn't a clever ruse that's actually an advertising campaign nope not at all are you stressed out because of a modern world where you have to constantly analyze whether or not things are a targeted ad ask your doctor if the Knux is right for you if you get a prescription consider the cheap co-pays at Walgreens the corner of happy and healthy on the way home you should think about some spicy chicken nuggets from Wenders a girl once sucked on my middle finger in a bar and I thought she was just kidding around in my defense it was because we were talking about the grossest things we ever did edit based on the comments I just want to say I would like my body to be cremated that is all maybe she wanted you on that list this is the most savage thing I've seen all week I honestly don't know because I assume that if I'm being obvious and it floats on by that means he's noticing it all right but ignoring it because he's not interested so being even more obvious is just going to be uncomfortable and embarrassing I know read it like the narrative of women can always have what they want from guys but that's really bull here some of us like me just really don't want to get the wrong idea if I consider the person a good friend I tend to brush hints off as a joke even if I have feelings for her best thing to do for some guys is to just go for it unless it's obvious that they aren't into you those are just my two cents but I'm sure many can relate like the phone and the bra one it's obvious reading it on the internet but if that happened to me with one of my close friends I'd probably be like um can I please get my phone back out of fear of what had happened if I did make a move well I'm a lesbian but ladies don't always pick up on hints either on our third date I told my girlfriend I wasn't wearing any underwear and she just said I guess it's laundry day ha bless her heart that's pure May at 10.30 p.m. after a date hey do you want to come in Tim no in getting a cold sore me well okay then how about drinks later this week him if the cold sore is gone welp it went away and we are still dating six years later Jude refused your offer of x to prevent you getting the herb he wasn't oblivious he was being a GGG good guy Gauri anyone else notice that most top commenters have usernames that our average girl names with a between first and surname or lower nine months on reddit with very little post history wTF is going on some sort of bot edit they all seem to have disappeared now goodbye dear BOTS yeah it's BOTS what would be the purpose of having a bot generate karma on a thread like this is it so later comment in the accounts life are taken more seriously not a lady but hints that I didn't pick up at the time but later realized it wasn't one me and this girl watching a movie moves closer to me puts head on shoulder about five minutes tries to hold my hand I jumped watching a scary movie which I can't handle causing our heads to hit she moves back to the other side two went on this date afterwards I offered to walk her back to her house it was a college town so she only lived like two miles away get to her house offers me to come inside for a couple of drinks declined due to having plans with friends proceeds to wait at the door for something I don't know watched waiting for so I wave tell her to have a good night and go on my jolly way back to my place God thinking about I have so many stories which just makes me sad one thing I've learned is if she's lingering she wants something a sock with guys linger all the time for no reason but we shouldn't assume others do what accounts what are the most obvious answers you jerked from past our screwed threads that went unnoticed nothing like can subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 818,048
Rating: 4.915009 out of 5
Keywords: Girls get pissed, girls give hints, dating advice, how to pick up girls, how can i tell if a girl likes me, askreddit girls give hints, askreddit how to get girls, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, r/, r/askreddit, best of reddit, top posts of all time, toad films, tz reddit, updoot reddit, reddit and chill
Id: ju1vsJ_12xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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