Obvious Signs She Wants To F**k That Guys Missed...(r/AskReddit)

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girls what was the most obvious hint you dropped and the guy just didn't get it we were playing life and he was the police officer the rule is if you spin a ten he gets your speeding fines I literally pulled open my button-down and exposed my breasts and said what can I do to get out of paying this he said mom I am an officer of the law are you trying to prostitute yourself to me a couple days of flirting and sexual innuendo later are literally had to spell out that I was trying to F him we've been together six years now I'm the guy in this situation but I couldn't help not sharing this story in college this girl I was really into asked if I wanted to hang out at my dorm and drink and watch Netflix she came over and we were watching and drinking on the couch in the living room for my suggestion things are going good and about an hour into it she says ooh let me see your room so we go to my room she takes her shoes and socks off and immediately sprawls herself out on my bed and says oh my god your bed is so comfortable I responded with we live in the same building it's the same bed as yours she left about ten minutes later we were talking about canoes and I said I'm like a canoe because I'm wet and you can go inside me and he said canoes aren't really wet edit some ppl think he was rejecting me but we ended up dating for two years he told me my hair looked nice I said bet it would look nicer with your hands in it he said in a very confused tone you want me to style your hair edit glide one of your thought my mixed signals was worth silver when my boyfriend and I had just started dating we were laying down watching a movie but this was a small bed and he was being respectful and giving me space I kept wiggling backwards so I could get closer to him and he kept inching backwards too since he thought I was just trying to get comfortable and he was in the way he ended up sitting in a chair next to the bed three years later we are still together and I still think it's pretty funny he told me that when he was in the chair he purposefully left his hand next to me in case I wanted to hold it but I guess I missed that sign too he didn't get out of the bed because he was uncomfortable he truly thought he was taking up too much space and didn't realize I was trying to cuddle I threw my panties at him and he kept explaining God of War law after chatting for hours on top of a mountain from sunset until like 2:00 a.m. sharing a blanket me leaning my head on his shoulder telling him he's attractive etc he turns to me and says how do you tell if a girl is into you a couple of weeks ago two of my boyfriend of three years me undresses and lace naked on the couch waiting to bone him makes dumb joke who you're naked that's so weird me dies a little bit inside edit thanks for my first award guys glad some people thought this was funny I'm a guy but I once had an experience where I took the hint but still got rejected a girl had asked me if I lost my virginity yet we were in high school when I said I hadn't she said that I could practice on her whenever I want mind you be walking home after school because we lived close I try to act on this hint when we get to her house and she said she was only joking and doesn't wanted to be weird with us as friends I asked a guy on a festival to come take a shower with me he didn't get it he just repeated there was only one free shower and I was like well they are big I'm sure it's fine and he just looked confused and told me I could go first we became close friends since that happened about two years ago in this summer I spoke to him about it and he really had no idea he did the biggest fat perm I've ever seen before my boyfriend asked me out he kept hinting at the fact that we were both single and everyone though we would be queued together I was like haha yeah not realizing he was trying to ask me out for Valentine's a couple of years ago I mailed my husband a package the note said and I quote I want you now I was ready to spring into some extra fun sexy time whenever he opened the package I had to sit him down and explain a couple of hours later he was like aw before we started dating I told my current boyfriend I love you and he said oh I love you too you're such a good friend the whole time we thought we were both friends owning each other wasted half a year going in circles s mhm on our first date my current boyfriend and I went out to dinner to a bar and eventually back to his house to watch scary movies after hanging out for almost eight hours at that point practically cuddling into him the entire time we were watching movies dropping as many hints as I could around 3:00 a.m. when we were both fighting to stay awake I finally had to look his numbers in the eye and ask so are you going to kiss me or not though he was totally oblivious it did show his good heart he was about to let me me fall asleep on his couch and spend the night without even trying to kiss me I knew he was a keeper after that guy here but once had a girl dragged me into the bathroom while at a college party saying she needed help finding her marker pen we didn't find it and I figured out what was really going on a year later guy here was invited back to study by one of the girls in my class at her apartment we're about half HR in and she says she might take a shower I'm like okay kinda random but okay anyway she starts telling me the daughter the shower is broken so don't come in says it three or four more times again I'm like okay where'd she's said that multiple times but okay HR later the shower is still running I can hear her singing and humming away so I know she's okay and hasn't drowned thinking gee that's a long shower though water goes off and she comes out dressed and says you didn't come in I'm confused as I'm like WTF she told me not to she sits back down clearly distracted and not wanting to study we wrap up after five minutes drive home mate asks me how study was about two week later in the situation which I hadn't given a single brain cell of thought to since I explained to him as I'm saying it out loud the penny drops as to what a big F head I am complained I was a bit cold so he gave me a blanket I then told him there's space for two under the blanket in an obvious flirting tone he answered with no thanks I'm not cold I still tease him with it once in a while we are married now one time a girl straight up asked if I wanted to take my pants off and I didn't get it I was like nah they are actually not uncomfortable at all I'm a guy but I can share my density as the guy that missed the hints I went to a store where there was the girl I liked in college we used to small talk while I browsed and never bought anything bring a poor college student this time I came in the store and she said I and we chatted a bit while I shopped she complained I'm going to be home alone tonight my family is out of town I replied oh that's too bad she says I'm off at 5:00 today it was four at a time what are you up tonight I'm up for anything oh nothing just sitting at home and watching a movie my brain must have completely self destructed because the conversation ended there I never saw her again after that she either quit or was avoiding me I must have been in a daze from school to miss that cue we were discussing costumes and I sent a picture of me and my bunny suit and said I'd need help out of it his response was telling me he hoped my room mate to his home or though would suck I had to tell him I was implying I'd like him to take it off me and it took him a minute to catch up edit for those of you concerned it was very much a suggestive picture I'm not sure it could have been perceived as just friendly and no you won't be getting proof offset picture for those in my DMZ lol I was very much ready to hit him with the bat off bluntness because we get along great and he'd seemed flirty with me before literally said I want to be yours in the dude just keep smiling and goes on about random space facts that one hurt a bit invited him over to watch a movie eventually laying my legs across his lap and hard flirting but after four movies I had to finally make the move edit for clarification we'd been flirting via text sexting exchanging nudes etc I had previously told him to his face that I liked him and I'm giving him the green light to make any move still nothing after a month of dating I seem to always take the lead on things and I like assertiveness but I wanted to give him the opportunity to feel like he could be in control that it was okay I was very direct many times we've had several discussions about it still nothing even after I finally made the move I had to literally say I want to have intercourse with you woman with light skin tone shrugging I had a girl invite me round her house once just to show me her posters they were all out Harley Davidson motorbikes and she said she's never ridden a Holi before awkward silence and after a few other sort bits of small talk I decided to be on my way two years later I'm sitting on the bus and realized what she meant Harley ridden a Harley my name is Holly when I was about 35 I lived in a beach town near a university my neighbors were all college kids next door was two college girls one was always flirting with me one hit summer day she turned up at my door in nothing but a long t-shirt she asked if she could hang out in the account I said sure and she came over to the sofa I was sitting long ways on and later with her back to my chest and asked if we could snuggle I was okay with that she then asked me to rub her belly which I did as you can imagine after about an hour I was getting a little worked up and touched her breast while rubbing her belly she jumped up and stormed out I was like WTF she later said she didn't see me like that I asked her why she'd show up almost naked lay between my legs like couples do and ask my to rub her belly and then get pissed when I try to progress things she said she looks at me like a big brother I was like wTF is your family like not a girl but I was staying a night at a hotel and the hotel bar had just closed I went out front for a smoke and start chatting with two women we shoot the Kratt for a fee minutes and then all head back into the hotel into the elevator we get in they press 15 i press nine and one of them turns to me and says I don't suppose there's a secret bar on the ninth floor we can go to my dumbass respose no but you can grab a cab and be at a bar in ten minutes then the doors open and I leave Edit this is my most upvoted comment cool he invited me to his house to watch a movie after a few dates he ended up playing League of Legends for hours while I was laying in his bed and asked him many times if he would like to join sorry just one more match we dated for two years we matched on one ball dating up back the girl has to talk first and I started a convo with him he thought I just matched him because we were friends euhh no it's a dating app we didn't start dating until almost a year after that we are married now I once was modeling clothes I plan to take on vacation from my boyfriend after showing off a couple of outfits I told him to close his eyes and changed into Lasher he opened his eyes and I asked him what he thought his jaw dropped and he said you can't wear that outside I put my clothes back on I went out of my way to come in early and talk to this guy every day for like a month before someone else told him I was into him I also repeatedly told him I liked him he thought I was just being nice a guy I'm currently seeing invited me camping earlier this month we were cuddling and I noted how nice the showers are in the bathroom at the provincial park I said they're really warm and lots of space for two people trying to hint for him to join me for sexy time this man without missing a beat says actually you could fit like 10 people in those showers we laughed about it really hard the next weekend and he said I knew what you were getting it but my brain just wanted to answer it logically [Music] you
Channel: AskSheep
Views: 3,032,073
Rating: 4.9420047 out of 5
Keywords: reddit addiction, askreddit, reddit funny stories, reddit stories, reddit viral, top reddit posts, askreddit top posts, r/askreddit, hints a girl like you reddit, reddit obvious signs a girls likes you, reddit signs a girl wants to hook up
Id: 0YjW1AJYRtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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