24-Hour Food Tour in Los Angeles (Popular Eats & Hidden Gems)

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I love you Los Angeles California there's not a lot to say about this place that hasn't been said before we love it here and we come back time and time again mostly to eat stick around for a comprehensive food tour across this sprawling City we'll share delicious Market finds La street food and incredible Korean food in K-Town so the thing about La is you absolutely need a car to get around and a lot of your time will be spent doing exactly what we're doing right now sitting in a car on a freeway passing by palm trees and all that good stuff so definitely recommend you renting a car when you come here for sure the public transport is not great I don't recommend it and yeah it's kind of part of the fun honestly like there's something very romanticized about driving on Sunset Boulevard and watching all the palm trees go by our first stop the Grand Central Market in downtown Los Angeles we're at the donut man we weren't planning on doing donuts for breakfast but here we are sometimes you just gotta follow your heart you can see they're making everything on the premises here there's a bunch of donuts just deep frying in a huge pot of oil you can see them rolling out fresh dough here and they have all sorts of different flavors yeah this is this is gonna be good [Music] foreign [Music] them out nicely for you so you can see them up close and personal I'm going to try each one um this one is a chocolate cake donut with chocolate glazed frosting so it's like a double chocolate bomb cheers oh yeah this is a cake donut so the dough is a bit more dense of course it tastes like delicious chocolate really good next up this is a cinnamon sugar coated plastic donut you can see it's a little bit bigger than the cake donut and it's a bit more Airy and fluffy and this is the cashier's favorite donut so he was excited that I ordered this one tastes like cinnamon toast crunch all right last one the most decadent one you can see the cream cheese and there's raspberry jelly on top and also inside let me try to get like a nice party bite of it that was wrong there's no raspberry inside it's still really good there's so much cream on it that like the donut is pretty heavy and it's really really fresh like delicious creamy melt in your mouth and that jelly adds like a nice little bit of sweetness so decadent what a way to start the morning [Music] thank you so much you couldn't leave the market without getting some amazing Carnitas from Villa Molina these are Carnitas from Michoacana region that is really famous for the dish and Carnitas is essentially different parts of the pig fried for several hours in its own lard it's really really good a good carnitas Joy gives you choices from different parts of the pig so we've gotten a mixed Taco you can see their skin their shoulder their sput there might even be a little chicharon in here so it's a mix of lean meats fats skin and what that does is give you a nice balance of texture in the taco I'm gonna go for it this looks really good cheers yeah yeah that makes up textures the lean meat is chewy of fat and skin are soft and gelatinous there's parts that are a bit Snappy I didn't even put any salsa or garnish on this and it it's really good on its own like you barely need to add anything else it's perfectly savory super good next we head to La's Fashion District The Hub of the apparel industry on the west coast you could be forgiven for thinking you've landed in a different country just a couple minutes drive away from the Grand Central Market this is LA's Fashion District it's a hub for Commerce in the city and there's a ton of wholesalers all around us you can find pretty much anything here there's a ton of apparel and textiles Electronics we just walk by some pillows with prints of different chip bags so if you want a Cheetos pillow or a Lay's potato chip pillow this is the place to get it and it's a bustling neighborhood there's a lot of people on about we're gonna walk around and just see what we find foreign right here and just from a glance there's Latin music playing it kind of feels like we're back in Mexico in a vibrant Market [Music] [Music] we've come across the food it smells like amazing grilled taco meat and here's the michelada we're gonna get one of these foreign [Music] that's really good it's spicy [Applause] it's got the acidity from the lemon and the beer is really carbonated and light these are really really good I love Micheladas I drank these all the time when we were in Mexico like it sounds like it'd be a little bit weird like a salty beer it's really drinkable and it goes down really smooth like it's really good for a hot day not that it's hot today at all but you know there's a whole street Taco operation behind us they have a little Grill plate set up right outside they're grilling thin strips of meat they look really good and you can see there's like a gigantic line forming so they must be really delicious we might try to stand in line and see if we can get one but let's see how long it takes okay at least we got our michelada to help us during the week all right we're almost at the front of the line and the michelada is almost done so it's served its purpose [Music] just as good as the first one this street stand has an entire operation out here they have a tortilla press so they have the dough for the tortillas and they're pressing them out fresh and heating them up as they go and then they have an outside griddle and you just order your Meats all the salsas are over there and kales and it's really nice it's finally our turn super excited got the goods it's thinly sliced beef with cactus pickled onion and melted cheese and the freshly made Tortillas that they press and warm up on the spot it's looking good it's really substantial [Music] that's really really good right away the flavor of the habanero hits and it's like slowly but truly catching up with me right now it's super spicy it's really good though the meat is really smoked it's crispy on the edges love that spice and then the toppings add a bit of pickled acidity to it and that tortilla is Super Fresh it's got that nice flavor of corn on the grill overall really good worth the wait and it was a really fun time waiting in line and talking to everybody people were super friendly mm-hmm [Music] over there they're making these really yummy looking pupusas right on the spot over there there's elote and mini pancakes there's it's amazing it's like a foodie Paradise over here we got a Salvadorian papoosa this one comes with beans chicharon and cheese and it's freshly grilled I'm super excited and it's topped with pickled cabbage and some salsa which I think are standard toppings for pupusas all right I'm trying to figure out the best way to eat this I think I'm gonna use the fork for assistance to like bring it closer to my mouth I'm gonna get a deeper bite I only got to the corner [Music] oh my God that is so so good it is Fresh Off The Griddle so it's super warm and it's really melty that cheese you might have seen that amazing cheese pull it's so rich oh my God so good check that out [Music] and then this is corn out here so you get the taste of grilled corn which is great I don't think I've gotten a chicharon bite yet so I'm gonna get in here and try that really quick oh yeah that is like tell me tell me that's not amazing tell me that's not amazing oh my God they're just incredible I can't say anything else like fried pork skin melted cheese this like crunch of pickled cabbage it's like spice of salsa it's incredible at five dollars it's an absolute steal this is so good amazing this is my mom's first foray into Latin American food and I think we've had enough food for now we're gonna take a little break do a little sightseeing but don't worry there's a lot more food to come still it's all worth it oh yeah and how do you like my mom's new hat she got this for five dollars actually this one was eight dollars she got another one for five dollars looking like a Russian empress oh I'm showing you the rebels [Music] we're here on the Venice Beach Boardwalk it is a gorgeous day the ocean is right there there's this huge gorgeous Beach Hills in the distance this is exactly what most people think of when they think of California [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] a bit of a Vibe change from Venice Beach we are now in Koreatown and it's one of my favorite neighborhoods in La we're at a restaurant called hamji Park we've been here before several years ago and I'm really excited to be back they have lots of delicious food very carnivorous Delights here for now we have a couple BonChon and for those of you who don't know BonChon are kind of a collective name for an assortment of small dishes normally cold that's served with Korean meals so this one is an assortment of pickled radishes and cabbage they're really really good and they come complimentary this is my favorite kind of bonchod it's like turnip or radish and it's pickled and it's super super good we've gotten our first dish they're these really good looking glazed pork spare ribs and they're covered in sesame seeds and scallion they're a bit sweet they've got the taste of Sesame a little like soy Saucy really really really good it kind of tastes like pork Teriyaki a little bit this is just like a massive pot of Steel these are huge chunks of pork bone and this is potato and the soup is like a red pepper base okay so definitely gonna get a pork neck bone in here get a nice this is like an entire potato basically full and then the stew is a bone you see the stew is a bit thick it looks so good it smells incredible it's got like a slight Smoky smell to it you can see there's like big chunks of meat all around it and it's really tender like I barely touched it and it was like falling off the bone yeah there's a ton of meat there super tender soaked up the flavor of that stew amazing it's really really good this is really good food for a hangover so if you have a hard night drinking and you're in L.A this is what you want it's not a Korean meal without Soju so we got a bottle here we go cheers some greens because balance you know foreign sponsor me I love your shirts okay the damage is done we were officially sitting with a pile of bones over there it's like a graveyard and it was an incredible day of eating with my mom who was camera shy so she didn't come on that often but that's fine anyway we hope you enjoyed our food tour in La please hit the Subscribe button and the like button if you did and we will see you next time from a different location ciao foreign [Music]
Channel: Dots on a Map
Views: 70,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: los angeles, los angeles food tour, la food tour, what to eat in la, what to eat in los angeles, best food in los angeles california, los angeles top food places, what to eat in los angeles california, koreatown, los angeles street food tour, best restaurants in los angeles, grand central market, fashion district, los angeles food guide, los angeles food spots, dots on a map
Id: c8qR_bGypIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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